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  • - Bibelen - udvalgte fortællinger på grønlandsk
    197,95 kr.

    Biibilimiittut qinikkat meeqqanut inersimasunullu, 50-inik assiliartallit qupperneq tamakkertarlugu, Esben Hanefelt Kristensenip sanaavinik.Bibelen, Udvalgte fortællinger på grønlandsk.

  • - - en personlig grønlandshistorie
    af Christel Lüttichau
    137,95 kr.

    Grønlænderinden er fortællingen om et langt liv i Grønland før og nu. Maria Meyer er en mønsterbryder, rundet af de nedarvede dyder i en traditionel fangerfamilie, som kommer til at bane vejen for de grønlandske kvinder. Men hendes egen vej frem har haft en pris. Maria fortæller åbent om de problemer og udfordringer, hun som ung grønlandsk kvinde stod over for, da hun skulle ud i verden og møde drømmene og fordommen.Gennem Marias personlige historie udfoldes et stykke grønlandshistorie om et fangersamfund af i går og et moderne selvstyre af i dag med en ny stor, international interesse for Grønlands rigdomme – noget Maria Meyer, i dag 80 år, også har en mening om.

  • af Marcel Sauer
    360,95 kr.

    Eine visuelle Reise. In diesem Buch zeige ich Ihnen das Wesen einer der berühmtesten Städte der Welt durch das Objektiv meiner Kamera. Ich nehme Sie mit auf eine atemberaubende Reise durch die rauen und turbulenten Straßen von New York City.Dieses Buch ist ein visueller Liebesbrief an die Vielfalt, die Unver- wüstlichkeit und die grenzenlosen Möglichkeiten, die diese Stadt zu bieten hat. Ich lade Sie ein, die pulsierende Seele New Yorks zu erle- ben, indem ich die beeindruckenden Sehenswürdigkeiten und den Geist einer Stadt, die Millionen von Menschen inspiriert und in ihren Bann zieht, für immer festhalte.Für Fotografen sind die Koordinaten der Aufnahmeorte zu jedem Foto hinzugefügt.

  • af Andrea Fritz
    178,95 kr.

    In this picture book featuring Coast Salish art and Traditional Storytelling techniques, a little deer tricks a greedy raven into sharing his food.

  • af Lisa Maria Burgess
    207,95 kr.

    In spring, the Sonoran Desert of Arizona is full of activity. Look beneath the cacti, and you will find holes in the ground. So, what's in the hole? Join the animals, birds, insects, and reptiles to figure out the puzzle.

  • af Yásnaya Aguilar
    127,95 kr.

    Translation of: èAèa: manifiestos sobre la diversidad linguistica.

  • af Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
    227,95 kr.

    The Gift Is in the Making retells previously published stories that bring to life Anishinaabeg values and teachings for a new generation. Readers are immersed in a world where all genders are respected, the tiniest being has influence in the world, and unconditional love binds families and communities to each other and their homeland.

  • af Dominique Hunter
    307,95 kr.

    In this collection of poetry and short stories, Dominique Daye Hunter explores the histories, intergenerational and personal trauma, healing, and resilience of the Afro-Indigenous diaspora. Other themes highlighted in the book include Indigenous spirituality, Afro Indigenous identity, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, perspectives of Southeastern Indigenous peoples, traditional Yesáh / Saponi culture, reclaiming African roots, ancestral guidance, self-love, food sovereignty, and water rights.

  • af Brad Wagnon
    187,95 kr.

    "An educational resource of the Cherokee language as well as artwork for people of all ages. Contains the complete Cherokee alphabet and a pronunciation guide for speaking the language"--

  • af Roberto Múkaro Agueibaná Borrero
    407,95 kr.

    A precedent-setting, updated dictionary, and grammar guide for the Indigenous Classic Taíno Language developed by Indigenous Taíno leaders. The publication features historical review on the development of the Classic Taíno Language, in-depth comparative analysis with related and unrelated regional Indigenous languages, introductory grammar and syntax, detailed tables for focused study, a comprehensive word listing featuring simplified spelling, phonetic pronunciations, botanical information, updated taxonomic identifiers for plants and animals, an Indigenous-centered presentation of word definitions, and word source information for each entry. The publication also includes a brief focus on sentence phrasing, an English to Taíno index, and reference pages. Gu'ahia Taíno is the culmination of almost a decade of collaboration between Kasike (Chief) R. Múkaro Agueibaná Borrero and the United Confederation of Taíno People's Taíno Language Committee. The Taino were the first Indigenous Peoples of the Americas to be called Indians and their descendants remain throughout the Caribbean and the Diaspora today.

  • af Marcus Dods
    287,95 kr.

  • af Garth Wilson
    307,95 kr.

    The goal of the Conversational Navajo Workbook is to introduce you to the basic structure of the Navajo language without a lot of linguistic jargon. This workbook is only the beginning to your study and mastery of the Navajo language. Patterns are introduced that present grammatical concepts in a topical format. The workbook is designed to be not only a course text, but also a self-study guide. There are two main sections. The first is a pronunciation guide designed to help you learn the phonology system of the Navajo alphabet. The attached audio CD pronunciation guide will help you to accurately pronounce Navajo words. The second section are twenty topical lessons that present new vocabulary and concepts. The other included CDs provide a pronunciation model for the vocabulary and practice questions. This guide is designed to be used in conjunction with the Conversational Navajo Dictionary, a pocket-sized quick reference guide.

  • af Juan de Córdoba
    297,95 kr.

  • af Andrea Fritz
    227,95 kr.

    In this picture book featuring Coast Salish art and Traditional Storytelling techniques, a wood duck and a crow turn a mistake into an opportunity for friendship and growth.

  • af Naomi Nagy
    1.207,95 kr.

    "Reporting a large-scale project, this is the first book to investigate heritage language variation and change across 3 generations, in 8 under-documented languages spoken in Toronto, with homeland comparisons. It introduces new methods for multilingual data collection, curation, quantitative analysis and interpretation of spontaneous speech"--

  • af Kelsey Borgford
    227,95 kr.

    Tessa loves how her grandmother always smells of campfire stories. Mom says it's because Kohkom spends her days sewing beautiful beads onto smoked hides. Inspired, Tessa asks Kohkom to teach her beading, but first she must listen and learn the many stories held in a bead. Dual language edition in Ininîmowin (Cree N-dialect) and English.

  • af Leo J. Frachtenberg
    217,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Penny M. Thomas
    112,95 kr.

  • af Gyetxw (Brett D Huson)
    207,95 kr.

    As flowers and trees begin to bloom and bud, Nox Ap, the bee mother, emerges from her winter sleep. To the Gitxsan, she is nature’s gardener. In the seventh book of the Mothers of Xsan series, readers will discover the important role of the bumblebee, the honeybee, and the yellow jacket wasp as pollinators in the Xsan ecosystem.

  • af Dale Auger
    207,95 kr.

    Kayâs is a young Cree man blessed with a gift that makes him a talented hunter. He knows the ways of the animals he hunts and can even talk with them in their own languages. But when he becomes arrogant and takes his abilities for granted, he loses his gift. Without his ability to hunt, his people grow hungry. But with the help of the Elders and the Beings that inhabit the water, Kayâs learns to cherish and respect the talents and skills he has been given. Illustrated with the powerful paintings of the late Dale Auger, this new edition of the award-winning Mwâkwa Talks to the Loon teaches valuable lessons and includes a Cree glossary and pronunciation guide.

  • af Gary Robinson
    157,95 kr.

    A tribal prophecy indicates Billy Buckhorn is the long-awaited Chosen One. In the second installment of the Thunder Child Prophecy, he is destined to battle the Night Seers of the Owl Clan as they plan to retake control of the Middleworld.

  • af Hali Heavy Shield
    227,95 kr.

    Naaahsa says art is a language everyone understands. Sometimes we make art together. We draw, we bead, we sing. Sometimes Naaahsa tells stories in Blackfoot. I even get to go with her to see her art show at the National Gallery. Naaahsa is famous for her art, but I love her hugs best!

  • af Phil Bellfy
    267,95 - 437,95 kr.

  • af Ageha
    197,95 kr.

    how do we forgive those people who have hurt us most?

  • af Lyle Campbell
    1.469,95 kr.

    The Indigenous Languages of the Americas is a comprehensive assessment of what is known about their history and classification. It identifies gaps in knowledge and resolves controversial issues while making new contributions of its own. The book deals with the major themes involving these languages: classification and history of the Indigenous languages of the Americas; issues involving language names; origins of the languages of the New World; unclassified and spurious languages; hypotheses of distant linguistic relationships; linguistic areas; contact languages (pidgins, lingua francas, mixed languages); and loanwords and neologisms.

  • af Freda Ahenakew
    187,95 kr.

    Provides insights into traditional Cree ways of life and the damage done by colonialism kôkominawak otâcimowiniwâwa / Our Grandmothers' Lives is a collection of reminiscences and personal stories from the daily lives of seven Cree women over the past century, presented here in Cree and English. Faithfully transcribed and translated, their voices illustrate the prominent role women had in Cree society, accurately describe a way of life that existed for centuries, and speak to the decline of social cohesion, deprivation, and destruction caused by colonialism. Originally recorded in Cree in the 1980s, these women share their memories of their lives and the history of their peoples, describing activities such as household chores, snaring rabbits and picking berries, going to school, marriage, bearing and raising children, and providing insights into the traditional teachings of a society in which the practical and spiritual are never far apart.

  • af Avelino Corral Esteban
    1.826,95 kr.

    Cheyenne: An Analysis of Clause Linkage provides a detailed description of Cheyenne syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, notably on its nominal and verbal system and in both simple and complex sentences.Based on fieldwork conducted on the Northern Cheyenne reservation, this book, which seeks to address descriptive and theoretical issues involving complex sentences, has three major aims: i) to present a morpho-syntactic, semantic, and discourse-pragmatic description of complex sentences in Cheyenne; ii) to investigate the relationship between the semantic and syntactic dimensions of complex sentences; and iii) to contribute to the research, preservation, and revitalization of this ancestral language spoken in the United States of America.This book will be informative for scholars interested in language typology, comparative linguistics, theoretical linguistics, and language documentation, as well as those interested in Cheyenne learning and teaching.

  • af Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bogaert
    217,95 kr.

    This small book features a collection of the first known vocabularies of the Mohawk language dating from the mid-17th century. It features a 1635 vocabulary of about 200 words from the anonymous Journey into the Mohawk and Oneida Country, ascribed to Harmen van den Bogaert. The volume also includes Wassenaer's numerals and month names of 1624, and 15 words and phrases from Megapolensis's list of 1644.

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