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Basically, the Zeus Program consists of a sophisticated meditation suit, interfaced with an optical computer, which records thoughts and interacts through an interface. To use it requires a high level of training in mental concentration and meditation. The trick is to increase the amount of oxygen in the neurons and induce deep relaxation in the whole body by floating it in the middle of a pond containing a breathable liquid. The objective of the program is to digitalize thought, to access the brain's internal processing source code and through this to achieve an interface to interconnect with the quantum intelligence foam, which modulates all the information flows of the universe, producing from instant to instant the physical reality as we perceive it. Once this phase is achieved, civilization would have the technology to redesign matter from the quantum vacuum without limits of scale and complexity. It could materialize an apple as well as a complete spacecraft.
An awestruck love letter to one of the most spectacular places on earth, from the author of international bestseller The Eight MountainsPaolo Cognetti marked his 40th birthday with a journey he had always wanted to make: to Dolpo, a remote Himalayan region where Nepal meets Tibet. He took with him two friends, a notebook, mules and guides, and a well-worn copy of The Snow Leopard. Written in 1978, Matthiessen's classic was also turning forty, and Cognetti set out to walk in the footsteps of the great adventurer.Without Ever Reaching the Summit combines travel journal, secular pilgrimage, literary homage and sublime mountain writing in a short book for readers of Macfarlane, Rebanks and Cognetti's own bestseller, The Eight Mountains. An investigation into the author's physical limits, an ancient mountain culture, and the magnificence of nature, it is an awestruck love letter to one of the most spectacular places on earth.
Drømmefangeren af Louise Voller er en fængslende roman om en chokerende afsløring i Nepal med tråde til både Danmark og resten af verden. Astrid rejser til Nepal for at undervise på en skole for børn fra børnehjem. Hun er udbrændt efter en hektisk tid som graverjournalist og efter bruddet med sin utro kæreste. Men i Kathmandu viser sig en hårrejsende virkelighed. Børnehjemmet er tomt, og børnene forsvundet. Astrid sætter sig nu for at afsløre den dystre sandhed, som har forbindelser til alle dele verden.I Danmark venter Thomas og Caroline på endelig at få lov til at adoptere. Men noget går galt, og fundamentet under deres ægteskab begynder at vakle. I Justitsministeriet sidder departementschefen med et umuligt dilemma, der kan få skelsættende betydning for 34 barnløse danskere og hans egen fremtid. Louise Vollers gribende og indsigtsfulde fortælling i Drømmefangeren er baseret på virkelige hændelser.
I starten af 1984 vender Per Allan Jensen tilbage fra den rejse, der skulle få afgørende indflydelse på hans liv, og som er beskrevet i Vendepunktet, som er første bind af trilogien Fra Horsens til Himalaya. Fuld kraft frem og bremsen i handler om årene efter forfatterens hjemkomst fra den skelsættende rejse. Fokus er i høj grad på de mange lange rejser, men vi får også indblik i forfatterens liv i kollektiv samt et afgørende jobskifte. Tilværelsen former sig på mange måder perfekt, og Per Allan har intet ønske om, at den skal ændres nævneværdigt. Men så viser det sig, at skæbnen har endnu et vendepunkt i ærmet. Per Allan er medlem af De Berejstes Klub og holder gerne foredrag om de mange rejser, der fulgte i kølvandet på den første lange rejse i 1983-84. Sammenlagt er det foreløbig blevet til næsten ni års rejser med oplevelser i 133 lande på syv kontinenter. Om bind 1 skrev lektør Louise Urban Andersen: Fin rejsebeskrivelse, der egentlig også bliver en levnedsbeskrivelse, fordi den rummer mange aspekter af forfatterens liv. Sproget er godt, og forfatteren formår at skifte mellem beskrivelser af rejsen og af sit øvrige liv, uden at det bliver kunstigt.Uddrag af bogen ”Do you have cigarets?” lyder det på halvdårligt engelsk fra den største af de to smålurvede teenagedrenge, der pludselig står foran mig. Jeg har været optaget af at kigge på det lille gnidrede kort i min guidebog og har ikke anet uråd, før de pludselig står der. Det med cigaretterne må jeg naturligvis på det kraftigste benægte og skal lige til at forklare ham, at han også burde holde sig fra den slags, men så bliver situationen mere dramatisk, da hans hånd begiver sig ned i min ene bukselomme. Meget godt klaret faktisk, da den er sikret med en tryklås. ”Gimme money, gimme money, I got a gun!” råber han nu med dramatisk stemme på endnu dårligere engelsk, mens han peger på mig med et eller andet, som han gemmer inde under sin lasede skjorte. (…) Jeg kobler al tankevirksomhed fra og svinger min højrehånd i retning af hans grimme fjæs, og kun hans ungdommelige hurtighed redder ham fra at få brug for en meget dygtig tandlæge. Han er nu heller ikke særlig kampdygtig med den ene hånd i min lomme og den anden under skjorten, og hans yngre medhjælper står bare og glor dumt, tydeligvis overrasket over udviklingen. Overraskelsen rammer os alle tre, og sekundet efter stikker de to lømler af. Jeg gør det samme, bare i den modsatte retning, for tænk hvis de kommer tilbage med forstærkninger. Om forfatteren Per Allan Jensen er født i 1951 og vokset op i Horsens. Efter sin studentereksamen fik han et første kendskab til den gryende IT-branche, hvilket førte ham til København og en uddannelse som civilingeniør. Resten af sin erhvervsaktive karriere var han beskæftiget som IT-konsulent, indtil han i 2015 valgte at lade sig pensionere. I 1996 blev han medlem af – og senere formand for – De Berejstes Klub, hvor inspiration fra nye venskaber forstærkede rejselysten. Han har gennem alle årene yndet at skrive og holde billedforedrag om sine rejser, ikke mindst i rejseklubbens Café Globen. Pensionisttilværelsen udfylder han i høj grad med rejser, især i vinterhalvåret, mens en god del af sommeren tilbringes med kæresten i kolonihaven. På den niende Nepalrejse i 2019 fostredes idéen om at skrive en bog om rejserne – og livet i øvrigt.
This groundbreaking publication offers a unique resource of information about one of the most glorious and diverse musical cultures of the Himalayas. The numerous drum traditions of Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu Valley are a vibrant aspect of traditional Newar culture that saw its heyday between the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries. The three Malla kingdoms of Bhaktapur, Lalitpur and Kathmandu competed in art, architecture, music, dance and opulent town rituals celebrating the presence of the gods. Music served as a portal between the human world and the realm of the gods. This study documents the role and repertoires of the different percussion genres in a transcribed and commented form for practical use and as a teaching aid. It also includes a dictionary of Newari terms related to music. As it focuses on the musical life of Bhaktapur during the decade starting from 1983, it could serve as a point of reference for comparison with the present situation. This publication is an outstanding contribution to the preservation of Newar culture. DE
The monograph analyzes the role of the ideal in the spiritual being of the individual, the place of the aesthetic ideal, the ontological basis of the unity of morality and aesthetics, the constructive manifestation of the aesthetic ideal in the individual and his mind, the syncretism of morality-aesthetics in the spiritual being of the individual, institutional and functional changes in the aesthetic ideal of. This monograph: aimed at scientific researchers, students studying at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the higher education system, independent researchers and wide-ranging readers interested in the aesthetic ideal of the individual.
WHO AM I?This question is the basis and root of all spirituality. The method of answering it is by self-inquiry. The only thing to be known is the Self; but it, like the Knower, is no knowledge at all, so it cannot be directly perceived.Life passes quickly and one does not inquire into what one is. Is there anything of more importance in the sensory life? The mind wanders behind hundreds and thousands of other questions, postponing the most essential one. One cannot know what the Self is, directly, since it is the unmanifest Absolute, but one can abide as the Self internally.This is the natural and eternal state of what one Is. Due to the defect of the ego we identify ourselves through the mind with the physical body. Inquiring into what the ego is, we finally perceive that it is made of the material of illusion, and that when it disappears the Self shines forth in its own state and nature.
Noch ist Nick jung, frei von Verpflichtungen. Aber sein Verlangen nach Orientierung wird immer drängender. Das treibt ihn auf eine riskante Suche in ein weit entferntes Land. Neugierig sucht er seinen Weg in der Natur, in Beziehungen, in Drogen und bei Gurus. Getrieben von inneren Widersprüchen, Abenteuerlust und Umsicht, Naivität und Scharfsinn begibt er sich auf eine Entdeckungstour voller Überraschungen.
The research titled ¿Anthropometric Study of Nasal Index of North Indians w.s.r. to Su¿rutokta N¿s¿ Pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿rä comprises chapters entitled as Introduction, Aims and Objectives, Review of literature, Material, and methodology, Observation and results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Summary.Introduction:Need of the topic selection, Concept of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra, äguli pram¿¿a, Anthropometry, n¿s¿ pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra, aims and objectives of the study, previous work done in this aspect and layout of the thesis. Review of literature:It includes the sub-topic of ¿yurvedic review and modern review.Ayurvedic review: It includes a detailed description of the Historical review (description of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra and n¿s¿ pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra in Vedic and ancient literature).This is followed by m¿na, pram¿¿a, ägula, n¿s¿ ¿¿¿¿ra, n¿s¿ pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra, importance of n¿s¿ pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra, N¿s¿ sädh¿na, importance of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra in Su¿ruta sähit¿ and its commentaries.
'Outstanding ... This book is a must-read for scholars and activists interested in the impact of grassroots knowledge-making on individuals, institutions and society' -- Rebecca Tarlau, author of Occupying Schools, Occupying Land'In social movements, people [learn how to] re-imagine their worlds. This powerful and inspiring book shows that movement education is not a luxury but a central part of effective struggle' -- Laurence Cox, author of Why Social Movements MatterLaboratories of Learning proves, through exploring inspiring social movements around the world, that the education and knowledge-making happening inside these movements is crucial for the future of social justice for all. It asks three simple but profound questions: How do movements learn and make knowledge? What kinds of knowledge do movements make? And what is its effect on individual activists, movements and even whole societies? Written in collaboration with leading activists from different movements in Turkey, Colombia, Nepal and South Africa, each case shows that these activists in the Global South can offer exciting insights into the myriad of ways that movements learn and produce knowledge as they struggle for a better world.Designed to inspire and innovate, Laboratories of Learning is an opportunity for activists to learn new, ground-breaking ideas, born out of moments working at the intersection of theory and practice, pushing the boundaries of new thinking and the limits of the possible.Mario Novelli is Professor in the Political Economy of Education at the University of Sussex. Birgül Kutan is a Lecturer at the Centre for International Education, University of Sussex. Patrick Kane is based in Cali, Colombia and has been engaged in international solidarity work for over fifteen years. Adnan Çelik is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Tejendra Pherali is Professor of Education, Conflict and Peace at the IOE, at University College London. Saranel Benjamin is a development practitioner, and Co-Executive Director of Mama Cash.
During the course of this work, researcher has findings of the Jean Piaget¿s theory derived from his skillful and detailed observations of children, discoveries of children¿s implicit philosophies or systems of belief, construction of reality by the infant and the stages of mental development have altered our ways of thinking about the intelligence mind development of children. Besides that, the Buddhäs objective is to present a discourse in theory of dependent origination to delineate a clear process of life from birth to death, seeking out the taproot of suffering and the method to vanquish suffering in the path to liberation. The mental factors, twelvefold constituents, motivation, and personality factors create a psychological foundation for understanding the function of intelligence mind development through process development of smart-kids from Buddhist psychotherapy.
If the subject of experience is transformed, the perception of the object changes accordingly. In the superconscious state of mind, both subject and object reach the point of indifferentiation, so that the subject succeeds in apprehending the essence of the object; this amplified perception is fundamental to expand the potential of scientific knowledge, which is based on observation by the subject, through the senses, and the use of instruments and measuring tools.The greater flow of information and data collection that the superconscious state of mind admits, applying the logical method, even if they are ideas and intuitions still without confirmation, can redefine problems with a scientific basis. All superconscious predictions can then be verified by the scientific method. Superconscious states are not reproducible from one mind to another, but their amplified observations, their predictions and deductions reconverted into scientific hypotheses are, by any member of the scientific community at any time.
As globalism strengthens in the world, conflict in economics, finance, and society intensifies. Methodologists construct the myth of a new social order, a new social structure, a new and fairer financial pyramid with an emphasis on divine predestination. Through artificial evolutionary selection the methodological-mythmakers of the global financial pyramid are trying to master the "living space" of man. In articles about methodology of global financial pyramid management a philosophical and economic analysis of the main instrument of globalism - global financial pyramid is conducted, and also some recipes of preservation of "living life" in modern global consumer society are offered.
This is the sixth translated book in the series of Poems of Natural Wisdom created by Shanlin-Tzu. Poems of Natural Wisdom promote an ideal of creating poetic values in life and enjoying a life with poetic values. They serve as instructions aiming to enlighten truth, approach good and pursue beauty. This book series is dedicated to people who treat life with kindness, are passionate about life and seek mind-body balance.
The study entitled ¿A comprehensive study on standardization of Anguli Pramana w.s.r. to Pramana of urdhva shakha (upper limb)¿ comprises of 8 chapters namely. Chapter 1:- IntroductionConcise introduction about need of such a study, concept of Pramana Sharira and anthropometry as described in Ayurveda and need of studies and a short review of relevant previous works done in this regard. Chapter 2:- Review of Ayurvedic literature this chapter includes descriptio n of Pamana, Maana, types of measures described in Ayurvedic classics and Anguli pramanas, a brief description of Angula as a unit of measure, etymology of the word Angula, a critical analysis of different prevalent opinions regarding Anguli pramana, detailed description of various contexts in which Anguli pramana has been used in Ayurvedic samhitas. Brief notes on Historical review of Anguli Pramana and significance of Anguli Pramana. This is followed by detailed description of references related to praman sharira as described in Ayurvedic literature, mainly Brihattrayees and also from available commentaries such as that of Dalhana, Chakrapani, Gangadhara, Haranachandra and Indu.
The study entitled "Anatomical Exploration of the Sites of Vedhya Siras of the Upper Limb as described by Acharya Sushruta." comprises of introduction, Ayurvedic review, modern review, review of diseases and Marma, cadaveric study and Sira Yantrana, discussion, conclusion and summary. Introduction: - It gives a primary idea about the importance of Sushruta Samhita in the context of anatomical and surgical knowledge. Types of Raktamokshana are described and the importance of Siravedhana as a Raktamokshana therapy is established. It gives an outline of need of study, aims and objectives, materials and methods. Review of Literature: - Both the Ayurvedic and modern reviews deals with the origin, structure and function of Sira. Siravedhana Karma is completely elucidated as a therapeutic measure. Ayurvedic Review Ayurvedic review comprises three main headings Sira Sharir, Vedhya and Avedhya Sira and Siravedhana Vidhi. Sira Sharir consists, etymology, synonyms, definition, chronology, description and classification of Sira.
Indriya sthana is one of the eight sections of Charaka samhita. It contains twelve adhyaya. In the section of Indriya sthana various arishta lakshana (fatal signs or end stage signs or symptoms) are described which leads to imminent death. It describes the prognostication of life expectancy (aayu maana) in the aatura who are in end stage of life. 'Indriya sthana' describes about 'arishta lakshana'. 'Arishtalakshana' are also known as signs of end stage of life, which are also sign of imminent death. Aatura who are suffering with arishta lakshana are not treatable. Most of time, their vyadhi are progressive, and resistive to chikitsa, so Vaidya should avoid to give chikitsa to such aatura who are with arishta lakshana. Vaidya should be able to recognize such aatura who are with arishta lakshana. They should avoid treating such aatura. With the help of concept of Indriya sthana, they can understand or recognize such aatura (patient) who is with arisha lakshana, and continuously leading to death.
The study entitled ¿Anthropometric study of Adhä ¿¿kh¿ w.s.r. to A¿guli Pram¿¿adescribed in B¿hattray¿¿ comprises of chapter entitled as introduction with aims and objectives, review of literature, methodology, observations and results, discussion, conclusion and summary. IntroductionInspiration and thought of the topic selection named ägula pram¿¿a and pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra has been mentioned. It includes concept of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra and its relevantsignificance in the contemporary sciences, need of the study, aims and objectives of the study, previous work done in this aspect and layout of the research. Review of literature: It includes the sub topic of historical review, ¿yurvedic review and modern review. Historical review: It includes the description of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra in the vedic and ancient literature. ¿yurvedic review: It includes the detailed description of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra including description of m¿na, ägula pram¿¿a, ägula as a basic unit of measurement, its etymology, various parameters regarding ägula, description of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿raregarding adhä ¿¿kh¿, its critical analysis in b¿hattray¿ and its commentaries.
This research titled ¿Comparative Study of A¿guli Pram¿¿a of Urdhva and Adhä ¿¿kh¿ as described in B¿hattray¿¿ has been conceived and completed in the following manner: Chapter 1: Introduction, It includes concise introduction about need of such a study, concept of pram¿¿a ¿¿r¿ra, äguli pram¿¿a, anthropology, aims and objectives and a short review of relevant previous works done in this regard. Chapter 2: Materials and methodology. This chapter includes materials of the study like journals, all sähit¿ of b¿hattray¿ with commentaries and other ancient literature. Methodology includes the study design of the dissertation. Chapter 3: Review of ¿yurvedic literature. This chapter includes description of m¿na, types of measures described in ¿yurvedic classics, añjali and äguli pram¿¿as, a brief description of ägula as a unit of measure, etymology of the word ägula, a critical analysis of different prevalent opinions regarding äguli pram¿¿a, detailed description of various contexts in which äguli pram¿¿a has been used in ¿yurvedic sähit¿s.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Philosophie - Philosophie außerhalb der abendländischen Tradition, Note: 1, Universität Wien (Institut für Philosophie), Veranstaltung: Die Arabische Nikomachische Ethik, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Frage, mit der sich in dieser Arbeit beschäftigt wird, ist, auf welche Weise die Behandlung der Seele und ihrer Krankheiten in der arabischen Philosophie beschrieben wird. Auch wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob die Behandlung allgemeinen Prinzipien folgt, und, wenn dies der Fall ist, inwiefern diese in Bezug auf das zu behandelnde Individuum angepasst werden müssen. In Bezug auf diese Fragen werden die arabische Übersetzung der Nikomachischen Ethik und das Werk ¿The Reformation of Morals¿ (Tah¿¿b al-äl¿q) von Yäy¿ ibn ¿ad¿ untersucht.Es werden in dieser Arbeit nicht alle Arten der Krankheiten der Seele thematisiert, sondern es wird sich auf die Bedeutung, die der Gesundheit und Krankheit der Seele bei der Herausbildung von Tugenden und Lastern zukommt, beschränkt. Es wird gezeigt, dass es von großer Bedeutung ist, sich mit der Gesundheit, Krankheit und Behandlung der Seele zu befassen, um die Herausbildung von Tugenden und Lastern zu verstehen. In diesen Zusammenhang ist es unablässig, die Frage zu stellen, in welchen Maß und auf welche Weise die Anpassung der Behandlung auf ein Individuum stattfindet, da von der Antwort auf diese Frage der Erfolg der Behandlung abhängt. Nach einer Erklärung der Begriffe ¿Seele¿, ¿Tugenden¿ und ¿Laster¿ wird sich der Bedeutung der Seele bei der Herausbildung von Tugenden und Lastern gewidmet. Anschließend wird die Gesundheit, Krankheit und Behandlung der Seele im allgemeinen und auf partikularer Ebene dargelegt. Zum Schluss findet eine Einordnung in die arabische Tradition statt.
This program enables the human body battery to receive and transform high cosmic energies from the environment, interconnects the synaptic system with the Cosmic Quantum Intelligence and activates latent telepathic and telekinetic faculties by increasing the vital energy level and modifying the psychological self-referential circuitry. The objective of the training is to amplify PSI Gamma and PSI Kappa perception and develop non-invasive biological coupling neurodigital technology. With increased energy, paranormal abilities are developed. It all depends on the intensity of the training, its regularity and the perfection of the practice. With the right effort, it is possible to become a gifted person in a short time. The techniques develop 90% of the unused potential of the brain.FlashBrain is not a technique but a set of techniques, perfected to achieve the increase of natural human intelligence. It can operate on the whole brain or neurostimulate specific areas, related to the task in which it is desired to increase the performance and efficiency of comprehension. Note: The collaboration of Abraham Andrés Hernández Cabrera is gratefully acknowledged.
What is the profile proposed by Data Buddhism? It is the harmonious combination of four activities that allow the full development of body, mind and spirit. They are:1.- Meditation and concentration: Using the most advanced techniques, brain resetting, synaptic multiplication, increased intelligence and memory, reduced risk of disease and Samadhi are achieved.Continuous learning: Academic training, study and constant reading, to enhance the brain by acquiring full knowledge based on scientific knowledge, applying the greatest lucidity and relaxation achieved through meditation to absorb new knowledge and achieve rational enlightenment based on empirical and formal science.3.- Daily psychophysical exercise: Care of the health of the body and mind on a daily basis, being disciplined in the balanced diet, in personal hygiene, in the periodic physical exercise, using the most appropriate techniques such as Hatha Yoga, Pilates, Chi Kung or Tai Chi Chuan.4.- Teleworking: To participate in a cooperative way or by means of inter-associations of capital in teleworking ventures.
¿Cuál es el perfil que propone el Budismo Data? Se trata de la combinación armónica de cuatro actividades que permiten el pleno desarrollo del cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Son:1.- Meditación y concentración: Utilizando las técnicas más avanzadas se logra el reseteo del cerebro, la multiplicación sináptica, el aumento de la inteligencia y la memoria, reducir los riesgos de enfermedades y el Samadhi.2.- Aprendizaje continuo: Formación académica, estudio y lectura constante, para potenciar el cerebro adquiriendo conocimiento pleno apoyado en el saber científico, aplicando la mayor lucidez y relajación alcanzada mediante meditación para absorber nuevos conocimientos y alcanzar la iluminación racional basada en la ciencia empírica y formal. 3.- Ejercitación psicofísica diaria: Cuidado de la salud del cuerpo y de la mente en forma cotidiana, siendo disciplinado en la alimentación balanceada, en la higiene personal, en la ejercitación física periódica, utilizando las técnicas más apropiadas como Hatha Yoga, Pilates, Chi Kung o Tai Chi Chuan.4.- Teletrabajo: Participar en forma cooperativa o mediante interasociaciones de capital en emprendimientos de teletrabajo.
Gomes is the creator of NeuroYoga (2009), a system that consists of the study of consciousness by training the concentration of attention and the mental state corresponding to meditation. He applies the knowledge of neurobiology and neurosciences, to perfect the techniques and correlate scientific theory on its results. It seeks to apply these developments through advanced neurodigital technology , NeuroYoga being the part of the Neurosciences dedicated to the understanding of the causal factors of the superconscious potential of the human brain, on another level NeuroYoga is the perfect complement to a complete neurological rehabilitation. The patient is stimulated to achieve goals which enhances self-esteem. Its effects are: increase of oxygen in the blood, decrease of high blood pressure, reduction of stress hormones, increased heart rest, activation of key brain areas, improvement of the immune system, etc.Each pathology is studied and the techniques are adapted according to the needs of the case. This defines if flexion and vertebral extension movements, joint movements or muscle toning are necessary.
Das tibetische Mustang gilt als das »verborgene Königreich« im Himalaya. In einem über 20 Jahre dauerndem Projekt wurden die heiligen Tempelwandmalereien restauriert und gleichzeitig die buddhistischen Traditionen wieder zum Leben erweckt. Die Prachtpublikation dokumentiert mit Fotografien von Luigi Fieni und Kenneth Parker das faszinierende Projekt, die Landschaft Mustangs sowie die spirituelle und weltliche Lebensweise der einheimischen Lobas.Das Königreich Mustang mit seiner mittelalterlichen Hauptstadt Lo Monthang besticht durch seine heiligen Tempel und die kunstvollen Wandmalereien. Um dem jahrhundertelangen Verfall entgegenzuwirken, startete unter Leitung des Restaurators und Fotografen Luigi Feini ein aufwändiges Restaurierungsprojekt. Das Besondere: Dieses wurde nach einer speziellen Ausbildung durch die ortsansässigen Lobas durchgeführt. Die einzigartige Initiative führte zu einer kulturellen Renaissance und dem Fortbestand der tibetisch-buddhistischen Traditionen.
Per Allan Jensen er 31 år og på vej ind i et borgerligt liv med bil, ejerlejlighed og godt job i it-branchen, da tilfældige hændelser sætter skub i realiseringen af en drøm om at forandre sit liv. Han sælger sin lejlighed, får orlov fra jobbet og tager på en lang og primitiv rejse til Sydasien. Oplevelser blandt fjerntliggende landes kølige bjergtoppe får ham til at tage sit liv op til revision. Hvad vil han egentlig med sin tilværelse? Fra Horsens til Himalaya er fortællingen om en dreng, der vokser op med en håndfast opdragelse i 1950’ernes småborgerlige provinsmiljø og får sin skoleuddannelse i brydningstiden mellem den sorte skole og tressernes frigørelsestendenser. Omgivelserne vil et, men inderst inde er der en stædig kerne i ham, der vil noget andet.Vendepunktet er første del af en beretning i tre dele. En historie om at følge sit hjerte, selv om man er i tvivl. Om at træffe valg og om at udfordre sig selv til det yderste. Og om at være stædig, når livet presser en helt derud, hvor man føler, man ikke længere kan bunde.Per Allan er medlem af De Berejstes Klub og ynder at holde foredrag om de mange rejser, der fulgte i kølvandet på den første skelsættende rejse i 1983. Sammenlagt er det foreløbig blevet til over 8½ år på rejser med oplevelser fra 133 lande og syv kontinenter.I dag er Per Allan pensioneret og drømmer om, at coronakrisen snart driver over, så det bliver muligt at foretage den tiende rejse til yndlingslandet Nepal.Uddrag af bogenJeg har arvet min mors kraftige hår, følsomme sind og hang til bekymringer og krydsord. Fra min far har jeg arvet stædighed, energi og trang til selvbestemmelse. Og fra dem begge et rimeligt udseende, en rimelig begavelse, noget jysk sparsommelighed og et kæmpemæssigt kontrol- og planlægningsgen … Min og min fars stædighed kombineret giver anledning til utallige konfrontationer, og alle midler bliver taget i brug for at få mig til at makke ret, undtagen sund fornuft, pædagogik, dialog og tolerance. Udskældninger bliver kombineret med lussinger, som de begge uddeler flittigt. Hvis det ikke er nok, må livremmen frem, den bliver dog kun håndteret af min far…”Det var da noget mærkeligt noget,” siger min mor, da hun ser den ombyggede Bedford-lastbil. Og ja, hun har jo på sin vis ret i, at det er noget mærkeligt noget med den bil. Der er i hvert fald hverken juleplatter, sølvtøj eller krystalglas, der skal tages frem og pudses og sættes til side igen. Intet ved den bil minder om mit barndomshjem, og det er præcis dét, jeg elsker ved bilen. Den rejse, der venter mig, er en slags opgør med den del af mit liv. Min fortid. Min barndom. Mine forældre og alt det de står for… Men en ting er jeg i hvert fald helt overbevist om, nemlig at jeg vil vende tilbage til Nepal senere hen i livet. Og det gør jeg. Mange gange endda. Og det med at tage alene ud på eventyr til fjerne egne, det skal vise sig at blive særdeles afhængighedsskabende…Om forfatterenPer Allan Jensen er født i 1951 og vokset op i Horsens. Efter sin studentereksamen fik han et første kendskab til den gryende IT-branche, hvilket førte ham til København og en uddannelse som civilingeniør. Resten af sin erhvervsaktive karriere var han beskæftiget som IT-konsulent, indtil han i 2015 valgte at lade sig pensionere. I 1996 blev han medlem af – og senere formand for – De Berejstes Klub, hvor inspiration fra nye venskaber forstærkede rejselysten. Han har gennem alle årene yndet at skrive og holde billedforedrag om sine rejser, ikke mindst i rejseklubbens Café Globen. Pensionisttilværelsen udfylder han i høj grad med rejser, især i vinterhalvåret, mens en god del af sommeren tilbringes med kæresten i kolonihaven. På den niende Nepalrejse i 2019 fostredes idéen om at skrive en bog om rejserne – og livet i øvrigt.
Emptiness is a key concept in Buddhism. Emptiness (Shunyata, in Sanskrit) does not mean Nothingness, it is not the negation of everything, it is not the extreme of nihilism. All phenomena do not exist in and of themselves, they are interdependent, they lack intrinsic existence. Each small object depends on the universe that sustains it to exist and on an endless causal chain. Everything is interconnected, it is the dependent origin of things, where nothing exists in isolation from the rest of the universe.However, the human being, because of his ego, sees external things in isolation and separated from himself. When everything that exists belongs to an inseparable causal chain. We suffer from an illusion of separation. When we open our mind to Emptiness, we understand that all phenomena are absent of intrinsic existence, including the individual self, then we understand the essential nature of what we are.
The MS technology, based on mantric meditation, increases your IQ 20% or more, after 2 years of continuous practice. After 7 minutes of meditating, your brain resets and starts working at Alpha wave, at an average frequency of 10 Hz, facilitating the entry of the mind to the state of superlearning, with peaks of 5 Hz of Theta waves and 2.5 Hz of Delta waves, allowing access to the superconscious. It is an effective and proven psychophysical method of self-control and mental relaxation, totally natural, without side effects, non-polluting. It is a totally free access knowledge that will change your life and expand your limits. Within 30 minutes of practicing the entire endocrine system will be self-regulated. During the practice of SM the metabolic rate is reduced by 16% in a matter of minutes, while in sleep the reduction is only 12% and after several hours. This means that meditation provides a deeper rest than sleep, but during the period the mind remains alert and awake, without loss of consciousness, as happens during sleep. This unique functioning of body and mind is called "Alertness at Rest".
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