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Bøger om Polen

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  • af Jozef Szujski
    348,95 - 498,95 kr.

  • af Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz & Kazimierz Jozef Turowski
    313,95 - 458,95 kr.

  • af Fortescue Lennox MacDonald Anderson
    218,95 - 348,95 kr.

  • af Jochen Lingelbach
    397,95 - 1.414,95 kr.

  • af Hans J. Tümmers
    293,95 kr.

  • af Robert Brier
    449,95 - 915,95 kr.

    In the historiography of human rights, the 1980s feature as little more than an afterthought to the human rights breakthrough of the previous decade. Through an examination of one of the major actors of recent human rights history - Poland's Solidarity movement - Robert Brier challenges this view. Suppressed in 1981, Poland's Solidarity movement was supported by a surprisingly diverse array of international groups: US Cold Warriors, French left-wing intellectuals, trade unionists, Amnesty International, even Chilean opponents of the Pinochet regime. By unpacking the politics and transnational discourses of these groups, Brier demonstrates how precarious the position of human rights in international politics remained well into the 1980s. More importantly, he shows that human rights were a profoundly political and highly contested language, which actors in East and West adopted to redefine their social and political identities in times of momentous cultural and intellectual change.

  • af Julia Swift Orvis
    273,95 - 378,95 kr.

  • af Alexandra Mazur Smith
    158,95 kr.

    "This is a true story of Tadek, a young farm boy living an ordinary yet happy life filled with family, friends, and hopes and dreams for a future. When war comes to Eastern Europe, his fate and that of his family takes a horrible turn, and they rely on their strength and will to carry them through oppression, brutality, and loss. Tadek is faced with his ensuing struggle to survive in slavery and an uncertain fate. The evil he encounters thrusts him into deep despair and hopelessness as he grows from a youth into a man, with a tenuous hold on his very existence. But when Tadek finds himself resurrected from the hell he has endured, he reclaims his lost freedom and pursues the building of a new life. Between Tyranny and Freedom demonstrates the evil that authoritarian and totalitarian governments inflict upon real families, real people; it also shows how living in freedom is the natural state for which man is intended, and to which man naturally gravitates. This true story, while occurring in a previous generation, has overtones to today's situation in Ukraine and elsewhere, including our own society"--

  • af Jakub Filip Kierzkowski
    263,95 - 413,95 kr.

  • af Alexandra Pilsudska
    273,95 - 378,95 kr.

  • af Anna (Polish Academy of Sciences Grzeskowiak-Krwawicz
    548,95 - 1.672,95 kr.

  • af Andrzej Chwalba
    574,95 kr.

    This book provides a fresh perspective of the history and legacy of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as well as the often-disputed memory of it in contemporary European for historians, political scientists, cultural anthropologists and other scholars of the history of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Modern period.

  • af Peter Dale Scott
    510,95 - 1.353,95 kr.

  • - Deutsche Justiz in den eingegliederten Ostgebieten 1939-1945
    af Maximilian Becker
    693,95 kr.

    Polen im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Die deutschen Gerichte waren von Beginn an Teil des nationalsozialistischen Besatzungsapparats und zentrale Akteure der Germanisierungspolitik, dem wichtigsten deutschen Ziel im annektierten Teil Polens. Die Justiz zielte nicht nur auf die Diskriminierung der Polen, zwischen September 1939 und Anfang 1945 verhangten die Gerichte tausende Todesurteile. Maximilian Becker analysiert die Geschichte dieser Annexionsjustiz in ubergreifender Perspektive. Er untersucht die Straf- und Ziviljustiz, den Strafvollzug, das Personal und die Organisation im Kontext der Besatzungsgeschichte und geht den Ursachen fur die radikale Urteilspraxis nach, die in den fruh eintrainierten Verhaltensweisen wie auch in der antipolnischen Haltung und in der traditionellen Gesetzesbindung der Juristen begrundet liegen. So kommt Becker zu einem uberzeugenden Gesamtbild der Funktionsweisen dieser Annexionsjustiz, das personliche Dispositionen und institutionelle Faktoren verbindet.

  • af Gerald G. Pecinovsky
    383,95 kr.

  • af Adam Zamoyski
    146,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Steen B.J.
    195,95 kr.

    Team Milton, bestående af Ella, Ibsen og Li-Mei og deres chef, Anton Jan Milton, bliver kaldt op til Thy i Vestjylland, hvor en kvinde, Veronika, nægter sig skyldig i drabet på sin aldrende kvindelige udlejer. Der er sygdom blandt efterforskerne ved Midt- og Vestjyllands afdeling i Holstebro, og derfor rykker Team Milton ud i området ved Thisted. Veronika er oprindelig fra Polen og flyttede efter sin første danske mand til Thisted og fik blandt andet arbejde på den nærmeste kro. Hun er for mange en elskværdig og velanset kvinde, som er faldet godt til i lokalsamfundet. Det kommer derfor bag på mange, at det lokale politi har varetægtsfængslet Veronika for det voldsomme overfald på sin udlejer. Men det, Team Milton og det lokale politi finder frem til, overrasker mange i lokalsamfundet, men sender også chokbølger langt ud over lokalsamfundets grænser, for sagen er unik og skræmmende på flere måder. Ellas mor, Oline, er stadig skruppelløs, men får sig dog et chok, da noget tyder på, at der bor et andet menneske i Layla og Nhungs hus. Vel at mærke et menneske, de alle troede var død. Uddrag af bogen Så hvad gør du så, hvis der er noget, der går dig på, eller du er ked af det?” spurgte Ibsen. “Jeg har klaret det med mig selv. Det har jeg altid gjort lige fra barnsben,” svarede Veronika og gav Ibsen en anledning til at spørge ind til den tid igen. “Hvorfor har du gjort det?” spurgte Ibsen, der godt kunne regne det ud, men spurgte alligevel. “Det har jeg, fordi min mor døde tidligt og min far og to brødre blev skudt, da jeg var 11. Min farmor var striks, så jeg er bare blevet vant til at klare mig selv,” forklarede Veronika. “Så du er vant til at have kontrol over de følelser på den måde. Er det sådan du mener?” spurgte Ibsen. “Det er rigtigt, jeg kan godt lide at have kontrol over mine følelser og nyder også at være i kontrol over mine arbejdsopgaver, som da jeg arbejdede blandt andet på kroen,” svarede Veronika “Hvad gør du så, når der er noget, der ikke lige kan kontrolleres?” spurgte Ibsen nysgerrigt. “Jeg går lidt ind i mig selv og så løser det sig som regel,” svarede Veronika. “Det må du lige forklare. Så løser det sig af sig selv eller?” spurgte Ibsen. “Tingene løser sig,” tilføjede Veronika. “Var du også sur på Elly den dag, og så fandt du en løsning,” spurgte Ibsen så pludselig. Om forfatteren Steen B. J. (f. 1965) er forfatter til en lang række værker inden for genrerne krimi og historisk roman. Hans mest kendte er Danmarks vel nok længste krimiserie: En udfordring for Team Milton.

  • af Brendan Noble
    333,95 kr.

    Fight your darkness. Or embrace it.Reborn. Otylia's time in Nawia granted her great power and even greater questions. After years of following her goddesses' commands, her path is now her own. But she doubts her decisions at every turn.She'd anticipated her return home for a moon, but this strange land where desert and winter clash is no more familiar than the kingdom of the dead. Conquered and enslaved by Marzanna's Frostmarked, these people see her as their only hope. How can she trust herself to save them, though, when she can't even protect the boy she loves?Corrupted. Struggling against the demon's growing strength, Waclaw knows he fights a war he cannot win. His soul is gone, and his hope vanished with it.All that holds back the darkness is his bond with Otylia, but he senses her fear of what he's become. He isn't the same boy who left Dwie Rzeki moons ago. To free the people of this new land from Marzanna, he needs his power more than ever. But as the demon's hunger grows, will he resist its temptations or surrender to the rage within?Travel to distant lands and face the dark heart of Slavic myths as The Frostmarked Chronicles continue after the shocking conclusion to The Trials of Ascension.

  • af Rebecca Frankel
    183,95 kr.

    476,95 kr.

    Jakub Julian Ziólkowski's vibrant works are bizarre and alluring. In his wild, surreal cosmos of mutant humans, organic forms and circulatory systems, the Polish painter mixes cultural symbols, the decorative and the fantastical. Juxtaposing the spiritual and the microscopic, he creates a universe bristling with detail and a kaleidoscope of references-from Hiernoymos Bosch visions of heaven and hell and James Ensor's grotesque allegories to Philip Guston.Yet, his paintings show a highly personal world that is populated by a recurring cast of characters. This publication is the first comprehensive overview of his work from 2005 to the present, giving insights into his artistic practice in different media: from painting to sculpture, ceramics as well as drawing. The book includes essays by Olga Tokarczuk, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and Cecilia Alemani, curator of the 59. Venice Biennale, an in-depth interview with the artist, as well as texts by philosopher Kajetan Mlynarski and psychologist Bartlomiej Dobroczynski.JAKUB JULIAN ZIÓLKOWSKI (*1980, Zamosc, Poland) is one of the most eminent Polish contemporary painters. He trained at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, where he lives and works today. Since 2003, his work has been shown in numerous group and solo exhibitions, including Hauser & Wirth, London (2017), Neues Museum Nürnberg (2017), and the 55. Biennale di Venezia (2013).

  • af Anja Nowak
    448,95 - 1.002,95 kr.

  • af Bridget Ashton
    181,95 kr.

  • af Marit Peters
    118,95 kr.

    Christmas is a popular period in Ukraine. Traditionally Christmas Day in Ukraine is on the 7 January as the Eastern Christian churches in Ukraine, such as the Orthodox church, use the Julian Calendar. The Western Christian Christmas Day 25 December is also a national holiday in the Ukraine. Ukraine has a number of Christmas traditions that are familiar to other countries who celebrate Christmas. These include Christmas carols, Christmas markets, decorations, Christmas trees and other festive customs. Food naturally plays a key part. Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve has many typically Ukrainian dishes and traditionally does not contain meat, eggs or milk. There are also many unique Ukrainian Christmas customs reflecting old beliefs and superstitions in the country. These all create a wonderful and unique festive period in Ukraine. Sample the essence of Christmas in Ukraine with this book - The Ukrainian Christmas Cookbook.

  • af Lazare Coqueugnoit
    313,95 kr.

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