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  • af Rebecca Serle
    123,95 - 168,95 kr.

  • - En kulturhistorisk og politisk rejse
    af Jørn Ørnstrup
    148,95 - 188,95 kr.

    På sin togrejse ned gennem Frankrig tager forfatteren læseren med til spændende byer. Undervejs på turen fortæller han på sine lystvandringer om det kulturliv og de personligheder, som gennem tiden har præget stederne. Samt om de dramatiske politiske begivenheder, som har fundet sted i Frankrig. Byerne og stederne er: Strasbourg, Alsace, Reims, Paris, Bordeaux, Provence, Marseille, Côte d’Azur, Nice og Monaco. Uddrag af bogen I det nærliggende kvarter, Belsunce, myldrer det ligefrem med mennesker af fremmed herkomst. På små barer sidder de længe over en kop te. Stedets butikker bugner af frugt og grøntsager. Samt glasurbelagte arabiske kager. I den stærke sol og flimrende varme går tildækkede kvinder ind og ud af butikker med eksotiske krydderier. Bag en rude står en svedig, midaldrende mand og holder øje med sit stegte, krydrede kød på spid. På en café helt ude ved fortovs­kanten sidder en gruppe mørklødede mænd og ryger vandpibe. Undertiden diskuterer de højlydt, mens de krammer deres bønnekrans. Pludselig slår en af mændene ud med armene, hvorefter han peger op mod himlen. Som om han vil afslutte diskussionen med et ”Allah bestemmer!”, tænker jeg. Om forfatteren JØRN ØRNSTRUP er cand.phil. og medlem af Danske Rejsejournalister. På sine rejser har han gennem årene skrevet kultur- og rejse­artikler for bl.a. Jyllands-Posten, Sjællandske Medier og Dagbladenes Bureau. Han har tidligere udgivet Forelsket i Lissabon, På café i Wien, Indtryk fra Østtyskland, Ned gennem Østeuropa og Ned gennem Italien.

  • af Linda Victoria
    114,95 - 245,98 kr.

    HAR DU NOGENSINDE VÆRET BANGE … FOR DEN, DU ELSKER?Martin Blackwood er den næste i rækken til at arve Broderskabet. Elitelogen har 50.000 hemmelige medlemmer, der alle gør, som lederen, Alistair, forlanger. Magten er enorm, men da Martin bliver kørt i stilling til at tage over, vokser hans lede over for Alistair …Samtidig er Danielle, Martins kæreste, ved at have gennemskuet det manipulerende spind, Martin har spundet hende ind i. Hun ved, at hun må flygte, selvom de er voldsomt tiltrukket af hinanden. Men hvordan slipper hun ud af hans psykologiske greb og styrer uden om Alistairs øjne, der også hviler på hende? Danielle er nemlig ikke bare en besættelse for Martin, hun er også gravid og bærer Broderskabets fremtidige arving.Udvalgt af Linda Victoria er tredje og sidste bind i Affinity-trilogien. En intens rejse ind i psykopatiens mørke, hvor det kan være farligt at tro på det gode i den, man elsker …

  • af Víctor Palacios Vargas
    1.168,95 kr.

    The micro region of Orituco, and its main urban center Altagracia, is located between the master row and the high plain, in the central area of ¿¿Venezuela. It is not exactly a high altitude area, but it is not a plain area either, it is a geospatial, productive, road, dialect mix and that is its population. Economy, roads, society, culture and tourist manifestations where the symbiosis of the native peoples, those navigated from Europe, Africa and the recent waves emerge. In short, it is about a unity within diversity, that is the Orituqueña region.

  • af Víctor Palacios Vargas
    1.098,95 kr.

    A microrregião de Orituco, e seu principal centro urbano Altagracia, está localizada entre a linha mestra e o planalto, na zona central da Venezuela. Não é exatamente uma área de grande altitude, mas também não é uma área plana, é uma mistura geoespacial, produtiva, rodoviária, dialetal e essa é a sua população. Economia, estradas, sociedade, cultura e manifestações turísticas onde emerge a simbiose dos povos originários, dos navegados desde a Europa, de África e das ondas recentes. Em suma, trata-se de uma unidade dentro da diversidade, que é a região de Orituqueña.

  • af Víctor Palacios Vargas
    1.098,95 kr.

    La microregione di Orituco, e il suo principale centro urbano Altagracia, si trova tra il filare maestro e l'altopiano, nella zona centrale del Venezuela. Non è esattamente una zona di alta quota, ma non è nemmeno una zona di pianura, è un mix geospaziale, produttivo, stradale, dialettale e questa è la sua popolazione. Economia, strade, società, cultura e manifestazioni turistiche dove emerge la simbiosi dei popoli autoctoni, di quelli navigati dall'Europa, dall'Africa e dalle ondate recenti. In breve, si tratta di unità nella diversità, questa è la regione di Orituqueña.

  • af Ismael Begazo Quenaya
    472,95 kr.

    Sogay est une annexe du district de Yarabamba, située à environ 45 minutes de la ville d'Arequipa, elle a une beauté qui cherche à être convertie en une attraction touristique non seulement pour les habitants de la province, mais aussi pour les visiteurs nationaux et étrangers. Il a un potentiel extraordinaire à présenter à ses visiteurs ; entrer à Sogay, c'est profiter d'une expérience unique qui combine le traditionnel et le naturel qui donne une touche spéciale au village, ce village pittoresque héberge environ 35 familles, la majorité dédiée aux travaux agricoles, ces familles sont celles qui cultivent et conservent les traditions, les coutumes et les techniques de leurs ancêtres pour faire fructifier la terre. Devant le village se trouve un paysage naturel formé par des terrasses précolombiennes qui ressemblent à un amphithéâtre. La beauté de ses paysages et de ses espaces verts est idéale pour l'agrotourisme. Ses cascades, où l'on ne peut aller qu'à pied et où l'on peut observer, au milieu de l'ascension, une grande beauté écologique, sont une destination incontournable pour tout aventurier qui veut connaître quelque chose de plus que l'ordinaire.

  • af Ismael Begazo Quenaya
    548,95 kr.

    Sogay is an annex of the district of Yarabamba, located about 45 minutes from the city of Arequipa, it has a beauty that seeks to be converted into a tourist attraction not only for the inhabitants of the province, but for national and foreign visitors. It has an extraordinary potential to present to its visitors; to enter in Sogay, means to enjoy the unique experience that combines the traditional and the natural that gives a special touch to the town, this picturesque town lodges about 35 families, the majority dedicated to agricultural labours, these families are the ones that cultivate and conserve the traditions, customs and techniques of their ancestors to make produce the land. In front of the village there is a natural landscape formed by pre-Columbian terraces that looks like an amphitheatre. Its beautiful countryside and green areas are ideal for agrotourism. Its waterfalls, where you can only go on foot and in the middle of the ascent you can observe a great ecological beauty, an unmissable destination for any adventurer who wants to get to know something more than the ordinary.

  • af Cátia Teixeira
    368,95 kr.

    The Islamic occupation of the Algarve during the Middle Ages left a strong legacy in many areas of Portuguese culture. We call this territorial domain Gharb al-Andalus. In addition to the intangible legacy, the material remains discovered throughout the region attest to the long permanence of Islamic occupation. Within these parameters, a large number of Islamic buildings have been classified as National Monuments and Buildings of Public Interest. However, many of these structures leave us in doubt as to the state of preservation and dissemination of the heritage to local communities. This book addresses this shortcoming in an informative way, with fact sheets on Islamic heritage in the Algarve. Safeguarding the built cultural heritage is a patent that should not be ignored and, hopefully, new initiatives to protect the legacy of our history and culture will be realised.

  • af João Tarcisio Endres
    443,95 kr.

    L'objectif de cette étude était de connaître l'histoire d'Octacílio Rodrigues da Silva, de ses parents et de ses frères et s¿urs qui vivaient à proximité. En 1919, la famille s'est installée dans l'actuelle ville de Giruá en raison de la construction du chemin de fer, qui allait modifier la croissance de la ville et la colonisation dans la région nord-ouest du Rio Grande do Sul. Après avoir été policier, il a pris sa retraite avec le grade de colonel de la brigade militaire. Ce travail implique ses premiers frères, hérités de son père. Ils sont impliqués dans divers aspects de la politique brésilienne et régionale dans les années 1930, la colonne Prestes et la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle inclut ses études et sa vie privée après sa retraite, avec un travail philanthropique. L'histoire est donc à la fois familière et nouvelle du point de vue de ce soldat de 97 ans.

  • af João Tarcisio Endres
    443,95 kr.

    Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di conoscere la storia di Octacílio Rodrigues da Silva, dei suoi genitori e dei suoi fratelli che vivevano nelle vicinanze. Nel 1919, la famiglia si stabilì nell'attuale città di Giruá perché si stava costruendo la ferrovia, che avrebbe cambiato la crescita della città e la colonizzazione della regione nord-occidentale del Rio Grande do Sul. Da poliziotto, si ritirò con il grado di colonnello nella Brigata Militare. Questo lavoro coinvolge i suoi primi fratelli, ereditati dal padre. Essi sono coinvolti in vari aspetti della politica brasiliana e regionale negli anni Trenta, nella Colonna Prestes e nella Seconda guerra mondiale. Include i suoi studi e la sua vita privata dopo il pensionamento con il lavoro filantropico. Di conseguenza, la storia è allo stesso tempo familiare e nuova dal punto di vista del soldato 97enne.

  • af Zhuan Tarsiziu Jendres
    268,95 kr.

    Cel'ü dannogo issledowaniq bylo izuchenie istorii Oktasiliu Rodrigesa da Silwa, ego roditelej, brat'ew i sester, zhiwshih nepodaleku. V 1919 g. sem'q poselilas' w sowremennom gorode Girua, poskol'ku tam welos' stroitel'stwo zheleznoj dorogi, kotoraq dolzhna byla izmenit' razwitie goroda i kolonizacii sewero-zapadnogo regiona Riu-Grandi-du-Sul. Buduchi policejskim, on wyshel w otstawku w zwanii polkownika woennoj brigady. V ätoj rabote uchastwuüt ego perwye brat'q, unasledowannye ot otca. Oni wowlecheny w razlichnye aspekty brazil'skoj i regional'noj politiki 1930-h godow, "kolonny Prestesa" i Vtoroj mirowoj wojny. Ona wklüchaet ego uchebu i lichnuü zhizn' posle wyhoda w otstawku, swqzannuü s filantropicheskoj deqtel'nost'ü. V rezul'tate istoriq s tochki zreniq 97-letnego soldata okazywaetsq odnowremenno i znakomoj, i nowoj.

  • af João Tarcisio Endres
    443,95 kr.

    Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Geschichte von Octacílio Rodrigues da Silva, seinen Eltern und Geschwistern, die in der Nähe wohnten, zu erforschen. 1919 ließ sich die Familie in der heutigen Stadt Giruá nieder, weil dort die Eisenbahn gebaut wurde, die das Wachstum der Stadt und die Kolonisierung der nordwestlichen Region von Rio Grande do Sul verändern sollte. Da er Polizist war, wurde er mit dem Rang eines Obersts in der Militärbrigade pensioniert. An dieser Arbeit sind seine ersten Brüder beteiligt, die er von seinem Vater geerbt hat. Sie sind in verschiedene Aspekte der brasilianischen und regionalen Politik in den 1930er Jahren, der Prestes-Kolonne und des Zweiten Weltkriegs verwickelt. Es umfasst auch seine Studien und sein Privatleben nach seiner Pensionierung mit philanthropischer Arbeit. So ist die Geschichte aus der Sicht des 97-jährigen Soldaten sowohl vertraut als auch neu.

  • af James Patterson
    183,95 kr.

    The clock is ticking.To save her life you must take another.When Jack Morgan is invited to the luxurious Monaco coast to set up a new Private office, it seems like the perfect opportunity to relax in an iconic destination.But the vacation is quickly cut short when Jack's partner Justine is abducted.The kidnappers send Jack clear instructions - and a gun. If he wants to see the woman he loves again, he must take a life in exchange for hers.Jack soon becomes entangled in a dangerous conspiracy that will come to a head at the Monaco Grand Prix.Hours from disaster, Jack must find Justine and her kidnappers - and put a stop to whatever they have planned next._______________________________PRAISE FOR THE PRIVATE THRILLERS'Great action sequences ... breathtaking twists and turns' ANTHONY HOROWITZ'An unmissable, breakneck ride' JAMES SWALLOW'Exhilarating, high-stakes action' LESLEY KARA'An exhilarating and totally satisfying read' NB MAGAZINE'A breakneck fast, brutally good page-turner' DAILY MAIL'Hits the ground running and the pace never misses a beat' DAILY EXPRESS'Yet another fine outing from the master of thrillers' CITY A.M.

  • af Andreia Santos Da Silva Da Rosa
    543,95 kr.

    This work consists of end-of-course research, and refers to farmers in the city of São João do Sul, specifically those who grow tobacco, with a focus on the decades from the 1960s to the 1990s, a period when tobacco cultivation reached its peak in the region. In the research, I work with some works that deal with this cultivation, works that talk about labour relations, but oral sources are the richest and from which the author obtains essential information for his research.

  • af Romyr Garcia
    748,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of essays on the colonial history of Mato Grosso, created soon after the doctorate as a kind of intellectual provocation for various questions and problems encountered during the research on the decline of mining and the slow formation of a new society. We begin with four essays more focused on what we understand as the historian's revenge, based on Walter Benjamin's Angel of History. Then follow several short essays on the colonial towns of Mato Grosso, mainly Cuiabá and Vila Bela. Finally, we address isolated issues such as smuggling, women in the colonial period, historiographical tradition, slavery, and mining. These essays aim more to provoke intellectual debate than to present some complete conclusion about something. They should be understood as a starting point and not as a point of arrival.

  • af Ekong Demson
    347,95 kr.

    Pre-Colonial African notion of boundaries were non-restrictive and fluid.Imperialist contacts with the continent in the nineteenth century produced novel regimes of boundary which ranged from spheres of influence to demarcated territories based on the European model. The imposed boundaries balkanised Africa and separated kiths and kin who now live along and astride international boundaries. Attempts to either re-adjust or abrogate these alien boundaries as envisioned by the domiciled Pan African movement were jettisoned for uti possidetis. The adopted boundary regime has been provoking and promoting series of conflicts between African states because of its restrictive and bellicose nature. The Pan African boundary vision of an amalgamated Africa collapsed largely due to fear, suspicion, ultra-nationalism, poor timing, and absence of integrative infrastructures.

  • af Timofey Nad'kin
    873,95 kr.

    The religious minorities of post-Soviet Russia remain an understudied phenomenon and this book aims to partially fill this gap. The collective monograph on the example of the Republic of Mordovia in the 1990s - 2010s examines the following confessional minorities: Muslim ummah, Protestant communities, "pagans", neo-Hinduists, Yezidis, and destructive cults. It is recommended for students, undergraduates, postgraduates in the humanities, university professors and lecturers, employees of state institutions and law-enforcement agencies.

  • af Luciano Oliveira Silva
    938,95 kr.

    This book is the result of a research with interest in identifying the existing narratives about the city of Goiânia, through literature and periodicals produced in the city in its early years. In contact with these sources, it was possible to find two important typologies of writing, one utopian and the other realistic. Narrative typologies that in turn constructed multiple images of the city. At the end, we present to the reader which unfoldings, implications and consequences these different narratives were able to produce, especially regarding the construction of a historical consciousness.

  • af Luciano Oliveira Silva
    938,95 kr.

    Ce livre est le résultat d'une recherche visant à identifier les récits existants sur la ville de Goiânia, à travers la littérature et les périodiques produits dans la ville au cours de ses premières années d'existence. Au contact de ces sources, il a été possible de trouver deux typologies importantes d'écriture, l'une utopique et l'autre réaliste. Des typologies narratives qui, à leur tour, ont construit de multiples images de la ville. À la fin, nous présentons au lecteur les développements, les implications et les conséquences que ces différents récits ont pu produire, en particulier en ce qui concerne la construction d'une conscience historique.

  • af Lusiano Oliwejra Silwa
    493,95 kr.

    Jeta kniga - rezul'tat issledowaniq, cel'ü kotorogo bylo wyqwit' suschestwuüschie powestwowaniq o gorode Goqniq cherez literaturu i periodicheskie izdaniq, wyhodiwshie w gorode w perwye gody ego suschestwowaniq. V kontakte s ätimi istochnikami udalos' obnaruzhit' dwe wazhnye tipologii pis'ma, odna utopicheskaq, a drugaq realisticheskaq. Narratiwnye tipologii, kotorye, w swoü ochered', konstruiruüt mnozhestwennye obrazy goroda. V konce my predstawlqem chitatelü, kakie razworoty, posledstwiq i sledstwiq smogli proizwesti äti razlichnye narratiwy, osobenno w otnoshenii postroeniq istoricheskogo soznaniq.

  • af Luciano Oliveira Silva
    938,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis einer Untersuchung, die sich mit der Identifizierung der vorhandenen Erzählungen über die Stadt Goiânia befasst, und zwar anhand von Literatur und Zeitschriften, die in den ersten Jahren der Stadt entstanden sind. Im Kontakt mit diesen Quellen war es möglich, zwei wichtige Typologien des Schreibens zu finden, eine utopische und eine realistische. Narrative Typologien, die ihrerseits mehrere Bilder der Stadt konstruierten. Am Ende wird dem Leser dargelegt, welche Entfaltungen, Implikationen und Konsequenzen diese unterschiedlichen Narrative zu erzeugen vermochten, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Konstruktion eines historischen Bewusstseins.

  • af Luciano Oliveira Silva
    938,95 kr.

    Questo libro è il risultato di una ricerca volta a individuare le narrazioni esistenti sulla città di Goiânia, attraverso la letteratura e i periodici prodotti nella città nei suoi primi anni di vita. A contatto con queste fonti, è stato possibile individuare due importanti tipologie di scrittura, una utopica e l'altra realistica. Tipologie narrative che a loro volta hanno costruito immagini multiple della città. Alla fine, presentiamo al lettore quali sviluppi, implicazioni e conseguenze queste diverse narrazioni sono state in grado di produrre, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la costruzione di una coscienza storica.

  • af Evans Omosa Nyamwaka
    173,95 kr.

    Project Report from the year 2023 in the subject History - Africa, , course: Biographical Studies, language: English, abstract: Globally, in every known society women rights have been violated. However, because of advancement in knowledge and advocacy for the girl child education and gender sensitivity, many women have come out boldly in the fight for their rights and defense of their positions as women and makers of history in a patriarchal society, where male have the lion¿s share in all sheres of life. International community has been clamoring for women¿s political empowerment. Despite this clamor, research consistently shows that in many parts of the world women still linger on the fringes of political realm and their participation in government structures and the democratic processs remains low.The theory of liberal-feminism by Charles Fourier (1837), argue that society holds false belief that women are, by nature, less intellectually and physically capable than men; thus it tends to discriminate against women in all aspects of social, economic and political spheres. The proponents of this theory believe that female subordination is rooted in a set of customary and legal constraints that blocks women¿s entrance to and success in the so-called public world, and they work hard to emphasize the equality of men and women through political and legal reforms. These theorists advocate for the promotion of equal opportunities for both men and women in the political, economic and social spheres. Feminists believe that women are oppressed due to their sex based on the dominant ideology of patriarchy. Ridding society of patriarchy will result in liberation for women. Patriarchy is the system which oppresses women through its social, economic and political institutions.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    598,95 kr.

    Le premier numéro de la revue Science et Humanité nous invite à explorer les merveilles de la géologie et de la sismologie, ainsi que les aspects archéologiques d'une grande valeur touristique et culturelle. Cette publication contribue à un enseignement scientifique de qualité basé sur les normes internationales de la recherche scientifique. La Revista Ciencia y Humanidad présente un recueil d'articles soigneusement élaborés sur la base d'études détaillées réalisées au Nicaragua. Vous y trouverez des photos, des cartes, des graphiques et d'autres ressources pour mieux éclairer le lecteur. Avec la revue, la diffusion internationale des résultats académiques fait place à une diffusion plus large des travaux de recherche qui contribuent au développement social, environnemental et économique des sociétés d'aujourd'hui.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    598,95 kr.

    The first edition of the Revista Ciencia y Humanidad invites us to explore the wonders of geology and seismology, as well as archaeological aspects of great touristic and cultural value. This publication contributes to scientific education with quality based on international standards of scientific research. Science and Humanity Magazine presents a compendium of carefully developed articles based on thorough studies developed in Nicaragua. Here you will find photos, maps, graphs and other resources to better illustrate the reader. With the Journal, the international dissemination of academic results is given way to greater dissemination of research work that contributes to the social, environmental and economic development of today's societies.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    598,95 kr.

    A primeira edição da revista Science and Humanity convida-nos a explorar as maravilhas da geologia e sismologia, bem como os aspectos arqueológicos de grande valor turístico e cultural. Esta publicação contribui para uma educação científica de qualidade, baseada em padrões internacionais de investigação científica. A Revista Ciencia y Humanidad apresenta um compêndio de artigos cuidadosamente desenvolvidos com base em estudos detalhados realizados na Nicarágua. Aqui encontrará fotografias, mapas, gráficos e outros recursos para melhor esclarecer o leitor. Com a revista, a divulgação internacional dos resultados académicos dá lugar a uma mais ampla divulgação de trabalhos de investigação que contribuem para o desenvolvimento social, ambiental e económico das sociedades de hoje.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    598,95 kr.

    La prima edizione della rivista Science and Humanity ci invita a esplorare le meraviglie della geologia e della sismologia, nonché aspetti archeologici di grande valore turistico e culturale. Questa pubblicazione contribuisce a un'educazione scientifica di qualità basata su standard internazionali di ricerca scientifica. La Revista Ciencia y Humanidad presenta un compendio di articoli accuratamente elaborati e basati su studi dettagliati condotti in Nicaragua. Qui si trovano foto, mappe, grafici e altre risorse per illuminare meglio il lettore. Con la rivista, la diffusione internazionale dei risultati accademici lascia il posto a una più ampia diffusione di lavori di ricerca che contribuiscono allo sviluppo sociale, ambientale ed economico delle società odierne.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    598,95 kr.

    Die erste Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Science and Humanity lädt dazu ein, die Wunder der Geologie und Seismologie sowie archäologische Aspekte von großem touristischem und kulturellem Wert zu entdecken. Diese Publikation trägt zu einer qualitativ hochwertigen wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung bei, die sich an internationalen Standards der wissenschaftlichen Forschung orientiert. Die Revista Ciencia y Humanidad präsentiert ein Kompendium sorgfältig ausgearbeiteter Artikel, die auf detaillierten Studien in Nicaragua basieren. Hier finden Sie Fotos, Karten, Diagramme und andere Ressourcen, um den Leser besser aufzuklären. Mit der Zeitschrift wird die internationale Verbreitung von akademischen Ergebnissen zu einer größeren Verbreitung von Forschungsarbeiten, die zur sozialen, ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der heutigen Gesellschaften beitragen.

  • af Aleksandar Ljubomirovic
    340,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2022 in the subject Cultural Studies - East European Studies, grade: 1,6, Free University of Berlin (Institute for East European Studies), language: English, abstract: The following article thematizes the newly-established concept of the "Serbian World" which was initially propelled under the media spotlight in Serbia and the region of former Yugoslavia in 2020. Since becoming popular in the media discourse in both Serbia and the region, the term "Serbian world" has not been studied or analysed properly nor has it been the topic of academic research as such. Therefore, the author of the thesis reconstructs the cognitive structure of the Serbian world concept in political discourses in contemporary Serbia and the region, using the methodology of cognitive semantics. Moreover, this article analyses the various meanings and dimensions of the "Serbian World" concept and emphasizes how the concept is used by the various Serbian governments since the dissolution of Yugoslavia in order to develop a unique soft power concept to improve the image of Serbia regionally and internationally. Furthermore, the author analyses the historical roots of the terminology and the concept per se, but also focusses on its relation to the much more famous Russian counterpart - Russkiy mir. Overall, the article gives the first ever overview of the Serbian world concept in which the author concludes that the Serbian world represents a unique multidimensional, but also relatively fluid concept, used by various Serbian and regional social actors, often politicizing and misusing its true meaning.

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