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  • af C. O. Rebiere
    243,95 kr.

    La quête des signes 3Désemparée face à la perte immense qu'elle vient de subir, Zia décide de poursuivre son long voyage initiatique malgré la peine et les obstacles. Au fur et à mesure des rencontres, des soins qu'elle prodigue avec abnégation et compassion, elle prend conscience du fabuleux héritage laissé par Lidova et réalise les attentes immenses des gens qui l'accueillent. Néanmoins, elle se doit d'aller jusqu'au bout de sa promesse faite à la vieille guérisseuse des Haganitas de déposer l'amulette-totem dans la grotte sacrée. Seule, elle affronte la périlleuse traversée des montagnes et manque d'y perdre la vie. Déterminée, elle n'hésite pas à s'aventurer dans les entrailles de la Terre-Mère avec son chien Cani. Son incroyable volonté de se battre et son énergie pour affronter l'adversité vont cependant être réduites à néant.Au bout des grandes plaines d'Europe centrale et des fatalités qui s'abattent sur lui, Kadmeron découvre enfin un village où les signes-mots semblent rythmer les événements et embellir tous les aspects de l'existence. Ce peuple inconnu maîtrise des techniques nouvelles qui le fascinent. Il observe les premiers champs cultivés et commence à percer les secrets qui lui ont fait traverser des milliers de kilomètres avec la manifestation terrestre de son esprit protecteur, le cheval Potac. Mais la grotte des esprits-animaux l'appelle. Lui aussi doit respecter son engagement chamanique fait à la mère bisonne. Pour éviter à tout prix la répétition de la malédiction du grand cerf, il part à la recherche de ce lieu sacré, dissimulé par le relief, la végétation, et protégé par de féroces prédateurs.Un hasard incroyable réunit enfin ces deux jeunes qu'un monde séparait. Ils apprennent petit à petit à se parler, à se connaître. Une complicité s'établit ainsi qu'un désir réciproque, teinté de respect et de curiosité pour cet Autre venu de si loin. Mais ce jeune couple qui se forme doit trouver la force de résister à l'adversité et aux préjugés. Pourront-ils chacun affronter le poids des coutumes, de l'ignorance et de l'orgueil ? Leur amour naissant résistera-t-il aux ambitions de leur entourage ? Il y a plus de six millénaires avant notre ère, l'Europe du Mésolithique est ébranlée par des cataclysmes climatiques. Des pluies diluviennes s'abattent sur le monde, la Mer Méditerranée envahit les côtes. Les eaux de l'Océan Atlantique montent de plusieurs mètres à cause de la fonte massive des glaciers polaires, détruisant des villages et chassant des populations terrifiées. Bien que la partie orientale du continent semble moins touchée, la Mer Noire ne cesse de se remplir et de gagner du terrain sur le littoral.C'est le début d'une période de migrations forcées qui placent l'humanité dans une situation terrible. Comment se sont organisés nos ancêtres pour faire face à la furie des eaux et au réchauffement climatique ? Avec quelles technologies ont-ils réussi à survivre ? Quelles alliances ont-ils dû forger pour arriver à dépasser ces terribles catastrophes ?

  • af Lewis Henry Morgan
    208,95 kr.

    "Ancient Society: Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery, through Barbarism to Civilization" is a seminal work by American anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan, first published in 1877. Morgan's book is considered a foundational text in the field of anthropology, particularly in the study of social evolution and cultural development. The central theme of "Ancient Society" revolves around Morgan's theory of social evolution, which he articulated through the concept of three successive stages: savagery, barbarism, and civilization. Morgan proposed that human societies had progressed through these stages, each marked by distinct economic, social, and technological characteristics. Savagery: In this stage, according to Morgan, societies were characterized by a reliance on hunting and gathering as their primary means of subsistence. The family, as a social institution, was organized around kinship and communal living. Technological developments during this stage included the use of simple tools and the absence of agriculture. Barbarism: The next stage, barbarism, was marked by the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals. This allowed for the establishment of settled communities and the emergence of more complex social structures. The family evolved into larger kinship groups, and advancements in technology included the use of metals. Civilization: The final stage, civilization, was characterized by the presence of advanced technologies, the development of written language, and complex social and political institutions. According to Morgan, private property and class distinctions became prominent during this stage. Morgan supported his theories with extensive research, drawing on evidence from a wide range of cultures, especially indigenous societies in North America. He also proposed a classification system for kinship terminology, which has had a lasting impact on the study of kinship relations in anthropology. While some aspects of Morgan's work have been criticized and revised over time, "Ancient Society" remains an influential text that laid the groundwork for the study of cultural evolution and anthropology. It has stimulated ongoing debates and discussions about the nature of human societies and their development.

  • af Jonas Seekopf
    287,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Frühgeschichte, Antike, Note: 2,0, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Veranstaltung: Basiskurs, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Imperiale Bestrebungen und die Kritik an solchen Bemühungen haben mit dem Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine im Jahr 2022 wieder an Aktualität gewonnen. Kritik an einer kriegsfördernden Imperialpolitik beschränkt sich dabei nicht nur auf autoritäre Staaten, sondern verurteilt ähnliche Strategien demokratischer Großmächte wie den USA. Auch im antiken Griechenland kritisierte Thukydides imperialistische Tendenzen der athenischen Politik. Diese führten zu einem der größten Feldzüge Athens, der sizilischen Expedition. Im Laufe dieser Arbeit werden die tatsächlichen Absichten Athens bei der Entscheidung zu diesem Feldzug genauer darstellt werden. Das Vorhandensein einer kohärenten athenischen Imperialpolitik ist dabei nicht unumstritten. So spricht Baring den Athener die Fähigkeit zur Umsetzung einer imperialen Politik gleich völlig ab. Für diese Unfähigkeit macht er das Fehlen einer politischen Einheit aus. Diese Sichtweise bildet jedoch eher die Ausnahme im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs. Im Gegensatz zu Barings Ansatz identifiziert Meiggs die Abgaben- und Tributstrukturen der Athener im attischen Seebund als klare Bestandteile einer imperialistischen Strategie. Auch für Galpin sind Abgaben Teil von wirtschaftlichen und militärischen Maßnahmen, welche den Kurs einer imperialen Politik widerspiegeln.Diese Arbeit wird die Bedeutung imperialistischer Vorstellungen Athens im Kontext der sizilischen Expedition genauer beleuchten. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den wichtigsten Motiven bei der Entscheidung zum Feldzug und deren tatsächlichen imperialistischen Gehalt. Berücksichtigt werden sowohl die Überlegungen der politischen Führung als auch die Beweggründe der Volksversammlung, die letztlich der Expedition zustimmte.

  • af Svetozar Po¿ti¿
    298,95 - 448,95 kr.

  • af Nick Thoben
    411,95 kr.

    Die Agogé. Die spartanische Knabenausbildung. Ein vormilitärisches Erziehungssystem 1. Einleitung 2. Quellenlage 3. Die Aufzucht der spartanischen Knaben 4. Die Agogé ¿ Ein vormilitärisches Erziehungssystem 5. Zusammenfassung 6. Quellenverzeichnis 7. Literaturverzeichnis Die spartanische Verfassung in griechischer Publizistik des 5. und 4. vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts. Die Darstellung politischer und gesellschaftlicher Besonderheiten Spartas bei Herodot, Xenophon und in der Kritik des Aristoteles 1. Einleitung 2. Quellenlage und Forschungsstand 3. Politische und gesellschaftliche Besonderheiten der spartanischen Verfassung 4. Die spartanische Verfassung in der Kritik des Aristoteles 5. Fazit 6. Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis 7. Literatur Sind in der Verfassung der Spartaner demokratische Züge zu finden? 1. Einleitung 2. Hauptteil 3. Die Große Rhetra 4. Die Bedeutung der Apella als demokratisches Element 5. Mischverfassung & ¿Checks and Balances¿ 6. Schlussteil 7. Literaturverzeichnis

  • af Sophie Schlüter
    287,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Frühgeschichte, Antike, Note: 1,0, Universität Potsdam (Alte Geschichte), Veranstaltung: Proseminar Griechische Tyrannis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im Laufe dieser Arbeit soll die Leitfrage "Inwiefern verhalfen Peisistratos' Mittel der Legitimation zur Errichtung seiner drei Tyrannis über Athen?" beantwortet werden. Hierbei soll ebenso erläutert werden, ob er heimlich vorging oder ob er sein Handeln öffentlich demonstrierte, um als Tyrann in Athen 'Fuß zu fassen'. Daher ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit herauszufinden, wie Peisistratos trotz zweier Niederlagen die Herrschaft erlangen konnte und welche Mittel er für seine Legitimation nutzte.Die Unzufriedenheit der Bevölkerung, Rivalitäten zwischen Aristokraten und soziale und wirtschaftliche Missstände waren in der Archaik an der Tagesordnung und stellten begünstigende Faktoren für die Errichtung einer Tyrannis dar. Tyrannen erlangten dabei keinesfalls, wie es bei den Königen üblich war, durch legitime und gesetzeskonforme Mittel die Macht, sondern griffen auf Gewalt und Listen zur Etablierung ihrer Tyrannis zurück. Exemplarisch war dafür die Unterstützung von Söldnern oder eine geschickte Selbstinszenierung vor dem Volk. Peisistratos bemühte sich drei Mal die Macht über Athen zu ergreifen, was ihm bei seinem letzten Versuch durch die Hilfe von Söldnern und Unterstützern gelang. Durch sein mehrmaliges Bestreben und die unterschiedlichen Arten, um seine Tyrannis durchzusetzen, bietet Peisistratos den idealen Untersuchungsgegenstand meiner Leitfrage. Um die Fragestellung zu beantworten, bilden Herodot und Aristoteles meine Quellengrundlage, da beide die drei Tyrannenherrschaften des Peisistratos beschrieben. Thukydides äußerte sich lediglich zum Ende der Tyrannis von Peisistratos über ihn und widmete sich anschließend eher seinen Söhnen, weshalb dieser für die Hausarbeit nicht von großer Relevanz ist. Auch in der modernen Forschung stellen Aristoteles und Herodot die Hauptquellen für die Tyrannis von Peisistratos dar, jedoch wurden hierbei auch einige Schilderungen kritisch beleuchtet. Besonders in Bezug auf die drei Gruppierungen, welche sich laut Aristoteles durch lokale und verfassungspolitische Merkmale unterschieden, wird von einem Anachronismus gesprochen. Daher ist es für diese Leitfrage von besonderer Bedeutsamkeit die Quellen kritisch zu hinterfragen und mithilfe der modernen Literatur ein Urteil zu entwickeln. Diese Arbeit wird zuerst das Wesen der Tyrannis ausführlich beschreiben, um die Merkmale und Besonderheiten dieser herauszufinden.

  • af Joseph McCabe
    223,95 kr.

    The Romance of the Romanoffs, a classical and rare book that has been considered essential throughout human history, so that this work is never forgotten, we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • af Joy Chester
    268,95 kr.

    Want your kids to develop a habit of reading? Treat them to these quick 10-minute action-packed Greek legends!Children nowadays seem to read less and less. Reading a book can seem like a chore when entertainment can be gained through a screen so much more quickly. But studies have shown that developing an "atomic habit" - just doing a few minutes a day of whatever skill or habit you want to take on can be more than enough to engrain it into our lives. Therefore, we have transformed timeless, legendary stories into 10-minute, bite-size chunks long enough to entertain, enthrall, and even educate the reader but short enough to be enjoyed quickly at bedtime or any other point in our busy modern days. Within its pages, you and your child will discover: 25 page-turning adventures handpicked from ancient literary geniuses such as Euripides, Hesiod, and Ovid.Walk with the greatest monster-slayers of the Heroic Age - marvel at Herakles' strength, Perseus' bravery, and the Argonauts' epic voyage.Go back to a time when the Greek gods walked and fought on Earth, when monsters were real, and heroes were in desperately short supply.Bite-sized non-stop entertainment in just 10 minutes! Cultivate and strengthen a love for books and reading. Timeless classic stories for kids to enjoy, helping young ones learn while having fun.Your perfect bedtime and travel companion - these short stories are excellent for you and your child to spend quality time together whenever and wherever you want!And much more. Some more gruesome or brutal details have been left aside, lying ready in the original texts, and are 100% kid-friendly without losing their magical charm.Gift your children the magic of reading with these enchanting Greek stories today: scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now.

  • af Bjorn Hacker
    153,95 kr.

    Yes, European social policy exists, and its origins can be traced back nearly 70 years. This book succeeds in demystifying Social Europe and explains its significance in the integration process for the broader public. Björn Hacker maps out the lines of conflict in social affairs between Member States and the EU, as well as between economic and social progress. These lines of conflict determine the modes and actors of European social policy, creating tangible development stages with different focus points. Going back to Willy Brandt and Jacques Delors the author highlights visions of Social Europe in their respective paradigmatic environment and mirrors what is left of them today. Challenges of socioeconomic imbalances, the twin transformation and multiple crises setting, make this book an indispensable companion for all those who want to understand and further progress Social Europe. The volume on Social Europe is part of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) Primers Series.

  • af Simon Dixon
    958,95 - 963,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Olmstead
    208,95 kr.

    Experience the Taste of the Mediterranean and Transform Your Cooking Skills!Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey and discover the secrets of the Mediterranean diet? Want to effortlessly create delicious and nourishing meals while embracing a healthier lifestyle? The Mediterranean Cookbook for Beginners is your ultimate guide to unlocking the vibrant flavors of 2023 and embracing a lifestyle filled with fresh, wholesome ingredients. Designed specifically for beginners, this cookbook combines essential cooking techniques with a variety of mouthwatering recipes that will elevate your culinary skills to new heights. With this book in your hands, you'll embark on a gastronomic adventure, exploring the rich and diverse cuisines of the Mediterranean region. Immerse yourself in the art of cooking as you learn how to infuse your dishes with the perfect balance of herbs, spices, and fresh produce. From hearty breakfasts to delectable desserts, each recipe is carefully crafted to bring out the best flavors and textures while promoting a balanced and nutritious diet. In this Guide you'll:Unlock the secrets of the Mediterranean diet with easy-to-follow recipes and step-by-step instructions.Enjoy a wide variety of flavorful dishes, including breakfast and brunch delights, wholesome salads and appetizers, hearty soups and stews, Mediterranean seafood dishes, plant-based mains and sides, poultry and meat favorites, and irresistible desserts.Experience the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, such as improved heart health, weight management, and increased vitality.Discover the joy of cooking with fresh, seasonal ingredients that are easily accessible.Embrace a no-stress 8-week meal plan that simplifies your journey to a healthier lifestyle.Are you ready to embark on a flavorful journey that will revolutionize your cooking and enhance your well-being? Don't miss out on this opportunity to master the art of Mediterranean cooking and enjoy the numerous benefits it offers. Take the first step towards a healthier and more vibrant lifestyle.

  • af Daniel O'Quinn
    382,95 - 883,95 kr.

    Daniel O'Quinn investigates the complex interpersonal, political, and aesthetic relationships between Europeans and Ottomans in the long eighteenth century. Bookmarking his analysis with the conflict leading to the 1699 Treaty of Karlowitz on one end and the 1815 bid for Greek independence on the other, he follows the fortunes of notable British, Dutch, and French diplomats to the Sublime Porte of the Ottoman Empire as they lived and worked according to the capitulations surrendered to the Sultan.Closely reading a mixed archive of drawings, maps, letters, dispatches, memoirs, travel narratives, engraved books, paintings, poems, and architecture, O'Quinn demonstrates the extent to which the Ottoman state was not only the subject of historical curiosity in Europe but also a key foil against which Western theories of governance were articulated. Juxtaposing narrative accounts of diplomatic life in Constantinople, such as those contained in the letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, wife of the English ambassador, with visual depictions such as those of the costumes of the Ottoman elite produced by the French-Flemish painter Jean Baptiste Vanmour, he traces the dissemination of European representations and interpretations of the Ottoman Empire throughout eighteenth-century material culture.In a series of eight interlocking chapters, O'Quinn presents sustained and detailed case studies of particular objects, personalities, and historical contexts, framing intercultural encounters between East and West through a set of key concerns: translation, mediation, sociability, and hospitality. Richly illustrated and provocatively argued, Engaging the Ottoman Empire demonstrates that study of the Ottoman world is vital to understanding European modernity.

  • af Jack Devine
    243,95 - 295,95 kr.

    In Spymaster’s Prism, the legendary spymaster Jack Devine aims to ignite public discourse on our country’s intelligence, covert action, and counterintelligence posture against Russia.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    328,95 kr.

    "Arctic Aria: Polar Natural life Cradlesongs" is a charming and interesting investigation of the frozen wonderland of the Cold, offering a new point of view on the existences of its striking occupants. This narrative series, described by a carefully prepared naturalist, welcomes watchers to a quiet and endearing excursion into the domain of polar untamed life.At its heart, "Arctic Aria" is a tribute to the peaceful and enchanting Cold climate, with its immense ice fields, transcending ice sheets, and bone chilling oceans. The series gives an unparalleled view to the extraordinary existences of the Icy's most famous animals, from the great polar bear to the slippery Icy fox, as they explore the difficulties of their outrageous natural surroundings. What sets "Artic Aria" separated is its emphasis on the calmer, more delicate minutes in the existences of these creatures. In the quieted magnificence of the Cold evening, the series divulges the mysterious universe of polar untamed life bedtime songs, an ensemble of maternal consideration and holding. Watchers witness the mitigating, cadenced songs of polar bear moms murmuring delicately to their fledglings, or the delicate quiet of penguin guardians as they serenade their chicks to rest. These impactful children's songs are a demonstration of the profound close to home associations and sustaining senses of Cold animals.The cinematography in "Icy Aria" is just amazing, catching the ethereal Icy scene in the entirety of its greatness, while additionally giving a cozy investigate the private minutes among parent and posterity. A visual gala submerges the crowd in the brutal yet charming universe of the polar districts. Past its shocking visuals, "Cold Aria" highlights the significance of protection and the delicacy of the Icy biological system. It urges watchers to consider the eventual fate of these notable species notwithstanding environmental change and ecological difficulties. This series is an impactful sign of the obligation we bear to safeguard the sensitive equilibrium of the polar wild.In "Icy Aria: Polar Natural life Children's songs," watchers will end up charmed by the Cold's flawless excellence, enthralled by the delicate snapshots of untamed life nurturing, and roused to be stewards of this indispensable environment. It's a festival of life in quite possibly of the most brutal put on The planet, and a source of inspiration to guarantee that the Icy's cradlesongs keep on reverberating in the frozen wild for a long time into the future.

  • af Cátia Teixeira
    353,95 kr.

    The Islamic occupation of the Algarve during the Middle Ages left a strong legacy in many areas of Portuguese culture. We call this territorial domain Gharb al-Andalus. In addition to the intangible legacy, the material remains discovered throughout the region attest to the long permanence of Islamic occupation. Within these parameters, a large number of Islamic buildings have been classified as National Monuments and Buildings of Public Interest. However, many of these structures leave us in doubt as to the state of preservation and dissemination of the heritage to local communities. This book addresses this shortcoming in an informative way, with fact sheets on Islamic heritage in the Algarve. Safeguarding the built cultural heritage is a patent that should not be ignored and, hopefully, new initiatives to protect the legacy of our history and culture will be realised.

  • af Storia Imperiale
    408,95 - 478,95 kr.

  • af David Selim Sayers
    243,95 kr.

    IV. Murad ¿stanbul'unda geçen ve cinsellik, para, äk ve ¿iddet gibi konular¿ i¿leyen T¿flî hikâyeleri, 19. yüzy¿l Osmanl¿ düzyaz¿ edebiyat¿n¿n önemli bir türünü olu¿turur. Bu edebî türle ilgili ilk ve tek kapsaml¿ çal¿¿ma olan T¿fli Hikâyeleri, 19. yüzy¿l Osmanl¿ kültürünün de çarp¿c¿ bir panoramas¿n¿ sunuyor. Kitap, hikâyelere ili¿kin inceleme d¿¿¿nda eski yaz¿dan çeviri yaz¿s¿ yap¿lan hikâye metinlerini de içeriyor. English: The Tifli Stories are a genre of Ottoman prose literature set in Istanbul during the reign of Murad IV (r. 1623-1640) and revolving around themes such as sex, money, passion, and violence. The first and only comprehensive study of this literary genre, Tifli Hikayeleri (The Tifli Stories) analyzes the stories to offer a vivid panorama of 19th-century Ottoman culture. The book further includes a comprehensive corpus of stories transliterated from Ottoman into modern Turkish.

  • af Charles Rollin
    298,95 - 438,95 kr.

  • af Charles Colville Frankland
    258,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Barthold Georg Niebuhr
    378,95 - 513,95 kr.

  • af Maria Millington Lathbury Evans
    178,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Laurent Gouvion Saint-Cyr
    378,95 - 513,95 kr.

  • af Theodor Mommsen
    488,95 - 648,95 kr.

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