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  • af Zyta Rudzka
    193,95 kr.

    "Two sisters, Leokadia and Helena, nearing the end of their lives, live together in a retirement home not far from Warsaw. With summer in the air, they share memories of their youth, together with their fellow residents. Theirs are no ordinary stories but those of Auschwitz and its aftermath. Helena, at the age of twelve, was a darling of the notorious doctor Josef Mengele, the real-life Nazi officer and physician who was known as the "angel of death" for the experiments he conducted on prisoners, including twins and siblings"--

  • af Mariusz Moroz
    423,95 kr.

    The units and banners they carried at the turning point battle of Grunwald in 1410 all handsomely illustratedAn examination of the banners and units that fought at the battle of Grunwald in 1410 between the forces of the Teutonic Knights and the Polish-Lithuanian Kingdoms.  Using contemporary chronicles along with modern research the author provides original drawings that detail the different troops involved in this epic battle.

  • af Lukasz Kumiega
    533,95 kr.

    The contributors of the twelve texts collected in this volume follow two paths: Firstly, there is a methodological path related to the discussion of the interdisciplinarity of discourse studies and the potential of qualitative research based on the study of a single case. Secondly, by taking as a case study the political interview by Tomasz Lis, a leading liberal journalist, with Jaroslaw Kaczynski, chairman of the right-wing Law and Justice party, they delineate possible avenues for an in-depth view of the mechanisms of Poland's highly polarised public debate.

  • af Patryk Sadowski
    453,95 kr.

    wejd¿ w ¿wiat konserwowania i konserwowania bez obaw, korzystaj¿c z ¿Ksi¿¿ki kucharskiej konserwowania i konserwowania dla pocz¿tkuj¿cych 2023". Ten niezb¿dny przewodnik zawiera wszystko, co musisz wiedzie¿, aby wyruszy¿ w podró¿ polegaj¿c¿ na zachowaniu sezonowych smaków i wyd¿üeniu okresu przydatnöci do spöycia ulubionych potraw. Dzi¿ki 100 kolorowym przepisom, które przedstawiaj¿ ró¿norodne techniki konserwowania i szereg kusz¿cych smaków, ta ksi¿¿ka jest obowi¿zkowa dla kädego, kto chce zachowä zbiory i delektowä si¿ smakiem domowej roboty.Naucz si¿ podstaw: zapoznaj si¿ z podstawami puszkowania i konserwowania dzi¿ki ¿atwym do wykonania instrukcjom i poradom ekspertów. Ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska poprowadzi Ci¿ na kädym kroku - od wyboru naj¿wie¿szych sk¿adników i zrozumienia niezb¿dnego sprz¿tu po opanowanie ró¿nych metod konserwacji. Buduj pewnö¿ siebie i twórz pyszne przetwory, pikle, d¿emy i nie tylko.Zachowaj pory roku: Uchwy¿ esencj¿ kädej pory roku, zachowuj¿c ¿ywe smaki owoców, warzyw i zió¿ w ich szczytowym momencie. Poznaj przepisy, które celebruj¿ bogactwo natury, od pikantnych letnich sosów pomidorowych po pachn¿ce jesienne d¿emy owocowe i obfite zimowe zupy warzywne. Poczuj radö¿ z delektowania si¿ sezonowymi smakami przez cäy rok.Kreatywne i wszechstronne przepisy: Poszerz swój repertuar kulinarny o 100 kolorowych przepisów, które pokazuj¿ wszechstronnö¿ konserwowanej ¿ywnöci. Od s¿odkich po pikantne, odkryj gam¿ pysznych kreacji, takich jak pikantne chutney, pikantne smaköyki, pikantne mas¿a owocowe i aromatyczne olejki z dodatkiem zió¿. Odkryj nowe sposoby na podniesienie jaköci posi¿ków i zaimponuj swoim bliskim¿Ksi¿¿ka kucharska dotycz¿ca konserwowania i konserwowania dla pocz¿tkuj¿cych 2023" autorstwa jest Twoim niezb¿dnym towarzyszem w Twojej podró¿y konserwacyjnej. Dzi¿ki 100 kolorowym przepisom i wszechstronnym wskazówkom ta ksi¿¿ka pozwoli ci odkry¿ sekrety konserwacji ¿ywnöci i cieszy¿ si¿ smakiem domowych dobroci. Pöegnaj si¿ z marnowaniem jedzenia i przywitaj spi¿arni¿ pe¿n¿ pysznych i pöywnych domowych przetworów.Rozpocznij swoj¿ przygod¿ w ¿wiecie konserwowania ¿ywnöci! Zamów swój egzemplarz ¿Ksi¿¿ki kucharskiej do konserwowania i konserwowania dla pocz¿tkuj¿cych 2023" jü dzi¿ i wyrusz w aromatyczn¿ podró¿ w celu zachowania zbiorów. Dzi¿ki 100 kolorowym przepisom, które zainspiruj¿ Twoj¿ kreatywnö¿, b¿dziesz móg¿ delektowä si¿ smakiem domowych przetworów przez cäy rok. Nie przegap tej okazji, aby opanowä sztuk¿ konserwowania i konserwowania - zdob¿d¿ swój egzemplarz jü teraz i zacznij konserwowä smaki pór roku!

  • - En kulturhistorisk rejse
    af Jørn Ørnstrup
    138,95 - 198,95 kr.

    På sin togrejse gennem Polen tager Jørn Ørnstrup læserne med til otte polske byer. På sin lystvandring gennem byerne fortæller han undervejs om kulturlivet, caféer og restauranter og om de forfattere og kunstnere, som har præget stederne. Samt om de politiske begivenheder, som har fundet sted i Polen.

  • af Clock Street Books
    128,95 kr.

    Embark on a mouthwatering journey through the vibrant culinary landscape of Warsaw, Poland, with Flavors of Warsaw: A Culinary Journey. This captivating cookbook invites you to discover the rich and diverse flavors that define Warsaw cuisine.From traditional Polish delights like pierogi, bigos (Hunter's Stew), and ¿urek (Sour Rye Soup) to tempting street food favorites such as Zapiekanki and Kebab Polski, prepare to indulge your taste buds in a symphony of flavors. Experience the fusion of Polish and Mediterranean influences in dishes like ¿azanki z Bak¿äanem i Serem Feta (Lazanki with Eggplant and Feta), or tantalize your senses with modern creations like Barszcz Cappuccino and Beer-Glazed Pork Knuckle.But the journey doesn't stop there. Explore the sweet side of Warsaw with recipes for delightful treats like P¿czki, Sernik (Polish Cheesecake), and Makowiec (Poppy Seed Roll), and savor the nostalgia of a Babka Piaskowa (Polish Marble Cake).Flavors of Warsaw: A Culinary Journey goes beyond the recipes. Immerse yourself in the captivating history and culture of Warsaw, uncovering the influences that have shaped its culinary traditions. From royal banquets to the cultural melting pot of diverse communities, discover how Warsaw's rich heritage has left an indelible mark on its cuisine.Whether you're a seasoned home cook eager to expand your repertoire or a culinary adventurer seeking new tastes and inspirations, this cookbook offers a treasure trove of flavors, techniques, and stories. You'll feel like you're exploring the streets of Warsaw with each recipe!So, grab your apron and prepare to embark on a gastronomic adventure. Flavors of Warsaw: A Culinary Journey is your passport to experiencing the vibrant flavors, aromas, and traditions that define Warsaw's culinary identity. Let the delicious tastes of Warsaw transport you to a world where every bite tells a story.

  • af Jonathan Huener
    1.401,95 kr.

    "As a unique and innovative addition to the scholarship on Nazi Germany, the Holocaust, and modern Polish history, this volume provides fresh analysis on the Nazi occupation of Poland. Through new questions and engaging untapped sources the leading historians who have contributed to this volume provide original scholarship to steer debates and expand the historiography surrounding Nazi racial and occupation policies, Polish and Jewish responses to them, persecution, police terror, resistance, and complicity"--

  • af Tomasz Grusiecki
    1.368,95 kr.

    Transcultural things explores visual and material modes of vernacular self-expression in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a confederate polity created in 1569 as the Polish, Ruthenian, Lithuanian and Prussian nobilities found themselves drawing closer together culturally. It examines how the process of becoming an interconnected political community was activated and legitimised by material culture such as maps, illustrated histories, costumes and carpets. These artefacts came to act as signifiers of localness and the Commonwealth's cultural distinctiveness, yet they were often from abroad, particularly the Ottoman Empire. Highlighting objects' mobility, adaptation and cultural reappropriation, this study points to the exogenous underpinnings of cultural self-identification and the allegedly local artefacts that mediated it. Transcultural things foreground the often-overlooked extrinsic aspect of nativism, positioning Poland-Lithuania as a useful methodological laboratory for challenging theories of national and societal cultural distinctiveness. The analysis reveals how a discourse of distinctiveness emerged in response to transcultural flows of people and artefacts as well as how, for Polish-Lithuanian elites, making sense of one's own world was fundamentally informed by other cultures - and was therefore, inevitably, embedded in a global context.

  • af Mikołaj Grynberg
    198,95 kr.

    Fortællingerne i denne bog taler til dig. De bevæger, fordi de insisterer på dig som vidne, en flue på væggen. Det, du lytter til, er menneskeskæbner, grufulde, underfulde, stilfærdige menneskeskæbner og familieskæbner, beretninger om individuelle og kollektive sorger og traumer. Det er stærke fortællinger om polske jøders skæbner, mesterligt fortalt.”Disse små indtrængende prosatekster bevæger og foruroliger på samme tid. Hvis diagnosen, de stiller, er rigtig, har vi et kæmpe problem i Polen” – Olga Tokarczuk, Nobelprismodtager 2018

  • af Piotr Pranke
    693,95 kr.

    The memory of the living and the dead was part of the functioning of monastic and secular communities, dynasties and aristocratic families. The relationship of debitores and fundatores is key to understanding the "mentality" of the era of the formation of Imperium Christianum. The donations made "pro remedio animae nostre et genitoris nostris" indicate the memorial function of transferring the prayer duties of the power elites (or whole groups and communities) to the clergy and illustrate the belief of medieval people in the importance of intercessory prayer. This volume is a memoir of the Piasts and Boleslaw the Brave on the 1000th anniversary of his coronation. It symbolically closes the study of the millennium of the baptism of Poland (966-1966) and opens the study of the early Middle Ages in Poland and Central Europe.

  • af Fryderyk Zoll, Bartosz Kucia, Elwira Macierzynska-Franaszczyk & mfl.
    593,95 kr.

    The analyses focus on succession and obligation law norms shaping the legal status of an heir and their comparison within Polish and German law systems. The book analyses the impact of the instruments of contract law on the status of an heir. The adopted methodology combining the internal-national and external-comparative perspective allows the authors to present "similarities in dissimilarities" within institutions of the German and Polish succession law. The broad analyses of legal doctrine and jurisprudence can serve as a source of knowledge and points of reference for legal practitioners, courts and legislators.

  • af Julian Preece
    1.318,95 kr.

    Unkenrufe erschien im Mai 1992 und war die erste literarische Veröffentlichung von Günter Grass nach dem Zusammensturz des Kommunismus in Osteuropa und der darauffolgenden Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands, der Grass der Politiker stets skeptisch gegenüberstand. Tatsächlich rundet die Erzählung eine Schaffensperiode ab, die im Kalten Krieg ihre Wurzeln hat und mit der Rättin einen Höhepunkt fand. Unkenrufe, die im November 1989 anfängt, spielt größtenteils im polnischen Gdansk und der umliegenden Kaschubei und kreist um das Thema der deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen in der ehemaligen Hansestadt, die früher überwiegend von Deutschen bewohnt war. Die Hauptfiguren, von Idealen getrieben und der Geschichte traumatisiert, wollen zur Versöhnung beitragen, stiften aber nur Unheil an. Ihre in die Irre geleiteten Bemühungen werden von einem anonymen, ihnen kritisch abgeneigten Erzähler anhand einer Ansammlung von Dokumenten und eigener Recherchen vor Ort ironisch rekonstruiert. Dieser Band enthält eine Einführung in die Erzählung, die auf die Hauptthemen und erzählerische Vorbilder aufmerksam macht, ausführliche Stellenkommentare zu den literarischen Quellen und zur deutsch-polnischen Zeitgeschichte und Materialien zur Entstehung und Rezeption des Werkes.

  • af Ryszard Majewski
    443,95 kr.

    Zielona ksi¿¿ka kucharska na grilla to najlepszy przewodnik po ekologicznym grillowaniu. Dzi¿ki 100 pysznym przepisom nigdy nie zabraknie Ci pomys¿ów na tworzenie pysznych i zrównowäonych posi¿ków z grilla. Od opcji wegetariäskich i wegäskich po zrównowäone wybory mi¿sne, w tej ksi¿¿ce kucharskiej kädy znajdzie cö dla siebie.Kädemu przepisowi towarzysz¿ szczegó¿owe instrukcje, w tym wskazówki, jak grillowä w sposób zrównowäony i zmniejszä emisj¿ dwutlenku w¿gla. Dowiesz si¿, jak wybierä najlepsze, ekologiczne sk¿adniki, jak grillowä bez w¿gla i propanu oraz jak tworzy¿ pyszne i zdrowe posi¿ki, dobre dla Ciebie i planety.Oprócz przepisów, Zielona ksi¿¿ka kucharska na grilla zawiera informacje na temat ekologicznych praktyk grillowania, takich jak u¿ywanie talerzy i przyborów wielokrotnego u¿ytku lub ulegaj¿cych biodegradacji oraz zmniejszanie ilöci odpadów poprzez kompostowanie i recykling. Dzi¿ki oszäamiaj¿cym, kolorowym zdj¿ciom kädego przepisu ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska zainspiruje Ci¿ do tworzenia pysznych i zrównowäonych posi¿ków przez cäy rok.Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ döwiadczonym grillist¿, czy pocz¿tkuj¿cym, ksi¿¿ka kucharska Green BBQ jest Twoim ¿ród¿em informacji o ekologicznym grillowaniu. Dzi¿ki 100 pysznym przepisom i poradom ekspertów w mgnieniu oka przygotujesz zdrowe i zrównowäone posi¿ki na grillu.

  • - Agitation, Politics, and Violence against Jews in the Late Habsburg Monarchy
    af Tim Buchen
    399,95 - 1.429,95 kr.

    This book's comprehensive analysis of the functions and limitations of propaganda, rumors, and mass media, it shows just how significant antisemitism was to the politics of coexistence among Christians and Jews on the eve of the Great War.

  • af Filip Wo¿niak
    463,95 kr.

    Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ par¿ nowöe¿ców, czy par¿,która chce od¿wie¿y¿ swoj¿ rutyn¿ kulinarn¿, i Kuchnia M¿odejPary do dealna ksi¿¿ka kucharska dla Ciebie. Ta ksi¿¿kakucharska jest wype¿niona 100 ¿atwymi i zdrowymi przepisamiprzeznaczonymi dla dwóch osób.Od ¿niadania po kolacj¿ i wszystko pomi¿dzy, znajdzieszró¿norodne przepisy, które s¿ idealne na käd¿ okazj¿.Znajdziesz tu równie¿ pomocne wskazówki dotycz¿ceplanowania posi¿ków, zakupów spöywczych i technikgotowania, dzi¿ki którym czas sp¿dzony w kuchni b¿dzieprzyjemny i bezstresowy.Oprócz tradycyjnych przepisów, Najlepsza kuchnia dla nowych¿lubów oferuje przepisy na specjalne okazje, takie jakromantyczne kolacje we dwoje czy rocznice. Znajdziesz turównie¿ przepisy na posi¿ki, które möna przygotowä zwyprzedzeniem, idealne dla zapracowanych par.Kädy przepis zawiera instrukcje krok po kroku i informacje owartöciach od¿ywczych, dzi¿ki czemu möesz mie¿ pewnö¿, ¿edokonujesz zdrowych wyborów. Znajdziesz tu równie¿wskazówki, jak dostosowä przepisy do swoich preferencjismakowych i ogranicze¿ dietetycznych.Dzi¿ki Kuchni Nowöe¿ców b¿dziesz mie¿ wszystko, czegopotrzebujesz, aby rozpocz¿¿ wspólne ¿ycie zdrowo i pysznie.

  • af Irmgard Irro
    239,95 kr.

    Für mich als kleines Kind reichte nur die Vorstellung, der Ort Groß Dankheim, von dem meine Mutter immer erzählte, müsse außerhalb der Welt liegen, mindestens so weit weg, wie der Mond und die Sterne, die ich auch nicht fassen konnte.Mitte Januar 2009 reiste ich in dieses masurische Dorf, jetzt polnisch Przezdziek Wielki, um meinen Traum zu verwirklichen. Ich wollte die Jahreszeiten in ihrer Stille und ihrem Wachstum erleben, wollte dem einstigen bäuerlichen Leben meiner Mutter und meiner Großeltern nachspüren, wollte sehen, wovon meine Mutter mir immer erzählte.

  • af Jo&
    228,95 kr.

    Extensively covers the history of armored trains used by the Polish army from the end of the Soviet war to the conclusion of the 1939 campaign.This book extensively covers the history of armored trains used by the Polish army from the end of the Soviet war to the conclusion of the 1939 campaign. It delves into the history, organization, and equipment of each individual composition in great detail. Adam Jońca, an undisputed expert on the subject, considers this book, Polish Armored Trains 1921-1939, to be particularly close to his interests. Readers can expect to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter from this well-researched and informative book.Vol. 2 covers: Base locations1st Armored train grou

  • af Jo&
    216,95 kr.

    The third volume in Adam Jońca's series of books covering the use of armoured trains in Poland in the lead-up to World War II.This book extensively covers the history of armored trains used by the Polish army from the end of the Soviet war to the conclusion of the 1939 campaign. It delves into the history, organization, and equipment of each individual composition in great detail. Adam Jońca, an undisputed expert on the subject, considers this book, Polish Armored Trains 1921-1939, to be particularly close to his interests. Readers can expect to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter from this well-researched and informative book.Vol. 3 covers: 2nd Armored train groupAdministrative supply trainsEvacuation train

  • af Wojciech Zmyslony
    208,95 kr.

    The renowned Soviet attack aircraft Il-2 and its various models within the Polish Air Force have been extensively documented with unmatched detail. This publication comprises numerous unpublished photographs obtained from private collections, along with a series of specially commissioned color profiles that illustrate and describe the color schemes and markings used. The book is composed of 96 pages and contains a total of 52 color profiles.

  • af Jo&
    196,95 kr.

    This book extensively covers the history of armored trains used by the Polish army from the end of the Soviet war to the conclusion of the 1939 campaign. It delves into the history, organization, and equipment of each individual composition in great detail. Adam Jońca, an undisputed expert on the subject, considers this book, Polish Armored Trains 1921-1939, to be particularly close to his interests. Readers can expect to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter from this well-researched and informative book.Vol. 1 covers: Technique and organizationArmored trains 1921-1923Armored trains 1924-192

  • af Stefan Jaworski
    428,95 kr.

    Kuchnia fleksitariäska to najlepsza ksi¿¿ka kucharska dla kädego, kto chce poznä zalety fleksitariäskiego stylu ¿ycia. Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ pe¿noetatowym wegetarianinem, czy po prostu chcesz ograniczy¿ spöycie mi¿sa, ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska zawiera mnóstwo pysznych i pöywnych przepisów na bazie rölin na käd¿ okazj¿.Dzi¿ki 100 aromatycznym przepisom ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska obejmuje wszystko, od ¿niadä i brunchów po przystawki, dania g¿ówne i desery. Kädy przepis jest starannie opracowany, aby zapewni¿ zbilansowany i pöywny posi¿ek, jednocze¿nie zapewniaj¿c doskonäy smak i aromat.Ale ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska to cö wi¿cej ni¿ tylko zbiór przepisów. Jest to przewodnik po zdrowszym, bardziej zrównowäonym stylu ¿ycia, który stawia na pierwszym miejscu ¿ywnö¿ pochodzenia rölinnego, jednocze¿nie pozwalaj¿c na okazjonaln¿ pob¿äliwö¿. Od wskazówek dotycz¿cych planowania posi¿ków i przygotowywania posi¿ków po porady dotycz¿ce pozyskiwania zrównowäonych sk¿adników - Kuchnia fleksitariäska zawiera wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, aby przej¿¿ na diet¿ bardziej rölinn¿.Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ döwiadczonym wegetarianinem, czy dopiero zaczynasz odkrywä zalety fleksitariäskiego stylu ¿ycia, Kuchnia fleksitariäska jest niezb¿dnym dodatkiem do Twojej kolekcji ksi¿¿ek kucharskich. Przygotuj si¿ na odkrycie ¿wiata pysznych i pöywnych posi¿ków rölinnych.

  • af Monika Sawicka
    443,95 kr.

    Ksi¿¿ka kucharska Fondue to kompleksowy przewodnik po ¿wiecie fondue, zawieraj¿cy 100 pysznych przepisów na fondue serowe, mi¿sne, z owoców morza i deserowe. Kädemu przepisowi towarzyszy pi¿kne, kolorowe zdj¿cie, prezentuj¿ce apetyczne rezultaty, jakie möna osi¿gn¿¿ dzi¿ki temu zabawnemu i interaktywnemu stylowi gotowania.Ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska zawiera nie tylko szerok¿ gam¿ przepisów, ale tak¿e przydatne wskazówki, jak prawid¿owo przygotowä i konserwowä garnek do fondue, a tak¿e kreatywne pomys¿y na prezentacje, które zrobi¿ wräenie na göciach. Od klasycznego serowego fondue po pe¿ne przygód kombinacje na s¿ono i na s¿odko - w tej ksi¿¿ce kucharskiej kädy znajdzie cö dla siebie.Dzi¿ki ¿atwym do wykonania instrukcjom i wspaniäym fotografiom Ksi¿¿ka kucharska fondue jest doskonäym przewodnikiem zarówno dla pocz¿tkuj¿cych, jak i döwiadczonych entuzjastów fondue. Niezale¿nie od tego, czy szukasz romantycznej kolacji we dwoje, czy planujesz zabawne i interaktywne przyj¿cie z przyjació¿mi i rodzin¿, ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska zapewni Ci wszystko

  • af Ulla-Britta Vollhardt
    183,95 kr.

    The Underground Archive is the first attempt to document the Shoah from the perspective of those affected and directly during the events.Before World War II, Poland was home to 3.3 million Jews, and Warsaw was the cultural, religious and political center of this diverse community. A year after the German war of aggression began, the Nazis forced the Jewish population into a sealed-off part of the city. The historian Emanuel Ringelblum then stimulated an unprecedented project: a group working in secret, documenting the daily life of the ghetto under the code name Oneg Shabbat (Joy of Shabbat). Cut off from the world, it collected and produced a wealth of material. With the beginning of the systematic murder of Polish Jews, they unwillingly became chroniclers of the Shoah, which they themselves, with few exceptions, did not survive. After the war, a large part of the archive, buried in tin crates and milk cans, was recovered from under the ruins of the ghetto. With its approximately 35,000 preserved pages, it is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The volume is published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name, which the NS Documentation Center Munich will open in cooperation with the Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw in June 2023.

  • af D. Pastorfff
    398,95 kr.

    Reprint Faksimile, Fraktur. Verzeichnis der sämmtlichen Rittergüter und selbständigen Guts- und Forstbetriebe, sowie solcher größeren Güter, welche innerhalb des Gemeindeverbandes mit einem Reinertrag von etwa 1500 Mark und mehr zur Grundsteuer veranlagt sind. Fünfte Ausgabe. Inhalt: Regierungs-Bezirk Breslau; Regierungs-Bezirk Liegnitz; Regierungs-Bezirk Oppeln. Ortsverzeichnis; Namensverzeichnis.Reprint Facsimile, Fraktur. Directory of all the knight¿s estates and independent estate and forestry operations, as well as those larger estates which are assessed for property tax within the municipal association with a net income of approximately 1500 marks and above. Fifth Edition. Contents: Government District Breslau; Government District Liegnitz; Government District Oppeln. Place index; Name index.

  • af Wim Klooster
    1.557,95 kr.

    Volume II delves into the revolutions of France, Europe, and Haiti, with particular focus on the French Revolution and the changes it wrought. The demarcation between property and power, and the changes in family life, religious practices, and socio-economic relations are explored, as well as the preoccupation with violence and terror, both of which were conspicuous aspects of the revolution. Simultaneous movements in England, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, and Poland-Lithuania are also discussed. The volume ends with the Haitian Revolution and its impact on neighboring countries, revealing how the revolution was comprised of several smaller revolutions, and how, once the independent black State of Haiti was established, an effort was made to fulfill the promises of freedom and equality.

  • af Michal Paradowski
    345,95 kr.

    In autumn 1621, at a fortified camp near Khotyn (Chocim), in the Principality of Moldavia, allied Polish, Lithuanian and Cossack armies faced a large Ottoman army led by Sultan Osman II. It was the concluding act of a war that had started with the defeat of a Polish army at Cecora one year earlier. As such it was actually part of the longer conflict, waged over the Commonwealth's and the Ottoman's influence over Moldavia. Throughout the whole of September and the first half of October 1621, the allied army managed to defend their camps against Turks, with both sides taking heavy losses from the hardship of the siege operations and worsening weather conditions. The conflict ended with the Treaty of Khotyn (9 October 1621) which did not particularly favor either of the sides. All the same, stopping the Ottoman was seen as a huge success for the Commonwealth, while attitudes on the Ottoman sides were far from victorious. The aftershock of the war led to the rebellion of janissaries in 1622, resulting in the overthrow and murder of Sultan Osman II.The book focuses on the Khotyn campaign of 1621, describing the day-by-day actions of the combatant armies - assaults, sallies and raids - during the whole of the siege. Additional theaters of war, such as Cossack operations from the summer of 1621 and Tatars raids against the Polish interior, are described as well. The reader will also find here details of the organization and strength of the fighting armies, information about the battle dispositions of the troops at Khotyn and commanders leading the troops. Actions leading to the outbreak of the open conflict between the Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire are explained in a separate chapter, providing a good historical background of the war. Another chapter covers the outcome of the war and the ways that influenced the internal and external situation of both the Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire.As with his previous works, the author has utilized a large number of primary sources: from the diaries of soldiers taking part in the campaign, through chronicles, official letters and documents from the period to army musters. Among the documents used are not only those written by Poles and Lithuanians, but also documents from Cossacks, Germans and Ottomans. Modern works, especially from Polish and Ukrainian historians, have also been used, in order to provide the most up-to-date and in-depth research. As this topic has previously not had much coverage in English, this book will be a valuable addition to the library of anyone interested in the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, in Zaporozhian Cossacks and in the Ottoman Empire in the early seventeenth century.

  • af Ren Behan
    373,95 kr.

    A collection of traditional and modern Polish baking and dessert recipes including babkas, cheesecakes, tarts, pastries, and all things sweet and celebratory. A collection of traditional and modern Polish baking and dessert recipes including babkas, cheesecakes, tarts, pastries, and all things sweet and celebratory. Ren Behan takes you from everyday baking to celebrations in this comprehensive, modern take on Polish sweet treats, and draws on influences from across central and Eastern Europe. Honey, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, citrus peel, cherries, sweet whipped cheese... With these warming scents and flavors, Ren Behan takes you from everyday baking to carnival doughnuts in a comprehensive tour of Polish sweet treats. Traditional and modern Polish recipes include babkas, cheesecakes, tarts, pastries, and all things sweet and celebratory. With modern twists and bold, folkloric styling, The Sweet Polish Kitchen will link traditional recipes with current trends, designed to bring the spirit of Polish patisserie and bakes to a new audience. Poland's rich, multi-national cafe culture underpins these recipes, which draw on many influences; the first patisseries in Warsaw were opened by Italian and Swiss immigrants, and there are also borrowings from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Russia, Lithuania and Belarus. A new and delicious baking world is in your hands!

  • af Hanna Krall
    178,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Warshawas jødeghetto 1942: Da Izoldas mand, Shayek, bliver fængslet, drager hun omgående afsted for at redde ham. Hun skifter navn, ændrer hårfarve – endda religion. Undervejs bliver hun fanget og sendt til Auschwitz. Men selv er hun overbevist om, at hendes kærlighed vil redde dem begge. Hanna Krall er en internationalt særdeles anerkendt polsk forfatter, og hendes bestseller om Holocaust er en uforglemmelig, sandfærdig og åndeløst spændende beretning om kærlighed og overlevelse midt i et af historiens grusomste kapitler. Hjerterkonge er en historisk roman, som ikke lader læseren uberørt. På trods af de store menneskelige tragedier viser Hanna Krall os, hvor vigtigt det er at bevare optimismen og det lyse sind. Hjerterkonge er foreløbig udkommet på 20 forskellige sprog og har en fantastisk let og lys sprogtone, emnet taget i betragtning.

  • af Anna Staniszewski
    93,95 - 193,95 kr.

  • af Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer
    508,95 kr.

    Tying in with political and cultural changes in Europe, this volume focuses on current discourses on the significance of democratic systems in opposition to authoritarian regimes, to fathom the transformations but also the continuities in children's and young adult literature from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present. One aim of the book is to calibrate the political, poetic, and receptive examination of children's and young adult literature and to depict it from a historical and systematic perspective. Characterized by an internationally comparative scope this volume revolves around the following questions with a view to childhood constructions: What continuities but also changes are discernible? What political and ideological concepts are inherent in children's and young adult literature? How are World War II and the postwar period represented in children's books? What role do trauma and (post)memory play? And how is the discourse on flight and migration shaped?

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