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  • af Anne E. White
    163,95 kr.

    This newly revised volume of the Plutarch Project includes vocabulary, discussion questions, and edited text for the stories of Alexander the Great (a double-length study) and Timoleon.

  • af Jac Filer
    193,95 kr.

    Matthew was a tax collector in Roman-occupied Galilee. Despite his comfortable life, he was scorned and shunned by his fellow Judeans. To them, Matthew was a traitor who lined Rome's coffers, and his own, at the expense of the people of Galilee.Simon was a Zealot--loyal to God, the Judean people, and their traditions. Not content to see God's people suffering, Simon was ready and willing to take up arms to free his homeland from Rome's oppression and pagan influence.Their paths had crossed before. Now a Nazarene teacher has arrived in Capernaum with new ideas and a new purpose that challenges both their worldviews in unexpected ways. Despite their differences, Matthew and Simon confront their shared history and divergent ideals as they embark on a new mission that meets strong resistance from both sides.

  • af Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo
    198,95 kr.

    Incantation is a Chicana's witness of America's ongoing chaos, love, resistance, and resilience.

  • af Brandon S. Pilcher
    188,95 kr.

    Set in eastern Africa 100,000 years ago, Women of the Plains tells the story of a confrontation between two cultures of early Homo sapiens, the ancestors of all modern human beings. When the young huntress Oja gets separated from her nomadic band after a hunting accident, she finds herself in a strange place where the people have settled into permanent villages. As she struggles to find her place in this new world, her old friends Uru and Namak go looking for her. Oja must eventually choose between the way of life she has always known and that of the people who have embraced her as one of their own.

  • af Luca Brumurelli
    293,95 kr.

    [Anno: 2020 - 132 pagine. Bilingue: Italiano/Inglese. Formato cartaceo (22,00 ¿),Storia e catalogazione completa della monetazione coniata per l'amante di Adriano. Circa 65 schede con immagini a colori e descrizioni dettagliate riguardo queste curiose quanto rare monete coloniali romane.[ENG] ANTINOUS, THE LOVER WITH THE SAD SMILEHadrian's mistress. Approximately 65 cards with color images and detailed descriptions regarding these curious yet rare Roman colonial coins.

  • af Ellie Bouhadana
    215,95 kr.

    This is a recipe book with rich storytelling, exploring chef Ellie Bouhadana's mixed Jewish background through food - from Morocco to Israel and through Eastern Europe. Take a seat at Ellie's Table and share incredible recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation, like her Moroccan grandmother's couscous, and her Polish grandmother's chicken soup. The recipes in this book are a celebration of the food Ellie was brought up with, including nostalgic dishes that, until now, have only been kept in the hearts of her immigrant family members.

  • af &1493, &1512, &1505, mfl.
    344,95 kr.

    ברוכים הבאים ל"מסע קולינרי ים תיכוני". אזור הים התיכון, על נופיו עוצרי הנשימה ותרבויותיו המגוונות, נחגג זה מכבר בשל המטבח התוסס שלו המשקף את מהות החיים עצמם. ספר בישול זה הוא הזמנה לטבול את עצמך בטעמים, בצבעים ובסיפורים שעיצבו את השטיח הקולינרי של אזור נצחי זה.מחופי יוון ועד גבעות איטליה, משווקי מרוקו ועד כרמי ספרד, כל פינה בים התיכון מציעה חוויה קולינרית ייחודית ומקסימה. בדפים אלה תגלו אוסף מתכונים שנקבע בקפידה שעושים כבוד לשפע של מרכיבים טריים, עשבי תיבול ארומטיים ותבלינים נועזים באזור. בין אם אתם משחזרים מנה משפחתית מסורתית או יוצאים להרפתקה קולינרית חדשה, המתכונים הללו לוכדים את הלב והנשמה של הבישול הים תיכוני.התכוננו לקבל השראה מהפשטות והאלגנטיות המגדירים את המטבח הים תיכוני. המסע שלנו יחד יכלול תערובת של פירות ים, שמני זית ריחניים, ירקות נושקי שמש ומנגינות הצחוק המענגות מסביב לשולחן. תוך כדי התעמקות במתכונים, לא רק תשלוט בטכניקות אלא גם תטפח הערכה לשמחה של איסוף, שיתוף והתענגות על הנאות החיים.

  • af &1080, &1072, &1076, mfl.
    348,95 kr.

    Добродошли на "Медитеранско кулинарско путовање". Медитерански регион, са својим пејзажима који одузимају дах и разноликим културама, дуго је био славан по својој живописној кухињи која одражава суштину самог живота. Ова куварска књига је позив да се уроните у укусе, боје и приче које су обликовале кулинарску таписерију овог безвременског региона. Од обала Грчке до брда Италије, од тржишта Марока до винограда Шпаније, сваки кутак Медитерана нуди јединствено и очаравајуће кулинарско искуство. На овим страницама ћете открити пажљиво одабрану колекцију рецепата који одају почаст богатству свежих састојака, ароматичног биља и смелих зачина у региону. Без обзира да ли правите традиционално породично јело или се упуштате у нову кулинарску авантуру, ови рецепти захватају срце и душу медитеранске кухиње. Припремите се да будете инспирисани једноставношћу и елеганцијом која дефинише медитеранску кухињу. Наше заједничко путовање обухватиће мешавину морских плодова, мирисних маслинових уља, осунчаног поврћа и дивних мелодија смеха око стола. Док улазите у рецепте, не само да ћете савладати технике, већ ћете и неговати поштовање према радости окупљања, дељења и уживања у задовољствима живота.

  • af &1080, &1072, &1090, mfl.
    352,95 kr.

    Добре дошли в "Средиземноморско кулинарно пътешествие". Средиземноморският регион, със своите спиращи дъха пейзажи и разнообразни култури, отдавна е известен със своята жизнена кухня, която отразява същността на самия живот. Тази готварска книга е покана да се потопите във вкусовете, цветовете и историите, които са оформили кулинарния гоблен на този вечен регион. От бреговете на Гърция до хълмовете на Италия, от пазарите на Мароко до лозята на Испания, всяко кътче на Средиземно море предлага уникално и очарователно кулинарно изживяване. На тези страници ще откриете внимателно подбрана колекция от рецепти, които отдават почит на изобилието на региона от свежи продукти, ароматни билки и смели подправки. Независимо дали пресъздавате традиционно семейно ястие или се впускате в ново кулинарно приключение, тези рецепти улавят сърцето и душата на средиземноморската кухня. Пригответе се да бъдете вдъхновени от простотата и елегантността, които определят средиземноморската кухня. Нашето съвместно пътуване ще включва смесица от морски дарове, ароматни маслинови масла, целунати от слънцето зеленчуци и възхитителните мелодии на смях около масата. Докато се задълбочавате в рецептите, вие не само ще овладеете техники, но и ще култивирате признателност за радостта от събирането, споделянето и наслаждаването на удоволствията от живота.

  • af &963, &953, &964, mfl.
    352,95 kr.

    Καλώς ήρθατε στο "Ένα Μεσογειακό Γαστρονομικό Ταξίδι". Η περιοχή της Μεσογείου, με τα μαγευτικά τοπία της και τους διαφορετικούς πολιτισμούς, φημίζεται εδώ και καιρό για τη ζωντανή κουζίνα της που αντικατοπτρίζει την ουσία της ίδιας της ζωής. Αυτό το βιβλίο μαγειρικής είναι μια πρόσκληση για να βυθιστείτε στις γεύσεις, τα χρώματα και τις ιστορίες που έχουν διαμορφώσει τη γαστρονομική ταπισερί αυτής της διαχρονικής περιοχής. Από τις ακτές της Ελλάδας μέχρι τους λόφους της Ιταλίας, από τις αγορές του Μαρόκου μέχρι τους αμπελώνες της Ισπανίας, κάθε γωνιά της Μεσογείου προσφέρει μια μοναδική και μαγευτική γαστρονομική εμπειρία. Σε αυτές τις σελίδες, θα ανακαλύψετε μια προσεκτικά επιμελημένη συλλογή συνταγών που αποτίουν φόρο τιμής στην αφθονία της περιοχής με φρέσκα υλικά, αρωματικά βότανα και έντονα μπαχαρικά. Είτε αναδημιουργείτε ένα παραδοσιακό οικογενειακό πιάτο είτε ξεκινάτε μια νέα γαστρονομική περιπέτεια, αυτές οι συνταγές αιχμαλωτίζουν την καρδιά και την ψυχή της μεσογειακής μαγειρικής. 8 Ετοιμαστείτε να εμπνευστείτε από την απλότητα και την κομψότητα που καθορίζει τη μεσογειακή κουζίνα. Το ταξίδι μας μαζί θα περιλαμβάνει ένα μείγμα από θαλασσινά, μυρωδάτα ελαιόλαδα, λιασμένα λαχανικά και τις απολαυστικές μελωδίες του γέλιου γύρω από το τραπέζι. Καθώς εμβαθύνετε στις συνταγές, όχι μόνο θα κατακτήσετε τις τεχνικές, αλλά θα καλλιεργήσετε επίσης μια εκτίμηση για τη χαρά του να μαζεύεστε, να μοιράζεστε και να απολαμβάνετε τις απολαύσεις της ζωής.

  • af &1080, &107, &1085, mfl.
    352,95 kr.

    Добредојдовте во "Медитеранско кулинарско патување". Медитеранскиот регион, со своите воодушевувачки пејзажи и разновидни култури, долго време се слави по својата живописна кујна која ја отсликува суштината на самиот живот. Оваа готвачка е покана да се нурнете во вкусовите, боите и приказните што ја обликуваа кулинарската таписерија на овој безвременски регион. Од бреговите на Грција до ридовите на Италија, од пазарите во Мароко до лозјата во Шпанија, секој агол на Медитеранот нуди уникатно и волшебно кулинарско искуство. На овие страници, ќе откриете внимателно курирана колекција на рецепти кои оддаваат почит на изобилството од свежи состојки, ароматични билки и смели зачини во регионот. Без разлика дали повторно создавате традиционално семејно јадење или се впуштате во нова кулинарска авантура, овие рецепти го доловуваат срцето и душата на медитеранското готвење. Подгответе се да бидете инспирирани од едноставноста и елеганцијата што ја дефинираат медитеранската кујна. Нашето заедничко патување ќе опфати мешавина од морска храна, миризливи маслинки масла, зеленчук бакнат од сонцето и прекрасните мелодии на смеа околу масата. Додека истражувате во рецептите, не само што ќе ги совладате техниките, туку и ќе ја негувате благодарноста за радоста на собирање, споделување и уживање во задоволствата на животот.

  • af Jc Duncan
    151,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Lynn
    188,95 kr.

    "Demeter did not always live in fear. Once, the goddess of spring loved the world and the humans who inhabited it. After a devastating assault, though, she becomes a shell of herself. Her only solace is her daughter, Persephone. A balm to her mother's pain, Persephone grows among wildflowers, never leaving the sanctuary Demeter built for them. But she aches to explore the mortal world--to gain her own experiences. Naèive but determined, she secretly builds a life of her own under her mother's watchful gaze. But as she does so, she catches the eye of Hades, and is kidnapped...Forced into a role she never wanted, Persephone learns that power suits her. In the land of the living, though, Demeter is willing to destroy the humans she once held dear--anything to protect her family. A mother who has lost everything and a daughter with more to gain than she ever realized, their story will irrevocably shape the world."--

  • af W Michael Gear
    168,95 kr.

    From New York Times bestselling authors W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear comes part three in their gripping Anasazi mystery series.After uncovering an ancient mass grave in New Mexico, Archaeologists Dusty Stewart and Maureen Cole think things can't get any worse-until they begin excavating the charred remains of a ceremonial chamber and discover it's filled with the brutalised bones of children. Maureen, having analyzed similar mass graves in Iraq, takes it in stride. But Dusty's nightmares become so severe that he feels as though an evil presence has stepped across a narrow bridge of time and now walks the site beside them, invisible, but always present and haunting. With every uncovered artifact seemingly whispering in the voices of dead children, Dusty and Maureen wonder what kind form of evil could cause so much destruction-and if the overwhelming feeling of being followed will ever go away.In the year A.D. 1263, War Chief Browser enters the very same ceremonial chamber-but this time, it's filled with freshly dead bodies. Knowing there's a killer moving unseen through the ruins of a dying civilization, Browser recruits the skills of an old shaman to help him uncover the truth about the enigmatic murderer who's terrorizing their people.Will Dusty and Maureen ever be able to escape an ancient haunting and unearth truths based on archaeological findings alone?

  • af Nathan N. Prefer
    388,95 kr.

    The first full history of the longest island campaign of the Pacific War.

  • af Brian Bruce
    358,95 kr.

    An intimate account of the Pacific War, through the experiences of one infantry company.

  • af Stephen Wynn
    253,95 kr.

    Account of The Battle of Itter Castle, 1945 - one of only two known times in the Second World War when Americans and Germans fought side by side.

  • af Laurence Totelin
    271,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Lambourn
    271,95 kr.

  • af Marie-Claire Beaulieu
    271,95 kr.

  • af Victoria Austen
    397,95 kr.

    This book demonstrates how the Romans constructed garden boundaries specifically in order to open up or undermine the division between a number of oppositions, such as inside/outside, sacred/profane, art/nature, and real/imagined. Using case studies from across literature and material and visual culture, Victoria Austen explores the perception of individual garden sites in response to their limits, and showcases how the Romans delighted in playing with concepts of boundedness and separation. Transculturally, the garden is understood as a marked-off and cultivated space. Distinct from their surroundings, gardens are material and symbolic spaces that constitute both universal and culturally specific ways of accommodating the natural world and expressing human attitudes and values. Although we define these spaces explicitly through the notions of separation and division, in many cases we are unable to make sense of the most basic distinction between 'garden' and 'not-garden'. In response to this ambiguity, Austen interrogates the notion of the 'boundary' as an essential characteristic of the Roman garden.

  • af Robert Holschuh Simmons
    378,95 kr.

    "What makes a demagogue? A much more friendly touch, or more importantly, a perception of a friendly touch, than has previously been explored. Demagogues, Power and Friendship in Classical Athens examines the ways in which a demagogic leadership style based on personal connection became ingrained in this period, drawing on close study of several genres of literature of the late 5th and early-to-mid 4th centuries BCE. Such connection was particularly effective with lower classes of Athenians, who had been accustomed to being excluded from politicians' friendship-based approaches to coalition-building. Comedies of Aristophanes (particularly Knights), tragedies of Euripides (particularly Iphigenia in Aulis), and historical biographies of Xenophon (particularly Anabasis and Cyropaedia) depict demagogues, or characters exhibiting demagogic characteristics, using a style of outreach to members of neglected classes that involved provoking feelings of friendship with individuals in these classes, whether the demagogues and individual supporters actually interacted closely or not. These leaders employed techniques, such as propinquity, homophily, and transitivity, that both contemporary sociologists (and, in some cases, Aristotle) recognize as effective for such purposes. Particular attention is paid to discrepancies in Aristophanes' Knights between how the demagogue Cleon is hyperbolically portrayed (as a pederastic lover of the Athenian people) and how his language and actions make him out - as a friend of theirs, as he likely portrayed himself"--

  • af Lucio Picci
    1.139,95 kr.

    "The book is relevant to persons interested in public governance, comparative politics and the politics of Brazil, Russia, and the United States. It would also be accessible to Ph.D. and motivated upper-division students, and to practitioners. The arguments are presented rigorously, but also in a captivating manner"--

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