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  • af Thanh Tr¿n
    418,95 kr.

    Chào m¿ng b¿n ¿¿n v¿i cüc phiêu l¿u ¿m th¿c c¿a ¿¿a Trung H¿i n¿m thành ph¿n Ti¿c, M¿t sách d¿y n¿u ¿n cái ¿ó v¿¿t qua các bình th¿¿ng Và m¿i B¿n ¿¿N kinh nghi¿m các n¿¿c hoa c¿a ¿¿a Trung H¿i ¿m th¿c TRONG c¿a nó tinh khi¿t nh¿t hình th¿c. TRONG các v¿¿ng qüc c¿a ¿m th¿c, các ¿¿a Trung H¿i là M¿t ¿èn hi¿u c¿a h¿¿ng v¿, n¿i ti¿ng vì c¿a nó sôi ¿¿ng ¿¿a, kh¿e m¿nh h¿¿ng li¿u, Và M¿t ¿m th¿c tri¿t lý tôn vinh s¿ ¿¿n gi¿n c¿a các thành ph¿n. Cün sách n¿u ¿n này là không ch¿ là m¿t b¿ s¿u t¿p các công th¿c n¿u ¿n; ¿ó là s¿ hòa nh¿p vào m¿t l¿i s¿ng n¿i m¿i b¿a ¿n k¿ m¿t câu chuy¿n v¿ nh¿ng phong c¿nh ng¿p n¿ng, nh¿ng khönh kh¿c ¿¿¿c s¿ chia, Và các giàu có t¿m th¿m c¿a n¿n v¿n hóa ¿a d¿ng. Khi b¿n b¿t ¿¿u cüc hành trình này, hãy hình dung m¿t c¿n b¿p ng¿p trong ánh vàng ánh sáng d¿u ô liu, c¿ng h¿¿ng v¿i giai ¿i¿u c¿a các löi th¿o m¿c th¿m và ¿¿¿c trang trí b¿ng nhi¿u s¿n ph¿m t¿¿i s¿ng. ¿¿a Trung H¿i không ch¿ ¿¿n thün là M¿t vùng ¿¿t; c¿a nó M¿t tình tr¿ng c¿a tâm trí-m¿t cái ¿ó ôm hôn các vui s¿¿ng c¿a n¿u ¿n ¿¿n gi¿n, l¿y tính toàn v¿n c¿a nguyên li¿u làm tr¿ng tâm sân kh¿u. B¿a ti¿c ¿¿a Trung H¿i n¿m thành ph¿n gói g¿n tinh th¿n này, cung c¿p cho b¿n h¿ chi¿u ¿¿ khám phá s¿ k¿ di¿u c¿a n¿n ¿m th¿c n¿i ti¿ng này phong c¿nh v¿i công th¿c n¿u ¿n cái ¿ó mang ¿¿n các t¿m n¿ng h¿¿ng v¿ ¿¿N c¿a b¿n bàn. T¿ các b¿ bi¿n c¿a Hy L¿p ¿¿N các b¿ bi¿n c¿a N¿¿c Ý, m¿i công th¿c là M¿t s¿ ph¿n x¿ c¿a các ¿m th¿c di s¿n cái ¿ó có quy¿n r¿ ¿¿ ¿n nh¿ng ng¿¿i ¿am mê vì các th¿ h¿. Li¿u b¿n là M¿T có kinh nghi¿m trang ch¿ ¿¿u b¿p höc M¿t ng¿¿i m¿i vào b¿p, cün sách n¿u ¿n này ¿óng vai trò là h¿¿ng d¿n cho b¿n, ¿¿y h¿a h¿n m¿t cüc phiêu l¿u ¿m th¿c v¿a d¿ ti¿p c¿n v¿a ngon không th¿ c¿¿ng l¿i. Trong nh¿ng trang này, chúng tôi tôn vinh ngh¿ thüt bi¿n ¿¿i m¿t vùng ¿¿a Trung H¿i m¿t s¿ nguyên li¿u thành m¿t b¿a ti¿c, trong ¿ó m¿i món ¿n là m¿t b¿n giao h¿¿ng h¿¿ng v¿, k¿t c¿u, Và thüc v¿n hóa nh¿ng ¿nh h¿¿ng. Hãy cùng tôi khám phá nh¿ng bí m¿t c¿a ¿m th¿c ¿¿a Trung H¿i, n¿i v¿ ¿¿p n¿m ¿ s¿ hài hòa c¿a m¿t vài y¿u t¿ thi¿t y¿u. Hãy ¿i sâu vào các trái tim c¿a cái này ¿m th¿c truy¿n th¿ng, khám phá không ch¿ m¿t các ngh¿ thüt c¿a n¿u ¿n mà còn là ni¿m vui t¿n h¿¿ng cüc s¿ng ¿¿n gi¿n và thú v¿ nh¿t ni¿m vui. Các n¿m thành ph¿n ¿¿a Trung H¿i Ti¿c là h¿n h¿n M¿t sách d¿y n¿u ¿n; c¿a nó M¿T l¿i m¿i ¿¿N ôm M¿t cách s¿ng ¿ ¿âu các hành ¿¿ng c¿a chün b¿ Và chia s¿ M¿t b¿a ¿n tr¿ thành M¿t l¿ ¿n m¿ng c¿a các ¿¿a Trung H¿i tinh th¿n-m¿t cái ¿ó là c¿ hai v¿¿t th¿i gian Và sâu s¿c th¿a mãn. Chào m¿ng ¿¿N M¿t th¿ gi¿i ¿ ¿âu m¿i c¿n là M¿t hành trình, Và m¿i món ¿n là M¿t ti¿c vì các giác quan.

  • af Kamila Sadowska
    428,95 kr.

    Witamy w kulinarnej odysei Pi¿ciosk¿adnikowej ¿ródziemnomorskiej Uczty, ksi¿¿ce kucharskiej, która wykracza poza zwyczajnö¿ i zaprasza do poznania esencji kuchni ¿ródziemnomorskiej w jej najczystszej formie. W dziedzinie gastronomii Morze ¿ródziemne jest latarni¿ smaku, s¿yn¿c¿ z ¿ywych potraw, mocnych aromatów i filozofii kulinarnej, która celebruje prostot¿ sk¿adników. Ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska to nie tylko zbiór przepisów; to zanurzenie si¿ w stylu ¿ycia, w którym kädy posi¿ek opowiada histori¿ sk¿panych w s¿öcu krajobrazów, wspólnych chwil i bogatego gobelinu ró¿norodnych kultur. Wyruszaj¿c w t¿ podró¿, wyobrä sobie kuchni¿ sk¿pan¿ w z¿otym blasku oliwy z oliwek, rozbrzmiewaj¿c¿ melodi¿ aromatycznych zió¿ i ozdobion¿ mnóstwem ¿wie¿ych produktów. Morze ¿ródziemne to nie tylko region; to stan umys¿u, który pozwala cieszy¿ si¿ nieskomplikowanym gotowaniem, w którym najwäniejsza jest integralnö¿ sk¿adników. Pi¿ciosk¿adnikowa ¿ródziemnomorska Uczta uciele¿nia tego ducha, oferuj¿c paszport umöliwiaj¿cy odkrycie magii tego s¿ynnego kulinarnego krajobrazu dzi¿ki przepisom, które wnosz¿ na Twój stó¿ przesi¿kni¿te s¿öcem smaki.Od wybrze¿y Grecji po wybrze¿a W¿och kädy przepis jest odzwierciedleniem dziedzictwa kulinarnego, które od pokole¿ urzeka mi¿öników jedzenia. Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ döwiadczonym szefem kuchni, czy nowicjuszem w kuchni, ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska b¿dzie Twoim przewodnikiem i zapewni kulinarn¿ przygod¿, która b¿dzie zarówno przyst¿pna, jak i nieodparcie pyszna. Na tych stronach celebrujemy ¿ródziemnomorsk¿ sztuk¿ przeksztäcania garstki sk¿adników w uczt¿, podczas której käde danie jest symfoni¿ smaków, tekstur i wp¿ywów kulturowych. Dö¿cz do mnie i odkryj tajemnice kuchni ¿ródziemnomorskiej, gdzie pi¿kno tkwi w harmonii kilku istotnych elementów. Zag¿¿bmy si¿ w serce tej tradycji kulinarnej, odkrywaj¿c nie tylko sztuk¿ gotowania, ale tak¿e radö¿ delektowania si¿ najprostszymi i najbardziej zachwycaj¿cymi przyjemnöciami ¿ycia. Pi¿ciosk¿adnikowa ¿ródziemnomorska Uczta to cö wi¿cej ni¿ ksi¿¿ka kucharska; to zaproszenie do przyj¿cia stylu ¿ycia, w którym przygotowanie posi¿ku i dzielenie si¿ nim staje si¿ celebracj¿ ducha ¿ródziemnomorskiego - ponadczasowego i g¿¿boko satysfakcjonuj¿cego. Witamy w ¿wiecie, w którym kädy k¿s jest podró¿¿, a käde danie uczt¿ zmys¿ów.

  • - En fortælling om oldtidens Rom
    af Torben Hangaard
    148,95 - 165,95 kr.

    Rom blev den 21. april 753 f.Kr. grundlagt i vold og har gennem kongetid, republik og kejsertid været skueplads for store voldsomheder.De første romerske kejseres historie under Augustus og Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius og slutteligNero er en fortælling, der er malet i såvel blod som guld, og som altid vil vække både imponeret undren og utrolig rædsel. Det må siges om disse kejsere, at skønt de ikke var guddommelige, har de gennem deres gerninger gjort sig udødelige.Naturligvis var samfundets struktur i Romerriget meget anderledes end i vore dage med slaver og manglende demokrati. Det store romerske samfund stillede rigdom og fattigdom overfor hinanden på en utiltalende måde.De første fem kejsere, der som efterfølgere til Julius Cæsar kom af den samme familie, evnede på hver sin måde at skabe en legende om sig selv og løftede derved såvel Julius Cæsars hus som det store Romerrige til en højere anseelse end den rent dødelige, skønt deres liv var både dramatisk og i mange henseender frastødende med kejsere, der i høj grad må betragtes som galninge og stakler.

  • af Aksel Nyström
    428,95 kr.

    Velkommen til den kulinariske odyssé af DE FEM INGREDIENSER MIDDELHAVSDIET, en kogebog, der overskrider det sædvanlige og inviterer dig til at opleve essensen af middelhavskøkkenet i sin reneste form. Inden for gastronomi er Middelhavet et fyrtårn af smag, kendt for sine livlige retter, robuste aromaer og en kulinarisk filosofi, der hylder ingrediensernes enkelhed. Denne kogebog er ikke kun en samling af opskrifter; det er en fordybelse i en livsstil, hvor hvert måltid fortæller en historie om solbeskinnede landskaber, fælles øjeblikke og forskellige kulturers rige gobelin. Når du begiver dig ud på denne rejse, kan du forestille dig et køkken, der er badet i olivenolies gyldne skær, som giver genlyd med melodien af aromatiske urter og pyntet med den overflod af friske råvarer. Middelhavet er ikke blot en region; det er en sindstilstand - en, der omfavner glæden ved ukompliceret madlavning, hvor integriteten af ingredienser er i centrum. Middelhavsfesten med fem ingredienser indkapsler denne ånd og tilbyder dig et pas til at udforske magien i dette berømte kulinariske landskab med opskrifter, der bringer den solbeskinnede smag til dit bord.Fra Grækenlands kyster til Italiens kyster er hver opskrift en afspejling af den kulinariske arv, der har fanget madentusiaster i generationer. Uanset om du er en erfaren hjemmekok eller nybegynder i køkkenet, tjener denne kogebog som din guide, der lover et kulinarisk eventyr, der er både tilgængeligt og uimodståeligt lækkert. På disse sider hylder vi Middelhavets kunst at forvandle en håndfuld ingredienser til en fest, hvor hver ret er en symfoni af smag, teksturer og kulturelle påvirkninger. Slut dig til at afsløre hemmelighederne bag middelhavskøkkenet, hvor skønheden ligger i harmonien af nogle få væsentlige elementer. Lad os dykke ned i hjertet af denne kulinariske tradition og opdage ikke kun kunsten at lave mad, men også glæden ved at nyde livets enkleste og mest dejlige fornøjelser. Middelhavsfesten med fem ingredienser er mere end en kogebog; det er en invitation til at omfavne en livsstil, hvor handlingen med at tilberede og dele et måltid bliver en fejring af middelhavsånden - en, der er både tidløs og dybt tilfredsstillende. Velkommen til en verden, hvor hver bid er en rejse, og hver ret er en fest for sanserne.

  • af Ahoy Publications
    158,95 - 258,95 kr.

  • af Trina Wilburn
    348,95 kr.

    Divine Conflicts in Early Christianity: Revelation, RomanImperial Visions, and the Province of Asia's Cosmology" is acompelling scholarly work that delves deep into the intricacies ofearly Christian history. It meticulously examines the clash ofdivine forces, the enigmatic book of Revelation, and the cosmicbeliefs of the Province of Asia. This book provides acomprehensive understanding of the religious and politicallandscape of the time, shedding light on the complex interactionsbetween Christianity and the Roman Empire.Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, the authorunravels the threads of religious syncretism, revealing how theburgeoning Christian faith navigated the challenges posed by theimperial cults and the prevailing cosmological beliefs. Thisexploration offers readers a nuanced perspective on how thesedivine conflicts influenced the development of early Christianity.The book is a treasure trove of historical context and scholarlyperspectives, offering readers a profound insight into theevolving religious dynamics of the era. It is an essential read foranyone interested in the intersection of religion, politics, andcosmology in the early Christian world. With its rich content andacademic rigor, "Divine Conflicts in Early Christianity" is avaluable resource that deepens our understanding of theformative years of Christianity and its place within the RomanEmpire.

  • af Russ Brown
    143,95 kr.

    Poppy's Planet is a whimsical rhyming story about a magical flying penguin named Poppy and the world around us. Upset about the damage and destruction caused to our planet, Poppy sets out to make us all aware of how we can save the world together! A huge success when first released in the USA in 2013, Poppy's Planet was the first book released by transatlantic author and illustrator duo Russ Brown and Jamie Cosley. A superheroic story about a magical penguin called Poppy (named after one of the author's two children), Poppy's Planet is all about saving the world in every little way we can. Exploring environmental issues and what we can be doing to help protect the world around us, Poppy is the environmental avenger we need. Teaching children about recycling, climate change and more in wonderful rhyme.

  • af Oskar Egilsson
    428,95 kr.

    Velkomin í matreiðsluferð FIMM INNIHALDSEFNI MIÐJARÐARHAFIÐ MATARÆÐI, matreiðslubók sem fer yfir hið venjulega og býður þér að upplifa kjarna Miðjarðarhafsmatargerðar í sinni hreinustu mynd. Á sviði matargerðarlistar er Miðjarðarhafið leiðarljós bragðsins, þekkt fyrir líflega rétti sína, sterkan ilm og matreiðsluheimspeki sem fagnar einfaldleika hráefnisins. Þessi matreiðslubók er ekki bara safn uppskrifta; það er niðurdýfing í lífsstíl þar sem hver máltíð segir sögu af sólríku landslagi, sameiginlegum augnablikum og ríkulegu veggteppi fjölbreyttrar menningar. Þegar þú leggur af stað í þessa ferð, sjáðu fyrir þér eldhús sem er baðað í gylltum ljóma ólífuolíu, hljómar með laglínu arómatískra jurta og skreytt gnægð ferskrar afurðar. Miðjarðarhafið er ekki bara svæði; það er hugarástand - sem felur í sér gleðina við óbrotinn matreiðslu, þar sem heilindi hráefnisins eru í aðalhlutverki. Miðjarðarhafsveislan með fimm innihaldsefnum umlykur þennan anda og býður þér vegabréf til að kanna töfra þessa fræga matreiðslulandslags með uppskriftum sem færa sólbleytta bragðið á borðið þitt.Frá ströndum Grikklands til stranda Ítalíu endurspeglar hver uppskrift matararfleifð sem hefur heillað mataráhugamenn í kynslóðir. Hvort sem þú ert reyndur heimakokkur eða nýliði í eldhúsinu, þá þjónar þessi matreiðslubók þér að leiðarljósi og lofar matreiðsluævintýri sem er bæði aðgengilegt og ómótstæðilega ljúffengt. Á þessum síðum fögnum við list Miðjarðarhafsins að breyta handfylli af hráefni í veislu þar sem hver réttur er sinfónía bragða, áferða og menningarlegra áhrifa. Vertu með mér í að opna leyndarmál Miðjarðarhafsmatargerðar, þar sem fegurðin felst í samhljómi nokkurra ómissandi þátta. Við skulum kafa ofan í hjarta þessarar matreiðsluhefðar og uppgötva ekki aðeins listina að elda heldur einnig gleðina við að njóta einföldustu og yndislegustu lystisemda lífsins. Miðjarðarhafsveislan með fimm innihaldsefnum er meira en matreiðslubók; það er boð um að tileinka sér lífsstíl þar sem athöfnin að undirbúa og deila máltíð verður hátíð Miðjarðarhafsandans - sem er bæði tímalaus og mjög ánægjuleg. Velkomin í heim þar sem hver biti er ferðalag og hver réttur er veisla fyrir skilningarvitin.

  • af Frederick Ferdinand Moore
    223,95 kr.

    Siberia To-Day, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of History General and Eastern Hemisphere Russia, Former Soviet Republics, Poland

  • af Mary Platt Parmele
    198,95 kr.

    A Short History of Russia, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of History General and Eastern Hemisphere Russia, Former Soviet Republics, Poland

  • af John Bell Bouton
    223,95 kr.

    Roundabout to Moscow: An Epicurean Journey, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of History General and Eastern Hemisphere Russia, Former Soviet Republics, Poland

  • af Dieter Geuenich
    9.143,95 kr.

    Das Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde trägt den Namen seines Begründers, des Anglisten und Naturwissenschaftlers Johannes Hoops. Zwischen 1972 und 2008 erschienen in zweiter, vollkommen veränderter Auflage 35 Bände sowie zwei Registerbände. Konzipiert als Handbuch, steht der Hoops in der Tradition umfangreicher Enzyklopädien: Ziel ist es, den gesamten Kenntnisstand zur Germanischen Altertumskunde umfassend und kritisch zu präsentieren. Sein interdisziplinärer Ansatz schließt Ergebnisse aus den Bereichen Kunstgeschichte, Rechtsgeschichte, Volkskunde und Religionswissenschaft mit ein.

  • af Johannes Bergemann
    658,95 kr.

    The volume presents 20 contributions from two colloquia held as part of the DAAD Southern European Dialogue in Göttingen in June 2022 and Palermo in October 2022 under the direction of the editors and Aurelio Burgio. An introduction by the editors is followed by papers on an overview of demography and archaeology, methods and problems of archaeological proxy data for population dynamics, archaeological demography north and south of the Alps, a diachronic comparison of early populations, three case studies on the demography of Sicily, population estimates for Boeotia, and Attic funeral reliefs as a source for the demography of Athens. Other topics include extra-urban settlement structures and demography, demographic change in Lycia, the research project "Roman Empire of 2000 cities", population numbers and proportions in Republican colonies in Italy, the demography of Roman rural landscapes, the demographic crisis in Early Medieval Northern France, the demography of Halaesa and its surrounding area, the population of Soluntum in the 6th/5th century B.C., and the demography of the Carini Plain in the Late Roman and Byzantine periods.

  • af Andrew F. Crosse
    218,95 kr.

    Round About the Carpathians, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of History General and Eastern Hemisphere Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia

  • af Alexander Michie
    248,95 kr.

    The Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petersburg,, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of History General and Eastern Hemisphere Russia, Former Soviet Republics, Poland

  • af Borbála Zsuzsanna Török
    1.362,95 kr.

    The formation of modern European states during the long 19th century was complicated and challenged by the integration of completely different territories and populations. The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 builds on recent research to investigate the means of administrative, legal, and educational structures overlooked as part of the German sciences of the state. Integral to shaping imperial power for the process of Habsburg state-building, the science of Statistik (statistics) dissected and translated the states disparate territories it into empirically perceptible components.

  • af Peter J Miller
    1.005,95 kr.

    "The first large-scale comparative study of epinikian song and epigram in English. Integrates these genres into the context of ancient Greek athletics, particularly the rituals associated with victory and competition, and will be invaluable for students and scholars of Pindar, ancient Greek lyric, and epigram"--

  • af Luna McNamara
    198,95 kr.

    "A riotous adventure through the ages of Greek mythology, populated by a cast of vivid, glittering characters. Luna McNamara strikes the perfect note of irreverent humor and furious emotion in this fabulous novel. An absolute joy!" ? JENNIFER SAINT, bestselling author of Ariadne and ElektraThe god of desire is cursed to fall for a spirited young mortal woman, but if she looks upon his face they will be parted forever in this utterly transporting reimagining of Greek mythology?an epic adventure and love story for the ages, sure to satisfy fans of Madeline Miller and V.E. SchwabWho said true love is a myth?A prophecy claims that Psyche, princess of Mycenae, will defeat a monster feared even by the gods. Rebelling against her society's expectations for women, Psyche spends her youth mastering blade and bow, preparing to meet her destiny.When Psyche angers the love goddess Aphrodite, she sends Eros, god of desire, to deliver a cruel curse. After eons watching humanity twist his gifts, the last thing Eros wants is to become involved in the chaos of the mortal world. But when he pricks himself with the arrow intended for Psyche, Eros finds himself doomed to yearn for a woman who will be torn from him the moment their eyes meet.Thrown together by fate, headstrong Psyche and world-weary Eros will face challenges greater than they could have ever imagined. And as the Trojan War begins and divine powers try to keep them apart, the pair must determine if the curse could become something more . . . before it's too late.A joyous and subversive tale of gods, monsters, and the human heart and soul, Psyche and Eros dazzles the senses while exploring notions of trust, sacrifice, and what it truly means to be a hero. With unforgettably vivid characters, spellbinding prose, and delicious tension, Luna McNamara has crafted a shimmering and propulsive debut novel about a love so strong it defies the will of Olympus."An enthralling tale of adventure, romance, and star-crossed lovers.? ? SUE LYNN TAN, bestselling author of Daughter of the Moon Goddess"Startlingly lovely. This is Greek mythology as it's meant to be told?witty, indulgent, deeply felt." ? GRACE D. LI, New York Times bestselling author of Portrait of a Thief"Every page is a breathless, swoonworthy adventure." ? ROSHANI CHOKSHI, New York Times bestselling author of The Last Tale of the Flower Bride

  • af Elena Kuzminait¿
    388,95 kr.

    "Virtuv¿s Pasauliai: Vidur¿emio Regiono Skonio I¿pildymas" kvie¿ia jus ¿ kulinarin¿ kelion¿ per Vidur¿emio regiono skonius, kur virtuv¿ tampa meniniu darbu ir kiekvienas valgis - skonio i¿pildymu. Autor¿ Elena Kuzminait¿, aistringa kulinarin¿s meist¿ ir Vidur¿emio regiono virtuv¿s gerb¿ja, ves jus per ¿io pasaulinio virtuvinio paveldo paslaptis.¿i knyga yra daugiau nei tik recept¿ rinkinys; tai yra gidas ¿ Vidur¿emio regiono skonio pasaul¿. Elena Kuzminait¿ dalinasi savo ekspert¿ ¿iniomis apie ¿io regiono maisto paslaptis, tradicijas ir patiekal¿ k¿rimo b¿dus, leisdama jums pajusti Vidur¿emio j¿ros pakrant¿s dvelksm¿ savo virtuv¿je."Virtuv¿s Pasauliai" leis jums tyrin¿ti ¿io regiono skoni¿ ¿vairov¿ - nuo Graikijos grie¿in¿li¿ iki itali¿k¿ makaron¿ patiekal¿, nuo Ispanijos tapas iki Turkm¿nijos kebabo. Ar esate patyr¿s ¿efas ar naujokas virtuv¿je, ¿i knyga suteiks jums ¿kv¿pimo ir ¿ini¿ ¿altin¿, kad sukurtum¿te autenti¿kus Vidur¿emio regiono skonius j¿s¿ päi¿ virtuv¿je.Elena Kuzminait¿ ves jus per ¿io regiono virtuv¿s pasaul¿, leisdama jums päinti Vidur¿emio regiono kult¿r¿ ir skon¿ per savo i¿skirtin¿ recept¿ archyv¿. "Virtuv¿s Pasauliai" pad¿s jums sukurti skanias ir autenti¿kas patiekalas, kurie atne¿ jums Vidur¿emio regiono ¿aves¿ ir d¿iaugsm¿. B¿kite pasiruö¿ atrasti Vidur¿emio regiono virtuv¿s paslaptis ¿ioje nuostabioje knygoje!

  • af Margarita Vaysman
    183,95 - 940,95 kr.

  • af John Nash
    1.163,95 kr.

    This is a study of sea power and maritime strategy in the Classical Greek world. More than just a study of navies and battles, it examines how the sea was used to influence events ashore and how the use of naval power combined with land power had a defining impact on the period. After an examination of the oft-overlooked practical issues of navigation and administration, the book explores the idea of a 'maritime consciousness' in Greece and how this shaped the way the Greeks engaged in war. Naval operations from the Persian Wars down to the rise of Thebes are examined at the operational and strategic level, including a catalogue of the hundreds of different maritime operations from the 5 th and 4 th centuries BCE. Further, while the great sea power Athens is most prominent, it looks at other city-states to examine how they utilised sea power. This new approach uses modern theory to highlight some enduring lessons of sea power. It demonstrates that Classical scholars should embrace sea power as an important concept in the Greek world. Modern scholars of naval and strategic studies should cast their gaze further back in time when looking for lessons in sea power. This book helps to bridge the scholarship between these two disciplines.

  • af Thomas D Wilson
    219,95 kr.

    The Allied Chaplains of the American, British, Canadian and Polish armies in the battles for Northwestern Europe and in the Battle of the Atlantic are often overlooked due to their small numbers in relation to the hundreds of thousands of other men who made up the Allied armies. However, the chaplains were highly respected and appreciated by the men in the various units they served, as well as often being incredibly brave men who were (and are) forbidden by the rules of war from carrying any sort of weapon into battle, beyond their holy books and their faith. Allied chaplains suffered the second highest loss rate of killed or wounded of any group of men in World War II (second only to that of RAF Bomber Command) and were virtually irreplaceable due to the academic and religious training that took years to complete.This book looks at the Allied Chaplains who died during the Battle for France in 1940, endured the horrors of the Dunkirk evacuation, died in the battles on the North Atlantic (due to the sinking of their ships by German U-Boats), in the Battle for Normandy in 1944, during the Allied liberation of occupied Europe, and the defeat of Germany. It includes information about their lives before entering military chaplaincy, their deaths and sometimes the differing accounts of their deaths, as well as their final resting places in cemeteries across Europe andin the United States of America or where they are commemorated on Memorial Walls to the Missing.The Revd Dr Thomas Wilson has had an interest in WW II military history since he was 12 years old. Revd Wilson had a career in the business world before answering the call to ordained ministry. He was ordained in the Anglican Church of Canada, and served as the Rector of a parish in Southwestern Ontario. In 2007, he had the chance to spend a year in France, on a university exchange program that his wife, Professor Dawn Cornelio was coordinating. While there, they led some of the Canadian students on a visit to Normandy, where they all participated in graveside memorial Service for Canadian Chaplain Walter Brown. It was Padre Brown's murder that led Revd Wilson to initially explore all the Allied Chaplainskilled in the Battle for Normandy. After moving to serve as the Rector of a Scottish Episcopal (Anglican) Church for over 5 years, Revd Wilson now is the Anglican Chaplain of St Raphael and the Var in southern France where he ministers to a multi-national English-speaking congregation

  • af Eugene Smelyansky
    1.068,95 kr.

    This study explores tropes concerned with the Middle Ages in Imperial, Soviet, and post-Soviet Russia, seeking to explain why an often romanticized medieval past remains potent in Russian politics, society, and culture today.

  • af Dominic Haynes
    163,95 - 393,95 kr.

  • af Alena Kharko
    659,95 kr.

    Aleksandr Men¿ (1935¿1990) gilt als einer der bedeutendsten orthodoxen russischsprachigen Theologen des 20. Jahrhunderts, jedoch wurde sein Konzept einer theologischen Erlösungslehre bisher nicht systematisch untersucht. Bei der Entwicklung seiner theologischen Ideen beteiligt sich Men¿ einerseits an den orthodoxen Debatten um eine Auslegung der Erlösungstat Jesu Christi. Andererseits lässt sich aber in seinem Werk auch eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit der westlichen (vor allem der protestantischen) Exegese nachweisen. Die Autorin nutzt einen innovativen methodischen Ansatz, der in der bisherigen Forschung zu seiner Person und seinem theologischen Denken wenig beachtet wurde. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Systematisierung von Men¿s Beschäftigung mit den Fragen und Themen, die die orthodoxe Theologie am Ende des 19. und zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts geprägt haben. Damit wird Men¿s kritisches Gespräch mit den theologischen Entwürfen in Ost und West rekonstruiert und das eigenständige Konzept seiner orthodoxen Erlösungslehre innerhalb einer gesamteuropäischen christlichen Theologie verdeutlicht.

  • af Gian Luca Gardini
    806,95 kr.

    This book explores three key issues to understand the redefinition of relations between the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC): the international context, foreign policies of EU member states towards Latin America, and crucial topics on the EU-LAC agenda. At the theoretical level, the book aims to rebalance two debates on EU-LAC relations. First, in the debate between agency and structure, the book stresses that context is a limiting factor of the agent¿s preferences and actions. Second, in the debate between values and interests, it finds that interests should not be made invariably dependent on values.At the empirical level, two aspects stand out. First, the change and continuity in EU member states¿ foreign policies also impact the EU¿s own role in the continent. Second, new topics on the bi-regional and global agenda have the potential to redefine the relations between the two regions.At a time of European alleged decline, this volume argues that the EU remains a highly significant actor in Latin America and the Caribbean."EU-Latin American relations are in a phase of redefinition. This timely book addresses both the structural obstacles and the prospects and areas for deeper cooperation. Against the background of diverging positions of Latin America and the EU in international politics, the proposed decoupling of political and functional agendas should be considered."Detlef Nolte, German Institute für Global and Area Studies (GIGA)"This book makes an original and significant contribution to the study of the relations between the European Union and Latin American and the Caribbean. The volume blends wisely the right doses of scholarly research and policymaking sensitivity, thus making for an innovative read for academics and an insightful contribution for practitioners."Andrés Malamud, University of Lisbon

  • af Charles Merivale
    538,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Tatjana Bartsch
    508,95 kr.

    1532 reist der holländische Maler Maarten van Heemskerck (1498-1574) von Haarlem nach Rom. Mit dem Zeichenstift in der Hand entdeckt er Antike und Renaissance. Seine faszinierenden Zeichnungen führen uns durch das Rom des 16. Jahrhunderts. Eine Reise in virtuosen Bildern durch die Zeit.Kolosseum - Forum Romanum - Kapitolsplatz: Er war überall. Als einer der ersten nordalpinen Künstler unternahm Maarten van Heemskerck eine reine Künstlerreise nach Italien. Seine Skizzen zeigen bewunderte antike Bau- und Bildwerke, aber auch die zeitgenössische Kunst Raffaels und Michelangelos. Der prächtige Band lädt ein, Van Heemskercks Zeichenpraxis, die römische Topographie und die sozialen Netzwerke des 16. Jahrhunderts sowie die spannende Restaurierungsgeschichte seines römischen Skizzenbuchs kennen zu lernen.

  • af Anna Borshchevskaya
    157,95 - 226,95 kr.

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