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Politichef Kate Burkholder bliver kaldt ud til en mistænkelig brand, og på åstedet mødes hun af synet af amishmanden Milan Swanz lænket til en pæl og brændt levende. Selvom amishsamfundet nægter at tale, lykkes det hende alligevel at stykke et billede sammen af Swanz som en mand i krise og nyligt bandlyst. Hvorfor så denne tavshed? Beskytter de hans minde, eller er der noget, de frygter at sige højt?Da Kates bror involveres i sagen, bliver hun fanget mellem det amishliv, hun engang selv var en del af, og verden udenfor. Og i jagten på sandheden står hun til at afsløre mere om amishsamfundet – og sine egne rødder – end hun havde forestillet sig.Brændt på bålet er sekstende bind i Linda Castillos serie om politichefen Kate Burkholder og hendes rødder i amishsamfundet.
Fortabt er trettende bind i Linda Castillos internationale bestsellerserie om politichef Kate Burkholder og hendes rødder i amishsamfundet.Da en ung kvinde findes brutalt myrdet på et motel i Painters Mill, genkender politichef Kate Burkholder hende chokeret som Rachael Schwartz, der flygtede fra byen tretten år tidligere. Hvorfor er hun tilbage? Og hvorfor skulle hun dø?Rachael var den eneste, Kate kendte, som var dårligere til at være amish end Kate selv. Rachael var en ballademager, og dengang som nu kæmpede hendes familie med den skam, datterens tvivlsomme ry bragte over slægten i det strenge amishmiljø.Men nogen vil gøre alt for, at sandheden om Rachaels fortid holdes skjult, og da den endelig ser dagens lys, hjemsøger drabsmanden igen Painters Mill og Kate Burkholder.
Et ondt hjerte er femtende bind i Linda Castillos serie om politichefen Kate Burkholder og hendes rødder i amishsamfundet.En klar efterårsdag i Painters Mill modtager politichef Kate Burkholder et gruopvækkende opkald: En ung amishmand er fundet dræbt af pilen fra en armbrøst og efterladt på en grusvej midt ude i ingenting. Offeret er Aden Karn, tyve år, vellidt og fra en prominent amishfamilie, og Kate må nu forsøge at finde svaret på det presserende spørgsmål: Hvem kan begå en sådan forbrydelse mod en uskyldig, ung mand?Efterhånden som Burkholder dykker ned i sagen, begynder hun dog at betvivle, hvorvidt Aden Karn i virkeligheden var et dydsmønster. Og da en ung amishkvinde står frem med en gruopvækkende historie,stiller det Kate over for de frygtelige konsekvenser af et liv levet på skyggesiden, hvor et mørkt sind avler et ondt hjerte.
Da Adam Lengacher er på kanetur med sine børn i en kraftig snestorm, kommer de forbi en bil, der er kørt fast i en snedrive. Chaufføren er en bevidstløs kvinde, frosset halvt ihjel. Lengacher ringer efter politichef Kate Burkholder, der til sin store forbavselse opdager, at kvinden er Gina Colorosa – hendes bedste veninde, da hun gik på politiskolen. Men genforeningen tager en ildevarslende drejning, da det viser sig, at Gina er eftersøgt for drabet på en undercoveragent. Gina fastholder, at hun er uskyldig. At det er falske anklager fra korrupte politibetjente, der vil lukke munden på hende, fordi hun var ved at melde dem for lovovertrædelser.Mens Kate nærmer sig sandheden, ligger en morder på lur, og hun må konfrontere en virkelighed, der ændrer alt, hvad hun troede, hun vidste. Ikke kun om venskab, men om hele den institution, hun har viet sit liv til. Ude i kulden er tolvte bind i Linda Castillos serie om politichefen Kate Burkholder.
Linda Castillo bevæger sig denne gang væk fra de vante omgivelser i Ohio, og i det fjortende bind i New York times-bestsellerserien om Kate Burkholder lever spændingen, uhyggen og intensiteten i bedste velgående i de nye rammer.Der er gået mere end et årti, siden en højtelsket amishbiskop forsvandt sporløst. Da man finder hans knoglerester spredt ud over en mark i Pennsylvania, breder frygten sig blandt lokalbefolkningen. Utilfredse med politiets efterforskning beslutter en gruppe sig for at rejse til Ohio for at bede politichef Kate Burkholder om assistance. Kate svigter ikke sit kald og rejser til nabostaten for at opklare forbrydelsen, men hun opdager snart, at hun har en personlig forbindelse til sagen. Den hovedmistænkte er den charmerende møbelsnedker Jonas Bowman – Kates første store kærlighed. På trods af de følelsesmæssige komplikationer fortsætter Kate alligevel efterforskningen, men hun må snart sande, at hun befinder sig i et amishsamfund, der adskiller sig væsentligt fra de traditioner, hun kender. I arbejdet med at finde et motiv bag mordet, afdækkes foruroligende hemmeligheder om biskoppens fortid, men ikke alle er interesseret i Kates indblanding.
Joanna thought that inheriting her aunt's home in the Amish town would only be a case of signing papers and forgetting about it...Forgetting about the town just as her mother did years ago. But she finds out that the house still needs work and the bakery her aunt owned still employs numerous people.Joanna wants to just sell the assets and get out of the town...but she begins to experience growth in herself that she didn't anticipate. Surrounded by happiness, her former life beckons as her friends and ex-boyfriend beg for her to come back...but a budding romance with one of the bakery employees is pulling at her heart to stay. Will becoming Amish be the thing that Joanna has been needing all her life?
Two Amish short stories: Amish Spring - Katie is the eldest daughter in an Amish family. She has a younger sister, Mary, that has recently become bedridden due to a freak accident. Katie has now devoted her entire life to taking care of her. But Mary soon grows increasingly bitter and Katie struggles to cope. Complicating things is a young man who now takes a shine to the Katie after exploring the world outside the Amish community. Can Katie fulfill her obligation to Mary while still finding love? Amish Awakening - Hannah's husband Aaron died when they were married only three years and since then Hannah's been a widow, without child. She's a teacher in her community and lives her life as an obedient Amish woman. She never had a happy life with Aaron and behind the scenes he was an abusive controlling husband, and his death came as a relief and she vowed to never marry again. Mason left the Amish community shortly after his 18th birthday, but he soon found himself overwhelmed by the modern world and after an incident with a young woman he dated leaves him tainted and scarred he decides to return back to his roots. He arrives at Lancaster and discovers that the girl he courted 15 years ago was still a part of the community and single. Hannah is torn, knowing that she still has feelings for Mason but can she overlook the fact that he was an outsider in more ways than one? Mason faces a few choices in life, one of them is to lay down his old life, in order to prove to Hannah that he is worthy of her affection
Growing up, Rebecca Yoder and Jacob Miller had always been very close. In a way, it seemed like they didn't have much choice. Their parents lived next door to one another and so all of their children played together often when they were growing up and throughout the years, they all attended church together. They even ate dinner together regularly! The Yoder and Miller families truly seemed to be destined to be joined together in one way or another and Jacob's mother, Diana, believed that it would be through Rebecca and Jacob's special bond. But when Jacob is the cause of a terrible accident, Rebecca turns cold toward him. Will Rebecca realize what a good man Jacob truly is or will her heart forever remain closed off to him?
Hannah is a beautiful housewife who is married to an Amish man. While out Christmas shopping she accidentally gets her packages mixed up in a bookstore with a handsome young man named Charles. Charles is a married Englischer with two young children who also lives near the Amish town. Months later they take the same train into the city and bump into each other again. There is an instant attraction between them but neither of them is looking for an affair. They keep bumping into each other and having longer conversations. They are both falling in love against their better judgments. Honest with each other about not looking for an extramarital affair, they cannot resist seeing each other, just to talk. Their emotions grow stronger and they cannot stop thinking about each other...What will they do?
Irene is a young Amish woman who is chomping on the bit to get out of her Amish community. She wants more than what her family has prescribed for her. Her father is now widowed and has refused to remarry after her mother died. Instead, he wants to keep Irene home and has forbade her from participating in the Rumspringa tradition...But there is a widow in town who catches her father's eye. With his back turned, Irene begins to entering the courting charms of Joe, a handsome outsider visiting the town.
Faith wants nothing more than be in love. But she spends her days matchmaking for her Amish friends, including the disinterested Joanna. She's been widowed for almost six months and is nursing a newborn. But Faith is undaunted and finds what she thinks is a perfect fit for Joanna...and soon finds herself pining for the new stranger that has come to live in their Amish town. Will Faith realize that maybe Joanna isn't ready for a new relationship and that it is time for her to find a marriage partner of her own?
An Amish romance anthology... For years, since Joseph Freud can remember, his daed had been an abusive manipulator, but now, the very man who wouldn't bother sparing the rod was bed ridden and Joseph cannot fathom why his mamm would still bother. But when his friend Amos informs him of Grace's return to Mountain Park, he's conflicted. He had loved her since they were young. But things had changed, he had changed. Hatred and anger had blackened his soul, and he was not in a good place. Grace Smith had her fair share of heartache and pain if there was one person who had the right to hate it was her. Her parents were both murdered, but she found it in her heart to forgive the man who caused her so much pain. When she sees Joseph again after all this time, she decides to connect with him again... But would Joseph let her into his heart, and would she be able to help him understand the true meaning of forgiveness?
Hannah is returning home from work and rescues a young man she sees drowning in the lake. To her surprise, the man is Gideon, someone she has always pined for. He looks to have changed, expressing a desire to leave the Amish life and run away forever, taking her with him. This could be her chance to try the outside life-a life she's always wondered about.Will she leave with Gideon or will she stay on the Amish path?
An elderly Amish woman is brought to the hospital because of a stroke and her husband wants desperately to bring her home. She has lost her memory but he thinks of different ways for her to rekindle her memories of their life together, telling her about the good times of their past. This is all to no avail until the end when she remembers their first date and the memories come flooding back.
Rebecca is a young Amish woman who is still grieving for her husband, killed over a year ago in an accident. She finds inspiration by caring for her young daughter and the recovery of her mother from cancer. She is heartbroken and doing her best to raise her daughter who is holding back her pain just like she is...As the years go by, the question remains...Will she find love & happiness again?
AN ANTHOLOGY OF AMISH ROMANCE STORIES TO WARM THE HEARTAMISH BELATEDMelinda is beginning to feel the not so subtle pressure from her friends and family when she remains single and has no suitors. But she is comfortable with her life as a teacher and content to remain single forever. She doesn't feel like she needs anything...until a handsome teacher arrives at her school. His name is Landon and judging by his body language he appears to be interested...but shy...Will the normally reserved Melinda be able to get out of her shell enough to pursue a possible romance?THE AMISH MILELevi is an outsider who longs to be part of the Amish community. He finds work on the family farm of the Millers and his heart stops when he lays eyes on Emma, the most sought after young woman in the town. The obnoxious Elmer, however, seeks Emma's hand for himself. Levi simply puts his life into Gott's hands and prayers that He can show him the way of finding a godly wife and a home with the Amish people he loves so much...FOR NOW AND ALWAYSSamuel is a widowed crippled by grief and unable to let go of his past. He finds a new job as a schoolteacher in an Amish community and expects to meet nothing but polite and religious people. The fiery and challenging Rachel, however, breaks the mold of what he was expecting. He hires her to help him take care of his young daughter and the two become instant friends. He begins to fall for Rachel himself but fights off his feelings as he doesn't think Rachel feels the same way about him... But what if she does?AN UNLIKELY AMISHUNIONNikki Hamilton had no idea what was about to happen when she decides it was time to discover her past. After her mother's passing, she discovers that she was born Amish. She now wants to know why her mother left the life she was born into. Her adventure to River Stone turns out to be quite an eye opener and she soon discovers that there is a peace there that she would never be able to have in the city. When she meets John Smith, a local farmer from Trumbull, everything changes, and for the first time since her arrival, she's contemplating her future.John had lost his wife three years ago, and he never once thought that he would ever fall in love again. But against all odds he meets the intriguing Nikki Hamilton, an Englischer with a passion for writing novels. She is eccentric and different, but even with these obstacles and the fact that she's not Amish, he can't keep himself from falling in love. But they are from two different worlds. Is she willing to become Amish?THE AMISH BIRTHDAY WISHBarbara is a young Amish woman entering adulthood. She dreams of meeting a man in her own community and having a great family. As she gets to know Justin, he seems to be everything she has wanted in a man...only problem is that he's an Englischer. Her family has warned against her dating someone from the "outside world" and is suspicious of everyone who goes against their beliefs. Justin knows nothing about the Amish values and customs that Barbara has been raised to accept. As their love continues to grow will it become strong enough to withstand the slings and arrows that will come from both sides of their families?
An anthology of Amish romances where young women are challenged with obstacles in finding their lifelong love...In "Losing Joshua", Rebekkah is a young Amish woman who starts work for Sarah Miller, but soon develops an attraction for her son Joshua. The two soon become an item and a romance blossoms. But Joshua has a secret, having one foot in the Englisch world and one in the Amish. During a trip to the Englisch world, Joshua goes missing and Rebekkah is distraught. She journeys to the outside world but in trying to find Joshua will she lose herself?
Katherine has been a widow for several years now but she has been nothing but a rock of support in the Amish community. Her children are young adults now and she begins entertaining ideas of starting a business with an Englisch friend but she feels the pull to help in the local bakery when the baker's wife passes away...The two begin working alongside each other and an attraction builds. Their affection and respect for each other slowly builds into love. But can they put aside the feelings that that they are betraying their dead spouses...and open themselves to the prospect of once again experiencing the loss of someone they hold so dear?
Patience Guth was known for living up to her name, known for being one of the kindest and most forgiving people in the entire town of over fifteen thousand people. Yet even she was capable of being tested. Unfortunately, this was one of those rare times...She and her husband are struggling with both their marriage and their bakery. When their store is burned in a fire, the community joins together to build the store back up from scratch as the couple themselves build their relationship back up from the ground up...But can they?
Rachel was subject to daily abuse by her husband John. But the fear of being shunned after getting a divorce was more than she could take...so she endured...Her friend encourages her to leave...and one night she is beaten so severely that she has to be taken to the hospital...But when she arrives home, she finds her husband murdered and fingers are pointed around the Amish community. Could it be Samuel? The man who always pined for her. Or could it be her father who never liked her husband to begin with?
Leah misses her daughter Lara. Obsessed with the Englisch life, her daughter ran away from the community and broke away from the Amish faith. Leah has been struggling with her faith ever since, wondering what she did wrong and how Gott allowed this to happen. As she faces the whispers and rumors of her daughter's behavior in the community, she maintains her dignity as she struggles to move on without the daughter she had loved so much.
Lydia Stolfutz stood at her kitchen window, half-way watching the birds play in a nearby feeder as she kneaded dough for a fresh batch of bread. Across the fields, she could see her husband Alvin plowing up the ground while Daniel fed the chickens in the barn.Daniel.Just watching her son made her sad. Out of all her seven children, Daniel was the only one who still remained at home - unmarried and without a family of his own. Although Daniel always tried to seem upbeat and happy, he wasn't fooling his mamm. When he thought no one was watching, Lydia could always see such pain lurking below the surface of his eyes. Sometimes he would stare off into space, not really seeing anything, just lost in the miserable thoughts about the past. Letting out a deep sigh, Lydia reminded herself who was to blame for Daniel's heartbreak. That awful Sadie Bontrager.And now Sadie was back...after never returning home from her Rumspringa.
Wendy wasn't looking forward to marriage with anyone. She was considered the prettiest girl in her Amish town even as a teenager, but she rejects suitor after suitor all to the chagrin of her parents who think she is being to picky. Enter Benjamin, who has already had his heart broken by a woman the next town over. He finds himself attracted to Wendy but refuses to acknowledge it, knowing that she'll only break his heart. Wendy's mother, however, takes a shine to Benjamin as she sees him as a hard working man on their farm. She sets up a date between the two of them and they find out that they have a lot in common aside from not wanting to get married...But Wendy soon faces off against a rival from Benjamin's past who now shamelessly pursues him, not caring that the two may be destined to be together. Will Wendy and Benjamin get over their past hurts and realize they're meant for each other?
A teenage girl sat in the crowded theatre watching a play unfold about the story of Ruth and Boaz.She gasped in wonder as an angel soared just beneath the ceiling, as actors in exotic Biblical costumes poured out their emotion in song and fell to their knees. She did not dare to look away for an instant although she knew the storyline by heart. She cried when the story grew mournful and clapped when it ended well. Her name was Millie, she was seventeen and she was not supposed to be here. The bishop in her Amish community would have never allowed it. Neither would her parents.When she stepped out into the sunlight, she felt like she had changed within an hour. She wanted to work in this theatre someday. She was absolutely certain.
Benjamin and Nettie seemed to be meant for each other the moment they met. But when Nettie went on her Rumspringa, Benjamin mysteriously stopped talking to her. They went their separate ways, with Nettie marrying another man. Years pass and she's now an orphan and a widow with nothing to turn to except Gott...Then Benjamin reappears in her life. The two haven't spoken in years but the spark from years past is still there. Can they look move past the painful moments of their youth and recapture what was once seemed to be destined by Gott?
Leah is pregnant and newly widowed...Her friends work feverishly to find her someone new but no one can replace her beloved Caleb. She's given introduction after introduction to different suitors and becomes even more stubborn. None of them are a fit. She and her baby will be fine. Until she gets to know Simon. The man that wasn't on anyone's radar, she looks forward to seeing him more and more each day as he helps around the town. But is his character enough to make her change her mind and take another chance at romance?
An older man moves into an Amish community. In the ensusing time period, the conflicting cultural differences of age and culture hinder a potential romance. The internal struggles of each character's experiences Iinclude moments of tension, misunderstandings, and attempts at bridging the gap between their worlds. As the story unfolds, the emotional journey of both characters ultimately leading to a poignant and thought-provoking conclusion that reflects on the complexities of love and cultural understanding.
Sarah and Joseph have grown up together but never got along. Now that they're both coming into their Rumspringa, Joseph cannot help but start to develop feelings for her. But when he works up the courage to let his feelings known, he discovers that she's dating someone else. Sarah doesn't feel the same way toward Joseph...until he starts to distance himself from her. Will they both come to the realization that they're meant for each other?
Over nine Amish short stories of romance and life are featured in this anthology. As if losing her husband in a terrible accident wasn't enough, Anna Bontrager was left to raise their son, who would never walk again, all by herself. And with mounting bills and debts to pay, she could hardly cope. Her only means of an income was selling her cinnamon rolls the local market and hope she would be able to feed her son. But even as poverty cast its grim shadow of hopelessness over her, she never allowed Caleb to see her tears and fears. But her luck was about to change...Jeremiah Fischer, a self-declared bachelor who has no desire to get involved with any woman, after he suffered a broken heart, had one thing on his mind; to make a success of his bakery and so he had. But the pressure is mounting, and after a slight mishap at the bakery on one of the busiest mornings, he has no option but to make a plan. Little does he know, meeting Anna and her son Caleb was about to change the course of his life...
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