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  • af Ll Eadie
    183,95 kr.

    Historical fiction account written for children about a Seminole Indian known as Alligator Warrior (Halpatter Tustenuggee). Follow him from the time he is a child living peacefully along the banks of Big Lake in Alligator Town (Halpata Tolophka) later known as Lake City throughout his lifetime. Trace his steps through the First and Second Seminole Wars, through his capture and being forced to move to the Indian Territory - only having to share the land with another tribe, and then secretly escaping from the territory to Mexico where it is believed he passed away.

  • af Ay¿e Dald¿r
    398,95 kr.

    "Akdeniz Mutfä¿: Lezzetin Sonsuz Yolu," sizi Akdeniz'in güzellikleriyle dolu bir gastronomik serüvene davet ediyor. Ay¿e Dald¿r'¿n rehberli¿inde bu kitap, säl¿k dolu ve lezzet dolu bir yolculüa ç¿kman¿z için mükemmel bir f¿rsat sunuyor.Akdeniz mutfä¿, taze malzemeler, säl¿kl¿ yälar ve nefis tatlarla ünlüdür. Bu kitap, Akdeniz mutfä¿n¿n s¿rlar¿n¿ ke¿fetmek ve bu lezzetleri sofran¿za tä¿mak isteyenler için ideal bir kaynakt¿r. Ay¿e Dald¿r, geleneksel tarifleri modern mutfakla birle¿tirerek, damaklar¿n¿z¿ ¿¿martacak yarat¿c¿ tarifler sunuyor."Akdeniz Mutfä¿: Lezzetin Sonsuz Yolu," sadece bir yemek kitab¿ de¿il, ayn¿ zamanda Akdeniz yäam tarz¿n¿n ve beslenme al¿¿kanl¿klar¿n¿n bir yans¿mas¿d¿r. Bu kitap, säl¿k ve lezzeti bir araya getirerek mutfä¿n¿z¿ canland¿racak ve ailenize nefis yemekler sunman¿z¿ sälayacakt¿r.Ay¿e Dald¿r'¿n rehberli¿inde Akdeniz mutfä¿n¿n büyülü tad¿n¿ ke¿fedin. Taze sebzeler, zeytinyä¿, otlar ve baharatlarla dolu bu lezzetli yolculuk sizi bekliyor. "Akdeniz Mutfä¿: Lezzetin Sonsuz Yolu" ile säl¿kl¿ ve lezzet dolu bir yäam¿n kap¿lar¿n¿ aralay¿n.

  • af Ll Eadie
    148,95 kr.

    Once upon a time there lived a little princess named Cleopatra. She lived long long ago in Egypt, a far-off land in Africa. Cleopatra grew up to become the last and most famous queen of Egypt."... Cleopatra, girls don't go to school. Girls learn how to dance and put on make-up," barked Podenco, the king's other greyhound."Both of you are wrong! I will go to the museum and learn about literature, medicine, the arts, science, languages, and philosophy from the best teachers in the world!" exclaimed the excited Cleopatra.

  • - The Institutions
    af Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu
    436,95 - 574,95 kr.

  • af Sascha Krannich
    830,95 kr.

    How do international students and alumni contribute to development in their countries of origin? Is the development effect greatest when students return to their countries of origin directly after completing their studies and become involved locally there, or can they also support the development of their country of origin if they remain abroad after their studies and contribute their knowledge and capital to the development process of their country of origin via transnational networks? Specifically, this question is examined in this publication using the example of the scholarship and alumni work of the Catholic Academic Alien Service (KAAD) in five countries of different developing regions: Georgia, Ghana, Indonesia, Colombia and Palestine.

  • af Ronald T. Ridley
    1.033,95 kr.

    Marcus Furius Camillus is the dominant figure in our traditional history of the Roman Republic in the early fourth century. He has been featured in histories of Rome since the Renaissance, but currently is viewed with great scepticism, some even questioning his very existence. What is notably absent, however, is any reference to a system of historical method: how one distinguishes fact from fiction. This is the first modern monograph on Camillus, and it grapples head-on with this problem. The results are unexpected.

  • - With The Gaelic Originals (1843)
    af Robert Munro
    253,95 - 466,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • - Fremtidens muligheder
    af Jørn Nielsen
    73,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Bogen beskriver en række alternative energiløsnings muligheder, som giver inspiration og nytænkning indenfor nye energiformer, som andre kan arbejde videre med. Jørn Nielsen har udviklet flere styringer med digital udlæsning af følere, som kan aflæse en solfangers temperatur samt væske indholdet af tankens temperatur både i bunden og i toppen. I en 10-årig periode , hvor Jørn boede i Filippinerne, var han i 2006 med til at udvikle et 2 volts solcellepanel på cirka 30 watt.I bogen behandles emner om vind - sol - vand - bølge - lys -trykluft - jordvarme - strøm - brint - magnetisme - kosmisk stråling.

  • af Tom Kühn
    411,95 kr.

    Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Frühgeschichte, Antike, Note: 1,0, Universität Mannheim (Historisches Institut), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In seiner Augustus-Vita berichtet der römische Schriftsteller Sueton über die sogenannten "befreundeten und verbündeten Könige" (reges amicii atque socii) des Römischen Reiches. Dabei zählt er einige wichtige Charakteristika auf, welche einen typischen befreundeten König ausmachen: den Bau sogenannter "urbes caesarea", die Tätigkeit als "euergetes", die Verehrung des Augustus und Reisen nach Rom. Sueton vergleicht die verbündeten Könige mit Klienten, indem er sich dem innerrömischen Klientelkonzept metaphorisch bedient.Die moderne Forschung hat sich diese Metapher zu eigen gemacht, um das von Ungleichheit und Abhängigkeit geprägte Verhältnis zwischen den Klientelkönigen auf der einen und Rom auf der anderen Seite zu beschreiben. Zeitlich beschränkt sich die vorliegende Arbeit auf die späte Republik und das frühe Prinzipat, die Zeitspanne also, in die auch Herodes¿ Herrschaft fällt. In dieser von Umwälzungen und Unsicherheiten geprägten Periode befand sich das politische Konstrukt des Klientelkönigtums in einer Art Hochphase. Spätestens ab der Herrschaft der Flavierdynastie (69¿96 n. Chr.) befand sich das Klientelkönigtum auf dem absteigenden Ast und verlor nach und nach seine Relevanz, indem direkte Herrschaft indirekte Herrschaftsformen ersetzte.Geographisch beschränkt sich die Arbeit auf den Osten des Römischen Reiches, da das politische Konstrukt des römischen Klientelkönigtums hier seine Anwendung fand. Herodes¿ Reich lag im Spannungsfeld zwischen Hellenismus, Romanisierung und Judentum. Im Osten hatte man mit dem Partherreich eine Weltmacht als direkten Nachbarn. Knapp 40 Jahre lang regierte Herodes sein Reich zwar nicht geräuschlos, aber dafür umso effizienter. Was Herodes von anderen Klientelkönigen unterscheidet, ist die gute Quellenlage zu seiner Person und seiner Regentschaft. Dies ist in allererster Linie dem jüdisch-römischen Geschichtsschreiber Flavius Josephus, der in seinen beiden Hauptwerken "Der Jüdische Krieg" und "Jüdische Altertümer" ausführlich über ihn berichtet. Die Klientelkönige sollen durchaus als eigenständig handelnde Herrscher, mit einem begrenzten Spielraum betrachtet werden. Diesen Spielraum galt es in sich wandelnden Zeiten und dem aufkommenden Prinzipat auszuloten, was einigen Klientelkönigen besser gelang als anderen, aber alle vor Herausforderungen stellte.

    243,95 kr.

    V etom godu otmechayetsya 195-letiye velikogo rossiyskogo pisatelya, klassika mirovoy literatury, L'va Nikolayevicha Tolstogo. Yego vklad v razvitiye mirovoy literatury prosto neotsenim i my rady posvyatit' sed'moy tom literaturnogo sbornika "Nit'" etomu velikomu tvortsu, oznamenovavshim novyy etap v istorii literatury. Pomnit' istoriyu i sledovat' traditsiyam, no v to zhe vremya privnosit' novoye i sovremennoye - imenno tak sozdayetsya sbornik maloy prozy "Nit'". Takzhe khochetsya otmetit' drugoye sobytiye - v 2023 godu ECG (London) otmechayet svoyu sed'muyu godovshchinu. My uzhe ne prosto mezhdunarodnoye kreativnoye soobshchestvo, gde tvorcheskiye lyudi so vsego mira ob"yedinyayutsya i tvoryat vmeste. My po-nastoyashchemu stali bol'shoy i druzhnoy sem'yey. S blagodarnost'yu vsem, kto ostayetsya s nami, ECG (London) i izdatel'stvo Hertfordshire Press (Velikobritaniya) predstavlyayut svoim chitatelyam sed'moy tom legendarnogo literaturnogo sbornika "Nit'". Etot al'manakh kak nichto luchshe otrazhayet kak svyaz' pokoleniy, tak i osobennosti kul'tur i traditsiy narodov Yevrazii. Nadeyemsya etot sbornik ostavit osobyy sled v dushe kazhdogo chitatelya.This year marks the 195th anniversary of the great Russian writer, classic of world literature, Leo Tolstoy. His contribution to the development of world literature is simply invaluable, and we are pleased to dedicate the seventh volume of the literary collection "Thread" to this great creator, who marked a new stage in the history of literature. To remember history and follow traditions, but at the same time to bring something new and modern - this is how the collection of short prose "Thread" is created.I would also like to note another event - in 2023 ECG (London) celebrates its seventh anniversary. We are no longer just an international creative community where creative people from all over the world come together and create together. We have truly become a big and friendly family.With gratitude to everyone who remains with us, ECG (London) and Hertfordshire Press (UK) present to their readers the seventh volume of the legendary literary collection "Thread". This almanac, like nothing better, reflects both the connection between generations and the characteristics of the cultures and traditions of the peoples of Eurasia. We hope this collection will leave a special mark in the soul of every reader.

  • af Chris Turney
    188,95 kr.

    "The South Pole discovered" trumpeted the front page of The Daily Chronicle on March 8, 1912, marking Roald Amundsen's triumph over the tragic Robert Scott. Yet behind all the headlines there was a much bigger story. Antarctica was awash with expeditions. In 1912, five separate teams representing the old and new world were diligently embarking on scientific exploration beyond the edge of the known planet. Their discoveries not only enthralled the world, but changed our understanding of the planet forever. Tales of endurance, self–sacrifice, and technological innovation laid the foundations for modern scientific exploration, and inspired future generations.To celebrate the centenary of this groundbreaking work, 1912: The Year the World Discovered Antarctica revisits the exploits of these different expeditions. Looking beyond the personalities and drawing on his own polar experience, Chris Turney shows how their discoveries marked the dawn of a new age in our understanding of the natural world. He makes use of original and exclusive unpublished archival material and weaves in the latest scientific findings to show how we might reawaken the public's passion for discovery and exploration

  • af Joe Sledge
    173,95 kr.

    The Cape Fear Coast, with Wilmington, Pleasure Island, Southport, Fort Fisher, all the way to Oak Island, has a wealth of history in its borders. The beaches and coastlines call out to people for fun and relaxation, while Wilmington offers a big city richness of diversity and culture. But every place has some dark shadows that hide the ghosts and haunts from the past. The Cape Fear Coast has more than its share of scary legends and entertaining shivering tales. Wilmington is host to many haunted houses, as well as shops and stores where ghosts walk, or float, with unconcerned indifference to how the living see them. In Haunting The Cape Fear Coast, you can read about the jealous ghost of Ellen Bellamy who throws a temper tantrum when all the fun starts in her house. Discover how a kindly concerned spirit named William helped a pool hall great set a record. Learn of the gifts, good and bad, left for residents of Emma Baldwin's old Wilmington home, and how the Price-Gause House is haunted by the ghosts of the city's traumatic past. Wilmington is not alone in its haunts. Ghosts abound on the outer islands and towns. Fort Fisher is haunted by its bloody past, while Southport is home to a more content spirit who plays music for his unsuspecting fans. And down in Oak Island, the ghost of Dunbar Davis is merely trying to find a little peace and quiet after a life of service, while headless demons suffer through an endless chase for their captive Theodosia Burr who was lost long ago on the shores of Bald Head Island. So when the day cools and the sun sets along the shimmering Atlantic Ocean, be on the lookout for these ghosts and more to come out of the shadows and have their time to frolic or scream. Enjoy all these stories and more in Haunting The Cape Fear Coast.

  • af David Cratis Williams
    1.398,95 kr.

    This volume examines the rhetorical development that occurred over the first two terms of Vladimir Putin's tenure as president of Russia. During that time Putin abandoned any effort at integration with the West, turning toward Eurasia and promoting a mythical image of Russia as a singular geopolitical entity spanning one thousand years.

  • af Jim Willis
    344,95 kr.

    This compelling book describes how everyday people courageously survived under repressive Communist regimes until the voices and actions of rebellious individuals resulted in the fall of the Iron Curtain in Europe.Part of Greenwood's Daily Life through History series, Daily Life behind the Iron Curtain enables today's generations to understand what it was like for those living in Eastern Europe during the Cold War, particularly the period from 1961 to 1989, the era during which these people-East Germans in particular-lived in the imposing shadow of the Berlin Wall.An introductory chapter discusses the Russian Revolution, the end of World War II, and the establishment of the Socialist state, clarifying the reasons for the construction of the Berlin Wall. Many historical anecdotes bring these past experiences to life, covering all aspects of life behind the Iron Curtain, including separation of families and the effects on family life, diet, rationing, media, clothing and trends, strict travel restrictions, defection attempts, and the evolving political climate. The final chapter describes Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin wall and the slow assimilation of East into West, and examines Europe after Communism.

  • af Han Phoumin
    1.060,95 - 1.069,95 kr.

    This book combines the fundamentals of industrial organization theories based on microeconomic foundations, applied econometrics and environmental and natural resource economics in undertaking a comprehensive review of reforms of the power sector and its impact on industrial and socio-economic performance. The book provides the reader with the intellectual groundwork necessary for understanding the workings and interactions of today's reforming power markets such as in the ASEAN and East Asia that are striving to achieve the energy policy trilemma of affordability, energy sustainability and energy security. The topics addressed in this book include application of welfare theorems such as competition in and for the market in the electricity sector, market failures such as lack of electricity access, analysis of forecasting models under volatility, energy resource allocation such as renewable energy and competitive market designs of energy markets. Country-specific and region-specific case studies are used to analyze the progress and outcomes of market-driven electricity reforms across the reforming and advanced electricity markets. Therefore, the book derives policy lessons and provides policy recommendations in reforming power markets for the ASEAN and East Asia taking stock of more than three decades of global experience with power sector reforms. The electricity markets case studies are carefully chosen and supported by extensive data analyses as appropriate. This book on energy economics and policy is highly recommended to readers who seek an in-depth and up-to-date integrated overview about the evolving literature and status on electricity market reforms with a particular reference to Asia.

    1.737,95 kr.

    "The volume puts into the spotlight overlaps and points of intersection between Plutarch and other writers of the imperial period. It contains twenty-eight contributions which adopt a comparative approach and put into sharper relief ongoing debates and shared concerns, revealing a complex topography of rearrangements and transfigurations of inherited topics, motifs, and ideas. Reading Plutarch alongside his contemporaries brings out distinctive features of his thought and uncovers peculiarities in his use of literary and rhetorical strategies, imagery, and philosophical concepts, thereby contributing to a better understanding of the empire's culture in general, and Plutarch in particular. Contributors are: Colin Bailey Krystyna Bartol, Jeff Beneker, Laura Bottenberg, Andrea Catanzaro, Serena Citro, Maria Elena De Luna, Chiara Di Serio, Eva Falaschi, Martina Gatto, Anna Ginesti Rosell, Tomohiko Kondo, Dawn La Valle, Delfim Leao, Michiel Meeusen, Wim Nijs, Thierry Oppeneer, Pace Giovanna, Francesco Padovani, Katarzyna Pietruczuk, Geert Roskam, Richard Stoneman, Iris Sulimani, Theofanis Tsiampokalos, Laurens van der Wiel, Daniele Morrone, Fabio Tanga, Paola Volpe Cacciatore"--

  • af Alicia M Racela
    113,95 kr.

    Hermie is a hermit crab that represents our root chakra. We follow his expedition to find a safe home. As Hermie gets distracted by the big world in the ocean we observe his search for a family that provides security and love. Hermie teaches us that we make the choices for our own lives and that happiness comes from within.

  • af Ivan Panin
    308,95 kr.

  • af &1089, &1080, &1085, mfl.
    231,95 - 427,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Rose
    168,95 kr.

    ¿ The hangman has stolen her heart and now she's dancing on air ¿The Lady:Lady Eleanor Blackmore was at one time betrothed to Connor Wyland, son of a baron. Then life changed horribly when Connor's father took the job of hangman, sealing his family's fate and ending her future with Connor. Not wanting anyone but Connor, Eleanor takes a job at a nunnery caring for orphans and helping to find them homes.As fate has it, Eleanor, though forbidden to ever see him again, seeks out Connor one day, ending up at the hangman's doorstep with a request that will change everything.Son of a Hangman:At one time, Connor Wyland had everything to live for. He was a noble, a son of a baron, and betrothed to his best friend, Lady Eleanor Blackmore. When his father makes a bad decision and is condemned to death, the man makes a deal to save his life. He accepts the position of hangman, securing his life but ruining Connor's in the process.Connor's family has lost their title, lands and money. Everyone treats a hangman and his family worse than lepers or those with the plague. Having lost all respect was hard, but nothing compared to Connor's intense sorrow of losing his betrothed. Now, as the law states, once Connor's father passes on, Connor will inherit the position of hangman. His life comes crashing down even harder when, right after his father dies, Eleanor appears at his doorstep begging him for something that he has no right to give.Can a man make a decision from his heart when he knows his answer could haunt him forever?Love has no bounds but marriage has rules. A noble must never wed anyone from below the salt.(This series features the next generation from Elizabeth's Legacy of the Blade Series.)

  • af Parragon Books
    88,95 kr.

    Keep your mind focused with more than 100 captivating word search puzzles. This collection for adult puzzlers will keep you thoroughly entertained with a variety of topics that offer a much needed brain-boost and uplift your mood. Your brain will stay fit by searching vertically, diagonally, forward, and backward in pursuit of hidden words. The book's size is perfect for travel or taking on the go.Keep your brain fit and your memory sharp with a variety of fun and engaging puzzles from Brain Busters. From Crosswords to Word Searches to Spot the Difference and other stimulating challenges, our curated collection offers hours of mind-sharpening fun in these brain-training games to enhance memory and cognitive function.OVER 100 PUZZLES: Keep your brain fit with more than 100 word search puzzles for hours of fun and entertainment! UNIQUE CHALLENGES Designed for all puzzlers, these activity word search puzzles will challenge at every level.CONCEALED SPIRAL: Semi-concealed spiral is perfect for throwing in your purse without snagging things in your bag!PERFECT SIZE: Smaller trim size is easily transportable for on-the-go entertainment! Whether you're drinking your morning coffee, riding on the train, or relaxing on vacation this puzzle book can go with you.BRAIN BUSTERS(TM) Part of the Brain Busters Puzzle Collection from Parragon & Cottage Door Press. Look for other books including Bad@ss Mother Puzzler, Smithsonian Natural History Word Search & Women in History Word Search, The Ultimate Book of Mixed Puzzles, John Deere Word Search, Large Print Word Searches, Bible Word Search, Crosswords, Picture Puzzles, and More!

  • af Tessa Afshar
    398,95 kr.

    When her mother, the Persian king's famous senior scribe, is kidnapped, Jemmah and her sister must sneak undetected into enemy territory to rescue her. As they flee through dangerous mountain passes, their survival depends on the skills of a stranger they free from prison: a mysterious prince named Asher. Asher has only one goal: to destroy his father, the king. Jemmah must convince Asher to give up everything he has worked for, all for the sake of a higher purpose he's not sure he believes in.

  • af Andrew McDowell
    278,95 - 1.121,95 kr.

  • af David Brandenberger
    958,95 kr.

    "At the height of the Great Terror in 1937, Joseph Stalin took a break from the purges to edit a new textbook on the history of the U.S.S.R. Published shortly thereafter, the Short History of the U.S.S.R amounted to an ideological sea change. Stalin had literally rewritten Russo-Soviet History, breaking with two decades of Bolshevik propaganda that styled the 1917 Revolution as the start of a new era. In its place, he established a thousand-year pedigree for the Soviet state that stretched back through the Russian empire and Muscovy to the very dawn of Slavic civilization. Appearing in million-copy print runs through 1955, the Short History transformed how a generation of Soviet citizens were to understand the past, not only in public school and adult indoctrination courses, but on the printed page, the theatrical stage, and the silver screen. Stalin's Usable Past supplies a critical edition of the Short History that both analyzes the text and places it in historical context. By highlighting Stalin's precise redactions and embellishments, historian David Brandenberger reveals the scope of Stalin's personal involvement in the textbook's development, documenting in unprecedented detail his plans for the transformation of Soviet society's historical imagination"--

  • af Sanjay Subrahmanyam
    537,95 kr.

    A history of two centuries of interactions among the areas bordering the western Indian Ocean, including India, Iran, and Africa.

  • af Sandra Bingham
    223,95 - 718,95 kr.

  • af Randy Jaye
    258,95 kr.

    Prohibition is recognized as the most unpopular law in US history. It was so unpopular at the time that some Floridians weren't all too keen on obeying it. Learn how it was instigated by small town Protestants who believed that newer immigrants living in big cities were immoral because of their emphatic use of alcohol. Prohibition bred corruption, defiance of the law, and hypocrisy as illegal bootlegging, moonshining and rum running replaced legitimate taxpaying industries. Florida actually voted state-wide Prohibition into law before the dreaded 18th amendment and was the only state to elect a governor from the Prohibition Party. Florida's Bill McCoy "The Real McCoy" founded Rum Row and became an international celebrity as he made a mockery of the U.S. Coast Guard's inability to squelch his innovative rum running operations. Al Capone, the infamous gangster, vacationed in Florida while his henchmen perpetrated the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Many virtually unknown stories of tragic killings in Florida during Prohibition are also recounted.

  • af Anna Francese Gass
    343,95 kr.

    In Italian cuisine, there is an entire category of smaller bites--spuntini--meant to be enjoyed at in-between meal moments of the day. This book by Italian food expert Anna Francese Gass introduces the American audience to the complete range of spuntini culture, with recipes drawn from all across the country. She shares recipes for spuntini di meta mattina (mid-morning snacks); merenda, the cherished after-school treat for children (and adults); and aperitivi, early-evening bites meant to be enjoyed with drinks. Also included is a chapter of delicacies from Italy's robust culture of street food. Studded with gorgeous photography, this book will elevate your snacking game to the Italian ideal.

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