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Efter en turbulent barndom på kostskole, børnehjem og i plejefamilie tog Jim Latrache-Qvortrup som 19-årig til Fremmedlegionen og blev faldskærmssoldat. Senere begyndte han at sælge narko og blev i 90’erne og 00’erne leverandør af kokain til det københavnske jetset, indtil han en dag blev fanget og sendt i fængsel. Dømt for 1,6 kilo kokain. Mødet med en kvinde mellem to fængselsophold gjorde, at han forandrede sit liv og sin tankegang radikalt. Han blev lovlydig forretningsmand og er i dag en succesfuld iværksætter med gang i flere forretninger og projekter i København. På sidelinjen har han i fire år været undercover i Nordkorea og spillet rollen som den falske forretningsmand Mr. James, som infiltrerer det lukkede regime i Mads Brüggers dokumentarfilm Muldvarpen – Undercover i Nordkorea.
Nordkorea er ubetinget verdens mest lukkede land, alligevel lykkedes det som den første udenlandske forfatter Kåre Bluitgen at bo og rejse i landet i over en måned og lave interviews og besøge institutioner og steder som den første. Jeg vil gerne klippes ligesom Kim Jong Un er som den første bog på dansk, der kommer rundt om mange aspekter ved det nordkoreanske samfund fra det historiske til de aktuelle tendenser i retning af religiøs tolerance og hastige økonomiske liberaliseringer. Kom med til frisøren i et land, der siges at have påtvungne frisurer, til fodboldlandskamp og på besøg hos et oppositionsparti. Og kom med til det enorme kunstakademi, forarmede landbrug og fabrikker, der står stille på grund af strømsvigt. Forfatteren har også besøgt fjerntliggende provinser, deltaget i en kristen gudstjeneste og verdens største militærparade, mødt buddhistiske munke og landets handicappede, der for få år siden officielt ikke eksisterede. Det er lykkedes at samle en række unikke indtryk fra dette ukendte land, der viser, at koreanske religioner og tusinde år gamle traditioner betyder langt mere end europæiske ideer som kommunisme og individualisme. Bogen afdækker også, at styret på ingen måde er irrationelt, som det ofte opfattes i Vesten, men tværtimod er dygtigt til at opnå gevinster ved højt spil og kold beregning i forhold til en omverden, der på grund af uvidenhed ofte ser ud til at blive taget ved næsen.
”Kommunismen – før og nu” tager udgangspunkt i de tanker om et idealsamfund baseret på lighed, fællesskab og retfærdighed, som mennesker har gjort sig gennem tiden.I bogen beskrives virkeliggørelsen af de russiske bolsjevikkers utopi med udgangspunkt i Karl Marx’ ideologi, den realiserede kommunisme, den omfattende terror og de forfærdelige menneskelige og kulturelle omkostninger. Kommunismen behandles fra 1917 og frem til dens sammenbrud i Rusland og Østeuropa. Også kommunismen i Kina, Cuba og Nordkorea omtales.Kommunismen i Danmark behandles særskilt. Kommunismen viste sig at være en blindgyde.Bent Jensen (f. 1938) er dansk historiker og forfatter. Han er professor emeritus ved Syddansk Universitet og har været leder af Center for Koldkrigsforskning. Han er oprindeligt uddannet cand.mag. i historie og russisk og har udgivet en lang række bøger om russisk historie.
Korea har en lang og omtumlet historie – og er i dag en delt nation. Sydkorea er et levende demokrati, verdens 10. største økonomi og efterhånden også en kulturel magtfaktor. Nordkorea har det mest autoritære regime i verden, er et fattigt land i en rig region og er bedst kendt for den personlighedskult, der er opbygget omkring Kim-familien.Forfatterne kortlægger i denne bog det moderne Koreas historie fra slutningen af 1800-tallet, gennem den japanske besættelse, krig og koldkrigsspændinger til i dag. De ser også på nutidens markante forskelle mellem Nord og Syd – og på udsigten til genforening.Sjette bog i serien “Den korte historie”.
En sanse- og oplevelsesmættet erindrings/rejsebog af høj kvalitet om en rejse til en forfatterkongres i Nordkoreas hovedstad, Pyongyang, i 1986.
Det moderne Kina – fra kejserdømme til kapitalisme er en fuldt opdateret 3. udgave af Mette Holms populære lærebog til gymnasiet, hhx og hf/VUC. Bogen giver eleverne en grundig gennemgang af landets omtumlede historie fra begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede til i dag.I de første 75 år under Kommunistpartiets uindskrænkede ledelse og under skiftende politiske – somme tider yderst destruktive – kampagner har Kina udviklet sig fra et tilbagestående, sønderlemmet og urfattigt land til et moderne industrisamfund og verdens næststørste økonomi med forbindelser til store dele af resten af verden.Udviklingen har været ujævn, nogle gange buldrende, andre gange forsigtig. Særligt bemærkelsesværdig er den mageløse fattigdomsbekæmpelse såvel som det enorme løft i den generelle sundhedstilstand og levestandard. Dog uden at befolkningens politiske frihed er fulgt med.Mette Holm er journalist, forfatter og foredragsholder og har beskæftiget sig med Kina i over 45 år.
Chancen für die gewaltlose Vereinigung geteilter Nationen bestehen, wenn alle Beteiligten sie wollen: diejenigen, die von der Teilung bislang profitierten, ebenso wie alle von ihr Betroffenen, zumeist die Leidtragenden. Kurz gesagt, es muss zu einem Nutzenwandel der Teilung kommen. Nach 20 Jahren Entspannungs- und Ostpolitik gab es 1990 eine Situation, die ein vereintes, in Europa integriertes, Deutschland als besser für Frieden und Stabilität erscheinen ließ als dessen Teilung, welche ihren Nutzen verloren hatte. Deutschlands Normalisierungsprozess stößt in China, auf Taiwan und Zypern sowie in Korea auf großes Interesse. Seine Relevanz wird jedoch unterschiedlich eingeschätzt: als ein in Teilen anzustrebendes Modell oder aber als Tragödie. Nordkorea möchte eine solche Entwicklung auf jeden Fall vermeiden, Taiwan strebt ein gutnachbarschaftliches Verhältnis zur Volksrepublik China an, aber keine Wiedervereinigung. Die Republik Zypern wünscht sich eine Vereinigung wie in Deutschland. Die Türkische Republik Nordzypern möchte durch Normalisierung Anerkennung erreichen und eine möglichst lockere Konföderation. Nach wie vor ist der Entspannungs- und Vereinigungsprozess Deutschlands in diesen Ländern ein genau studierter Untersuchungsgegenstand, allerdings mit sehr selektiver Wahrnehmung. Zukünftige Entwicklungen zwischen der Volksrepublik China und Taiwan sowie auf der koreanischen Halbinsel werden auch direkte Auswirkungen auf Deutschland haben.
During the 1970s and early 80s, dozens - perhaps hundreds - of Japanese civilians were kidnapped by North Korean commandos and forced to live in 'Invitation Only Zones', high-security detention-centres masked as exclusive areas, on the outskirts of Pyongyang. The objective? To brainwash the abductees with the regime's ideology, and train them to spy on the state's behalf. But the project faltered; when indoctrination failed, the captives were forced to teach North Korean operatives how to pass as Japanese, to help them infiltrate hostile neighbouring nations.For years, the Japanese and North Korean authorities brushed off these disappearances, but in 2002 Kim Jong Il admitted to kidnapping thirteen citizens, returning five of them - the remaining eight were declared dead. In The Invitation Only Zone, Boynton, an investigative journalist, speaks with the abductees, nationalists and diplomats, and crab fishermen, to try and untangle both the kidnappings and the intensely complicated relations between North Korea and Japan. The result is a fierce and fascinating exploration of North Korea's mysterious machinations, and the vexed politics of Northeast Asia.
Seit Januar 2020 hat Nordkorea seine Grenzen für Ausländer geschlossen. Doch schon zuvor war es aufgrund des Verbots unautorisierter Aufnahmen und strenger Kontrollen durch das Regime äußerst schwierig, seine geheimnisvollen Landschaften zu fotografieren. Tariq Zaidi verfügt über ein umfangreiches Archiv von Bildern, die er über zwei Jahre hinweg aufgenommen hat. Sein Buch zeigt eine Auswahl mehr als 100 bemerkenswerter Fotografien, die Einblick in die nordkoreanische Gesellschaft gewähren. Zaidi fängt gekonnt die Resilienz, den Geist und die kulturellen Nuancen des Volkes in seinem Alltag ein. Jedes Foto ist ein Fenster in eine verborgene Realität, enthüllt das komplizierte Wechselspiel zwischen Tradition und Moderne und beleuchtet die komplexe Dynamik einer Nation, die ihren Weg unter den Augen der Weltöffentlichkeit sucht.Nach dem preisgekrönten "Sapeurs. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Congo" ist dies Zaidis zweites Buch im Kehrer Verlag.
This book examines Iran and North Korea from a non-proliferation lens. It highlights how these two countries stand out as nuclear challenges vis-à-vis the NPT and unpacks their nuclear history, recent developments, nuclear resolve in the times of the pandemic and future challenges in a comprehensive manner. It shows how these two issues remain similar, distinguished, dynamic but static so far progress on non-proliferation is concerned.The book will be a valuable read for students, scholars, academicians, policy practitioners and anyone invested and interested in nuclear issues.
North Korea is in the throes of economic and social, if not political, transition. This book examines the complex relationship between gender roles and economic and social changes in North Korea.
Verdenssamfundets forsøg på at forhindre Nordkorea i at udvikle langtrækkende atomvåben er ved at slå fejl. Ved et tilfælde falder to journalister på Dagbladet Information over oplysninger, som tyder på, at en mand i Næstved igennem en årrække har været en nøglespiller i Nordkoreas omgåelse af de internationale sanktioner. De hvirvles ind i en sag, der skal ende med at tage dem flere år."Forbudt farvand" er den utrolige og hidtil ufortalte historie om, hvordan en mystisk forretningsmand slog sig ned i Danmark og byggede en verdensomspændende forretning på varm luft og en vilje til at se stort på internationale sanktioner. Og hvordan han medvirkede til oprustningen af nogle af verdens værste diktaturer.
This edited volume explores the past, present, and future of the Korean Peninsula, with special focus on South Korea, by connecting developments in politics with those in international relations and diplomacy.
Recent North Korean diaspora has given rise to female refugee groups fighting for the protection of women's rights. Presenting in-depth accounts of North Korean women defectors living in the UK, this book examines how their harrowing experiences have become an impetus for their activism. The author also reveals how their utopian dream of a better future for fellow North Korean women is vital in their activism. Unique in its focus on the intersections between gender, politics, activism and mobility, Lim's illuminating work will inform debates on activism and human rights internationally.
North Korean Women in Power is the first field report on North Korea written by a South Korean woman reporter in English. Chun Su-jin, who refers to herself as a "Korean-Korean (South Korean nationality with a North Korean heritage)," introduces four North Korean women who make Chairman Kim Jong-un complete-the one and only blood to Chairman Kim, Kim Yo-jong; the First Lady with pride and dignity, Ri Sol-ju; a seasoned career diplomat, Choe Son-hui; and a de facto protocol officer, Hyun Song-wol.North Korea is a small, isolated country ruled by the authoritarian leader Kim Jong-un. They have locked the door and claim that they have nuclear weapons. Then they keep sending signals to the world-mainly to the United States and South Korea-by making statements and shooting missiles. So it may be inevitable for North Korea to be considered an incomprehensible strange country. But Chun tells us that they need to be properly understood for the safety and security of the world and the key to understand this hermit kingdom is the people who move the regime: the leader Kim Jong-un and his female entourage.There are quite a few books on North Korea, but not from a Korean-Korean. This book is the first of its kind from South Korean point of view targeting English-speaking readership. This is the product of the author's nearly 20 years of experience meeting and writing about North Korea. She has talked to tens of dozens of sources for this book alone, not to mention many others she met while working as a news reporter. This book will allow readers develop more interest and understanding the enigmatic country and its people
"Examines the flourishing relationship between North Korea, Cuba, and the Latin American Left through the 1960s, offering a new understanding of North Korean foreign policy and the rise of Tricontinentalism. An important addition to studies on the international Left and the Cold War"--
A spectacularly illustrated new history and analysis of the strategic bombing campaign in the Korean War, which saw the last combat of America's legendary B-29s. Just five years after they defeated Japan, at the dawn of the jet age, the most advanced bomber of World War II was already obsolescent. But the legendary war-winning Superfortresses had one more war to fight, in the strategic air campaign against North Korea. The bombers' task was to destroy North Korea's facilities for waging war, from industry and hydroelectric dams to airfields and bridges. However, it was a challenging campaign, in which the strategy was not merely military but political. In this fascinating book, airpower scholar and former RAF pilot Michael Napier explains how the campaign was fought, and how the technique of 'bombing to negotiate' that would become notorious in Vietnam was already being used in Korea. He analyses in detail the relationship between battlefield progress, armistice negotiations and the bombing strategy developed over the complex campaign. In the skies over Korea, the B-29s operated in a new world dominated by jet fighters and jet age technology, and tactics were developing rapidly. Packed with original illustrations, this book includes dramatic air scenes featuring B-29s, MiG-15s, AD Skyraiders and Skyknight jet nightfighters in action. It also includes maps, 3D recreations of missions and explanatory 3D diagrams to bring the conflict to life. This is a fascinating, dramatic account of the last battles of the piston-engined aircraft era as the superpowers vied for victory in the first clash of the Cold War.
This book examines the sanction regimes imposed by the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations against Russia, Iran, and North Korea. While the application of sanctions as a foreign policy tool has developed considerably, particularly over the last three decades, their empirically verifiable effects remain contested. Based on detailed empirical evidence, this book investigates the dynamic nature of individual sanctions measures, their multi-layered objectives as a foreign policy tool, their effects on the targeted economies and governments, and how targeted states respond to them. Furthermore, it offers a rare comparative perspective. The book presents a concise summary of the most important aspects and describes some key characteristics that could improve the use of sanctions as a foreign policy tool. This book will appeal to researchers, scholars, and students of international relations, as well as practitioners and policy-makers interested in a better understanding of the effects of sanction regimes and the improvement of sanctions as a foreign policy tool.
"In the decades between the Great Depression and the advent of cable television, when daily newspapers set the conversational agenda for the people of the United States, the best reporter in the business was a rumpled, hard-drinking figure named Homer Bigart. His reporting left marks on history. In 26 years at the New York Herald Tribune and 17 more at the New York Times, Bigart chronicled and brought to life the events that defined the era - wars in Europe, the Pacific, Korea, and Vietnam, the civil rights movement, the creation of Israel, the end of colonialism in Africa, and the Cuban revolution. He was one of the first reporters to visit and describe Hiroshima after the atomic bomb. He was the first correspondent to penetrate the Haganah, the militant Zionist underground in Palestine. He recounted the trial of Adolf Eichmann, the Army-McCarthy hearings, and the court-martial of William Calley. A model of versatility, he also wrote with verve and compassion about strip mining in Kentucky, squalor on the Bowery and the murder of a shopkeeper in Harlem. Despite two Pulitzers and a host of other prizes, Bigart never sought fame; when he retired from the New York Times in 1972, he quickly faded from public view, and few today know the extent to which he was esteemed by his peers and those who came after, including Neil Sheehan and David Halberstam. This is the first comprehensive biography to encompass all of Bigart's reporting, not just his war reporting"--
The robber barons of the tech revolution - Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk and others - have led the way to wealth inequality nearly as extreme as at the turn of the nineteenth century, with damaging implications for democracy. How has this happened and what can we do about it?
Too Big to Jail examines how HSBC became the Mexican drug cartel's bank of choice and how, when caught, they avoided prosecution.
Victor Cha and Ramon Pacheco Pardo explore the history of modern Korea, from the late nineteenth century, Japanese occupation, and Cold War division to the present day. This comprehensive history sheds light on the evolving identities of the two Koreas, explaining the differences between North and South, and the prospects for unification.
Richard Carey fought at Chosin Reservoir, then flew 204 combat sorties in Vietnam--this is the inspirational story of a Marine Corps legend.
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