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  • af Quentin Tarantino
    128,95 kr.

    The long-awaited first work of non-fiction from the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: a deliriously entertaining, wickedly intelligent cinema book as unique and creative as anything by Quentin Tarantino.

  • af Jackie Alpers
    196,95 kr.

    Packed with mouthwatering recipes and extraordinary photography, The Unofficial Yellowstone Cookbook is a one-of-a-kind celebration of America's favorite TV show!Now an AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY 39 AWARD WINNER and a 2023 LONDON PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD WINNERSince it premiered in June 2018, Yellowstone has grown to become one of the most popular series on TV, with more than 7.5M viewers per episode. In The Unofficial Yellowstone Cookbook all of the fire, flavor and spirit of the series are captured in more than 85 mouthwatering recipes inspired by the people and places in the show; from the Dutton family home and the bunkhouse, to the rivers and great open range of Montana, to the Texas ranch lands. Recreate recipes for favorite dishes from the hit series and both prequels; 1883 and 1923 (the latter premiering in December 2022 and starring Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren).Covering a range of meals, from hearty breakfasts to fire-grilled dinners and everything in between, this book is sure to be a fan of every red-blooded aspiring cowboy and cowgirl. Inside readers will find Rip's Barbecue Short Ribs, Beth's Breakfast Smoothie, John's Favorite Mac 'N Cheese, Meaner Than Evil Hot Wings, Cake with Steak, and much, much more.Each recipe is accompanied by award winning, full-color photography from Jackie Alpers's western ranch kitchen, with fun, fan-tastic trivia notes laden throughout.

  • af Christina Lauren
    175,95 kr.

    Millies kærlighedsliv er mildt sagt noget rod …Millie burde aldrig være endt i seng med sin bedste ven, Reid. Og hun burde helt sikkert have fortalt ham, at det var hende, der gemte sig bag alter egoet ”Catherine”, da de matchede på det anonyme datingsite et par dage efter.I stedet fortsætter Millie sin onlineflirt i håbet om, at Reid selv regner ud, hvem hun er. I virkeligheden burde Millie nok bare indrømme, hvad hun føler for ham. Især fordi det slår gnister, hver gang de ses. Men det er svært, når man risikerer at miste sin bedste ven.Og nu hvor Reid er ved at få følelser for ”Catherine”, er Millie blevet sin egen værste fjende. Pressen skriver:”Frisk og sprudlende.” – Publishers Weekly”Denne sjove, sexede og spændende bog kommer med en advarsel: Hold dine venner tætte, og deres profiler endnu tættere.” – Kirkus Reviews”Christina Lauren rammer aldrig ved siden af.” – Bookish”Christina Laurens unikke stemme er både hylende morsom og hjertevarm, og det gør, at man læser med glæde.” – Entertainment Weekly

  • af Ian Anderson
    193,95 kr.

  • af Elliot Page
    183,95 kr.

    Introducing 'Pageboy', a captivating novel by the talented author, Elliot Page. Published in 2023 by Transworld Publ. Ltd UK, this book has quickly become a must-read in its genre. Pageboy takes you on a journey like no other, immersing you in a world that captivates your imagination and leaves you yearning for more. Elliot Page's skillful writing will keep you engaged from the first page to the last. Don't miss out on this masterpiece. Get your copy from Transworld Publ. Ltd UK today.

  • af Christina Lauren
    175,95 kr.

    Olive er en stor ulykkesfugl, mens hendes tvillingsøster, Ami, lever et liv, der er en rom-com værdigt. Og nu skal hun endda holde et overdådigt bryllup.Det er faktisk lidt kvalmende.Det værste er nu, at Ami tvinger hende til at tilbringe hele dagen med forloveren, Olives ærkefjende Ethan. Olive kan ikke udstå ham, men hun trøster sig ved tanken om, at det er overstået i løbet af 24 timer.Ingen havde imidlertid taget højde for faren ved skaldyrsbuffeten, og en slem madforgiftning lægger hele selskabet ned. Alle bortset fra Olive og Ethan, som derfor får tilbudt den ikke-refunderbare, all-inclusive bryllupsrejse til Hawaii.De vil begge gøre alt for at undgå hinanden i paradis, men snart er de viklet ind i et spind af hvide løgne og skal lade som om, de faktisk er nygifte og forelskede til op over begge ører.Selvfølgelig fulgte uheldet Olive hele vejen til Hawaii. ”Siderne flyver afsted ... På en strøm af rom-com-tempo og charme.” – The New York Times Book Review”Klog og hylende morsom med den helt perfekte mængde varme.” – Bestsellerforfatteren Helen Hoang”Denne oprigtige og sjove enemies-to-lovers romance viser, at de bedste ting i livet er all-inclusive, de kan ikke byttes, og så er de ovenikøbet gratis.” – Kirkus Reviews

  • af Andrew Doughty
    233,95 kr.

  • af Elle Kennedy
    175,95 kr.

    Cooper kan ikke fordrage de forkælede studerende fra Garnet College, som ødelægger stemningen i den idylliske kystby Avalon Bay. Da rigmandsdrengen Preston i en brandert får Cooper fyret, er det dråben. Nogen må give ham en lærestreg, og Cooper øjner chancen, da han spotter Prestons kønne kæreste, Mackenzie.Mackenzie er en fornuftig, pæn pige. Men det er benhårdt altid at gøre det ”rigtige”. Måske er det derfor, det er så befriende at tale med Cooper, der er ligeglad med, hvad andre tænker.Han får nogle helt nye sider frem i Mackenzie, og hun udfordrer også et par af hans indgroede fordomme. Men selv om deres spirende venskab føles som det mest ægte i hendes liv, kan hun ikke slippe følelsen af, at Cooper skjuler noget …Pæn pige-problemet er første bog i den sexede og sjove Avalon Bay-serie af bestsellerforfatteren bag Off-campus-serien.Pressen skriver:“Pæn pige-problemet er en indtagende, frisk og sexet kærlighedshistorie om at følge sit hjerte, der helt sikkert vil tiltale mange håbløse romantikere.” – Publishers Weekly”En udsøgt, sexet fortælling.” – New York Times-bestsellerforfatter Vi Keeland  “Lækker, kompleks og fyldt med drama … Helt umulig at slippe.” – USA Today-bestsellerforfatter L. J. Shen

  • af Rachel Hawkins
    188,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Lux og hendes kæreste Nico længes efter at komme væk fra deres kedelige tilværelse i Hawaii, så da parret bliver hyret til at sejle to kvinder til en afsidesliggende ø i Stillehavet tager de chancen og sætter sejl mod nye eventyr. På rejsen får de mulighed for at knytte bånd over drinks under stjernehimlen, mens de langsomt nærmer sig destinationen. Trods sommersol, smukke unge mennesker og turkisblåt vand varer idyllen dog ikke længe, snart begynder dybt begravede hemmeligheder at dukke op til overfladen, og den ellers eventyrlige rejse bliver til en skræmmende og farlig færd alt for langt væk fra civilisationen. Lux finder ud af, at ikke alle er den, de udgiver sig for at være, og at det ikke er alle, som kommer levende fra øen.

  • - Beretninger fra klimafronten
    af Robert Zola Christensen & Sebastian H. Mernild
    119,95 - 168,95 kr.

    Gennem mere end 10 år har forfatteren Robert Zola Christensen rejst i hælene på den kendte danske klimaforsker Sebastian H. Mernild. Sammen har de to været på ekspedition til nogle af verdens mest fjerne egne for at dokumentere, hvad det forandrende klima gør ved vores klode. For der hersker ingen tvivl. Klimaet er under enorme forandringer. Der bliver målt stigende vandstande mange steder, det er blevet varmere, og isen smelter på polerne. Konsekvenserne er enorme.I Da kulden forsvandt tager Sebastian H.  Mernild og Robert Zola Christensen os med ud på Indlandsisen for at bore efter is i flere kilometers dybde, vi er fanget i en snestorm højt oppe i Andesbjergene, og så møder vi de mennesker, der må forlade deres hjem, fordi klimaet tvinger dem væk.Bogen er en barsk og samtidig livsbekræftende reportagerejse til klimafronten, hvor to venner – naturvidenskabsmanden og humanisten – dokumenterer den brutale og uundgåelige udvikling, vi alle er vidne til, og sammen reflekterer de to over, hvad der skal til for at fylde fremtiden med håb.

  • af Fodor's Travel Guides
    176,95 - 218,95 kr.

    Detachable, pull-out color map attached to page [3] of cover.

  • af Harold Robbins
    348,95 kr.

    JeriLee er en uskyldig skolepige, der bor i Californien. Hun drømmer om at blive manuskriptforfatter og vinder også et trofæ for sine skriverier. En aften til en fest møder hun Walt, der er søn af en berømt Hollywood-manuskriptforfatter. Men noget går galt, og JeriLee ender med at blive voldtaget af en festens gæster. Da Walt opdager, hvad der los, redder han JeriLee ud af situationen. De to forelsker sig i hinanden og bliver også gift, men som tiden går erstattes kærligheden af en bitter konkurrence om succes, der ender i skilsmisse. JeriLee ender i den ene situation efter den anden, hvor hun skal indlade sig med diverse Hollywood-mænd for at nå til tops. Spørgsmålet er blot, om hun nogensinde når derop? Harold Robbins roman går tæt på den sexisme, der præger Hollywood og den amerikanske underholdningsindustri. idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlHarold Robbins (1916-1997) var en amerikansk romanforfatter. Harold Robbins, der oprindeligt var fra New York, havde en tæt forbindelse til den californiske filmindustri, da flere af hans romaner dannede baggrund for manuskripter til film og tv. Han har en stjerne på Hollywood Walk of Fame og hans bøger blev oversat til 30 sprog og solgt i omegnen af 750 millioner eksemplarer.

  • af Corrina Murdoch
    113,95 kr.

    Inconceivable weaves together the lives of four complex individuals, all tethered by a sinister force-the serial-abortionist Theresa, hell-bent on sowing chaos wherever she goes. Felicity, a tormented OBGYN, grapples with shadows from her past as she digs for the truth about the demise of her lover. James, California's premier trauma psychiatrist, offers counsel under the guise of faith. And a philosophy student embarks on an existential quest to make sense of it all.Felicity and James both bear the marks of Theresa's prior deeds: one spiraled into a psychiatric facility, the other left emotionally scarred. As she resurfaces, the insidious thread of madness she brings stretches to its breaking point, forcing everyone into a desperate search for truth.But Theresa has been killed before, and she's willing to kill again. Can Felicity and James untangle this web of insanity in time? What hidden secrets and obsessions haunt these doctors and their patients?Inconceivable is a gripping psychological thriller that explores the corrosive power of obsession, the maze of paranoia, and the elusive nature of free will. As each character reckons with their past, they must make a choice that will define their future. Will they unravel the mystery before it consumes them?

  • af Jeff Fort
    135,95 kr.

    Collection of poems by a contemporary American poet living in California

  • af M. Pentz
    143,95 kr.

    Join narrator and co-author, ChatGPT, explore AI applications in healthcare, climate change, tech, education, and more. "Choose"'s choose-your-own-adventure format mirrors the real world decisions we face for the future of AI. Choose wisely.

  • af Lonely Planet
    193,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Kauai is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the region has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Explore the surf in Hanalei Bay, see the stunning vistas of Waimea Canyon, and hike the valley to Hanakapi'ai Falls; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • af Lonely Planet
    193,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Honolulu, Waikiki & Oahu is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the region has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Watch the sunset at Waikiki Beach, explore the blue waters of Hanauma Bay, or peer into Honolulu's volcanic crater; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • af Kimberly Jensen
    293,95 - 1.038,95 kr.

    "In the era of the First World War and its aftermath, the quest to identify, restrict, and punish internal enemy "others," combined with eugenic thinking, severely curtailed civil liberties for many people in Oregon and the nation. In Oregon's Others, Kimberly Jensen analyzes the processes that shaped the growing surveillance state of the era and the compelling personal stories that tell its history. The exclusionary and invasive practices ranged from multiple wartime registrations for women and the registration of "enemy aliens" to the incarceration of women with sexually transmitted diseases, the use of deportations, and forced sterilization at the Oregon State Hospital and other institutions. But some Oregonians resisted the restrictions and challenges to their civil liberties. Their fierce determination to maintain their rights and freedoms fueled movements for human rights, social justice, and dissent that still reverberate today. Oregon's Others examines the collision of civil liberties and persecution through the lens of gender, gender identity and presentation, ability, race, ethnicity, and class"--

  • af Kelly Johnson
    181,95 kr.

    Embark on a culinary journey through the breathtaking landscapes and diverse flavors of the Northwestern United States with our cookbook. '55 Northwestern States Recipes for Home' captures the essence of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington, showcasing a collection of 55 regional recipes that celebrate the unique ingredients and culinary traditions of this vibrant corner of the country.From the wild and pristine waters of Alaska to the rich potato fields of Idaho, each recipe tells a story of the region's bounty. Dive into the pages to discover the secrets of crafting Pacific Northwest Salmon Bake, savor the comfort of Idaho Potato Gnocchi with Sage Butter, indulge in the sweetness of Montana Huckleberry Pie, and experience the freshness of Oregon Hazelnut Pesto Pasta.Whether you're a seasoned home chef or a culinary explorer seeking new and exciting dishes, '55 Northwestern States Recipes for Home' offers a diverse range of recipes, from hearty main courses to delectable desserts. With each turn of the page, you'll be transported to the heart of the Northwestern states, where the love for local ingredients and regional flavors come together to create a culinary masterpiece.Immerse yourself in the culinary traditions of the Northwest, where every recipe is a celebration of the natural abundance and culinary creativity that defines this remarkable region. '55 Northwestern States Recipes for Home' is not just a cookbook; it's a culinary adventure waiting to be explored in your own kitchen.

  • af Elle Kennedy
    228,95 kr.

    Velkommen tilbage til Avalon Bay, hvor sommerluften er fuld af flirt og hemmeligheder.Cassie har ikke tilbragt en sommer i Avalon Bay i årevis. Men nu hvor familiens strandhotel skal sælges, rejser hun tilbage for at mærke sandet mellem tæerne en sidste gang. Hun har også store planer om at få sig en sommerflirt. Allerede den første aften finder hun den perfekte kandidat: Tate Bartlett, byens player med et hjerte af guld.Fra det øjeblik Tate ser Cassie, ved han, at en uforpligtende sommerflirt ikke er nok. Cassie er smuk, sjov og den sejeste person, han har mødt. Det sidste, han har lyst til, er at knuse hendes hjerte.Det står dog hurtigt klart, at ’bare venner’ er umuligt, men hvis de går all in, hvad sker der så, når sommeren er slut? Og da en mørk familiehemmelighed afsløres, bliver deres forhold for alvor sat på prøve …Sommerflirt-problemet er tredje bog i den sexede og sjove Avalon Bay-serie.

  • af Lonely Planet
    193,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Alaska is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the city has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Marvel at the Northern Lights, wonder at glaciers and spot the wildlife in Glacier Bay; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • af Robert Luedeking
    263,95 kr.

  • af Lonely Planet
    173,95 kr.

    Lonely PlanetâEUR(TM)s Yosemite, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip.Climb Half Dome, gaze at Mono Lake, and ski in Yosemite; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Yosemite, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks and begin your journey now!

  • af Ian Fleming
    198,95 kr.

    Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, takes readers on a journey through the lesser-known locales of fourteen cities around the world, creating a captivating time capsule of these thrilling destinations in the twentieth century.Ian Fleming's world travels and interests, as well as his journalism and wartime experiences, lent authority to everything he wrote. In 1959, the Sunday Times commissioned Fleming to write a series of dispatches from the world's most beguiling locales. The result was Thrilling Cities, a masterpiece of well-observed travelogue that stands ably alongside the author's Bond canon.From Hong Kong to Honolulu, New York to Naples, he left the bright main streets for the back alleys, abandoning tourist sites in favor of underground haunts, and mingling with celebrities, gangsters, and geishas. The result is a series of vivid snapshots of a mysterious, vanished world from a twentieth century Western perspective.Just like his most famous fictional creation, Ian Fleming was a well-traveled man of the world who knew where to go to find excitement, adventure...and danger. In Thrilling Cities, he takes us along on a journey of international intrigue worthy of James Bond.

  • af Stormy Cozad
    263,95 kr.

    Explore the beautiful island of Kauai through this magnificent collection of photographs.Capt. James Cook stood on his ship gazing at the coastline of Kauai and the Hawaiian village of Waimea in 1778. Kauai was its own kingdom then, and King Kaumualii - the king of Kauai who challenged Kamehameha and managed to keep Kauai from being conquered by him - would not be born for two more years. The oldest and northernmost of the main Hawaiian Islands, Kauai did not see well-meaning missionaries until 1820. From the moment Cook put Kauai on the map, it has gathered admirers from all over the world who come to experience its exquisite beauty and wonder. Fortunately, many photographers have had their own love affairs with Kauai, leaving a vast amount of documentation.

  • af Nadine Schwartz
    209,95 - 316,95 kr.

  • af Kelly Johnson
    233,95 kr.

    Embark on a culinary journey through the sun-kissed landscapes of California with our inspired cookbook, a vibrant tapestry of flavors that mirrors the state's rich diversity. Immerse yourself in the art of farm-fresh, seasonal cooking, where the bounty of California's fertile land meets the creativity of top chefs and home cooks alike. From the Pacific coastline to the lush vineyards of Napa Valley, each recipe is a love letter to the state's unique culinary heritage.Savor the essence of California living as you explore a collection of recipes that effortlessly blend global influences with local, sustainable ingredients. Indulge in the simplicity of avocado-centric dishes, embrace the bold flavors of fresh seafood, and experience the joy of grilled farm-fresh produce. Our cookbook is a homage to the laid-back lifestyle and health-conscious ethos that define California cuisine.Discover the secrets behind iconic dishes that have become synonymous with California, from inventive salads bursting with colors to tantalizing tacos that capture the spirit of street food culture. Whether you're a seasoned chef or an adventurous home cook, our California style cookbook invites you to bring the sunshine into your kitchen and create delicious meals that reflect the vibrant, flavorful tapestry of the West Coast.This description highlights the key elements of California cuisine, such as fresh, local ingredients, global influences, and a focus on health and sustainability.

  • af James Syhabout
    418,95 kr.

    Easy & essential Isan Thai & Lao recipes from a refugee chefJames Syhabout's hugely popular Hawker Fare restaurant in San Francisco is the product of his unique family history, his diverse career experience, and the food of his childhood. Hawker Fare immortalizes the dishes of this celebrated restaurant, which are inspired by the open-air ?hawker? markets of Thailand and Laos as well as the fine-dining sensibilities of Syhabout's career beginnings. The book starts with stories from his roving career as a classically trained chef, as well as his travels as an adult in his parents' homelands?his mother's ancestral village in Isan, Thailand's northeast region, and his father's native country of Laos. From building a pantry with sauces and oils to making staples like sticky rice and padaek, to new takes like Syhabout's recipe for instant ramen noodles with poached egg, Hawker Fare explores the many dimensions of this singular chef's cooking and ethos on ingredients, family, and eating well. This cookbook offers a new definition of what it means to be making food in America, in the full and vibrant colors of Thailand, Laos, and California.

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