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Noch ist Nick jung, frei von Verpflichtungen. Aber sein Verlangen nach Orientierung wird immer drängender. Das treibt ihn auf eine riskante Suche in ein weit entferntes Land. Neugierig sucht er seinen Weg in der Natur, in Beziehungen, in Drogen und bei Gurus. Getrieben von inneren Widersprüchen, Abenteuerlust und Umsicht, Naivität und Scharfsinn begibt er sich auf eine Entdeckungstour voller Überraschungen.
Il giorno in cui Walter Welzenbach scala la sua prima montagna segna il resto della sua vita: non vuole fare altro. Ora è al suo picco finale, una vertiginosa altezza di 8.818 metri, guardando la sua solitudine. "Debito d’ossigeno" è il romanzo mozzafiato su due amici, Lenny e Walter, che iniziano la loro carriera di scalatori su un ponte nella città in cui studiano all’università. Poi inseguono i loro sogni sulle Alpi e sull’Himalaya, e così facendo segnano il loro destino. Nel loro bagaglio portano le storie dei grandi alpinisti che li hanno preceduti, cercando a loro volta un modo per scrivere un nuovo capitolo della storia dell’alpinismo. Ma lassù, nel nulla, si applicano regole diverse, e ciascuna funziona per conto proprio. Dopo la pubblicazione del suo celebre bestseller sul mare, Toine Heijmans accompagna ancora una volta il lettore in un mondo implacabile, con un romanzo sulla libertà, l’amicizia e le conseguenze di scelte radicali, tra tempeste e valanghe. Ciò che le montagne fanno alle persone e ciò che le persone fanno alle montagne, ecco di cosa tratta questo vertiginoso romanzo.Un audiolibro per chi ama la montagna e per chi ha amato i libri "Le otto montagne" e "Il leopardo delle nevi".Toine Heijmans, nato nel 1969, lavora come giornalista per "de Volkskrant", dove tiene alcune rubriche. Il suo romanzo d’esordio "Fuga sul mare" (2011), ha ottenuto riconoscimenti internazionali ed è stato ampiamente tradotto e persino adattato sullo schermo. Quest’opera ha reso Heijmans il primo autore olandese a vincere il prestigioso Prix Médicis étranger francese. Heijmans vive alla periferia di Amsterdam, vicino alla sua barca a vela, che funge anche da luogo di scrittura.
Those who struggle to engender peace often have the greatest insights.‘500 Quotes from Peacemakers’ is a collection of thoughts, reflections, and observations from some of the most important, peace-seeking figures in history.Thoughtful and incisive, they are sure to provoke some stimulating conversation.A superb read for those with an interest in getting a peek inside the minds of some of the world’s greatest minds.Mahatma Gandhi (1931 – 1948) was an Indian lawyer, who became a pioneer of non-violent resistance to civil oppression. Gautama Buddha (480 BCE – 400 BCE) was an aristocrat who eschewed materialism, in favour of spiritual reflection. He is the founder of Buddhism.Born in Tibet, the first Dalai Lama (1391 – 1474) started life as a shepherd before studying as a monk and receiving a vision during meditation. Martin Luther King (1929 – 1969) was a Baptist minister who became the most important figure in the American Civil Rights movement. Mother Teresa (1910 – 1997) was an Albanian-Indian Catholic nun, who was canonised for her missionary work.
'Outstanding ... This book is a must-read for scholars and activists interested in the impact of grassroots knowledge-making on individuals, institutions and society' -- Rebecca Tarlau, author of Occupying Schools, Occupying Land'In social movements, people [learn how to] re-imagine their worlds. This powerful and inspiring book shows that movement education is not a luxury but a central part of effective struggle' -- Laurence Cox, author of Why Social Movements MatterLaboratories of Learning proves, through exploring inspiring social movements around the world, that the education and knowledge-making happening inside these movements is crucial for the future of social justice for all. It asks three simple but profound questions: How do movements learn and make knowledge? What kinds of knowledge do movements make? And what is its effect on individual activists, movements and even whole societies? Written in collaboration with leading activists from different movements in Turkey, Colombia, Nepal and South Africa, each case shows that these activists in the Global South can offer exciting insights into the myriad of ways that movements learn and produce knowledge as they struggle for a better world.Designed to inspire and innovate, Laboratories of Learning is an opportunity for activists to learn new, ground-breaking ideas, born out of moments working at the intersection of theory and practice, pushing the boundaries of new thinking and the limits of the possible.Mario Novelli is Professor in the Political Economy of Education at the University of Sussex. Birgül Kutan is a Lecturer at the Centre for International Education, University of Sussex. Patrick Kane is based in Cali, Colombia and has been engaged in international solidarity work for over fifteen years. Adnan Çelik is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Tejendra Pherali is Professor of Education, Conflict and Peace at the IOE, at University College London. Saranel Benjamin is a development practitioner, and Co-Executive Director of Mama Cash.
This is the sixth translated book in the series of Poems of Natural Wisdom created by Shanlin-Tzu. Poems of Natural Wisdom promote an ideal of creating poetic values in life and enjoying a life with poetic values. They serve as instructions aiming to enlighten truth, approach good and pursue beauty. This book series is dedicated to people who treat life with kindness, are passionate about life and seek mind-body balance.
¿Cuál es el perfil que propone el Budismo Data? Se trata de la combinación armónica de cuatro actividades que permiten el pleno desarrollo del cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Son:1.- Meditación y concentración: Utilizando las técnicas más avanzadas se logra el reseteo del cerebro, la multiplicación sináptica, el aumento de la inteligencia y la memoria, reducir los riesgos de enfermedades y el Samadhi.2.- Aprendizaje continuo: Formación académica, estudio y lectura constante, para potenciar el cerebro adquiriendo conocimiento pleno apoyado en el saber científico, aplicando la mayor lucidez y relajación alcanzada mediante meditación para absorber nuevos conocimientos y alcanzar la iluminación racional basada en la ciencia empírica y formal. 3.- Ejercitación psicofísica diaria: Cuidado de la salud del cuerpo y de la mente en forma cotidiana, siendo disciplinado en la alimentación balanceada, en la higiene personal, en la ejercitación física periódica, utilizando las técnicas más apropiadas como Hatha Yoga, Pilates, Chi Kung o Tai Chi Chuan.4.- Teletrabajo: Participar en forma cooperativa o mediante interasociaciones de capital en emprendimientos de teletrabajo.
Das tibetische Mustang gilt als das »verborgene Königreich« im Himalaya. In einem über 20 Jahre dauerndem Projekt wurden die heiligen Tempelwandmalereien restauriert und gleichzeitig die buddhistischen Traditionen wieder zum Leben erweckt. Die Prachtpublikation dokumentiert mit Fotografien von Luigi Fieni und Kenneth Parker das faszinierende Projekt, die Landschaft Mustangs sowie die spirituelle und weltliche Lebensweise der einheimischen Lobas.Das Königreich Mustang mit seiner mittelalterlichen Hauptstadt Lo Monthang besticht durch seine heiligen Tempel und die kunstvollen Wandmalereien. Um dem jahrhundertelangen Verfall entgegenzuwirken, startete unter Leitung des Restaurators und Fotografen Luigi Feini ein aufwändiges Restaurierungsprojekt. Das Besondere: Dieses wurde nach einer speziellen Ausbildung durch die ortsansässigen Lobas durchgeführt. Die einzigartige Initiative führte zu einer kulturellen Renaissance und dem Fortbestand der tibetisch-buddhistischen Traditionen.
Per Allan Jensen er 31 år og på vej ind i et borgerligt liv med bil, ejerlejlighed og godt job i it-branchen, da tilfældige hændelser sætter skub i realiseringen af en drøm om at forandre sit liv. Han sælger sin lejlighed, får orlov fra jobbet og tager på en lang og primitiv rejse til Sydasien. Oplevelser blandt fjerntliggende landes kølige bjergtoppe får ham til at tage sit liv op til revision. Hvad vil han egentlig med sin tilværelse? Fra Horsens til Himalaya er fortællingen om en dreng, der vokser op med en håndfast opdragelse i 1950’ernes småborgerlige provinsmiljø og får sin skoleuddannelse i brydningstiden mellem den sorte skole og tressernes frigørelsestendenser. Omgivelserne vil et, men inderst inde er der en stædig kerne i ham, der vil noget andet.Vendepunktet er første del af en beretning i tre dele. En historie om at følge sit hjerte, selv om man er i tvivl. Om at træffe valg og om at udfordre sig selv til det yderste. Og om at være stædig, når livet presser en helt derud, hvor man føler, man ikke længere kan bunde.Per Allan er medlem af De Berejstes Klub og ynder at holde foredrag om de mange rejser, der fulgte i kølvandet på den første skelsættende rejse i 1983. Sammenlagt er det foreløbig blevet til over 8½ år på rejser med oplevelser fra 133 lande og syv kontinenter.I dag er Per Allan pensioneret og drømmer om, at coronakrisen snart driver over, så det bliver muligt at foretage den tiende rejse til yndlingslandet Nepal.Uddrag af bogenJeg har arvet min mors kraftige hår, følsomme sind og hang til bekymringer og krydsord. Fra min far har jeg arvet stædighed, energi og trang til selvbestemmelse. Og fra dem begge et rimeligt udseende, en rimelig begavelse, noget jysk sparsommelighed og et kæmpemæssigt kontrol- og planlægningsgen … Min og min fars stædighed kombineret giver anledning til utallige konfrontationer, og alle midler bliver taget i brug for at få mig til at makke ret, undtagen sund fornuft, pædagogik, dialog og tolerance. Udskældninger bliver kombineret med lussinger, som de begge uddeler flittigt. Hvis det ikke er nok, må livremmen frem, den bliver dog kun håndteret af min far…”Det var da noget mærkeligt noget,” siger min mor, da hun ser den ombyggede Bedford-lastbil. Og ja, hun har jo på sin vis ret i, at det er noget mærkeligt noget med den bil. Der er i hvert fald hverken juleplatter, sølvtøj eller krystalglas, der skal tages frem og pudses og sættes til side igen. Intet ved den bil minder om mit barndomshjem, og det er præcis dét, jeg elsker ved bilen. Den rejse, der venter mig, er en slags opgør med den del af mit liv. Min fortid. Min barndom. Mine forældre og alt det de står for… Men en ting er jeg i hvert fald helt overbevist om, nemlig at jeg vil vende tilbage til Nepal senere hen i livet. Og det gør jeg. Mange gange endda. Og det med at tage alene ud på eventyr til fjerne egne, det skal vise sig at blive særdeles afhængighedsskabende…Om forfatterenPer Allan Jensen er født i 1951 og vokset op i Horsens. Efter sin studentereksamen fik han et første kendskab til den gryende IT-branche, hvilket førte ham til København og en uddannelse som civilingeniør. Resten af sin erhvervsaktive karriere var han beskæftiget som IT-konsulent, indtil han i 2015 valgte at lade sig pensionere. I 1996 blev han medlem af – og senere formand for – De Berejstes Klub, hvor inspiration fra nye venskaber forstærkede rejselysten. Han har gennem alle årene yndet at skrive og holde billedforedrag om sine rejser, ikke mindst i rejseklubbens Café Globen. Pensionisttilværelsen udfylder han i høj grad med rejser, især i vinterhalvåret, mens en god del af sommeren tilbringes med kæresten i kolonihaven. På den niende Nepalrejse i 2019 fostredes idéen om at skrive en bog om rejserne – og livet i øvrigt.
Discover the timeless relevance of Herman Hesse’s masterwork alongside beautiful illustrations in this gorgeous hardcover gift edition of Siddhartha.
I Katmandu sommaren 2002 pågår en blodig konflikt mellan landets regim och rebeller. Den tidigare kampsportsmästaren Emelie Ekberg bor i staden sedan många år tillbaka. Hon arbetar för en anonym hjälporganisation med kontroversiella metoder.När ett uppdrag att stoppa en illegal vapenleverans går snett blir Emelie oskyldigt misstänkt för mord. Spåren pekar mot hennes hemland Sverige. Fast besluten att hitta den riktiga mördaren flyr hon tillbaka dit.I Stockholm träffar hon journalisten Markus, som undersöker ett av landets största Investmentföretag. Vad har företaget för kopplingar till vapensmugglingen? Finns den riktiga mördaren i Stockholm? Sökandet leder dem in i en härva av hänsynslösa krafter som är beredda att gå långt för att skydda sina hemligheter."Sprickan i fasaden" är en spänningsroman som utspelar sig i Nepal och Sverige och rör sig mellan Katmandus bergssluttningar och styrelserummen i Stockholm. Det är den första fristående boken i Nepalsviten, en serie om Emelie Ekberg.Hanna Wesslén, född 1982, är en svensk författare och civilekonom med en magisterexamen i företagsekonomi. "Sprickan i fasaden" är hennes debutroman.
Meet twelve incredible women from Nepal whose lives have been transformed by God. Nepali women are among the most dispossessed and downtrodden in the world. Thanks to traditional customs and religious rituals, many face ordeals unimaginable to those living in the developed world. Anna Townsend invites you to meet twelve women and discover their astounding stories. Among them is Kopisha, whose infant daughter died due to the neglect of her own family; Suki, the mother of a human trafficking survivor; and Maria, forced to marry her rapist. Poignant, shocking, but ultimately inspirational, you will be encouraged to see how God is at work in these women, changing their lives and giving them a more hopeful future. Content Benefits: These poignant stories will open your eyes to the plight of women in Nepal, but also encourage you to see that God is moving around the world and that his church is growing. Includes 12 personal stories of Nepali women, interviewed by Anna Offers an understanding of the cultural context of these stories Includes anecdotes of Anna's own experience of living in Kathmandu Will help you see what life is like for women living in Nepal Has the power to change hearts and minds towards the injustices still facing women in the world today Vividly evokes the sights and sounds of modern-day Kathmandu An insight into how God is still at work in the world Perfect for anyone who loves to hear stories of God at work Suitable for readers who love testimonies and faith-inspiring stories An inspirational gift idea for any occasion
This book brings rarely voiced lives and experiences of women in Nepal to light and combines rich ethnography with discourse analysis. Multifaceted and critical, the volume situates its narrative in the profoundly transformative period after the turn of the century when 'New Nepal' was rising on the horizon.
This book presents a profile of the majority of hot springs in and around tourist destinations in Nepal. In particular, there is a focus on Pokhara, Jumla, the world- famous Annapurna region, Ruby Valley, and Api Nampa Conservation Area. The chapter on health benefits of mineral hot springs provides a history of hot springs supported by a literature review and case study. Further chapters explore the direct uses of geothermal energy for various purposes and power generation, together with a section on conventional hydrothermal resources.This book is of interest to the general public, students, national and international researchers, energy planners, and health professionals. The book is a valuable tool for sociologists who want to gain insight into the cultural and religious aspects of hot water mineral springs.
Assuming that women's empowerment would accelerate the pace of social change in rural Nepal, the World Bank urged the Nepali government to undertake a "e;Gender Activities Project"e; within an ongoing long-term water-engineering scheme. The author, an anthropologist specializing in bureaucratic organizations and gender studies, was hired to monitor the project. Analyzing her own experience as a practicing "e;development expert,"e; she demonstrates that the professed goal of "e;women's empowerment"e; is a pretext for promoting economic organizational goals and the interests of local elites. She shows how a project intended to benefit women, through teaching them literary and agricultural skills, fails to provide them with any of the promised resources. Going beyond the conventional analysis that positions aid givers vis-vis powerless victimized recipients, she draws attention to the complexity of the process and the active role played by the Nepalese rural women who pursue their own interests and aspirations within this unequal world. The book makes an important contribution to the growing critique of "e;development"e; projects and of women's development projects in particular.
Opa Manne kann auf einen außergewöhnlichen Lebensweg zurückblicken. Seine Teenager-Enkel sind fasziniert von seinen Abenteuern. Sie wollen aber auch verstehen warum er diesen Weg gewählt hat und stellen die Fragen, die alle Enkel an ihren Großvater stellen: Wie hast du deine Kindheit erlebt, was hat dich geprägt, was sind deine Überzeugungen und was hat dich angetrieben im Leben?Er schildert in dieser Autobiografie, wie er seine entbehrungsreiche Kindheit in den 1950er- und 1960er-Jahren auf dem zukunftslosen elterlichen Bauernhof erlebte, was ihn anspornte, seinen Weg zu gehen, und was ihm wichtig war im Leben. Er erzählt nicht nur von seinen Abenteuern in Asien, sondern auch von seinen Überzeugungen, Gedanken und Gefühlen, die ihn all die Jahre begleitet und geleitet haben. Und er redet über all das, was er so gerne von seinen eigenen Großeltern erfahren hätte. Schon als 21-Jähriger geht er als Entwicklungshelfer nach Nepal. Nach dem Studium der Internationalen Agrarwirtschaft arbeitet er 22 Jahre in Asien. Erst als Single, dann mit Familie. Er- fährt mit dem Auto von Deutschland nach Nepal- trifft den Dalai-Lama,- trekkt zum Everest-Basislager,- reist monatelang durch Südostasien und mit der Transsibirischen Eisenbahn zurück. - Er übersteht Gelbsucht, Typhus, Malaria und gefährliche Situationen auf Sri Lanka.Opa Manne gibt tiefe Einblicke in seinen Alltag in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit sowie in seine prägenden Begegnungen mit beeindruckenden Menschen, darunter Nobelpreisträger und Everest-Bezwinger.Unterhaltsam beschreibt er wie er es schaffte seine Träume zu verwirklichen. Er motiviert seine Leserinnen und Leser und zeigt an konkreten Beispielen, wie sie sich mutige Ziele setzen und diese auch erreichen können. Inspirierend, mit über 220 Fotos und einmaligen Zeitdokumenten aufwendig illustriert.
This book explores the reconstruction after the 2015 Gorkha Nepal earthquake, on the basis of the author's first-hand experience that has been validated with empirical evidence. Unlike other advocacy and academic literature, the book takes readers close to the ground where the activities took place. This book describes Nepal's efforts to rebuild private housing from the preparatory to the concluding stages, and the obstacles faced and overcome along the way. It assesses the consequences of the policy level decisions and also examines the relevance, utility and future use of damage assessment surveys that were carried out in the country. In addition, lessons from the housing grant payment through the banking system, impending reasons for housing non-compliance to building standards, experimentation with resilient resettlements and unresolved issue of urban regeneration have been also delved in. The ground realities revealed that the aid architecture requires further carving out. The last three chapters have attempted to capture the macro level picture of the reconstruction and recovery endeavors: contribution to national economy, structural resilience and comparative overview of Nepal's delivery in global context. As an intimately involved professional with the 2015 Nepal Earthquake, Dr Shrestha is the authority from whom a holistic understanding can be attained regarding the response of Nepal's state and society to the Earthquake. His study will have ramification at national and global scale in handling with inescapable natural calamities. Kanak M. Dixit, Journalist and Heritage ConservationistDr. Shrestha's book provides rare insight and perspective on the issues and challenges of governance during the complex journey to reconstruction and future resilience, reflecting his long and intense engagement in the post disaster recovery and reconstruction. Vivek Rawal, Director, People-in-Centre, Ahmedabad, India This collection of balanced insightful essays methodically explores topics such as government decisions and aid during the earthquake recovery combining lived experience and a research approach to reveal lessons and future considerations. Loren Lockwood, Former National Coordinator, Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform Nepal
This book explores the development and implementation of the Clay Embodiment Research Method (CERM) with one of the most stigmatized, oppressed, and marginalized groups of women in Nepal: sex-trafficked women.It argues for the use of a feminist approach to such research given the prevailing patriarchal norms, cultural sensitivity of reproductive health, stigmatization of sex trafficking, and low literacy of the women involved. Beginning with an exploration of the author's relationship with Nepal and the women who guide the study, and the realization that a more accessible research approach was needed than the techniques otherwise commonly used, it discusses the use of clay and photography as ideal entry points to engaging with the women in the research and creating this ethical methodology for self-empowerment. Not only does the volume highlight extraordinary insights offered by the women involved in this study through the application of CERM, but also the recognition that its use requires expertise that can deal with the potential elicitation of trauma. The book makes the case for further study on improving the method's use in research, education, and therapy involving low-literate, stigmatized, oppressed, and marginalized populations, particularly where cultural sensitivity is an important consideration.A Feminist Approach to Sensitive Research is suitable for students, scholars, and researchers in Gender Studies, Sociology, Health Studies, Anthropology, and Asian Studies.
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