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Bøger om New York City

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  • af Hope C Tarr
    188,95 kr.

    "Eighteen-year-old Rose O'Neill leaves her beloved Ireland and boards a steamer bound for New York City. She's starting a new life with Adam, the American soldier who's sworn to marry her. But when she arrives at New York Harbour Rose finds herself abandoned, pregnant and alone. Scared and homeless, she takes a job at one of New York's luxury hotels, and gradually begins to see a future for herself and her unborn child. But when a deadly fire rips through the hotel, in one shocking moment Rose loses all she has built. Rose's luck finally begins to change when she meets fireman Joe Kavanaugh, a man determined to win her heart. Rose and Joe build a family and a business that takes them from the struggling Lower East side, to the glamour of New York's finest department store. If only Rose can let go of her past and the love she lost. Rose has come from nothing and built an empire, but the outbreak of the Great War in Europe threatens to topple the dynasty which she has sacrificed so much to build. Can she find her way back to happiness, and the future she set out to find a quarter of a century before..."--

  • af Jorg Rubbert
    468,95 kr.

    Livin' in the Hood berichtet von den persönlichen New-York-Erlebnissen der beiden Fotografen Jürgen Bürgin und Jörg Rubbert und nimmt den Leser mit auf eine visuelle Zeitreise zurück in die Jahre 1990 und 2013/14. Der Bildband dokumentiert prägende Ereignisse und berichtet von inspirierenden Begegnungen aus einer Stadt, die sich in dieser Zeitspanne grundlegend verändert hat. Dabei zeigt das Buch nicht nur Bilder der beiden Straßenfotografen, sondern teilt persönliche Anekdoten und Geschichten sowie weitere Texte und Informationen.Insgesamt bietet es einen tiefen Einblick in die Lebenswirklichkeit im New York der Jahre 1990 und 2013/14. Es vermittelt dem Leser einen Eindruck davon, wie sich New York in jenen Jahren "anfühlte", und zieht Vergleiche zu den gesellschaftlichen und politischen Veränderungen jener Zeit.

  • af Horst Hamann
    498,95 kr.

    So war New York noch nie zu sehen. Fünf Jahre hat Horst Hamann für dieses außergewöhnliche Projekt fotografiert und dabei die Panoramafotografie sprichwörtlich auf den Kopf gestellt. entstanden ist der erste vertikale Bildband über die einzig vertikale Stadt der Welt- inzwischen ein Klassiker der Fotografiegeschichte.

  • af David Rothman
    238,95 kr.

    April 2020, at the height of the pandemic in NYC, Andrew, a funeral director, meets a legendary Coney Island witch doctor (Lelya Dorche), who makes him an offer that could help him to keep his elderly parents and his asthmatic son alive.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    139,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Kane og Abel fødes samme dag i 1906. Abels mor dør under fødslen, og han vokser op som hittebarn i et fattigt polsk landarbejderhjem. Abel er en ualmindelig kvik dreng, så trods hans ringe herkomst, sender den lokale baron bud efter ham, så baronens jævnaldrende søn kan blive undervist sammen Abel.Tusinder af kilometer derfra, i Boston, USA, fødes William Kane. Han vokser op i en gammel. fornem og meget rig familie og hans skæbne er at overtage faderes plads som øverste chef for Kane & Cabot Bank.Ad dramatiske omveje kommer Abel til USA, hvor han får arbejde som tjener på et hotel. Han arbejder sig hurtigt op og får efter ejerens død, ansvaret for hele hotelkæden, der er i alvorlige økonomiske vanskeligheder efter krakket i Wall Street i 1929 og den efterfølgende store depression. Her krydser Kane og Abels skæbner hinanden og de to mænd bliver dødsfjender. 

  • af Rebecca Serle
    138,95 kr.

    Det er en klassisk selskabsleg: Nævn fem personer, døde eller levende, som du ville invitere til et middagsselskab, hvis kun fantasien satte grænser.For Sabrina viser legen sig på magisk vis at være blevet til virkelighed, da hun ankommer til sin 30-års fødselsdagsmiddag og hilser på selskabet. Ud over hendes nærmeste venner tæller gæstelisten nemlig også tre betydningsfulde personer fra hendes fortid … og, ja, Audrey Hepburn! Men efterhånden som retterne serveres, vinen skænkes og samtalerne spirer, står det klart for dem alle, at det ikke er tilfældigt, at de er blevet samlet.En magisk aften er en bittersød romance om de mennesker, som har været med til at forme vores liv. Det er en bevægende roman om en aften ud over det sædvanlige, hvor glassene klirrer, alt imens fortid, nutid og fremtid kolliderer, og et liv vendes på vrangen.

  • af Lauren Rosenblum
    408,95 kr.

    "A Model Workshop" untersucht den viel zu wenig erforschten Einfluss Margaret Lowengrunds (1902-1957) als visionäre führende Künstlerin, Veranstalterin und Kritikerin auf die Druckgrafikszene in der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts auch im Licht der von ihr gegründeten New Yorker Druckwerkstatt / Galerie "The Contemporaries".Anhand des Werdegangs der Grafik in den 1950er-Jahren belegt der Band den Stellenwert von Lowengrund und The Contemporaries als einflussreicher Knotenpunkt der Druckkunst in der Jahrhundertmitte. Mit Originaltexten neben Archivdokumenten kartografiert das Buch die Aktivitäten, Netzwerke und Vermächtnisse von Lowengrund und The Contemporaries und verortet sie dabei in einer Reihe von Kontexten wie gewerkschaftlich organisierter Arbeit, Feminismus und Unternehmertum, internationalem Austausch und moderner Druckgrafik.

  • af Nancy Bilyeau
    118,95 - 188,95 kr.

  • af Louise Kastrup Scheibel
    198,95 kr.

    Hæsblæsende storbystemning og vandreture i vildnisset. Hurtige highways og amish-folk i hestevogn. Æblecider og ahornsirup. Fra Atlanterhavets vilde kyster til Adirondacks hundrede bjergtoppe. Dette hjørne af USA favner New Englands rødgule efterårsfarver, mikrobryggerier og magtens korridorer i Washington D.C.

  • af James Patterson
    168,95 kr.

    The fifteenth instalment in the globally bestselling Michael Bennett series.--------------------Detective Michael Bennett must discover who's murdering glamorous young women - before his eldest daughter is targeted.Detective Michael Bennett and the NYPD are aboard a police boat in the Hudson River searching for a murder victim - a young college student.They find her tossed in the dark waves, dressed for a night out. The gruesome sight fills Bennett with dread only a father could fathom.As the obsessive killer extends his spree, a pattern emerges. One that Bennett's eldest daughter fits to a harrowing degree.Now NYPD's top detective must lure the murderer into the light of day before the next deadly strike lands closer to home than Bennett could ever bear - as a parent and a protector.--------------------Readers are loving Obsessed . . . 'Excellent''I can't wait for the next one''Another absolute cracker from James Patterson''My go-to author. Always guaranteed to deliver!''Captivating'_____________________________________Praise for James Patterson'Nobody does it better.' Jeffery Deaver'One of the greatest storytellers of all time.' Patricia Cornwell'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' Ian Rankin'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' Lee ChildObsessed was a No. 7 Sunday Times bestseller 15/07/23

  • af Jackie Azua Kramer & Sol y Canto
    98,95 - 178,95 kr.

  • af Mikki Brammer
    120,95 - 223,95 kr.

    Hvad er meningen med at give andre en smuk død, hvis man ikke kan give sig selv et smukt liv?Ting, vi fortryder er en hjertevarm, klog og humoristisk roman, der tager livtag med et af de mest tabuiserede emner i den vestlige kultur – døden – og forvandler den til en hyldest til livet.Clover Brooks har altid følt sig tættere knyttet til de døende end til de levende. Da hendes elskede bedstefar dør alene, mens Clover er ude at rejse, begynder hun at arbejde som sjælesørger i New York og dedikerer sit liv til at hjælpe folk gennem deres sidste tid.Clover tilbringer så meget tid med de døende, at hun ikke har meget tid til overs til sig selv – indtil en af hendes klienter en dag sender hende ud for at søge efter en gammel kærlighed. Rejsen tvinger Clover til at tage stilling til, hvad hun ønsker for sit eget liv, alt imens hun kæmper for at finde fodfæste i en helt ny og ukendt verden af venskab og kærlighed.

  • af Jack Kerouac
    168,95 kr.

    From the renowned Beat writer, Kerouac’s colorful and meandering search for his family history, now reissued following his centenary celebrationSatori in Paris is the semi-autobiographical tale of Jack Kerouac’s trip to France in search of his heritage. Beginning in Paris and moving west to Brittany, Kerouac traces the paths of his ancestors and explores his own understanding of the Buddhism that came to define his beliefs. From his familiar milieu of strangers and all-night conversations in seedy bars, to a pivotal cab ride in which he experiences Buddhism’s satori—a feeling of sudden understanding—Kerouac’s affecting and revolutionary writing transports the reader. Published at the height of his fame and showcasing his mature talent, Satori in Paris is a lyrical, rollicking tale of philosophy, identity, and the power and strangeness of travel.

  • af Noah B. Ewans
    255,95 kr.

    Der neue Liebesroman "Bis ans Ende unserer Zeit" ist lustig, romantisch, traurig und gefühlvoll geschrieben. Also genau das Richtige für alle Fans von romantischen Liebesgeschichten.Die Geschichte handelt von der ersten großen Liebe der beiden Teenager Emy und Ethan, die sich am Weihnachtsabend auf einer malerischen Eisbahn in New York kennenlernen. Ethan ist seit dem tödlichen Unfall seiner Mutter, kurz bevor er nach New York aufbrechen wollte, unglücklich und traurig. Er hat nur ein Ziel: Er will weg aus New York und zurück in seine Heimatstadt München, weil er glaubt, nur dort sein verlorenes Glück wiederfinden zu können.Entschlossen und voller Liebe setzt Emy alles daran, Ethan in New York zu halten. Aber wird ihre Liebe stark genug sein, um Ethans innere Dämonen zu besiegen? Tauchen Sie ein in die Gefühlswelt der beiden, spüren Sie die Aufregung, als sie sich endlich finden, und erleben Sie die herzzerreißende Verzweiflung, als sie sich trotz ihrer großen Liebe trennen und wieder finden. Kommen Sie mit auf eine Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle, bei der die erste große Liebe von Emy und Ethan auf eine harte Probe gestellt wird.

  • af Iris Morales
    298,95 kr.

    Revisiting Herstories: The Young Lords Party examines the rise of feminism in the organization from 1969 to 1972 and the factors that advanced or derailed it.

  • af Hanna Jameson
    98,95 kr.

  • af Stefan Marx
    253,95 kr.

    In "Das Kapitel" (¿), Stefan Marx wanders around highly commercialized New York, deals with human feelings and forms of life on both sides of the Atlantic, documents superficial materialism and contrasts it with typefaces made up of quotes and lines. In 52 drawings, Stefansan shows a chapter of our present. From right to left.

  • af Jessica Knoll
    103,95 - 128,95 kr.

    Ani FaNelli har utrætteligt iscenesat sig selv, siden hun var 14 år. Nu er hun 28. Hun er blevet en smuk kvinde, hun skriver klummer til det fashionable New York Women’s Magazine, hun bor på den rigtige adresse i Manhattan, og snart skal hun giftes med en rig arving og kan så træde direkte ind i det toneangivende overklassemiljø i New York. Hun er besat af tøj og af mærkevarer, og hun sulter sig for at kunne passe brudekjolen i den eftertragtede size zero. Hun har manipuleret med alt og alle - ikke mindst med sig selv - for at blive præcis den person, hun tror, hun skal være. Det er ikke nogen rar person. Men Ani har en hemmelighed. Som 14-årig hed hun Tif Ani og kæmpede for at blive accepteret på den fine kostskole, som hendes irsk-italienske forstadsforældre anbragte hende på. Her overlevede hun en tragedie, der var så smertefuld og så ydmygende, at hun for enhver pris må undgå, at den trænger sig på og forstyrrer hendes pæne overflade. Men scener fra dengang dukker op i flashbacks, som hun ikke kan afværge, og snart må hun tage en meget stor beslutning.

  • af Chester Himes
    96,95 kr.

    A preacher called Deke O'Malley's been selling false hope: the promise of a glorious new life in Africa for just $1,000 a family. But when thieves with machine guns steal the proceeds - and send one man's brain matter flying - the con is up. Now Grave Digger Jones and Coffin Ed mean to bring the good people of Harlem back their $87,000, however many corpses they have to climb over to get it.Cotton Comes to Harlem is a non-stop ride, with violence, sex, double-crosses, and the two baddest detectives ever to wear a badge in Harlem.With a new Introduction by Will Self.

  • af Darragh McKeon
    146,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE KERRY GROUP IRISH NOVEL OF THE YEAR AWARD 2024'A quiet work of art that explores the complexity of trauma in the wake of the Enniskellen bombing. McKeon's writing is sensitive, elusive and philosophical, and pursues an elusive truth at the heart of the Troubles.' PAUL LYNCH 'Exceptional ... The imaginative storytelling and fine prose of Remembrance Sunday puts McKeon in the big leagues' Irish Times'A supreme storyteller' Sunday Times'If you enjoy Colum McCann's work, this novel is for you' Irish Independent'Impressive ... A poignant, delicately composed novel that doesn't stint on the wreckage of violence' Daily Mail 'Beautifully written' Sunday IndependentChinatown, New York. After a chance encounter with an old friend, Simon Hanlon, an Irish architect, experiences a seizure, his first in almost thirty years. Soon, they come to him daily.As he awaits a brain operation, Simon turns his mind back to his childhood on a farm near the Irish border. At fifteen, he was present when an IRA bomb exploded at the Remembrance Sunday parade in Enniskillen. It was in the following weeks that his seizures first began. Now, he is compelled to seek out the bomber from the remnants of his past, and to ask himself the question: why do we harm one another?Remembrance Sunday is a moving and unforgettable novel about love, empathy and the ways in which history imprints itself upon our hearts and minds.***'Deeply felt and delicate, Remembrance Sunday is a timely evocation of the havoc the Troubles wreaked, not just on the street, but on the soul' CLAIRE KILROY'Beautifully wrought, startlingly perceptive, stealthily gripping . . . It moves masterfully between the forensic and the lyrical, the meditative and the dramatic, the personal and the political' KEVIN POWER'McKeon animates a story out of the North's recent history with much skill and empathy. Complicating the commonplace, attempting to make sense of the senseless, the novel is an impressive and moving act of imagination and remembrance' NICK LAIRD'A stunning achievement. I was completely gripped by it and awed at the sublime skill and beauty of its execution. Darragh has created a work of art of immediate relevance and enduring importance' DONAL RYAN

  • af C. Hunag
    273,95 kr.

    Beherrschen die Vorstände amerikanischer Banken und Investmentfirmen das globale Handelsgeschehen?Wie groß ist ihr Einfluss auf die Politik?Welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich hieraus für Mario Kramer, einen jungen deutschen Banker,der ungewollt in die Fänge dieses Systems gerät?Und was ist die Mission des EXPERTEN, einem der weltweit besten Auftragsmörder?

  • af Rebecca Serle
    123,95 kr.

  • af John Leo Gillen
    395,95 kr.

    This unique, visually exciting look at the evolution of nightclubs across America and Europe since the 1960s reveals an unwavering truth about club culture-the one constant is change. Opening with the psychedelic haunts of the 1960s New York pop art scene and closing more than half a century later with the rise of post-club happenings, "Temporary Pleasure" shows how nightlife spaces have evolved to meet the needs of their generation, and how each generation was seeking something a little different from the one before. Each chapter focuses on a distinct phase and location: Italy's politically radical clubs of the '60s; New York City's disco scene; Detroit and Chicago's techno and house paradises; Ibiza's counterculture communal retreats; Britain's rave culture; and Berlin's techno scene. The clubs come to life in double-page spreads that feature specs and detailed profiles. Author John Leo Gillen offers his take on various important cultural, design, and architectural details, while numerous photographs offer their own vibey stories. The book features interviews with people who were involved in a number of the scenes included, from NYC disco mainstay DJ Justin Strauss to Ben Kelly, architect of Manchester's legendary venue The Haçienda. As the world emerges from its Covid-induced isolation, this celebration of crowded rooms, dance-worthy beats, and communal transcendence feels more important than ever.

  • af James Patterson
    108,95 kr.

  • af Danielle Steel
    108,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Johanna Hedman
    96,95 - 146,95 kr.

  • af Carlene Bauer
    114,95 - 166,95 kr.

    'The instant feminist classic our generation has been waiting for' Ada Calhoun, author of Why We Can't Sleep A fabulous power ballad to female friendship, Girls They Write Songs About is a thrumming, searching novel about the bonds that shape us more than any love affair Rose and Charlotte arrive in 1990s New York, fresh out of university and fizzing with ambition. When they end up working at the same music magazine, Charlotte earnest, bookish is wary of brash, outspoken Rose. But hesitancy soon gives way to a unique friendship that will change both girls forever. Determined to take advantage of every day in this exasperating, jubilant city, their lives become entirely entwined. Together they find love and lose it, hit their strides and stumble, see each other through marriages, motherhood, divorces, career glories and catastrophes. But what happens when your lives start to fall out of sync? What does it mean to give up on the dreams that held a friendship together? As smart and comic as it is gloriously exuberant, Girls They Write Songs About takes a timeless story and turns it into a pulsing, wrecking, clear-eyed tale of two friends reckoning with the lives they've chosen, and the countless ways all the women they've known have made them who they are.

  • af DK Eyewitness
    153,95 kr.

    Experience New York City the local way with this insider's guideHome to soaring skyscrapers, world-renowned parks and a foodie scene like no other, this rapturous city is a cultural colossus. But it's not all about the Empire State Building and the Met Museum. Beyond the well-trodden sights there's a secret side of the city - and who better to guide you to it than the locals? This insider's guide is packed with recommendations from New Yorkers in the know, helping you to discover all their favourite hangout spots and hidden haunts. Canoe along Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal, browse long-standing record stores in the East Village and while away an evening at an Upper East Side wine bar. Whether you're a New Yorker looking to uncover your city's secrets or a traveller seeking an authentic experience beyond the tourist track, this stylish guide makes sure you experience the real side of New York City.

  • af Gunhild Bauer
    1.468,95 kr.

    Before the rise of Pop Art proper, Alex Katz developed an iconic style of figurative painting in the early 1960s- influenced by film, television, and billboard advertising. Seemingly detached and incredibly stylish, he created portraits of the New York scene as well as idyllic landscapes. Printmaking plays an equally central role in Katz's work. He uses lithographs, etchings, silkscreens, woodcuts and linocuts to reproduce, reflect and further reduce his bold aesthetic, while retaining the radiant color characteristic for his paintings. Since the first edition in 2011, Katz has almost doubled his output of prints-this timely new edition includes his complete prints, cutout editions, artists' books, and also lists his works of applied art like book illustrations and public art projects. New essays and interviews with the artist give profound insights into the work of one of the foremost American artists of the present.When ALEX KATZ (*1927, New York City) began his artistic career in the 1950s, Abstract Expressionism was the reigning style. Ahead of his time, he created stylized portraits against flat, monochrome backgrounds. From 1965 onwards, he embarked on a prolific career in printmaking, exhausting all its possibilities: from traditional craftsmanship to state-of-the-art reproduction techniques.

  • af Olivie Blake
    96,95 - 146,95 kr.

    In New York City where we lay our scene, two rival witch families fight to maintain control of their respective criminal ventures. The Antonova sisters are beautiful, cunning, and ruthless, and their mother, known only as Baba Yaga, is the elusive supplier of premium intoxicants. On the other side, the influential Fedorov brothers serve their father, the crime boss known as Koschei the Deathless, whose criminal enterprise dominates the shadows of magical Manhattan.For twelve years, they have cooexisted in a fraught stalemate. But when bad blood brings both families to the precipice of disaster, fate intervenes with a chance encounter. Now, with deadly conflict on the horizon, everyone must choose a side. As the siblings struggle to stake their claim, fraying loyalties threaten to rot each side from the inside out.If the enmity between empires doesn't destroy them first.From the no.1 international bestselling author of The Atlas Six, One For My Enemy is a captivating fantasy story of ambition, sacrifice and the enduring power of family legacies.

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