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Bøger om Native American people

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  • af Golden Books
    87,95 kr.

    A full-color activity book based on Netflix’s preschool animated series Spirit Rangers—with more than 30 stickers!Join Kodi, Summer, and Eddy Skycedar for mazes, puzzles, and coloring fun! Kids ages 3 to 7 will love this activity book based on Netflix’s Spirit Rangers with nearly 50 fun-filled pages and over 30 stickers!Created by Samala Chumash descendent, Karissa Valencia, Spirit Rangers is a fantasy-adventure preschool series following Native American sibling trio Kodiak, Summer and Eddy Skycedar, who have a shared secret—they’re Spirit Rangers! Spirit Rangers protect every crook, cranny and critter of Spirit Park. With the blessing of the Chumash and Cowlitz tribes, we’ll join the Skycedar kids on their amazing adventures with spirits inspired by Indigenous stories.

  • af Chris Aguirre
    135,95 kr.

    When a mysterious storm threatens to close Xus National Park on its opening day, sibling Junior Park Rangers Kodi, Summer, and Eddy must put their heads together to save the day.

  • - Et liv i mokkasiner
    af Malene Rossau
    235,95 kr.

    ARV AF STORHED skildrer Hakikta Najin Jordans liv fra fødslen på et sioux-reservat i USA til tiden i Danmark.Allerede fra barnsben går Hakikta billedligt talt i sine egne mokkasiner, og hans konstante nysgerrighed på livet får omgivelserne til at kalde ham for ”det vilde barn”.Tilværelsen præges af opbrud, afsavn og tab af relationer, og han kæmper en stor del af sit liv med at søge efter svar på, hvem han virkelig er inderst inde.Bogen fortæller om et menneske, der har en naturlig evne til at trække folk til sig, men også en unik evne til at tilpasse sig - samt vilje til at overleve - selv de mest barske situationer, som livet kan byde på.Det er en gribende skildring af en stor personlighed, der, på trods af at han går så grueligt meget igennem, lærer sig selv at omsætte sin opnåede livserfaring til vejledning for andre på sin vej.Biografisk roman om Hakikta Najin Jordan (1941-2011) fra Rosebud-reservatet i South Dakota, USA. Officiel ambassadør for Lakota Nationen (Sicangu) til Danmark og modtager af Bronze Star og Purple Heart fra Vietnamkrigen.

  • af Julia A. Jordan
    369,95 kr.

  • af Donald Ricky
    1.077,95 kr.

    Encyclopedia of New Jersey Indians details the history, biographies and treaties of Native American tribes living in New Jersey and the surrounding regions.

  • af Christina Gish Hill
    397,95 - 1.128,95 kr.

  • af David A Robertson
    167,95 kr.

    Cole and Eva are reunited once more. A new terror looms as Mihko Laboratories’s latest human experiments are about to be unleashed. With Brady potentially out of commission, Cole and Eva may be outnumbered. Things look grim until a new discovery changes everything: God Flare. Will it be enough to help them in the coming battle with Mihko?

  • af Bernelda Wheeler
    112,95 kr.

    When a boy wears his new moccasins to a city school, his classmates want to know all about them. Readers will learn who Kookum is, where leather comes from, and how leather is traditionally prepared for moccasins.Share this book with beginning readers to practise the important pre-reading concepts of rhythm and repetition.

  • af Gary Robinson
    327,95 kr.

    But the door to trouble never stays closed. Bobby's girlfriend, next-door-neighbor Faye, still suffers attacks from a bullying classmate, and Lloyd, one of Bobby's teammates, is dealing with family problems that are all too familiar. Maybe Bobby's old backyard hideout will need to be uncovered and the door reopened.

  • af Jacqueline Guest
    327,95 kr.

    After her ikusin (grandmother) dies, Kai Hunter, a part Navajo, part Stoney Nakoda sixteen-year-old, runs away to Banff, Alberta, to avoid being placed in a foster home. Kai lies her way into a new identity, a job and a safe place to live. She makes new friends and volunteers with a rapid-attack crew for the forestry service. She even meets a great guy named Rory, who's into motorcycles, just like her-and who seems to be into her too. But Kai is scared of being found out, and she isn't sure that she can trust all of her new friendsâ¿¿or that she likes the person she's pretending to be.

  • af Tim Tingle
    327,95 kr.

    Danny Blackgoat is a teenager in Navajo country when soldiers burn down his home, kill his sheep, and capture his family. During the Long Walk of 1864, Danny soon becomes a troublemaker, refusing to accept captivity. He is sent to Fort Davis, Texas, a Civil War prisoner outpost. There he battles bullies, rattlesnakes, and soldiers, until he meets Jim Davis. Davis teaches Danny how to hold his anger and how to read and speak in English. For Christmas, Davis aids Danny in a daring and dangerous escape. Set in troubled times for the Navajo, Danny Blackgoat is the story of one boy's hunger to be free.

  • af Tim Tingle
    327,95 kr.

    In the third book in the No Name series, the turmoil in Bobby Byington's life has settled down. His parents are reunited, his father has turned away from the bottle, and he is a starter on the high school basketball team.

  • af Joseph Bruchac
    327,95 kr.

    A teenage survival expert finds all his skills tested as he's pursued through the Canadian wilderness by men determined to silence him. On his way to teach at Camp Seven Generations, a Native outdoor school, Nick witnesses a murder and then is thrown off a train. Remembering and using the teachings of his Abenaki elders will prove to be the difference between life and death.

  • af Robert Saxton
    207,95 kr.

    Ninth-grader BJ Maki knows there is an evil presence on a killing spree in the hills above his Lake Superior home. And, thanks to strange messages he has been receiving, he knows that the Red Hand Warrior can help protect his family and community. But what he doesn't know-until he climbs out of a mysterious cave-is that the warrior he is supposed to find lives five hundred years in the past.

  • af Bill Wilkerson
    192,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af L. S. Work
    298,95 kr.

    When it adopted a new constitution in 1969, the Seminole Nation was the first of the Five Tribes in Oklahoma to formally reorganize its government. In the face of an American legal system that sought either to destroy its nationhood or to impede its self-government, the Seminole Nation tenaciously retained its internal autonomy, cultural vitality, and economic subsistence. Here, L. Susan Work draws on her experience as a tribal attorney to present the first legal history of the twentieth-century Seminole Nation.Work traces the Seminoles' story from their removal to Indian Territory from Florida in the late nineteenth century to the new challenges of the twenty-first century. She also places the history of the Seminole Nation within the context of general Indian law and policy, thereby revealing common threads in the legal struggles and achievements of the Five Tribes, including their evolving relationships with both federal and state governments.As Work amply demonstrates, the history of the Seminole Nation is one of survival and rebirth. It is a dramatic story of an Indian nation overcoming formidable obstacles to move forward into the twenty-first century as a thriving sovereign nation.

  • af Dominique Hunter
    327,95 kr.

    In this collection of poetry and short stories, Dominique Daye Hunter explores the histories, intergenerational and personal trauma, healing, and resilience of the Afro-Indigenous diaspora. Other themes highlighted in the book include Indigenous spirituality, Afro Indigenous identity, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, perspectives of Southeastern Indigenous peoples, traditional Yesáh / Saponi culture, reclaiming African roots, ancestral guidance, self-love, food sovereignty, and water rights.

  • af Apolonia Nunez
    327,95 kr.

    "I Am Indigenous" isn't just any children's book-it's like a magical adventure that uncovers family stories and the amazing things about where you come from. In this story, you'll find out how your ancestors lived-hunting, telling stories by the campfire, and becoming one with nature. Imagine moonlit nights, wolves howling, and frogs singing, creating a world where people and the land are like best buddies.This special book is like a big hug to your family history, showing that the spark of who you are shines super bright from long, long ago. The colors and words of indigenous cultures aren't just old stories; they're like magic threads making a strong and proud community. As you read this story, you get to be a hero too, learning about your heritage and carrying the torch of wisdom into your own adventures, discovering what makes you uniquely you!

  • af L. E. Fleury
    247,95 kr.

    It's the 1950s and there's been a horrendous murder in the town of Essex, Vermont. Sheriff Max Duncan strikes an uneasy alliance with the village of Essex Junction's Police Chief, Rob Allen. Suspects include a teenager with an ugly secret, and a cursing Abenaki who suffers from battle fatigue. Counseling couple, Don and Connie Collins, are drawn into this mystery which takes place amongst familiar historic landmarks in Burlington, Shelburne, Essex Junction, and beyond. This is a bumpy journey through colorful New England seasons, old-time religion, and Ouija boards.

  • af Roberta Carol Harvey
    192,95 - 317,95 kr.

    In the past, American Indian War Societies possessed the highest moral obligation and duty for the continued survival of Indian peoples and their strong and vibrant future; given our current state of war; they need to be revived.

  • af Frédéric Saumade
    1.247,95 kr.

    Rodeo, cattle ranching, and bullfighting converge in the arenas of race, gender, and ethics in Reversible America. In Southwestern California, these sports manifest in spectacular expressions of transcultural interactions that continue to develop through border crossings. Using an interdisciplinary scope, this unique look into the subculture negotiates the paradoxes and connections between the popular American performances, Iberian bullfighting, and Native American hunting methods, along with the relationship between human and non-human beings, and systems of value across borders.

  • af Moustafa El-Guindy
    95,95 kr.

    In a harrowing story of lost innocence and shattered identities, two young lives are swept up in a storm of calamity and betrayal. An Iraqi child, ripped from the warm embrace of his family, finds himself in the clutches of strangers in a foreign country. While the boy's desperate family searches tirelessly for their beloved son, the kidnappers weave a web of lies to erase his past, forging a cruel destiny that will test the bonds of fraternity and love.Against a backdrop of global unrest, the stolen child and his unexpected natural brother try to forge their own paths, tied by a deep friendship, in a world torn apart by violence and deceit. From the uncontrollable violence in Afghanistan to the turbulent waters of the Euphrates, the destiny breaks the sky with a story of love between two who would never imagine loving each other. Among the rubble, death and destruction, the deepest, most real and sincere love story is born. A love rooted in the soul and deep in the heart. Love that glorifies life and means death; the threads of family, love and loyalty will be stretched to the breaking point.Tears on the Euphrates delves into the profound impact of family and identity amid the harsh realities of a world at war, intertwining the fates of two boys with the turbulent geopolitics that define the divide between East and West. Through their eyes, we explore the moving and unyielding search for truth, belonging, and redemption in a world yearning for hope.

  • af P. B
    192,95 kr.

    In this booklet I present the details and context of a gold bracelet collected from the British Columbia coastal area probably in the 1870s by George Mercer Dawson, Canadian geologist and ethnographer. This booklet is intended to assist those who wish to determine the artist, when it was crafted, and the value.To be clear, I have done this research using published resources; I have not visited museums per se.I have focused on a particular gold bracelet collected by George M. Dawson (1849-1901). In 1878 he surveyed the Queen Charlotte Islands, (Haida Gwaii) British Columbia, for the Geological Survey of Canada. His mission was to conduct a topographical, geological and resource survey, which he reported on. He was interested in the ethnographic study of the "vanishing" Native community, culture and language, and published important works in this area. I have compared the "GMD" bracelet to works crafted by northwest coast artists of the time Charles Edenshaw (c. 1839-1920), Duncan Ginaawaan (c. 1830-1876), and "unknown" persons. This bracelet seems to have only traditional Native motifs, with no obvious Euro-colonial design. It may have been made for use within the Native community.

  • af Jack London
    147,95 kr.

    Um aventureiro capturado por uma tribo de índios, condenado à tortura e à morte, engendra uma forma de se poupar à tortura e manter a dignidade, por consequência humilha o chefe da tribo aliciado pela ideia dum remédio milagroso.

  • af Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation
    442,95 - 807,95 kr.

  • af Hans-Arthur Marsiske
    297,95 kr.

    Ein Leben in Frieden -- das ist eine ganz neue Erfahrung für den jungen Caspar, den es auf der Flucht vor Kriegsgräueln und Hexenjägern nach Nordamerika verschlagen hat. In dem Medizinmann Hokahey hat der alchemistisch gebildete Waisenjunge zudem einen Seelenverwandten und guten Freund gefunden. Doch die Idylle ist nicht von Dauer: Als die Zerstörungswut des Dreißigjährige Krieges auch den amerikanischen Kontinent erreicht, beschließen die beiden, ihr Wissen aus zwei Welten zu vereinen, um den Vormarsch der Europäer zu stoppen...

  • af Rae Ann Bird Bear-Williams
    162,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Sophia Jaso
    197,95 kr.

    Love my Native HairLove my Native Hair is a story how Native Americans view their long hair!¿ Why some choose to have long hair and the spiritual aspect that they believe it has¿ Many Believe there's a strong connection between their hair and spirituality¿ Many celebrate when they cut their hair for the first time¿ Some cut their hair and bury it in remembrance for those who have passed away¿ The braiding of the hair has significance among Native people¿ Many believe that only certain people with good spirits may touch their hairThis beautiful book is a wonderful story for children around the world that want to know about Native customs, thank you

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