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  • af Maksim Gorkij
    74,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af C. S. Forester
    348,95 kr.

    Englænderne rykker frem i Spanien, og under franskmændenes forsøg på at standse dem blotter de deres ene flanke. Kommandør Hornblower har opnået stor berømmelse og ære blandt sine landsmænd og får nu ordre om at gå til angreb med skibet Sutherland. Han vinder snart flere sejr og håber, den endelige sejr snart er i hus.Pludselig vender lykken imidlertid for den tapre officer. Spanierne viser sig at være stærkere end forventet, og Hornblower frygter, at Sutherland ikke kan stå mål med overmagten. Samtidig er hans gravide hustru alene hjemme i England, og også her truer det hele med at gå galt. "Kommandør Hornblower" er syvende bog i seriens indre kronologi.Serien om den engelske søofficer kaptajn Hornblower tager os med tilbage til Napoleonskrigene og fortæller historien om den søsyge matros, der ender med at blive en vaskeægte søhelt i den engelske flåde. Bøgerne er blevet filmatiseret flere gange og har opnået stor popularitet verden over.

  • af Bjarne Nørretranders
    46,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • af Dick Rosano
    468,95 - 533,95 kr.

  • af Erika Oczipka
    298,95 kr.

    Der Begriff "Heimat" ist vielfältig zu interpretieren, obwohl häufig die Verbindung zu einem Ort genannt wird. Vielleicht ist der Ort das wichtigste Element. Meine Protagonisten machen eine andere Erfahrung.

  • af Anne Anderson
    168,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Rediscover the simple pleasures of a day trip with Day Trips from Tampa Bay. This guide is packed with hundreds of exciting things for locals and vacationers to do, see, and discover within a two-hour drive of the Tampa Bay metro area. With full trip-planning information, Day Trips from Tampa Bay helps make the most of a brief getaway.

  • af David Veevers
    133,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Emile Bertaux
    244,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Cristina Rebiere
    188,95 kr.

    The Shell NecklaceThe Forgotten Island Clan 1 Lowinné, a young Aboriginal woman, eagerly anticipates uniting with Tughanah now that he has come of age. But the two lovers still have to be patient. For countless cycles, their respective clans have converged during their grand annual journey to Trowenna, the majestic land at the Earth's edge. During one such journey, Lowinné has an extraordinary encounter, compelling her to make a daring proposition to her father, the sage of the Nyu clan. This proposal risks shattering an age-old taboo. Has she genuinely received a divine message? Can her father grant her audacious request? Seeking clarity, the elder retreats into the wilderness, hoping to commune with the celestial patriarch.However, the perpetual motion of the clans persists. The grand gathering at the Great Rainbow Serpent Mountain is on the horizon, signaling the day of unions. This significant event is a time of joy and sacred ceremonies for all southern clans. Lowinné ardently desires to honor Tjukuba, the primordial creation narrative, also known as the 'Dreamtime'. But a sudden twist of fate catapults her life in an unforeseen direction, filled with challenges and moments of isolation. During these challenging moments, the celestial spirits unleash the fury of nature, threatening the very essence of their world.How will the Nyu confront adversities that jeopardize their clan's existence? From where can Lowinné summon the resilience to secure a future for her loved ones? What revered artifacts and ageless traditions will guide her? The Forgotten Island Clan Untouched for millennia, Australia remains a sanctuary for some of the world's oldest and most captivating cultures: those of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Yet, by the close of the 18th century, colonization swiftly obliterated ancient lifestyles, shattering traditions and plunging entire communities into conflict, decay, and desolation. Even more tragic was the fate of a vast, isolated island to the south of the expansive continent: the utter annihilation of its original inhabitants.Tasmania serves as the dramatic backdrop for the prehistoric series 'The Forgotten Island Clan'. This narrative envisions the establishment and endurance of a fictional clan across numerous eras, both before and after Tasmania's detachment from the mainland. Amidst climatic and demographic shifts, each installment unveils Aboriginal customs, myths, beliefs, and sagacity, narrated through the exploits of clan members confronting novel challenges. Indeed, the Traditional Owners of the ancestral lands of the southern island, Trowenna, have over time cultivated rituals, relics, and a profoundly rich culture whose intricacy and enigma we're just beginning to glimpse.How did the forebears visualize the world's inception and successfully preserve their age-old traditions? Which strategies did they craft to sustain their existence, distant from what's known as 'civilization'? What insights can this remarkable legacy offer, especially as contemporary Australians rediscover and celebrate it? The series 'The Forgotten Island Clan' seeks to furnish credible responses, fortified by the authors' research and creativity.

  • af Kylie Quillinan
    288,95 kr.

    As the heart of the alliance between Babylon and Egypt, Kassaya is determined to honour her father's commands. But a captivating newcomer to the Palace of the Ornaments brings unexpected change to a world she is only just beginning to understand. When Pharaoh becomes fascinated with the new Ornament, Kassaya fears her chance to attract his attention might already be gone.Admist the opulence of her new home, Kassaya must navigate a labyrinth of friendships and rivalries. She is learning that forging the right alliances is not only a game of power, but also a delicate dance of survival.Set against the grandeur of Egypt's 20th Dynasty, The Palace of the Ornaments weaves a spellbinding tale of power, passion and peril. For readers of historical fantasy who relish stories of courageous women defying conventions and shaping their own destinies.

  • af Aula Magna
    193,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Christian Mørk
    138,95 - 348,95 kr.

    Stillehavet, position ukendt. En vandflyver, der ikke længere kan lette. Ingen redning i sigte, bare en tom horisontlinje og lyden af bølgerne, der slår ind mod skroget.I 1943 udkæmper Amerika og Japan 2. Verdenskrig på havet, og en amerikansk besætning er nødlandet uden radio. Japanske piloter styrter også ned lige i nærheden. Nu sidder dødsfjenderne tæt sammen med to kvindelige blinde passagerer på det alt for lille fartøj, der driver for vind og vejr. Her begynder den store krig at blive udkæmpet i det små. Had og mistillid koger i enhver, men den fælles nød kræver, at de slutter fred og forsøger at komme levende i land. Alliancer indgås og brydes igen. Imens skræller isolationen alles facader af og blotlægger hemmeligheder, forbudt kærlighed og en fælles menneskelighed. Til sidst føler ingen sig længere sikre på, hvem de egentlig var, før de blev skibbrudne.Tilståelser er et psykologisk drama om, hvad der gemmer sig under overfladen, når alt tages fra os.

  • af Virgile
    313,95 - 458,95 kr.

  • af Erik Merkel
    263,95 - 273,95 kr.

  • af Joy Chester
    163,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Dean Sandifer
    613,95 kr.

    An introduction to the reader of the many forces that molded early Christianity including the classical pagan world, its prevalent thought processes, its core values, and its cultural behaviors.

  • af Mariam Bibilashvili
    541,95 - 547,95 kr.

    This book explores the dilemmas of Georgian foreign policy since independence in 1991. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgiäa Caucasian republic with a fiercely independent national identity¿has sought its own special path to European modernity, a promised land of prosperity and peace. Foreign policy has sought to reconcile the dream of European identity with the reality of being a small, post-colonial nation that was governed from Russia for nearly two centuries and remains mired in border conflicts with Russia. In an era when Russian concerns about sovereignty are once again dominating geopolitics, this book interests historians, scholars of imperialism, and scholars of the former Soviet Union and its messy politics.Mariam Bibilashvili has a Ph.D. degree in Social Sciences from the University of Tsukuba, affiliated with the Special Program in Japanese and Eurasian Studies.

  • af Jørgen Podemann Sørensen, Rune Nyord, Paul John Frandsen, mfl.
    197,95 kr.

    What happens when we close our eyes for the very last time? The ancient Egyptians provide a fascinating answer to human life’s most enigmatic question. Over three millennia the rich river civilisation along the banks of the Nile develops funerary customs which enable the Egyptians to find their way to eternal life, where everyone who lives and dies is reborn. It all begins in the embalming workshop, where the dead are transformed into mummies. Chapter by chapter, the reader is initiated into how ancient Egyptians achieved immortality. A lost culture’s conception of death and its incredible burial customs are unfolded and explained, revealing a fantastic and compelling universe of myths and rituals. At first glance, it all appears alarmingly alien, but gradually it begins to make sense and speak to us across the many millennia. Published in conjunction with Moesgaard Museum’s special exhibition Ancient Egypt – Obsessed with life, this book can also be read as an independent introduction to the Egyptians’ conceptions of the afterlife.With contributions by Tine Bagh, Paul John Frandsen, Ole Herslund, Rune Nyord, Rune Olsen, Maxime Rageot, Sofie Schiødt, Philipp Stockhammer and Jørgen Podemann Sørensen.

  • af Marius Müller
    1.023,95 kr.

    The 2008 financial crisis brought the far-reaching influence of credit ratings on capital markets into focus and confirmed doubts about the quality of ratings published by rat-ing agencies. In the context of regulatory efforts to limit the influence of ratings, Marius Müller addresses the question to what extent investment funds are obliged to sell bonds that no longer comply with investment guidelines following a rating downgrade. Results of a statistical analysis of 200 European and U.S. fund prospectuses are evaluated in the light of regulatory objectives. Subsequently, a structural proposal for the formulation of investment guidelines is developed, accounting for the protection of investor interests and market functioning.

  • af Julian Drescher
    324,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2020 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Frühgeschichte, Antike, Note: 1,0, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Lehrstuhl für Mittelalterliche Geschichte), Veranstaltung: Hauptseminar: Die Kreuzzüge, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Welchen Einfluss hatte die Plünderung Roms 410 durch Alarich auf Orosius¿ Historiographie "Historiae adversus paganos" und welche Rolle spielte die Theorie der "vier Weltreiche" in diesem Werk? Hierzu erörtern wir einleitend knapp den Kriegszug Alarichs gegen Rom. Anschließend stellen wir die Theorie der »vier Weltreiche« vor. Im Folgenden beschreiben wir die veränderte Lage der Christen und der Historiographie im 4. und frühen 5. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Anschließend untersuchen wir den Text "Historiae adversus paganos" von Orosius. Abschließend resümieren wir unsere erlangten Forschungserkenntnisse und ziehen ein Fazit. Die Quellengrundlage dieser Arbeit bilden die biblischen Bücher Daniels und das Buch "Historiae adversus paganos" aus dem Jahr 410¿417 n. Chr. von Paulus Orosius, welche mithilfe von Sekundärliteratur eingeordnet und von uns im Hinblick auf unsere Forschungsfrage untersucht werden.Im Gegensatz zu früheren Darstellungen der Ereignisse um 410 klassifiziert die moderne Geschichtswissenschaft den Fall Roms 410 nicht als jähes oder plötzliches Ereignis, das unweigerlich zum Untergang des Weströmischen Reiches führte. Der "Katastrophentheorie" entgegen steht die Ansicht, "barbarische" ¿ in ihrer Mehrheit germanische ¿ Völker seien langsam und beinahe ausschließlich friedlich in das Römische Reich immigriert. Doch um 250 n. Chr. begannen Goten erstmals eine Reihe gewalttätiger Einfälle im Osten des Limes, als sie ¿ unter Druck von den aus Osten stammenden Völkern ¿ den fortschreitenden Zerfall der Macht Roms und seine folgliche Schwächung dank der zahlreichen Mitglieder ihres Volkes, die sich friedlich im Römischen Reich etabliert hatten, erkannten. Von 251 bis 270 verwüsteten Gotenkrieger Mösien, Thrakien, plünderten Athen und schlugen Kaiser Decius, ehe Kaiser Aurelianus ein Ansiedelungs- und Friedens-Abkommen mit ihnen schloss, das mehr als ein Jahrhundert (bis 375) währte.

  • af Walter F. Feshold
    193,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Jørgen Podemann Sørensen, Rune Nyord, Paul John Frandsen, mfl.
    197,95 kr.

    Hvad sker der, når vi lukker øjnene for sidste gang? Degamle egyptere giver et fascinerende svar på menneskelivets mest gådefuldespørgsmål.Over 3000 år udvikler den rige flodcivilisation ved Nilensbredder begravelsesskikke, gennem hvilke egypterne finder vejen til et evigtliv, hvor alt levende bliver genfødt efter døden. Vejen begynder ibalsameringsværkstedet, hvor de afdøde bliver forvandlet til mumier.Kapitel for kapitel indvier bogen læseren i, hvordan degamle egyptere fandt vejen til evigt liv. Den præsenterer en svunden kultursforestillinger om døden og dens utrolige begravelsesskikke. Et vildt og dragendeunivers af myter og ritualer, der ved første øjekast virker næsten urovækkendefremmed, men som langsomt begynder at tale til os på tværs af mange tusind år. Bogen er udgivet i forbindelse med Moesgaard Museums særudstillingEgypten – Besat af livet, men kan læses som en selvstændig introduktiontil egypternes efterlivsforestillinger. Med bidrag af Tine Bagh, Paul JohnFrandsen, Ole Herslund, Rune Nyord, Rune Olsen, Maxime Rageot, Sofie Schiødt,Philipp Stockhammer og Jørgen Podemann Sørensen.

  • af Hugo Blumner
    427,95 - 556,95 kr.

  • - En fortælling fra Grønland
    af Jens Michael Høy
    98,95 - 116,95 kr.

    Det er en yderst personlig beretning om en dansk tandlæges ophold i Østgrønland og de overvejelser, som han gør sig, efter han har indledt et forhold til en ung grønlandsk kvinde.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    248,95 kr.

    The Mughal Empire, one of the most significant and influential empires in Indian history, witnessed a remarkable rise and a subsequent, gradual decline. Spanning from the early 16th century to the mid-19th century, the Mughal Empire's story is a tale of grandeur, cultural flourishing, and eventual decline.Rise:The rise of the Mughal Empire began with the establishment of the dynasty by Babur, a descendant of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane. In 1526, Babur's victory over Ibrahim Lodhi at the First Battle of Panipat laid the foundation for Mughal rule in the Indian subcontinent. Under the leadership of Akbar the Great, the empire reached its zenith during the 16th and early 17th centuries. Akbar's policies of religious tolerance, administrative reforms, and cultural patronage fostered an era of prosperity. The Mughals built magnificent monuments, including the Taj Mahal, and their cultural contributions left an indelible mark on India's history.Fall:The decline of the Mughal Empire can be attributed to a combination of internal and external factors. Aurangzeb's reign marked a turning point, as his religious conservatism and prolonged military campaigns strained the empire's resources. The empire faced external threats from the Marathas, Sikhs, and European colonial powers, particularly the British East India Company. The loss of economic control to the British, along with the exploitation of India's wealth, weakened the Mughals.By the mid-18th century, the empire had become a mere shadow of its former glory. The British deposed the last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah II, during the Indian Rebellion of 1857, effectively ending the empire. The fall of the Mughal Empire paved the way for British colonial rule in India.In retrospect, the rise and fall of the Mughal Empire is a complex narrative that encapsulates the ebb and flow of power, cultural efflorescence, and the impact of external forces. Despite its decline, the legacy of the Mughal Empire endures in India's rich cultural heritage, architecture, and historical memory, serving as a poignant reminder of a bygone era of splendor and sovereignty.

  • af Catherine Radziwill
    243,95 kr.

    Title: Rasputin and the Russian RevolutionAuthor: Catherine RadziwillDescription:In "Rasputin and the Russian Revolution," Catherine Radziwill, a prolific writer and a witness to the tumultuous events of her time, delivers an enthralling and deeply insightful account of one of the most enigmatic figures in Russian history and his influence on the seismic events that shaped the course of the Russian Revolution.Radziwill's narrative unveils the captivating and controversial life of Grigori Rasputin, the Siberian mystic who held a mystifying sway over the Russian imperial family. With meticulous research and a discerning eye for detail, Radziwill delves into the mystique surrounding Rasputin, exploring his rise from obscurity to the inner circle of the Romanovs.Through Radziwill's vivid prose, readers are transported to the opulent world of pre-revolutionary Russia, where political intrigue, societal upheaval, and Rasputin's charismatic presence intersect. She explores the charismatic mystic's relationships with the Romanovs, particularly with the ill-fated Tsarina Alexandra, and examines the controversial role he played in advising the royal family.But Radziwill's narrative doesn't stop at Rasputin's life; it also paints a vivid backdrop of the broader sociopolitical landscape of Russia in the early 20th century. She skillfully weaves together the complex threads of discontent, unrest, and revolutionary fervor that ultimately led to the downfall of the Romanov dynasty and the emergence of the Russian Revolution."Rasputin and the Russian Revolution" is not only a captivating biography of Rasputin but also a thought-provoking analysis of the sociocultural and political forces that contributed to the demise of the Russian Empire. Radziwill's work stands as a testament to her keen historical acumen and her ability to breathe life into the past, making this book an essential read for history enthusiasts and anyone intrigued by the enigmatic figure of Rasputin and the seismic events that reshaped Russia and the world.

  • af Ted Marr
    178,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Eric Alagan
    238,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Debashis Chakraborty
    1.524,95 kr.

    < p="">This book is a machine-generated literature overview that explores the impact of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on international trade and its development. It looks at international trade before and after 1995 when WTO was established. It highlights the journey of the reciprocity-based reforms under WTO that were expected to help the developing and less developed countries (LDCs) more vis-à-vis their developed counterparts, given the existence of systemic and structural bottlenecks in the latter territories. The enabling steps were further expected to promote exports from developing countries and LDCs in line with their comparative advantage patterns, enhance the wage level and in turn, facilitate development of local population. The book showcases how during the first decade after WTO inception, a considerable progress was made for facilitating exports from the lower and lower-middle income countries through crucial provisions like less than full reciprocity (LTFR), Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), support measures under Aid for Trade, zero duty preferences under Special and Differential Treatment (SDT) and so on. However, the pace of WTO reforms has slowed down in the aftermath of the sub-prime crisis in 2008-09 and subsequent focus on formation of regional trade agreements (RTAs). In particular, in the aftermath of Covid-19, a trend towards de-globalization has been noticed, with considerable ramifications for the development of lower-income countries. In this background, there is a need to analyze how the deepening of trade flows and the subsequent de-globalization waves in the global canvas have traversed different paths in different continents and draw the appropriate lessons for the understanding the trade-development interlinkage therein. With insightful observations from the human editors, this machine-generated overview would be of interest to academicians, policy research community, advisory research community, and students ofinternational trade globally.^

  • af Tayanah O¿Donnell
    1.064,95 kr.

    This Edited book introduces the concept of complex disasters and considers both disaster risks and impacts across the disaster management spectrum ¿ Prevention ¿ Preparation ¿ Response and Recovery. Three types of complex disasters are analysed ¿ ¿Compound¿, ¿Cascading¿ and ¿Protracted¿. Case studies include hazards from fires, through to floods, sea level rise and typhoons are explored through case studies from Australia and the Asia Pacific region. Each is written by scholars and/or practitioners with acknowledged expertise in the field and most chapters are based on detailed case studies of ongoing or recent research projects. The book will be useful to researchers in climate, disaster, or environmental and economic policy, disaster risk reduction, and climate change studies, and practitioners and policy makers applying disaster theory and knowledge into policy and decision-making.

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