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Cette histoire bilingue pour enfants aidera les enfants à apprendre l'ukrainien ou le français comme langue étrangère. Idéal pour les enfants et les familles bilingues ukrainien-français. Ce livre existe également en version française.Un conte de fées magique ukrainien avec de belles illustrations colorées, écrit spécialement pour les enfants de 3 à 6 ans.Il s'agit d'une nouvelle adaptation d'un conte populaire ukrainien pour les enfants âgés de 3 à 6 ans. Deux soeurs se perdent dans une forêt enchantée. La magie maléfique retient la jeune Olena au fond du lac, et sa soeur cadette est transformée en chèvre par une sorcière rusée. Lorsqu'un danger encore plus grand menace sa soeur, Olena trouve la force de vaincre le sort. Rempli de magie et de mystère, cet album magnifiquement illustré est parfait pour les jeunes lecteurs qui aiment explorer le monde des contes de fées.
In Western Ukraine a sparkly spider or spider web is a common Christmas tree ornament. Why might this be? Discover the answer as you share this traditional story. The tale tells of a poor family who would love to decorate their home for Christmas. A chance discovery helps them to grow their own Christmas tree, but how can they make it glitter and shimmer on Christmas Day? Help comes from a very unexpected source. As children listen to this story they will learn and use some of the language that describes the position of things. They will describe and compare sizes and will practise early counting skills.Every year, on December 25th, Christmas Day is a festival celebratedthroughout the world. People exchange gifts, decorate Christmas trees, enjoy family feasts and are amazed by beautiful displays of lights in homesand cities. Many different legends tell of a kindly character who has namesincluding St Nicholas, Santa Claus and Father Christmas. He deliverspresents to children and in many countries is said to travel through the skieson a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Every year, on December 25th, Christmas Day is a festival celebratedthroughout the world. People exchange gifts, decorate Christmas trees, enjoy family feasts and are amazed by beautiful displays of lights in homesand cities. Many different legends tell of a kindly character who has namesincluding St Nicholas, Santa Claus and Father Christmas. He deliverspresents to children and in many countries is said to travel through the skieson a sleigh pulled by reindeer.Christian people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day andattend services in churches, singing carols and telling stories of Christ's birth.This special Christian story is called the Nativity.
This book examines Joseph Stalin's increasing popularity in the post-Soviet space, and analyzes how his image, and the nostalgia it evokes, is manipulated and exploited for political gain. The author argues that, in addition to the evil dictator and the Georgian comrade, there is a third portrayal of Stalinthe one projected by the generation that saw the tail end of the USSR, the post-Soviet millennials. This book is not a biography of one of the most controversial historical figures of the past century. Rather, through a combination of sociopolitical commentary and autobiographical elements that are uncommon in monographs of this kind, the attempt is to explore how Joseph Stalin's complex legacies and the conflicting cult of his irreconcilable tripartite of personalities still loom over the region as a whole, including Russia and, perhaps to an even deeper extent, Koba's native landnow the independent Republic of Georgia, caught between its unreconciled Soviet past and the potential future within the European Union.
Nos lecteurs n'ont peut-être pas oublié le tableau que nous avons tracé, il y a trois ans, des événements qui avaient signalé à l'attention de l'Europe le pays semi-légendaire de l'Abyssinie. Dans ces rapides esquisses, nous exposions les origines d'un conflit qui ne semblait pas alors appelé à prendre les graves proportions qu'il a aujourd'hui. Quels que fussent les motifs réels de l'arrestation arbitraire du consul anglais, M. Duncan Cameron, il paraissait improbable que Théodore II, avec l'intelligence supérieure qu'on ne peut lui contester, songeât sérieusement à provoquer une lutte où il n'avait rien à gagner, et où ses puissants ennemis pouvaient compter sur le concours de la moitié de l'Abyssinie, insurgée depuis plus de cinq ans. Cependant l'improbable s'est réalisé : aux premières provocations du roi des rois est venu s'ajouter le fait plus grave de l'arrestation, sans motif connu, de la mission anglaise chargée de négocier la délivrance des captifs...
" On sait que l'Abyssinie est un vaste plateau dont la pointe la plus avancée vers le nord surplombe le sahel ou littoral de la Mer-Rouge d'une hauteur de près de sept mille pieds. A quelques lieues de ce plateau s'élève sur un îlot madréporique la petite ville de Massouah, exposée à toutes les influences d'une température énergiquement caractérisée par ce proverbe anglo-indien : Pondichéry est un bain chaud, Aden une fournaise, Massouah l'enfer. -Malgré sa fâcheuse réputation au point de vue du climat, cette ville de huit mille âmes n'en jouit pas moins comme centre commercial d'une célébrité toute particulière en Égypte aussi bien qu'en Abyssinie ; elle la doit à son port, le plus animé, le plus important de la Mer-Rouge après celui de Djeddah. Massouah mérite aussi à un autre titre d'attirer l'attention du voyageur. La région de huit lieues d'étendue qui forme en face de l'îlot où elle s'élève les rampes inférieures du plateau abyssin est occupée par trois ou quatre tribus qui peuvent compter parmi les populations les plus originales de cette partie de l'Orient. Divisées en trois grandes fractions, - les Bogos, les Halhal et les Menza, - et possédant une cinquantaine de villages, ces tribus, restées indépendantes entré l'Égypte et l'Abyssinie, et qui forment des républiques pastorales régies par des institutions assez analogues à celles des primitives sociétés italiques, appellent par une touchante illusion d'amour-propre national leur pays le Sennaheit, c'est-à-dire le beau pays, le pays par excellence..."
" Les graves événements survenus en l'Europe depuis un an n'ont pas absorbé l'attention générale au point de laisser passer inaperçus les faits qui viennent de s'accomplir dans l'Asie centrale, et qui ont si profondément modifié les conditions politiques de cette partie de l'Orient. Déjà il y a près de trente ans une situation analogue avait répandu dans l'Inde une panique qui poussa les Anglais, désireux de neutraliser les progrès de la Russie, à entreprendre cette expédition de l'Afghanistan qui fut aussi désastreuse dans-ses résultats qu'elle avait été impolitique et étourdie dans sa conception. Aujourd'hui, s'il faut s'en rapporter au ton général, de la presse anglo-indienne, la marche des armées russes sur l'Oxus et leur présence à cent cinquante lieues des frontières de l'Inde ne préoccupent que médiocrement l'Angleterre, peut-être même la préoccupent-elles moins que nous. Sans rechercher la raison de ce revirement, je veux essayer de prouver trois choses dont je suis fermement convaincu : d'abord l'invasion, puis la conquête du Turkestan par les Russes n'a été qu'un acte de légitime défense ; elle n'est menaçante pour aucun intérêt européen, pas plus pour l'Inde anglaise que pour nous ; enfin, bien loin d'être une calamité pour les populations conquises, elle est la seule voie de salut ouverte à ces peuples, éternellement incapables de s'organiser et de se gouverner seuls..."
... Le voyageur qui longe la côte africaine de la Mer-Rouge et qui n'a eu sous les yeux, depuis Suez, que des dunes ou de petites montagnes fauves, décousues, monotones d'aspect, voit, en approchant de l'îlot madréporique de Massaoua, se profiler à l'horizon une sorte de longue et haute muraille que dominent, comme des vigies, trois ou quatre cimes ordinairement perdues dans les nuages. C'est la rampe la plus avancée d'un immense plateau de deux cents lieues de large sur une longueur encore mal déterminée, et ce plateau, qui surplombe le littoral d'une hauteur moyenne de 2,300 mètres, est toute l'Abyssinie. Jamais état n'eut ses limites tracées d'une main plus inflexible par la nature. Ce plateau, qui a la température moyenne de l'Europe centrale, et où à peine un vingtième du sol demeure sans culture, est composé de terres arables pouvant lutter de fécondité avec celles de la Flandre ou de l'Ukraine, sillonnées par deux fleuves et deux cents rivières ou ruisseaux permanents dont les eaux, habilement aménagées, entretiennent partout la végétation et la vie...
30 Fictional Mystic and Enigmatic Stories from 28 of Russia's Finest Authors on Fantasy, Imagination, Mysticism, Supernatural, Religious Experience and Esoteric Encounters. All of them entertaining as well as thought-provoking, the happy and sad, tearful and cheerful, unusual and enigmatic, and always reflecting Russian and Soviet life. Authors include:Aleksandr Izmailov, Aleksandr Amfiteatrov, Aleksandr Kuprin, Aleksandr Ivanov, Aleksei Apukhtin, Aleksei Budischev, Andrei Zarin, Antoni Pogorelski, Dmitri Tzenzor, Feodor Dostoyevsky, Georgi Chulkov, Georgi Severtzev-Polilov, Gregori Danilevski, Ivan Turgenev, Konstantine Aksakov, Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Zagostin, Nikolai Melgunov, Nikolai Geintze, Osip Senkovski, Valentin Franchich, Valeri Brusov, Valerian Olin, Vasili Zhukovski, Vladimir Odoyevski, Grigori Skovoroda, and Mitrophan Lodizhenski.I have selected the best of them for this collection, and translated them personally from the original Russian for the contemporary English reader., with a biography of each author included. Most of them have never been published in English. Daniel H. Shubin has translated from Russian into English, and written on Russian history, biography, religion and philosophy, some 30 volumes.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
Sommeren 1941 og krigen raser i Europa. Tyskerne marcherer mod Ukraine. De tre kvinder Halya, Liliya og Vika har prøvet modgang før. De mistede deres familier og venner under hungersnøden og Stalins udrensning. Og endnu en gang er deres elskede Ukraine truet af krig. "Ukraines døtre" er en rørende historie om menneskelig styrke og store tab i skyggen af krig og konflikt, og historien om, hvordan kærligheden finder vej i selv de mørkeste tider. Om forfatteren:Erin Litteken er historiker og international bestsellerforfatter. Som ung blev hun grebet af sin families historie i Ukraine før, under og efter Anden Verdenskrig, og der ligger stor research bag hendes to historiske romaner. Hun bor i Illinois, USA med sin mand og sine børn.
16-årige Katya og hendes familie lever et enkelt liv på landet. Da Stalins mænd kommer for at kollektivisere jorden og deportere enhver, der nægter, bliver landet ramt af en altomfattende hungersnød. Elskende bliver adskilt, venner bliver fjender, og kun glimt af menneskelighed, mod og kærlighed levner håb. Halvfjerds år senere finder den unge enke Cassie sin bedstemors dagbog fra Ukraine. Endelig forstår hun familiens mørke hemmeligheder og den fortid, der var for grum til at blive givet videre. Om forfatteren:Erin Litteken er historiker og international bestsellerforfatter. Som ung blev hun grebet af sin families historie i Ukraine før, under og efter Anden Verdenskrig, og der ligger stor research bag hendes to historiske romaner. Hun bor i Illinois, USA med sin mand og sine børn. "Minder fra Kyiv" er inspireret af forfatterens egen historie fra Ukraine under den store hungersnød i 1930'erne og i årene op mod Anden Verdenskrig. Romanen er oversat til 14 sprog og vandt i 2022 prisen She Reads Best Historical Fiction Award.
Det imponerende portræt af Ukraines dramatiske historie fortsætter i anden del af trebindsværket Amadoka.Vi befinder os i 1930’ernes Ukraine i den multietniske, galiciske by Butjatj. Her forelsker den unge ukrainer Uljana sig i den jødiske Pinkhas, og de indleder et lidenskabeligt kærlighedsforhold. Men da nationalsocialisterne i 1941 besætter Ukraine, begynder deportationen af landets jødiske befolkning, og Uljana og Pinkhas’ forhold bliver livsfarligt for dem begge.Uljanas far forsøger at hjælpe sine jødiske landsmænd og sætter derved sit eget liv på spil, mens andre frivilligt deltagere i det omfattende folkemord. Andre igen melder sig under den sovjetiske hærs faner.Da krigen nærmer sig sin afslutning begynder løkken af hemmeligheder, forræderi og vold for alvor at stramme om ukrainernes hals, og hverken Uljanas familie eller hendes elskede kan undslippe den grusomme skæbne, der venter dem.
Embark on an enchanting journey through the heart of Eastern Europe with "Exploring Bulgaria: A Traveler's Guide," a meticulously crafted guidebook by the seasoned explorer and author, William Jones. Unveiling the timeless beauty and rich cultural tapestry of Bulgaria, this immersive guide invites you to discover the hidden gems, historical treasures, and vibrant traditions that define this captivating Balkan nation.Step into the bustling streets of Sofia, the capital city where ancient history meets modern energy. Wander through the labyrinthine alleys of Plovdiv, a city with a history stretching back millennia, and explore the spiritual haven of Rila Monastery, nestled amidst the serene landscapes. Join Jones as he takes you on a journey through Veliko Tarnovo, where Bulgarian history comes alive in a captivating narrative.Venture into the mystique of the Thracian tombs, where ancient secrets unfold, and feel the sea breeze along the Black Sea Coast as you explore historic towns and pristine beaches. Nature enthusiasts will find solace in Vitosha National Park, a natural playground of lush landscapes and breathtaking vistas.Savor the flavors of Bulgarian cuisine in a gastronomic odyssey, from the hearty banitsa to the savory kavarma, each dish a testament to the nation's culinary heritage. Immerse yourself in the vibrancy of festivals and traditions that punctuate Bulgaria's cultural calendar, from the colorful Baba Marta celebrations to the mesmerizing Nestinari fire dancing rituals.Bask in the winter wonderland of Bansko and delve into the fragrant beauty of the Valley of Roses. Uncover hidden gems beyond the beaten path, from the tranquil Danube River to the artistic treasures of Bulgarian crafts. Navigating customs and etiquette becomes an art as Jones guides you through the nuances of Bulgarian social interactions, creating bridges that connect travelers to the heart of the nation.With over 15 chapters that unfold like chapters in a novel, "Exploring Bulgaria" is more than a guidebook-it's an invitation to become a part of Bulgaria's living story. William Jones weaves a narrative that goes beyond the practicalities of travel, delving into the soul of a nation that seamlessly blends ancient history with contemporary vibrancy.Whether you are an avid traveler, a history enthusiast, or someone seeking a new adventure, "Exploring Bulgaria: A Traveler's Guide" is your passport to a captivating sojourn. Let the words of William Jones be your guide as you navigate the landscapes, customs, and hidden treasures of Bulgaria-an odyssey that promises unforgettable experiences and a deep connection to this remarkable Balkan gem. Discover Bulgaria through the eyes of a seasoned explorer and let the journey begin.
Step into the heart of Warsaw, where tradition meets innovation in a culinary journey that will enchant your taste buds and warm your soul.Experience the magic of Warsaw's culinary calendar with recipes that dance through the seasons. From the fresh rebirth of spring to the cozy embrace of winter, each chapter unfolds a new chapter in the city's gastronomic story.Indulge in the art of making pierogi, Poland's iconic dumplings, and discover a medley of dishes-from the hearty warmth of potato pancakes to the delicate sweetness of apricot kolaczki.
Constantinople and Byzantium by Léon Bloy (1846-1917) was originally published in book form in 1917, itself a "definitive re-printing of The Byzantine Epic and Gustave Schlumberger, published in 1906 by the Nouvelle Revue." This book is a summary and interpretation then, à la Bloy, of Schlumberger¿s "trilogy" with its focus on the Macedonian dynasty of Byzantium from the middle of the tenth century to the middle of the eleventh. It covers the rise and fall of such warrior emperors as Nicephorus Phocas, John Tzimiskes, and Basil II, the "Bulgar Slayer," under whom the Eastern Roman Empire experienced a kind of Renaissance, after a long series of wars with Bulgars, Rus (Russians), Saracens, and later Normans, to name only a few peoples, in the years and decades immediately preceding the Crusades. The last chapter treats of the two Porphyrogenita ("born in the purple") empresses, Zoe and Theodora, "last branches of the Macedonian oak.""It is proven that God has no need of anyone¿s ¿day after,¿ and that his eternal today satisfies him. Pettiness is no less asked for than Greatness in the laboratory of prodigies. Disparate or desperate successions operate inexpressibly in a mysterious and adored way, in view of compensations or ineffable recuperations. So it is very simple that a series of mediocre or abject emperors should succeed a personage like the great Basil in order to destroy his work. Thirty years after his death, in 1055, his empire was ruined forever."
Embark on a captivating journey into the heart of Europe with "Exploring Belarus," a travel guide penned by the insightful William Jones. In this immersive exploration, Jones invites you to discover the often-overlooked treasures of Belarus, a country rich in history, culture, and natural beauty.As your literary guide, Jones takes you on a seamless odyssey through the diverse landscapes and vibrant cities of Belarus. From the grandeur of Minsk, the capital city pulsating with historical charm, to the tranquil countryside adorned with pristine lakes and ancient forests, each chapter unfolds a unique facet of this Eastern European gem.Delve into the artistic corners of Vitebsk, the city that inspired Marc Chagall, and witness the architectural splendors of Mir and Nesvizh, where centuries of history are etched into every brick. "Exploring Belarus" transcends the conventional travel guide, offering a humanized perspective that captures the essence of the country's culture, traditions, and the warmth of its people.Jones goes beyond the well-trodden paths, introducing readers to the enchanting world of Belarusian cuisine-a gastronomic odyssey that ranges from hearty draniki to delectable syrniki. Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of local festivals, traditions, and the craftsmanship of Belarusian artisans, as you explore a country where every step is a discovery.Whether you're a seasoned traveler or an armchair adventurer, "Exploring Belarus" weaves together the threads of history, arts, and nature into a tapestry that invites you to uncover the hidden charms of this European jewel. Join William Jones on an unforgettable expedition, where every chapter unfolds a new layer of Belarus, beckoning you to explore the heart of Europe.Embark on your Belarusian adventure today with "Exploring Belarus," a literary voyage that transcends the ordinary and invites you to unravel the beauty of this captivating destination. Safe travels await as you delve into the heart of Europe with William Jones as your trusted companion.
"Discovering Bulgaria: A Practical Guide to Relocation" is your essential companion on the journey to a new life in this enchanting Eastern European gem. Authored by William Jones, a seasoned expatriate with a passion for cultural exploration, this comprehensive guide is designed to be your trusted resource as you navigate the exciting process of relocating to Bulgaria.In this meticulously crafted guide, Jones seamlessly blends practical advice with a human touch, ensuring that readers not only gather crucial information but also embark on a personal and enriching adventure. Each chapter unfolds like a conversation with a knowledgeable friend, providing insights, anecdotes, and invaluable tips for a seamless relocation experience.From the allure of Bulgaria's diverse landscapes to the intricacies of legalities, housing, and healthcare, every aspect of the expatriate journey is thoughtfully explored. Jones goes beyond the mundane, delving into the cultural heartbeat of Bulgaria, encouraging readers to savor the flavors of local cuisine, celebrate festivals, and engage with the vibrant community.This guide is more than a collection of facts; it's a narrative woven with threads of resilience, adaptation, and the joy of cultural discovery. Readers will find themselves immersed in the beauty of Bulgaria's traditions, captivated by its rich history, and empowered to create a home away from home.Whether you're considering Bulgaria for its burgeoning employment opportunities, seeking a sustainable lifestyle, or simply yearning for a new adventure, "Discovering Bulgaria" equips you with the knowledge to make informed decisions. Jones doesn't just guide you; he inspires you to embrace the diverse layers of this captivating country.Whether you're a professional seeking career growth, a family looking for an enriching environment, or an adventurer eager to explore Bulgaria's hidden treasures, this guide offers practical advice, cultural insights, and a roadmap to a successful relocation.Embark on this transformative journey with William Jones as your companion. "Discovering Bulgaria" is more than a guidebook; it's your invitation to uncover the beauty, opportunities, and warmth that Bulgaria has to offer. Prepare to embark on a journey of a lifetime, where every page turns into a new chapter of discovery.
Embark on a captivating journey through the heart of the Balkans with "Exploring Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Journey through History, Culture, and Nature." Authored by the seasoned traveler and cultural enthusiast, William Jones, this travel guide invites you to discover the untold wonders of a country that seamlessly blends rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes.In this meticulously crafted guide, Jones takes you on an immersive tour of Bosnia and Herzegovina's most enchanting destinations, unraveling the layers of its fascinating history and cultural tapestry. From the charming streets of Sarajevo, where East meets West, to the iconic Stari Most in Mostar, each chapter unfolds a new chapter in this nation's narrative.As you traverse the cities and towns, Jones introduces you to the people who breathe life into the region, sharing their stories and traditions that have withstood the test of time. Immerse yourself in the medieval allure of Jajce, the Ottoman heritage of Travnik, and the laid-back atmosphere of Banja Luka - each locale a testament to the resilience and diversity that defines Bosnia and Herzegovina.Beyond the urban landscapes, Jones guides you through the untouched wilderness, revealing outdoor adventures that will enthrall even the most seasoned explorers. Hike the trails of the Via Dinarica, conquer the rapids of the Neretva River, and marvel at the pristine beauty of Una National Park. "Exploring Bosnia and Herzegovina" unveils a world of natural wonders that will leave you in awe of the country's untouched landscapes.Delve into the heart of Bosnian cuisine as Jones navigates you through a culinary odyssey, introducing you to the flavors that have been shaped by centuries of cultural influences. From the iconic ¿evapi to the delicate sweetness of Baklava, savor the tastes that define Bosnian gastronomy.This guide is not just about the places; it's about the people, the traditions, and the immersive experiences that make Bosnia and Herzegovina a truly unique destination. With practical tips, cultural insights, and vivid descriptions, "Exploring Bosnia and Herzegovina" is your key to unlocking the treasures of this undiscovered gem in the heart of Europe.Whether you are a history buff, an outdoor enthusiast, or a curious traveler seeking a new adventure, let William Jones be your guide on this extraordinary journey. Immerse yourself in the magic of Bosnia and Herzegovina - a country where history echoes in every cobblestone, where nature reveals its pristine beauty, and where the warmth of the people welcomes you with open arms. This guide is not just a book; it's an invitation to explore, discover, and fall in love with the soul-stirring allure of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
As the first in a larger series of publications which preserve and make accessible primary sources from various archives and other materials related to the history of Circassia, this volume contains the relevant dispatches of A. A. Challaye, the Consul of France in Odessa for the years 1836 to 1840. It offers a rare glimpse into the way French diplomacy was making sense of events in and around the North Caucasus and the eastern shore of the Black Sea at the time of increased tensions between Russia and Great Britain over the Circassian question - the political status of nations which inhabited the western part of the North Caucasus and of the North Caucasus in general.
Die Mikroregion Orituco und ihr wichtigstes städtisches Zentrum Altagracia liegen zwischen der Master Row und der Hochebene im zentralen Bereich Venezuelas. Es ist nicht gerade ein hochgelegenes Gebiet, aber es ist auch kein flaches Gebiet, es ist eine georäumliche, produktive, Straßen-, Dialekt-Mischung und das ist seine Bevölkerung. Wirtschaft, Straßen, Gesellschaft, Kultur und touristische Manifestationen, bei denen die Symbiose der Ureinwohner, der aus Europa, Afrika und den jüngsten Wellen navigierten Völker entsteht. Kurz gesagt, es geht um eine Einheit in der Vielfalt, nämlich die Region Orituqueña.
The micro region of Orituco, and its main urban center Altagracia, is located between the master row and the high plain, in the central area of ¿¿Venezuela. It is not exactly a high altitude area, but it is not a plain area either, it is a geospatial, productive, road, dialect mix and that is its population. Economy, roads, society, culture and tourist manifestations where the symbiosis of the native peoples, those navigated from Europe, Africa and the recent waves emerge. In short, it is about a unity within diversity, that is the Orituqueña region.
La microrégion d'Orituco, et son principal centre urbain Altagracia, est située entre la rangée principale et la haute plaine, dans la zone centrale du Venezuela. Ce n'est pas exactement une zone de haute altitude, mais ce n'est pas non plus une zone de plaine, c'est un mélange géospatial, productif, routier, dialectal et c'est sa population. Économie, routes, société, culture et manifestations touristiques où émerge la symbiose des peuples autochtones, de ceux qui ont navigué depuis l'Europe, l'Afrique et les vagues récentes. En bref, il s'agit d'une unité dans la diversité, qu'est la région d'Orituqueña.
Mikroregion Orituko i ego glawnyj gorodskoj centr Al'tagrasiq raspolozheny mezhdu glawnym rqdom i wysokoj rawninoj w central'noj chasti Venesuäly. Jeto ne sowsem wysokogornaq territoriq, no i ne rawninnaq territoriq, äto geoprostranstwennaq, produktiwnaq, doroga, smes' dialektow, i äto ee naselenie. Jekonomika, dorogi, obschestwo, kul'tura i turisticheskie proqwleniq, gde woznikaet simbioz korennyh narodow, prishedshih iz Ewropy, Afriki i poslednih woln. Koroche goworq, rech' idet o edinstwe w mnogoobrazii, to est' o regione Orituken'q.
A microrregião de Orituco, e seu principal centro urbano Altagracia, está localizada entre a linha mestra e o planalto, na zona central da Venezuela. Não é exatamente uma área de grande altitude, mas também não é uma área plana, é uma mistura geoespacial, produtiva, rodoviária, dialetal e essa é a sua população. Economia, estradas, sociedade, cultura e manifestações turísticas onde emerge a simbiose dos povos originários, dos navegados desde a Europa, de África e das ondas recentes. Em suma, trata-se de uma unidade dentro da diversidade, que é a região de Orituqueña.
La microregione di Orituco, e il suo principale centro urbano Altagracia, si trova tra il filare maestro e l'altopiano, nella zona centrale del Venezuela. Non è esattamente una zona di alta quota, ma non è nemmeno una zona di pianura, è un mix geospaziale, produttivo, stradale, dialettale e questa è la sua popolazione. Economia, strade, società, cultura e manifestazioni turistiche dove emerge la simbiosi dei popoli autoctoni, di quelli navigati dall'Europa, dall'Africa e dalle ondate recenti. In breve, si tratta di unità nella diversità, questa è la regione di Orituqueña.
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