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Bøger om POLSK

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  • af Ingeborg Stemann
    237,95 kr.

    En fuldstændig dansk-polsk polsk-dansk ordbog. Ingeborg Stemann har samlet en uundværlig håndbog 370 sider - til alle med behov for at oversætte til / fra polsk eller som gerne vil lette kommunikationen med venner, kollegaer eller familie fra Polen.

  • - Fra Polen til Danmark
    af Camilla Stine Simonsen
    147,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Teresia, Katarzyna og Jakub rejser til Danmark, fordi de håber og tror på et bedre liv i Danmark end det, de har i Polen. Rejsen til Danmark bliver en fantastisk og på samme tid ubekvem oplevelse. De kommer til at bo på godset Videnlund, hvor de møder en masse andre polske arbejdere. En tysk opsynsmand, hr. Schwartz, holder øje med alle de polske arbejdere, og han udnytter og mishandler de polske arbejdere til det yderste. Flere af de polske kvinder bliver gravide imod deres vilje, og dette bliver løst på forskellige måder, da de polske kvinder ikke kan bruges til det hårde arbejde på godset i gravid tilstand. Teresia møder sit livs kærlighed, Piotr, men det bliver på ingen måde nemt for de to. Generelt bliver livet i Danmark hårdere for de polske arbejdere, end de havde troet.

  • af Linguas Classics
    162,95 kr.

    ¿ LEARN POLISH EASILY WITH WORD SEARCH PUZZLES - Discover How to Improve Foreign Language Skills with a Fun Vocabulary Builder!Word Searches Are an Effective Technique Used in Schools to Enhance Vocabulary - It's an Ideal Game to Stimulate Learning!This book series has been tailored to each person's specific level. Whether you are a beginner, advanced, or helping your child learn a new language, you'll find the right book for your needs. Why?It's a great compliment for anyone practicing a foreign language. Studies about learning show that it's easier to memorize new words when they are connected by the same thematic. It's also simpler to learn words that have a concrete meaning (like Tree) rather than an abstract one (like Citizenship).Find 2000 of the Most Used Words in POLISH - Enrich your vocabulary with thematic lists such as: Food, Colors, Transport, Emotions... Make learning easy with this encouraging activity.With +40 hours of entertainment, you will discover: AN EXCITING STUDY COMPANION WITH:¿ ACTIVE LEARNING: Space provided beside each term to encourage the reader to self-translate ¿ A HANDY DICTIONARY: An essential vocab reference readily available in the last section¿ AGE & LEVEL SPECIFIC WORDS: Enjoy a curated selection of +2000 adapted words ¿ THEMED VOCABULARY LISTS: Study practical life topics effectively with commonly used words¿ PUZZLES IN FULL PAGE FORMAT: Designed for the best readability possible¿ ORGANIZE YOUR KNOWLEDGE: A bonus section for notes is offered for an all-in-one study tool¿ ENTERTAINING: Difficult enough to be challenging, easy enough to be addictive ENJOY DEVELOPING YOUR LANGUAGE SKILLS:¿ PracticeWord Searches Turn the Challenge of Learning a Language Into a Pleasure!¿ ProgressLearn With Themed Vocabulary Lists Tailored to Your Skills.¿ Retain what you learnAn Active Learning Technique to Increase Your Vocabulary.¿ Achieve Your GoalsDon't Just Practice Passively. Find New Words in the Puzzle - Search for the Translations in the Provided Dictionary - Add Them to Your Vocab! AVAILABLE IN OVER 80 LANGUAGES FOR:- Kids - Adults - Beginners - Intermediate to AdvancedHave Loads of Fun with this Awesome Vocab Activity - MAKE FRIENDS WITH POLISH NOW!

  • - En biografi
    af Kristina Mejlby
    117,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Forfatteren til bogen kom ufrivilligt til Danmark fra Polen i oktober 1971, som en statsløs 20-årig pige. Hendes far var en polsk professor i historie og var af jødisk afstamning. Hendes mor var også polsk. Kristina blev døbt katolsk, for hendes far var en tolerant ateist. Hun startede med at læse til læge i Danmark i august 1972, bagefter læste hun til tandlæge og blev uddannet som cand.odont. fra Århus Tandlægehøjskole i 1982. Hun har arbejdet som en selvstændigt praktiserende tandlæge i årene 1984-2012. Siden 2005 har hun været kreativ med at male billeder og lave film. Siden 2009 har hun lavet korte film og fået en pris i Indien. Kristinas polske veninde spurgte hende i 2014 om hun ikke kunne skrive en biografi om hendes liv. Her får du bogen i dine hænder om Zofia, der kom til Danmark i juli 1989, sammen med sin polske kæreste Antoni. I september 1989 blev hun gift med en dansk mand: Johan. Det gjorde hun kun for at få lov at blive i Danmark. Hvis du vil kende lidt til Polens historie, fordybe dig i en uharmonisk polsk, og en dysfunktionel dansk mentalitet, så læs bogen.

  • af Malgorzata Malolepsza
    257,95 kr.

  • af Malgorzata Malolepsza
    387,95 kr.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    Believing that he loves his beautiful pet bird too much to set it free, a wealthy merchant discovers that animals are sometimes better at learning by example than humans are.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    In this humorous tale, a man greedily and impatiently hopes to acquire the skills and senses of an animal but ends up limiting his abilities rather than enhancing them.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    When a little boy wakes up with a dry throat, the adults around him try remedies that only complicate matters and make the condition worse, ignoring what young readers will see as the obvious solution.

  • af Daria Ga¿ek
    167,95 kr.

    "Krátké P¿íb¿hy v Pol¿tin¿ pro Zäáte¿níky" je sbírkou 20 snadno ¿itelných krátkých p¿íb¿h¿ navr¿ených pro nové polské studenty. P¿íb¿hy jsou napsány jednoduchým jazykem a obsahují srozumitelné postavy a kädodenní situace, cö je ideální pro ty, kte¿í teprve zäínají se u¿it jazyk.Kädý p¿íb¿h následuje série slovníku a cvi¿ení, umö¿ující ¿tená¿¿m zkontrolovat své porozum¿ní a roz¿í¿it své znalosti polské slovní zásoby a gramatiky.A¿ u¿ se u¿íte pol¿tinu poprvé nebo se snäíte zlep¿it své dovednosti v ¿tení a poslechu, "Krátké P¿íb¿hy v Pol¿tin¿ pro Zäáte¿níky" jsou cenným zdrojem pro kädého, kdo má zájem o u¿ení jazyka zábavným a angäujícím zp¿sobem.

  • af Mark Twain
    167,95 kr.

    she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnutsMówi, że to nie byly jablka, ale kasztanyI said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnutsPowiedzialem, że jestem niewinny, ponieważ nie jadlem żadnych kasztanówbut the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaningale Wąż poinformowal ją, że "kasztan" może miec również znaczenie przenośneshe says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy jokeMówi, że kasztan może byc starym i spleśnialym żartemI turned pale at this definitionZbladlem na tę definicjębecause I have made many jokes to pass the weary timebo zrobilem wiele żartów, aby zabic znużony czasand some of them my jokes could have been of the chestnut varietyA niektóre z nich moje żarty mogly byc z gatunku kasztanówbut I had honestly supposed that they were new jokes when I made themale szczerze przypuszczalem, że byly to nowe dowcipy, kiedy je robilemShe asked me if I had made any jokes just at the time of the catastropheZapytala mnie, czy żartowalem tylko w momencie katastrofyI was obliged to admit that I had made a joke to myselfMusialem przyznac, że zażartowalem sam sobiealthough I did not make the joke aloudchociaż nie żartowalem glośnothis was the joke I was thinking to myself: To byl żart, który sobie pomyślalem: I was thinking about the waterfallsMyślalem o wodospadach"How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!""Jak cudownie jest patrzec, jak ten ogromny zbiornik wodny spada w dól!"Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my headNagle w mojej glowie blysnęla jasna myśl"It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!""Byloby o wiele wspanialej zobaczyc, jak woda splywa w górę wodospadu!"I was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke looseJuż mialem umrzec ze śmiechu, gdy rozpętala się cala przyroda

  • af George Orwell
    217,95 kr.

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come""Nie wiem, kiedy nadejdzie ten bunt""nothing says it can't be in a week from now""Nic nie mówi, że nie może to byc za tydzień""or it could come in a hundred years""Albo może nadejśc za sto lat""I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet""Widzę to tak wyraźnie, jak widzę slomę pod moimi stopami""sooner or later justice will be done""Prędzej czy później sprawiedliwości stanie się zadośc""Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades""Skoncentrujcie wzrok na tym celu, towarzysze""remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!""Pamiętajcie o tym przez calą krótką resztę waszego życia!""And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here""A przede wszystkim nie pozwólcie, aby to moje przeslanie tutaj umarlo""pass this message on to those who come after you""Przekażcie to przeslanie tym, którzy przyjdą po was""then future generations shall carry on the struggle""Wtedy przyszle pokolenia będą kontynuowac walkę""they will fight on until our kind is victorious""Będą walczyc, dopóki nasz rodzaj nie zwycięży"

  • af Hermann Hesse
    252,95 kr.

    Siddhartha was loved by everyoneSiddhartha byl kochany przez wszystkichHe was a source of joy for everybodyByl źródlem radości dla wszystkichhe was a delight for them allByl rozkoszą dla nich wszystkichBut he, Siddhartha, was not a source of joy for himselfAle on, Siddhartha, nie byl dla siebie źródlem radościhe found no delight in himselfNie znajdowal w sobie upodobaniahe walked the rosy paths of the fig tree gardenChodzil różowymi ścieżkami ogrodu figowegohe sat in the bluish shade in the garden of contemplationSiedzial w niebieskawym cieniu w ogrodzie kontemplacjihe washed his limbs daily in the bath of repentanceCodziennie myl swe czlonki w kąpieli pokutyhe made sacrifices in the dim shade of the mango forestSkladal ofiary w mrocznym cieniu lasu mangohis gestures were of perfect decencyJego gesty świadczyly o doskonalej przyzwoitościhe was everyone's love and joyByl milością i radością wszystkichbut he still lacked all joy in his heartWciąż jednak brakowalo mu radości w sercu

  • af Daria Ga¿ek
    167,95 kr.

    "P¿íb¿hy v Polštin¿ pro Zäáte¿níky" je sbírkou 20 snadno ¿itelných povídek ur¿ených pro zäáte¿níky v polštin¿. Povídky jsou psány jednoduchým jazykem a obsahují postavy a kädodenní situace, cö je ideální pro ty, kte¿í teprve zäínají se üit tento jazyk.Kädý p¿íb¿h je doprovázen sérií slovní¿ku a cvi¿ení, cö umö¿uje ¿tená¿¿m ov¿¿it své porozum¿ní a rozší¿it své znalosti slovanského jazyka a gramatiky.A¿ ü se üíte polštinu poprvé, nebo se snäíte zlepšit své dovednosti v ¿tení a poslechu, "P¿íb¿hy v Polštin¿ pro Zäáte¿níky" jsou cenným zdrojem pro kädého, kdo má zájem se tento jazyk naüit zábavným a angäovaným zp¿sobem.

  • af Daria Ga¿ek
    162,95 kr.

    "Short Stories in Polish for Beginners" is a collection of 20 easy-to-read short stories designed for novice Polish learners. The stories are written in simple language and feature relatable characters and everyday situations, making them ideal for those who are just starting to learn the language. Each story is followed by a series of a vocabulary list and exercises, enabling readers to check their understanding and expand their knowledge of Polish vocabulary and grammar. Whether you are learning Polish for the first time or looking to improve your reading and listening comprehension skills, "Short Stories in Polish for Beginners" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning the language in a fun and engaging way.

  • af Coledown Bilingual Books
    127,95 kr.

    Dive into a world of imagination and language with The Adventure of Little Giraffe Zosia, a captivating collection of short stories for children in both Polish and English. This enchanting anthology takes young readers on a journey through charming tales that teach valuable life lessons while expanding their Polish language skills.Join our young heroes and heroines as they embark on exciting adventures, solve mysteries, and discover the magic of friendship and courage. From talking animals to faraway lands, each story offers a delightful blend of entertainment and education.Perfect for bilingual families or young language learners, The Adventure of Little Giraffe Zosia provides an engaging platform for children to explore the beauty of the Polish language. These stories will captivate the hearts and minds of young readers, making language learning a joyful and memorable experience.Whether you're a parent looking to introduce your child to a new language or an educator seeking engaging bilingual resources, The Adventure of Little Giraffe Zosia is a treasure trove of stories that will spark curiosity, promote language development, and inspire a love for reading. Get ready for a bilingual journey filled with imagination, wonder, and valuable life lessons that will stay with your child for a lifetime.

  • af Sciborski
    362,95 kr.

  • af Daria Ga¿ek
    132,95 kr.

    "Opowiadania po Polsku dla Obcokrajowców" to zbiór 20 ¿atwych do przeczytania opowiadä, stworzonych specjalnie dla pocz¿tkuj¿cych ucz¿cych si¿ polskiego. Opowie¿ci s¿ napisane prostym j¿zykiem i przedstawiaj¿ postacie i sytuacje, z którymi czytelnicy mog¿ ¿atwo si¿ utösami¿, co czyni je idealnymi dla osób rozpoczynaj¿cych nauk¿ tego j¿zyka.Käde opowiadanie zawiera ¿wiczenia, które pozwalaj¿ czytelnikom sprawdzi¿ swoje zrozumienie tekstu i poszerzy¿ swoj¿ wiedz¿ o polskie s¿ownictwo i gramatyk¿.Niezale¿nie od tego czy uczysz si¿ polskiego po raz pierwszy, czy chcesz poprawi¿ umiej¿tnöci czytania i rozumienia ze s¿uchu, "Opowiadania po Polsku dla Obcokrajowców" to cenne ¿ród¿o dla wszystkich zainteresowanych nauk¿ j¿zyka w sposób zabawny i interesuj¿cy.

  • af Auke de Haan
    167,95 kr.

    Dive into the Heart of Polish! Fun Fact: Science says breaking learning into bite-sized pieces makes it stick better. So, learning 10 words a day is not just fun, it's smart!Hello, Future Polish Pro! Want an exciting trip into Polish? Grab "Polish Vocabulary Builder: Learn 10 Words a Day for 7 Weeks"! This book is your fun-filled guide to mastering Polish, step by step.Why This Book Rocks: Sweet & Simple: With just 10 words daily, you'll be surprised how fast you'll speak Polish! From common items to handy phrases, we've chosen the best words for your journey. Kids & Beginners Love It: Ideal for the young and the young-at-heart! English + Polish = Magic: Every word comes with its English buddy. This duo-method makes learning twice as easy and fun! With "Polish Vocabulary Builder", yoüre not just learning¿you're connecting to the rich culture of Poland.Ready, set, let¿s learn Polish! 10 words, one delightful day at a time.

  • af Coledown Bilingual Books
    127,95 kr.

    Embark on a magical journey with Little Mouse and the Lost Treasure and Other Stories, a delightful collection of 11 bilingual Polish-English children's tales! From enchanted castles to mysterious forests, each story in this captivating book is filled with wonder and excitement.Young readers will be enchanted by the endearing characters as they learn Polish phrases effortlessly. This bilingual collection is perfect for Polish language learners and Polish speaking families seeking fun and engaging stories to enjoy together.Whether you're exploring the Golden Garden or unraveling the secrets of the Enchanted Castle, Little Mouse and the Lost Treasure and Other Stories promises to spark the imagination and warm the hearts of readers of all ages. Get ready for a bilingual adventure that will leave you smiling and eager for more!

  • af Arkadiusz Morawiec
    473,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Johann Severin Vater
    197,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Coledown Bilingual Books
    127,95 kr.

    Get ready to embark on a linguistic adventure with Between Languages: Bilingual Polish-English Short Stories. This captivating collection of tales takes you on a delightful journey, weaving together the rich tapestry of Polish and English languages. From enchanting fables to thought-provoking narratives, these stories bridge the gap between cultures, inviting readers to explore the beauty of both Polish and English literature. Each story is carefully crafted to entertain and engage, offering a unique experience for language learners, enthusiasts, and anyone seeking literary enjoyment.Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of these bilingual tales, where Polish and English intertwine harmoniously, captivating readers of all backgrounds. Dive into the pages and discover the joys of linguistic duality, as you navigate through heartwarming anecdotes, unexpected plot twists, and witty dialogues.Whether you're a Polish language learner looking to enhance your skills or simply an avid reader eager for fresh narratives, Between Languages promises to tickle your linguistic taste buds and transport you into a world where words transcend boundaries.So, grab a cup of tea, cozy up in your favorite reading spot, and let these bilingual Polish-English short stories whisk you away on an unforgettable literary journey. Open the book, open your mind, and get ready to revel in the beauty of languages in perfect harmony.

  • af Coledown Bilingual Books
    127,95 kr.

    Step into the enchanting world of The Mystery of the House on River Street and Other Bilingual Polish-English Short Stories, a captivating collection that combines the allure of mystery with the beauty of bilingual storytelling.Journey through the picturesque landscapes of Poland as you uncover the secrets of the house on River Street, a dilapidated mansion filled with forgotten histories waiting to be unraveled. Follow Mr. Stanis¿aw, a man with a gentle heart and a vivid imagination, as he embarks on a quest to discover the hidden treasures and untold tales that lie within its walls.But this collection offers more than just one mystery. Dive into a realm of heartwarming friendships and unexpected encounters as you traverse charming tales, presented in both Polish and in English.Prepare to be captivated by the delightful stories of The Mystery of the House on River Street and Other Bilingual Polish-English Short Stories, showcasing the beauty of Polish and English. Experience the joy of bilingual storytelling, as you immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of cultures and languages that make these tales truly unique.Perfect for readers of all ages and language backgrounds, especially Polish language learners, this collection will transport you to a world of wonder and leave you with a sense of nostalgia for the past and excitement for the future. Discover the power of storytelling and the allure of mysteries that transcend language barriers in this remarkable anthology of enchanting bilingual Polish-English tales.

  • af Luigi Bruno
    457,95 kr.

    La ricerca ha percorso sentieri tortuosi, a tratti poco lineari, ma che hanno portato ad una conclusione che è quella auspicata: percorrere le tappe del pensiero machiavelliano dall¿alba italiana, nel XV secolo, e polacca, nel XVI secolo, al "tramonto" dei nostri tempi [...]. Gli autori polacchi, che si sono accostati al testo del Principe, hanno interagito con lo stesso attraverso la loro esperienza di vita e la loro conoscenza, insieme racchiuse nei paratesti ¿ prefazioni e postfazioni, alle traduzioni polacche del Principe [...]. Grazie a questi autori il testo di Machiavelli ha iniziato a "girare" anche in Polonia in quanto, come afferma J.P. Sartre, il libro è paragonabile ad una trottola il cui movimento è dato da un atto concreto, la lettura, e girerà sino al perdurare dello stesso.

  • af Teakle
    112,95 - 127,95 kr.

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