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  • af Alyssa Lynn Bell
    218,95 - 368,95 kr.

  • af Liz L Gray
    123,95 kr.

    The perfect gift for a wonderful mom!Celebrate the immeasurable love, unwavering strength, and boundless sacrifices of the extraordinary woman you call Mom. "To Mom, Love, Me" is a captivating blend of stunning illustrations and heartfelt words, intertwining into a heartfelt masterpiece that pays homage to the incredible impact a mother has on her children's lives. Prepare to be touched to the core and overwhelmed with gratitude.Step into a world of warmth and tenderness with "To Mom, Love, Me," an enchanting tribute that encapsulates the very essence of motherhood. Share this heartfelt tribute with your own mom, a beautiful gesture to express your profound appreciation for her immeasurable love and guidance. Let "To Mom, Love, Me" be a cherished keepsake that immortalizes your love and gratitude. Immerse yourself in its pages and celebrate the extraordinary woman who has shaped your life. Gift your mom the joy of nostalgia, and allow her heart to overflow with love and pride. Experience the magic of "To Mom, Love, Me" and let your mom know that she is forever cherished.Say "Thank you" to your amazing mother today!

  • af Sheela Saluja
    113,95 kr.

  • af Christine Morandin
    428,95 kr.

    Was würdest du tun, wenn du nicht wüsstest, wer du bist? Wenn du dir einen fremden Namen geben müsstest, um dich selbst als Mensch zu sehen? So geht es einer jungen Frau, die keine Erinnerung an ihr vorheriges Leben hat und die sich nun Milena nennt. Verzweifelt muss sie in einem fremden Land ums Überleben kämpfen.Zur gleichen Zeit erfährt Albert von Sterzenbach von einem schrecklichen Autounfall, in den sein enger Freund Sebastian verwickelt ist. Der Unfall fordert das Leben von Sebastians Ehefrau. Albert ist schockiert.In der gefährlichen Welt, in der die dunklen Seiten der menschlichen Natur ihr Unwesen treiben, kreuzen sich die Wege von Albert und Milena. Ihre Träume von Vergewaltigung und ihr gequälter Körper lassen Albert vermuten, dass sie den Mädchenhändlern entkommen ist, von denen er in der Zeitung gelesen hat. Er entscheidet sich, Milena als seine fiktive Ehefrau mit nach Heidelberg zu nehmen, um selbst einer arrangierten Ehe zu entgehen. Immer stärker gerät er in ihren Bann und auch sie ist Albert mehr als zugetan.Doch eines Tages verschwindet sie spurlos. Albert ist verzweifelt. Er versucht mit Sebastians Hilfe Milena zu finden. Doch dann verschwindet auch sein Freund.Albert taucht ein in menschliche Abgründe des Bösen. Er erlebt eine Welt, in der nichts ist, wie es scheint.Ein Roman, in dem die dunklen Seiten der menschlichen Natur sowie die Suche nach Identität und Liebe thematisiert werden.

  • af Dorina Vondersee
    288,95 kr.

    Der Camino schreibt die schönsten Geschichten!Nachdem die Liebe ihres Lebens mit einer anderen Frau verheiratet worden ist, fällt Dorina in ein tiefes Loch. Um dort wieder herauszukommen, beschließt sie, den Camino Frances nach Santiago zu pilgern. Auf der Suche nach Heilung und sich selbst findet sie dort ganz besondere Menschen aus der ganzen Welt, die alle ihre eigenen Gründe haben, so eine Reise auf sich zu nehmen. Eine besondere Verbindung spürt sie zu Vida aus Litauen, mit der sie einen großen Teil des Weges wandert. Und sie lernt Peer kennen, einen Holländer, der sie vom ersten Moment an fasziniert. Bevor sie jedoch weiß, was sie für ihn empfindet, muss er schon wieder weiterziehen. Ein weiteres Mal wird Dorina damit konfrontiert, loszulassen und ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen. Allerdings hält der Camino noch weitere Überraschungen für sie bereit.

  • af Charlotte Ethan
    163,95 kr.

    The Ultimate Children's Nutrition Guide of all Time Gain Complete Authority over Your Child's health Coverage Its about your child dietary choices that children make and the beverages they consume during their formative years can have a lasting impact on their overall well-being. Fundamental eating patterns are established during the initial stages of life, making it crucial to motivate your children to consume nourishing meals. there are numerous interrelated factors that impact a child's overall well-being, and it is essential for every parent to take the time and effort to explore all the various elements that contribute to a child's healthy growth. This guide provides all the necessary information.Children require a nourishing well-rounded diet comprising of products from every food category in order to obtain a diverse array of essential nutrients that contribute to their overall well-being. The amount of food children desire may differ based on their age, growth patterns, and level of physical activity, thus it is crucial to serve them appropriately proportioned servings. Commence with smaller portions and if a child desires additional food, offer it to them.Milk and substitutes are crucial during early stages of life as they provide a valuable supply of calcium, vitamins A and D, protein and fat. Calcium is essential to assist children in developing sturdy bones and for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles. Vitamin D is necessary to aid in the absorption of calcium and thus plays a significant role in fortifying bones.Finding a child care provider that meets all your needs and preferences can be quite challenging and time-consuming. However, all the effort and time invested are well worth it when you consider the safety and happiness of your child.Remember all the points discussed in this book and the valuable information you have acquired. This information will undoubtedly be useful if you apply it to your search for the perfect child care provider. Keep in mind that you may not find the ideal match right away. It may involve some trial and error, trying out several providers before finding the right fit. Don't lose hope and keep trying, as you will surely find the child care provider of your dreams, sooner or later.It is understandable to feel anxious about entrusting your child to a stranger. But what other option do you have? Are you going to take your child to work with you every day? Definitely not! You need to let go of that anxiety and relax a little. All you need to do is follow the steps outlined in this book, and your child will be just fine.I hope this book has been helpful to you and has made the process of selecting a child care provider a little easier. I wish you the best of luck, and I thank you for your time.

  • - Dansk kvindehåndbolds historie
    af Nils Finderup
    268,95 kr.

    Historien om de danske håndboldkvinder er fyldt med op- og nedture. Bunden blev nået i 1987, da Dansk Håndbold Forbund i ramme alvor ville nedlægge A-landsholdet for i stedet at bruge alle pengene på herrerne. ‘Livet er for kort til kvindehåndbold’, lød argumentet, mens alle syntes at have glemt de flotte sølvmedaljer fra VM i 1962. En sponsor reddede landsholdet, og som modreaktion opstod de jernhårde ladies, der etablerede sig som et af de stærkeste hold nogensinde og vandt titel på titel med det temperamentsfulde geni Anja Andersen som frontfigur. Senere tog en ny generation over med OL-guld som højdepunktet i 2004, og nu står et nyt kuld klar til at føre Danmark videre blandt de bedste i verden. Få den store fortælling, og kom bag alle dramaerne i denne bog, der også portrætterer Danmarks bedste spillere.

  • af Barbara Bilgoni
    196,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Miranda Gray
    248,95 kr.

    Was ist der Sinn der Wechseljahre, warum verändern wir uns?Was hilft Frauen, diese Zeit mit Zuversicht, Neugier und Freude zu erleben?Diesen Fragen nähert sich Miranda Gray nicht von der biologisch-medizinischen Seite. Vielmehr zeichnet sie den Weg der spirituellen Transformation, der mit den ersten Veränderungen im Menstruationszyklus beginnt und über die letzte Blutung in die Postmenopause führt. Sie zeigt, dass die Wechseljahre nicht gleichbedeutend sind mit Altern oder Verfall, sondern eine spirituelle Reise im Einklang mit der eigenen Weiblichkeit.Anknüpfend an "Roter Mond" und "Erweckung der weiblichen Energie" zeigt die Autorin, welche Weisheit und Inspiration im Zyklus verborgen liegen. Und dieses Zykluswissen, zusammen mit dem Wissen um die Zyklen der Erde, des Mondes und der Gezeiten, ist alles, was Frauen brauchen, um das Geheimnis des Wegs zu erkennen, der vor ihnen liegt:. Die energetischen und spirituellen Veränderungen in den Wechseljahren nutzen, um Kraft zu tanken, sich zu erden und frei zu werden.. Das Ziel der Reise durch die Wechseljahre erkennen und eins werden mit dem Göttlich-Weiblichen.. Teil einer neuen positiven und selbstermächtigenden Tradition für Frauen sein, die auf der Weisheit unseres Körpers basiert.Dieses Buch ist für alle, die den Sinn der Wechseljahre erforschen wollen. Es ist für Frauen, die erste Veränderungen spüren, und für Frauen, die die Menopause bereits hinter sich gelassen haben. Und es ist für alle, die einen Menstruationszyklus haben und wissen wollen, wie ihre zyklischen Erfahrungen zum Wegweiser durch die Wechseljahre werden können.

  • af Sophia Lederer
    208,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Leni Gwinner
    219,95 kr.

    Im Jahr 2049 entdeckt die Mimi ein uraltes Stück Lebkuchenteig. Sofort lädt sie ihre Cousine Roza zum Backen ein. Die beiden schwelgen in hundertfünfzig Jahren Familiengeschichte mit exzentrischer Lebkuchentradition. Da wurden Botschaften gebacken und Warnungen, die verkrampfte Oma mit anzüglichen Lebkuchen geärgert, es wurden immer neue Methoden entwickelt um dekorative, außergewöhnliche, haltbare, schöne Lebkuchen zu backen: der Teig schmeckt scheußlich- riecht aber immer noch (nach über 50 Jahren) wunderbar. Auf der Suche nach weiteren Erinnerungen stoßen Mimi und Roza auf geheimnisvolle Briefe, anhand derer sie ihre erstaunliche Abstammung aufdecken. Außerdem macht Rozas besondere Gabe plötzlich einen Sinn. Ein Roman über Freundschaft, Familie, Traditionen, eine Zukunft in der der Mensch gerade noch so die Kurve bekommen hat und auch Lebkuchen.

  • af Susanne Block
    218,95 kr.

    Es war einmal eine junge Frau, dies sich im jungen Alter von 18 Jahren in einen Mann verliebte, was fatale Folgen hatte. Nach der Heirat und der Geburt ihres Kindes erlebte sie buchstäblich die Hölle. Mehrmals wäre sie sogar fast von ihrem Mann ermordet worden. Ihr Leben war komplett aus den Fugen geraten. Um wenigstens eine gewisse "Kontrolle" zu haben, verfiel sie einer starken Sucht, die sie jahrelang gefangen hielt und die sie sogar vor ihren engsten Mitmenschen verheimlicht hat. Diese Essstörung hat den Namen "Bulimie". Durch den Glauben an Jesus Christus veränderte sich ihr Leben grundlegend. Sie begegnete Jesus mehrmals persönlich und erfährt dadurch Heilung. Diese Begegnungen geben ihrem Leben einen neuen Sinn. Sie startet einen herausfordernden Aufbruch in eine neue Freiheit.

  • af Lauren A Heinen
    153,95 kr.

    A down to earth guide for navigating the postpartum period of a mother's life including health and fitness, maternal mental health and relatable anecdotes of things that all new moms experience.

  • af Kirstin Trageser
    183,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Sheila Walsh
    158,95 kr.

    La oración es una de las cosas más poderosas y que más cambia la vida. A veces oramos. Sin embargo, a menudo luchamos. Es difícil encontrar el tiempo para orar. Es repetitivo. Nos distraemos y a veces es incluso aburrido. Y las respuestas a menudo parecen pocas y distantes entre sí. ¿Las buenas noticias? Existe una manera simple y poderosa de reavivar tu conversación con Dios. En Mujeres que oran, la autora de éxitos de venta Sheila Walsh comparte ayudas prácticas directamente de la Palabra de Dios, mostrándote cómo: saber qué decir cuando oras entender cómo usar la oración como arma cuando estás en medio de una lucha orar como una guerrera llena de alegría, no como una mujer preocupada y ansiosa dejar atrás el pasado y defender las promesas de Dios para ti ahora La oración te cambia a ti y cambia el mundo. Puedes haberlo intentado antes, pero si estás lista para comenzar de nuevo en tu relación con Dios, deja que Sheila Walsh te muestre cómo convertirte en una mujer de oración fuerte. _____ > The good news? There is a simple, powerful way to reignite your conversation with God. In Praying Women, bestselling author Sheila Walsh shares practical helps directly from God's Word, showing you how to: Know what to say when you pray Understand how to use prayer as a weapon when you are in the midst of a struggle Pray as a joy-filled warrior, not an anxious worrier Let go of the past and stand on God's promises for you now Prayer changes you and it changes the world. You may have tried before, but if you're ready to start again in your relationship with God, let Sheila Walsh show you how to become a strong praying woman.

  • af Shagufta Kausar
    198,95 kr.

    Raised as a Christian minority in a Muslim nation, Shagufta Kausar learned early on to never argue about faith or to stand up for her beliefs. Doing so could easily lead to riots and deadly violence, so she was told to always be silent, like a lamb. In 2013, local police raided Shagufta's home, accusing her of sending a blasphemous text to a local imam. As a mother of four, Shagufta was arrested, her handicapped husband, Shafqat, was hung upside down and beaten, and her children were put in state custody. The truth was, Shagufta didn't even have a phone and was illiterate - she couldn't write or speak the language in the text. She was impossibly innocent. Convicted at a trial she was not allowed to attend and sentenced to death by hanging, Shagufta was told that she could save herself and her family if she would only abandon her faith and accept Islam. Under threat of death, she refused. Her stunning true story of a courageous mother of four standing against the tyranny of her country's blasphemy laws illuminates the reality of what many Christians around the world face every day. Shagufta is a voice for Christian minorities that suffer daily persecution under unjust laws.

  • af Michelle McKinney Hammond
    178,95 kr.

    " Deep inside the heart of every woman is a diva just waiting to be released. It lies underneath all of the other things she has supposedly "learned" about herself-truth, fiction, deception, or just the superimposed bad feelings of others who've done a really good job smothering the diva within. What is a diva? Although the word now evokes the image of a vain or undisciplined person, author Michelle McKinney Hammond takes diva back to its original meaning. It comes from the word prima donna or "first lady" and was used todescribe the principal female singer in an opera or concert organization, who was the best of the best. In The DIVA Principle: Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude, Michelle shines a spotlight on ten women of the Bible who displayed diva-tude, including the Shulammite Woman in Song of Songs, the Queen of Sheba, Deborah in the book of Judges, the woman of Proverbs 31, and more. In the process, she encourages women to embrace their God-given qualities and assets with the understanding that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. With solid, practical advice, Michelle suggests ways for women to get their head, heart, life, and act together so that they will emerge happy and victorious as divas in the best sense of the word. "--

  • af Lindsay Roberts
    198,95 kr.

    "Life has a way of weakening us. God has a way of strengthening us. Life is full of strength-stealers: situations, experiences, or relationships that rob us of our courage and passion, sometimes making us feel that the life has gone out of us. Often, these strength-stealers are hidden in our regular routine at home or in the workplace. It is easy to overlook them as they drain our energy, drop by precious drop-causing anxiety or depression, diminishing our motivation, and leaving us apathetic toward our priceless God-given dreams. If you can relate to this, you are stronger and more powerful than you may think! In Discover Your True Strength, Lindsay Roberts shows how to exchange strength-stealers for strength-builders as she offers words of encouragement, healing, and hope. Lindsay knows what it is like to have a calling from God, only to face opposition, tragedy, fear, heartache, and criticism-and yet still survive, prosper, and discover the strength in Christ that is available to us all. She describes how, through the powerful love of God, strong women think and act, listen and speak, respond, and thrive. The strength that comes from God is accessible to you every moment. This is the day for all women to take their place in God's purposes. As you come to understand and draw from your true strength, you can live each day to the fullest, pursuing what you love and are called to do. "--

  • af Shirley Motorca
    143,95 kr.

    Unearth the Power of Faith in Motherhood: Discover Your Strength in God Through Postpartum Depression's Trials and Triumphs Don't Ever Let Go is a transformative spiritual memoir that guides women, particularly first-time moms, through the dark abyss of postpartum depression (PPD) towards the restorative power of faith in Christ. In an era where women's mental health is often misunderstood, Shirley Motorca shares her intimate struggle with PPD, offering solace, guidance, and the promise that no darkness is too vast for God's light to pierce. Through this powerful narrative, Shirley redefines the often solitary and stigmatized journey of postpartum depression. She illuminates a path towards healing that embraces God's omnipresent love, shaping a strong identity in Christ, and fostering resilience in the face of adversity. Don't Ever Let Go is not only a tale of personal triumph but also an empowering testament to the indomitable spirit of motherhood. It inspires you to seek God amidst the trials, building a robust family grounded in His teachings. No matter how consuming the darkness, remember to hold on, keep the faith, and witness the dawn of healing and freedom in Christ. Embrace the challenges, the joy, the transformation - motherhood is your ultimate journey in faith.

  • af Crystal F Ferguson Qigñak Breithaupt
    183,95 kr.

    Suffering from loss, first her father who was her hero. Then ten years later the loss of her mother with all the struggles of a hard life 26 miles inside the arctic circle. This is how a young girl from a small town survived and fought to make a better life for her children and future generations. "I was scared and I knew that I couldn't talk about such things, so I denied it until she believed me. I remember she came into my room smelling of alcohol, and asked me. My room was disheveled as was our conversation. How can I speak of such ugliness? "

  • af M Cristina Da Ponte de DiMarco
    153,95 kr.

    ¡Enciende tu corazón con el Espíritu Santo! Este libro te llevará en un viaje de crecimiento personal y espiritual, compartiendo no solo las experiencias de la autora, sino también valiosos consejos y reflexiones que transformarán tu vida. A lo largo de sus páginas, encontrarás profundas reflexiones de fe que te inspirarán a vivir con pasión y propósito. Desde la importancia de tomar decisiones guiadas por Dios hasta la necesidad de sanar emocionalmente a través del perdón, cada capítulo ofrece una perspectiva única y alentadora. Con ejemplos bíblicos y testimonios personales, el libro destaca la resiliencia y la fortaleza de las mujeres, alentándote a recuperar la esperanza perdida y superar las adversidades confiando en la guía divina. Si estás lista para escuchar la voz de Dios y dejarte guiar por Él, Mujeres Encendidas dejará una huella imborrable en tu vida. ¡Adquiere tu ejemplar hoy mismo y comienza tu viaje hacia una vida plena llena del Espíritu Santo!

  • af Jasmine E Clarke
    328,95 kr.

    Every woman longs to become the greatest version of themselves. But sometimes life gets in the way and derails our God-given destinies. It's not until we listen to that small still voice encouraging us to fight the good fight of faith that we become empowered and transformed by the renewing of our minds. This book will replace your fears with faith in your Heavenly Father who has never left you. Each story rebuilds you...day by day. COMPILED BY: Jasmine E. Clarke, CO-AUTHORED BY: Clare Mcsween, Tara Lomonte, Evangelist Suzette Haylett-Radlein, Charlene Wilson-Evans, Shelleanne Hardial, Meg Knight, Helga A. Clarke, Janet Gordon, Sharon Walters, Lisa Patrick, Karen Mighty, Koreen J. Bennett, Rev. Carolyn J. Anderson, Alicia Grant, Jasmin Cher Monasterial-Baguio, Lisa Simpson, Reverend Alice Blaylock, Patria Robert Francis, Marcia Hall, Candace Lalor, Lesa Rose Isaacs, Joan Steward, Judy Brown, Lisia Malcolm-Burnett, Rachel Colley, Maryanna Stevanovic, Lesley C. Morgan, Denese Dihele, Nerrissa Myers, Marilin Reid-Henry, Dr. Rev. Inez R. Brown, Lisa Harewood, Janice Prescott, Sharon Riley, Jean Lawrence-Scotland, Nasha Alexis. Ruth Odia, Lisa Arthey & Karleen Juanita Poyser

  • af Alexa Bigwarfe
    358,95 kr.

    The Sisterhood of Healing Hearts: Permission to Thrive Journal is for any grieving mother who is ready to work toward healing, created in love by a mama who has walked in your shoes.Healing after losing a child feels like an impossible task. When the world is spinning around us, it's challenging to find quiet time for ourselves.The activities in this journal guide you through daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly healing activities in the most gentle way possible. Take them at your own pace.Included in the Journal: Breath-work exercises to promote calming of the nervous systemGratitude promptsBeautiful affirmationsPages for writing or doodling and suggestions for journalingSelf-care ideas bankYour timeline is your own. This journal is designed with compassion and love, with no intent of adding stress to your life. So if it takes you a week to do one exercise, that's okay.Be gentle with yourself and give yourself grace. Every step is a step that matters. Give yourself permission to thrive.

  • af Susan Joy Bellavance
    213,95 kr.

    In My Mother's Womb expresses the mysterious unfolding of a life in a mother's womb from the unique point of view of the child. The story imagines what the child is seeing, hearing, thinking, and feeling. With accompanying Scripture verses and stunning artwork for each week, this book provides a fresh encounter with life and the Author of Life.

  • af Publications International Ltd
    148,95 kr.

    A Garden of Hope offers inspiring reflections on hope and how God sees us through even the most desperate trials.More than 300 prayers and quotes span 10 chapters with such topics as hope during hard times, enduring physical pain and illness, hope in times of loss, and hope for hurting relationships. Full-color photos and silver gilded pages provide an elevated experience. Features a padded cover with affixed metal charm. Attached ribbon bookmark. 384 pages

  • af Tiheasha Denise Beasley
    188,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Mary Atkinson Maurice
    193,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
    138,95 kr.

    "If we fail to choose it, by default we choose ingratitude. Once allowed into the heart, ingratitude does not come by itself, but with other seedy companions that only succeed in stealing joy. Derived from a popular Revive Our Hearts radio series, Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy challenges and equips the reader to live a life of intention, a life based on thankfulness for the freedom Christ has provided and for the blessings of others."--

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