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  • af Michael C Hardy
    258,95 - 428,95 kr.

  • af Ted Pulliam
    258,95 - 448,95 kr.

  • af Alberto Marco Giovanni Ghibellini
    1.028,95 kr.

    Examines how Leo Strauss sought to recover the question of "nature," which he saw as inseparable from genuine philosophy since its inception in ancient Greece.

  • af Amanda Trollope
    257,95 kr.

    Forced Circumstances tells the story of a young 22-year old British woman living in 1960s Iran, bringing together a fragmented family amidst the turmoil of the Shah's rule. Married to an Iranian man with two children from a previous marriage, our bold protagonist takes on the complex role of stepmother to kids unaccustomed to affection or stability. Navigating traditions requiring full body coverings and forbidding women to venture out alone, she faces intense challenges as a conspicuous foreigner subject to contempt and harassment. Did she quietly harbour regrets over tying her fate to such complications instead of a more comfortable English life? Would the eruption of Ayatollah Khomeini and Iran's Islamic Revolution provide the leverage needed to hold their Jewish family together? Or drive them further toward resentment and dysfunction in a now-perilous homeland? Relating this family's ambitions, sacrifices, and conflicts across clashing societal upheavals, the memoir serves up lessons in perseverance and perspective. It illuminates the timeless experiences that unfold when different cultures combine under a single roof - and what it truly takes to transform that awkward juxtaposition into a nurturing sense of home.

  • af Mike Gilbert
    98,95 kr.

    Ermintrude was once a happy cow. Looked after by the children she shared her milk, so all the children were happy too. Then along came a series of grown-ups who thought they could look after Ermintrude better than the children. But really, they just wanted Ermintrude's milk for themselves. This story introduces children to concepts like wealth, power, and privilege in a delightful way that will have them chattering amongst themselves and with grown-ups perhaps for a lifetime.

  • af Alissa Klots
    1.180,95 kr.

    "This innovative study is the first to explore the evolution of domestic service in the Soviet Union. Bringing together gender and labor history, Alissa Klots demonstrates how the Bolshevik regime both facilitated and thwarted domestic workers' efforts to participate in public life and reinvent themselves as equal members of society"--

  • af Mark Roosien
    943,95 kr.

    "Located on the North Anatolian Fault, Constantinople was frequently shaken by earthquakes. This book argues that ritual and theological responses to these events shaped Byzantine conceptions of God and the environment and transformed Constantinople's self-understanding as the capital of the oikoumene and center of divine action in history"--

  • af Natasha Rendell
    238,95 - 264,94 kr.

  • af Kenneth A Brown
    198,95 kr.

    In this masterful tour de force of nature writing, Kenneth Brown explores one of the most awe-inspiring regions on earth -- the Four Corners of Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. Weaving together its geological, ecological and human histories, he presents a unique portrait of this ruggedly beautiful landscape that goes beyond mere description to give readers a true sense of the land in all its richness. Here are rock croppings that are 2 billion years old and broad desert valleys where rivers of lava cooled to form floors of solid rock. Here ancient hunter-gatherers stalked the woolly mammoth, four-story pueblos were carved by the Anasazi from sheer stone cliffs and an ancient midnight Holy Week ceremony is still practiced in a modern Spanish village. Providing a fresh perspective on a region currently enjoying an upwelling of interest, Four Corners is a fascinating study of one of the world's great wonders -- compelling reading for all science, nature, anthropology and travel aficionados.

  • af Ecovisiones
    243,95 kr.

    Adéntrate en un viaje apasionante a través de los misterios y maravillas de la mitología y las leyendas de todo el mundo. Este diccionario es una puerta de entrada a un vasto universo de relatos y narrativas que han capturado la imaginación de la humanidad durante siglos. Desde los mitos griegos que pueblan el Olimpo hasta las historias sagradas de las culturas indígenas, este libro revela la esencia de lo que significa ser humano.Descubre cómo estas historias han servido como vehículos de sabiduría ancestral, transmitiendo enseñanzas sobre la vida, la muerte, el amor, la traición y la redención. Cada página es un portal a una cultura distinta, revelando cómo estas narrativas han dado forma a la visión del mundo y la identidad de comunidades enteras.Este diccionario es un recurso invaluable para académicos, amantes de la historia y cualquier persona interesada en explorar las raíces de la creatividad humana. Abre sus páginas y embárcate en un viaje que te llevará desde los rincones más remotos del planeta hasta los recovecos más profundos de la psique humana. Bienvenido al maravilloso mundo de los mitos y las leyendas.

  • af Tinatin Japaridze
    441,95 - 1.179,95 kr.

    This book examines Joseph Stalin's increasing popularity in the post-Soviet space, and analyzes how his image, and the nostalgia it evokes, is manipulated and exploited for political gain. The author argues that, in addition to the evil dictator and the Georgian comrade, there is a third portrayal of Stalinthe one projected by the generation that saw the tail end of the USSR, the post-Soviet millennials. This book is not a biography of one of the most controversial historical figures of the past century. Rather, through a combination of sociopolitical commentary and autobiographical elements that are uncommon in monographs of this kind, the attempt is to explore how Joseph Stalin's complex legacies and the conflicting cult of his irreconcilable tripartite of personalities still loom over the region as a whole, including Russia and, perhaps to an even deeper extent, Koba's native landnow the independent Republic of Georgia, caught between its unreconciled Soviet past and the potential future within the European Union.

  • af Sylviane Rabetsarazaka
    195,95 kr.

    "Elle éviterait le travail des mains, aujourd'hui, pour s'attacher à retranscrire son menton au fusain. Sa fossette, une attraction. Un gouffre millimétré. Des lèvres délicates, étirées en sourire, en toute autorité, dessinaient le Sud de son ovale.Il était beau. Plus que tout autre caractère lui conférant un visage, la beauté de cet homme précédait même son aura."

  • af Procopius
    183,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • af John Foulk
    113,95 kr.

    Nasreddin Hoca, one of the most beloved figures from Turkish folklore, is many things: a trickster, a holy man, a wise philosopher, the butt of the joke. With wisdom, humor, and wit, he teaches life lessons (or not), such as: How do you teach a donkey to read? How should you react to a bad joke? Which came first - the chicken or the egg? ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿· ¿¿¿¿¿ is a collection of 30 fables written in Ancient Greek, along with an introduction (in English and in Ancient Greek). This book contains 269 unique words (excluding names and different forms of words) and 2,095 words total.

  • af Epictetus
    198,95 kr.

    La Sagesse Stoïcienne Libérée : Des Enseignements Anciens pour des Esprits Modernes Cette édition entièrement adaptée et réécrite des "Discours (Livre 1)" offre une mise à jour complète pour répondre aux besoins des lecteurs contemporains. Les principales caractéristiques de cette édition sont les suivantes :Réécriture complète du texte pour garantir sa pertinence et son accessibilité aux lecteurs modernes.L'introduction de discussions uniques sous la forme de segments "De la leçon à l'action", permettant aux lecteurs d'appliquer facilement les précieux enseignements stoïciens d'Épictète à leur propre vie.Des sections "De la leçon" qui distillent le message central de chaque enseignement stoïcien en des énoncés concis et percutants.Des sections "À l'action" qui fournissent des directives claires, concises et pratiques pour une application immédiate dans notre vie quotidienne.Un index complet reprenant les termes et définitions importantes tout au long du texte, facilitant ainsi une navigation aisée et efficace.Une mise en page visuellement attrayante conçue pour améliorer l'expérience de lecture et assurer une circulation fluide de l'information.Grâce à ces améliorations, cette édition offre une expérience de lecture puissante et transformatrice, comblant le fossé entre la sagesse ancienne et les exigences de la vie moderne.Pourquoi Ce Livre Est Essentiel Pour Vous? Ce livre est essentiel pour :Les amateurs de philosophie cherchant une compréhension profonde des enseignements d'Épictète.Les individus modernes cherchant des solutions pratiques pour les défis du quotidien.Les chercheurs de sérénité dans un monde agité, désirant la tranquillité d'esprit et le bonheur intérieur.Les chercheurs de sens voulant appliquer les principes stoïciens à leur existence quotidienne.Ce livre peut être un cadeau merveilleux pour une personne chère ou des amis, car il offre une invitation douce et polie à la sagesse accessible à tous. Chacun a la possibilité de choisir la voie de la sagesse et de l'illumination. Ouvrez ce livre et embrassez la sagesse intemporelle de la philosophie stoïcienne dans votre vie quotidienne¿!

  • af Steven J. Lewis
    308,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey through antiquity with this dissertation, exploring the intricate interplay between technological advancements and philosophical theories in fourth-century BCE Athens and second-century CE Rome. Delving into the distinct technological landscapes of these periods-from the utilitarian tools of Athens to the sophisticated aqueducts and intricate glassworks of Rome-the study unveils how contemporary technologies influenced the conceptual foundations of natural philosophy.

    298,95 kr.

    30 Fictional Mystic and Enigmatic Stories from 28 of Russia's Finest Authors on Fantasy, Imagination, Mysticism, Supernatural, Religious Experience and Esoteric Encounters. All of them entertaining as well as thought-provoking, the happy and sad, tearful and cheerful, unusual and enigmatic, and always reflecting Russian and Soviet life. Authors include:Aleksandr Izmailov, Aleksandr Amfiteatrov, Aleksandr Kuprin, Aleksandr Ivanov, Aleksei Apukhtin, Aleksei Budischev, Andrei Zarin, Antoni Pogorelski, Dmitri Tzenzor, Feodor Dostoyevsky, Georgi Chulkov, Georgi Severtzev-Polilov, Gregori Danilevski, Ivan Turgenev, Konstantine Aksakov, Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Zagostin, Nikolai Melgunov, Nikolai Geintze, Osip Senkovski, Valentin Franchich, Valeri Brusov, Valerian Olin, Vasili Zhukovski, Vladimir Odoyevski, Grigori Skovoroda, and Mitrophan Lodizhenski.I have selected the best of them for this collection, and translated them personally from the original Russian for the contemporary English reader., with a biography of each author included. Most of them have never been published in English. Daniel H. Shubin has translated from Russian into English, and written on Russian history, biography, religion and philosophy, some 30 volumes.

  • af Felix Gade
    287,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Frühgeschichte, Antike, Note: 2,0, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Institut für Altertumswissnschaften), Veranstaltung: Attische Weihreliefs, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In diesem Text werden wir nicht nur die Entdeckung und die physischen Merkmale des "sinnenden Athena"-Reliefs erkunden, sondern uns auch näher mit der Persönlichkeit und der Bedeutung der Göttin Athena in der griechischen Mythologie auseinandersetzen. Darüber hinaus werden wir verschiedene Interpretationen und Theorien bezüglich des auf dem Relief dargestellten Gegenstands untersuchen und argumentieren, warum die Vorstellung einer trauernden Athena im Widerspruch zu ihrem mythologischen Charakter steht. Stattdessen werden wir betonen, wie das Bild der sinnenden Athena ihre Rolle als Göttin der Weisheit und des strategischen Denkens widerspiegelt. Die klassische Antike ist eine Epoche, die nicht nur durch ihre beeindruckende Architektur und Kunst, sondern auch durch die Verehrung und Darstellung ihrer Götter und Göttinnen geprägt ist. In diesem Kontext sticht die Göttin Athena als eine der bedeutendsten und faszinierendsten Figuren der griechischen Mythologie hervor. Ihre vielschichtige Persönlichkeit und ihre Rolle als Beschützerin von Athen und Göttin der Weisheit machen sie zu einer zentralen Figur in der griechischen Kultur. Dies wird besonders deutlich durch ein bemerkenswertes Relief, das bei Grabungen in Athen entdeckt wurde, und das als "sinnende Athena" bekannt ist. Athena, die Tochter des mächtigen Gottes Zeus und der klugen Titanin Metis verkörpert die Essenz der Weisheit, des strategischen Denkens und der Kriegskunst. Sie wurde aus dem Kopf ihres Vaters geboren, was ihre herausragende Klugheit und Intelligenz symbolisiert. Als Schutzgöttin der Stadt Athen wurde sie von den Bewohnern dieser antiken Stadt verehrt und angebetet. Die "sinnende Athena" ist ein bemerkenswertes Beispiel dafür, wie die Darstellung dieser Göttin in der Kunst der Antike interpretiert wurde.

  • af Nicolas Frebillot
    163,95 kr.

    We have been walking for many months now.Maybe three months. I don't know exactly.We are approaching the coast and the dreaded crossing.I am a warrior and my sisters trust me. We cannot back down anyway.Rome is sending us here to secure the northernmost border of the Empire.Very few people thought that we still existed and yet I am the descendant of the mythical warriors who faced the Greeks a long time ago.We know very little about the land we are heading towards and the enemies we are going to have to contain and fight.The climate it seems is harsh. But we are still far from the final destination. We don't know if we will be back. Our land is so far now.It does not matter. Like our ancestors, the will to discover new spaces will save us.

  • af S. Stepniak
    206,95 - 314,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Charles Francis Horne
    273,95 - 393,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Manuela Brocksieper
    313,95 - 379,95 kr.

  • af Luigi Villari
    273,95 - 378,95 kr.

  • af Coledown Kitchen
    113,95 kr.

    Embark on a gastronomic journey to the heart of the Mediterranean with A Kitchen in Malta. This captivating cookbook invites you into the vibrant world of Maltese cuisine, where each page is a doorway to centuries-old traditions, bold flavors, and cherished family recipes.Unearth the secrets of Maltese culinary heritage as you explore the influences of Phoenician, Arab, Norman, and British cultures. From the sun-kissed shores to cozy family kitchens, delve into the rich tapestry of Maltese food culture, where every dish tells a story.Whether you're a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, this cookbook is a gift of Maltese flavors waiting to be unwrapped.

  • af Kathleen McLeod
    148,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af A. J. Carmichael
    228,95 kr.

    This book frequently returns to the theme of duality, particularly in relation to the serpent and the sun. In addition to signifying danger, dishonesty, and death, the serpent also symbolizes rebirth, transformation, and healing. In a similar vein, the sun represents both harshness and destruction in addition to life, energy, and growth. The investigation of this duality implies that knowledge of these two facets is necessary to comprehend both the natural world and the human predicament. The distinction between mythology and historical truth is becoming increasingly hazy, demonstrating how actual occurrences and cultures have shaped myths and legends and how those have, in turn, influenced them. It is argued that myths are more than just fantastic stories; rather, they have deep roots in societal advancements and human experiences. This emphasizes how crucial mythology is to how we perceive the world and ourselves.The book explores the symbolic meanings of the sun and serpent in psychology. Based on Carl Jung's theories of archetypes and the collective unconscious it clarifies why these symbols are so universally recognizable and appealing. The symbols are believed to resonate with deeply ingrained psychological concepts and experiences that everyone shares, making them useful tools for reflection and understanding of behavior in others. Numerous studies conducted in a range of cultural contexts highlight the idea that human belief systems are both universal and diverse. The book provides examples of how various societies have integrated and understood the symbols of the sun and the serpent in ways that are particular to their own historical settings and cultural norms. This demonstrates the diversity of human expression in culture and the interdependence of human societies.It highlights how these symbols have evolved and how they have endured over time. The study looks at how the sun and the serpent have changed over time, adjusting to new social, religious, and cultural norms while maintaining their fundamental symbolic meanings. This theme captures the fluidity of human beliefs and the ongoing conversation that shapes symbols and meanings between the past and present. When taken as a whole, these themes provide a thorough grasp of the breadth and complexity of the investigation into the symbolism of the sun and serpent. A character analysis or a commentary on the writing style and approach employed in the book may come next. An interdisciplinary approach is used in the work, combining psychology, anthropology, history, and mythology. This method enables a nuanced interpretation of the ancient Naga serpent race meaning. To provide a more comprehensive understanding of these symbols, the book draws from a multitude of sources and traditions rather than restricting itself to a single cultural or historical perspective.

  • af History Nerds
    148,95 kr.

    Step into the enigmatic world of "The Ottoman Empire" a compelling exploration of the rise, zenith, and eventual decline of one of the most formidable empires in history. This meticulously researched account takes readers on a captivating journey through the annals of time, unraveling the intricate tapestry of a civilization that spanned over six centuries.From the humble beginnings of Osman I to the imperial splendor of Suleiman the Magnificent, this book delves into the political intrigues, military conquests, and cultural achievements that defined the Ottomans. Experience the grandeur of the Topkapi Palace, the mystique of the Janissaries, and the opulence of the Silk Road as the Ottoman Empire carved its indelible mark on the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa.As the narrative unfolds, witness the challenges that tested the resilience of this once-mighty empire: the seismic shifts in geopolitical dynamics, internal strife, and the inexorable march of time. Gain insights into the intricate interplay of religion, politics, and cultural exchange that shaped the Ottoman identity and influenced the destiny of the empire."The Ottoman Empire" goes beyond the battlefield, offering a nuanced portrayal of the diverse peoples and communities that coexisted within the Ottoman domains. Explore the vibrant mosaic of Ottoman society, where scholars, artisans, and merchants flourished amidst a backdrop of architectural marvels and artistic achievements.However, the book does not shy away from the shadows that eventually enveloped the Ottoman Empire. Trace the gradual decline, examining the pivotal moments that signaled the end of an era and the emergence of a new geopolitical landscape.

  • af Aaron Tesfaye
    363,95 - 1.007,95 kr.

    "This ... study of China-Ethiopia relations examines why China--an economic and emerging global power--has built relations with Ethiopia and why Ethiopia has responded by singling out China as a partner in its quest for economic development. Using middle-range theory and field research, Aaron Tesfaye focuses on three sets of phenomena: political, economic, and strategic"--

  • af Martín Sánchez
    408,95 kr.

    Bienvenidos a "Sabores del Mediterráneo: El Arte Culinario que Inspira", una obra maestra gastronómica presentada por el autor Martín Sánchez. Este libro no es solo un recetario, es una puerta abierta a un viaje culinario inolvidable a través de las costas bañadas por el cálido sol del Mediterráneo.Las delicias de la cocina mediterránea son una fuente inagotable de inspiración, y Martín Sánchez le guiará a través de un mundo de sabores auténticos y contemporáneos que harán que su paladar se emocione. Con recetas tradicionales y modernas, este libro celebra la riqueza de la cultura culinaria mediterránea y le invita a explorar una amplia variedad de ingredientes frescos y saludables.Las páginas de "Sabores del Mediterráneo" son una ventana a la historia y la pasión que se encuentra detrás de cada plato. Descubra cómo la mezcla de ingredientes simples se convierte en una experiencia gastronómica excepcional que puede disfrutarse en cualquier ocasión.Ya sea que sea un principiante curioso o un cocinero experimentado en busca de nuevas ideas, este libro le ofrece una fuente inagotable de inspiración culinaria. Martín Sánchez le guía con maestría a través de las recetas, compartiendo su amor por la cocina mediterránea y brindándole las herramientas para crear platos que deleitarán a sus seres queridos.Si está listo para embarcarse en un viaje culinario por el Mediterráneo y llenar su vida de sabor y satisfacción, "Sabores del Mediterráneo" es su compañero ideal. Deje que Martín Sánchez le inspire a descubrir el arte culinario que ha cautivado a generaciones y que seguirá inspirando el paladar de aquellos que aman la buena comida. Su aventura mediterránea comienza aquí.

  • af Karolina Nowak
    398,95 kr.

    Witajcie w s¿öcem nas¿czonej krainie kulinarnych przygód z Karolin¿ Nowak, autork¿ ksi¿¿ki "Kuchnia ¿ródziemnomorska: Smaki S¿öca i Morza". Ta ksi¿¿ka to nie tylko zbiór przepisów; to podró¿ przez smaki, aromaty i histori¿ jedzenia znad Morza ¿ródziemnego."Kuchnia ¿ródziemnomorska" to höd oddany kulinarnemu dziedzictwu regionu, od tradycyjnych przepisów po nowoczesne kompozycje smaków. Karolina Nowak podzieli si¿ z Tob¿ pasj¿ do pysznej i zdrowej kuchni, która opiera si¿ na ¿wie¿ych, naturalnych sk¿adnikach i wype¿niona jest s¿öcem.Ta ksi¿¿ka to nie tylko zbiór przepisów; to prawdziwe kulinarne odkrywanie. Poznasz tajemnice diety ¿ródziemnomorskiej, która jest uwäana za jedn¿ z najzdrowszych na ¿wiecie. Karolina zdradzi sekrety przygotowywania potraw, które przypominaj¿ smaki urlopu nad morzem, a jednocze¿nie wspieraj¿ Twoje zdrowie i dobre samopoczucie.Czy jeste¿ pocz¿tkuj¿cym kucharzem, który chce odkry¿ tajniki kuchni ¿ródziemnomorskiej, czy te¿ döwiadczonym smakoszem w poszukiwaniu nowych inspiracji, "Kuchnia ¿ródziemnomorska" dostarczy Ci niezapomnianych chwil kulinarnej rozkoszy.Je¿li pragniesz degustowä smaki s¿öca i morza, oraz cieszysz si¿ zdrowym stylem ¿ycia, to "Kuchnia ¿ródziemnomorska" stanie si¿ Twoim niezast¿pionym przewodnikiem. Pozwól Karolinie Nowak wprowadzi¿ Ci¿ w fascynuj¿cy ¿wiat kuchni ¿ródziemnomorskiej i odkryj, jak jedzenie möe by¿ prawdziw¿ uczt¿ dla zmys¿ów. Twoja kulinarna podró¿ rozpoczyna si¿ tutaj.

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