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Bøger om London

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  • af Lone Sole
    116,95 - 232,95 kr.

    Den indtrængende angreb mig med en magisk spindel, mr. Hopp. Hun samlede kræfterne fra afgrunden og havde kontakt til noget, der i styrke mindede om vindelementet.” ”Sludder, mr. Algebrah, en tøs fra Hoben kan ikke håndtere en spindel. Det er jo absurd!” Mr. Davids slog afværgende ud med hånden. ”Det er muligt.” Claes’ øjne lynede. ”Men det var, hvad hun gjorde.” ”Umuligt! En latterlig påstand, som du stædigt holder fast i.” Holografien hostede hæst. ”Du af alle burde vide bedre.” Små lyn dansede mellem Claes’ fingre. Han slap kontrollen og kastede dem af sted mod holografien, der gnistrede. Et sus gik igennem forsamlingen, og han råbte over vinden.”Hun var anderledes!” Credokæden er historien om Stef, der ikke giver meget for Londons magiske elite. Hun er aldrig for fin til at tage imod en udfordring. Også hvis det indebærer indbrud i Det Statslige. Helt nede i de allerhelligste gange, hvor Håndtegnsrullerne opbevares. Stedet, magikere har brug for, og som kun kan åbnes med Credokæderne.Men denne gang har hun måske været lige modig nok … Credokæden er dansk fantasy, som du aldrig har læst det før. Det er første bind i serien om Claes og Stef.

  • af John Sykes
    248,95 kr.

    En guidebog til 111 anderledes, ukendte og særlige steder i London. Så du slipper for at rende i hælene på alle de andre turister, så du ikke går glip af de små, sjældne detaljer, og så du oplever byen på en ny måde.London har det hele og mere til. Denne rejseguide giver et personligt bud på, hvad der er værd at opleve.Bogen giver inspiration til en anderledes og eventyrlig sightseeing i det London, der ikke er beskrevet i de traditionelle turistguides. Den åbenbarer ukendte sider af byen og lader sin læser opleve den på en ny og fascine­rende måde. Find ud af:Hvor kongen af Korsika blev begravet.Hvilken vinhandler, der har optegnelser over sine kunders kropsvægt.Hvilken undergrundsstation, der gennemstrømmes af et vandløb.Hvor du finder de bedste og mest fortryllende haver og parker.Og 107 andre spændende ting om London.Bogen kan bruges både af den turist, der har besøgt den britiske hovedstad flere gange før, og af den, som for første gang skal opleve den spraglede og pulserende storby. Den guider til oplevelser inden for både shopping, kultur og historie. God tur til det med kant, det spøjse og de små, hemmelige oaser! Der er rigtig meget at gå på opdagelse i.John Sykes er englænder og har boet i London i mange år. Han har skrevet en lang række guidebøger om London og Storbritannien.

  • af John Lawton
    183,95 kr.

    A novel set before, during, and after World War II follows the loosely parallel lives of an Austrian cellist, Meret Voytek, whose orchestra becomes part of the Hitler Youth, and Hungarian physist Karel Szabo, who's recruited by the Americans to help build the atomic bomb.

  • af Iona Whishaw
    208,95 kr.

    The fourth book in what the Globe and Mail has proclaimed as "a terrific series" by "a writer to watch."

  • af Prof. Ben (University College London Campkin
    1.079,95 kr.

    Queer premises provide vital social and cultural infrastructure - a queer infrastructure - connecting different generations and locations, facilitating the movement of resources, across and beyond the city.Queer Premises offers evidence for how London's diverse LGBTQ+ populations have embedded themselves into urban spaces, systems and resources. It sets out to understand how, across their different material dimensions, bars, cafés, nightclubs, pubs, community centres have been imagined, created and sustained. From the 1980s to the present, Campkin asks how, where, and why these venues have been established, how they operate and the purposes they serve, what challenges they face and why they close down.

  • af Ross Raisin
    96,95 - 186,95 kr.

  • af Felipe Schrieberg
    128,95 kr.

    Discover the hidden gems that embody the spirit of London with this go-to guide to the best signature cocktails in town.

  • af Midge Gillies
    106,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    223,95 kr.

    A Study in Scarlet is an 1887 detective novel written by Arthur Conan Doyle. The story marks the first appearance of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, who would become the most famous detective duo in popular fiction.

  • af Marta Pacini
    113,95 kr.

    In an alternative London, the Queen is forced to take matters into her own hands when a military threat arises during a power vacuum. Fringe politician Harold Stone and his tiny party are unexpectedly thrust into government, and must learn the ropes quickly. But how will public opinion react? And why are all the ravens suddenly leaving the Tower of London?A chilling read at a time when faith in politicians is dwindling, Conspiracy breathes new life into the long-standing tradition of the Westminster political thriller, taking it to unexpected conclusions.Perfect for fans of Jonathan Coe, Tom Watson, Imogen Robertson and S. J. Bennett.

  • af N J Ewing
    238,95 kr.

    After a dramatic series of events, the Artemis crew must now pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. As they all deal with their own dramas, the friends face different challenges that they each have to overcome. None of them know what the future holds, but there's one thing they know for sure... Artemis Advertising will never be the same again.Nathan Stone's world was turned upside down with the arrival of Ashley Granger. For the first time ever, he'd fallen in love, but now his new life has been violently ripped into pieces at the hands of a drug-dealing psychopath. In his girlfriends' blood spattered apartment, Nathan is facing the reality of life without Ashley Granger. Ritchie Carlton is a loveable rogue. Under his mischievous facade, the Aussie larrikin is madly in love with his non-girlfriend, Amy Vaughn. All he really wants is to get married, settle down and raise a family, but Amy is resistant to his proposals and refuses to commit to him. It's time for Ritchie to make a choice, it's either stay or go. Ryan McPherson no longer recognises himself or his life. Full of rage and unable to cope with the discovery that his pregnant wife had cheated on him, Ryan veered off the rails and found himself in rehabs where he's been battling some big demons. But the arrival of Ryan's daughter has made him more determined than ever, to pull himself back together and begin his life with his new family. Kat McPherson made a huge mistake and spent many months dealing with the fall-out. After spending time with her family in Framlingham, Kat decides to move back home so she can be near Ryan while he finishes his stint in rehab, however some unexpected news may change her plans. Will the McPherson's marriage survive this latest trial?

  • af Sabrina Jeffries
    175,95 kr.

    Kysset mellem kemikeren Miss Olivia Norley og hertugen af Thornstock, også kendt som libertineren Thorn, burde være et fjernt minde for dem begge. Men til trods for de år, der er gået, og de mange smukke kvinder Thorn præsenteres for, har han ikke glemt Olivia.Da hertugen af Greycourt, Thorns halvbror Grey, har brug for Olivias hjælp til at opklare et familiemysterium, holder Thorn derfor nøje øje med hende ... for med deres forhistorie er han langt fra sikker på, at Olivia har rent mel i posen.Blev den forhenværende hertug af Greycourt forgiftet? Det er netop det spørgsmål og banebrydende, videnskabelige eksperiment, som Olivia har ventet på hele sin karriere. Og hun har ikke i sinde at lade sig distrahere af den flotte, rebelske Thorn. Heller ikke selvom det stadig slår gnister imellem dem.Et adeligt eksperiment er tredje bog i Duke Dynasty-serien af Sabrina Jeffries, der byder på fængslende romantik og familieintriger i 1800-tallets England.Pressen skriver»Enhver, der elsker romance, bør absolut læse Sabrina Jeffries!« – Lisa Kleypas»Kemien er lige så intens i soveværelset som i laboratoriet i den berusende tredje bog i Jeffries­ Duke Dynasty-serie. Hendes perfekte blanding af romantik, mystik og spænding vil med sikkerhed efterlade læserne ivrige efter mere.« – Publishers Weekly»Sabrina Jeffries’­ kvinder er energiske, intelligente, fandenivoldske, modige, selvstændige og besidder politisk og kulturel kløgt. De er sande heltinder.« – Bookpage»Et adeligt eksperiment er en fortælling om kærlighed og engagement, risiko og sårbarhed, og i sidste instans om modet til at stole på andre. Bogens sprudlende dialog, unikke helt og heltinde samt det fængslende mysterium gør den uimodståelig.« – Austenprose»Underholdende, spændende og sexet« – Lektørudtalelse

  • af Will Self
    178,95 kr.

    What is there is only a limited amount of sanity in the world and the real reason people go mad is because "somebody" has to? What if a mysterious tribe in the Amazon rainforest turn out to be the most boring people on earth? What if the afterlife is nothing more than a London suburb, where the dead get new flats, new jobs, and their own telephone directory? These are the sort of truths that emerge in this collection of stories by one of England's most gifted writers. In "The Quantity Theory of Insanity," Will Self tips over the banal surfaces of everyday existence to uncover the hideous, the hilarious, and the bizarre. Psychiatry, anthropology, theology--and literature--will never be the same.

  • af Soren Paul Petrek
    178,95 - 248,95 kr.

    De allierede og nazisterne er i et dødbringende kapløb om at udvikle det ultimative våben, mens supersoniske V-2-raketter regner ned over London. Madeleine Toche og Berthold Hartmann, den tyske supermorder, der lærte hende at dræbe, leder efter den hemmelige fabrik, hvor Werner von Braun og Gestapos bruger slavearbejde til at bygge våbnene, mens ligene af de uskyldige hober sig op.Da han finder fabrikken Kohnstein-bjerget, kontakter Hartmann sin gamle fjende, Winston Churchill, og tilkalder Madeleine. Mens hun arbejder på at knuse sine fjender, står Hartmann i spidsen for en dristig flugt fra den frygtede Dora-koncentrationslejr som et led i sin hævn mod de monstre, der har ødelagt hans elskede Tyskland.Sammen med de russiske Nachthexen, Natheksene, som er en gruppe frygtindgydende kvindelige piloter, strammer kapløbet til, da USA og tyskerne med succes gennemfører en atombombetest.Tyskland installerer en atombombe i en V-2 med retning mod London, mens USA leverer en til en base i Stillehavet. Anden Verdenskrigs skæbne og menneskehedens fremtid ligger i vægtskålen.

  • af C. H. Firth
    494,95 - 1.374,95 kr.

  • af Vesna Goldsworthy
    96,95 - 146,95 kr.

  • af Peter Harden
    166,95 kr.

    Celebrating over three decades, Harden's introduced the concept of user ratings and reviews to the UK. The authoritative guide to the capital's restaurants: a must-buy for any discerning Londoner or visitor.

  • af Lynn Shepherd
    118,95 kr.

    The horrors linger beyond the castle walls...When Detective Charles Maddox is requested to look into the mysterious Baron Von Reisenberg, he welcomes the chance to trade London streets for a castle in the Viennese countryside.Though the Baron is the subject of macabre legends, Maddox doesn't care for supernatural beliefs. That is, until the foreboding shadows of the castle haunt him with nightmares and he is plagued by a series of disturbing incidents...Back home, London is on the verge of widespread panic. Greeted with a string of grisly murders committed by a killer branded the Vampire, Maddox believes he knows who is behind the attacks. In a battle against time, Maddox must finally end the Vampire's terror...before more blood is spilled.In a darkly twisted tale based on Bram Stoker's legendary Dracula comes a murder mystery set in the heart of Victorian London.

  • af Robert J. Harris
    118,95 kr.

    Sherlock Holmes returns in a brand new adventure in this follow up to the acclaimed A Study in Crimson. In this tribute to the classic Universal Pictures Sherlock Holmes film series starring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce, the world's greatest detective must uncover the truth behind a seemingly impossible series of high-profile assassinations.

  • af Christophe Jaffrelot
    436,95 kr.

    An exploration of the international context for Ambedkar's ideas around caste, law, religion, democracy and race, as developed while studying in the imperial capital.

  • af A E Chandler
    318,95 kr.

    Blending true history with new stories, traditional tales, and some almost forgotten medieval legends, The Scarlet Forest: A Tale of Robin Hood brings a new life to the greenwood. This is the expanded second edition of the bestselling novel.

  • af Matthew Wharmby
    118,95 kr.

    This fifth and final London bus route volume looks at the route numbers with letter prefixes. A potted history of the routes and their details are accompanied by up-to-date photos showing the buses on each route. With over 190 photos, this volume is an up-to-date snapshot of the modern London bus scene as it stands as of the latter half of 2021.

  • af Daniela Celli
    153,95 kr.

    Kids are naturally curious and that curiosity is enhanced when traveling. With this children's travel guide, they can visit popular sites around London like Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, and Hyde Park. The book is broken up into different itineraries and includes facts about each iconic place visited. It can be used for inspirational travel or to take along with you on a real trip to this fascinating city.

  • af John Moss
    128,95 kr.

    When homicide detective Miranda Quin becomes a suspect in a murder case, she and her partner, Morgan, must ignore the boundaries of the law in order to find out what really happened.

  • af Dan Glass
    178,95 kr.

    'A love letter to queer London which reminds us that although we're not always in the mainstream telling of history, we have always been here'--Nathaniel Hall, playwright, and actor in It's A Sin 'Dan Glass is London's unofficial queer mayor'--Peter Staley, HIV activist and author of Never Silent 'Your back-pocket guide to our queer histories, full of joy and ammunition to claim our beautiful queer futures' -Tash Walker, host of The Log Books podcast and co-chair of Switchboard LGBT+ HelplineThis ground-breaking guide will take you through the city streets to uncover the scandalous, hilarious, and empowering events of London's queerstory. Follow in the footsteps of veteran activists, such as those who marched in London's first Pride parade in 1972 or witnessed the 1999 bombing of the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho.Accompanied by a chorus of voices of both iconic and unsung legends of the movement, readers can walk through parts of East, West, South, and North London, dipping into beautifully illustrated maps and extraordinary tales of LGBTQIA+ solidarity, protest, and pride. From the Brixton Faeries to Notting Hill Carnival to world-changing protests in Trafalgar Square, Rebel Dykes to drag queen communes, Queer Footprints celebrates the hidden histories of struggle and joy. Includes an accessibility guide and a list of queer spaces, clubs, networks, and resources.Dan Glass is a healthcare and human rights activist, performer, presenter, writer, and author of United Queerdom. He was named a 'BBC Greater Londoner' for founding Queer Tours of London. Illustrations by Mark Glasgow.

  • af Hans Heidsieck
    153,95 kr.

  • af Hans Heidsieck
    153,95 kr.

  • af Hans Heidsieck
    153,95 kr.

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