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  • af Ahmet Yazici
    153,95 kr.

    I combined my books "The Return of Jesus" and "Armies of the Heavens" under the same title. Jesus Christ is going to be among us again, for sure. There are inevitably some signs of this blessed person's coming. So what are these signs? What causes Jesus Christ to be sent again on earth? How do we recognize him? What will change in the world after he arrives? While answering these questions, I have addressed some other individuals related to Jesus Christ, and some signs of doom. Jesus (PBUH) was crucified?Since Muhammad (PBUH) is the last of the prophets, why will Jesus (PBUH) come?What are the signs of his coming?What will he do when he arrives?Who are end-time individuals and how do we know them?What is the role of the Jews in the End Times?Why did God allow the establishment of the state of Israel? When talking about Jesus Christ, the indispensable word is the great antichrist. I specifically discussed the great Antichrist.Who were the antichrists who came in the 20th century?Which states sided with the antichrist and which sided with Jesus Christ in the 20th century?How will the struggle between Prophet Jesus (PBUH) and the Antichrist be in this century?There are various comings of Jesus Christ (PBUH) in the end times. The most important of these is that he comes down from the sky himself. When you read this work, you will understand the truth and secret of the coming of Jesus. A Christian commander asks Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan:"How do you come out victorious in every battle? Whatever we did, no matter what we tried, we couldn't beat you."Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan answers: "Why are we not defeated? Because we also have an army in the sky!" Wars that changed the course of history... Scenes of destiny's plan in human history... Nations assigned by destiny for special missions...This work deals with two main issues. Divine help and destiny plan...Besides, I made some explanations about angels that will remove doubts and delusions. The Ottoman navy, comprising 122 galley-style ships, is against the allied forces with 608 galleons and galley-type navies. Which side wins according to the ordinary flow of life, the laws of nature or the laws of physics? Allied navy, of course. However, this legendary battle was won by the Ottoman navy under the command of Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha. The side that the Almighty helps, not the strong side, wins wars and struggles... We cannot grasp these recondite secrets. However, the lived stories I have told can give us a familiarity with the secrets of the universe, like a drop in the ocean.

  • af Joseph Paskovsky
    214,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Fragenius Kleistersturm
    203,95 kr.

    Das Historiendrama "Der Putsch" erzählt die Ereignisse um den Hitlerputsch von 1923 nach, der zur Geburtsstunde des deutschen Faschismus wurde. Der Blick in die Vergangenheit offenbart sich als erstaunliche Kristallkugel der Zukunft...

  • af Regina Gorsleben
    285,95 - 341,95 kr.

  • af Nydia Sagre
    163,95 kr.

    As the daughter of Cuban parents who immigrated to the United States in 1949, I was raised on the foods of their country.But as I grew up and became a teenager, my taste was satisfied by a daily cheeseburger and french fries. At the age of fifteen, my mother would tell me it was time for me to learn how to cook because one day, I would have a family, and I would need to feed them some real food. I laughed it off and assured her that I would study and work hard and be able to afford someone to cook for me. She was right, I did all the things I promised, but once I did have a family, I looked back to my roots to provide for them. I found I enjoyed cooking and not only the foods of my country on Thanksgiving Day but also the traditional Cuban foods of Noche Buena.As the years have gone by, my family has become more American than Cuban. Many in my family are losing the Spanish language, yet they still love my cooking.I have preserved in this book a few of my family's favorite recipes to ensure that my children, grandchildren, family, and future generations I will never meet, retain the food of their heritage.

  • af João Tarcisio Endres
    283,95 kr.

    The aim of this study was to learn about the history of Octacílio Rodrigues da Silva, his parents and siblings who lived nearby. In 1919, the family settled in the present-day city of Giruá because they were building the railway, which would change the growth of the city and colonisation in the north-western region of Rio Grande do Sul. Since he was a policeman, he retired with the rank of colonel in the Military Brigade. This work involves his first brothers, inherited from his father. They are involved in various aspects of Brazilian and regional politics in the 1930s, the Prestes Column and the Second World War. It includes his studies and his private life after his retirement with philanthropic work. As a result, the story is both familiar and new from the point of view of the 97-year-old soldier.

  • af Olga Zvonareva
    377,95 - 1.011,95 kr.

  • af Kurt Möhle
    318,95 kr.

    Projekt Pegasos sollte der Umkehreffekt für die Menschheit werden. Unter der Aufsicht der UNO, schickten fast alle Länder ihre fähigsten Wissenschaftler auf die Plattform. Was niemand vermutete, einer der Wissenschaftler spielte falsch. Erst durch Ida und Ole, die ihre Tante suchen, bekommt das Spiel eine Wendung.

  • af Korshi Dosoo
    1.548,95 kr.

    This volume is the first in a new series of editions of Coptic-language "magical" manuscripts from Egypt, written on papyrus, ostraca, parchment, and paper, and dating to between the fourth and twelfth centuries CE. Their texts attest to non-institutional rituals intended to bring about changes in the lives of those who used them - heal disease, curse enemies, bring about love or hatred, or see into the future. These manuscripts represent rich sources of information on daily life and lived religion of Egypt in the last centuries of Roman rule and the first centuries after the Arab conquest, giving us glimpses of the hopes and fears of people of this time, their conflicts and problems, and their vision of the human and superhuman worlds. This volume presents 37 new editions and descriptions of manuscripts, focusing on formularies or "handbooks", those texts containing instructions for the performance of rituals. Each of these is accompanied by a history of its acquisition, a material description, and presented with facing text and translations, tracings of accompanying images, and explanatory notes to aid in understanding the text.

  • af Gilgamesh
    148,95 kr.

    Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk, and his friend Enkidu are the only heroes from ancient Babylonian stories that have survived. They are the main characters in an old poem from around 3000 years ago. In the poem, they go on adventures together, like defeating a powerful bull and killing a scary monster. But when Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh is very sad and afraid of dying himself. This makes him go on a journey to find a way to live forever. "The Epic of Gilgamesh" is a story that teaches us about right and wrong, sad things, and exciting adventures. It's an important piece of literature that explores the idea of people wanting to live forever.

  • af Denis O'Leary
    218,95 kr.

    Popol Vuh is the ancient text of the Quiche Maya of Mexico and Guatemala well before the Spanish and Europeans landed on the shores of these lands. The story of creation had been passed down over unknown generations, being scribed possibly in 1554. Popol Vuh, also known as the The Book of the People tells about the creation of the Earth, people and animals that inhabit it. Though banned by the Spanish Conquest, copies were rediscovered in the nineteenth century.Popol Vuh follows the hero twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque in their struggle with the Lords of Death in the underworld. Through the Twin Hero's actions, people, animals and plants were allowed to inhabit the Earth.Popol Vuh, Stories for Children brings the complex and beautiful story to the young who seek answers to the beliefs before European history was taught in the Americas.

  • af Sarbjit Bahga
    430,95 kr.

    Chandigarh is a giant experiment in town planning and architecture in India and the world. Being one of the best cities planned and built afresh on virgin land, Chandigarh attracted the global community of architects, planners, and historians. Resultantly, copious works have been written on Chandigarh, and much literature exists on the subject."Making of Chandigarh: A Vintage History" is the latest addition to the number of books written by various authors on this subject. Of all the treatises published earlier, this book is unique in its approach, contents, and presentation. The book focuses on recording the process of making a city through 575 black-and-white photographs. Several photographers have clicked these photographs since the city's inception in 1950 till the 1990s. This book is a tribute to the numerous known and unknown photographers who recorded the history of Chandigarh through their photographs.It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and photographers are worth a million. Imagine, if we glance through hundreds of pictures clicked on a particular subject over a period of 40 years beginning in 1950, how easy it will be to grasp the historical aspect of that subject! With this aim, the "Making of Chandigarh: A Vintage History" has been conceived and presented as a pictorial journey of the city.Apart from the rich collection of vintage photos, the book includes more than 50 drawings of important city buildings and campuses. An elaborated essay, 'Making of Chandigarh', explains the whole story of the capital city and throws light on the essential campuses, complexes and buildings designed by master architects like Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Maxwell Fry, Jane Drew, and their Indian colleagues.

  • af Lynn Ellen Patyk
    1.175,95 kr.

    Tapping into the emergence of scholarly comedy studies since the 2000s, this collection brings new perspectives to bear on the Dostoevskian light side. Funny Dostoevksy demonstrates how and why Dostoevsky is one of the most humorous 19th-century authors, even as he plumbs the depths of the human psyche and the darkest facets of European modernity. The authors go beyond the more traditional categories of humor, such as satire, parody, and the carnivalesque, to apply unique lenses to their readings of Dostoevsky. These include cinematic slapstick and the body in Crime and Punishment, the affective turn and hilarious (and deadly) impatience in Demons, and ontological jokes in Notes from Underground and The Idiot. The authors - (coincidentally?) all women, including some of the most established scholars in the field alongside up-and-comers - address gender and the marginalization of comedy, culminating in a chapter on Dostoevsky's "funny and furious" women, and explore the intersections of gender and humor in literary and culture studies. Funny Dostoevksy applies some of the latest findings on humor and laughter to his writing, while comparative chapters bring Dostoevsky's humor into conjunction with other popular works, such as Chaplin's Modern Times and Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton. Written with a verve and wit that Dostoevsky would appreciate, this boldly original volume illuminates how humor and comedy in his works operate as vehicles of deconstruction, pleasure, play, and transcendence.

  • af Eduardo Manuel Gil Martinez
    248,95 kr.

    The actions of German armored forces during World War II are well known. What has not yet been recounted as accurately are the actions of the armored forces of Germany's Allies. While it is true that their performance was generally quite secondary to what the forces of the German Reich were able to afford, the actions of the Hungarian armored forces, which not only managed to organize their own armored forces in substantial autonomy, but also developed their own military industry capable of supplying weapons and equipment to their troops, should be emphasized. This book will thus reveal a little-known page of Hungary's participation in World War II through the use of superb photographs provided by the author and his contributors. This story will take the reader from the beginning of the USSR campaign and consequent conquest of large Soviet territories, and then end with the bloody battles to prevent the advance of the Soviet and Romanian counteroffensive in Hungary (the siege of Budapest) and the last battles in Austrian and Slovenian territory before the unconditional surrender of the army. The author highlights the courage of these men and the terrible fate that would befall the Hungarian armored forces when the Soviet army invaded Hungary.

  • af Eduardo Manuel Gil Martinez
    268,95 kr.

    Le azioni delle forze corazzate tedesche durante la Seconda guerra mondiale sono ben note. Ciò che non è ancora stato raccontato con altrettanta precisione sono le azioni delle forze corazzate degli alleati della Germania. Se è vero che le loro prestazioni sono state in genere del tutto secondarie rispetto a quelle che hanno potuto permettersi le forze del Reich tedesco, occorre sottolineare le azioni delle forze corazzate ungheresi, che non solo sono riuscite a organizzare in sostanziale autonomia le proprie forze corazzate, ma hanno anche sviluppato una propria industria militare in grado di fornire armi ed equipaggiamenti alle proprie truppe. Questo libro svelerà quindi una pagina poco conosciuta della partecipazione dell'Ungheria alla Seconda guerra mondiale attraverso l'uso di fotografie superbe fornite dall'autore e dai suoi collaboratori. Questa storia porterà il lettore dall'inizio della campagna dell'URSS e conseguente conquista di ampi territori sovietici, per poi terminare con le sanguinose battaglie per evitare l'avanzata della controffensiva sovietica e rumena in Ungheria (l'assedio di Budapest) e gli ultimi scontri in territorio austriaco e sloveno prima della resa incondizionata dell'esercito.

  • af Eduardo Manuel Gil Martinez
    268,95 kr.

    Le azioni delle forze corazzate tedesche durante la Seconda guerra mondiale sono ben note. Ciò che non è ancora stato raccontato con altrettanta precisione sono le azioni delle forze corazzate degli alleati della Germania. Se è vero che le loro prestazioni sono state in genere del tutto secondarie rispetto a quelle che hanno potuto permettersi le forze del Reich tedesco, occorre sottolineare le azioni delle forze corazzate ungheresi, che non solo sono riuscite a organizzare in sostanziale autonomia le proprie forze corazzate, ma hanno anche sviluppato una propria industria militare in grado di fornire armi ed equipaggiamenti alle proprie truppe. Questo libro svelerà quindi una pagina poco conosciuta della partecipazione dell'Ungheria alla Seconda guerra mondiale attraverso l'uso di fotografie superbe fornite dall'autore e dai suoi collaboratori. Questa storia porterà il lettore dall'inizio della campagna dell'URSS e conseguente conquista di ampi territori sovietici, per poi terminare con le sanguinose battaglie per evitare l'avanzata della controffensiva sovietica e rumena in Ungheria (l'assedio di Budapest) e gli ultimi scontri in territorio austriaco e sloveno prima della resa incondizionata dell'esercito.

  • af Dina Sharipova
    1.149,95 kr.

    This book explores the postcolonial discourse and decolonization processes in modern Kazakhstan and beyond. It pays particular attention to such areas as national and religious identity, language, literature, and historical narratives. Despite the fact that the post-colonial theory initially emerged in other regions of the world, it has increasingly been applied in the scholarship on Central Asia. Exploring recent debates on post-coloniality in Kazakhstan, this book is an attempt to bring together two bodies of scholarly literature: scholarship on culture and society in post-Soviet Central Asia and research on post-colonial theory. This volume will be of interest to scholars of Eurasian studies as well as researchers and students of post-colonialism in various contexts beyond Eurasia.

  • af Stanley Osezua Ehiane
    1.339,95 kr.

    This book examines the nature of conflict in Africa vis-à-vis the African Union (AU) peace and security architecture in Africa. It focuses on the intense campaign ¿Silencing the Guns by 2020¿ since 2013, one of the flagship projects of Agenda 2063 to achieve a conflict-free continent by AU. It analyses various causes of conflict in Africa using case studies to pursue the causality and dynamics of these conflicts, which often point to the intersectionality of historical legacies of colonialism and neo-colonialism. It further examines the interplay of factors such as resource curse, resource exploitation, election-induced violence, political violence, incessant and interminable challenges of social justice, oppression, contemporary governance, and leadership dynamics. It also focuses on the application and integration of conflict and gender for analytical reflection. In the quest for a ¿Peaceful and secure Africä, this book examines the different mechanisms to prevent, manage, and resolve conflicts on the continent, and the challenges thereof. It probes and investigates by asking critical questions about continental conflict dynamics and peace architectures which warrants in-depth inquiry and interrogation.

  • af Oliver Mtapuri
    1.332,95 - 1.341,95 kr.

    This book examines the connections between poverty and innovation in Africa. Through case studies and theorizations from a distinctly African perspective, it stands in contrast to current theoretical works in the field, which remain very much rooted in Western-orientated thinking. The book investigates the application of methodologies which explain numerous African contexts in connection with issues of poverty and inequality. It reflects on comparative practices and praxes on the African continent, including commonplace traditions and practices in alleviating poverty, taken against a background of the failure of current prescriptions for poverty alleviation, such as the Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP). There is a dire need for new practical perspectives which move Africa forward using its indigenous knowledge. Owing to a general lack of recorded African theories and methodologies on poverty, inequality and innovation, this book represents a pioneering corpus of African knowledge addressing poverty and inequality through local innovations. Adopting a transdisciplinary approach, it is relevant to students and scholars in development studies and economics, African studies, social studies, political history and political economy, climate studies, anthropology and geography.

  • af Aristoteles
    163,95 kr.

    A Política" é uma área de estudo e prática que engloba o processo de tomada de decisões coletivas em uma sociedade, bem como a distribuição de poder e recursos. Envolve a organização e o funcionamento dos governos, a formulação de políticas públicas, a participação cidadã e as relações de poder entre diferentes atores políticos.

  • af V. Hunter
    183,95 kr.

    While waiting to escort the Constantine fiancée of Emperor Gratian to marriage in Treverorum, spy boss Marcus Numidianus witnesses the murder of a Quadi king attending an official Roman banquet. A revenge attack on Constantia Postuma's nuptial cortège is a warning that the policy of Gratian's father, Emperor Valentinian, to beef up the Danube's defenses is only inflaming barbarian savagery.The ageing Valentinian is also juggling too many would-be successors at court. He longs for one impartial advisor and Marcus finds himself jockeying between the factions slavering for control over the western Roman Empire. When sudden disaster strikes, Marcus plays the political game of his career so that the legitimate heir might prevail-but the veteran spy's tactics cost him dearly.Packed with action and intrigue, the Embers of Empire series takes the reader into the Valentinian Dynasty of the late 4th century to delight fans of Bernard Cornwell, Lindsey Davis, and Robert Harris.

  • af Guillaume de France
    123,95 kr.

    - [...] Finalement, qu'ils soient partisans d'une méthode ou d'une autre, les socialistes sont internationalistes et ont pour objectif ultime la fusion des nations en une communauté socialiste mondiale qui elle-même évoluera vers une société communiste. Il s'agit donc de défragmenter le monde en blocs toujours moins nombreux et toujours plus vastes, jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste plus qu'un seul bloc; la communauté de destin pour l'humanité. L'Union européenne est l'un de ces blocs. Elle a été créée pour cette raison, pour défragmenter l'Europe. - Je ne sais quoi répondre à vos théories. Il semblerait que l'Occident ait adhéré au modèle de l'État multinational. Ces idées politiques d'extrême gauche amènent sur notre territoire des hordes de migrants dont on ne sait rien et, avec eux, le fanatisme religieux, le communautarisme, le séparatisme, le nationalisme. Où est l'unité tant recherchée ? Tout cela est contre-productif et dangereux. Les islamistes n'ont que faire de vos projets utopiques, ils avancent leurs pions. La guerre civile n'est plus très loin. Nous vivons dans une poudrière et vous autres gauchistes en êtes les responsables, observe Monsieur Bourgeois. - Je comprends très bien votre inquiétude. Le fondamentalisme est un problème au même titre que le racisme et l'individualisme. Et vous vous demandez comment le résoudre. De mon temps, nous avions les fosses à problèmes. - Que voulez-vous dire, Monsieur Djougachvili ?>Naviguez à travers le brouillard idéologique et politique du XXIe siècle, et explorez les grands fonds de la conscience dans ce roman court qui ressuscite, l'espace d'un moment, des esprits hors du commun.

    142,95 kr.

    В сборник Новый Браунинг вошли новые стихотворения и поэмы Дмитрия Быкова, написанные во время войны России против Украины.Дмитрий Быков (р.1967) - прозаик, поэт, публицист, литературный критик, журналист, телеведущий, преподаватель, политический мыслитель и активист. В издательстве Freedom Letters вышли книги Дмитрия Быкова Боль/шинство и VZ. Портрет на фоне нации.

  • af Mirjam Dikken
    228,95 kr.

    Knowing what people think feels more like a curse than a blessing to Kathy van der Laan. After all, how do you deal with discovering your employer is a pervert, your father's replaying scenes from the car accident that killed your mother, and suspecting the guy ahead of you in the department store to be the reason for the latest amber alert? Unable to explain the source of her knowledge, Kathy reduces her interactions, sends anonymous tips to police and tries not to remind her father about a loss they both can't get past. Then she receives an offer from the Syndicate, a shadowy organization which purports to shape policy within the EU, and where she discovers her mother worked till her death. To find out more about her mother, can she risk joining a group that seems to know too much about her dangerous gift?

  • af Thomas D Wilson
    248,95 kr.

    The Allied Chaplains of the American, British, Canadian and Polish armies in the battles for Northwestern Europe and in the Battle of the Atlantic are often overlooked due to their small numbers in relation to the hundreds of thousands of other men who made up the Allied armies. However, the chaplains were highly respected and appreciated by the men in the various units they served, as well as often being incredibly brave men who were (and are) forbidden by the rules of war from carrying any sort of weapon into battle, beyond their holy books and their faith. Allied chaplains suffered the second highest loss rate of killed or wounded of any group of men in World War II (second only to that of RAF Bomber Command) and were virtually irreplaceable due to the academic and religious training that took years to complete.This book looks at the Allied Chaplains who died: during the Battle for France in 1940, endured the horrors of the Dunkirk evacuation, died in the battles on the North Atlantic (due to the sinking of their ships by German U-Boats), in the Battle for Normandy in 1944, during the Allied liberation of occupied Europe, and the defeat of Germany. It includes information about their lives before entering military chaplaincy, their deaths and sometimes the differing accounts of their deaths, as well as their final resting places in cemeteries across Europe and in the United States of America or where they are commemorated on Memorial Walls to the Missing.The Revd Dr Thomas Wilson has had an interest in WW II military history since he was 12 years old. Revd Wilson had a career in the business world before answering the call ot ordained ministry. He was ordained in the Anglican Church of Canada, and served as the Rector of a parish in Southwestern Ontario. In 2007, he had the chance to spend a year in France, on a university exchange program that his wife, Professor Dawn Cornelio Was coordinating. While there, they led some of the Canadian students on a visit to Normandy, where they all participated in graveside memorial Service for Canadian Chaplain Walter Brown. It was Padre Brown's murder that led Revd Wilson to initially explore all the Allied Chaplains killed in the Battle for Normandy. After moving to serve as the Rector of a Scottish Episcopal (Anglican) Church for over 5 years, Revd Wilson now is the Anglican Chaplain of St Raphael and the Var in southern France where he ministers to a multi-national English-speaking congregation.

  • af John Berger
    343,95 kr.

    When the Japanese Empire went to war with the Allies in December 1941, it had already been fighting in China for 10 years. During that time it had conquered huge areas of China, and subjugated millions of people. The Japanese needed to control the Chinese population in these occupied territories, and for this reason they set up governments from amongst the leaders of the Chinese who were willing to co-operate with them. These so-called 'puppet' governments were designed to rule on behalf of the Japanese while firmly under their overall control. In turn, the 'puppet' governments needed their own 'independent' armed forces. These 'puppet' armies were large in number, reaching a total of well over 1 million before 1945. Although poorly-armed and equipped, these forces had an influence on the Japanese war effort through sheer numbers.The Chinese 'puppet' soldiers ranged from the well-drilled and trained regular Army of the Last Emperor of China, Pu Yi, who ruled the newly-formed state of Manchukuo, 1932-45, to the irregular Mongol cavalry who served alongside Japanese troops in the 'secret war' waged in the Mongolian hinterlands.The troops were dismissed as traitors by the Chinese fighting the Japanese, and they were equally despised by the Japanese themselves. The troops were motivated by a range of reasons, from simple survival to a loyalty to their commander. The fact that so many Chinese were willing to fight for the Japanese was embarrassing to all sides, and for this reason has been largely ignored in previous histories of the war in the East. In the first of a three volume series, Philip Jowett tells the story of the Chinese who fought for the Japanese over a 14 year period.

  • af Michal Piegzik
    174,95 kr.

    A detailed account of the Aleutian campaign, highlighting key naval battles, Japanese mistakes, and the decisive role of weather in shaping the conflict's outcome.At the beginning of June 1942, in the wake of the enormous Japanese struggle to bring a conclusive victory in the Pacific War, the Imperial Japanese Navy commenced Operation AL (AL Sakusen). By conquering Attu and Kiska in the Aleutians, the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy intended to turn them into bastions that, supplied directly from the Kurile Islands, would check any American advance against the home islands from the north until at least the summer of 1943. The great disaster at Midway foiled the Japanese plan to create a greater defensive perimeter, though, ironically, as a result of the same battle, the Americans lacked the forces to quickly reconquer the two lost islands, and instead initially engaged in a low-level campaign of attrition against the Japanese forces over the winter of 1942 into 1943.Volume 2 of Into the Endless Mist continues the story of the relatively little-known Aleutian Islands campaign from September of 1942. The Americans, using their industrial capacity and taking advantage of Japanese mistakes, moved against Kiska by landing on Adak and Amchitka and using these as bases from which to conduct an attritional air campaign against the Japanese garrisons and the ships sent to support them. Japanese efforts to provide reinforcements and supplies to their garrisons in the Aleutians would lead to the naval battle of the Komandorski Islands (Attsu oki kaisen) in March 1943, which also marked the end of the era of the classic duel of gun-armed ships without air support.Although this battle did not decisively end the campaign, the period of balance between the US and Japanese navies in the North Pacific had ended and it was only a matter of time before the islands were retaken by US Army ground forces. Operation Landcrab, the US counter-invasion of Attu would end with the first Japanese 'honourable defeat' (gyokusai), in which the garrison sought to inflict a terrible toll on the attackers at the cost of their own complete destruction in a banzai charge. However, a painful lesson was learnt and soon after, despite all pessimistic predictions, the Japanese garrison of Kiska would be evacuated in what would become known as the 'miracle at Kiska' (Kisuka no kiseki) in Japanese historiography.Into the Endless Mist Volume 2: The Aleutian Campaign, September 1942 - March 1943 concludes the account of the forgotten struggle in the Aleutians, and is based on meticulous research of American and Japanese primary sources, testimonies, monographs, and papers. This volume is illustrated throughout with original photographs and includes the @War series' specially commissioned signature colour artworks.

  • af Augustus le Plongeon
    198,95 kr.

    Title: Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches - 11,500 Years Ago: In Times Anterior to the Temple of SolomonAuthor: Augustus Le PlongeonDescription: Augustus Le Plongeon's groundbreaking work, "Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches - 11,500 Years Ago," invites readers on an astonishing journey back in time, deep into the heart of ancient Maya civilization. With meticulous research and a keen sense of archaeological exploration, Le Plongeon unearths the enigmatic world of the Maya and Quiche cultures, unveiling mysteries that predate even the fabled Temple of Solomon.In this captivating volume, Le Plongeon takes us beyond the familiar narratives of history, weaving a tapestry of ancient wisdom, sacred rituals, and cosmic connections that have long been shrouded in the mists of time. With a scholar's precision and an explorer's passion, he unravels the secrets of Mayan society, revealing their profound knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, and spiritual traditions.Le Plongeon's vivid descriptions and meticulous research transport readers to the heart of the ancient Mayan civilization, where kings and priests held sway, and where temples and pyramids were erected as conduits to the heavens. He delves into the intricacies of Mayan hieroglyphs and cosmology, shedding light on their complex calendar systems and their understanding of the celestial realms.Beyond the archaeological discoveries, "Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches" is a testament to Le Plongeon's passion for unraveling the past and his unwavering dedication to understanding the spiritual underpinnings of a civilization long gone. He explores the profound connections between the Mayan culture and the broader tapestry of human history, offering readers a glimpse into the deep well of wisdom that sustained these ancient peoples.This book is not just a historical account but a portal to a world of wonder, inviting you to step into the sandals of the Maya and Quiche people, to witness their rituals, their reverence for nature, and their pursuit of cosmic truths. It challenges conventional narratives, encouraging readers to consider the vast expanse of human knowledge that has been forgotten or overlooked through the ages.For those with a thirst for archaeological adventure, a fascination with ancient civilizations, or a desire to explore the mysteries that have shaped our understanding of the past, "Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches" is an enthralling and enlightening read. Le Plongeon's work remains a testament to the enduring allure of the Maya, their timeless wisdom, and the eternal quest to unlock the secrets of the past.

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