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  • af Carolina Lopez-Ruiz
    236,95 - 396,95 kr.

    Long before Greeks dominated the ancient Mediterranean, Phoenicians were the lords of the sea. Setting out from their Levantine cities, they introduced their alphabet, art, technology, and gods to places as far as off as Iberia. Carolina López-Ruiz highlights the enduring Phoenician imprint, displacing the Hellenocentric model of the ancient world.

  • af Peter Heather
    238,95 - 428,95 kr.

    "First published in 2013 in Great Britain by Macmillan."--Title page verso.

  • af Dean Sage
    258,95 kr.

    Embark on a captivating journey back in time during to the golden era of the Restigouche River. Step into a world from a bygone era and discover a land where the wild riverbanks of Restigouche were at the height of their angling glory.In this carefully expurgated edition, the past comes alive through Sage's enthralling tales, transporting you to an age when the Restigouche River was revered as a prime destination for anglers seeking the coveted Atlantic salmon. Each page echoes the hushed conversations of anglers from long ago, guided by the talents and insights of the Mi'gmaw guides who shared their knowledge and skill. Sage's keen observations bring to life the vibrant tapestry of a river community, where stories were told by the flickering firelight and fishing strategies were exchanged under the dappled shade of ancient trees.The tales told become a bridge to a time when the Restigouche River was not just a body of water separating the provinces of New Brunswick and Quebec, but a icon of wilderness angling, reaching its legendary status it still holds to this day.Whether you're an ardent angler yearning for a glimpse into history or a curious soul seeking the echoes of a distant era, this book promises a journey to the heart of angling heritage. Immerse yourself in this digitally restored and annotated edition, meticulously curated to capture the essence of a century-old adventure and the pivotal role played by Mi'gmaw fishing guides in the noble pursuit of angling.Inside you will find:Techniques for Successful Angling on the Restigouche RiverFly Selection Strategies Tailored to Restigouche River ConditionsInsights into Prime Fishing Locations along the RestigoucheWisdom from Mi'gmaw Fishing Guides, Passed Down Through GenerationsUnderstanding the Unique Life Cycles and Behavior of Restigouche SalmonHistorical Perspective on the Golden Era of Restigouche River AnglingOver 40 original plates offering a glimpse into the angling legacy of the Restigouche RiverNewly added photos from the era, providing a visual journey through the river's historic beautyCaptivating imagery complementing timeless narrativesExplore the cherished past of angling on the Restigouche through historical visuals

  • af Jhon Cauich
    128,95 kr.

    Throughout history, the Roman Empire has been regarded as an example of both power and success. Its most influential leaders were able to create an empire that would last for centuries, and their methods of communication, negotiation, and government have been studied and analyzed for centuries. In this book, we will explore the ways in which these leaders used their power to influence the world around them, and how their strategies still shape the world today.

  • af Marie-Gabriel-Augu Choiseul-Gouffier
    388,95 - 528,95 kr.

  • af Mary Berenice Patterson
    273,95 - 378,95 kr.

  • af Ottavio Quirico
    1.387,95 kr.

    "This edited volume offers an interdisciplinary and comparative analysis of the implementation of climate change policies worldwide, exploring ways of improving key regulatory mechanisms. This book is part of the Flip it Open Programme and may also be available as Open Access. Check our website - Cambridge Core - for details"--

  • af Adam Andino
    163,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Randall Sullivan
    153,95 - 216,95 kr.

    A vivid portrait of the Columbia River Bar that combines maritime history, adventure journalism, and memoir, bringing alive the history—and present—of one of the most notorious stretches of water in the worldOff the coast of Oregon, the Columbia River flows into the Pacific Ocean and forms the Columbia River Bar: a watery collision so turbulent and deadly that it’s nicknamed the Graveyard of the Pacific.Two thousand ships have been wrecked on the bar since the first European ship dared to try to cross it in the late 18thcentury. For decades ships continued to make the bar crossing with great peril, first with native guides and later with opportunistic newcomers, as Europeans settled in Washington and Oregon, displacing the natives and transforming the river into the hub of a booming region. Since then, the commercial importance of the Columbia River has only grown, and despite the construction of jetties on either side, the bar remains treacherous, even today a site of shipwrecks and dramatic rescues as well as power struggles between small fishermen, powerful shipowners, local communities in Washington and Oregon, the Coast Guard, and the Columbia River Bar Pilots – a small group of highly skilled navigators who help guide ships through the mouth of the Columbia.When Randall Sullivan and a friend set out to cross the bar in a two-man kayak, they’re met with skepticism and concern. But on a clear day in July 2021, when the tides and weather seem right, they embark. As they plunge through the currents that have taken so many lives, Randall commemorates the brave sailors that made the crossing before him – including his own abusive father, a sailor himself who also once dared to cross the bar – and reflects on toxic masculinity, fatherhood, and what drives men to extremes.Rich with exhaustive research and propulsive narrative, Graveyard of the Pacific follows historical shipwrecks through the moment-by-moment details that often determined whether sailors would live or die, exposing the ways in which boats, sailors, and navigation have changed over the decades. As he makes his way across the bar, floating above the wrecks and across the same currents that have taken so many lives, Randall Sullivan faces the past, both in his own life and on the Columbia River Bar.

  • af Philip Harrison
    385,95 - 1.328,95 kr.

    Explores the challenges of large, complex, institutionally fragmented, and dynamic city-regions across the BRICS countries and the emergence of formal and informal governance arrangements.

  • af Maurus Reinkowski
    288,95 - 1.398,95 kr.

  • af Jonas Holzbrecher
    300,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Frühgeschichte, Antike, Note: 1,7, Universität Leipzig (Historisches Seminar), Veranstaltung: Der antike Alltag als gefährliches Pflaster: Kriminalität in griechischen Poleis und in Rom, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Sokrates starb im Jahre 399 v. Chr. in Athen durch den Schierlingsbecher. Zu Sokrates' Zeiten ein probates Mittel der Hinrichtung. Wenig vorher wurde er von drei Athener Bürgern wegen 'unerlaubter Einführung neuer Götter' und 'Verderbung der Jugend' vor dem Archonten für religiöse Streitigkeiten angeklagt. In dieser Arbeit werden die Gründe beleuchtet, die zur Anklage des berühmtesten athenischen Philosophen führten. In welchen Ansichten divergierten die Athener und Sokrates? Wieso warteten sie, bis er siebzig war, wo ja seine Ansichten seit jeher bekannt waren? Ist das Urteil unverhältnismäßig hart? Wollte Sokrates sterben? Ist Sokrates das Opfer juristischer Willkür gewesen oder ist der gesamte Prozess mitsamt des Urteils aus Sicht der athenischen Bürger nachvollziehbar gewesen?Jene Fragen werden in dieser Seminararbeit einer Klärung unterzogen.

  • af Franz Zeilner
    695,95 kr.

    Fachbuch aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Frühgeschichte, Antike, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Basics zur römischen Geschichte vom 10. Jahrhundert vor Christus bis zum 6. Jahrhundert nach Christus. Ausgewählte Spezialgebiete der römischen Geschichte werden beleuchtet: Recht und Rechtswissenschaft, Medizin, die Sklaverei, Frauen in Rom, die römische Wirtschaft, die Religion, die Zeit der Völkerwanderung, die Römer im heutigen Österreich, von der römischen Staatlichkeit ins Mittelalter.Die vorliegende Publikation soll vor allem für Lehrende und Lernende im Bildungsbereich sowie für alle an der römischen Geschichte Interessierten Personen interessante Inhalte bieten. Die ausgewählten Inhalte basieren auf Unterrichtsinhalten im Fach ¿Geschichte und Sozialkunde¿/ ¿Geschichte und politische Bildung¿ im höheren Schulbereich sowie auf Inhalten von Universitätsstudien des Autors. Zudem auf vielen Literatur- und Onlinerecherchen und deren Bearbeitung zum Thema. Die ¿römische Geschichte¿ bzw. die ¿Geschichte Westroms¿ umfasst einen Zeitraum von vielen Jahrhunderten. Auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht reichte der Einfluss des ¿Imperium Romanum¿ von Britannien bis nach Nordafrika und von Spanien bis nach Syrien. Rom hatte vor allem eine gut funktionierende Verwaltung und ein starkes, streng geführtes Heer. Die ¿Landwirtschaft¿ hatte große Bedeutung. Das ¿Imperium Romanum¿ umspannte vom dritten Jahrhundert vor Christus bis zum sechsten Jahrhundert nach Christus den Mittelmeerraum. Damit ist es das am längsten andauernde Weltreich der Geschichte mit Einflüssen auf die ¿moderne Welt¿. Das betrifft insbesondere die römisch-katholische Kirche und viele moderne Rechtssysteme. Entwicklungen in der Rechtswissenschaft waren wesentliche Eigenleistungen der Römer, die auch bedeutende Juristen hervorbrachten.

  • af Julia Hoffmann-Salz
    1.228,95 kr.

    The year of the four emperors in AD 193 shows the cosmopolitan interconnectedness of the Roman Empire, yet scholarship has long framed the Severan dynasty in a narrative of descent stressing their North African and in particular their Syrian origins. The contributions of this volume question this conventional approach and instead examine more closely actual Severan policy in the Near East to detect potential local connections that determined this policy as well as how local communities and elites reacted to it. The volume thus explores new beginnings and old connections in the Roman Near East.

  • af Melanie Goergmaier
    1.088,95 kr.

    TTIP is not "dead". The author demonstrates why many of the TTIP negotiating content is more relevant today than ever before in connection with the ongoing EU-US trade negotiations that have been picking up new speed. From the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to the Trump administration's trade war, this book examines the transatlantic trade relationship between the European Union and the United States and the political implications on both sides of the Atlantic. This book also provides policy recommendations for both sides on how to move forward based on the analysis. An outlook for trade in the 21st century is provided drawing on trade history between the two entities over the years up until the current 2023 trends.

  • af William Craig Lachowsky
    158,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Nataly von Eschstruth
    212,95 - 228,95 kr.

  • af Hans Jörg Schrötter
    318,95 kr.

    Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Europäischem Rat und Europarat? Wo liegen die Ursachen für die zahlreichen Krisen, die Europa gemeistert - oder noch vor sich - hat? In seiner 4., überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage erklärt das Buch, wie unser neues Europa funktioniert, welche ungeahnten Freiheiten und Chancen es uns bietet - und warum es mitunter nicht funktioniert. Anschaulich analysiert der Autor das gesamte Spektrum aktueller Themen - von den Turbulenzen um den Euro, die Flüchtlingspolitik, den Brexit und Fridays for Future bis hin zum "Green Deal" und dem Angriffskrieg Russlands auf die Ukraine.Europa ist kein Elite-Projekt. Dieses bewährte, leicht lesbare Taschenlexikon lädt Einsteiger wie Europa-Kenner gleichermaßen ein, mitzumachen, zu kritisieren und zu diskutieren. Europa ist zugegeben unperfekt, aber es ist das Erstaunlichste, was wir auf unserem Kontinent in den letzten Jahrhunderten auf die Beine gestellt haben.

  • af D. Baxter Todd
    298,95 kr.

    This book, sub-titled "The Tribulation", is the second in "The Context: Forsaken Histories and Prophesies" trilogy; a trilogy endeavoring to contextualize global history using African antiquity and ancient history as a central nexus. An approach illuminating African antiquity and lending contextual perspective to the emergent cultures and histories of the surrounding lands and continents. The first book of the trilogy, sub-titled "End of the Beginning" covers the period from the (Ice Age) "Dawn of the Age of Man" to the (Early Holocene) end of the Ausarian Age. This, the second book, sub-titled "The Tribulation" covers the subsequent era from the Age of Horus(approximately 8,000 B.C.) to the fall of the Moors at Granda (1,453 AD), final vestige of the last great African empire.

  • af Binyam Afewerk Demena
    1.714,95 - 1.722,95 kr.

    This book provides a thorough understanding of the key policy debates on international trade and investment for development with a focus on the East African Community (EAC) to strengthen Member States' capacity to develop policies to promote their exports' competitiveness and diversification. Beyond Member States', the book serves as a base for a deeper understanding of the challenges, opportunities and requirements of the intra-continental trade agreement which is now in sight with the ratification of the Tripartite (EAC-COMESA-SADC) Free Trade Area that is critical in addressing key constraints to trade in the African continent. Moreover, the lessons from this edited volume may also extend to the challenges and opportunities of the African Continental Free Trade Area.  The book brings together a comprehensive overview and an evidence-based analysis that can be considered best practice in the region. The trade and investment policy analysis of constraints and opportunities aims to improve trade and competitiveness and covers macro- (economy-wide), meso- (sectoral) and micro- (firm or household) levels. This multi-level approach is crucial for understanding how current trade and investment policies limit competitiveness and diversification in order to identify more tangible policy action for overcoming such constraints. The individual contributors follow comprehensive applied empirical approaches, and each chapter generates knowledge needed to identify key challenges and opportunities focusing on research-led policy-relevant approaches that enable readers to better understand national, bilateral, and multilateral cooperation as well as policies for sustainable development in East Africa. The contributors know the EAC context very well as their engagement in policymaking goes beyond the context of the papers they are writing about. The individual chapters were developed as part of a research and capacity building programme under the aegis of ACP and EU that we implemented in 2020-2022. The research project well fits into the Frontiers in African Business Research series as we have many African contributors. The contributions matter to policymakers and academic circles. For students, the book serves as an excellent guide for understanding international trade and investment theories and gaining up-to-date knowledge on developments in the world economy and their effects on developing countries and SDGs. Trade policy researchers and students will be able to extend theories and empirical data to address new and emerging topics beyond the settings already covered in the book.

  • af Tony Whitefield
    223,95 kr.

    Imagine a storyteller in ancient Greece who makes his living telling stories about recent events, sometimes only two or three generations after the events took place. How different might these stories be to the ones written down over 500 years later?Tony Whitefield retells the well-known Greek myth of Jason and the Argonauts, using the voice of his storyteller Peter. By imagining these ancient stories without the direct influence of gods on the participants, Tony attempts to unravel the mythological explanations explaining what might have occurred.It is the year 1190 BCE and a group of people have gathered to listen to Peter the storyteller. One of his most requested stories concerns a young man by the name of Jason who together with forty-eight men and one woman, set off on an impossible journey to the edge of the known world in a boat named 'Argo' to locate a golden sheep's fleece. In doing so, they discover much more than they had originally imagined.

  • af J. P. Manning
    258,95 kr.

    Destiny. Death. Change. 1850 AD. English archaeologist Fred Baker has identified the location of the lost city of Assur. To lay claim on the site he must venture into the heart of the Ottoman Empire. Luckily, he has something rarely afforded to archaeologists, the written accounts of ancient guides-the Guardians of the East. 2300 BC. Kar, a Guardian of the East, has travelled west to the Great Sea to rescue a peaceful people from Akkadian domination. If successful, he can pursue his ultimate quest, fighting the illusive God King, Sargon, thus challenging his mortality. King Sargon has his own plans and a second assault on the Guardians' homeland looms. East and West clash in this final book in the Guardians of the East trilogy. The mystery of the Tree and all that will be hereafter is revealed. Here be told the fate of the Guardians, the fate of the last God King and the inherent fate of all humankind.

  • af Will Steger
    273,95 kr.

  • af Henry Greville
    307,95 - 524,95 kr.

  • af Gottfried August Bürger
    163,95 - 223,95 kr.

  • af Nataly von Eschstruth
    218,95 - 273,95 kr.

  • af Maksim Gorkij
    93,95 - 348,95 kr.

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