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  • af Jtt Ryder
    173,95 kr.

    Honor must be restored. Vengeance must be had. Asgeir must go a'viking.The battle won, his enemy slain at his feet, and the respect of the Viking ship's crew earned - but with his honor lost, Asgeir must set out to reclaim it.However, when they sail over the open ocean, a storm - the wrath of the thunder god Thor - blows them off course.When they arrive in unknown land, the misdeeds of the ship's captain causes disaster, and Asgeir ends up embattled in the wars of the unruly Jarls of Orkney.Harried by enemies and entangled within shaky alliances, Asgeir must strive to win the acknowledgment of his father, the legendary Viking warrior, all the while ensuring he stays true to his honor in a treacherous, war-torn land.

  • af J Leonard Costner
    188,95 kr.

    Book 2 in the Legacy Series: >In the wake of relentless attacks orchestrated by the sinister Lazarus Caius Crassus, Luke and the stalwart members of the House of Aurelius struck back-but their efforts seemed futile. With Crassus now a ghost, eluding their grasp, and his superior Legion of Echoes closing in like a storm, the task of rallying his house and preparing them for the looming conflict falls squarely on Luke's weary shoulders. As he becomes increasingly entwined with the clandestine world of Legacy, the shackles of his new life tighten, distancing him from his cherished McKenna and causing a ripple in her unconditional view of his character.>In this enthralling sequel to "Legacy," Luke must navigate a treacherous path, where alliances are as shifting as the sands, and allegiance is becoming entwined with survival. With love, loyalty, and life itself in the balance, will Luke rise to be the beacon his world desperately needs, or will the crushing pressure of destiny see him shattered and broken? Legacy: The Echoes of Fate is the sequel to Legacy.

  • af Christina Pirello
    398,95 kr.

    In this book Christina Pirello asks the reader to imagine an ancient Chinese philosopher, with his depth of knowledge of how nature and food work, and their impact on humans and the planet, in the kitchen with your Italian Nonna, with her wisdom of nature, food, and nurturing. Imagine them cooking and talking together, laughing and comparing notes on food and wellness. That's how I cooks and live my life. It's like having two angels on my shoulders, working together, creating the soul of cooking, eating and wellness. My way of thinking about food uses the best of both worlds so we live our best lives. VegEdibles, the Macroterranean Way will help you eat your way to wellness.

  • af Gerardo Bartolome
    198,95 kr.

    Ready to embark on the ultimate journey to the ends of the Earth? Dive into "Antarctica: A Guidebook for Planning and Traveling," penned by Gerardo Bartolomé-acclaimed writer, publisher, and historian who has traversed the icy wilderness countless times as a seasoned guide and lecturer.Forget the dull descriptions; this guide goes straight to the heart of what you need to know to plan an extraordinary and unforgettable expedition to Antarctica. Packed with practical advice, this essential guide helps you make the most of every moment, ensuring your adventure is worth every penny.Inside, you'll find: - **Timing Your Trip: ** Expert advice on the best times to visit Antarctica, tailored to your interests and expectations.- **Choosing the Perfect Cruise: ** Detailed comparisons of cruise options to help you select the ship that best fits your needs and budget.- **Photography Tips: ** Enhance your photography skills with tips and techniques to capture the breathtaking landscapes and unique wildlife of Antarctica.- **On-Board Experience: ** An honest look at daily life on an Antarctic cruise, from accommodations to activities, ensuring there are no surprises.- **Maximizing Your Journey: ** How to seamlessly combine your Antarctic adventure with visits to Ushuaia, the gateway to the continent, and the vibrant city of Buenos Aires.- **Convincing Your Travel Partner: ** Insightful advice and compelling reasons to help you and your partner both feel excited and confident about making this incredible journey together.This Guide is more than just a book; it's your personal navigator, crafted to ensure that every aspect of your trip is meticulously planned and thoroughly enjoyed. Gerardo Bartolomé's wealth of experience and passion for Antarctica shine through every page, making this guide an indispensable resource for anyone dreaming of exploring this frozen frontier.With this guide in hand, you'll be well-prepared to embark on an awe-inspiring journey to one of the most remote and spectacular places on Earth. Let the adventure of a lifetime begin!

  • af Janet J. McIntyre-Mills
    1.289,95 - 1.634,95 kr.

    The edited volume advocates for teaching systemic ethics as a form of life-long learning within nature's classroom to support social and environmental justice. This book also explains critical systemic thinking as both an individual and a collective responsibility through many ways of knowing spanning the arts and sciences to inspire creativity.This volume contributes to theory and practice by making suggestions as to how to re-frame the content, structure and process of education for transformation. This volume makes a case for a more relational understanding of human beings and other species. This volume also explores a more integrated curriculum where learners are given the opportunity to explore many ways of knowing and learning to earn, learn and grow a future through circular economies, co-operatives and learning communities. This book highlights how the models of sustainable development focus on education for wellbeing in line with the UNESCO approach outlined in 2021 that emphasizes the systemic nature of education rooted in protecting the environment and supported by the participation of active global citizens.This volume demonstrates transformation of our thinking and practice is overdue and calls for changing the narrative through our standing together and redesigning systems of education to prioritize a more holistic worldview that embraces the planet and living systems. The focus of this volume is on values, perspectives and ways to make a difference through addressing a range of practical concerns, such as: food, energy and water security.Ontologically the editors' perspective is shaped by recognising kinship with nature, as expressed by Indigenous custodians. Epistemologically the editors and contributors to this volume explore ways to enhance education based on working across cultures and disciplines using a cross cultural approach and mixed methodology. Axiologically the editors support the notion of transformative research that promotes balancing non-anthropocentrism with an approach that draws on Indigenous wisdom whilst addressing patriarchal notions through gender mainstreaming.

  • af Bill Thompson
    198,95 - 343,95 kr.

  • af Lynn Roxy Gambrill
    218,95 kr.

    "Santa's Visit to Maryland" was written for adults to re-visit the beauty and memories of Maryland. But children love it too! One thing is for sure- everyone ages 1-100 will enjoy the ride!Here's a sneak peek of this BEST SELLER: "When what to my wondering eyes did appear?A Sailboat Sleigh and a guy in red gear.That little old driver so lively and gay, I knew in a moment he was eatin' Old Bay!The hand-drawn watercolor artwork by Leo Kahl is an absolutely stunning way to imagine what Santa might see as he flies over Maryland.AUDIO BOOK: To really make this book come alive, listen to the book on (no monthly fee necessary).

  • af &47560, && 47196 & &45432
    309,95 kr.

    이탈리안 음식의 풍성한 향과 맛을 만나보세요! "이탈리안 풍미의 세계 맛있는 이탈리안 요리 책"은 소피아 로마노의 필명으로 쓰인 새로운 요리 서적입니다. 이 책은 이탈리아 요리의 다양한 면모를 담아내어 귀하의 입맛과 감각을 사로잡을 것입니다.이 책은 이탈리아 음식을 사랑하는 사람들에게 기회를 제공합니다. 전통과 현대의 만남으로 이루어진 레시피는 집에서도 쉽게 만들 수 있도록 안내됩니다. 간편한 요리법부터 정교한 이탈리아 요리까지, 다양한 선택지가 있어 귀하의 요리 실력을 향상시킬 것입니다.이탈리안 음식은 더 이상 외로운 토마토와 치즈의 조합만이 아닙니다. 이 책은 오리지널과 현대의 조합을 통해 이탈리아 요리를 새롭게 발견할 수 있게 해줍니다. 소피아 로마노의 필명 아래, 이탈리아의 고유한 맛과 풍미를 만끽하십시오."이탈리안 풍미의 세계 맛있는 이탈리안 요리 책"은 이탈리아 음식을 좋아하는 사람들에게 완벽한 선택입니다. 여러분의 요리 기술을 향상시키며 이탈리아 음식의 신비를 탐험하세요.

  • af 1571, &1608, &1575, mfl.
    344,95 kr.

    مرحبًا بكم في "رحلة الطهي المتوسطية". لطالما اشتهرت منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط، بمناظرها الطبيعية الخلابة وثقافاتها المتنوعة، بمطبخها النابض بالحياة الذي يعكس جوهر الحياة نفسها. يعد كتاب الطبخ هذا بمثابة دعوة للانغماس في النكهات والألوان والقصص التي شكلت نسيج الطهي في هذه المنطقة الخالدة.من شواطئ اليونان إلى تلال إيطاليا، ومن أسواق المغرب إلى مزارع الكروم في إسبانيا، يقدم كل ركن من أركان البحر الأبيض المتوسط تجربة طهي فريدة وساحرة. في هذه الصفحات، ستكتشف مجموعة مختارة بعناية من الوصفات التي تشيد بوفرة المكونات الطازجة والأعشاب العطرية والتوابل الجريئة في المنطقة. سواء كنت تعيد إعداد طبق عائلي تقليدي أو تشرع في مغامرة طهي جديدة، فإن هذه الوصفات تجسد قلب وروح الطبخ المتوسطي.استعد للإلهام من البساطة والأناقة التي تميز مطبخ البحر الأبيض المتوسط. ستشمل رحلتنا معًا مزيجًا من المأكولات البحرية وزيوت الزيتون العطرية والخضروات المشمسة وألحان الضحك المبهجة حول الطاولة. عندما تتعمق في الوصفات، لن تتقن التقنيات فحسب، بل تنمي أيضًا تقديرًا لمتعة التجمع والمشاركة والاستمتاع بملذات الحياة.

  • af &1089, &1086, &1080 & mfl.
    306,95 kr.

    С "Италианска Кулинарна Пътека Вкусове от Сърцето на Италия" писателката Мария Роси ви кани на вълшебно кулинарно пътешествие към средиземноморската перла на вкусовете. Тази книга е ненадмината врата към света на италианската гастрономия, където традиция и страст се сливат в изкушаващи ястия.От ароматната паста до сърцето на пица, от освежаващите салати до нежните десерти, "Италианска Кулинарна Пътека" разкрива аутентичната кухня на Италия. Мария Роси ви отвежда на улиците на Рим, Венеция и Неапол, представяйки ви вкусовете, които дефинират италианския облик.С тази книга ще научите не само рецептите на класическите италиански ястия, но и историите зад тях. Ще се потопите в богатството на местните продукти и занаятите, които правят италианската кухня толкова уникална."Италианска Кулинарна Пътека" е повече от сборник рецепти, тя е пътеводител към истинското италианско гурме преживяване. С тази книга ще се насладите на баланса между вкусове, аромати и емоции, които само Италия може да ви предложи.

  • af 1040, &107, &1088, mfl.
    299,95 kr.

    Сгушете се в един невероятен кулинарен свят с "Средиземноморски Гурме Кулинарно Пътешествие със Свежест и Вкус", съставена от талантливата кулинарка Яна Андреева.Тази книга е вратата към безкрайната палитра от вкусове и аромати, характерни за кухнята на Средиземноморието. От уютните италиански пицци и гръцки салати до богатите тапас от Испания и уникалните ястия от Турция, тук ще откриете наистина вдъхновяващи рецепти, които ще ви потопят в атмосферата на Средиземноморието.Яна Андреева споделя своите знания и страст към традициите на региона, представени във всяко ястие. От свежите съставки до умелото съчетание на подправки, вие ще се научите как да създадете вкусни и хранителни хапки в домашната си кухня."Средиземноморски Гурме Кулинарно Пътешествие със Свежест и Вкус" не е просто книга с рецепти - това е пътешествие през културното богатство и наследство на Средиземноморието. Открийте връзката между храната и културата, и се насладете на аутентичния вкус на региона.

  • af &945, &95, &954, mfl.
    301,95 kr.

    "Γευστική Ιταλία Αυθεντικές Συνταγές για Μοναδικές Γεύσεις" είναι το πιο ενθουσιώδες ταξίδι γεύσης που μπορείτε να κάνετε προς την Ιταλία. Με τον Αντώνη Μαρκόπουλο ως συντάκτη, αυτό το βιβλίο σας προσκαλεί να ανακαλύψετε την αυθεντική γεύση και τη χαρακτηριστική χαρμονία της ιταλικής κουζίνας.Από τον ζεστό ήλιο της Σικελίας μέχρι τη φρεσκάδα της Τοσκάνης, αυτό το βιβλίο σας οδηγεί σε μια γευστική περιπλάνηση με ζωηρές γεύσεις και αυθεντικές συνταγές. Ανακαλύψτε τα μυστικά πίσω από τα πιάτα που αγαπά ο κόσμος, από την παραδοσιακή πίτσα μέχρι την ελαφριά πανακότα.Με τον Αντώνη Μαρκόπουλο ως σύντροφο, θα αποκτήσετε την αυτοπεποίθηση να δημιουργήσετε τις πιο γνήσιες ιταλικές γεύσεις, ενώ η ζωντανή περιγραφή και οι χρήσιμες συμβουλές θα σας βοηθήσουν να τις πραγματοποιήσετε με επιτυχία.Ετοιμαστείτε να αφεθείτε στην αίσθηση της Ιταλίας στο πιάτο σας, με εναρμονισμένες γεύσεις που θα σας ταξιδέψουν στη μαγευτική γαστρονομία της χώρας.

  • af Bernal Diaz del Castillo
    408,95 kr.

    Originally titled Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva España (The True History of the Conquest of New Spain), this first-person narrative by the military adventurer, conquistador, and settler Bernal Díaz del Castillo (1492-1584) recounts the fall of Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II, the defeat of the Aztec Empire, and his participation in the Spanish military campaigns that brought them about. Díaz served in three Mesoamerican expeditions, that of Francisco Hernández de Córdoba to the Yucatán peninsula (1517); that of Juan de Grijalva (1518), and finally the expedition of Hernán Cortés (1519) in the Valley of Mexico. Amongst chroniclers, Díaz was most celebrated as Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) was amongst novelists.

  • af Shaily Lipa
    358,95 kr.

    "Yassou unlocks the secrets of this flavorful cuisine, with eighty home-cooking Greek recipes that capture the delicious tastes and utilize the superfood ingredients that make the Mediterranean diet one with lasting appeal. Author Shaily Lipa learned the secrets of the Mediterranean diet from her paternal grandmother, whose traditional Greek dishes were some of the first Lipa ever made. In the years since, she has led an entire country of home cooks in her beloved Israeli TV shows and cookbooks. Now, in Yassou, Lipa returns to her roots with modern takes on eighty classic recipes, from spanakopita to souvlaki and baklava. Guided by the principals of Greek cooking, Lipa shows readers how to capture the enchanting flavors of this food paradise. The secret? Keep it simple, keep it fresh, and make the most of every ingredient. Yassou, a phrase used as a greeting in Greece, begins by introducing readers to the heart of the Mediterranean table: mezze, the small, flavor-forward dishes that anchor a meal and capture the communal spirit of Greek dining. Lipa's recipes for tzatziki (a cucumber and yogurt dip), dakos (Greek bruschetta), and horiatiki salata (the iconic Greek salad) will become staples in every reader's kitchen repertoire. For millennia, the Greeks have found creative ways to incorporate seasonal fruits and vegetables, hearty whole grains, plus fresh fish, meat, and cheese into their diets. Lipa offers easy recipes for eggplant stuffed with luscious rice and baked in a warming sauce; phyllo pie bursting with layers of winter greens and melting cheese; leek patties lightly fried in olive oil ("green gold" to the Greeks); salt-crusted fish baked whole and finished with a bright pop of lemon; and quince baked in red wine. Throughout, photo-lined essays transport readers to the Greek islands with stories of how a golden apple, or was it a quince?, started the Trojan war and why Orthodox Greeks celebrate Easter with roasted lamb"--

  • af David M. Livingstone
    1.188,95 kr.

    A social history of West Germany's Bundesgrenzschutz (BGS, Federal Border Police) that complicates the telling of the country's history as a straightforward success story.

  • af W Michael Gear
    168,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling authors W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear premiere a captivating new mystery series packed with ancient myth.Archaeologist Dusty Stewart finds himself diving into a chilling excavation of an ancient massacre site when the echoes of an eight-hundred-year-old mystery reverberate, leaving tantalizing clues in its wake. But Dusty's expertise is not enough to decode the brutality etched into the remains, and-in a twist of fate-his nemesis is summoned to aid in deciphering the cryptic puzzle.When Dr. Maureen Cole arrives at the scene just as a formidable artifact surfaces-the basilisk, a symbol of witches and the hidden realm of duplicity-her task is to trace an ancient blood trail, a path laden with betrayal and madness. Drawing on her anthropological expertise, Maureen embarks on a quest to unveil the truth behind the heinous crime that has remained shrouded for centuries.But the horrors of the past have a way of intertwining with the present.Across time, in the shadowy expanse of Hillside Village, a primeval monster known as Two Hearts lurks, moving invisibly through the Katsinas' People and casting a sinister shadow. And when War Chief Browser discovers his wife's brutal murder at its hands, he vows to end the methodical killer's reign by any means necessary-and uncover its terrifying secret once and for all.Can Dusty and Maureen piece together the puzzle before the malevolent forces that span centuries ensnare them?

  • af Grace Hansen
    348,95 kr.

    This title will introduce readers to the incredible wandering albatross. Complete with awesome photographs and more facts! Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO.

  • af Grace Hansen
    348,95 kr.

    This title will introduce readers to the Southern minke whale. Complete with awesome photographs and more facts! Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators.

  • af Grace Hansen
    348,95 kr.

    This title will introduce readers to the leopard seal. Complete with awesome photographs and more facts! Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators.

  • af Grace Hansen
    348,95 kr.

    Introduces young readers to Antarctica's gentoo penguin.

  • af Grace Hansen
    265,95 kr.

    This title will introduce readers to the incredible Antarctic shag. Complete with awesome photographs and more facts! Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators.

  • af Grace Hansen
    348,95 kr.

    This title will introduce readers to the adorable and tough Aédlie penguin. Complete with awesome photographs and more facts!

  • af Grace Hansen
    348,95 kr.

    "Pyramids and tombs were built to help pharaohs get to the underworld after death. They were filled with treasures and anything else pharaohs would need in the afterlife. In this book, readers will learn about the different types of pyramids and tombs, how they were built, and who built them."--

  • af Grace Hansen
    348,95 kr.

    "The ancient Egyptians found a way to record what was important to them by creating a written language made up of images called hieroglyphs. Readers will learn about hieroglyphs, what Egyptians used to write on, and some of the more common and important hieroglyphs."--

  • af Grace Hansen
    348,95 kr.

    "Egypt was ruled by powerful rulers called pharaohs. Pharaohs were seen as divine beings in human form. In this book, readers will learn about what pharaohs did and some of the more famous rulers, including Hatshepsut and Tutankhamun."--

  • af Grace Hansen
    348,95 kr.

    "Religion was very important to the ancient Egyptians. It helped them explain the natural wonders of the world, such as the sun rising and setting each day. Readers will learn about important deities such as Ra, Hathor, Anubis, and Maat, and what they represented to the Egyptians."--

  • af Grace Hansen
    348,95 kr.

    "The ancient Egyptians may have lived long ago, but their daily lives were not too different from today. Readers will learn about the homes, family life, jobs, and pets that many ancient Egyptians had and enjoyed"--

  • af Grace Hansen
    348,95 kr.

    "The ancient Egyptians were very creative. The art we can see today tells a story of how they lived and what they cared about. Readers will learn about ancient Egyptians artisans and artists and the pottery, paintings, jewelry, and glasswork they created thousands of years ago."--

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