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  • af Birger Lohse & Jørgen Schmitt Jensen
    247,95 kr.


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    af Clarice Lispector
    72,95 - 151,95 kr.

    En støvet, sort, næsten forhistorisk kakerlak – det er hvad skulptøren G.H. møder, da hun åbner sin stuepiges garderobeskab. Hun smækker straks skabsdøren i – men en uimodståelig fascination er vakt. Mødet med kakerlakken åbner døren til hidtil lukkede rum, til en spirituel krise, og stiller spørgsmålstegn ved selve G.H.s identitet og placering i universet."Passionen ifølge G.H." er en filosofisk betragtning over livet. Det er en desorienteret og forvirret kvindes fascinerende tilbageblik på sit liv og sin placering i verden. En udforskning af selverkendelsen, men også af ordenes og sprogets betydning og udfordringen i at møde andre mennesker.Nyoversat af Tine Lykke Prado og med forord af Eva Tind.

  • af Clarice Lispector
    247,95 kr.

    SØGER MAN AT få bekræftet det mytologiske billede af Clarice som en smuk, kølig og lukket forfatter, går man forgæves her. I brevene overrumpler hun os med sin ømhed, sine blotlagte svagheder, sin menneskelighed. Og selvom man mærker en modvilje mod at blive læst biografisk, åbner forfatteren også for sit forhold til sine værker og sit arbejde med skriften og giver os nye blikke på litteraturen, både andres og den hun selv skabte. Men også moderskabet, venskabet, familien, forfatterpligter, oversættelsesgenvordigheder og meget andet diskuteres af denne brevskriver, der gennem hele sit voksenliv synes både at plages af og insistere på særligt én ting: sin ret til at tvivle.

  • af Daria Ga¿ek
    148,95 kr.

    "Short Stories in Portuguese for Beginners" is a collection of 20 easy-to-read stories designed specifically for beginners learning Portuguese. The stories are written in simple language and depict characters and situations with which readers can easily identify, making them ideal for those embarking on the journey of learning this language. Each story includes a vocabulary list and exercises that allow readers to test their understanding of the text and expand their knowledge of Portuguese vocabulary and grammar. Whether you are learning Portuguese for the first time or looking to improve your reading skills, "Short Stories in Portuguese for Beginners" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning the language in a fun and engaging way.

  • af Daria Ga¿ek
    143,95 kr.

    "Contos para Estrangeiros" é uma coleção de 20 contos fáceis de ler, especialmente criados para aqueles que estão começando a aprender português. As histórias são escritas em linguagem simples e apresentam personagens e situações com as quais os leitores podem facilmente se identificar, tornando-as ideais para iniciantes no idioma. Cada conto inclui exercícios que permitem aos leitores verificar sua compreensão do texto e ampliar seu conhecimento do vocabulário e gramática portugueses. Se você está aprendendo português pela primeira vez ou quer melhorar suas habilidades de leitura, "Contos para Estrangeiros" é uma fonte valiosa para todos interessados em aprender o idioma de forma divertida e envolvente.

  • af Daria Ga¿ek
    143,95 kr.

    "Opowiadania po Portugalsku dla Pocz¿tkuj¿cych" to zbiór 20 ¿atwych do przeczytania opowiadä, stworzonych specjalnie dla pocz¿tkuj¿cych ucz¿cych si¿ portugalskiego. Opowie¿ci s¿ napisane prostym j¿zykiem i przedstawiaj¿ postacie i sytuacje, z którymi czytelnicy mog¿ ¿atwo si¿ utösami¿, co czyni je idealnymi dla osób rozpoczynaj¿cych nauk¿ tego j¿zyka. Käde opowiadanie zawiera list¿ s¿ownictwa oraz ¿wiczenia, które pozwalaj¿ czytelnikom sprawdzi¿ swoje zrozumienie tekstu i poszerzy¿ swoj¿ wiedz¿ o portugalskie s¿ownictwo i gramatyk¿. Niezale¿nie od tego czy uczysz si¿ portugalskiego po raz pierwszy, czy chcesz poprawi¿ umiej¿tnöci czytania, "Opowiadania po Portugalsku dla Pocz¿tkuj¿cych" to cenne ¿ród¿o dla wszystkich zainteresowanych nauk¿ j¿zyka w sposób zabawny i interesuj¿cy.

  • af Rafael Sicoli Pacheco
    751,95 kr.

    In dieser Dissertation analysieren wir Cândido de Figueiredos linguistisches Denken, das in seiner deskriptiven Herangehensweise an verschiedene grammatische Phänomene oft rigoros und normativ war. Die erste, zwischen Cândido de Figueiredo und Paulino de Brito, befasst sich mit der Platzierung von Klitikpronomen aus einer vergleichenden Perspektive zwischen dem brasilianischen Portugiesisch und dem europäischen Portugiesisch; die zweite, zwischen Cândido de Figueiredo und Heráclito Graça, behandelt Fragen der Morphologie und Syntax, wiederum in einem normativen Rahmen, der auf bestimmte innovative Verwendungen in der Literatur brasilianischer Autoren als Fehler hinweist. Unser Ziel ist es, die Reden von Cândido de Figueiredo zu analysieren und sie in den historischen, sozialen und kulturellen Kontext seiner Zeit einzuordnen, um eine genauere Bewertung seiner konservativen Ideen zu ermöglichen.

  • af Rafael Sicoli Pacheco
    751,95 kr.

    In this dissertation, we analyze Cândido de Figueiredo's linguistic thinking, which was often rigorous and normative in its descriptive approach to different grammatical phenomena. The first, between Cândido de Figueiredo and Paulino de Brito, deals with the placement of clitic pronouns, from a comparative perspective between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese; the second, between Cândido de Figueiredo and Heráclito Graça, covers issues of morphology and syntax, again within a normative framework, which points to certain innovative uses in the literary writing of Brazilian authors as errors. Our aim is to examine Cândido de Figueiredo's speeches and place them in the historical, social and cultural context of his time, so as to enable a more accurate assessment of his conservative ideas.

  • af Rafaäl' Sikoli Pacheko
    751,95 kr.

    V ätoj dissertacii my analiziruem lingwisticheskoe myshlenie Kandido de Figejredo, kotoroe chasto bylo strogim i normatiwnym w swoem opisatel'nom podhode k razlichnym grammaticheskim qwleniqm. Perwaq beseda, mezhdu Kandidu de Figejredu i Paulinu de Brito, poswqschena razmescheniü kliticheskih mestoimenij w srawnitel'noj perspektiwe mezhdu brazil'skim i ewropejskim portugal'skim; wtoraq, mezhdu Kandidu de Figejredu i Geraklitu Grasa, ohwatywaet woprosy morfologii i sintaxisa, opqt' zhe w normatiwnyh ramkah, chto ukazywaet na nekotorye innowacionnye ispol'zowaniq w literaturnom tworchestwe brazil'skih awtorow kak na oshibki. Nasha cel' - proanalizirowat' rechi Kandido de Figejredo i pomestit' ih w istoricheskij, social'nyj i kul'turnyj kontext ego wremeni, chtoby dat' bolee tochnuü ocenku ego konserwatiwnym ideqm.

  • af Rafael Sicoli Pacheco
    751,95 kr.

    Dans cette thèse, nous analysons la pensée linguistique de Cândido de Figueiredo, souvent rigoureuse et normative dans son approche descriptive des différents phénomènes grammaticaux. La première, entre Cândido de Figueiredo et Paulino de Brito, traite du placement des pronoms clitiques, dans une perspective comparative entre le portugais brésilien et le portugais européen ; la seconde, entre Cândido de Figueiredo et Heráclito Graça, aborde des questions de morphologie et de syntaxe, toujours dans un cadre normatif, qui signale certains usages novateurs dans l'écriture littéraire d'auteurs brésiliens comme autant d'erreurs. Notre objectif est d'analyser les discours de Cândido de Figueiredo et de les replacer dans le contexte historique, social et culturel de son époque, afin de permettre une évaluation plus précise de ses idées conservatrices.

  • af Rafael Sicoli Pacheco
    751,95 kr.

    In questa tesi analizziamo il pensiero linguistico di Cândido de Figueiredo, spesso rigoroso e normativo nel suo approccio descrittivo a diversi fenomeni grammaticali. Il primo, tra Cândido de Figueiredo e Paulino de Brito, riguarda la collocazione dei pronomi clitici, in una prospettiva comparativa tra il portoghese brasiliano e il portoghese europeo; il secondo, tra Cândido de Figueiredo e Heráclito Graça, riguarda questioni di morfologia e sintassi, sempre all'interno di un quadro normativo, che indica come errori alcuni usi innovativi nella scrittura letteraria degli autori brasiliani. Il nostro obiettivo è analizzare i discorsi di Cândido de Figueiredo e collocarli nel contesto storico, sociale e culturale del suo tempo, in modo da consentire una valutazione più accurata delle sue idee conservatrici.

  • af Rafael Sicoli Pacheco
    751,95 kr.

    Neste livro, analisamos o pensamento linguístico de Cândido de Figueiredo, muitas vezes rigoroso e normativo, na abordagem descritiva de diferentes fenômenos gramaticais. Para nossa reflexão, tomamos por base duas polêmicas linguísticas: a primeira, travada entre Cândido de Figueiredo e Paulino de Brito, versa sobre a colocação dos pronomes clíticos, numa perspectiva comparativa entre o português brasileiro e o português europeu; a segunda, a qual se desenrola entre Cândido de Figueiredo e Heráclito Graça, abrange questões sobre morfologia e sintaxe, novamente dentro de um crivo normativo, que aponta como erros certos usos inovativos na escrita literária de autores brasileiros. Nosso objetivo é o de examinar os discursos de Cândido de Figueiredo e inseri-los no contexto histórico, social e cultural de sua época, de modo a tornar possível uma avaliação mais precisa de suas ideias conservadoras.

  • af Joséphat Verlain Nkombo
    407,95 kr.

    Le vécu amer des peuples des pays d¿un sixième Continent, appelé continent en déviation : L¿un des plus grands agglomérats d¿ex colonies de la France, faute d¿une prise de conscience mais dont les retombées s¿abattent sur la politique des locataires de l¿Elysée. Situation qui fait un tollé des polémiques, victimisant ces peuples sans nombre et culpabilisant une France d¿être seule fautrice de misère de tout un continent. Dire haut ce qui se dit bas de ceux dont la voix des plaintes ne retombe que sur eux même dans cette vallée boueuse d¿un amalgame d¿incompréhensions et des déceptions. C¿est la mission dont s¿assigne ce volume intitulé « le 6ème continent et ses réalités ». Outre ceux à qui la raison est dure à faire entendre, les asymétriques. L¿auteur de sa part, présente un palliatif conciliant des deux parties ; Les plaignants et la dé-défenderesse, sur un passé qui fait déjà une histoire commune de deux puissances, tant amère que nécessaire et sur un futur qui ne pourrait mieux être bâti qüensemble...

  • af Pitshou Moleka
    337,95 kr.

    Dans les méandres sombres de l'histoire de l'humanité, se cache un chapitre déchirant de souffrance et de désespoir : la traite négrière. Pendant des siècles, des millions d'hommes, de femmes et d'enfants furent arrachés à leur terre natale, vendus comme du bétail et transportés dans des conditions inhumaines vers les Amériques. Leurs vies furent marquées par le labeur forcé, les mauvais traitements et l'oppression. Pourtant, au c¿ur de cette tragédie, la quête de liberté persistait. Les noirs, victimes de cette traite abjecte, se sont battus avec une détermination sans faille pour échapper à leurs chaînes et retrouver leur humanité volée. Leurs histoires sont des témoignages d'espoir et de résilience face à l'adversité, illuminant la noirceur de cette période sombre de notre histoire commune. C'est dans cet esprit que je vous présente mon roman inédit intitulé "Les chaînes de l'espoir". À travers les pages de ce récit, je m'engage à explorer les profondeurs du système esclavagiste et à donner une voix à ceux qui ont été réduits au silence. Je souhaite exposer la cruauté de la traite négrière, mais aussi mettre en lumière la quête de libération de ses victimes.

  • af Tamara Villaverde
    327,95 kr.

    Let Tamara Villaverde transport you into the splendor of nature with her poetry collection, Pulsos da Terra (Portuguese Edition). Through stirring and vivid language, Villaverde pays homage to the allure and interconnectedness of the natural world. Each poem immerses readers in resplendent landscapes, from bird-song-filled forests to breezy wildflower meadows and majestic mist-veiled mountains. However, Pulsos da Terra goes beyond scenic observation; it reflects on the profound lessons nature imparts through its cycles of life, decay, and rebirth.Villaverde's deft verses remind us of nature's delicate balance, inspiring contemplation of our human relationship with the Earth. Each poem adds a unique depth and perspective to this ode to the planet's intricate ecosystems. As you lose yourself in these lyrical lines, you will discover inspiration, solace, and a renewed connection with the natural realm. Pulsos da Terra is a mosaic of poetry that beckons you into tranquil communion with nature. Open these pages and let Villaverde's harmonious words serenade your spirit.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    When a little boy wakes up with a dry throat, the adults around him try remedies that only complicate matters and make the condition worse, ignoring what young readers will see as the obvious solution.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    Believing that he loves his beautiful pet bird too much to set it free, a wealthy merchant discovers that animals are sometimes better at learning by example than humans are.

  • af Idries Shah
    152,95 kr.

    In this humorous tale, a man greedily and impatiently hopes to acquire the skills and senses of an animal but ends up limiting his abilities rather than enhancing them.

  • af Fluency Pro
    192,95 kr.

    Struggling to speak Portuguese like a native?This Portuguese phrasebook is an invaluable guide for learning and speaking Portuguese while traveling. Designed for both beginners and advanced learners, learn how to speak in real life conversations with this organized guide.Our book provides useful phonetic transcriptions of Portuguese words and phrases to use in the most common situations including greetings, ordering food, booking hotels, emergency situations, small talk... and so much more!The layout is straightforward, so you can easily move from chapter to chapter and look up words at your own pace. This phrasebook is comprehensive and easy to use, providing you with a quick reference to learn Portuguese fast and effectively.Features include:1600+ Conversational Words and Phrases Organized by SituationIncludes Portuguese and English TranslationsPhonetic Descriptions for Each Entry, Providing Easy Reference for PronunciationConvenient 5 x 8 Travel Size for Carrying in the Pocket

  • af Mike Lang
    147,95 kr.

    32 exceptional works of art and engaging stories in English and PortugueseWelcome to a unique experience that invites you to immerse yourself in the wonders of art and language. This innovative book combines 32 exceptional works of art with engaging stories in English and Portuguese, providing an exciting learning journey for English speakers who want to unlock the secrets of the Portuguese language.On each page, you'll have the opportunity to contemplate a visual masterpiece, while at the same time unraveling the interwoven plots in words, building your vocabulary and linguistic comprehension. From the serenity of portraits to the explosions of details in landscapes and objects, each work of art serves as a window into new expressions, enriching your understanding of both languages. Discover the magic of learning while appreciating the beauty of human creations, taking away not only linguistic lessons, but also a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity. Embark on this educational and artistic journey where the palette of colors becomes the palette of words, guiding you along a path that unites art, language and the pleasure of learning the beautiful Portuguese language.What will be your favorite story and piece of art? Let us know!Get this amazing book today!

  • af Ranulf Rayner
    127,95 kr.

    This action-packed thrilling adventure story, based on the author's own experiences, is triggered by a gang of arsonists setting fire to the Amazon rainforest while blackmailing governments to stop them doing so. This results in the Major, a ruthless mercenary, being employed by Bob, a multibillionaire, to help him tackle climate change head on. But the task almost ends in disaster when his aircraft is brought down into the blazing forest by an arsonist's drone. While Bob, who has made a few 'bob' selling the world uranium through his company Nuklin, tries to encourage countries to scrap all fossil fuelled power stations in exchange for a new type of small, modular reactor being developed by Rolls Royce, his mercenary, after raiding the arsonists with his beautiful Brazilian girlfriend, is accused of double homicide and thrown into a local gaol to face the gallows. Due to a feat of engineering, an aerial planting machine named a SPOD is developed in Rio to seed the Australian Outback with carbon eating plants. But having escaped death twice, getting it there without being seen is only the third of the Major's problems, which culminate when Ud, the Indonesian firebrand behind the arsonists, is persuaded by the mercenary, who finding his island lair is about to have his throat cut, to carry out a last ditch attempt to save the world from catastrophe - ending in victory.

  • af Mike Lang
    282,95 kr.

    Special Edition with 1.000 Words, 1.000 Images and 1.000 Bilingual Example Sentences to learn Brazilian Portuguese Vocabulary about Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Food, Cooking and Teaching.This Special Edition brings together the contents of Volume 1,2,3 and 4 of our vocabulary books to Learn Brazilian Portuguese the Easy Way! This innovative and visually stunning books are the perfect tool for anyone looking to learn Brazilian Portuguese.With multiple images on each page, each Portuguese word is accompanied by its own unique image to help with memorization. This Special Edition includes:1.000 words in Brazilian Portuguese and English 1.000 example sentences in both Portuguese and English 1.000 images to facilitate memorizationAll you need to help you understand the meaning and usage of each word is here and learning Brazilian Portuguese has never been easier or more enjoyable! Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate learner, this book will help you to quickly and effectively expand your Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary.

  • af Coledown Bilingual Books
    127,95 kr.

    Embark on a vibrant journey with Alandra, the Brazilian fashion designer with pink sparkly hair and a heart as colorful as her clothes. Alandra's Fashion Adventures is a captivating collection of bilingual short stories tailored for young Portuguese language learners and fashion enthusiasts alike.Join Alandra as she navigates the bustling streets of Rio de Janeiro, armed with her magical sewing machine, bringing fashion and culture to life in every stitch. Each story immerses readers in Alandra's world, where creativity knows no bounds, and self-expression becomes a magical adventure.Whether she's organizing a dazzling rainbow fashion show, unraveling an enchanted fabric hunt, or solving the mystery of a missing favorite fabric, Alandra's tales celebrate the joy of learning a new language while exploring the exciting world of fashion.These bilingual stories seamlessly weave Brazilian Portuguese and English, providing an engaging and educational experience for young readers. With Alandra as the guide, readers will effortlessly absorb Portuguese language nuances and cultural expressions while diving into the enchanting realm of design, colors, and friendship.Perfect for young language learners, these stories not only entertain but also foster a love for language acquisition. The fusion of Brazilian flair, magical adventures, and the world of fashion creates a delightful reading experience that transcends borders and cultures.Alandra's Fashion Adventures is more than a collection of stories; it's a language-learning journey infused with the sparkle of creativity. Get ready to twirl into the colorful world of Alandra, where language and fashion come together in a magical celebration of self-expression and friendship.

  • af Astrid Auxier
    382,95 kr.

    Discover a path to self-knowledge and transformation with "Desvendando o Eu: Um Caminho Para o Crescimento Pessoal" (Portuguese Edition) by Astrid Auxier. This illuminating book invites you on an odyssey to unravel the depths of your identity. Through insightful perspectives and soul-searching exercises, you will explore the essence of the present moment and understand yourself on a deeper level. Let go of the past, confront anxiety and rumination, and fearlessly address history's echoes as you boldly step into tomorrow's promises. Each chapter guides you to untangle the complexities of your emotions and thoughts. By balancing introspection with exploration, you will gain wisdom that ignites positive change from within. Desvendando o Eu offers practical strategies and ideas to support your personal growth. It speaks to the universal longing for purpose, direction, and fulfillment. This book will be your trusted companion on the path to self-awareness as you harness the power of the present to chart your own course of self-discovery.

  • af Hermann Hesse
    252,95 kr.

    Dreams and restless thoughts came into his mindSonhos e pensamentos inquietos vieram à sua mentehis dreams flowed from the water of the riverSeus sonhos fluíam das águas do riohis dreams sparked from the stars of the nightSeus sonhos brotaram das estrelas da noitehis dreams melted from the beams of the sunSeus sonhos se derreteram dos raios de soldreams came to him, and a restlessness of the soul came to himos sonhos vieram até ele, e uma inquietação da alma veio até elehis soul was fuming from the sacrificessua alma estava fumegando dos sacrifícioshe breathed forth from the verses of the Rig-Vedaele soprou dos versos do Rig-Vedathe verses were infused into him, drop by dropos versos foram infundidos nele, gota a gotathe verses from the teachings of the old Brahmansos versículos dos ensinamentos dos antigos brâmanesSiddhartha had started to nurse discontent in himselfSidarta começara a nutrir em si mesmo o descontentamentohe had started to feel doubt about the love of his fatherele tinha começado a sentir dúvidas sobre o amor de seu paihe doubted the love of his motherduvidava do amor da mãeand he doubted the love of his friend, Govindae duvidava do amor de seu amigo, Govindahe doubted if their love could bring him joy for ever and everduvidava que o amor deles lhe pudesse trazer alegria para todo o sempre;their love could not nurse himseu amor não podia amamentá-lotheir love could not feed himseu amor não podia alimentá-lotheir love could not satisfy himo seu amor não podia satisfazê-lohe had started to suspect his father's teachingsele tinha começado a suspeitar dos ensinamentos de seu paiperhaps he had shown him everything he knewtalvez lhe tivesse mostrado tudo o que sabia

  • af Coledown Bilingual Books
    127,95 kr.

    Are you looking to improve your language skills while immersing yourself in captivating stories? Look no further! The Fado Song on Saudade Street: Bilingual Portuguese-English Short Stories for Portuguese Language Learners offers a delightful collection of eleven engaging narratives designed to enhance your language proficiency in Portuguese.Dive into a world where language and culture intertwine as you explore a diverse range of settings and characters. Whether you're a beginner looking to build your foundation or an advanced learner seeking to refine your skills, this collection offers something for everyone. The bilingual format ensures that you can easily switch between languages, compare vocabulary, and strengthen your comprehension.Within the pages of The Fado Song on Saudade Street, you'll embark on a linguistic journey through a wide array of captivating tales. Explore the enchanting streets of Lisbon and venture into the historic heart of Faro. You'll be transported to the picturesque town of São Miguel in "The Guardian of the Sea," and unravel the mystery of Porto's Bolhão Market. These stories, along with many others, not only entertain but also offer a unique opportunity to deepen your language skills while immersing yourself in the rich cultures and landscapes of Portugal. Whether you're drawn to adventure, romance, or mystery, this collection has something for every language learner, ensuring that your journey toward bilingual proficiency is both enjoyable and rewarding.Immerse yourself in captivating narratives, expand your vocabulary, and embark on a journey of linguistic discovery. Whether you're a language enthusiast or a dedicated learner, this collection promises an enriching and enjoyable experience that will boost your language proficiency to new heights. Start your adventure today!

  • af Coledown Bilingual Books
    127,95 kr.

    Join Amélia Dias, a fearless detective with a heart of gold, as she embarks on a journey that transcends language barriers and bridges the gaps between estranged friends and family. Mystery UnveiledIn "The Mystery of the Vanishing Tile" (O Mistério do Azulejo Desaparecido), Amélia investigates the enigmatic disappearance of a valuable ancient tile, setting the stage for a series of mesmerizing puzzles that lead her through the heart of Lisbon.The Power of Music"The Secret of Silent Fado" (O Segredo do Fado Silencioso) delves into the world of Fado, Lisbon's hauntingly beautiful music. Amélia's quest to restore the voices of silenced musicians uncovers secrets of the past that will leave you spellbound.Sweet IntrigueIn "The Intrigue of Custard Tarts" (A Intriga dos Pastéis de Nata), a pastry competition takes a perilous turn when one contestant is poisoned. Amélia must uncover the sweet secrets behind this treacherous treat.Literary Treasure Hunt"The Disappearance of the Ancient Book" (O Desaparecimento do Livro Antigo) sends Amélia on a literary treasure hunt through Lisbon's historic streets, following clues left by an author centuries ago.Heartwarming ReunionsIn "The Reunion of Lost Friends" (A Reunião dos Amigos Perdidos), Amélia stumbles upon a list of names and embarks on a heartwarming quest to reunite long-lost friends, bringing forgiveness and reconciliation to the forefront.Join Amélia Dias on her quest to unravel mysteries and bring people together in the stunning backdrop of Lisbon's timeless charm. As you navigate the dual narratives in Portuguese and English, you'll uncover a world where mysteries are solved, friendships are mended, and the rich tapestry of Lisbon comes to life. Reunions in Lisbon is a captivating read for anyone who craves a taste of adventure, a touch of mystery, and a heartwarming dose of human connection.Language Learning AdventureDive headfirst into the captivating world of Reunions in Lisbon, where bilingual storytelling opens the door to Portuguese language learning. With text in both Portuguese and English, this book offers an immersive experience for language enthusiasts and learners of all levels. As you follow Amélia Dias on five of her investigative adventures, you'll naturally absorb the beauty and nuances of the Portuguese language, making it an engaging tool for language acquisition. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps into Portuguese or an experienced learner seeking to refine your skills, Reunions in Lisbon offers a unique and enjoyable language-learning journey that will have you exploring the depths of the Lusophone culture while unraveling mysteries and celebrating reunions. Come for the story, stay for the language learning-it's an adventure you won't want to miss.

  • af Mariele Mancebo
    457,95 kr.

    Lors de la « mise en mots » du Crémant de Bourgogne, comment les discours des consommateurs s¿articulent-ils avec ceux des experts ? Cette étude cherche à comprendre ces différentes constructions discursives, ainsi que les choix terminologiques qui y sont associés, en présence ou en l¿absence de stimulus. Une étude complémentaire vient enrichir ces travaux avec une analyse qui se concentre sur les espumantes brésiliens. En effet, ce produit est en grande partie comparable au Crémant de Bourgogne, bien qüinscrit dans une langue-culture où la consommation de vin n¿est pas ancrée culturellement, mais où la production et la commercialisation de vins effervescents sont en plein essor.

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