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  • af John Dewey
    174,95 kr.

    "Moral Principles in Education" is a book written by the influential American philosopher and educator John Dewey. The book was published in 1909 and is part of Dewey's broader body of work on education and philosophy.In "Moral Principles in Education," Dewey explores the relationship between education and the development of moral principles. He argues that moral education should be an integral part of the educational process and that moral principles should be taught in the context of real-life experiences and situations. Dewey emphasizes the importance of active learning, problem-solving, and democratic principles in moral education.Dewey's ideas on education and ethics have had a lasting impact on the field of education, and his writings continue to be influential in discussions about the role of education in shaping moral character and responsible citizenship. This book is an important work in Dewey's educational philosophy and his broader contributions to pragmatism and progressive education.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    224,95 kr.

    "Moods" is a novel written by American author Louisa May Alcott, first published in 1864. This early work of fiction by Alcott explores themes of love, courtship, and the choices that women face in relationships and in life.The story follows the main character, Sylvia Yule, a passionate and independent young woman, as she navigates the complexities of love and relationships. Set in a New England village, the novel delves into the emotional and moral dilemmas faced by its characters as they grapple with societal expectations and personal desires.While "Moods" is less well-known than Alcott's more famous work "Little Women," it still offers a thoughtful and nuanced examination of women's roles and the choices they make in the 19th century. It reflects Alcott's early exploration of feminist themes and the complexities of human emotions and relationships.

  • af William Walker Atkinson
    177,95 kr.

    "Mind and Body" is a book written by William Walker Atkinson, a prolific author known for his work in the New Thought and metaphysical movements in the early 20th century. In this book, Atkinson explores the relationship between the mind and the body and how the two are interconnected in achieving personal well-being and success.Atkinson's work delves into topics such as the power of thought, the influence of the mind on physical health, and the principles of mind-body healing. He discusses techniques and practices to harness the mind's potential for achieving physical and mental harmony, self-improvement, and overall wellness. "Mind and Body" is part of Atkinson's larger body of work, which emphasizes the power of positive thinking, mental focus, and self-improvement for achieving personal goals and living a fulfilling life.

  • af Hector Malot
    187,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af Nicolas Machiavel
    178,95 kr.

  • af Nathaniel Hawthorne
    173,95 kr.

    "Main Street" is a novel by Sinclair Lewis, published in 1920. It tells the story of Carol Milford, a young woman who marries and moves to the small, fictional town of Gopher Prairie in Minnesota. The novel explores the clash between Carol's more cosmopolitan and progressive ideas and the conservative, narrow-minded attitudes of the town's residents. It is a critique of small-town American life and conformity.

  • af Stephane Mallarme
    223,95 kr.

    "Divagations" est un recueil d'essais, de poèmes en prose et de réflexions littéraires écrit par le poète français Stéphane Mallarmé. Publié en 1897, cet ouvrage représente une exploration de la pensée créative et de l'expression artistique. Mallarmé y aborde des sujets variés, de la poésie et de l'art à la musique et à la philosophie. Il utilise un style complexe et symbolique pour explorer la nature du langage, de la poésie et de la créativité. "Divagations" est considéré comme une ¿uvre majeure de la littérature symboliste et a eu une influence significative sur le développement de la poésie moderne en France.

  • af Jane Austen
    177,95 kr.

    ¿Love and Friendship and Other Early Works¿ is a collection of early works by the eminent British writer Jane Austen. This compilation includes texts such as ¿Love and Friendship,¿ ¿The Three Sisters,¿ ¿Catharine,¿ and others. These writings offer insight into Austen's early literary efforts, revealing her developing style and her early explorations of themes related to love, friendship, and social relationships. These texts present elements that foreshadow his later work, notably his insightful look at society and well-defined female characters. This collection is a fascinating window into the evolution of Jane Austen's writing before she became famous for her classic novels such as "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility."

  • af Pierre Loti
    185,95 - 224,95 kr.

  • af Enrico Palumbo
    148,95 kr.

    Lovers of Italy and la dolce vita will be charmed by this cosy crime novel set on the coast and in the hills of Liguria. We are transported to its bars and restaurants, treated to culinary feasts, regional specialities and mouth-watering cocktails in this story of Giuseppe Caponnetto, a newly retired Capitano from the Carabinieri and his involvement in solving a heinous murder on a helpless old man. There are hints of romance and intrigue, fascinating details of Italian life, hints at Italian politics and history, and references to films (see if you can spot them!). Enrico Palumbo introduces an engaging cast of characters and draws on his own experience of life in Italy and his own Italian heritage to transport us to this fascinating region of Northern Italy and entertain us in a most diverting manner.

  • af Pierre Loti
    139,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af John Burroughs
    288,95 kr.

    "Locusts and Wild Honey" is a collection of essays written by John Burroughs, a celebrated American nature essayist and conservationist. Originally published in 1879, this book captures Burroughs' deep appreciation for the natural world and his profound observations of the American countryside.In this collection, Burroughs delves into various aspects of the natural world, from the behaviors of birds and the habits of wild animals to the intricate patterns of plant life. His writing is marked by a sense of wonder and a commitment to preserving the environment for future generations. The essays are known for their vivid descriptions, keen insights, and a lyrical style that brings readers closer to the wonders of nature."Locusts and Wild Honey" stands as a testament to John Burroughs' passion for the natural world and his belief in the importance of forging a connection with and protecting the environment. His writings continue to inspire readers to appreciate and care for the beauty of the natural world.

  • af Jane Austen
    174,95 kr.

    "Lesley Castle" is an early work by the British writer Jane Austen, written in 1792. It is an epistolary novella which consists mainly of letters exchanged between the characters, a common literary format at the time.The story takes place in the small town of Lesley Castle and revolves around the social relationships, romances, gossip and characters' characters. The story is told primarily through the letters of Margaret Lesley, who writes to her friend, Miss Charlotte Lutterell. Margaret's letters describe the intrigues and events that take place at Lesley Castle, including the infatuations and disenchantments of the inhabitants.The text is both a satire of the social conventions of the time and a humorous exploration of human characters and behavior. Jane Austen already shows her talent for keen observation of social interactions and her subtle humor.Although "Lesley Castle" is not as well known as Jane Austen's major novels, it offers an interesting insight into her early literary works and her developing writing style.

  • af Jane Austen
    223,95 kr.

    Jane Austen's "Letters" is a collection of personal correspondence written by the renowned English novelist. The letters offer a fascinating insight into Austen's life, thoughts, and relationships, providing a more personal and intimate view of the author behind some of the most beloved novels in English literature.These letters were written to various family members and friends, including her sister Cassandra, and they cover a wide range of topics, from family news and daily life to her opinions on literature, society, and her own works. Austen's wit, humor, and keen observations shine through her letters, much like in her novels.The collection of Jane Austen's letters not only provides valuable historical and biographical information but also offers readers a deeper understanding of her as a person and as a writer. They are a treasure trove for Austen enthusiasts, scholars, and anyone interested in the life and times of this iconic author.

  • af Alphonse Daudet
    221,95 - 273,95 kr.

  • af Maurice Leblanc
    229,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • af Pierre Loti
    288,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Sigmund Freud
    175,95 kr.

    Lorsque l'investigation psychanalytique, qui se contente habituellement du frêle matériel humain, s'approche des grands personnages de l'humanité, elle n'y est pas poussée par les motifs qui lui sont souvent attribués par les profanes. Elle ne s'efforce pas de "noircir l'éclatant et d'entraîner le sublime dans la fange" ; elle ne trouve aucune satisfaction à réduire la distance entre la perfection des grands et l'insuffisance des objets ordinaires. Mais elle ne peut s'empêcher de trouver digne d'être compris tout ce qui peut être perçu à travers ces prototypes, et elle croit aussi qu'aucun n'est assez grand pour avoir honte d'être soumis aux lois qui régissent avec la même rigueur les actions normales et morbides.Léonard de Vinci (1452-1519) était admiré même par ses contemporains comme l'un des plus grands hommes de la Renaissance italienne, mais il leur apparaissait déjà aussi mystérieux qu'il nous apparaît aujourd'hui. Génie aux multiples facettes, "dont la forme ne peut être que devinée mais jamais approfondie", il a exercé l'influence la plus décisive sur son époque en tant qu'artiste, et il nous reste à reconnaître sa grandeur de naturaliste qui s'est unie en lui à celle de l'artiste. Bien qu'il ait laissé des chefs-d'¿uvre de l'art pictural, bien que ses découvertes scientifiques soient restées inédites et inutilisées, le chercheur en lui n'a jamais tout à fait quitté l'artiste, il l'a souvent gravement blessé et, en fin de compte, il l'a peut-être complètement supprimé. Selon Vasari, Léonard s'est reproché, à la dernière heure de sa vie, d'avoir insulté Dieu et les hommes parce qu'il n'avait pas fait son devoir envers son art. Et même si le récit de Vasari manque de vraisemblance et appartient à ces légendes qui ont commencé à se tisser sur le maître mystique de son vivant, il n'en garde pas moins une valeur incontestable de témoignage du jugement de ces gens et de cette époque.

  • af Charles Beaudelaire
    178,95 - 220,95 kr.

  • af Emile Zola
    228,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Walt Whitman
    218,95 kr.

    "Leaves of Grass" is a poetry collection by the American poet Walt Whitman. First published in 1855, it is one of the most significant works in American literature. Whitman continued to expand and revise the collection throughout his life, resulting in multiple editions.This collection is known for its celebration of the individual, democracy, and the beauty of the human experience. Whitman's poetry is characterized by free verse and a direct, emotional style. He often explores themes of identity, nature, the human body, and the interconnectedness of all people."Leaves of Grass" is considered a seminal work of American transcendentalism, and Whitman's open and sensual exploration of themes, along with his innovative style, had a profound influence on American poetry and literature.

  • af John Dewey
    224,95 kr.

    "New Essays Concerning Human Understanding" is a philosophical work written by the German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. John Dewey, on the other hand, was an American philosopher and educator known for his work in pragmatism and education.Leibniz's "New Essays Concerning Human Understanding" is a response to John Locke's "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding." In this work, Leibniz presents his own philosophical views on the nature of human understanding, knowledge, and the mind. He critiques Locke's empiricist approach and argues for the existence of innate ideas and principles.John Dewey, on the other hand, is known for his contributions to the philosophy of education and his pragmatic philosophy, which emphasizes the importance of experience and practical problem-solving in learning and philosophy.

  • af Alain Fournier
    227,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    228,95 - 230,95 kr.

  • af Guy De Maupassant
    147,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Denis Diderot
    149,95 - 228,95 kr.

  • af Prosper Mérimée
    143,95 - 174,95 kr.

  • af Henri Poincare
    226,95 kr.

    "La Science et l'Hypothèse" (in English, "Science and Hypothesis") is a philosophical and scientific work by the renowned French mathematician and physicist Henri Poincaré. In this book, Poincaré explores the philosophy of science and the role of hypothesis in scientific inquiry.The book is a collection of essays in which Poincaré delves into various aspects of the scientific method, the relationship between theory and experiment, and the importance of hypothesis in the development of scientific knowledge. He emphasizes the creative and heuristic nature of hypothesis formation and its significance in advancing scientific understanding.Poincaré's work is notable for its insights into the philosophy of science and the intricate interplay between mathematical theory and empirical observation. It has had a lasting impact on the philosophy of science and continues to be studied and referenced by scholars in various fields.

  • af Léon Tolstoï
    219,95 kr.

    "La Sonate à Kreutzer" (in English, "The Kreutzer Sonata") is a novella written by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, known as Léon Tolstoï in French. This work is a powerful and controversial exploration of themes related to marriage, jealousy, and morality.The story is narrated by Pozdnyshev, who reflects on his failed marriage and the circumstances that led to the tragedy. The central focus of the novella is the intense jealousy Pozdnyshev feels, particularly regarding his wife's relationship with a violinist named Trukhachevsky and their performance of Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata.Tolstoy delves deep into the psychological and emotional aspects of jealousy, love, and human nature. "La Sonate à Kreutzer" is celebrated for its exploration of morality, relationships, and the consequences of irrational jealousy.

  • af Yei Theodora Ozaki
    225,95 kr.

    "Japanese Fairy Tales" by Yei Theodora Ozaki is a collection of traditional Japanese folktales and legends, retold by Yei Theodora Ozaki, a Japanese translator and author. The book was first published in 1903 and is celebrated for bringing these enchanting stories to English-speaking readers.This collection includes a diverse range of tales, featuring legendary characters such as samurai, ghosts, demons, and animals. Many of the stories are deeply rooted in Japanese culture and mythology, offering readers a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Japanese folklore. The narratives often emphasize themes such as honor, bravery, and the supernatural.Yei Theodora Ozaki's retellings are notable for their accessible and engaging style, making these timeless tales enjoyable for readers of all ages. "Japanese Fairy Tales" has played a pivotal role in introducing Western readers to the captivating world of Japanese folklore.

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