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  • - Nordic Leadership in Times of Extreme Change
    af Chris Shern & Henrik Jeberg
    247,95 kr.

    RETURN OF THE VIKINGS – NORDIC LEADERSHIP IN TIMES OF EXTREME CHANGE tells the story of the rich heritage of the Nordic peoples: as explorers, navigators, trendsetters, political and educational innovators. This provides deep roots, traced back to the Viking era and the nine noble virtues of Nordic mythology. And it still informs the way the Nordic peoples live and work today. “The methods, values and leadership practices of the Vikings are woven into the DNA of international businesses founded in the Nordics, and exemplified by many Nordic practitioners who work in other countries or for non-Nordic organizations. The inclusive, trusting, collaborative style of Nordic leadership offers an alternative way to negotiate through our current times of extreme change. What many of us are now experiencing online in distributed, fluid, networked communities, the Nordics have been practicing on land and sea for centuries. The Nordics are not waiting around to find out when the future begins. They are already leading the way” (passage from the book). "Return of the Vikings takes a timely and insightful look into the trust-based Nordic approach to leadership, its origins in the Viking era, and its relevance for a future marked by extreme change and uncertainty. An inspirational read told through the stories of others." – Jan Carlzon, Former CEO for Scandinavian Airlines System and international best-selling author of Moments of Truth.Chris Shern and Henrik Jeberg offer an intriguing perspective on the Nordic societies, their leadership style and way of doing business. Their own stories are interwoven with those of a diverse range of interviewees, including business executives, politicians, writers, designers, athletes, military personnel and entrepreneurs.Chris Shern is a cultural adventurer. He has lived and worked internationally for over 20 years. Chris was employed by Scandinavian Airlines for many years in leadership roles across three continents. Currently, he is Managing Director of IME, a Danish business foundation specializing in executive education and leadership development.Henrik Jeberg has worked in the international IT sector for over 25 years. He has lived in Europe, Asia, Australia and the US. Henrik was part of the top-management of Navision Software, which was sold to Microsoft. He later became Deputy Director General of the Danish Ministry of Finance, leading the Government's horizontal IT complex. Henrik currently works as a mergers-and-acquisitions advisor, and serves as President of the Danish–American Chamber of Commerce in California.

  • - How leaders involve & engage people to get great things done
    af Jenni Jepsen & Ole Jepsen
    177,95 kr.

    The Involve & Engage Principles™ shared in this book builds on neuroscience around leadership and research in psychological ownership. It addresses the monumental transition we currently experience in the way humans work and provide a novel and more relevant framework for leadership with four significant domains: Understand Together, Plan Together, Validate Together and Reflect Together. TOGETHER is a practical, science-based guide enabling you to find solutions together -- with stories, examples, tips, and techniques for involving and engaging people, creating ownership, and most importantly, building environments where people thrive, do their best thinking, and get great things done. The book provides leadership strategy and tactics and will fit well into your toolbox for agile leadership and training.“Ole and Jenni have written a book which is, at the same time, incredibly useful, thoughtful, and relevant to today’s work.”-- L. David Marquet, best-selling author of Turn the Ship Around! and Leadership is Language.

  • - How to lead in a world that looks nothing like the past
    af Tina Moe
    287,95 kr.

    Vi står overfor et nødvendigt skift i ledelsestilgang - denne bog viser vejen til fremtidens ledelse. Et must-read for alle ledere...Vi er trådt ind i en digital og teknologisk transformerende tidsalder, der vil forandre måden vi arbejder, driver virksomheder og samfundet på. Bogen giver indsigt i, hvorfor ledere skal ændre ledelsestilgang, hvad de nye krav er og ikke mindst, hvordan ledere kommer derhen ved hjælp af 7 principper, der frigiver det menneskelige potentiale og opbygger en stabiliserende kerne i virksomheden. Bogen er forankret i forskning samt forfatterens mere end 20 års ledelseserfaring i store, mellemstore og mindre virksomheder. De 7 principper for fremtidens ledelse: 1. Skab et formål med mening 2. Led hele hjernen 3. Reducer frygt 4. Omdefiner succes 5. Forøg energien 6. Led til høj hastighed 7. Byg mod til at tage lederskab Om forfatteren:Tina Moe er en erfaren topleder indenfor farmabranchen, IT og den rådgivende ingeniørbranche. Lederstillinger i Novo Nordisk, NNE og ALECTIA har givet international erfaring med ledelse af medarbejdere i både USA, Japan, UK og Australien. Hun har haft ansvar for op til 750 medarbejdere og omsætning på over en milliard og har adskillige bestyrelsesposter. Tina Moe har i flere år holdt foredrag om fremtidens lederskab og coacher topledere i den nye ledelsestilgang.Omtale: Jyllandsposten august, Børsen Executive Online 15. sept. Artikler med omtale af bogen kommer i Ledernyt ultimo september, Lederweb primo oktober, HR-nyt ultimo oktoberBagside tekst:ARE YOU LEADING WITH CONTROL AND KPIs? — Your foot is on the brake THINK YOU CAN LEAN ON YOUR EXPERIENCE? — Think again DO YOU KNOW YOUR DIRECTION? — Be ready to change itThis book is a wake-up call to change your leadership for the new era. It explains why you need to change, and what will be required. Most importantly, the book is a guide on how to transform your business leadership to be successful in the future.We have entered an era of massive digital and technological transformation. It will significantly change the way we work, run businesses and the way society works. Understanding how to lead the human capacity and the technological potential in this context will be the new competitive edges. You get a clear priority and seven steps for leading an organization and yourself in fast-changing, uncertain times. They will release the capacity, creativity and courage needed to bring the organization successfully forward at high speed. This is a handbook based on research and the author’s 20+ years of extensive business management experience from international companies Novo Nordisk, NNE and ALECTIA, from startups and board of directors’ positions.

  • - Strategier og teknologier gør det ikke alene ... der skal mennesker til
    af Lars H. Nielsen
    117,95 kr.

    ANMELDELSE I BØRSEN, 5. marts 2017; Kom i mål & hav mod til at se fremtiden! CEO Lars Sander Matjeka, ALLER MEDIA VIP Blogger BØRSEN”Alignment handler om at spille sammen og afstemme strategiske ambitioner og indsatser på tværs af funktioner. Om bevidste aftaler om konsekvenserne for såvel mindset, kultur og handling.” Sådan står der på én af de første sider i Lars H. Nielsen’s nye bog ”Winning through Alignment in Leadership”, og det kan synes så elementært, at det er unødvendigt at skrive i en bog til ledere. Alligevel rammer det hovedet på sømmet ift. én af de største udfordringer i mange komplekse organisationer, nemlig at den samlede ledelse i fællesskab ejer strategien; går i samme retning; kommunikerer det samme rationale og sikrer forankringen fra øverste til nederste trappetrin.Ingen værdi uden mennesker. I en årrække er der i ledelseskredse blevet talt om vigtigheden af en robust strategi, som både rummer innovation, de rette forretningsmodeller og teknologi. Uanset hvor god og gennemarbejdet en strategi er, har den ingen værdi uden mennesker! Netop bogens fokus på at binde mennesker ind i processen er årsagen til, at jeg vælger at omtale den her. På den måde adskiller den sig nemlig fra en lang række andre bøger med samme emne, og jeg glædes over en forfatter, som tør sætte ord på, at nærhed og opmærksomhed er vigtigt; at du får det, du giver; at mennesker skal mødes, der hvor de er; og at ledere skal turde lytte til deres intuition. Buskørsel med bind for øjnene Alt for ofte har jeg i strategiprocesser oplevet forvirring mellem - og sammenblanding af - strategiske indsatser, aktiviteter, midler, mindset, kultur, mål og KPI’er. Dertil kommer en tendens til at strategier bliver alt for komplekse og omfattende – ikke mindst fordi villigheden til at foretage fravalg er langt mindre end ønsket om at vælge til. Resultatet er strategier, som er vanskelige at kommunikere for den øverste ledelse, og som dermed aldrig bliver forstået af den øvrige organisation. I sådanne tilfælde er strategiens værdi mildt sagt begrænset, og organisationens ledere må have følelsen af at sidde ved rattet i en bus uden at kende ruten samtidig med, at de har bind for øjnene. Styrken ligger i enkelheden! Eksekveringsevne og fleksibilitet. Lars H. Nielsen's nye bog viser med gode cases, at resultaterne kommer langt hurtigere, når ledelsen viser sammenhængskraft og høj eksekveringsevne. Personligt vil jeg da også foretrække en middelgod strategi, der eksekveres frem for en fuldstændig perfekt og fuldendt strategi, som ligger i skuffen bl.a. fordi den er umulig at kommunikere. Derudover er det for mig afgørende, at enhver strategi er så tilpas fleksibel, at den kan justeres i takt med at virksomheden og dens omverden bevæger sig. Og netop den holdning gør det oplagt at runde af med endnu et citat fra bogen: ”Alene kan du ikke forudsige fremtiden, men fremtiden skabes af dem, der tør se den.”Denne bog handler om, hvordan du som leder kan designe processen og arbejde målrettet med at skabe strategisk alignment i jeres organisation. Alignment handler om sammenhængskraft og teamets manøvredygtighed i en kompleks hverdag. Om at forkorte tiden, fra at strategien ligger klar, til at den bliver eksekveret og ført ud i livet. Det starter med dig som leder - og især med jer som ledelse.Udfordringen er at sikre, at I på tværs af funktions- og ansvarsområder præsterer jeres allerbedste, når det er allervigtigst, og derved optimerer konkurrenceevnen.Lars H. Nielsen har knap 30 års erfaring med at facilitere succesfulde strategiske udviklingsprocesser i erhvervslivet. Bogen giver dig indblik i, hvordan organisationer som Sparekasssen Kronjylland, Banedanmark, Pfizer, Bayer Crop Science, Sanofi Genzyme og Danmarks rolandshold har håndteret udfordringerne med succes og skabt unikke præstationer, da det virkelig gjaldt.

  • - Leading From The Front
    af Kim Kristensen
    177,95 - 178,95 kr.

    Kim Kristensen has been in some of the most demanding situations a leader can experience. As an officer he led soldiers into battle many times, where taking decisions was literally a matter of life and death. Later, he applied his experiences of leadership to the worlds of business, local government and diplomacy, as well as at the Danish royal court, where de currently serves as Master of Ceremonies. Leadership – especially during difficult periods – means having the courage to put yourself on the front lines, choose a direction and say: Follow me! "One of the most inspirational books about leadership I have read – worth following." Jim Hagemann Snabe, Boardmenber of the World Economic Forum. "Follow me is about leadership –in life and death situations. A gripping account of the process of developing personal leadership, where failure means the loss of life". Lars Rebien Sørensen, CEO Novo Nordisk and "World best CEO 2015 (Harward Business Review) "A strong book about the essential issues surrounding leadership. Definitely worth a read anyone who is or wants to become a leaders". Niels Smedegaard Andersen, CEO A.P. Moeller-Maersk. "The book´s strength lies in its author´s ability to make military principles of leadership relevant for the world of private industry. Henrik Ørholst, Reviewer on Børsen.

  • - 5 shortcuts to ambitious results and a life you won´t regret
    af Rie Dalsgaard
    347,95 kr.

    In HUMAN LEADERSHIP – 5 shortcuts to ambitious results and a life you won't regret, you’ll find insights and tools to facilitate development, so that both you and your employees will thrive and succeed on a new level. You’ll also learn to avoid the 5 detours that most often prevent leaders from realizing their potential – non-leadership, the hamster wheel, role playing, the illusion of time, and the buzzkill. Instead of taking the detours that delay ambitious results, you can choose the 5 shortcuts – understand leadership and people, make a wholehearted decision, be a voice, be a role model, and make a positive impact – and achieve your goals faster.In the book, you’ll meet Managing Director Henrik Bodskov (IBM Denmark), Nordic Director Jens Andersen (Ascom), Partner Henrik Wellejus (Deloitte), and former CEO Stine Bosse (Tryg), all of whom believe in human potential and are aware of how great a role their own leadership behavior plays in relation to employees' well-being and success. CHRO Ulf Hahnemann (A.P. Møller-Mærsk) has written the foreword.

  • - How to commit employees through heart and mind and turn strategic intent into reality
    af Lars H. Nielsen
    127,95 kr.

    Emeritus professor of Strategy, IMD Business School Dominique Turpin: "If you want a great business book, don’t miss: “Win The Strategy Execution” by Lars H. Nielsen. Hands on, practical essential if you want your strategy to really happen!Professor Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School, dep. of strategy and innovation: "In theory, strategy may sound simple. In practice, however, succeeding with your strategy is a complex endeavor that requires commitment throughout the organization. In "Win the Strategy Execution", Lars H. Nielsen elegantly demonstrates how successful strategies must focus on the people within the organization. Through novel insights, valuable experience, and rich case illustrations, Lars offers a practical and hands-on book on how to sharpen strategy processes in all kinds of organizations.EY HR Director Peter Haugaard: “I'm certain and sure that your success in strategy execution will improve after following Lars's advice.”One thing is to develop the right strategy. Another thing to have the commitment of senior management and the board. However, the most important and most difficult thing is: Making the strategy happen. If senior management fails to motivate employees to pursue their strategic ambitions, a great strategy is like a beautiful boat in a harbor — without a dedicated team onboard it can never depart as expected. Creating followership is not easy. It requires an alignment in leadership and the ability to communicate purpose to employees' minds and hearts. When this succeeds, the company moves a decisive step forward.This book contains successfully proved advice for your actual strategy work and for effective communication with the aim of executing an ambitious strategy on the first try.Winning the strategy execution means doing the right things in the right way when they are most needed.

  • - How dysfunctional leaders destroy people
    af Rasmus Waldemar
    277,95 kr.

    80% of employees golbally, are dis-engaged from their workplace and boss. There can be many reasons for that, but it always boils down to the fact that either the top leadership of that organization is unaware of dysfunctional people (employees or managers) working within the company. Or, top leadership and it's leaders ARE dysfunctional, and thus, the reason for a dysfunctional working environment where bullying, intimidation, harassment (sexual as well), and yelling, has become the new norm.This book gives you deep insight into the dark leaders of corporations AND nations. When you are done with the book you will understand WHY you are stressed all the time, why you dislike, or perhaps even hate your job or your boss, or both.Dark leaders belong to the "Dark Triad" which again belongs to the description of narcissism and psychopathy. When Dark Leadership sits in the big chair, the narratives of employees as well as citizens will always be destroyed through chaos, stress, pressure, and the destruction of people's self-confidence, self-awareness and eventually their identity and ability for Critical Thinking!Read this book to understand your situation and the WHY!

  • - Strategier og teknologier gør det ikke alene … det kræver ledere med et Winning Mindset™
    af Lars H. Nielsen
    117,95 kr.

    CEO Niels B. Christiansen, LEGO A/S. Indtil 2017 CEO for Danfoss:"Årsagen til Danfoss’ hurtige strategiske transformation var den øverste ledelsesalignment til rationalet. Lars’ tilgang både inspirerer og udfordrer. For Danfoss’ lederteam bidrog Lars H. Nielsen til at skabe det rigtige udgangspunkt for udviklingen og senere gennemførelsen af Danfoss’ succesfulde strategi Core & Clear”ANMELDELSE I BØRSEN, 5. marts 2017; Kom i mål & hav mod til at se fremtiden! CEO Lars Sander Matjeka, ALLER MEDIA VIP Blogger BØRSEN”: Alignment handler om at spille sammen og afstemme strategiske ambitioner og indsatser på tværs af funktioner. Om bevidste aftaler om konsekvenserne for såvel mindset, kultur og handling.” Sådan står der på én af de første sider i Lars H. Nielsen’s nye bog ”Alignment i Ledelsen”, og det kan synes så elementært, at det er unødvendigt at skrive i en bog til ledere. Alligevel rammer det hovedet på sømmet ift. én af de største udfordringer i mange komplekse organisationer, nemlig at den samlede ledelse i fællesskab ejer strategien; går i samme retning; kommunikerer det samme rationale og sikrer forankringen fra øverste til nederste trappetrin.Ingen værdi uden mennesker. I en årrække er der i ledelseskredse blevet talt om vigtigheden af en robust strategi, som både rummer innovation, de rette forretningsmodeller og teknologi. Uanset hvor god og gennemarbejdet en strategi er, har den ingen værdi uden mennesker! Netop bogens fokus på at binde mennesker ind i processen er årsagen til, at jeg vælger at omtale den her. På den måde adskiller den sig nemlig fra en lang række andre bøger med samme emne, og jeg glædes over en forfatter, som tør sætte ord på, at nærhed og opmærksomhed er vigtigt; at du får det, du giver; at mennesker skal mødes, der hvor de er; og at ledere skal turde lytte til deres intuition. Buskørsel med bind for øjnene Alt for ofte har jeg i strategiprocesser oplevet forvirring mellem - og sammenblanding af - strategiske indsatser, aktiviteter, midler, mindset, kultur, mål og KPI’er. Dertil kommer en tendens til at strategier bliver alt for komplekse og omfattende – ikke mindst fordi villigheden til at foretage fravalg er langt mindre end ønsket om at vælge til. Resultatet er strategier, som er vanskelige at kommunikere for den øverste ledelse, og som dermed aldrig bliver forstået af den øvrige organisation. I sådanne tilfælde er strategiens værdi mildt sagt begrænset, og organisationens ledere må have følelsen af at sidde ved rattet i en bus uden at kende ruten samtidig med, at de har bind for øjnene. Styrken ligger i enkelheden! Lars H. Nielsen's nye bog viser med gode cases, at resultaterne kommer langt hurtigere, når ledelsen viser sammenhængskraft og høj eksekveringsevne. Personligt vil jeg da også foretrække en middelgod strategi, der eksekveres frem for en fuldstændig perfekt og fuldendt strategi, som ligger i skuffen bl.a. fordi den er umulig at kommunikere. Derudover er det for mig afgørende, at enhver strategi er så tilpas fleksibel, at den kan justeres i takt med at virksomheden og dens omverden bevæger sig. Og netop den holdning gør det oplagt at runde af med endnu et citat fra bogen: ”Alene kan du ikke forudsige fremtiden, men fremtiden skabes af dem, der tør se den.”Alignment handler om sammenhængskraft og teamets agilitet. Om at forkorte tiden, fra at strategien ligger klar, til at den bliver ført ud i livet. Det starter med dig som leder– og især med jer som ledelse. Denne bog handler om, hvordan du som leder sammen med din ledergruppe kan arbejde målrettet med at skabe alignment i jeres organisation, og derved sikre agiliteten. Udfordringen er at sikre, at I på tværs af funktions- og ansvarsområder præsterer jeres allerbedste, når det kræves mest, og derved optimerer konkurrenceevnen.Lars H. Nielsen har godt 30 års erfaring med at facilitere succesfulde strategiske udviklingsprocesser i erhvervslivet.

  • af Gitte Sparsø
    82,95 - 157,95 kr.

    At skrive denne bog har været i mine tanker i mange år. Bogen er baseret på min erfaring med en bestemt profiltype jeg kalder banditter og de er ødelæggende for bla. det sunde arbejdsklima.De færdes frit på land og i by, i virksomheder og privatlivet, trods deres ødelæggende destruktive adfærd overfor andre mennesker formår de ofte at gå under radaren, hvor de med deres manipulerende giftige adfærd, skaber frygt på bla. arbejdspladsen.En bandit kan være din chef, kollega og eller medarbejder, der feks. manipulerer udelukkende for egen vinding, på andres bekostning og dermed kan nedbryde andre mennesker gennem bla. psykisk vold.Såfremt frygt allerede har inficeret din arbejdsplads, kræver det ofte et stort mod og udholdenhed at stå op imod banditten eller banditterne.Kun ved videndeling kvæler vi den magt tabuer har.Hyppigt når vi har modtaget den fornødne viden og indsigt er vi ikke længere så frygtsom og banditten kan ikke længere sprede sin gift.Som Platon sagde : ”Forstanden breder sig langsomt, men bare den breder sig”.Som et kuriosum fortæller fire topledere fra dansk erhvervsliv, deres historie om mødet med en bandit og de alvorlige konsekvenser.

  • - Make brains and hearts interact
    af Jens Peter Sørensen, Jakob Borup & Jens Tang Olesen
    187,95 - 227,95 kr.

    A recent investigation on the topplayers mindset shows that players with the experience from 6 to 49 matches underperform significantly. They simply waste their talents. What is the solution to this important challenge? One answer is to "Use brain smart learning instead of unconscious training". The learning approach creates reflexions. and as a consequence, educated and edificated players.Let us create an environment where hearts and brains interact and challenges the idea that football is forward oriented and understood backwards. We deal with this statement in the book. We hope to show how more focus on the importance of strong relations based upon trust between managers, coaches and the players in the squad can improve the talent development climate. Quoting Martin Luther King: Fate is to take the first step even if you cannot see the whole staircase. Everybody can start now and change everything in a moment. We have OPENED THE PANDORA BOX and we will invite you to a life-giving dialogue about The most beautiful game in the World. Let Us find new beneficial ways in respect for those who gives life and energy to reach the Paradise of Football.

  • af Martin Darré
    307,95 kr.

    Det kræver talent at udvikle talent er en bog til ledere, der er har ambitioner om at udvikle deres ledelse, for at få det absolut bedste frem i deres medarbejdere og forretning.

  • af Martin Darré
    307,95 kr.

    Her skal være en kort tekst.

  • - Catch the Leadership Opportunities and Engage People
    af Karin Zastrow
    197,95 - 417,95 kr.

    Direct Leadership is for the leader who wants to excel in the day-to-day leadership of his/her team. The book spells out exactly what you need to deliver when you're entrusted with leading people. Further, it sensitises you to the easy-to-implement 3-step method of catching the leadership opportunities, relating them to the relevant area of responsibility and taking action with clarity so that your intentions are understood. If you follow the Direct Leadership approach in your day-to-day leadership, you'll soon be recognised as a committed, hands-on leader who gives your staff the guidance they need to be engaged and efficient. Direct Leadership is the method that will translate all the social skills and leadership competences that you already possess into actions that make immediate sense for your employees. Moreover, the key notion of leadership deliverables: - enables a pragmatic peer discussion about how to tackle employee challenges - facilitates an unbiased succession-planning - is well-suited for specific challenges, such as distance- and/or agile leadership The chapters are logically organised. After an introductory opening, Chapters 2 thru 14 explain the 7 roles and 4 styles and how they combine into an operational matrix model. Chapters 15 thru 20 tell how the Direct Leadership model applies to specific challenges such as the introduction of new leaders, distance leadership, project leadership, stress, etc. Finally, the book ends with an appendix that explains how Direct Leadership sets itself apart from other contemporary theories and leadership models. Direct Leadership has successfully been applied across cultures and in a variety of leadership situations such as team leadership, project management, line management, leadership of leaders, agile leadership etc. More than 40.000 leaders worldwide have so far enjoyed learning about Direct Leadership during training programs conducted in both large international corporations and smaller organisations.

  • - Strategies and technologies are not enough ... people are the key
    af Lars H. Nielsen
    127,95 kr.

    PROFESSOR SEAN MEEHAN, IMD BUSINESS SCHOOL: "By framing the central issue as alignment we have a fresh lens to look at change process. “Winning Through Alignment in Leadership” is worth any executive’s time."This book is about how you as a leader can design the process and work purposefully to create strategic alignment within your organisation.When the manoeuvrability is challenged by the speed of the market and the complexity of the organisation.Alignment is about cohesion and team manoeuvrability. To shorten the time from when the strategy is in place to when it is put into practice and executed.The challenge is to ensure that you, across all functions and areas of responsibility, perform at your very best when it matters most, thus optimising your competitiveness.Lars H. Nielsen has close to 30 years’ experience in facilitating successful strategic development processes in the business sector. This book offers you insight into how organisations such as Sanofi Genzyme, Pfizer, Sparekassen Kronjylland, Banedanmark, Bayer Crop Science and the Danish national rowing team have handled the challenges with success and created unique performances when it really mattered.It starts with you as a leader – and especially with you as management.

  • - Results cannot be planned ... performances can
    af Lars H. Nielsen
    115,95 kr.

    Professor Sean Meehan, IMD Business School, Lausanne, CH:Lars H. Nielsen's thoughtful reflections on the journeys of successful Olympians, including his own, provide a clear, straightforward and motivating approach to achieving the persistent peak performances required to win. His approach is informed, and in "Winner Culture" vividly illustrated, by his work with winning organizations such as PANDORA, ATP, Danfoss and Jyske Bank. More a "just-do-it" than a detailed "how-to", Winner Culture identifies critical elements which based on my own observations, leadership teams have, despite repeated urging not to, a tendency to either overlook or not take sufficiently seriously enough. Two examples: 1) The power of establishing an highly ambitious goal, aligning by visualizing what goal achievement will require and reinforcing what is required along the journey through crystal clear communications (super illustrations here from the sports and business worlds); 2) Stay the course! I see this myself in practice: executives get fatigued, burned-out, bored and frustrated with the lack of progress. They unhelpfully introduce new twists, new ideas, often at just the wrong moment. The bigger lesson is that a strong performance management culture offers lots of space to all helpful ideas, but each in its own place and at the right time. A persistent theme running through the book, but not emphasized is the strength of the leaders 'showcased'; they are all strong leaders who took responsibility for creating, cultivating and guarding their winning cultures. The stories in which they feature are top class - Lars does a great service in lifting the curtain on these journeys to goal accomplishment. "Winner Culture" is an easy accessible read which should motivate executives and leaders as they face unrelenting uncertainty. Read it!Olympic Champion, 2012, Mads Rasmussen, Rowing: "A winner culture can be created. In this book Lars explains how."A winner culture is when success turns into a conscious habit. This was ATP’s ambition and it worked. The results speak for themselves: In 2010 ATP was named the world’s best pension fund. A winner culture means delivering the out-of-the-ordinary top performance on a daily basis. It is a winner culture which enables competent organizations and teams to achieve success when needed most. Since 1989, Lars H. Nielsen has been helping to create winners in a large section of the business sector. In addition to ATP he has cooperated with organizations as Jyske Bank, Danfoss and PANDORA – and it is the creation of a firmly anchored winner culture in these companies that this book is all about. In this book, which is intended for the ambitious manager or staff member and is based on in-depth case studies, Lars H. Nielsen tells how it is possible to create a winner culture for any team or organization. Be inspired, create a winner culture and reach the optimum performance – not just once but again and again.

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