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  • af Artem Strizhak
    878,95 kr.

    Diese Monographie ist das Ergebnis der langjährigen Arbeit des Autors, die sich mit der Untersuchung der Sprache und des Stils von Texten der Massenmedien des frühen 21. Jahrhunderts gewidmet ist. Die Studie enthält eine Analyse verschiedener Ausdrucksmittel der russischen Sprache, die es ermöglichen, die dominante Funktion der modernen Massenmedien - die Beeinflussung - zu realisieren; sie zeigt die Mechanismen der Schaffung des Ausdrucks einer Zeitungsnachricht, enthüllt die Wege der Bildung des axiologischen Paradigmas in Massenmedientexten. Die Monographie implementiert einen umfassenden Ansatz zur Untersuchung der ausdrucksstarken lexikalischen Ressourcen der Sprache der Massenmedien, was ihre Analyse in den folgenden Aspekten impliziert: Klassifizierung (Beschreibung des Systems der lexikalischen Mittel der Schaffung von Ausdruck); funktional (Definition der lexikalischen Mittel der Schaffung von Ausdruck); funktional (Definition der lexikalischen Ressourcen der Massenmedien) .

  • af Artem Strizhak
    878,95 kr.

    This monograph is the result of the author's long-term work devoted to the study of language and style of mass media texts of the early 21st century. The study contains the analysis of various expressive means of the Russian language, which allow to realize the dominant function of modern mass media - the influencing one, the mechanisms of creating the expression of a newspaper message are shown, the ways of forming the axiological paradigm in mass media texts are revealed. The monograph implements a comprehensive approach to the study of expressive lexical resources of the mass media language, which implies their analysis in the following aspects: classification (description of the system of lexical means of creating expression); functional (definition of the lexical means of creating expression); functional (definition of the lexical resources of the mass media) .

  • af Deepika Dixit
    333,95 kr.

    This book's content is incorporated in the educational programmes of several niversities. Here is a real-life psychological illustration of a parents-son relationship. Cultural heritage is the nation's spirit, and it is essential to its survival. For the benefit of society, those psychological treatments have been made available through Suniti, the protagonist of this book's narrative, so that the approaches to make society more cultured might be investigated. As a result, it must be protected, promoted, and spread. The unique feature of Indian culture is unity in diversity, which can be observed through composite culture, as stated in the Indian constitution also.

  • af Irina Zaitseva
    353,95 kr.

    The collection includes articles published at different times in scientific collections of different nature and thematic orientation, united by the object of research: detective works of one of the most readable contemporary writers - Alexandra Marinina. It seems that the publications in this collection allow us to focus on some of the possible aspects of philological study of the writer's work, which are clearly underdeveloped, but at the same time have become relevant in the light of some of the latest trends in linguistic knowledge. These aspects, in particular, include the analysis of the speech tissue of the works by Aleksandra Marinina from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics, communicative linguistics and communicative stylistics of literary text, which has already become a part of the latter. Research in this sphere allows, among other things, a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the author and characters' key characters in a literary prose work.

  • af Irina Zaitseva
    353,95 kr.

    La collection comprend des articles publiés à différentes époques dans des collections scientifiques de nature et d'orientation thématique différentes, unies par l'objet de la recherche : les ¿uvres policières de l'un des écrivains contemporains les plus lisibles - Alexandra Marinina. Il semble que les publications de cette collection nous permettent de nous concentrer sur certains des aspects possibles de l'étude philologique de l'¿uvre de l'écrivain, qui sont clairement sous-développés, mais qui sont en même temps devenus pertinents à la lumière de certaines des dernières tendances de la connaissance linguistique. Ces aspects comprennent notamment l'analyse du tissu vocal des ¿uvres d'Aleksandra Marinina du point de vue de la linguistique cognitive, de la linguistique communicative et de la stylistique communicative du texte littéraire, qui est déjà devenue une partie de ce dernier. La recherche dans ce domaine permet, entre autres, une compréhension plus profonde et plus complète des personnages clés de l'auteur et des personnages dans une ¿uvre littéraire en prose.

  • af Irina Zaitseva
    353,95 kr.

    La raccolta comprende articoli pubblicati in tempi diversi in collezioni scientifiche di diversa natura e orientamento tematico, accomunati dall'oggetto della ricerca: le opere poliziesche di una delle scrittrici contemporanee più leggibili - Alexandra Marinina. Sembra che le pubblicazioni di questa raccolta ci permettano di mettere a fuoco alcuni dei possibili aspetti dello studio filologico dell'opera dello scrittore, che sono chiaramente poco sviluppati, ma che allo stesso tempo sono diventati rilevanti alla luce di alcune delle ultime tendenze della conoscenza linguistica. Questi aspetti, in particolare, comprendono l'analisi del tessuto discorsivo delle opere di Aleksandra Marinina dal punto di vista della linguistica cognitiva, della linguistica comunicativa e della stilistica comunicativa del testo letterario, che è già diventata parte di quest'ultimo. La ricerca in questo ambito permette, tra l'altro, una comprensione più profonda e completa dei caratteri chiave dell'autore e dei personaggi di un'opera letteraria in prosa.

  • af Irina Zaitseva
    353,95 kr.

    Die Sammlung umfasst Artikel, die zu verschiedenen Zeiten in wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen unterschiedlicher Art und thematischer Ausrichtung veröffentlicht wurden, vereint durch den Forschungsgegenstand: die Detektivarbeiten einer der lesenswertesten zeitgenössischen Schriftstellerinnen - Alexandra Marinina. Es scheint, dass die Veröffentlichungen in dieser Sammlung es uns ermöglichen, uns auf einige der möglichen Aspekte der philologischen Untersuchung des Werks des Schriftstellers zu konzentrieren, die eindeutig unterentwickelt sind, aber gleichzeitig im Lichte einiger der neuesten Trends in der linguistischen Erkenntnis relevant geworden sind. Zu diesen Aspekten gehört insbesondere die Analyse des Sprachgewebes der Werke von Aleksandra Marinina unter dem Gesichtspunkt der kognitiven Linguistik, der kommunikativen Linguistik und der kommunikativen Stilistik literarischer Texte, die bereits zu einem Teil der letzteren geworden ist. Die Forschung in diesem Bereich ermöglicht unter anderem ein tieferes und umfassenderes Verständnis der Schlüsselcharaktere des Autors und der Figuren in einem literarischen Prosawerk.

  • af Mohammed Ait Allou
    308,95 kr.

  • af Mirta Curkovic
    723,95 kr.

  • af Anna Lill-Bezak
    368,95 kr.

  • af Bozena Bednarikova
    413,95 kr.

  • af Maksym Vakulenko
    303,95 kr.

    This monograph is devoted to various aspects of term rise and operation and to general terminology assessment as a field vocabulary and as an independent discipline. It is stated that application of statistical and analytical methods takes into account natural features of the objects of study, including terminology and linguistics in general. The basic lexical semantic relations in the Ukrainian physics terminology (polysemy, homonymy, synonymy), are studied, where relevant comparison with the English and German physics terms is carried out. It is shown also that there are a number of objective reasons for synonymy emergence in the Ukrainian physics terminology and in terminology in general, where it is expedient to distinguish the formal and contentual synonymy. The semantic distances between synonyms, homonyms, and polysemants were estimated that has practical value for automatic separation of these. The borrowings in Ukrainian as a linguistic and terminological problem are studied on the basis of etymological, comparative, morphosemantic, and acoustic phonetic analysis. An analysis of Greek sources studying etymology of the word ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ (English ¿chemistry¿), is carried out.

  • af Ifet Sivi¿
    1.033,95 kr.

    The Ottoman culture and literature had a great influence on the culture and literature of the Bosniaks, because the Ottomans ruled these areas for over 400 years. In addition, Islamization brought with it the Arabic language, both orally and in writing. Therefore, many Bosniak writers at that time also wrote in this language. Nevertheless, Bosniak culture and literature have their own identity and characteristics, which are different from the Ottoman/Turkish.

  • af Todorka Georgieva
    477,95 kr.

    The Zlatostruy anthology stands out for its uniqueness ¿ so far, no Greek collection has been found to be named as its primary source. The present study focuses on Zlatostruy of the 12th century. The main purpose is to describe and comment on the moral and cultural life at the time the collection was composed. It is attempted to accurately outline the picture of the world at that time, showing the characteristics of the social model and the social ideal of the medieval Bulgarian society from the end of the 9th and the beginning of the 10th century. The book is for everyone who is interested in the problems of the Slavic-Byzantine society. Being written in an accessible and clear language, the book can be used by a wide range of readers who are interested in the everyday life of the medieval Christian.

  • af Daria Zaikova
    508,95 kr.

  • af Elena Pedrotti
    381,95 kr.

    Questo lavoro si basa sull' approfondimento dell' opera di Wis¿awa Szymborska, ritenuta una delle poetesse polacche più importanti della seconda metà del secolo passato.Il fulcro dello studio è stato analizzare come la sua poesia sia stata percepita, oltre che in Italia, anche nel mondo russo, ponendo attenzione sia nel periodo precedente al conferimento del Premio Nobel (1996), che in quello successivo.Interessanti sono stati anche il confronto tra la lingua polacca, russa ed italiana di alcuni componimenti della poetessa e l' analisi di come il testo originale sia stato lavorato ed interpretato.

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