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Bøger om Polen

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  • af Ma¿gorzata Janicka-S¿ysz
    1.560,95 kr.

    Thisvolume provides a transnational study of the impact of musical cultures inthe Eastern Baltics-Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Russia-at theend of the Cold War and in the early post-Communist period.

  • af Ruth Schwertfeger
    469,95 kr.

    Within the vast network of Nazi camps, Stutthof may be the least known beyond Poland. This book is the first scholarly publication in English to break the silence of Stutthof, where 120,000 people were interned and at least 65,000 perished. A Nazi Camp Near Danzig offers an overview of Stutthof's history. It also explores Danzig's significance in promoting the cult of German nationalism which led to Stutthof's establishment and which shaped its subsequent development in 1942 into a Concentration Camp, with the full resources of the Nazi Reich.The book shows how Danzig/Gdansk, generally identified as the city where the Second World War started, became under Albert Forster, Hitler's hand-picked Gauleiter, 'the vanguard of Germandom in the east' and with its disputed history, the poster city for the Third Reich. It reflects on the fact that Danzig was close enough to supply Stutthof with both prisoners - initially local Poles and Jews - as well as local men for its SS workforce. Throughout the study, Ruth Schwertfeger draws on the stories of Danziger and Nobel Prize winner, Günter Grass to consider the darker realities of German nationalism that even Grass's vibrant depictions and wit cannot mask. Schwertfeger demonstrates how German nationalism became more lethal for all prisoners, especially after the summer of 1944 when thousands of Jewish woman died in the Stutthof camp system or perished in the 'death marches' after January 1945. Schwertfeger uses archival and literary sources, as well as memoirs, to allow the voices of the victims to speak. Their testimonies are juxtaposed with the justifications of perpetrators. The book successfully argues that, in the end, Stutthof was no less lethal than other camps of the Third Reich, even if it was, and remains, less well-known.

  • af Marek Kohn
    196,95 kr.

  • af Marek Dietl
    1.585,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive approach to theory and modeling combined with state-of-the-art methodology. Contributions cover a broad range of topics including the links between monetary policy and capital market performance, micro- and macro- market structure and investors and issuers' behavior strategies.

  • af Mariusz Mazur
    1.583,95 kr.

    This book is the first study of the mentality of anti-Communist underground fighters and presents, detail, their thinking, ideals, stereotypes and customs.

  • af Karolina (University of Warsaw Sobczak-Szelc, Marta (University of Warsaw Pachocka, Konrad (Cracow University of Economics Pedziwiatr, mfl.
    510,95 - 1.467,95 kr.

  • af Pawel Kras
    1.313,95 kr.

    Documents recording the interrogation of sixteen women and the nature of their unusual spiritual practices, now available in a full edition and, for the first time, a full English translation.

  • af Tomek Grabowski
    1.492,95 kr.

    A fascinating story of the rise of individualism in the formerly German Western Territories of Poland after World War II and how this new culture powered Poland's democratic-capitalist development.

  • af Henryk Sienkiewicz
    598,95 kr.

  • af Alexandra Dunkel
    1.658,95 kr.

    Figurationen des Polnischen sind im Werk Fontanes auffallend vertreten, fanden jedoch bislang nur in Teilaspekten Beachtung. Die Studie widmet sich erstmals systematisch und gattungsubergreifend der textuellen Modellierung des Polnischen bei Fontane, geht diachronen Verschiebungen nach, aber auch thematischen und narrativen Konstanten. Zum einen konfliktreich mit Preuen verzahnt (seit den polnischen Teilungen stellen die Polen dort die grote und widerstandigste Minderheit), zum anderen uber ein nationalstereotyp gepragtes Attraktionspotential verfugend, erweist sich Polen als ambivalentes politisch-asthetisches Phanomen von hoher Produktivitat und Funktionalisierbarkeit in nichtfiktionalen wie autobiographischen Texten, in der Lyrik und im erzahlerischen Werk. Die Untersuchung befasst sich mit Figuren, die polnischer Herkunft sind oder sich als Polen ausweisen, mit abstrakten Textgroen wie polnischen Orten und Raumen, popularen Polenliedern und stereotypen Mustern. Ausfuhrliche Analysen zu Vor dem Sturm"e;, Unterm Birnbaum"e;, Cecile"e; und Mathilde Mohring"e; zeigen, wie vielstimmig Fontanes Narrative auf das spannungsgeladene preuisch-polnische Verhaltnis als resistentes Dauerproblem fur Preuen(-Deutschland) rekurrieren.

  • af Mika Lotharson
    324,95 kr.

    Packender Thriller im Herzen des Dritten Reichs! Ein junger Soldat und ein jüdischer Journalist im Sog von Macht, Geheimnissen und den düsteren Schatten des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Reichshauptstadt Berlin, im Januar 1940: Hitlers Überfall auf Polen ist erst wenige Wochen her, als Spezialisten der SS in einer Synagoge nahe Warschau eine geheimnisvolle Entdeckung machen. Ihr Fund ruft das Reichssicherheitshauptamt auf den Plan, denn man ist sich sicher, dass die bisher erfolglosen Verhandlungen mit dem Vatikan durch diese Entdeckung wieder Fahrt aufnehmen. In Berlin keimt die Hoffnung, dass Papst Pius XII. endlich seine ablehnende Haltung gegenüber Reich und Führer aufgeben wird.Der junge deutsche Soldat Karl Otto Hoffmann und der jüdische Journalist David Waltz sind in diesen Tagen mit ihren eigenen Problemen beschäftigt. Karl Otto wird nach Berlin versetzt und tritt dort einen neuen Dienstposten an. David hingegen muss schmerzlich erkennen, dass seine Ehe mit Klara im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland keine Zukunft hat.Noch ahnen beide nicht, dass für jeden von ihnen bald nichts mehr so sein wird wie zuvor.Denn die folgenden dramatischen Ereignisse haben für alle Beteiligten weitreichende Konsequenzen...

  • af Anna G. Piotrowska
    469,95 kr.

    This book highlights the role of Romani musical presence in Central and Eastern Europe, especially from Krakow in the Communist period, and argues that music can and should be treated as one of the main points of relation between Roma and non-Roma. It discusses Romani performers and the complexity of their situation as conditioned by the political situations starkly affected by the Communist regime, and then by its fall. Against this backdrop, the book engages with musician Stefan Dymiter (known as Corroro) as the leader of his own street band: unwelcome in the public space by the authorities, merely tolerated by others, but admired by many passers-by and respected by his peer Romain musicians and international music stars. It emphasizes the role of Romani musicians in Krakow in shaping the soundscape of the city while also demonstrating their collective and individual strategies to adapt to the new circumstances in terms of the preferred performative techniques, repertoire, and overall lifestyle.

  • af Israel Bartal
    452,95 kr.

    An investigation of how Polish Jews, Polish Zionism, and Polish culture influenced Israel's cultural and political development, as well as of the continuing relationship between Israel and Poland today.

  • af Paula Lichtarowicz
    148,95 kr.

  • af David Trawinski
    288,95 kr.

    Marek Zaczek Volume 1: Under the Wings of EaglesMarek Zaczek is born amidst the snows of Galicia in 1772.Born a simple peasant boy, Marek grows to be a man over the next twenty-five years. He dreams of the past power of Poland's feared Winged Hussars, and of even one day riding for his country as an Uhlan Cavalier. Above all else, he wants nothing more than the hand in marriage of his beloved Maya Manuska. The Story of Marek's life becomes forever intertwined with the heinous crimes of the Partitions of Poland, the soaring spirit of independence won in America, and the haunting terror of the French Revolution.

  • af Ian Baxter
    245,95 kr.

    Fully illustrated account of how the Third Reich's Army Group South was defeated in 1944-45 by the Red Army.

  • af Torben Hoomann
    716,95 kr.

  • af Andrzej Szczypiorski
    183,95 kr.

  • af Jaroslaw Kuisz
    284,95 kr.

  • af Michael McNally
    156,95 kr.

  • af Alexandra Richie
    388,95 kr.

  • af Dina Lewandowski
    468,95 kr.

    Dieta niskot¿uszczowa to taka, która ogranicza t¿uszcze, a cz¿sto tak¿e t¿uszcze nasycone i cholesterol. Diety niskot¿uszczowe maj¿ na celu ograniczenie wyst¿powania takich schorze¿ jak choroby serca i oty¿ö¿. W odchudzaniu dziäaj¿ podobnie do diety niskow¿glowodanowej, poniewä sk¿ad makrosk¿adników nie determinuje sukcesu w odchudzaniu. T¿uszcz dostarcza dziewi¿¿ kalorii na gram, podczas gdy w¿glowodany i biäko dostarczaj¿ cztery kalorie na gram. Instytut Medycyny zaleca ograniczenie spöycia t¿uszczów do 35% wszystkich kalorii, aby kontrolowä spöycie t¿uszczów nasyconych.Chociä t¿uszcz jest istotn¿ cz¿¿ci¿ diety cz¿owieka, istniej¿ ¿dobre t¿uszcze" i ¿z¿e t¿uszcze". Znajomö¿ ró¿nicy möe pomóc osobie w dokonywaniu ¿wiadomych wyborów dotycz¿cych posi¿ków.Je¿li stosujesz zdrow¿, zbilansowan¿ diet¿, ograniczanie spöycia t¿uszczu jest na ogó¿ niepotrzebne. Jednak w pewnych okolicznöciach ograniczenie t¿uszczu w diecie möe by¿ korzystne.Na przyk¿ad, diety niskot¿uszczowe s¿ zalecane, je¿li dochodzisz do siebie po operacji woreczka ¿ó¿ciowego lub masz chorob¿ woreczka ¿ó¿ciowego lub trzustki.Diety niskot¿uszczowe mog¿ równie¿ zapobiegä zgadze, zmniejszä wag¿ i poprawiä poziom cholesterolu

  • - Gender, Nation, Politics
    af Jack J. B. Hutchens
    478,95 - 1.154,95 kr.

    This book analyzes the subversive power of twentieth-century Polish fiction, showing that it helped to undermine nationalist and homophobic ideologies that are still at play in Poland today. The author argues that the transgressive reading of Polish literature can challenge the many binaries that conservative, heteronormative ideology depends upon.

  • af Robert Gawlowski
    196,95 kr.

    The history of Enigma is of interest to many researchers and authors on an international scale. The capture and unraveling of the most hidden secret of the army of the Third Reich that was decisive for the fate of one of the greatest armed conflicts in the history of the world appeals to everyone from the avid historian to Hollywood. So far, other authors' attention has focused on the technical and cryptological issues of Enigma functioning, the fate of the Bletchley Park facility, or Alan Turing's story. Most of the attention was devoted to the events during the Second World War and it is the time frame of this conflict that usually begins and ends the story of Enigma. The First Enigma Codebreaker raises an issue that has never been discussed in greater detail in both international and Polish literature, the story of Marian Rejewski. This biography answers the questions: in what conditions was the ""Enigma conqueror"" brought up, in what circumstances did he manage to decode the machine, what happened to him during the Second World War and why he never ended up in Bletchley Park, what price he had to pay for his discovery in the communist Poland and what he did to make the world know the true history of Enigma. This is the story of a man who made a revolution in cryptology, about the rivalry between man and machine, about powerful history affecting individual lives, and about the life of Marian Rejewski whose story is still waiting to be presented to the public.

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