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  • af &1080, &1084, &108, mfl.
    191,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Charis Mather
    308,95 kr.

  • af Charis Mather
    308,95 kr.

  • af Charis Mather
    88,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Charis Mather
    88,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Catherine C. Finan
    88,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af David Hunn
    338,95 kr.

  • af Dl Lyle
    288,95 kr.

    Society's foundational stories, key to uniting us, are under attack because they are judged as unhistorical biblical myths. What if that judgment is wrong? In that case, debunking these attacks would be important. Which is why this book is important!The history of the universe from the beginning to the creation of man on earth is a real history, just slightly different than as described in the bible. The cognitive revolution is a real event, just slightly different than as described in the bible. The Garden of Eden is a real place and can be pointed to on a map today. But what about the heroes?The key to identifying biblical heroes in secular sources is to synchronize the chronologies. By answering a simple question with a simple answer, this narrative is based on an alternative chronology that unmasks identities of many heroes...and they are REAL! Noah's flood was a real event and can be linked to the most catastrophic volcanic eruption of the Bronze Age. Abram was a real person, and a mayor of Jerusalem wrote and complained about him to an Egyptian Pharoah. Joseph was a real person, and his story has been known for centuries in Egypt but misidentified due to poor chronology. Moses is in the Egyptian records once you look in the right time period! And the histories of these hero's matter. They matter because the record of their history in the Bible records the maturation of an explanation for the fundamental question everyone wants to know the answer to: why? Experience the thrill of quickly and easily learning the Bible and discovering how accurate it really is while staying true to the latest modern science. The majority of the Old Testament is thoroughly explored in less than 250 pages, and they are explored as they occurred, within the larger history of man! History, alternative history, biblical history, Ancient Near East geography, military analysis, mathematics, metallurgy, the Bronze Age Collapse, archeology, linguistics, even climate change, all these topics make their appearance in these pages to help explain what the latest scholarship believes to be true about the Bible.Although this book is clearly written by a modern scientist and mathematician, it is truly hoped that it is seen for what is intended to be: a modern-day apologetic. To serve that role, it was written in a way that is hopefully easy to read and not filled with dense notes. It hopefully includes enough information to get the curious started on their own investigations. And it is hopefully clear that the author respects and is in awe of the biblical authors.

  • af Jessica Wayne
    333,95 kr.

    A warrior princess. A man infected with giant blood. A shadow hunting them both.I won the it's time for war.As the first daughter born to a Navalis in centuries, it was my duty to marry a king and secure an alliance for my kingdom. But that all changed when my empire crumbled beneath the steel of our enemy.It was the man I've been secretly in love with for years who saved my life, and he who still stands at my side, a blade ready to strike down any who come against me.But not all enemies can be seen.Not all enemies can bleed.Ever since I touched the Blade of Ice, I've been haunted by visions of a shadowy figure. He promises me passion should I succumb and death to all I hold dear if I refuse.Passion.Death.As we fight our way toward a once-ally in hopes of gaining his favor in this fight, I am yet again faced with a choice: love or duty?The Blade of Ice series is best enjoyed in the following order: Book #1: Rise of a WarriorBook #2: Fall of an EmpireBook #3: Birth of a QueenGrab your copy of Fall of an empire and continue the adventure today!NOTE: This is an adult romantasy intended for mature readers.

  • af Josh Lange
    153,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • af &12540, &12473, &12459, mfl.
    344,95 kr.

    「地中海料理の旅」へようこそ。息を呑むような 風景と多様な文化を持つ地中海地域は、人生その ものの本質を反映した活気に満ちた料理で長い間 知られてきました。この料理本は、この時代を超 越したこの地域の料理のタペストリーを形作って きた味、色、物語に浸る招待状です。 ギリシャの海岸からイタリアの丘、モロッコの市 場からスペインのブドウ畑に至るまで、地中海の 各地でユニークで魅力的なグルメ体験が楽しめま す。これらのページでは、この地域の新鮮な食材、 香り高いハーブ、そして大胆なスパイスの恵みに 敬意を表した、厳選されたレシピのコレクション をご覧いただけます。伝統的な家庭料理を再現す る場合でも、新しい料理の冒険に乗り出す場合で も、これらのレシピは地中海料理の心と魂を捉え ています。 地中海料理の特徴であるシンプルさと優雅さから インスピレーションを受ける準備をしてください。 私たちの旅には、シーフード、香り豊かなオリー ブオイル、太陽の光をいっぱい浴びた野菜、そし てテーブルを囲む楽しい笑い声の数々が含まれま す。レシピを深く掘り下げていくと、テクニック を習得するだけでなく、人生の喜びを集め、共有 し、楽しむことの喜びに対する感謝の気持ちも養 われるでしょう。

  • af &1080, &1072, &1088, mfl.
    290,95 kr.

    "Вкусни Италиански Рецепти" представя италианската кулинария в най-добрата си форма. Това кулинарно пътешествие ви отвежда в сърцето на Италия, разкривайки вам тайните и вкусовете на тази знаменита гастрономична дестинация.От известните паста и пица до изисканите месни и рибни ястия, този сборник с рецепти ще ви вдъхнови да готвите италиански специалитети у дома. Вкусните и аутентични рецепти ще ви научат как да създавате италиански гозби с лекота.Авторът, Лука Маринов, е голям ценител на италианската кухня и споделя своята страст към готвенето чрез този кулинарен сборник. Той ви насочва към най-вкусните ястия от Бел Паиз, Тоскана, Сицилия и още.Отворете страниците на "Вкусни Италиански Рецепти" и се потопете в атмосферата на италианската гастрономия, правейки у дома вашия собствен италиански празник.

  • af &945, &95, &946, mfl.
    294,95 kr.

    Το "Νόστιμες Περιφερειακές Ιταλικές Συνταγές" σάς προσκαλεί σε ένα γαστρονομικό ταξίδι στην καρδιά της Ιταλίας, ανακαλύπτοντας τον πλούτο των γευστικών παραδόσεων κάθε περιοχής.Από τα άρωματα της Σικελίας μέχρι την απλή και αυθεντική κουζίνα της Τοσκάνης, αυτό το βιβλίο προσφέρει συνταγές που αντικατοπτρίζουν την ποικιλία και την πλούσια κληρονομιά της ιταλικής κουζίνας.Η συγγραφέας, Σοφία Σαββίδου, είναι μια λάτρης της ιταλικής κουζίνας και μοιράζεται αυθεντικές συνταγές που έχει συγκεντρώσει κατά τα ταξίδια της στην Ιταλία. Με πάθος και αγάπη για τη γαστρονομία, σας προσκαλεί να ανακαλύψετε τη μαγεία των ιταλικών γεύσεων.Ανοίξτε τις σελίδες του βιβλίου και ξεκινήστε το γαστρονομικό σας ταξίδι στον κόσμο των περιφερειακών ιταλικών συνταγών.

  • af &50689 & &. 49440
    297,95 kr.

    "맛있는 이탈리안 레시피북"은 이탈리아의 풍미와 요리 예술을 경험하고 싶은 분들을 위한 특별한 레시피북입니다. 이 책은 신선한 재료를 활용하여 풍부한 이탈리안 레시피를 제공합니다. 건강한 미각과 환경을 고려한 미식 경험이 이탈리안 요리로 더욱 풍성하게 펼쳐집니다."맛있는 이탈리안 레시피북"은 이탈리안 요리의 매력과 다양성을 강조하며, 초보부터 숙련된 요리사까지 다양한 독자를 위해 디자인되었습니다. 맛과 영양을 모두 갖춘 레시피, 알러지에 대한 대응책, 또한 윤리적인 요리의 즐거움을 소개합니다.이 요리책은 식물성 재료의 가능성을 탐구하고, 요리를 통해 풍부한 맛을 발견하는데 도움이 될 것입니다. 김선영의 필명으로 제공되는 이 책은 이탈리안 요리의 새로운 세계로 발을 딛는 데 강력한 가이드 역할을 할 것입니다.

  • af Aleksandr Skorobogatov
    258,95 kr.

    "Years after the death of their beloved son, there is a knock at the door of Nikolai and Vera's apartment. Introducing himself simply as 'Sergeant Bertrand', the unknown visitor triggers a precipitous journey into the depths of the human soul"--

  • af Jerry Barker
    373,95 kr.

    "Jerry Barker has long championed North Carolina's Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST) and led its development for many years. In Discovering North Carolina's Mountains-to-Sea Trail, he draws on that experience to take readers on a unique journey along the trail's full route, sharing the rich history and stories that live on each segment. Connecting the route to the Indigenous history of western North Carolina, to the long military presence near the Carolina coast, and more, Barker offers a new way to understand and appreciate not only the natural beauty of North Carolina but also its people and history. Dedicated long-distance hikers and day-trippers alike will value and enjoy this armchair guide. [This resource is] abundantly illustrated with over fifty color photographs and maps for each of the MST's nineteen segments, [it] narrates significant histories related to each MST segment, places prominent natural features of the trail in context, [and] introduces hikers to nearby attractions, cultural heritage sites, and trail towns"--

  • af Plutarque
    133,95 kr.

    "... Timoléon était fils de Timodème et de Démariste, personnes de noble famille dans Corinthe. Amant passionné de sa patrie, il était d'une douceur singulière, sauf une haine violente contre la tyrannie et contre les méchants ; il était si heureusement né pour la guerre, et ses facultés se compensaient si bien, qu'il s'y distingua, dans sa jeunesse, par une prudence consommée, et que, dans sa vieillesse, il n'avait rien perdu de sa vigueur d'exécution. Il avait un frère aîné, Timophane, qui ne lui ressemblait en rien : c'était un écervelé, et qu'avait corrompu une folle ambition de se faire maître unique, que lui inspiraient des amis pervers, et les soldats étrangers dont il était sans cesse environné. Il avait montré dans les batailles une certaine audace, une intrépidité aventureuse : aussi donna-t-il à ses concitoyens une grande opinion de son courage et de son activité, et obtint-il plus d'une fois des commandements militaires. Il était secondé par Timoléon, qui couvrait ses fautes ou du moins en atténuait aux yeux la gravité, et qui relevait, qui faisait valoir les bonnes qualités qu'il avait reçues de la nature..."

  • af Plutarque
    143,95 kr.

    "... Pélopidas, fils d'Hippoclus, était d'une famille noble de Thèbes, comme Épaminondas. Élevé dans une grande opulence, héritier dès sa jeunesse d'une fortune brillante, il se livra au soulagement de ceux qui étaient dans le besoin, et qui méritaient ses bienfaits : il voulait montrer qu'il était le maître et non l'esclave de ses richesses. Parmi les hommes, dit Aristote, les uns ne font point usage de leurs trésors par avarice, les autres en abusent en menant une conduite désordonnée ; et ils sont toute leur vie esclaves, les uns de leurs plaisirs, les autres des affaires. Les amis de Pélopidas usèrent avec reconnaissance de sa bonté et de sa libéralité, à l'exception du seul Épaminondas, qu'il ne put décider à accepter une part de sa richesse. Lui-même, cependant, il s'associa à la pauvreté d'Épaminondas, par la simplicité de ses vêtements, la frugalité de sa table, son activité dans le travail, son scrupule à ne chercher les succès qu'à visage découvert. Il ressemblait au Capanée d'Euripide, qui était fort riche, mais auquel sa richesse n'inspirait point de fierté. Il eût rougi de donner au soin de son corps plus que ne faisait le plus pauvre des Thébains. Épaminondas, familiarisé avec la pauvreté, qui était pour lui héréditaire, se la rendit encore plus facile et plus légère par la philosophie, et parce que, dès sa jeunesse, il résolut de vivre dans le célibat. Pélopidas, au contraire, avait fait un brillant mariage ; il avait des enfants ; mais il n'en devint ni moins insouciant d'augmenter sa fortune, ni moins dévoué à tous les instants au service de sa patrie. Il avait perdu de son opulence, et ses amis l'en blâmaient, disant qu'il avait tort de ne point s'occuper d'une chose nécessaire, la possession de ses biens : Nécessaire, oui certes ! mais pour Nicodème que voici, répondit-il en leur montrant un homme aveugle et boiteux..."

  • af Plutarque
    143,95 kr.

    " ... Quand les acclamations de la foule et le bruit eurent cessé, Cominius, s'adressant aux soldats : Compagnons, dit-il, vous ne pouvez forcer Marcius à recevoir des présents qu'il ne veut pas accepter. Mais donnons-lui une récompense qu'il ne puisse refuser ; et décernons-lui le nom de Coriolan, si toutefois l'exploit même ne le lui a point déjà donné avant nous. Depuis ce jour, Coriolan fut le troisième nom de Marcius. Ce fait met en lumière l'usage des Romains. Ils avaient d'abord un nom propre, ainsi Caïus ; le deuxième nom, Marcius par exemple, était le nom de la maison ou de la famille ; le troisième s'ajoutait plus tard aux deux autres : on le tirait ou d'une action particulière, ou d'un événement, ou du caractère, ou de la figure, ou de quelque vertu..."

  • af Plutarque
    143,95 kr.

    " ... Paul Émile, nommé consul, alla faire la guerre aux Liguriens, situés au pied des Alpes, et que certains auteurs nomment Ligustins : c'était une nation fière et belliqueuse, exercée par les longues guerres que lui avait attirées le voisinage des Romains. Ils occupent, en effet, cette extrémité de l'Italie que bornent les Alpes, et cette partie des Alpes mêmes que baigne la mer Tyrrhénienne, en face de la côte d'Afrique. Ils sont mêlés avec les Gaulois et avec les Ibères maritimes. En ce temps-là, ils écumaient cette mer, montés sur des vaisseaux corsaires, pillaient et ruinaient les marchands, et poussaient leurs courses jusqu'aux colonnes d'Hercule. Quand Paul Émile entra dans leur pays, ils étaient quarante mille hommes en armes : lui, qui n'avait en tout que huit mille hommes, attaque un ennemi cinq fois plus nombreux, le met en fuite, et le renferme dans ses murailles. Il offrit aux Liguriens des conditions pleines de douceur et d'humanité ; car les Romains ne voulaient pas complètement détruire une nation qui était comme une barrière et un boulevard contre les mouvements des Gaulois, qui ne cessaient de menacer l'Italie. Les Liguriens, se confiant à Paul Émile, lui remirent à discrétion leurs vaisseaux et leurs villes. Il leur rendit les villes, sans y avoir fait autre mal sinon qu'il en démolit les murailles ; mais il leur enleva tous les vaisseaux, et ne leur laissa pas une barque qui eût plus de trois bancs de rames. Il mit en liberté un grand nombre de prisonniers, qu'ils avaient faits sur terre et sur mer, tant Romains qu'étrangers..."

  • af Brock Kingsley
    163,95 kr.

    Master the Art of Hurricane Preparedness and Protect Your Loved OnesWhen the skies darken and the winds pick up, what's your plan? Living in West Florida means that hurricanes are an inevitable part of life. But with the right knowledge and preparation, they don't have to be a catastrophe. Bracing for the Storm: A West Florida Hurricane Survival Guide is your all-encompassing resource, designed to help you prepare, act, and recover like a pro.Attention: West Florida ResidentsDon't leave your safety to chance. Learn from the experts how to assess your risk, prepare your home, and most importantly, protect your family. This book delves deep into the science of hurricanes, breaking down complicated meteorological terms into easy-to-understand language. You'll get the inside scoop on how to read hurricane forecasts, what to expect from different categories of storms, and when it's time to hunker down or evacuate.Be Prepared, Be SafeDid you know that preparing your home can make a significant difference in how well you fare during a storm? Our comprehensive guide walks you through home inspections, modifications, and even DIY fixes to ensure your safety. From securing windows and shutters to fortifying your roof, you'll get step-by-step instructions for making your home a fortress. Plus, we've included an emergency supplies checklist so you won't forget the essentials.Strategies for Every SituationWhether you're riding out the storm at home or evacuating, this book has you covered. Learn how to develop an effective evacuation plan, choose the best route, and what to pack in your evacuation kit. Special chapters focus on unique considerations for families with children, senior citizens, and pets.It's Not Over When It's OverPost-storm recovery can be just as challenging as the hurricane itself. You'll find invaluable advice on assessing damage safely, dealing with insurance claims, and even coping with the psychological effects of a natural disaster. Community resources and volunteer opportunities are also highlighted, empowering you to help your neighbors and rebuild stronger than ever.If you're living in or relocating to West Florida, this book is not a luxury-it's a necessity. Gain the confidence and peace of mind that comes from being thoroughly prepared. Don't wait for the next hurricane warning to scramble for information. Arm yourself with the wisdom and practical tips found in Bracing for the Storm: A West Florida Hurricane Survival Guide, and face the hurricane season with unshakeable assurance.

  • af Mary I. Falbo
    388,95 kr.

    This is the first in a series of cookbooks that will be published to honor my mother and extraordinary Italian cook, Giovanna Morelli Falbo. It contains my mother's favorite recipes, those she brought with her from her home in Italy, and that nourished our family and friends as we grew up in Abington Pennsylvania. The next edition, "Giovanna's Legacy: An Italian/American Kitchen," will feature recipes I've developed, using principles I learned from her through the years as we prepared meals together.The book is a collection of over 180 recipes preserving the Italian heritage of a remarkable woman, my Mom. Born and raised in Calabria, Italy, these homemade meals embrace the essence of a woman who loved feeding others and watching their delight. The collection includes recipes from traditional Italian holiday meals to everyday celebrations and dining. You will find recipes such as Antipasto, baked ziti and lasagna, pasta with fennel, olives, tomatoes and pine nuts, rice patties, baccala salad, chicken and veal piccata, roasted pork with fennel, pepper and potato frittata (omelet), stuffed eggplant, Easter Pie, Italian Wedding soup, pizelles, cherry pudding cheese cake, biscotti, tiramisu, marinara sauce, plus more.

  • af Michael Taylor
    338,95 kr.

    When the twelve-year-old daughter of a British carpenter pulled some strange-looking bones from the country's southern shoreline in 1811, few people dared to question that the Bible told the accurate history of the world. But Mary Anning had in fact discovered the "first" ichthyosaur, and over the next seventy-five years-as the science of paleontology developed, as Charles Darwin posited radical new theories of evolutionary biology, and as scholars began to identify the internal inconsistencies of the Scriptures-everything changed. Beginning with the archbishop who dated the creation of the world to 6 p.m. on October 22, 4004 BC, and told through the lives of the nineteenth-century men and women who found and argued about these seemingly impossible, history-rewriting fossils, Impossible Monsters reveals the central role of dinosaurs and their discovery in toppling traditional religious authority, and in changing perceptions about the Bible, history, and mankind's place in the world.

  • af Serhii Plokhy
    167,95 kr.

    Despite repeated warnings from the White House, Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shocked the world. Why did Putin start the war-and why has it unfolded in previously unimaginable ways? Ukrainians have resisted a superior military; the West has united, while Russia grows increasingly isolated.Serhii Plokhy, a leading historian of Ukraine and the Cold War, offers a definitive account of this conflict, its origins, course, and the already apparent and possible future consequences. Though the current war began eight years before the all-out assault-on February 27, 2014, when Russian armed forces seized the building of the Crimean parliament-the roots of this conflict can be traced back even earlier, to post-Soviet tensions and imperial collapse in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Providing a broad historical context and an examination of Ukraine and Russia's ideas and cultures, as well as domestic and international politics, Plokhy reveals that while this new Cold War was not inevitable, it was predictable.Ukraine, Plokhy argues, has remained central to Russia's idea of itself even as Ukrainians have followed a radically different path. In a new international environment defined by the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the disintegration of the post-Cold War international order, and a resurgence of populist nationalism, Ukraine is now more than ever the most volatile fault line between authoritarianism and democratic Europe.

    163,95 kr.

    Western philosophers have long claimed that God, if such a being exists, is a personal force capable of reason and that the path to a good human life is also the path to a happy one. But what if these claims prove false or at least deeply misleading? The Aztecs of central Mexico had a rich philosophical tradition, recorded in Latin script by Spanish clergymen and passed down for centuries in the native Nahuatl language-one of the earliest transcripts being the Huehuetlatolli, or Discourses of the Elders, compiled by Friar Andrés de Olmos circa 1535.Novel in its form, the Discourses consists of short conversations between elders and young people on how to achieve a meaningful and morally sound life. The Aztecs had a metaphysical tradition but no concept of "being". They considered the mind an embodied force, present not just in the brain but throughout the body. Their core values relied on collective responsibility and group wisdom, not individual thought and action, orienting life around one's actions in this realm rather than an afterlife, distinctly opposed to the Christian beliefs that permeate Europe and America.Sebastian Purcell's fluency in his grandmother's native Nahuatl brings to light the Aztec ethical landscape in brilliant clarity. Never before translated into English in its entirety, and one of the earliest post-contact texts ever recorded, Discourses of the Elders reflects the wisdom communicated by oral tradition and proves that philosophy can be active, communal and grounded not in a "pursuit of happiness" but rather the pursuit of a meaningful life.

  • af David Chaffetz
    273,95 kr.

    No animal is so entangled in human history as the horse. The thread starts in prehistory, with a small, shy animal, hunted for food. Over time, the domestication of horses, followed by the advent of riding, powered mighty empires: Persian, Mongol, Mughal. For more than two millennia, from Iran and Afghanistan to China, India and, later, Russia, the deep and ancient bond between humans and their horses connected a vast continent, forged trade routes, linked cultures and fueled war machines.Scholar of Asian history David Chaffetz tells the story of the Eurasian Steppe raiders, rulers and traders who amassed power and wealth on horseback from the Bronze Age through the twentieth century. Drawing on a wealth of primary sources-in Persian, Turkish, Russian and Chinese-Chaffetz presents a ground-breaking new view of what has been known as the "Silk Road", and a lively history of the great horse empires that shaped civilisation.

  • af Paul Bierman
    225,95 kr.

    In 2018, lumps of frozen soil, collected from the bottom of the world's first deep ice core and lost for decades, reappeared in Denmark. When geologist Paul Bierman and his team first melted a piece of this unique material, they were shocked to find perfectly preserved leaves, twigs and moss. That observation led them to a startling discovery: Greenland's ice sheet had melted naturally before, about 400,000 years ago. The remote island's ice was far more fragile than scientists had realised-unstable even without human interference.In When the Ice Is Gone, Bierman traces the story of this extraordinary finding, revealing how it radically changes our understanding of the Earth and its climate. A longtime researcher in Greenland, he begins with a brief history of the island, both human and geological, explaining how over the last century scientists have learned to read the historical record in ice, deciphering when volcanoes exploded and humans started driving cars fuelled by leaded gasoline.For the origins of ice coring, Bierman brings us to Camp Century, a US military base built inside Greenland's ice sheet, where engineers first drilled through mile-thick ice and into the frozen soil beneath. Decades later, a few feet of that long-frozen earth would reveal its secrets-ancient warmth and melted ice.Changes in Greenland reverberate around the world, with ice melting high in the arctic affecting people everywhere. Bierman explores how losing Greenland's ice will catalyse devastating events if we don't change course and address climate change now.

  • af Mara Kardas-Nelson
    328,95 kr.

    "A deeply reported work of journalism that explores the promise and peril of global microfinance, told through the eyes of those who work in microfinance and women borrowers in Sierra Leone"--

  • af Vincent B. Davis
    208,95 kr.

    A crumbling republic. A foe with political ambitions. A dedicated soldier, husband, and father desperate to protect all he loves.>Sertorius confronts spies and traitors within his own ranks who are loyal to the Italian cause. As he and his companions raise a new army to protect Rome, they endure supply line sabotage, widespread poisonings, and betrayal on all sides. As Italy collapses into warfare, will Sertorius wrestle victory from the jaws of devastating defeat? Sulla's Fist is the breathtaking fifth book in the Sertorius Scrolls historical fiction series. If you like tenacious protagonists, impeccable research, and gripping glimpses into the past, then you'll love Vincent B. Davis II's war-torn saga.Buy Sulla's Fist to battle enemies without and within today!

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