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  • af Karin Slaughter
    77,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Den kritikerroste amerikanske krimiforfatter Karin Slaughter, som har haft adskillige bøger på New York Times’bestsellerliste, er tilbage med en ny roman med Will Trent og Sara Linton i hovedrollerne i en historie fuld afforgreninger og forviklinger og en trussel mere ødelæggende, end nogen havde kunnet forudse. En gådefuld kidnapning En varm sommeraften bliver en forsker fra Center for Sygdomsbekæmpelse i Atlanta af ukendte gerningsmænd bortførtpå en parkeringsplads foran et indkøbscenter. Forskeren er som forsvundet fra jordens overflade, og politiet er desperatefter at finde gerningsmændene og redde forskerens liv. En ødelæggende eksplosion En måned senere forstyrres freden en stille søndag eftermiddag af et øredøvende brag, og få sekunder efter flænses luftenaf endnu en ødelæggende eksplosion. To bomber er bragt til sprængning i et af de travleste og vigtigste områder i Atlanta,som er hjemsted for både Emory University, to store hospitaler, FBI’s hovedkvarter og Center for Sygdomsbekæmpelse. Retsmedicineren Sara Linton og hendes partner Will Trent, som er specialagent ved GBI, haster til gerningsstedet og træderdirekte ind i et dødbringende komplot, hvor tusinder af menneskers liv står på spil. Da kidnapperne også bortfører Sara, gårWill undercover for at redde hende og forhindre en massakre, hvormed han også sætter sit eget liv på spil for den kvinde ogdet land, han elsker.

  • af Lonely Planet
    165,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the region has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Spot iguanas on Galapagos, surf at Montanita and hike Cotopaxi; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • af Jules Verne
    73,95 kr.

    The ninth book in Verne’s 'Extraordinary Voyages' series, ‘The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa’ details the adventures of a party of scientists attempting to measure the 24th meridian east. However, as they travel, war is declared between Russia and England, sending the party into conflict.Verne paints a vivid picture of South Africa, at the turn of the century. Beset by wild animals, natural disasters, and scheming villains, the scientists must either set aside their political differences or continue on their mission, separately. A romp filled with action, excitement, and more than a few stiff upper lips.Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who became known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction.’ He wrote more than 60 novels, including ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ (1870) which was also released as a film, starring James Mason, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (1873), which has been released as a TV drama, featuring former Dr Who star, David Tennant.

  • af Genevieve Bardwell
    97,95 kr.

    Discover the comforting allure of salt rising bread, a culinary gem from the heart of Appalachia, born from the ingenuity of pioneer women. This tale, set in 1880, unravels the mystique of this unique bread through the eyes of a young girl living on the fringe of a hollow. It's a journey into the rugged yet resilient spirit of a community amidst the ancient, weather-worn peaks. The narrative, steeped in rich folklore, culminates in a cherished recipe shared on the back page, inviting you to partake in a slice of Appalachian heritage, and savor the simplicity and mystery kneaded within salt rising bread.

  • af Tomasz Szcz¿sny
    197,95 kr.

    In the eye-opening exploration, How to Curb Climate Change?, readers embark on a remarkable voyage through time to uncover the astonishing transformation of the Sahara and the Middle East, evolving from fertile landscapes into unforgiving deserts within a mere seven centuries. This captivating book takes readers on an enlightening journey, revealing the pivotal role played by Neolithic societies in shaping the global climate. With the emergence of large-scale agriculture and animal husbandry, ancient civilizations flourished, seemingly unaware of the ecological consequences of their actions. As suspicions arise regarding the rapid desertification, this thought-provoking narrative investigates the interplay between exponential population growth, abusive land use, and the alarming shift towards aridity. The initial chapters transport readers to the heart of the Neolithic era, where they bear witness to the profound influence these early inhabitants wielded over the world's climate systems. By skilfully manipulating vegetation, they triggered permanent changes in the intensity and trajectory of prevailing moist winds, ultimately fuelling the expansion of deserts in the Northern Hemisphere. Building upon this revelatory premise, the subsequent sections of the book unveil a compelling proposal grounded in a deep understanding of Earth's climatic mechanisms. As the spectre of global warming looms ominously, the author outlines a visionary approach to harness the power of these ongoing climate changes for the betterment of our planet. This revolutionary method revolves around directing and redirecting the flow of humid winds, ingeniously channelling them deep into the heartlands of continents. The result? A remarkable renaissance, where the deserts of the Northern Hemisphere are revitalized and transformed into lush, green landscapes once more. Challenging conventional wisdom, How to Curb Climate Change provides a wide-ranging revaluation of our relationship with the environment and acknowledging the profound impact we have on Earth's delicate equilibrium. This remarkable book serves as an urgent call to action, reminding us of the transformative potential humanity possesses in curbing climate change and forging a sustainable future. Prepare to be inspired, enlightened, and equipped with the knowledge needed to embark on this critical journey towards global environmental restoration.

  • af Daniel Light
    245,95 kr.

    A riveting journey through the history of mountaineering - before Everest.

  • af Rough Guides
    287,95 kr.

    Ideal for independent travellers, this guidebook to Ecuador and the Galápagos, written by destination experts, combines must-see sights with hidden gems and offers essential tips for both planning and on-the-ground adventures. It's sustainably printed to ensure environmental responsibility.Inside this Ecuador and the Galápagos travel book, you'll find:- Regional deep dive - coverage of key regions, offering a rich selection of places and experiences, and honest reviews of each one- Itinerary samples - designed for various durations and interests- Practical information - tips on how to get there and get around, use public transport, beat the crowds, save time and money, travel responsibly and more- Expert recommendations - insider advice on where to eat, drink, and stay, alongside tips for nightlife and outdoor activities- Seasonal tips - when to go to Ecuador and the Galápagos, climate details, and festival highlights to plan your perfect trip- Must-See pick - a curated selection of not-to-miss sights as chosen by our authors - Otavalo market, Quito, Canoa, whale-watching, Parque Nacional Machalilla, Malecón 2000, Nariz del Diablo, La Compañía, climb a volcano, Museo Nacional Del Ecuador, Ingapirca, Lagina Quilotoa- Navigational maps - colour-coded maps highlighting essential spots for dining, accommodation, shopping and entertainment- Cultural insights - engaging stories delve into the local culture, history, arts and more, enriching your understanding of Ecuador and the Galápagos- Language essentials - a handy Spanish dictionary and glossary to help you communicate and connect with locals- Inspiring travel photography - full-colour pictures capture the essence of Ecuador and the Galápagos, bringing each location to life and fuelling your wanderlust- Bonus eBook - Free download with purchase, offering digital access to our comprehensive guide- Coverage includes: Quito, the northern sierra, the central sierra, the southern sierra, the Oriente, the northern lowlands and coast, Guayaquil and the southern coast, the Galápagos Islands

  • af Kevin Van Tighem
    173,95 kr.

    Featuring a new introduction from the author, Wild Roses Are Worth It remains a timely collection of provocative, personal, and thoughtful essays for an Alberta in transition.This selection of works by naturalist, hunter, conservation activist, and outdoors journalist Kevin Van Tighem will both inspire and provoke because it offers an unflinching challenge to cherished myths and conventional wisdom in a troubled province beset with profound questions about its future. Even at their most provocative, however, these writings remind us of what is best about the Alberta spirit, and offer the possibility of a more sustaining relationship with our place and with one another.The rich imagery in these writings is drawn from the author's intimate relationship with the streams, forests, grasslands, and mountains of the Canadian West. There may be no sacred cows in Van Tighem's prose, but even the most unblinkingly critical of his writings resonate with a love of place and an abiding respect for the people whose lives he shares. He reminds us that Alberta's stories were always meant to be about much more than oil. At a time when social, economic, and environmental changes confront and confound what is still one of Canada's greatest provinces, we need better ways of remembering our past, knowing our present, and imagining our future. That's what this inspiring body of work offers - just in time for tomorrow.

  • af Lorne Fitch
    173,95 kr.

    A new collection of essays that will engage readers, inspire change, raise awareness, nurture empathy, and reshape perspectives on environmental stewardship towards a sustainable future.Travels Up the Creek intricately crafts stories of environmental awakening, drawing inspiration from Aldo Leopold, Stan Rowe, Wendell Berry, and Rachel Carson. This engaging journey confronts ecological challenges, advocating a shift in perspective and encouraging readers to embrace curiosity and scrutiny in contemplating the significance of our natural landscape. Urging environmental stewardship rooted in science, the book challenges groupthink, offering knowledge, motivation, and agency to those dedicated to creating a better world.Exploring human-nature connections and stark realities, Lorne Fitch's new book underscores empathy, prompting readers to safeguard imperiled species and threatened places. A call to action in a world grappling with seemingly insurmountable issues, the book inspires change through education and a touch of righteous anger. A compelling guide for Earth stewards, it promises to contribute to a sustainable future for all.

  • af Amal Alhomsi
    149,95 kr.

    A refreshingly new literary voice celebrating natural beauty, mountain landscapes, and what it means to be truly alive and connected to nature.Senescence - defined as the gradual process of aging - takes readers on a captivating journey through the rhythmic beauty of nature. Syrian writer Amal Alhomsi's personal account of a year in Alberta's Bow Valley creates a rich tapestry of reflections. In summer, he skillfully parallels the leaf miner's toil with the work of eschatologists. Fall explores the intricate connections among texts, land, and bodies. Winter introduces muskrats and marmots, while spring unfolds the metamorphosis of moths and reflections on love. Amid the contrasts of fire and flood, Alhomsi paints a vivid portrait of life's essence. Those who dive into this evocative narrative will forge a connection with the soul of nature and the universal themes of human experience.

  • af Mary Schmidt
    207,95 kr.

    "What would you do if you just found out the man you married was a professional assassin and you were at the top of his hit list?"

  • af A. J. Atlas
    312,95 kr.

    Imagine if our pets could travel the world with us. What adventures would they have? What trouble would they get into? What friends would they make? In the Travels with Zozo... series of illustrated children's books for ages 4-8 years old, a fun-loving family of four brings their pet bunny, Zozo, on their trips around the world, and Zozo's escapades are bound to amaze, amuse, and inspire you. Author A.J. Atlas' extensive travel experiences in nearly fifty countries and throughout all fifty U.S. states provide firsthand insight into the settings for the books. Award-winning illustrator Anne Zimanski uses bright colors and expert digital artistry to turn the real-life places into beautifully colorful, imaginative worlds for Zozo and readers to explore. She adds an abundance of charm and heart to the culturally-diverse characters whom Zozo meets, and she packs Zozo's sweet, little, furry face full of emotion. Then, together, Atlas and Zimanski keep the pages filled with goofy gags and funny antics. So many, in fact, that rereading the stories is sure to surprise you with something new and keep you laughing. The eighth book in the award-winning series, Travels with the Snow, takes readers to the ski slopes near Bariloche, Argentina, in South America's Andes Mountains. Pet bunny Zozo and her human family are there to enjoy a winter vacation together. Just before dawn, on the first morning of the family trip, Zozo wakes to see freshly falling snow. Overwhelmed with curiosity to feel the icy crystals up close for the first time in her life, Zozo dives from an open window into the deep, soft snow. She twists and twirls, leaping and landing in the powdery snow. Until accidentally, one strong jump lands her on a plastic saucer and swiftly whisks her down the unknown mountain. As the adventure unfolds, Zozo and readers see a colorful world filled with whimsically illustrated local animals, including a snowboarding tuco-tuco, a skiing family of owls, marshmallow-roasting deer, and so much more. Page after beautifully-illustrated page, chinchillas and mountain cats roll into funny snowballs and join the adventure. The wildlife adds depth and richness (and laughs!) to the mountain landscape showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book. From start to finish, Zozo's adventurous journey is filled with excitement and emotion. In the end, happiness prevails as a new friend leads Zozo back to her family in a surprising way. Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the "hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable" pet bunny, Zozo, in this engaging, educational, pint-size travel adventure. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of actual plants, animals, and landscapes of the Andes Mountains while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages. Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!

  • af Jim Minick
    222,95 kr.

    The Intimacy of Spoons explores the many metaphors of the spoon: from love and marriage to the spoon of a grave that holds our bodies; from the darkness of loss and night, where "the Big Dipper is nothing but / the oldest spoon pointing us home"; to the darkness of lungs transformed into art. The poems cover a wide variety of topics-cultural, political, familial, and natural-and always, underlying these poems is the song of birds-with broken wings or clear voices, avian muses filling our forests now or long gone. There are nods to Basho and Thoreau, to Eliot and Frost, Dickinson and Milton, this last, a long poem that retells the story of Adam and Eve from the point of view of Mal, the apple. Likewise, The Intimacy of Spoons shares a variety of forms, from sonnet, sestina, and villanelle to syllabics, lyrics, and a ballad. At the center of the book is the long poem, "Elegy for My Body," which uses wordplay and contrasting voices to explore mortality, because "You can't really do time; / it simply does us, / or undoes us, / us beings in the time being being beings / on Times Squared / waiting for the big ball to fall." The poems of The Intimacy of Spoons return us to everyday stories and objects, common yet profound, that we touch so often and that enter us with every meal and every breath.

  • - Mapping an Obsession
    af Gavin Francis
    117,95 - 195,95 kr.

    An exploration of isolation and connectedness based on thirty years of travel, from the Sunday Times bestselling author of Adventures in Human Being and Empire Antarctica

  • af Gina M Oakley
    287,95 kr.

    With death closing in around her and war verging, can Amia do the unthinkable to save her people?

  • af Avery B. Hodges
    127,95 kr.

    Ecuador, a land of enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture, is a hidden gem nestled in the heart of South America. This diverse country offers visitors a mesmerizing blend of breathtaking natural wonders, rich history, and warm hospitality. From its awe-inspiring Andean peaks to its lush Amazon rainforests and pristine beaches, Ecuador truly has something for every traveler seeking an unforgettable adventure.

  • af Lisa St Aubin de Teran
    337,95 kr.

    A new edition of Lisa St Aubin de Teráns first novel (first published 1982 by Jonathan Cape), winner of the Somerset Maugham Award (1983).

  • af Roxie Cohen
    162,95 - 167,95 kr.

  • af Insight Guides
    173,95 kr.

    This Ecuador & Galápagos guidebook is ideal for travellers seeking inspirational guides and planning a more extended trip. It provides interesting facts about Ecuador & Galápagos's people, history and culture and detailed coverage of the best places to see. This Ecuador & Galápagos travel book has the style of an illustrated magazine to inspire you and give a taste of Ecuador & Galápagos. The book is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet FSC's strict environmental and social standards. This Ecuador & Galápagos guidebook covers: Quito, Day Trips from Quito, Northern Sierra, The Avenue of the Volcanoes, The Southern Sierra, The Oriente, Oriente Wildlife, The Western Lowlands, The Pacific Coast, Guayaquil and the South Coast, The Galápagos Islands. In this Ecuador & Galápagos travel guidebook, you will find:- Unique essays - country history and culture, and modern-day life, people and politics- Ecuador & Galápagos highlights - Avenue of the Volcanoes, Baños, Otavalo, Cuenca, Pacific coast beaches, Ingapirca, Quito, Galápagos Islands, Amazon lodges - Practical travel information - getting there and around, budgeting, eating out, shopping, public holidays, information for LGBTQ+ travellers and more - When to go to Ecuador & Galápagos - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots- Main attractions & curated places - narrative descriptions of where to go and what to see, covered geographically- Tips and facts - interesting facts about Ecuador & Galápagos and useful insider tips- High-quality maps of Ecuador & Galápagos - must-see places cross-referenced to colourful maps for quick orientation- Colour-coded chapters - each place chapter has its own colour assigned to aid easy navigation of this Ecuador & Galápagos travel guide- Striking pictures - rich, inspirational colour photography on all pages, capturing attractions, nature, people and historical features - Free download of title's eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to Ecuador & Galápagos - Fully updated post-COVID-19This Ecuador & Galápagos guidebook is just the tool you need to get under the skin of the destination and accompany you on your trip. It also makes a great gift because of its premium quality. This book will inspire you and answer all your questions while preparing a trip to Ecuador & Galápagos or along the way. It will also remain a beautiful souvenir after your trip.

  • af Günther Bloch
    342,95 kr.

    Now available in paperback, this compelling book is full of behavioural insights and wolf tales that will engage those interested in the state of wild wolves throughout North America.In the winter of 2008¿09, a new wolf family from the Pipestone Valley suddenly appeared in the Bow Valley of Banff National Park, taking up residence alongside a family that had ruled there for over a decade. Within a year, these new wolves had eliminated the Bow Valley wolves and established a dominance that would last for five years in the heart of Canadäs most famous national park.The book chronicles not only the rise of the Pipestones and how they established and maintained dominance in the valley, but also how an increase in mass tourism in Banff led to a decrease in prey density for the Pipestones, which in turn led to the wolves changing their hunting strategies and expanding their summer range. Bloch explains how the Pipestones faced an inevitable fall from the top as pressure from eager wolf watchers increased exponentially in the park at the same time the wolves¿ prey base was shrinking rapidly. Combining these influences with other factors like rail mortality and old age, Bloch and Marriott knew the end was near for the Pipestones.The authors conclude with insights into how wolf and wildlife management in Banff National Park can improve. They outline steps Parks Canada should be taking to deal with the human management problems that are really at the core of the wildlife issues in the park. They also discuss whether we can continue to maintain a balance between ecological integrity and mass tourism in Canadäs flagship park and whether it is already too late. Have we passed the point of no return? And will our Banff wolves live forever after in a wildlife ghetto devoid of true wilderness characteristics?

  • af Sarah Elmeligi
    342,95 kr.

    Now available in paperback, this lavishly illustrated book explores the complex behavioural characteristics of North Americäs largest land carnivores by examining the bear¿human relationship from the bear¿s perspective.From the first moment Sarah Elmeligi came eye to eye with a grizzly bear, her life changed. In a moment that lasted mere seconds, she began to question everything she thought she knew about bears. How could this docile creature be the same one with a fearsome reputation for vicious attacks? Through years of research, Elmeligi grew to appreciate that bears are so much more than data points, stunning photos, and sensational online stories. Elmeligi expertly weaves the science of bear behaviour with her passionate account of personal encounters. Dive into the life of a bear biologist as Sarah¿s colleagues recount their own ¿stories from the field¿ ¿ intimate moments with bears where they were connected to an animal with personality, decision-making capabilities, and a host of engaging behaviours.Join Elmeligi and Marriott on a journey that examines and shares the behaviour of black, grizzly, and polar bears in North America in a way you¿ve never seen before. What Bears Teach Us will surprise you, inspire you, foster your curiosity, and teach you something new about bears and maybe even yourself.

    342,95 kr.

    Now available in paperback, this astounding collection of photographs captures some of the most stunning mountain landscapes in North America.There is a reason why the Canadian Rockies are some of the most photographed mountains in the world. Rugged peaks encircle glacier-fed lakes, rise up like protective walls around tree-filled valleys, and offer a stunning backdrop to open alpine meadows. They have been photographed from the valley bottoms, from the shores of famous lakes, and from the summits of prominent peaks. They are accessible by vehicle, boat, gondola, skis, and hiking boots. But a lucky few have photographed the Rockies from the air.In the most comprehensive collection of aerial photos to date, Aloft: Canadian Rockies Aerial Photography by Paul Zizka gives the reader a unique bird's-eye view of this prized mountain range. From vast glaciers to winding rivers, animal overpasses to lakes that look like brilliant spills of turquoise paint on the landscape, these images provide a rare look at mountains that are as grandiose from the skies as they are from their better-known vantage points.

  • af Martin Williams
    222,95 - 225,95 kr.

    The little-known history of how the Sahara was transformed from a green and fertile land into the largest hot desert in the worldThe Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world, equal in size to China or the United States. Yet, this arid expanse was once a verdant, pleasant land, fed by rivers and lakes. The Sahara sustained abundant plant and animal life, such as Nile perch, turtles, crocodiles, and hippos, and attracted prehistoric hunters and herders. What transformed this land of lakes into a sea of sands? When the Sahara Was Green describes the remarkable history of Earth's greatest desert-including why its climate changed, the impact this had on human populations, and how scientists uncovered the evidence for these extraordinary events.From the Sahara's origins as savanna woodland and grassland to its current arid incarnation, Martin Williams takes us on a vivid journey through time. He describes how the desert's ancient rocks were first fashioned, how dinosaurs roamed freely across the land, and how it was later covered in tall trees. Along the way, Williams addresses many questions: Why was the Sahara previously much wetter, and will it be so again? Did humans contribute to its desertification? What was the impact of extreme climatic episodes-such as prolonged droughts-upon the Sahara's geology, ecology, and inhabitants? Williams also shows how plants, animals, and humans have adapted to the Sahara and what lessons we might learn for living in harmony with the harshest, driest conditions in an ever-changing global environment.A valuable look at how an iconic region has changed over millions of years, When the Sahara Was Green reveals the desert's surprising past to reflect on its present, as well as its possible future.

  • af Claudia Brosseder
    733,95 kr.

    How Indigenous People Used Feathers as a Significant Way of Symbolic Communication in the Andes

  • - Anna, min egen Anna
    af Klaus Nørgaard Jørgensen
    147,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Hvide Svane – Anna, min egen Anna er bind 2 af 2 i fortællingen om Johan og Annas kærlighed. Det er fortællingen om Annas ankomst til Amerika og deres møde med det lokalsamfund som de, lidt tilfældig bliver en del af. Fra lille Danmark i 1919 til det sted i Rocky Mountains, hvor de vælger at lægge hele deres livsgerning. Vi følger dem i tiden op til og under anden verdenskrig, og ser deres forhold udvikle sig. Vi oplever, set gennem Johans øjne: kærlighed og kamp, drama og dåd, svaghed og savn.

  • af Martin Luther King
    40,95 kr.

    "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character."A superb orator, Martin Luther King Jr. spearheaded a peaceful march on Washington D.C., where he delivered his famous speech, "l Have a Dream", to 250,000 people.The historic speech is one of many successful attempts at voicing his frustration towards oppression and discrimination without resorting to violence thus proving his skills as a public speaker.This compilation contains 100 of Martin Luther King Jr’s most celebrated quotes and is ideal for those who need an extra bit of motivation throughout their day.Martin Luther King, Jr., (1929-1968) was an American Baptist minister, activist, and humanitarian, but is best known for his leading role in the African-American civil rights movement.Dr King was awarded five honorary degrees, named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963, and became the youngest man to ever receive the Nobel Peace Prize at only thirty-five years of age. He donated his prize money to the Civil Rights Movement.

  • af Owen Wister
    96,95 kr.

    Laying the foundations for Clint Eastwood’s nameless character in ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly,’ ‘The Virginian’ is a landmark novel of the western genre.The eponymous hero is the strong, tall, silent type, acting as an armed escort to Tenderfoot on their journey to Judge Henry’s ranch in Sunk Creek.This action-packed story details their adventures and encounters along the way and includes, just as in any good western, a little romance.If you like your books full of hot bullets and cold killers, then this is the perfect place to start!Credited with setting the template for the classic western novel and the archetypal cowboy hero, Owen Wister (1860 – 1938) was born in Philadelphia. The son of an actress and a doctor, Wister spent his formative years travelling Europe, before returning to America at his father’s behest.After graduating from Harvard Law School, and suffering from poor mental health, he took the first of 15 trips to Wyoming. It was here that he was inspired to write notes and journals about the characters living in the beautiful wilderness. These notes were to serve as the basis for many of his books.His most famous work, ‘The Virginian’, would later become a TV series starring Doug McClure, and filmed for the silver screen, most recently in an adaptation starring Ron Perlman. Wister died in Rhode Island, at the age of 78.

  • af Zane Grey
    73,95 kr.

    In this fascinating true story, the famous American author Zane Grey, best-known for his romanticized stories about the old West, recounts his experiences with the plainsman Buffalo Jones.In ‘Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon’ (1924), Grey, along with Jones and a Navajo Indian, set off on an exciting adventure to lasso, capture, and preserve the mountain lions that prowl the depths of the Grand Canyon. Jones also famously helped save the buffalo from extinction.With its wonderful descriptions of forests and the rugged grandeur of the canyons, Grey hoped to inspire his readers to help preserve the great American outdoors for future generations.Great for fans of Zane Grey that want a little twist on the Western motifPearl Zane Grey (1872 – 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels about the American West. His stories are credited with the creation of the ‘Western’ literary genre.The novel ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ (1912) was Grey’s best-selling work, while other popular titles include ‘The Lone Star Ranger’ (1915), ‘The U.P. Trail’ (1918), ‘Call of the Canyon’ (1924), and ‘Code of the West’ (1934). His nonfiction books include ‘Tales of Fishing’ (1925). Grey wrote more than 80 books in total, several of which were published posthumously.Many of his works have been adapted for tv and film, including ‘Zane Grey Theatre’ (1956-1958) and ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ (1996) starring Ed Harris.

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