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  • af Amarilys G Rassler
    278,95 kr.

    Elizabeth, Zechariah's wife, is transported into heaven to Prayer Central where standing in line many await the answers to their prayers. Before Elizabeth's turn a little boy faces an angel who grants him his request and gives him a drum to play music for the coming king. Elizabeth wants a child of her own and is moved by the presence of the little boy. Next in line are three men who desire to find the special child that will be born. One of the gentlemen is saddened by the thought of bringing myrrh as a gift to the king. He and his comical companions, after agreeing to their assignments, are given their wish. Among the group of those waiting for answers is a humorous curmudgeon-like shepherd and Elizabeth. The shepherds is promised what he desires, to be recognized in a special way. Finally bringing about the surprise element is Mary, who does not have a request but comes to give herself to God for anything He has for her to do. The angel at the window finishes the story with the question, "Anything?"

  • af Sofie Capasso
    118,95 kr.

  • af Dennesha Rolle
    183,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af Sam Hull
    183,95 kr.

    Inspired by the inquisitive twin girls in Portland, Oregon, 'The House of Pixen' takes you on a heartwarming journey into the world of holiday magic. Sixteen years ago, while decorating homes for the holidays, the curious twins' fascination with festive decor led to the creation of the Pixen tribe, a whimsical group of magical creators responsible for crafting and spreading holiday cheer.As the years passed, the twins became experts in all things Christmas, and their connection with the Pixen deepened. The story follows their delightful adventures, fueled by their unending curiosity. From crafting paper snowflakes to designing unique stockings with secret compartments for gift cards, the twins and the Pixen tribe share a special bond that transcends the ordinary.Today, Pixen¿ has grown into a globally influenced design house, curating exquisite holiday products from artisans worldwide and bringing them directly to customers. They prioritize thoughtful business practices and collaborations with female and minority-driven companies, proudly representing Oregon, USA.'The House of Pixen' is just the beginning of a series of enchanting tales, inviting you to experience the magic, creativity, and heartwarming moments that define the Pixen tribe's adventures throughout the holiday seasons. Join them on a journey that celebrates the joy of imagination, friendship, and the spirit of giving.

  • af Josh Byers
    158,95 kr.

    Introducing the 2023 Visual Theology Advent Coloring Book. Learn the gospel through the Christmas narrative, embracing themes of holiness, sin, salvation, and faith. Daily detailed drawings to color with key verses, infographics, and more!

  • af Ira Martur
    233,95 kr.

    Ein wunderbares Buch mit schönen handgezeichneten Illustrationen über die aufregende Reise eines tapferen kleinen Hasen, der nach etwas Besonderem sucht.

  • af Ira Martur
    233,95 kr.

  • - 7 konkrete strategier til at skabe en magisk jul uden stress med dem du holder af
    af Bettina Møller Jensen
    93,95 - 97,95 kr.

    Måske er du en af dem som glæder sig til jul, men alligevel så har du sådan en lille stemme inden i, som siger: Åh jeg orker dårligt nok alt det ræs, stress og jag, eller måske er du en af dem, som for længst har givet slip på stress og jag, men alligevel så gruer du for alle de sammenkomster og julefrokoster du skal til, fordi du husker, hvordan det plejer at gå, og hvordan det måske gik sidste år.Det kan være du genkender det fra dig selv, eller fra nogen du kender.Uanset hvad så læs videre. For i denne bog får du alle de svar du har brug for, så du også kan skabe præcis den jul, du ønsker, så du kommer godt og gnidningsløst gennem julen og helligdagene med dine slægtninge.Du får nemlig 7 konkrete strategier, så du kan ændre din vibration, så du dermed også ændrer på manifestationen, og ender med at skabe præcis den jul, som du drømmer om og længes efter.Hemmelighederne til en magisk jul med dem du holder af finder du i denne bog.

  • af Chris Frost
    108,95 kr.

    All they want for Christmas is you . . .

  • af Eric & Terry Fan
    358,95 kr.

    Lily får en sky som kæledyr og passer godt på den. Men en dag er skyen vokset så meget, at den er blevet for stor til Lilys værelse.En fantasifuld og rørende fortælling om at have ansvar for et levende væsen.Lily køber en lille sky som kæledyr og gør alt, hvad hun kan, for at passe den. Hun giver sin sky et navn – Milo – og hun vander den og går tur med den. Men Milo vokser og vokser, og til sidst kan Lily ikke have ham indenfor længere.Hvad skal hun dog gøre?En særdeles charmerende og rørende fortælling om at have ansvar og drage omsorg for et levende væsen og at evne at sætte dét fri, man elsker. Bogen kan læses som en fantasifuld og kærlig fortælling i sin egen ret, men kan også kaste snakke af sig om at have ansvar for et kæledyr. Billedsiden er en æstetisk fornøjelse og fuld af flotte detaljer i afdæmpede farver.Lektørudtalelsen

  • af Carol C. Anderson
    133,95 kr.

    Synopsis: Grandpa and Muffin Save Christmas recounts the delightful children's story about the team who takes over a family-owned Christmas tree farm after Grandma is injured in a fall. It's the holiday season, but Grandma can't help out very much this year on the family farm. Her cute six- and eight-year-old granddaughters step up to help Grandpa and their dog Muffin, so everyone can still buy their Christmas trees and enjoy a wonderful and joyous season. They all learn an important lesson about how weather and faith both play a role in the way things work out in life. Join along as this blessed family has the opportunity in several ways to fulfill their family motto: "May I always be a blessing." About The Author: A native of California, Carol Cherry Anderson now lives in Bella Vista, Arkansas, with her husband Charles. They are the parents of five adult children and boast a total of 24 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She is a graduate of Cal State University, earning her MS degree in journalism and educational psychology. Careers included counseling and news reporting. Faith and volunteer work have always been vital parts of her life. The author previously published four adult inspirational novels that honor military families. This is her first children's book. Prior to 1987, she wrote as Carol Cherry Porter.

  • af Cheryl Latham
    128,95 kr.

    The Pixies are fed up being left out of Christmas preparations each year by Santa and the elves, so they craft a cunning plan to make Santa late and wreak havoc on the world's children. They travel the globe, eating everything left out for Santa and putting Pixie dust into stockings so that on Christmas morning, the dust will transform into whatever the child fears most. Can Santa put a stop to Pixie Plans and save Christmas Day?

  • af Vicki L Julian
    188,95 - 298,95 kr.

    239,94 kr.

    Bring the beloved Christmas carol, "Jingle Bells," to life with this hand-painted children's book. The classic hymn "Jingle Bells" has been sung for generations. It's a nostalgic part of the Christmas season that reminds the young and old of the gift of spending time with loved ones during the holidays. This book brings the joy of the season into your home by inspiring adults and children alike to sing along to this familiar tune together!Start a new tradition by collecting each book from the Christmas Carol Series and add this timeless book to your holiday collection.

    113,95 kr.

    A coloring book that works as an Advent calendar, with numbers and Christmas related words in German and English.

  • af Kit Fabian
    113,95 kr.

    Only special wild creatures live in the snow.Many are white, and hidden from sight.But have you heard a rumour about a Snow Bomino?Snow Bomino is a heart-warming starlit adventure about a lovable misunderstood monster who lives in a snow covered forest, struggling to make friends....until he happens upon a little white arctic Fox. A perfect story to emphasize the importance of friendship, sharing, understanding and kindness, and how helping each other can change everything for the better.A wonderful new winter's tale beautifully written with breathtaking illustrations. A budding classic in a magical night time setting that children will engage with from start to finish and will want to read again and again.

  • af Claudia Haase
    108,95 kr.

    Babsi is frustrated. The short vacation that was planned for her and her family in Bergfels Village is cancelled. The Christmas market in Bergfels, which her wife wanted to report on, will not take place.Furthermore, the bazaar, which her daughter, Hannah, was involved with planning this year, is in the balance. As if that wasn't annoying enough, Hannah and her friend also run into trouble with the law.Their jaunt to the local ruins of Sturmstein Castle has unexpected consequences, in which a certain Countess Ida of Bergfels-Blumenheide is not uninvolved.What none of them suspects: within the ruin's wrecked walls, the mouse, Murina, has to stand trial - only for doing people a favor, of all things.In this short story about the ruins of Sturmstein Castle, the main characters of Claudia Haase's previously published short stories all join up, but the volume can also be read independently.

  • af Saskia Gwinn
    338,95 kr.

    Findes påskeharen og hvordan ser den ud?Tyrannosaurussen ser sig selv som rædselsvækkende og grusom og elsker at skræmme de mindre dinosaurer med tunge tramp og høje brøl.Men de små dinosaurer kalder ham påskeharen og banker på hans dør for at få påskeæg. For hans hjem er faktisk fyldt med påskeæg.Måske er Tyrannosaurussen i virkeligheden påskeharen? Nu kommer han selv helt i tvivl. Der er basis for mange gode grin i denne humoristiske billedbog med masser af detaljerede illustrationer.

  • af Laura Bidden
    128,95 kr.

    Christmas Activity Book for Kidschristmas book for childrenchrtistmas book for kidschristmas book for boyschristmas book for girlschristmas books holiday books for kidssnowmen book

  • af Cynthia Cheng Mintz
    138,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • af Lisa Decker
    233,95 kr.

    Take a delightful journey through God's string of lights, stretching from "Let there be light" to Heaven, illuminated by Jesus Himself. Enjoy many radiant bursts along the way, including the garden, the manger, the cross, the empty tomb, and the Light of the world. This story is a beautiful reminder of God's brilliant plan throughout history and His ultimate gift of salvation.

  • af Maryann McMahon
    233,95 kr.

    Oh no! It's closing time on Christmas Eve in Dilly's Department Store and Starky Star, Garnie Garland, Lila Lights and Tingles Tinsel still haven't found a home for Christmas. As the key turns in the lock in pitch darkness, the Little Leftovers feel so sad and lonely. But wait! Suddenly, a big gust of wind blows the doors wide open! The Little Leftovers are whisked away on an exciting journey, passing over many brightly lit houses in towns and villages dotted with colorful rooftops of all different shapes and sizes. Find out the delightfully surprising ending and discover how Santa Claus helps the Little Leftovers find a home while joyfully bringing Chrissy Christmas Tree to life!This endearing tale about sincere kindness, warmth and compassion, gives real meaning to the genuine spirit of Christmas. It will be sure to leave children in wonder and awe as they discover how a caring heart can truly impart the authentic gift of unselfish giving.

  • af Christine Kulgart
    152,95 kr.

    Der junge Adlige Florian verbringt die Rauhnächte bei seinem Freund Theo auf dem Rauschberg. Doch mehr noch als den Naturgewalten muss sich Florian einer Sache stellen: der verdrängten Trauer um seine zu früh verstorbenen Eltern. Während er in den zwölf magischen Nächten viele neue Rituale kennenlernt, setzt er sich immer wieder mit seinen eigenen Gefühlen auseinander.Eine zauberhafte Geschichte von Freundschaft und Trauer während der Festtage. Eine Geschichte zu Christine Kulgarts Debütroman "Rauschberg", die die Beziehung der Charaktere zueinander vertieft.

  • af Richard Rohr
    143,95 kr.

    Richard Rohr invita a los lectores a no sólo prepararse para el nacimiento de Jesús el día de Navidad, sino para la venida del Cristo cósmico, quien nos trae el verdadero reino del cielo a la tierra. Se ofrece un listado de las lecturas diarias de las Sagradas Escrituras y se incluyen además preguntas para la reflexión.

  • af T John Wasek
    183,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • af Angela Snape
    98,95 kr.

    It's Christmas time! Duncan's mum takes him shopping to buy Christmas presents for his family so that Father Christmas will collect and deliver them on Christmas Eve. With the help of his goldfish Snapper, Duncan prepares for the big day and cannot wait for Father Christmas to come. The big question is, will Father Christmas find out in time?

  • af Claudia Süssenbach
    230,95 kr.

    Einmal durch den keltischen Jahreskreis führt diese ungewöhnliche Pilgerreise und hebt dabei ausgewählte Schätze schottischer und irischer Erzählkunst. Figuren aus der keltischen Anderswelt, wie der schillernde Held Fionn MacCumhaill, die tragisch Liebenden Diarmuid und Grainne oder die Heilige Brigida von Kildare werden lebendig. Auf ihren Spuren wächst auf dem Weg durch die Jahreszeiten die Hoffnung, dass Verwandlung immer möglich ist ¿ für ein einzelnes Leben und für die menschliche Gemeinschaft.Als Erzählerin und Theologin schöpft Claudia Süssenbach aus der Weisheit der keltischen Mythologie die Inspiration für eine spirituelle Praxis, die sich mit dem Kreislauf von Natur und Jahreszeiten verbindet. Beginnend mit dem keltischen Neujahrsfest durchwandert sie mit ihren Leserinnen und Lesern den jahreszeitlichen Kreislauf von Vergehen und Erneuerung. Jedes Fest verbindet die Autorin mit einer ebenso fesselnden wie poetischen Erzählung. Ein Kapitel unter der Überschrift ¿Nachgedacht¿ ergänzt jeweils die Geschichten. Gemeinsam mit ihrer Leserschaft taucht Claudia Süssenbach ein in die Gedankenwelt der keltisch-christlichen Spiritualität - einer Tradition, die um die Gegenwart des Göttlichen in allen Dingen und um die Heiligkeit der Erde weiß.¿Anderszeiten¿ ist nicht nur ein Buch für Schottland- und Irland-Liebhaber, sondern für alle Menschen, die sich nach einer geerdeten Spiritualität sehnen. Die zeitlose Weisheit der keltischen Tradition bietet hierfür eine tiefe und nährende Quelle. Aus dieser Quelle speisen sich auch die Gebete, die die einzelnen Kapitel des Buches abschließen und die hier erstmals in deutscher Sprache vorliegen. Sie stammen zum überwiegenden Teil aus der Carmina Gadelica, einer Sammlung von Gebeten und Segensworten aus den schottischen Highlands und von den Äußeren Hebriden, die im 19. Jahrhundert von Alexander Carmichael zusammengestellt und veröffentlicht wurde.

  • af Ashley Clark
    148,95 kr.

    Kitten finds Christmas mischief.But he forgot one important detail ...The big man in red is always watching.An adorable holiday read that teaches our little ones the true meaning of Christmas!From the author of Kitten the Ninja Cat comes a new, reinvented look at the curious kitten and the value of friendship!

  • af Isamrätsel Verlag
    198,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist das perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenk für Kreuzworträtsel-Liebhaber jeden Alters. Mit 40 sorgfältig ausgewählten Rätseln in Großdruck ist es ideal für Senioren, Eltern und Großeltern. Es bietet stundenlangen Rätselspaß und geistige Herausforderung. Regelmäßiges Kreuzworträtsel-Spielen kann Ihr geistiges Alter um bis zu zehn Jahre verjüngen. Diese Erkenntnisse stammen von renommierten britischen Wissenschaftlern. Die beigefügten Lösungen sorgen für zusätzlichen Komfort. Ob für Mama, Papa, Opa, Oma oder Freunde - es ist ein liebevolles und zugleich anregendes Geschenk, das die Weihnachtszeit bereichert.

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