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Bøger om Østrig

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  • af Monika Helfer
    168,95 kr.

    ”Her, tag farveblyanterne, tegn et lille hus, en bæk et stykke neden for huset, en brønd, men ingen sol, for huset ligger nemlig i skyggen! Bagved ligger bjerget – som en oprejst sten. Foran huset står en rank kvinde, hun hænger vasketøj på en snor, snoren er dårligt spændt ud, bundet fast i to kirsebærtræer, det ene står til højre for verandaen i forhold til hoveddøren, det andet til venstre. Lige nu hænger kvinden et par sparkebukser og en lille trøje op med tøjklemmer, det vil sige at hun har børn.” I tiden omkring første verdenskrigs udbrud lever Josef og Maria sammen med deres børn i udkanten af en lille bjerglandsby i Østrig. Det er en fattig familie som står uden for samfundet og er afhængig af beskyttelse fra den toneangivende mand da Josef bliver indkaldt til hæren og må i krig. Smukke Maria bliver tilbage med børnene, og da Josef omsider kommer tilbage, er de fire børn blevet til fem. Til trods for at han i løbet af krigen har været hjemme på orlov, nægter Josef at vedkende sig det femte barn, en pige. Han veksler aldrig et ord med hende. Bogen er meget indlevende og glimtvis fortalt med (mindst) tre tidsniveauer: Familiehistorien fra ca. 1914, Monika Helfers barndom og ungdom og et nutidsplan hvor hun viser hvordan hun rekonstruerer historien. Hendes datter Paula, som døde i en ulykke i 2003, spiller en rolle. Det er som om hun fortæller historien til Paula. Derudover er romanen meget visuelt fortalt, bl.a. ved hjælp af sammenligninger med Pieter Brueghels malerier hvor Helfer ser en stor samtidighed (alting sker samtidigt, ligesom i erindringen). Dette element af kunst og spørgsmålet om hvordan man ”tegner” et familieportræt, er allerede indeholdt i den første sætning (se foroven).

  • af Rejseskribenten
    94,95 - 379,95 kr.

    Wolfgangsee er beliggende i det naturskønne Salzkammergut i hjertet af Østrig. Langs den smaragdgrønne sø finder man byerne Sankt Wolfgang, Strobl og Sankt Gilgen. Fra Wolfgangsee er der ikke langt til kejserbyen Bad Ischl, som i mange år var stedet, hvor kejser Franz Joseph og kejserinde Sisi opholdte sig i sommermånederne. Selvom Bad Ischl ikke har direkte adgang til Wolfgangsee, så er denne by også kommet med i denne bog. Wolfgangsee indbyder til aktiv ferie, men hvis man er mere til ro og fred, er dette også muligt. Wolfgangsee gemmer på mange historier, og det gør denne bog også. Hvad har eksempelvis operetten 'Im Weißen Rößl am Wolfgangsee' til fælles med den danske film 'Sommer i Tyrol'? Ja, det må man læse denne bog for at finde ud af. 'Wolfgangsee - et stykke af paradis' er Rejseskribentens fjerde rejsebog. Rejseskribenten er tidligere rejseleder, der har en passion for fotografi og gode, gerne ukendte, historier, der fortælles med et glimt i øjet. Rejseskribenten elsker at rejse, primært, i Tyskland og Østrig.

  • af Robert Musil
    348,95 kr.

    Robert Musils storværk "Manden uden egenskaber" hører til blandt den modernistiske litteraturs absolutte hovedværker. Romanen foregår i Wien lige før Første Verdenskrig, hvor hovedpersonen Ulrich bliver involveret i den såkaldte Parallelaktion – østrigernes forsøg på at overgå tyskernes kejserjubilæum i pomp og pragt under indsættelsen af deres egen nye kejser Franz Joseph. Bind 1 indeholder første del; "En slags indledning" samt første halvdel af anden del; "Sligt sker".Musils værk blev aldrig afsluttet, skønt han skrev på det dagligt i mere end tyve år, fra 1921 og frem til sin død i 1942. Alligevel regnes det som én af det 20. århundredes vigtigste europæiske romaner.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlRobert Musil (1880-1942) var en østrigsk forfatter og teaterkritiker. Bedst kendt er han i dag for sit ufuldendte hovedværk "Manden uden egenskaber, der regnes blandt de vigtigste modernistiske romaner sammen med blandt andre Marcel Prousts "På sporet af den tabte tid" og James Joyces "Ulysses". Musils forfatterskab omfatter dog også flere noveller samt romanen "Den unge Törless".

  • - En far-datter-odyssé på Donau i en 5-meters båd
    af Thomas Veber & Mathilda Veber
    298,95 kr.

    “Er du klar til at sejle ind i eventyret?” spørger Thomas Veber. Vandet glitrer i sollyset, da han drejer nøglen, og påhængsmotoren springer i gang. Sammen med sin datter og fotograf Mathilda Veber sejler de ud fra havnens beskyttende moler, hvor flodens stærke strøm griber fat i dem.På en far-datter-odyssé gennem syv lande sejler de ned ad Donau i familiens kun fem meter lange motorbåd. De vil have oplevelser og varme. Flere nærgående møder med politiet under den brændende sol i Kroatien og Serbien tester dog deres tålmodighed, og en uventet invitation fra Liberlands præsident afslører en dybere strøm af konflikter langs floden. Men de oplever også friheden på vandet, nærmest tropiske strande i Ungarn og en varm gæstfrihed fra lokale, hvis venlighed lyser op i deres eventyr.“Det er helt anderledes, end det vi plejer, og præcis, hvad jeg havde håbet på,” siger 19-årige Mathilda Veber, da de fortøjer i Bratislavas primitive havn.Fra de stille morgener, hvor duggen stadig hænger over Donau, til de støjende aftener i Beograds gader skildrer Mathilda Vebers fotografier rejsen med nærvær og ægthed. Sammen med Thomas Vebers fængslende fortællinger bliver Med strømmen til Balkan mere end en eventyrlig rejsebeskrivelse. Det er en fortælling om, hvordan man med små midler kan få store eventyr. Men også om familiebåndene, der styrkes, når man sammen tør vove sig ud på ukendt vand.Med strømmen til Balkan er for dig, der drømmer om eventyr, længes efter nærhed og søger inspiration til en uforglemmelig rejse. Er du klar til at lade dig rive med af strømmen?Thomas Veber, tidligere it-chef, nu forfatter og eventyrer, har sammen med familien sejlet over Atlanten og lavet tv-programmer om deres rejser. Efter adskillige langturssejladser har Thomas dedikeret sit liv til at inspirere andre med en travl hverdag til at få flere eventyr. Mathilda Veber, nylig student med et fotograferingsstipendium, planlægger nye sejlereventyr i Stillehavet før hendes videre studier.

  • af Marianne Fritz
    148,95 kr.

    Året er 1945. En tyk dyne af smog ligger over byen Donaublau, hvor den gravide Berta venter på, at hendes forlovede vender tilbage fra fronten. Men i stedet for Rudolf træder hans ven Wilhelm ind ad døren og overbringer Berta nyheden om kærestens død. Hun gifter sig med den hjemvendte soldat og får et barn mere med ham. Livet bliver dog mere og mere som en ond drøm for Berta, og tilværelsen tynger alle ned, særligt de to små børn, som hun ender med at befri fra ”tingenes tyngde”. Først på en psykiatrisk institution finder hun beskyttelse mod livets sår. Tingenes tyngde af østrigske Marianne Fritz (1948-2007) er en kort og brutal fortælling om efterkrigstidens hykleri og grusomhed leveret med mesterlig tragikomik. Romanen udkom første gang i 1978 og modtog samme år Robert Walser-prisen.

  • af E. V. Ring
    241,95 kr.

    "Du bist endlich am Ort deiner Bestimmung.Du wirst jetzt beweisen, dass du ihm würdig bist."Cornwall, 1968. Der junge Aarin sehnt sich nach den Sternen. Er trainiert eisern, um irgendwann ins All fliegen zu können, doch sein Wunsch scheint unerfüllbar. Als die Maschinen ihn zu sich holen, kommt er seinem Ziel so nahe wie noch nie. Aarin schwört, seiner neuen Aufgabe gerecht zu werden, koste es, was es wolle ¿ und besiegelt damit sein Schicksal.Der zweite Teil der Maschinenmacht-Reihe erzählt die Geschichte von Aarin Cirrus und knüpft im Anschluss nahtlos an Band eins an. Im Kern der Maschine kommt es zum Wiedersehen mit alten Bekannten und schließlich zu einem lange erwarteten Showdown.Eine Villain Origin Story in einem Genremix aus Science-Fiction, Thriller, Biopunk, Drama und Coming of Age.

  • af Peter Evan Turnbull
    287,95 - 438,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Oliver Oettgen
    216,95 kr.

    Das Buch "Handwerksdenker und Influencer" bietet einen tiefgreifenden Einblick in die Schnittstelle zwischen traditionellem Handwerk und der modernen digitalen Welt der Influencer. Es beleuchtet, wie Handwerksberufe durch den Einsatz von Social Media und Influencer-Marketing neu belebt und für jüngere Generationen attraktiver gemacht werden können. Der Fokus liegt auf der Darstellung des Handwerks als eine kreative und zukunftsorientierte Branche, die sowohl traditionelle Fertigkeiten als auch innovative Technologien vereint. Durch die Verbindung von Handwerkskunst und digitalen Medien eröffnet das Buch neue Perspektiven auf Karrieremöglichkeiten im Handwerk und zeigt auf, wie durch authentisches Storytelling und gezielte Kommunikationsstrategien das Image des Handwerks verbessert und der Fachkräftemangel adressiert werden kann. Es dient als Inspiration und Leitfaden für Handwerker, Unternehmer und Influencer, die die Kraft der sozialen Medien nutzen möchten, um das Handwerk neu zu definieren und zu fördern.

  • af Elisabeth Dutz
    354,95 kr.

    The catalog accompanying the ALBERTINA Museum exhibition presents Alfred Kubin's (1877-1959) view of the world of evil, the predominant theme of his life and work. For him, one of the most outstanding draughtsmen of the 20th century, the aesthetics of evil proved to be the antithesis of the idyll, the deliberate suppression of a hideous reality. Defenseless, he finds himself confronted with uncanny dream phenomena and a pronounced fear of the feminine, sexuality, night and being at the mercy of fate. Trapped in his dark visions, evil is inexhaustible for him and determines his life. Essays by Elisabeth Dutz (ed.), Natalie Lettner and Brigitte Holzinger explore Alfred Kubin's graphic cosmos of the sinister, the iconography of evil, his nightmares and obsessions. The Austrian draughtsman and graphic artist ALFRED KUBIN was born in Leitmeritz in Bohemia in 1877. After traumatic childhood experiences in Zell am See and subsequent mental crises, he began his artistic training in Munich in 1898. He processed his nightmares and obsessions in a large number of fantastic drawings. In 1906, he married and bought a property in Zwickledt near Wernstein am Inn, where he lived until his death in 1959.

  • af Ryan Hugh Ross
    261,95 kr.

    Viennese composer Julius Bürger (also named Burger (1897-1995)) intersected with many important figures of 20th century western classical music. Despite success in some of the world's leading opera and broadcasting houses, Burger's true path as a composer was forever altered by the National Socialism.Burger studied with Franz Schreker in Vienna and Berlin. On Bruno Walter's recommendation, Burger later joined Artur Bodanzky as assistant at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. In 1929 he became Otto Klemperer's assistant at Berlin's Kroll Opera, returning to Vienna after Hitler's appointment as Chancellor in 1933. En route to Vienna from London in 1938, Burger and his wife foresaw what lay in store for Austria and detrained in Paris, abandoning their luggage. In 1939 Burger relocated to America and in 1949 he rejoined the staff at the Metropolitan Opera, starting a close working friendship with Dimitri Mitropoulos. His mother and four of his brothers were murdered in the Holocaust. A fifth brother's fate is still unknown.

  • af Martin Bo¿ek
    308,95 kr.

    The book primarily looks at the operation of shipping companies in Austria-Hungary while also providing insight into the phenomenon of emigration during the period of mass migration to the USA. In terms of time, the book primarily looks at the last two decades of the long 19th century, incorporating the period up until the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. It was during this period that emigration from the Habsburg Monarchy reached its peak, and it was a golden era for shipping. As such, the book focuses its attention on a relatively narrow set of selected shipping companies which were the most used for emigration out of the monarchy at the end of the 19th century. While there were many companies operating in Europe, this study focuses its attention on the most important, which were most relevant for the monarchy's residents. The author has chosen the two largest German shipping lines for his comparison, Hamburg Amerikanische Paketfahrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG), operating a route from Hamburg, and Norddeutsche Lloyd. He primarily compares these two companies with Austria's own Vereinigte Österreichische Schiffahrts-Aktien-Gesellschaft, vormals Austro-Americana &Fratelli Cosulich (Austro-Americana) and Britain's Cunard Line, which operated within the Habsburg market essentially as a foreign element, even though it had acquired a privileged position from the Hungarian government. A fundamental part of the book then looks at the course of emigrants' journeys, and also at the northern and southern routes for emigrants, which logically went via the northern German ports or via the port cities in the south of the Habsburg Monarchy. The author focuses in particular on the competition between shipping companies, which took place separately geographically, i.e. in the north and in the south separately. There was an evident overall interconnection of shipping companies in the period prior to the outbreak of the First World War, and agreements directly determined individual factors in the competition between them, these including price of transport, frequency, and destination of routes from Europe to the USA, comfort levels provided to customers, speed of transport and range of services provided. Despite the determined quotas for numbers of carried passengers and agreements on the price of ship tickets, competitive rivalry between the companies was still ongoing by 1914.

  • af William A Everett
    269,95 kr.

    Whether they appeared on Broadway or the Strand, the shows appearing in 1924 epitomized the glamor of popular musical theatre. What made this particular year so distinctive - so special - was the way it brought together the old and the new, the venerated and the innovative, and the traditional and the chic. William Everett, in his compelling new book, reveals this remarkable mid-Roaring Twenties stagecraft to have been truly transnational, with a stellar cast of producers, performers and creators boldly experimenting worldwide. Revues, musical comedies, zarzuelas and operettas formed part of a thriving theatrical ecosystem, with many works - and their leading artists - now unpredictably defying genres. The author demonstrates how fresh approaches became highly successful, with established leads like Marie Tempest and Fred Stone appearing in new productions even as youthful talents such as Florence Mills, Fred and Adele Astaire, Gertrude Lawrence and George Gershwin now started to make their mark.

  • af Sandra M. Gotthalmseder
    222,95 kr.

    "Die Nachrichten berichten vom Kobernaußerwald-Mörder, der sich durch unsere Wälder treibt. Sie sollten hier besser nicht allein unterwegs sein."Was ein Erholungsurlaub in ländlicher Idylle hätte sein sollen, endet für die Radiojournalistin Marietta Dorn alles andere als entspannt. Erst ist da eine Leiche auf ihrem Grundstück, und dann steht auch noch das Haus ihrer Großeltern in Flammen ...Marietta kann ihre Neugierde nicht im Zaum halten und lässt sich auf den Polizisten Paul Neuländtner und die Entlarvung des Täters ein. Ihre Recherchen führen sie in die Vergangenheit des Innviertels, zu einem Adelsmann und ins Herz der oberösterreichischen Jägerschaft. Doch hätte sie längst ihren Nachhauseweg antreten sollen? Die Antwort liegt am Ende des Weges.

  • af Martina Anger
    198,95 kr.

    Bruno was the first child of author Martina Anger At the age of two months the family learned about Bruno's diagnosis: spinal muscular atrophy. His estimated time to live: a few months. In this book the author tells her story and their way to live with this diagnosis and all the changes that came along. By telling her story she wants to show other families with similiar stories, that they are not alone.

  • af Therese Muxeneder
    383,95 kr.

    "It is remarkable and significant that these two men both emerged out of the Austrian decadence in 1874 - both of them destined to cause a truly salutary disturbance of vital importance to European culture." (Ernst Krenek, 1934)On the occasion of the 150th birthdays of Arnold Schönberg and Karl Kraus, the intellectual affinities of two of the most influential figures of Viennese Modernism are highlighted for the first time in a publication. The musical visionary Schönberg and the media-critical writer Kraus inscribed themselves in an era rich in artistic, social and political explosions.Advocating progress in music, Schönberg embodied the courage to break with conventions. In keeping with the interdisciplinary orientation of Viennese Modernism, the composer also expressed himself as a writer and painter. As a censor of language, Kraus fought an unrelenting battle against corrupting newspaper phrases, double standards and esthetic uniformity. The two jubilarians were united by an unspoken understanding of artistic and social matters, and by a shared ethical program which aimed at a claim to truth in all areas of art.The correspondence between Schönberg and Kraus, edited and commented in full for the first time, reveals parallels, but also discontinuities and ruptures in an acquaintance that lasted over four decades. Contemporary testimonies from the fields of architecture, poetry, painting and music form the basis of a cross-media panorama of intellectual and artistic crossroads.New music in Vienna around 1900 is addressed in the publication, as is the influence of the reader Kraus on Schönberg's aesthetics of Sprechstimme. In style and ideas, the composer proves to be a prolific reader of the legendary periodical "Die Fackel" published by Kraus. Schönberg and Kraus shared the experience of an eventful conditio Judaica in the shadow of rising National Socialism. Schönberg's emigration to the USA in the fall of 1933 marked a turning point in the relationship between the two Viennese artists. Schönberg's exile library proves that Kraus remained a key reference for him.

  • af Benno Schlicker
    148,95 kr.

    France is embroiled in war with Austria as Napoleon races from victory at Castiglione into the ragged peaks of the Tyrol. His aim: defeat the cunning General Würmser and conquer the fortress stronghold of Mantua. But even while Napoleon pursues Würmser down the Brenta River Valley, Austrian forces are secretly gathering under General Alvinczy. They plan a daring offensive to drive the outnumbered French from Italy entirely. So begins a thrilling campaign that will span continents, from the snow-capped Alps to the swirling sands of Egypt. Pursuing his grand vision of strangling English trade by conquering Alexandria and Cairo, Napoleon must defeat both Ottoman forces and the unforgiving desert itself. Even a prowling British Navy led by admiral Lord Nelson cannot deter the ambitious Corsican from this vital strategic prize. This well-researched history analyses Napoleon's audacious Italian and Egyptian operations. Can his Army of Italy withstand aggressive Austrian counterattacks in the mountainous Italian theatre? Will the harsh Egyptian frontier thwart Napoleon's expanding ambitions and grand strategy? This scholarly appraisal provides authoritative perspectives on these pivotal early campaigns of Napoleon's meteoric career.

  • af Wien Albertina
    488,95 kr.

    Thick Air presents a recent body of work that offers a radical exploration of intimacy and of domestic life by hungarian born artist Eva Beresin. It could in many ways be seen as the culmination of a decade of gained momentum both in speed and invention of her art. Beresin paints the carnivalesque with a genuine interest for the convolutions of the soul. Her compositions hold her personal history and a shared humanity both in grotesque unease and playful boldness.  The catalogue contains texts by Angela Stief and Kenny Schachter. Complemented with an interview by Cordula Reyer and short paragraphs by writers, collectors and gallerists who form a kaleidoscope of perspectives on her work.  The publication will accompany her Exhibition Thick Air opening in May 2024. EVA BERESIN lives and works in Vienna since 1976, she has developed her sensitivity for subversive humor throughout life. In painting, Beresin translates the daily horrors of existence into a tender examination of the contradictory nature of human behavior. Her instinctive attention for social transgressions and their comical aspect creates contagious relief in the facing of tragedy.

  • af Quillen Debruney
    163,95 kr.

    Ilse Eder is a jewel of Viennese society, even while pushing its boundaries. But Ilse carries heavy secrets. Few get close enough to see through the façade...few, that is, until Junius von Hess comes back into her life.

  • af Víctor Palacios Vargas
    1.153,95 kr.

    The micro region of Orituco, and its main urban center Altagracia, is located between the master row and the high plain, in the central area of ¿¿Venezuela. It is not exactly a high altitude area, but it is not a plain area either, it is a geospatial, productive, road, dialect mix and that is its population. Economy, roads, society, culture and tourist manifestations where the symbiosis of the native peoples, those navigated from Europe, Africa and the recent waves emerge. In short, it is about a unity within diversity, that is the Orituqueña region.

  • af Víctor Palacios Vargas
    1.098,95 kr.

    A microrregião de Orituco, e seu principal centro urbano Altagracia, está localizada entre a linha mestra e o planalto, na zona central da Venezuela. Não é exatamente uma área de grande altitude, mas também não é uma área plana, é uma mistura geoespacial, produtiva, rodoviária, dialetal e essa é a sua população. Economia, estradas, sociedade, cultura e manifestações turísticas onde emerge a simbiose dos povos originários, dos navegados desde a Europa, de África e das ondas recentes. Em suma, trata-se de uma unidade dentro da diversidade, que é a região de Orituqueña.

  • af Víctor Palacios Vargas
    1.098,95 kr.

    La microregione di Orituco, e il suo principale centro urbano Altagracia, si trova tra il filare maestro e l'altopiano, nella zona centrale del Venezuela. Non è esattamente una zona di alta quota, ma non è nemmeno una zona di pianura, è un mix geospaziale, produttivo, stradale, dialettale e questa è la sua popolazione. Economia, strade, società, cultura e manifestazioni turistiche dove emerge la simbiosi dei popoli autoctoni, di quelli navigati dall'Europa, dall'Africa e dalle ondate recenti. In breve, si tratta di unità nella diversità, questa è la regione di Orituqueña.

  • af William Jones
    163,95 kr.

    Are you considering a move to Austria? "A Guide to Relocating to Austria: A Comprehensive Handbook" is your essential companion for a smooth and successful transition to this enchanting Alpine nation. Authored by William Jones, an experienced guide and cultural enthusiast, this comprehensive handbook offers a wealth of insights, practical advice, and cultural wisdom to ensure your relocation journey is not just a move but a transformative experience.Discover Austria's Rich Cultural Tapestry: Delve into the heart of Austria's vibrant culture, from the classical elegance of Vienna to the picturesque landscapes of the Austrian Alps. William Jones provides an in-depth exploration of the country's traditions, festivals, and the famed Gemütlichkeit-the unique Austrian sense of warmth and conviviality that defines daily life.Practical Guidance for a Seamless Transition: Navigate the administrative intricacies with ease. From obtaining the necessary visas and work permits to understanding the local healthcare system, this handbook is a practical guide that empowers you to overcome challenges and embrace the Austrian way of life.Insider Tips on Housing, Employment, and Education: Uncover the secrets to finding the perfect accommodation, thriving in the job market, and exploring educational opportunities in Austria. William Jones shares insider tips and valuable resources to help you make informed decisions for a successful and fulfilling life in your new Austrian home.Language Learning Strategies for Cultural Integration: Mastering the German language is key to unlocking the richness of Austrian culture. Benefit from expert language learning strategies, cultural insights, and practical advice on how to seamlessly integrate into Austrian society.Building Connections and Embracing Gemütlichkeit: Forge meaningful connections with locals and fellow expatriates. "A Guide to Relocating to Austria" encourages you to participate in festivals, Stammtisch gatherings, and community events, helping you embrace the true essence of Gemütlichkeit and build a network that becomes your Austrian family.Beyond the Tourist Trail: Discover Hidden Gems: Go beyond the postcard images and tourist attractions. William Jones takes you on a journey to discover hidden villages, off-the-beaten-path nature escapes, and cultural gems that define the authentic Austria waiting to be explored.Your Personalized Austrian Adventure: Craft your own narrative in Austria. Whether you're savoring the flavors of regional cuisine, attending cultural festivals, or navigating the Alpine trails, this handbook empowers you to shape your Austrian adventure and create memories that last a lifetime."A Guide to Relocating to Austria" is not just a handbook; it's a doorway to an immersive experience in one of Europe's most captivating countries. Let William Jones be your knowledgeable companion as you embark on this transformative journey. Your Austrian adventure begins here!

  • af Esther Jelinek
    1.088,95 kr.

    Da der österreichische Staat die Fürsorge von Holocaust-Überlebenden verweigerte, lag die Verantwortung bei der jüdischen Gemeinde selbst. Der Fokus des Werkes liegt auf der Stadt Wien im Zeitraum zwischen 1945 und 2012, einer Periode, die gekennzeichnet war von den sehr unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen der Holocaust-Überlebenden, der Remigrierten und neu Zugewanderten. Beleuchtet werden Formen der klassischen Zedaka, der Armenfürsorge sowie der Wandel zur professionellen Sozialen Arbeit. Die jüdische Gemeinde verfügte zunächst nicht über adäquate Mittel, weshalb es erst spät zur Professionalisierung kam, die in der Gründung des psychosozialen Zentrums ESRA mündete. Die deskriptive Quellendarlegung belegt sowohl anhand von personenbezogenen archivalischen Akten als auch von medialen, dokumentarischen und mündlichen Materialien den Bedarf der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien an Fürsorge und Sozialer Arbeit.As the Austrian state refused to care for Holocaust survivors, the responsibility lay with the Jewish community itself. The focus of the Vienna-related work is on the time between 1945 and 2012, a period that was characterized by the very different needs of Holocaust survivors, remigrants and new immigrants. Forms of classical Zedaka, care for the poor and the transformation to professional social work throughout this period are examined. The descriptive depiction of sources illustrates the needs of the Jewish Community (IKG) Vienna for welfare and social work on the basis of personal archival files as well as media, documentary and oral materials.

  • af William Jones
    153,95 kr.

    Embark on a captivating exploration of the enchanting landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture of Austria with "A Journey Through Austria: A Comprehensive Travel Guide." Authored by the seasoned traveler and cultural enthusiast, William Jones, this guide is your key to unlocking the treasures of one of Europe's most captivating destinations.About the Book:In this meticulously crafted travel guide, William Jones invites you to discover the imperial elegance of Vienna, Mozart's birthplace in Salzburg, the alpine wonders of Innsbruck, the lakeside tranquility of Hallstatt, and the vine-clad hills of the Danube Valley. With over 12 chapters dedicated to Austria's diverse regions, each section unfolds a tapestry of experiences that will leave you spellbound.What You'll Find Inside:Immersive Descriptions: Engage your senses as you read vivid and immersive descriptions of Austria's iconic cities, charming villages, and breathtaking natural wonders. Let the words transport you to the heart of this picturesque country.Cultural Insights: Gain valuable insights into Austria's rich cultural heritage, from its classical music legacy to its medieval castles. Explore the traditions of Carnivals and Festivals, and understand the significance of each celebration.Practical Tips: Navigate Austria with confidence using practical tips and travel essentials provided by the author. From understanding local customs to dressing for every season, this guide ensures a seamless and enjoyable travel experience.Hidden Gems: Uncover the hidden gems that may elude the casual traveler. From secret Alpine retreats to tucked-away culinary delights in Graz, this guide goes beyond the obvious to reveal Austria's best-kept secrets.Why Choose "A Journey Through Austria":Authoritative and Comprehensive: Written by William Jones, a seasoned traveler and cultural aficionado, this guide is a comprehensive resource that goes beyond the surface, offering a deep dive into the heart of Austria.Humanized Narrative: Experience Austria through the humanized narrative that brings each destination to life. The engaging tone of the author makes this guide not just informative but also a delightful read.Travel Wisdom: Benefit from the author's travel wisdom and insider tips, ensuring that your journey through Austria is not just a vacation but a transformative experience.Whether you're a first-time traveler to Austria or a seasoned explorer seeking new insights, "A Journey Through Austria: A Comprehensive Travel Guide" is your companion for an unforgettable adventure. Let the pages of this guidebook inspire your wanderlust and guide you through the wonders of Austria, where every chapter unfolds a new chapter in your travel story. Are you ready to begin your journey?

  • af Jaroslav Hasek
    172,95 kr.

    Gathering work from across Jaroslav Häek's brief but prolific career, this collection showcases the outrageous wit and biting social commentary that made him the most popular Czech writer of all time. Much like his beloved novel The Good Soldier ¿vejk, these sixteen tales-previously unavailable in English-are populated with unforgettable characters: various cranks, conmen, and secret geniuses. The Man Without a Transit Pass further solidifies Häek's place as one of the 20th century's greatest satirists.

  • af Ismael Begazo Quenaya
    472,95 kr.

    Sogay est une annexe du district de Yarabamba, située à environ 45 minutes de la ville d'Arequipa, elle a une beauté qui cherche à être convertie en une attraction touristique non seulement pour les habitants de la province, mais aussi pour les visiteurs nationaux et étrangers. Il a un potentiel extraordinaire à présenter à ses visiteurs ; entrer à Sogay, c'est profiter d'une expérience unique qui combine le traditionnel et le naturel qui donne une touche spéciale au village, ce village pittoresque héberge environ 35 familles, la majorité dédiée aux travaux agricoles, ces familles sont celles qui cultivent et conservent les traditions, les coutumes et les techniques de leurs ancêtres pour faire fructifier la terre. Devant le village se trouve un paysage naturel formé par des terrasses précolombiennes qui ressemblent à un amphithéâtre. La beauté de ses paysages et de ses espaces verts est idéale pour l'agrotourisme. Ses cascades, où l'on ne peut aller qu'à pied et où l'on peut observer, au milieu de l'ascension, une grande beauté écologique, sont une destination incontournable pour tout aventurier qui veut connaître quelque chose de plus que l'ordinaire.

  • af Ismael Begazo Quenaya
    538,95 kr.

    Sogay is an annex of the district of Yarabamba, located about 45 minutes from the city of Arequipa, it has a beauty that seeks to be converted into a tourist attraction not only for the inhabitants of the province, but for national and foreign visitors. It has an extraordinary potential to present to its visitors; to enter in Sogay, means to enjoy the unique experience that combines the traditional and the natural that gives a special touch to the town, this picturesque town lodges about 35 families, the majority dedicated to agricultural labours, these families are the ones that cultivate and conserve the traditions, customs and techniques of their ancestors to make produce the land. In front of the village there is a natural landscape formed by pre-Columbian terraces that looks like an amphitheatre. Its beautiful countryside and green areas are ideal for agrotourism. Its waterfalls, where you can only go on foot and in the middle of the ascent you can observe a great ecological beauty, an unmissable destination for any adventurer who wants to get to know something more than the ordinary.

  • af Kurt Luger
    373,95 kr.

    Kein anderer kirchlicher Stadtstaat hat seine historische Gestalt so vollständig bewahrt wie Salzburg. Vor 25 Jahren wurde deshalb seine barocke Altstadt neben Schloss Schönbrunn zur ersten Welterbestätte Österreichs ernannt. Eine Auszeichnung, die stolz macht, genauso aber verpflichtet: Ob die Hinterlassenschaft unserer Zeit zu Wohlbefinden und Wohlstand auch der nachfolgenden Generationen beitragen wird? Insbesondere auf der Ebene des Bauens sind die historischen Zentren zuletzt noch weiter unter Druck geraten. Der ,Overtourism' tut das Seine zur Entleerung der Stadtkerne - bei ihrer gleichzeitigen Ausbeutung. Dazu kommt der Klimawandel und die langsame bis ausbleibende Reduktion des Ressourcenverbrauchs, des schädlichen Ausstoßes wie Eintrages in Boden und Atmosphäre sowie die wachsende soziale Drift zwischen den ,Gewinnern' hohen Verbrauchs und der breiten, vom Klimawandel meist stärker betroffenen Bevölkerung.Eine Prioritätenumkehr ist gefordert: Weniger kann mehr sein, Verzicht Freiheit bedeuten und soziale Verträglichkeit ein friedliches Miteinander. Was dies für Salzburg heißt, erörtert eine Runde kompetenter Autor:innen* in diesem Buch.

    243,95 kr.

    Peter Kirch bliver født i 1895 og bor alene med sin far, der er præst i en landsby i de østrigske alper.Peter har nogle specielle udfordringer. Han har problemer med at styre sin krop, og det gør hans far meget vred. Han kalder det for Peters dårlige vaner og straffer ham ofte.Derfor flygter han fra sin far, da han bliver teenager.Ad omveje havner han i Wien, hvor han opdager en hel ny verden og ender med at uddanne sig til læge.På det tidspunkt er Wien Europas kulturelle hovedstad, men det ændrer sig i 1930’erne, hvor nazismen er på fremmarch, og det får en del konsekvenser for Doktor Peter Kirch.Jens Rosenbirk debuterede i 2020 med novellesamlingen Månelandskaber.

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