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  • af Chiara Romano
    433,95 kr.

    Benvenuti nell'incantevole mondo del "Gusto Mediterraneo: Esplorando le Tradizioni Culinarie del Mediterraneo" di Chiara Romano. Questo libro è un viaggio culinario attraverso le deliziose tradizioni e i sapori unici che caratterizzano la cucina mediterranea.Le ricette contenute in questo libro sono un omaggio all'abbondanza di ingredienti freschi e naturali che il Mediterraneo offre. Dalle verdure croccanti alle erbe aromatiche, dai legumi alle carni magre, ogni piatto è progettato per celebrare la bontà e la semplicità degli alimenti.Chiara Romano condivide con voi segreti culinari tramandati da generazioni, offrendo consigli su come combinare gli ingredienti per ottenere sapori autentici. Dalle coste dell'Italia alle isole della Grecia, dalle spiagge della Spagna alle terre del Marocco, scoprirete una varietà di piatti che rappresentano l'anima e il cuore del Mediterraneo.Le ricette di "Gusto Mediterraneo" sono più di semplici istruzioni di cucina; sono un invito a sperimentare i sapori, i profumi e la passione di una delle cucine più amate al mondo. Che tu voglia cucinare per la famiglia, gli amici o te stesso, troverai ispirazione in ogni pagina di questo libro.

  • af Captivating History
    248,95 kr.

    La Roma imperial vio surgir emperadores tanto buenos como malos. ¿Cuánto sabe realmente sobre sus vidas?Todavía hoy sentimos la influencia de la Roma imperial. Al fin y al cabo, la Roma imperial fue uno de los primeros crisoles de culturas. Los romanos tomaron lo que funcionaba y desecharon lo que no funcionaba, demostrando que era posible tener un gobierno estable y centralizado en un área extremadamente extensa.Pero la Roma imperial también tiene otra cara. La intriga, la traición, el amor al poder, el narcisismo y la locura se entrelazan en la fascinante historia de la Roma imperial. Si a usted le gusta Juego de Tronos, sin duda le gustará este libro; con la salvedad de que no tiene dragones.Pero no hacen falta seres de ficción para apreciar lo que humanos muy reales hicieron hace miles de años. Y los emperadores romanos, a pesar de ser venerados como dioses, eran precisamente eso: seres humanos reales con atributos buenos y malos. Profundizando en la vida de los emperadores romanos, podemos comprender mejor la historia romana y a nosotros mismos.Hay mucho que descubrir en las páginas de este libro. Algunas de las cosas que descubrirá son las siguientes:La caída de la República romana y el surgimiento del ilustre Imperio romano.La vida y las conquistas de César, así como su asesinato final a manos de sus senadores.La fascinante vida de Octavio Augusto y el inicio de la Pax Romana.La reducción gradual de la calidad de los emperadores, empezando por el burocrático Tiberio, que finalmente abandonó Roma.La increíble vida del sucesor de Tiberio, Calígula, logrando gran notoriedad.El largo reinado del emperador Claudio, cuyas dos esposas, Mesalina y Agripina la Joven, marcaron el futuro de Roma.Nerón, quien (tal vez) prendió fuego a Roma y que fue sin duda un emperador fuera de lo común, además de aficionado a las artes.La dinastía Flavia y los Cinco buenos emperadores, que llevaron a la Roma imperial a su periodo más prolífico.La erosión gradual pero constante de los valores romanos tradicionales y su disolución definitiva en la Europa altomedieval.¡Y mucho más!

  • af Andreia Santos Da Silva Da Rosa
    518,95 kr.

    This work consists of end-of-course research, and refers to farmers in the city of São João do Sul, specifically those who grow tobacco, with a focus on the decades from the 1960s to the 1990s, a period when tobacco cultivation reached its peak in the region. In the research, I work with some works that deal with this cultivation, works that talk about labour relations, but oral sources are the richest and from which the author obtains essential information for his research.

  • af Susanne Bickel
    288,95 kr.

    Die Studie befasst sich mit einer bisher kaum beachteten Personengruppe aus der Zeit Amenhoteps III. (1390-1353 v.Chr.), die durch neuere Ausgrabungen im Tal der Könige und in der Thebanischen Nekropole ins Blickfeld rückt: Königstöchter und teils ausländische Frauen, die zusammen am Pharaonenhof lebten, mit dem Herrscher reisten, rituelle Aufgaben erfüllten und gemeinsam bestattet wurden. Sie bildeten eine Lebens-, Arbeits- und Kultgemeinschaft.

  • af Michelle Kulwicki
    168,95 kr.

    Before he can be reborn, Zan has spent 499 years bound in a 500-year curse to process souls for the monstrous Ferryman-and if he fails he dies. In Portland, Bastian is grieving. He survived a car accident that took his mother and impulse-purchased a crumbling bookstore with the life insurance money. But in sleep, death's mark keeps dragging Bastian into Zan's office. It shouldn't be a problem to log his soul and forget he ever existed. But when Zan follows Bastian through his memories of grief and hope, Zan realizes that he is not ready for Bastian to die.The boys borrow time hiding in the memories of the dead while the Ferryman hunts them, and Zan must decide if he's willing to give up his chance at life to save Bastian-and Bastian must decide if he's willing to keep living if it means losing Zan.

  • af &1086, &1090, &1085, mfl.
    172,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af &1086, &1090, &1085, mfl.
    191,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af &1086, &1090, &1085, mfl.
    192,95 - 299,95 kr.

  • af Rick Riordan
    287,95 kr.

  • af Rick Riordan
    324,95 kr.

    Nico, the son of Hades, and his boyfriend Will, the son of Apollo, travel to Tartarus, the deepest, darkest part of the Underworld as they attempt to rescue an old friend.

  • af Edward Akilov
    192,95 kr.

    Любителям поэзии Мой дорогой читатель, мы живём в тревожное и непредсказуемое время. События которые мы пережили и переживаем, такие как пандемия Ковид -19, резкие изменения климатических условий, война России против Украины по надуманным причинам и многое другое, происходящее в мире каждый день, нас убеждают в том как уязвима наша с вами жизнь. Мне хотелось многое из того что окружает нас в повседневной жизни выразить в стихотворной форме, включая опыт и события моей личной жизни, а также моих родных, друзей и близких мне людей. Несмотря на скромный объём, моя поэзия многообразна по тематике, и отражает мысли, которые всегда волновали меня и на которые я зачастую не находил ответа,а также является плодом моего творческого воображения. Часть из них посвящена моим этюдам о природе, а часть о смысле жизни и смерти.., как самых загадочных явлений природы. Эта небольшая по формату книга является плодом долгих и трудных раздумий, Она писалась в течении нескольких лет и я очень надеюсь что она найдёт своего читателя, разделяющего мои взгляды и мысли на жизнь.

  • af Craig Franklin
    298,95 kr.

    Now packed with even more breathtaking color photographs, wildlife descriptions, and detailed area maps, this updated sixth edition of this bestselling Antarctica travel guide includes fascinating, full accounts of interesting places, spectacular landscapes, and local plants and wildlife-- from penguins and other seabirds to whales, seals, and myriad mammals. A definitive field guide to Antarctica, this book caters to visitors traveling by luxury liner, adventure cruise, or private boat. Written by experienced Antarctic scientists and travel guides who are recognized experts in the continent's wildlife, conservation, and political history, every page offers gorgeous color photographs of the great white south. This new edition pays special attention to explaining the threats to Antarctic conservation, including from climate change, global warming, and microplastics pollution, and includes tips on how visitors can minimize their own impact and help preserve this unique continent.

  • af Miriam Feinberg Vamosh
    228,95 kr.

    A masterful retelling of Tamar's story of redemption, faith, healing, and justice Ravaged by one brother, silenced and betrayed by another, and abandoned by her father King David, Tamar--once beloved daughter of the king of Israel, and healer of the court--suddenly finds herself in exile, fleeing for her life. But the story continues where the scriptures end: a dangerous journey and tenacious pursuit of her true identity and calling brings her full circle, to her rightful place in the kingdom. "As an author of biblical fiction, I know the amount of research and work that goes into crafting a story like this. Miriam Feinberg Vamosh and Eva Marie Everson comprise the perfect team." --Jerry B. Jenkins, THE CHOSEN series

  • af Samatha Johnson
    1.498,95 kr.

    Russian literature includes both the literature of Russia and its émigrés as well as Russian-language literature. The origins of this body of literature can be found in the Middle Ages, when chronicles and epics were written in the Old East slavic. Russian literature has been classified into four broad historical eras including Old Russian, modern Russian, Soviet Russian and post-Soviet. Early Russian literature is largely composed of religious writings that follow the tradition of eastern orthodox Christianity. The beginning of the twentieth century marks the silver age of Russian poetry. This age flourished with the writings of various short-story writers and novelists. The canon of Russian poetry has been reformed since the collapse of the Soviet Union. This book presents a rethinking of the Russian literary canon in the most comprehensible and easy to understand language. Some of the diverse topics covered herein address the varied genres that fall under this category. This book is an essential guide for both academicians and those who wish to pursue this discipline further.

  • af Rachael C. Duncan
    243,95 kr.

    Get carried away by the captivating display of unwavering faith and strength in this compelling tale of the transformative power of God's love.Tabitha, a courageous young widow, sets out on a mission to share the message of Jesus Christ with her sceptical uncle, Joram, in the ancient seaport town of Joppa, when-despite Joram's bitterness and sarcasm-her unwavering faith and infectious joy touch the lives of those around her.In another corner of the world, newlyweds Kelila and Philip embrace their missionary calling as they arrive in the village of Sychar. But when Kelila's dreams of a peaceful life clash with Philip's sacred purpose, she's led to a path of self-discovery and surrender, where she must learn to let go of her own desires and embrace the greater plan that God has in store for her.In Jerusalem, Mary struggles with her beloved son as he begins to drift further and further from their faith. Concerned he is far more interested in the pursuit of fleeting pleasures than the way of everlasting life, Mary must put her faith in the Lord and pray for guidance.Embracing the Life is an inspiring tale of divine plans, unwavering faith, and the power of hope amidst religious upheaval and the sinister forces of darkness seeking to destroy the light of truth.

  • af Cliff K. K. Lun
    183,95 kr.

    This book seeks to answer some of today's most pertinent questions about the end-times and Jesus' second visitation.

  • af Elizabeth S Bolman
    1.834,95 kr.

  • af Henri Barbusse
    258,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Gustave Bloch
    298,95 - 438,95 kr.

  • af Guglielmo Ferrero
    288,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Antonio Possevino
    228,95 - 388,95 kr.

  • af Charles Thomas Newton
    328,95 - 428,95 kr.

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