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“Fra Nebukadnesar til Hitler. Et rids af zionismens historie” er en historisk gennemgang af zionismen. Bogen er skrevet af journalist Peter de Gemmer Gudme kort efter Hitlers indsættelse som rigskansler i Tyskland, men inden anden verdenskrigs udbrud. I konteksten af nazismens frembrud beskriver Gudme zionismen i et historisk perspektiv og kommer herunder rundt om emner som politisk zionisme, den jødiske renæssance, pogromer i Europa, første verdenskrig, arabere og englændere, zionistiske partier og året, hvor Hitler kom til magten. Peter de Hemmer Gudme (1897-1944) var en dansk journalist og modstandsmand. I 1918 tog han som frivillig til Finland for at kæmpe for landets uafhængighed fra Rusland efter Oktoberrevolutionen i 1917. Gudme var stor fortaler for nordisk solidaritet og gjorde efter sit ophold i Finland tjeneste i den estiske frihedskrig. Efter sin hjemkomst til København helligede han sig journalistikken og arbejdede blandt andet på Ekstra Bladet og Berlingske Tidende, hvor han var udstationeret som krigskorrespondent i Finland under vinterkrigen i 1939-1940. Da Tyskland besatte Danmark i 1940 meldte Gudme sig ind i modstandskampen og brugte sine journalistiske evner ved flere illegale blade, herunder Dagbladet Information, der blev født i krigstid i forlængelse af den illegale presse. I 1944 blev han arresteret af Gestapo og indsat i Shellhuset, men for ikke at komme til at røbe sine hemmeligheder valgte han at tage sit eget liv.
I sommeren 2008 besøgte jeg Palæstina. Jeg var inviteret af Art School Palestine til at samarbejde og mødes med lokale kunstnere og andre folk i de besatte områder. Besøgets tema var temmelig åbent og min palæstinensiske vært havde forklaret mig, at opholdet godt kunne betragtes som en form for kunstnerisk forskning. Det passede mig fint, da jeg havde arbejdet med aktivistiske undersøgelser og kunstnerisk forskning ved Det Fri Universitet i København.Som et minimum havde jeg besluttet at føre en blog under mit ophold, hvor jeg løbende ville fortælle om mine oplevelser og overvejelser i de besatte områder. På den måde kunne jeg påtage mig rollen som vidnet, der formulerer sit vidnesbyrd til dem derhjemme for at give et kritisk og detaljeret billede af forholdene.Selv om jeg egentlig troede, at jeg var godt orienteret om livet på Vestbredden, var det faktisk forbløffende, hvor anderledes forholdene blev oplevet, da jeg stod på gaden i Ramallah. Alene den erfaring gør det klart, hvor langt der er fra mediebilledet af Palæstina til det konkrete liv i de besatte områder. Samtidig var det en gave at opleve, hvor rig og sammensat kulturen var blandt den gruppe palæstinensere, som jeg brugte det meste af mine seks uger sammen med.
Femogtyve år. Syv vandreture. Et Palæstina der er ved at forsvinde.Raja Shehadeh vokser op i den oldgamle havneby Jaffa i det daværende Palæstina, i dag en forstad til Tel Aviv i Israel. I 1948 bliver familien fordrevet i forbindelse med Israels oprettelse og slår sig ned i Ramallah på den besatte Vestbred. Raja bliver advokat med en mission, nemlig at stoppe de ulovlige israelske bosættelser på Vestbredden ad rettens vej. Forgæves. Satellitbyerne breder sig ufortrødent trods international fordømmelse. I turbulente tider finder han sjælero ved at vandre i det grønne landskab omkring sin hjemby. I 1978 vrimler bakkerne med fortidsminder, kilderne springer om foråret, og Shehadeh kan vandre frit blandt hyrder og beduiner uden skelen til grænser eller politiske forhold. Shehadehs bevægelsesfrihed begrænses år for år, og under hans vandretur 25 år senere er de frodige højdedrag forvandlet til en gold, asfalteret forpost for israelske bosættere. Til sidst lever han som en fange i sit eget land.Vandringer i Palæstina – Erindringer fra et forsvindende landskab er et litterært kampskrift med værdigheden og medmenneskeligheden som våben, men lige såvel en melankolsk hyldest til et landskab, der er ved at forsvinde, ja, knap eksisterer længere.
Although an ally of Nazi Germany during World War II, Japan adamantly refused to accede to German demands to deal harshly with the some 40,000 Jews living under its control. While there was anti-Semitism in Japan since the early 1920s, there was also philo-Semitism and great admiration for Jewish power, influence and achievements. Japan-Israel relations were very strained and tense from 1952 to the early 1990s due to Japan's dependence on Arab oil. But since 1990 the policy of Japan has changed radically and the country is now a close friend of Israel in East Asia. Meron Medzini compares and contrasts Israeli and Japanese society, foreign policy, and above all economic and technological ties. He analyzes the presence of Jews in Japan since the 1860s and the absence of any Jewish influence, power, and involvement in Japanese arts, media, academia, politics, labor unions, and industry.
1001 nat møder Pirates of the Caribbean i palæstinensisk YA-romanFængslende ungdomsroman om en stædig og intelligent ung arabisk kvinde ramt af rejsefeber; tildelt den arabiske verdens fineste pris for ungdomslitteratur, Etisalat.Qamar vokser op i en lille landsby på toppen af et bjerg, hendes barndom udspiller sig mellem fordomsfulde, overtroiske beboere og forbudte bøger. Bøgerne tænder en gnist i hende og hun kaster sig ud på … ja, forunderlige rejser i fremmede lande! Qamar fortæller historier for at overleve og krydser ørkener og oceaner for at komme til: Gaza, Egypten, Marokko, Andalusien og Italien, Etiopien, Indien, Maldiverne, Yemen … Hun bliver kidnappet af røvere, solgt som slave til en gal konges palads, studerer hemmeligt hos en vismand, forklæder sig som mand og forelsker sig voldsomt i en pirat.Sonia Nimr (f. 1955 i Jenin, Palæstina) har været fascineret af bøger og historiefortælling, siden hun som barn trådte ind i en boghandel i Nablus. I dag er Sonia Nimr selv forfatter, fortæller og forsker; lektor på Filosofi og Kulturstudier ved Birzeit Universitet, Palæstina.
A playful vibrant storybook honoring the people of Palestine, its rich culture, and beauty.
This is how you achieve changeFridays for Future. Just Stop Oil. Black Lives Matter.From Greta Thunberg's inspiring school strike in Sweden to emerging 'hacktivism' in Ethiopia and Iran to the toppling of the statue of a notorious slave trader in Britain, Barney Cullum travels around the world to find out how disruptors are fighting for a better future. Meet the dissidents campaigning for democracy in Moscow and Istanbul, activists in the Sahel, Palestine, Brazil, and Ukraine, a commune claiming underground energy in Denmark and climate emergency protesters across Europe. Everywhere Cullum goes, he asks: how are you achieving change? Find out the secrets of successful movements for social change, including:What made Ireland U-turn on abortion?How did Taiwan's students resist when Hong Kong's could not?What persuaded Britain to reform its drug laws?How did peace finally break out in Colombia?Reviews"Making a Movement is a call to action but also a great insight into some of the leading international campaigns over the last ten years, which gives a sense of hope and aspiration for the next generation of campaigners and activists." - Patrick Vernon OBE, Windrush Campaigner"Jam-packed with stories of collective action, Barney Cullum deftly brings to life the lives and passions of people who have been driven to action for a better world. Whatever your perspective on their campaigns, we all have things to learn from their imagination and skill in drawing people together to bring change." - Abigail Thomas, Hopeful Activists Podcast Host"Making a Movement delivers a wrecking ball to the unsustainable populism of the right." - Simon Speakman Cordall, Al Jazeera Journalist"If you read Barney Cullum's book, you will come away with comprehensive knowledge of the severe problems impacting people every day all over the world, but you will also feel utterly inspired to take action yourself. Powerful stories reframe the brave people and organisations who are truly taking risks to bring about positive change, all achieved in an accessible, fascinating way." - Lucy Skoulding, Human Rights Campaigner and Independent Journalist"Cullum skilfully weaves together and situates social movements, campaigns and their tactics around the world. Interviews with key and ordinary people are interlaced with stories of how he obtained access. Filled with illuminating behind-the-scenes accounts of current situations, poignant viewpoints include those of pacifist Russians and Belarusians on the war in the Ukraine. Closer to home in the UK, Cullum captures the senselessness of people locked up in psychiatric hospitals for years with no end in sight." - Valerie de Schaller, Amnesty International Grassroots Activist"Through interviews with activists and campaigners across the global spectrum, these chapters offer a crucial insight into environmental, political and human rights movements. From strike action, to street art, to direct action, this book is an argument for why a whole range of tactics are so critical to achieving real change. A captivating and meaningful read." - Ella Abraham, Praxis, For Migrants and Refugees Campaigner
Manualen beskriver, hvilke tiltag der kan gennemføres for at opnå en hurtig reduktion af drivhusgasserne med 1.350 tons CO2 om året.Nytænkning for børnenes første seks-syv leveår samt forslag til pasning, skolegang og videreuddannelse. En omstrukturering, der også reducerer drivhusgasserne. Forslag til kontrolleret reduktion af vores overforbrug af beklædningsgenstande og luksusvarer.Krav til fremtidige bygninger og forbedringer af nuværende boligmasse, med vægt på sanitetsvand, drikkevand og solenergi. Manualen beskriver en hurtig og kontant tilbageføring af lavbundsjord til naturen samt beskyttelse af drikkevandet i undergrunden. Indføring af økologisk landbrug samt svineproduktion på kommerciel basis med forslag til bortskaffelse af den afgassede gylle. Effektivt batteriladeløsning til el-lastvognene. En beskrivelse af skibsfartens tiltag, for at blive CO2-neutral. Elforsyning med kæmpevindmøller.Flygtningeproblemet har forfatteren også hæftet en løsning på. Selv Israel-Palæstina-problematikken kan løses utraditionelt.Manualen viser vejen. Følg den, og vi løser problemerne, hvis vi vil det.
Palestinians in Rebellion shows that while Israelis and Palestinians have uneasily co-habited The Land of Israel/Palestine during the past century, Israel has thrived as an independent startup country, while the Palestinian state entity never came into being, and instead has been controlled by Britain, Egypt, Jordan, and then Israel.Since May 2021, a major revolt of the Palestinians against Israeli rule has taken place. Taking advantage of their concurrent missile attack on Israeli cities from Hamas-controlled Gaza, the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria, as well as within Israel proper, rose in rebellion, using advanced weaponry and demonstrating unprecedented temerity in confronting Israeli troops, thereby causing enormous fatalities on both sides.In addition, deterioration in Israeli security conditions has unfolded, while a serious rift persists between right-wing reformist Israelis who won the majority of the votes in the November 2022 elections and the "liberal" constituency, which lost the elections and cannot accept its loss and admit its rival's new control.(About the Author)Raphael Israeli has taught Islamic, Chinese, and Middle Eastern history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic literature, he earned a Ph.D. in Chinese and Islamic history from the University of California, Berkeley. Now retired, he has been a Fellow of the Harry Truman Research Institute at Hebrew University and the Jerusalem Center since the1970s. He is the author of over 90 books and 100 articles.
An incisive look at the past, present, and future of the religious divide that lies at the heart of the Middle East.At the heart of the Middle East, with its regional conflicts and proxy wars, is a 1400-year-old schism between Sunni and Shia. To understand this divide and its modern resonances, we need to revisit its origins—which go back to the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632; the accidental coup that set aside the claims of his son Ali; and the slaughter of Ali's own son Husayn at Karbala. These events, known to every Muslim, have created a slender faultline in the Middle East. The House Divided follows these narratives from the first Sunni and Shia caliphates through the medieval empires of the Arabs, Persians, and Ottomans to the contemporary Middle East. It shows how a complex range of identities and rivalries—religious, ethnic, and national—have shaped the region, jolted by the seismic shift of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Rogerson's original approach takes the modern chessboard of nation states and looks at each through its particular history of empires and occupiers, minorities and resources, sheikhs and imams. The result is wide-ranging empathy, understanding, and insight—a book that is vital for anyone wishing to understand many of the current tensions in the Middle East today.
The Palestinian national liberation movement - or the Palestinian revolution as it is known in Arabic - emerged during the 1960s as an iconic cause of the global Left. This volume highlights the different practices of international solidarity that characterised this period, and how they shaped and were shaped by the global trajectory of the Palestinian movement. Bringing together scholars with versatile linguistic and interdisciplinary skills, Palestine in the World puts the Palestinian movement into conversation with the models of transnational politics that emerged through the revolutionary period. From participation in a vibrant sphere of intellectual and cultural production, the work of travelling revolutionaries as delegates, volunteers, and militants, and the connected mobilisations that took place in different corners of the world, international solidarity with and from the Palestinian movement was integral to its ascendance on the global stage. By treating the Palestinian revolution as a world phenomenon - with cases from Cuba, France, the US, the GDR, Japan and more - this volume reveals the forms of solidarity that shaped the rise of the movement and their afterlives today. It illuminates the rich connected histories of international solidarity that positioned the Palestinian movement as an iconic anticolonial struggle.
How could the Jews comprise less than 1 percent of the world's population yet make up 22 percent of Nobel laureates?
"Unsettled examines the role of young American Jews in the Palestine solidarity movement and argues that their activism and commitment to ending the occupation and Israeli apartheid is a Jewish value, which is a necessary response to the changing conditions of American Jewish life in the twenty-first century"--
Jews in Japan: Presence and Perception. Antisemitism, Philosemitism and International Relations is a study on the history of real and imagined Jews in Japan, which discusses the little known cultural, political and economic ties between Jews and Japan, and follows the evolution of Jewish stereotypes in Japan in the last century and a half. The book begins with the arrival of Jews and their image in late 19th to early 20th-century Japan, when the seeds of later stereotyped visions were sown. The discussion then focuses on wartime Japan, delving into the complex and mixed attitudes of the Japanese Empire toward Jews. In postwar Japan, the partial reception of the Holocaust intertwined with earlier antisemitic and philosemitic manifestations, resulting in instances of both hatred and admiration toward Jews. Finally, the book explores the recent reframing of Japanese-Jewish historical encounters within the context of the growing ties between Japan and Israel. This study sheds new light on the little explored relations between Jews and Japan, offering thought-provoking insights into the coexistence of antisemitism and philosemitism, the political and diplomatic uses of Jewish history, and the perpetuation of Jewish stereotypes in a land devoid of a local Jewish population.
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