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Bøger om Polarområder

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  • af Henrik Saxgren
    253,95 kr.

    Grønland har i mange år været en kilde til fascination og inspiration for fotografen Henrik Saxgren, og han har gennem flere opsøgt det nordligste Grønland og her fundet stof til sit nye fotografiske værk, Ultima Thule. I Grønland finder han mål for sin kunstneriske søgen i samspillet mellem naturen og fangernes farefulde liv. Med en blanding af nysgerrighed og nøgtern undren skildrer han deres færd og deres jagt på havet og på isen, han viser den tavse, monumentale, storladne natur, de lever i, han viser dramaet ved deres møde med naturen, de fysiske omkostninger ved det liv, de lever, i et smukt fotografisk sprog, der rækker langt ud over blot og bar dokumentation.

  • - Med Bering og Spangsberg i Sibirien og Stillehavet 1725-1743
    af Morten Hahn-Pedersen
    74,95 - 289,95 kr.

    På zarens befaling fortæller historien om de to danskledede ekspeditioner, der i 1700-tallet på den russiske zars ordre tog på opdagelsesrejse i et tyndt befolket og særdeles barskt hjørne af verden: Sibirien, Kamtjatka og det nordlige Stillehav. Mange ekspeditionsdeltagere gik til af kulde og skørbug, heriblandt den øverstkommanderende, flådeofficeren Vitus Bering. Efter ham er Beringstrædet posthumt opkaldt, for dette stræde, der adskiller Asien og Amerika, var en af de afgørende opdagelser, som rejserne kastede af sig på en tid, hvor det geografiske kendskab til denne region var meget begrænset. Bogens anden hovedperson, kaptajn Martin Spangsberg, der var en af Berings to næstkommanderende, overlevede ganske vist, men rejserne endte heller ikke ubetinget lykkeligt for ham, da han fik lagt sig ud med zar-regimet og de russiske embedsmænd. Resultaterne af anstregelserne, de mange rapporter, kort, logbøger osv., imponerede ikke i samtiden og samlede støv i en tid, før man begyndte at forstå omfanget af dem: De førte til helt ny viden om områdets geografi, biologi og etnografi, og siden hen har de ekstreme og voldsomme vilkår, som ekspeditionsdeltagerne var underlagt, i mange generationer fascineret og inspireret til historiefortælling. På zarens befaling er smukt og pædagogisk gennemillustreret med farvebilleder og kort fra et perspektiv, som de færreste danske læsere er vant til at se dem.

  • - Knud Rasmussen og hans tid
    af Kirsten Hastrup
    288,95 - 311,95 kr.

    Kirsten Hastrups storværk Vinterens hjerte - Knud Rasmussen og hans tid er ikke en biografi i klassisk forstand, men derimod en rejse med polarforskeren ind i vinterens hjerte. Forfatterens ærinde er at forstå, hvad der drev ham ud i det yderste øde, og hvorfor hans rejseberetninger vandt så stor popularitet i samtiden, som de gjorde. Hvad var det for en tid og et samfund, der gjorde ham til helt og bannerfører for langt mere omfattende ideer? Knud Rasmussens mange Thule-ekspeditioner og hans beretninger om dem vandt ham et ry som nationalhelt og anerkendt forsker - og han er ikke til at komme uden om, hvis man er det mindste interesseret i arktisk kultur og historie. Hans omfattende forfatterskab rummer skønlitterære ansatser, rejseberetninger, oversættelser af eskimoiske sagn samt videnskabelige fremstillinger af eskimoisk kultur. Og det er først og fremmest hans fortjeneste, at København længe var eskimoforskningens verdenshovedstad.Knud Rasmussen er biograferet flere gange før, oftest i begejstrede helteportrætter, men fælles for dem alle er, at det historiske bagtæppe er mere eller mindre usynligt. Kirsten Hastrup fortæller en historie, som er meget større end Knud Rasmussens egen – det er også videnskabens, nationens og kolonialismens historie, som her bliver fortalt. Kirsten Hastrup drømte som barn om at blive polarforsker, men endte i stedet som professor i antropologi ved Københavns Universitet og præsident for De Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. "Seks hjerter." - Politiken "Fire stjerner." - Berlingske Tidende "Fire stjerner." - Jydske Vestkysten "Fire stjerner." - Jyllands-Posten

  • - En beretning om en sejltur i en lille båd langs vestkysten fra syd til nord
    af Peter Bang
    288,95 kr.

    GRØNLAND OM STYRBORD er en spændende beretning om en 4500 kilometer tomands-ekspedition i en lille 17 fods havjagtbåd langs Grønlands vestkyst fra syd til nord. En rejse i en storslået natur, hvor storis, storm, tåge og farlige skær var en del af hverdagen. I bogen fortælles om oplevelser med natur og dyreliv, jagt og fiskeri og møder med mennesker i verdens nordligst beboede egne. En ønskebog om Grønland. Rigt illustreret med over 100 fotos i farve og sort-hvid.

  • af Woniya Dawn Thibeault
    208,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Christiane Ritter
    148,95 kr.

  • af Fridtjof Nansen
    238,95 kr.

    A unique and gripping adventure story that set the world alight, set in a time when technology was in its infancy and expeditions could not rely on rescue missions to save their lives.

  • af Harmony Difo
    166,95 kr.

  • af Peter Freuchen
    348,95 kr.

    Polarforsker Peter Freuchen fortæller her fabulerende, men autentisk, historier fra sit liv som ekspeditionsrejsende i især de barske arktiske egne. Hans kærlighed til de dengang såkaldt primitive folkeslag gennemsyrer fortællingerne, der er rige på både hårdføre naturoplevelser og ren overlevelse.Samhørende med \"Min grønlandske Ungdom\"Peter Freuchen (1886-1957). Dansk forfatter og journalist. Skrev især om sine mange ekspeditioner som opdagelsesrejsende, blandt andet sammen med Knud Rasmussen, med hvem han i 1910 etablerede en udforskningsstation i Thule. Peter Freuchens ekspeditioner gik som oftest til de hårdføre og endnu uudforskede arktiske områder, men i 1935 besøgte han tillige Afrika. Hans forfatterskab er bredt og strækker sig fra rejseskildringer til romaner og selvbiografiske værker – gennemsyret af stor passion.

  • af Hampton Sides
    218,95 kr.

  • - Sent By Order Of The King Of Denmark, In Search Of The Lost Colonies (1837)
    af Wilhelm August Graah
    243,95 - 416,95 kr.

    ""Narrative of an Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland: Sent by Order of the King of Denmark, in Search of the Lost Colonies"" is a book written by Wilhelm August Graah in 1837. The book is a detailed account of Graah's expedition to the east coast of Greenland, which he conducted on behalf of the King of Denmark. The purpose of the expedition was to search for the lost colonies of Greenland, which had been established by the Norse in the 10th century but had disappeared by the 15th century. Graah's narrative provides a vivid description of the harsh conditions and challenges faced by the expedition team as they navigated the treacherous waters and icy terrain of Greenland. The book also includes detailed observations and scientific data on the geography, flora, fauna, and climate of the region. Overall, ""Narrative of an Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland"" is a valuable historical document that sheds light on the early exploration of Greenland and the efforts to uncover its mysterious past.""Under The Command Of W. A. Graah Of The Danish Royal Navy.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Dan Bar-El
    103,95 kr.

    The adventures of Duane the polar bear and his arctic friends continue in this charming sequel to the modern-day classic The Very, Very Far North, which Booklist compared to Winnie the Pooh in a starred review.Past the place where icebergs shiver, you will find the Very, Very Far North, where Duane and his friends are sure to make you feel right at home. You might like to share a delicious Snow Delight with warmhearted Duane. While you’re slurping away, if C.C. suddenly asks you where you’ve come from, it’s not because she’s nosy; she is simply gathering scientific data. If Handsome, the musk ox, pays a visit, a quick hair combing is highly recommended. Should you notice a quiet caribou grazing nearby, well, that’s just Boo’s way of saying hello. And if a less-than-friendly visitor arrives to sneak, shove, and shake things up, Duane and the others might discover that life isn’t always as peaceful as mid-late-afternoon nap. Fortunately, they know that change is as much a part of life as picnics and Tuesdays and cozy stories shared among friends.

  • af John Smelcer
    113,95 kr.

  • af Terry M. Williams
    198,95 kr.

    Can two friends ski across Greenland in the Arctic late in life?Terry Williams and Aaron Linsdau were one of the oldest teams ever to ski across the Greenland Ice Cap unsupported. They trekked over 300 miles of frozen Arctic wastelands using compasses to guide them. Crossing fresh polar bear tracks reminded them that they were not alone."Well, you wanted adventure!"Terry, 68 years old, and Aaron, 49 years old, had their tent nearly buried during one brutal storm. They faced the ultimate challenge of friendship in the harshest environments on Earth. The pair was absolutely reliant on each other for survival. Sub-zero temperatures and gale-force winds pushed their bodies to the limit.Get this book and read what kind of friendship it takes to be alone for over a month in the Arctic.

  • af David Roberts
    186,95 kr.

    By 1930, no place in the world was less well explored than Greenland. The native Inuit had occupied the relatively accessible west coast for centuries. The east coast, however, was another story. In August 1930, Henry George Watkins (nicknamed "Gino"), a twenty-three-year-old British explorer, led thirteen scientists and explorers on an ambitious expedition to the east coast of Greenland and into its vast and forbidding interior to set up a permanent meteorological base on the icecap, 8,200 feet above sea level. The Ice Cap Station was to be the anchor of a transpolar route of air travel from Europe to North America.The weather on the ice cap was appalling. Fierce storms. Temperatures plunging lower than -50° Fahrenheit in the winter. Watkins's scheme called for rotating teams of two men each to monitor the station for two months at a time. No one had ever tried to winter over in that hostile landscape, let alone manage a weather station through twelve continuous months. Watkins was younger than anyone under his command. But he had several daring trips to the Arctic under his belt and no one doubted his judgement.The first crisis came in the fall when a snowstorm stranded a resupply mission halfway to the top for many weeks. When they arrived at the ice cap, there were not enough provisions and fuel for another two-man shift, so the station would have to be abandoned. Then team member August Courtauld made an astonishing offer. To enable the mission to go forward, he would monitor the station solo through the winter. When a team went up in March to relieve Courtauld, after weeks of brutal effort to make the 130-mile journey, they could find no trace of him or the station. By the end of March, Courtauld's situation was desperate. He was buried under an immovable load of frozen snow and was disastrously short on supplies. On April 21, four months after Courtauld began his solitary vigil, Gino Watkins set out inland with two companions to find and rescue him.David Roberts, "veteran mountain climber and chronicler of adventures" (Washington Post), draws on firsthand accounts and archival materials to tell the story of this daring expedition and of the epic survival ordeal that ensued.

  • af Sarah Fabiny
    193,95 kr.

    Explore Antarctica--the coldest, driest, and windiest continent on Earth--in this adventure-filled title in the Who HQ series.Antarctica, the earth's southernmost continent, was virtually untouched by humans until the nineteenth century. Many famous explorers journeyed (and often died) there in the hope of discovering a land that always seemed out of reach. This book introduces readers to this desert--yes, desert!--continent that holds about 90 percent of the world's ice; showcases some of the 200 species that call Antarctica home, including the emperor penguin; and discusses environmental dangers to the continent, underscoring how what happens to Antarctica affects the entire world.

  • af Ernest Henry Shackleton
    278,95 - 464,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af G. O. Young
    333,95 - 443,95 kr.

  • af Kathleen McLeod
    153,95 - 273,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Hall
    168,95 kr.

    The sun has disappeared, the Earth is frozen, life is hard. Little Darkness is an ordinary boy, born with a special gift that he only discovers when he finds a strange object on the ice. In deciding to pick the object up, his adventure begins; it will change him, the Earth, and all its inhabitants forever. This tale of hope is about remembering the ancient Inuit wisdom of the raven, respect for each other, and for nature.

  • af Mac Barnett
    193,95 kr.

  • af Jane Burnard
    173,95 kr.

  • af David Hann
    198,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Russ Brown
    148,95 kr.

    Poppy's Planet is a whimsical rhyming story about a magical flying penguin named Poppy and the world around us. Upset about the damage and destruction caused to our planet, Poppy sets out to make us all aware of how we can save the world together! A huge success when first released in the USA in 2013, Poppy's Planet was the first book released by transatlantic author and illustrator duo Russ Brown and Jamie Cosley. A superheroic story about a magical penguin called Poppy (named after one of the author's two children), Poppy's Planet is all about saving the world in every little way we can. Exploring environmental issues and what we can be doing to help protect the world around us, Poppy is the environmental avenger we need. Teaching children about recycling, climate change and more in wonderful rhyme.

  • af Grace Hansen
    368,95 kr.

    "Any animal that lives in the Arctic is tough! This title looks into how the Arctic fox survives in such cold and unforgiving conditions, what it eats, and more"--

  • af Isaac Israel Hayes
    308,95 - 443,95 kr.

  • af Kit Fabian
    118,95 kr.

    Only special wild creatures live in the snow.Many are white, and hidden from sight.But have you heard a rumour about a Snow Bomino?Snow Bomino is a heart-warming starlit adventure about a lovable misunderstood monster who lives in a snow covered forest, struggling to make friends....until he happens upon a little white arctic Fox. A perfect story to emphasize the importance of friendship, sharing, understanding and kindness, and how helping each other can change everything for the better.A wonderful new winter's tale beautifully written with breathtaking illustrations. A budding classic in a magical night time setting that children will engage with from start to finish and will want to read again and again.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    348,95 kr.

    "Arctic Aria: Polar Natural life Cradlesongs" is a charming and interesting investigation of the frozen wonderland of the Cold, offering a new point of view on the existences of its striking occupants. This narrative series, described by a carefully prepared naturalist, welcomes watchers to a quiet and endearing excursion into the domain of polar untamed life.At its heart, "Arctic Aria" is a tribute to the peaceful and enchanting Cold climate, with its immense ice fields, transcending ice sheets, and bone chilling oceans. The series gives an unparalleled view to the extraordinary existences of the Icy's most famous animals, from the great polar bear to the slippery Icy fox, as they explore the difficulties of their outrageous natural surroundings. What sets "Artic Aria" separated is its emphasis on the calmer, more delicate minutes in the existences of these creatures. In the quieted magnificence of the Cold evening, the series divulges the mysterious universe of polar untamed life bedtime songs, an ensemble of maternal consideration and holding. Watchers witness the mitigating, cadenced songs of polar bear moms murmuring delicately to their fledglings, or the delicate quiet of penguin guardians as they serenade their chicks to rest. These impactful children's songs are a demonstration of the profound close to home associations and sustaining senses of Cold animals.The cinematography in "Icy Aria" is just amazing, catching the ethereal Icy scene in the entirety of its greatness, while additionally giving a cozy investigate the private minutes among parent and posterity. A visual gala submerges the crowd in the brutal yet charming universe of the polar districts. Past its shocking visuals, "Cold Aria" highlights the significance of protection and the delicacy of the Icy biological system. It urges watchers to consider the eventual fate of these notable species notwithstanding environmental change and ecological difficulties. This series is an impactful sign of the obligation we bear to safeguard the sensitive equilibrium of the polar wild.In "Icy Aria: Polar Natural life Children's songs," watchers will end up charmed by the Cold's flawless excellence, enthralled by the delicate snapshots of untamed life nurturing, and roused to be stewards of this indispensable environment. It's a festival of life in quite possibly of the most brutal put on The planet, and a source of inspiration to guarantee that the Icy's cradlesongs keep on reverberating in the frozen wild for a long time into the future.

  • af Theodor Magnus Fries
    293,95 - 433,95 kr.

  • af Laura Mancuso
    218,95 kr.

    Sara, Alix, and Lucy are going on a trip to visit their mermaid friends in the underwater city of Arctic Dune. They are looking forward to fun in the snow with their pals, but they find other adventures when they arrive. The girls meet arctic animals that need rescuing from the environmental problems they face in their icy waters. Can the mermaids save their new friends in time? The Fin-Tastic Arctic is the third book in the award-winning Fin-Tastic children's book series. This book follows The Fin-Tastic Cleanup and The Fin-Tastic Rescue. Young readers will take a ride full of imaginary sea adventures, learning about our oceans and their valuable ecosystems. Learn more at

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