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  • af Faye Levy
    313,95 kr.

    Thanks to the ever-increasing number of kosher products available to home cooks, it's never been easier or more satisfying to prepare delicious, wholesome, and healthful kosher meals. In this new collection of exciting recipes, acclaimed journalist, cooking teacher, and cookbook author Faye Levy presents a progressive, upbeat approach to nutritious kosher cuisine that highlights the pleasure of preparing and eating mouthwatering dishes that promote well-being.Kosher foods are being used in more and more American homes, and their abundance and diversity is increasing at an impressive rate. From the traditional to the exotic, from extra-virgin olive oil to tasty cheeses, from spicy condiments to Asian-style sauces, from Latin flavors to Indian, Levy introduces both novice and seasoned cooks to a grand array of international ingredients. By showcasing them in such dishes as Poached Turkey with Mushrooms, Wheat Berries, and Dill; Diced Vegetable Salad with Pepitas and Papaya; Marseilles-Style Fish with Saffron and Fennel; and Turkish Autumn Vegetable Casserole with Chicken, she shows how they will add zest to any menu while maintaining solid nutritional value.With a focus on foods with substantial health benefits, such as nuts, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, Levy revamps old favorites, turning them into updated wholesome creations, including Springtime Chicken Soup with Asparagus, Fava Beans, and Whole Wheat Matzo Balls; Passover Haroset with Pistachios and Pomegranate Juice; Rosh Hashanah Chicken with Dates and Almonds; and Apple Apricot Whole Wheat Noodle Kugel. She introduces new classics to the festive Jewish kitchen, such as Cucumber, Jicama, and Orange Salad with Black Olives; Buckwheat Blintzes with Goat Cheese and Ratatouille; Spicy White Bean Soup with Kale; Purim Baked Turkey Schnitzel with Sweet-Sour Onion Compote; and Macadamia Orange Cake with Red Berry Sauce. Whether you're cooking for yourself and your family any day of the week or preparing a holiday feast for friends and relatives, Healthy Cooking for the Jewish Home is bound to satisfy all your culinary needs.Variety is not only the spice of life; it's also the spice of nourishing menus. The two hundred healthful, tasty, innovative kosher recipes in this book are sure to add inspiration to your menus and variety to your daily eating, as well as zest to the lives of those who share your table.

  • af Theodor Mommsen
    238,95 kr.

    The History of Rome is a multi-volume work by the German historian Theodor Mommsen. It was first published in the mid-19th century and remains one of the most influential works on ancient Rome to this day. The book covers the period from the founding of Rome to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Mommsen's writing is characterized by its attention to detail and its commitment to using primary sources to reconstruct the past.One of the most notable features of The History of Rome is its focus on political and legal developments. Mommsen was particularly interested in the Roman Republic, which he saw as a crucial stage in the development of Western political thought. He was also interested in the role of law in Roman society, and he devoted significant attention to the development of Roman law and its influence on subsequent legal systems.Despite its academic focus, The History of Rome is eminently readable and accessible to a general audience. Mommsen's writing is clear and engaging, and he has a talent for bringing the past to life. Overall, The History of Rome is a masterpiece of historical writing and an essential read for anyone interested in the history of ancient Rome.

  • af Kerstin Dross-Krupe
    468,95 kr.

    The present volume of the journal contains seven papers and nine reviews. The contributions deal with further Greek professional titles, mainly from the Byzantine period [Diethart, part V], the problem of the Roman emperor's tent for military campaigns [Stoll], further professional titles and job titles in papyri, ostraca and inscriptions - part 2: M-O [Reinard], an ostracon against Kleippides Deiniou Acharneus from Kerameikos O 78 [Degelmann], Syrian overseas merchants trading in the Roman Empire [Degen, Reinard], golden denarii in the Periplus Maris Erythraei [Geus, Li] and business ethics in Plato's Republic with the World's First Industrialist [Silvermintz]. The book reviews deal with recent publications on new research on taxes in the Ancient Near East, the creation, reception and response to Seleucid ideology, accounts and bookkeeping in the Ancient World, wages, prices and values in the Roman Empire, Roman law and maritime commerce, the emergence of the modern-type contract in ancient Greece, Roman law in general, the history and memory of Germanicus Caesar, and models of agricultural production in north-eastern Hispania.

  • af N. S. Wikarski
    228,95 kr.

    During the untold millennia before patriarchy was conceived, the world was a very different place. Nothing concealed stays buried forever.THE ARKANA SERIESThe forgotten past refuses to stay buried in an artifact hunt spanning continents, centuries, and lost civilizations. The prize is a cache of myth-busting relics that could rewrite history or end it completely. When a secret society squares off against a ruthless fundamentalist cult, only one faction can win. More importantly, only one will survive.Volume 7 - The Sage Stone ProphecyIn the series finale, the Nephilim and the Arkana scour the farthest reaches of the planet for the hiding place of the legendary relic known as the Sage Stone. At the same time, mortal danger threatens friends and foes alike as the cult's leader pushes humanity to the brink of extinction. The fate of the world hinges on the outcome of a final confrontation with both factions pinning all their hopes on a prophecy that might not mean exactly what it says. If you've followed this saga from the beginning, THE SAGE STONE PROPHECY reveals at long last who will claim the most sought-after relic of all and how many others will lose their lives trying.

  • af N. S. Wikarski
    208,95 kr.

    During the untold millennia before patriarchy was conceived, the world was a very different place. Nothing concealed stays buried forever.THE ARKANA SERIESThe forgotten past refuses to stay buried in an artifact hunt spanning continents, centuries, and lost civilizations. The prize is a cache of myth-busting relics that could rewrite history or end it completely. When a secret society squares off against a ruthless fundamentalist cult, only one faction can win. More importantly, only one will survive.Volume 2 - The Mountain Mother CipherIn THE MOUNTAIN MOTHER CIPHER, the race is on between Arkana agents and Nephilim operatives as they rush off to Turkey in search of clues leading to legendary artifacts. Among ancient megaliths on the top of Mount Ida, the foes square off in a literal cliffhanger of a confrontation. At the worst possible moment, the Arkana crew discovers that the Nephilim aren't their only competitors for lost treasure. Unforeseen obstacles and unknown enemies thwart their efforts to complete their mission and escape unharmed. This crisis teaches the newest member of the Arkana team where her real loyalties lie, but not all of the crew might make it home alive.

  • af Michelle Holthouse
    188,95 - 423,95 kr.

  • af Peter Mujzer
    383,95 kr.

    At the end of the First World War, Hungary, as a member of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, found itself on the losing side. Its army disintegrated and its armaments were acquired or destroyed by the victorious Allied nations. However, in the late 1920s, Hungarian diplomacy did all it could to reduce its isolation, forging relations with Italy and other neighboring countries to try to create a better position for Hungary among European nations. A kind of secret rearmament favoured by the new political movements in Europe at that time soon began.In this contest, Italy was among the main protagonists that made the Magyar military renaissance possible. Various cooperation projects were set up, and within the framework of these, Italy supplied or granted licences for various weapon systems, both land and aviation. Many vehicles were involved in this cooperation: among the vehicles, the L3 tankettes together with the Fiat B 3000 light tank. Artillery tractors such as the Pavesi and Breda, numerous artillery equipment and guns. Motor vehicles and motorbikes. In the avionic field: the Fiat CR 32, CR 42, Reggiane 2000 and CA 135 bombers.

  • af Tonya Simpson
    169,95 kr.

    In this gentle picture-book lullaby written in both Plains Cree and English, the sounds of the land soothe an Indigenous child to sleep on a stormy summer night on the Plains.

  • af Tonya Simpson
    169,95 kr.

    In this gentle picture-book lullaby, the sounds of the land soothe an Indigenous child to sleep on a stormy summer night on the Plains.

  • af Andrea Fritz
    169,95 kr.

    In this picture book featuring Coast Salish art and Traditional Storytelling techniques, a little deer tricks a greedy raven into sharing his food.

  • af Heinz Handler
    415,95 kr.

    Das Integrationsprojekt der Europäischen Union ist über seine wirtschaftlichen Erfolge noch nicht weit hinausgekommen, die ursprüngliche Idee einer politischen Union nach den Krisen des vergangenen Jahrzehnts in weite Ferne gerückt. Mit dem Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine ist eine Krise hinzugekommen, die Europa vor enorme innere und äußere Herausforderungen stellt und eine Neubewertung der geopolitischen sowie wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen der Europäischen Union erforderlich macht. Für die 2. Auflage wurden die Inhalte entsprechend überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Neu sind die beiden Kapitel über den Ukrainekrieg und dessen Einfluss auf die Bemühungen der Europäischen Union, die Energiekrise und den Klimawandel zu bewältigen.Der Inhalt Krisen formen EuropaCOVID- 19 deckt viele Schwächen der EU aufEuropa in Trümmern - neue Identität gesuchtLangzeitkrise KlimawandelDer AutorUniv.-Doz. Dr. Heinz Handler ist Emeritus Consultant des es Österreichischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO) und stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Wiener Thinktanks "Policy Crossover Center Vienna-Europe".

  • af Tracey Baptiste
    98,95 - 188,95 kr.

    In this expansive collection of history, meet ten real-life kings, queens, inventors, scholars, and visionaries who lived in Africa thousands of years ago and changed the world. Black history begins thousands of years ago with the many cultures and people of the African continent. Through portraits of ten heroic figures, bestselling author Tracey Baptiste takes readers on an empowering, energetic journey through time to meet some of the great leaders and thinkers whose vision built nations and shaped the course of history: Menes: Creator of Dynasties Merneith: A Queen Erased Imhotep: From Peasant to God Aesop: The Wisest Man in the Ancient World Hannibal Barca: Unparalleled Military Strategist Terence: North African Playwright Amanirenas: Warrior, Diplomat, Queen Tin Hinan: Founder of a City on the Dunes Mansa Musa: The Richest Man of All Time Queen Idia: Kingmaker Illustrator Hillary D. Wilson's brilliant portraits accompany each profile, along with vivid, information-filled landscapes, maps, and graphics for readers to pore over and return to again and again. This rich and thrilling work, which celebrates Black excellence and provides an essential correction to Eurocentric tellings of history, will enthrall readers of all ages. “In African Icons, Baptiste engages in the hard work of unveiling the myths about the African continent to young readers . . . This is a great beginner’s guide to pre-colonial Africa.” —Ibram X. Kendi, National Book Award-winning author of Stamped from the Beginning and How to Be an Antiracist

  • af Jocey Asnong
    113,95 kr.

    Count your way across the Canadian Prairies with Jocey Asnong's bright illustrations and whimsical text.

  • af Taha Husain
    402,95 kr.

    Si sostiene che l'ASEAN (Associazione delle Nazioni del Sud-Est Asiatico), con un mandato formale debole, sia stata più efficace nel rafforzare la sicurezza e l'ordine regionale e lo sviluppo economico rispetto ad altri organi regionali in Asia. In quanto organizzazione regionale, il modo in cui l'ASEAN ha ripetutamente superato i conflitti non è riuscito a risolverli. Le minacce di terrorismo, la competizione per le armi nucleari e i missili balistici e una disputa irrisolta sulla terraferma sono alcune delle principali aree di tensione tra questi Paesi.

  • af Taha Husain
    402,95 kr.

    Es wird argumentiert, dass der ASEAN (Verband Südostasiatischer Nationen) trotz seines schwachen formalen Mandats bei der Förderung der regionalen Sicherheit und Ordnung sowie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung effektiver war als andere regionale Organisationen in Asien. Als regionale Organisation ist die ASEAN wiederholt daran gescheitert, solche Konflikte zu lösen. Die Bedrohung durch den Terrorismus, die Konkurrenz um Atomwaffen und ballistische Raketen sowie ein ungelöster Streit um Land gehören zu den wichtigsten Spannungsfeldern zwischen diesen Ländern.

  • af Taha Husain
    402,95 kr.

    Argumenta-se que a ASEAN (Associação das Nações do Sudeste Asiático), com um mandato formal fraco, tem sido mais eficaz no reforço da segurança e da ordem regionais, bem como no desenvolvimento económico, do que outros órgãos regionais na Ásia. Enquanto organização regional, a forma como a ASEAN tem repetidamente superado os seus problemas não tem conseguido resolver esses conflitos. Ameaças de terrorismo, competição por armas nucleares e mísseis balísticos, e uma disputa não resolvida por terras constituem algumas das principais áreas de tensão entre estes países.

  • af Giulia Marinelli
    1.333,95 kr.

    Ciceros Verteidigungsrede für den ehemaligen Statthalter der Provinz Gallia Transalpina, Marcus Fonteius, ist nach wie vor eine der bedeutendsten Quellen, will man sich mit der besagten römischen Provinz näher befassen. Denn die oratio ist ein wichtiger Ansatzpunkt für die Darstellung der Dynamiken römischer Außenpolitik und Außenwirtschaft zur Zeit der späten Republik. Der Text selbst ist in einem sehr fragmentarischen und problematischen Überlieferungszustand tradiert und bedarf einer aktualisierten kritischen Ausgabe, um einen verwendbaren Text anzubieten. Die Auswertung sprachlicher und stilistischer Fragen ist dabei essentiell und wird im vorliegenden Buch ebenfalls abgedeckt. Gleichzeitig werden die sich aus der Rede ergebenden Aspekte der römischen Geschichte, Politik und Wirtschaft dieses Zeitraums untersucht, einhergehend mit einer eigenen und innovativen Interpretation des Prozesses und des betreffenden Ereignisses. Ziel ist es, dass damit die Wichtigkeit dieser Rede für das Verständnis der römischen Republik sowie der Person Ciceros als Anwalt, Redner und Politiker erfasst und anerkannt wird.

  • af Abigail S. Armstrong
    1.163,95 kr.

    The production and retention of written records was a common and important facet of pre-modern rulership and administration. Much of our understanding of governmental practices and expressions of authority come from the contents of such documents, which have been well studied. Less studied, however, are the records themselves as artefacts. This volume is an attempt to redress this balance by taking a more holistic, material approach to a range of written records. Through a series of case studies, this volume explores questions regarding the material characteristics of various records and their use. It demonstrates that the material features of the records, including the size and shape, the hands that wrote them and the material substrate, can shed new light on the functioning of government and the declarations of power these records asserted. The ten contributions of this volume focus on records from a variety of rulers, political systems and administrations. With four case studies from early China and six from medieval Europe, this volume offers transcultural perspectives to demonstrate how different cultures expressed rulership and administration materially through the use of text-bearing artefacts.

  • af Maria Mayr
    1.793,95 kr.

    Scholarship on Eastern Europe after 1989 often focuses narrowly on the socialist past as authoritarian, dictatorial, or totalitarian. This collection, by contrast, illuminates an additional dimension of post-socialist memory: it traces the survival of hopes and dreams born under socialism and the legacy of the unrealized alternative futures embedded within the socialist past. Looking at contemporary German-language literature, film, theater, and art, the volume analyzes reflections on everyday socialist realities as well as narratives of opposition and dissent. The texts discussed here not only revisit the past, but also challenge the present and help us imagine alternative futures. Rather than framing the unrealized futures envisioned in the pre-1989 era as failures, this collection probes post-socialist memory for its future-oriented potential to rethink issues of community, equity and equality, and late-stage capitalism. Foregrounding the complexities of Eastern European legacies also helps us reimagine the relationship between East and West both in Germany and in Europe as a whole.

  • af Florian Schumann
    1.333,95 kr.

    Wie werden behinderte Figuren in der antiken Mythologie dargestellt? Diese Arbeit beleuchtet sechs prominente Figuren mit Behinderungen (Thersites, Teiresias, Oidipus, Hephaistos, Philoktetes und Plutos) und untersucht, wie verschiedene Autoren diverser Genres der antiken Literatur diese Figuren gestalten und welche Rolle dabei ihre Lahmheit bzw. Blindheit spielt. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich die Behandlung von behinderten Figuren keineswegs in ihrer Exklusion erschöpft, sondern Behinderungen ein Teil des ausgefeilten Instrumentariums antiker Erzählkunst sind. Gleichzeitig zeigt sich, wie wandelbar Mythen in den Händen ihrer Erzähler sind, die das narrative Material ihren Absichten anpassen. So erreicht beispielsweise Oidipus keineswegs notwendig durch seine Selbstblendung den Status eines Sehers, sondern zeigt dadurch bei Sophokles, dass er seine eigene Verantwortung nicht anerkennt; der hinkende Schmiedegott Hephaistos ist keineswegs immer nur ein Außenseiter, sondern bei Homer sogar der Sympathieträger auf dem Olymp. Die Einbeziehung spätantiker Philosophen und Allegoriker im Bereich des Hephaistos schließt eine Forschungslücke. Auf diese Weise korrigiert die Arbeit schematisierende Deutungen und legt Rezeptionsphänomene offen.

  • af Jacob Abbott
    198,95 - 298,95 kr.

    PrefaceThere are very few persons who have not heard of the fame of Peter the Great, the founder, as he is generally regarded by mankind, of Russian civilization. The celebrity, however, of the great Muscovite sovereign among young persons is due in a great measure to the circumstance of his having repaired personally to Holland, in the course of his efforts to introduce the industrial arts among his people, in order to study himself the art and mystery of shipbuilding, and of his having worked with his own hands in a ship-yard there. The little shop where Peter pursued these practical studies still stands in Saardam, a ship-building town not far from Amsterdam. The building is of wood, and is now much decayed; but, to preserve it from farther injury, it has been incased in a somewhat larger building of brick, and it is visited annually by great numbers of curious travelers.The whole history of Peter, as might be expected from the indications of character developed by this incident, forms a narrative that is full of interest and instruction for all.About the author: Jacob Abbott (November 14, 1803 - October 31, 1879) was an American writer of children's books. On November 14, 1803, Abbott was born in Hallowell, Maine to Jacob Abbott II and Betsey Chandler. He attended the Hallowell Academy. Abbott graduated from Bowdoin College in 1820. At some point during his years there, he supposedly added the second "t" to his surname, to avoid being "Jacob Abbot the 3rd" (although one source notes he did not actually begin signing his name with two t's until several years later).Abbott studied at Andover Theological Seminary in 1821, 1822, and 1824. He taught in Portland academy and was tutor in Amherst College during the next year. From 1825 to 1829 Abbott was professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Amherst College; was licensed to preach by the Hampshire Association in 1826; founded the Mount Vernon School for Young Ladies in Boston in 1829, and was principal of it in 1829-1833; was pastor of Eliot Congregational Church (which he founded), at Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1834-1835; and was, with his brothers, a founder, and in 1843-1851 a principal of Abbott's Institute, and in 1845-1848 of the Mount Vernon School for Boys, in New York City.He was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. He wrote 180 books and was a coauthor or editor of 31 more. He died in Farmington, Maine, where he had spent part of his time after 1839, and where his brother, Samuel Phillips Abbott, founded the Abbott School.His Rollo Books, such as Rollo at Play, Rollo in Europe, etc., are the best known of his writings, having as their chief characters a representative boy and his associates. In them Abbott did for one or two generations of young American readers a service not unlike that performed earlier, in England and America, by the authors of Evenings at Home, The History of Sandford and Merton, and The Parent's Assistant. To follow up his Rollo books, he wrote of Uncle George, using him to teach the young readers about ethics, geography, history, and science. He also wrote 22 volumes of biographical histories and a 10 volume set titled the Franconia Stories. (

  • af Jacob Abbott
    188,95 - 298,95 kr.

    PrefaceIn writing the series of historical narratives to which the present work pertains, it has been the object of the author to furnish to the reading community of this country an accurate and faithful account of the lives and actions of the several personages that are made successively the subjects of the volumes, following precisely the story which has come down to us from ancient times. The writer has spared no pains to gain access in all cases to the original sources of information, and has confined himself strictly to them. The reader may, therefore, feel assured in perusing any one of these works, that the interest of it is in no degree indebted to the invention of the author. No incident, however trivial, is ever added to the original account, nor are any words even, in any case, attributed to a speaker without express authority. Whatever of interest, therefore, these stories may possess, is due solely to the facts themselves which are recorded in them, and to their being brought together in a plain, simple, and connected narrative.About the authorJacob Abbott (November 14, 1803 - October 31, 1879) was an American writer of children's books. On November 14, 1803, Abbott was born in Hallowell, Maine to Jacob Abbott II and Betsey Chandler. He attended the Hallowell Academy. Abbott graduated from Bowdoin College in 1820. At some point during his years there, he supposedly added the second "t" to his surname, to avoid being "Jacob Abbot the 3rd" (although one source notes he did not actually begin signing his name with two t's until several years later).Abbott studied at Andover Theological Seminary in 1821, 1822, and 1824. He taught in Portland academy and was tutor in Amherst College during the next year. From 1825 to 1829 Abbott was professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Amherst College; was licensed to preach by the Hampshire Association in 1826; founded the Mount Vernon School for Young Ladies in Boston in 1829, and was principal of it in 1829-1833; was pastor of Eliot Congregational Church (which he founded), at Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1834-1835; and was, with his brothers, a founder, and in 1843-1851 a principal of Abbott's Institute, and in 1845-1848 of the Mount Vernon School for Boys, in New York City.He was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. He wrote 180 books and was a coauthor or editor of 31 more. He died in Farmington, Maine, where he had spent part of his time after 1839, and where his brother, Samuel Phillips Abbott, founded the Abbott School.His Rollo Books, such as Rollo at Play, Rollo in Europe, etc., are the best known of his writings, having as their chief characters a representative boy and his associates. In them Abbott did for one or two generations of young American readers a service not unlike that performed earlier, in England and America, by the authors of Evenings at Home, The History of Sandford and Merton, and The Parent's Assistant. To follow up his Rollo books, he wrote of Uncle George, using him to teach the young readers about ethics, geography, history, and science. He also wrote 22 volumes of biographical histories and a 10 volume set titled the Franconia Stories. (

  • af Jacob Abbott
    198,95 - 298,95 kr.

    An excellent biography not just of Julius Caesar but of the times he was born into, raised during, and which ultimately lead to his ascension and demise. I've read more than a few books regarding this time period and this is the most excellent and the most concise. Anyone curious of the rise and fall of the man should not miss out on this one. (Will Arbaugh) About the author: Jacob Abbott (November 14, 1803 - October 31, 1879) was an American writer of children's books. On November 14, 1803, Abbott was born in Hallowell, Maine to Jacob Abbott II and Betsey Chandler. He attended the Hallowell Academy. Abbott graduated from Bowdoin College in 1820. At some point during his years there, he supposedly added the second "t" to his surname, to avoid being "Jacob Abbot the 3rd" (although one source notes he did not actually begin signing his name with two t's until several years later).Abbott studied at Andover Theological Seminary in 1821, 1822, and 1824. He taught in Portland academy and was tutor in Amherst College during the next year. From 1825 to 1829 Abbott was professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Amherst College; was licensed to preach by the Hampshire Association in 1826; founded the Mount Vernon School for Young Ladies in Boston in 1829, and was principal of it in 1829-1833; was pastor of Eliot Congregational Church (which he founded), at Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1834-1835; and was, with his brothers, a founder, and in 1843-1851 a principal of Abbott's Institute, and in 1845-1848 of the Mount Vernon School for Boys, in New York City.He was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. He wrote 180 books and was a coauthor or editor of 31 more. He died in Farmington, Maine, where he had spent part of his time after 1839, and where his brother, Samuel Phillips Abbott, founded the Abbott School.His Rollo Books, such as Rollo at Play, Rollo in Europe, etc., are the best known of his writings, having as their chief characters a representative boy and his associates. In them Abbott did for one or two generations of young American readers a service not unlike that performed earlier, in England and America, by the authors of Evenings at Home, The History of Sandford and Merton, and The Parent's Assistant. To follow up his Rollo books, he wrote of Uncle George, using him to teach the young readers about ethics, geography, history, and science. He also wrote 22 volumes of biographical histories and a 10 volume set titled the Franconia Stories. (

  • af Leon Trotsky
    238,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Max Hastings
    363,95 kr.

  • af Ra. Ki. Rangarajan
    248,95 kr.

    I, Krishnadevaraya is a translation of the famous Tamil novel Naan Krishnadevarayan by Ra. Ki. Rangarajan. The Tamil actor Kamal Hassan suggested that Ra. Ki. translate I, Claudius by Robert Graves into Tamil. Instead, Ra. Ki. decided to present first-person narrative of the story of Krishnadevaraya, the emperor of Vijayanagar. Ra. Ki.'s hero is like any other young man of his age-his romantic attachments overshadowing everything else in his life-until his minister and mentor, Appaji, reminds him that his duty ought to take precedence over his love life. Coming to the throne in difficult circumstances, Krishnadevaraya had to wage relentless battle to preserve the Vijayanagar empire. Circumstances prevented him from marrying the woman he loved or pursuing literature, his true passion. Overcoming all of this, Krishnadevaraya went on to become the greatest emperor of the Vijayanagar Empire. I, Krishnadevaraya takes you into the inner world of the emperor, providing a vivid picture of his thinking, his insecurities and his decision-making. Ably translated by Suganthi Krishnamachari, I, Krishnadevaraya is a fascinating look at one of India's greatest kings.

  • af Maria Mandel Dunsche
    183,95 - 293,95 kr.

  • af Lois Quam
    188,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Agustín Guimerá
    1.167,95 kr.

    Explores the varied relationship between political leaders and naval experts, from the 16th to 21st centuries

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