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  • af Rafael Sicoli Pacheco
    773,95 kr.

    In this dissertation, we analyze Cândido de Figueiredo's linguistic thinking, which was often rigorous and normative in its descriptive approach to different grammatical phenomena. The first, between Cândido de Figueiredo and Paulino de Brito, deals with the placement of clitic pronouns, from a comparative perspective between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese; the second, between Cândido de Figueiredo and Heráclito Graça, covers issues of morphology and syntax, again within a normative framework, which points to certain innovative uses in the literary writing of Brazilian authors as errors. Our aim is to examine Cândido de Figueiredo's speeches and place them in the historical, social and cultural context of his time, so as to enable a more accurate assessment of his conservative ideas.

  • af Maria Sass
    831,95 kr.

    The book contains contributions on the significance of German culture for Romanian art, language, and literature. Not only will the direct influence of German role models on Romanian culture be discussed, but it will also show how this influence set in motion a whole series of socio-cultural and artistic shifts that allowed Romanian culture to better understand its position in the European world.Das Buch enthält Beiträge zur Bedeutung der deutschen Kultur für die rumänische Kunst, Sprache und Literatur. Erörtert wird nicht nur der direkte Einfluss deutscher Vorbilder auf die rumänische Kultur, sondern es wird auch aufgezeigt, wie dieser Einfluss eine ganze Reihe soziokultureller und künstlerischer Veränderungen in Gang gesetzt hat, die der rumänischen Kultur ermöglichten, ihren Platz in der europäischen Welt besser zu verstehen.

  • af Adrian Ivan
    318,95 kr.

    Cartea "Era inteligenței artificiale" de Adrian Ivan este un ghid esențial pentru oricine dorește să înțeleagă și să exploateze potențialul inteligenței artificiale. Cu un limbaj accesibil și exemple concrete, autorul dezvăluie cum tehnologia AI poate transforma viața cotidiană și mediul financiar. Cartea explorează aplicațiile AI în diverse domenii, oferind cititorilor o perspectivă clară asupra modului în care această tehnologie inovatoare poate fi utilizată pentru a îmbunătăți eficiența, creativitatea și chiar finanțele personale.

  • af Fatemeh Sabeghi
    346,95 kr.

    Women's success is often attributed to various factors, such as education, experience, and personal attributes. However, there are also some secrets to women's success that are less talked about. These include having a strong support system, being resilient in the face of challenges, being willing to take risks, being adaptable to change, and having a clear sense of purpose and direction. Additionally, women who are successful often prioritize self-care and take time for themselves to recharge and stay motivated. By focusing on these secrets to success, women can achieve their goals and overcome any obstacles that come their way.

  • af Carina Wintersteller
    993,95 kr.

    This paper is a study devoted to the expression of impersonality in Spanish and French. The main objective is to detect differences between the two languages when expressing impersonality. Not all the possible linguistic resources for expressing impersonality in both languages have been treated, but the following constructions have been dealt with: the periphrastic passive, the reflexive passive, impersonals with se and other phenomena relevant to the topic. In French, only the voix passive, the pronominal impersonnel and the pronoun on have been analyzed. After the presentation of all the constructions, a comparison between the two languages has been made. The practical part consists of the analysis of a corpus of 120 collected abstracts, 61 of which are in French and 59 in Spanish. The analysis has been carried out on the basis of different guidelines, but the main objective will be to verify the hypotheses put forward in the comparative part.

  • af Paul Ngor Mack Ndour
    998,95 kr.

    Following on from the first volume, devoted to the study of "actantial figures of decline" in the novels of Portuguese neo-realist writer Carlos de Oliveira: Casa na Duna, 1942, Pequenos Burgueses, 1948, Uma Abelha na Chuva, 1953 and Finisterra, 1978; this second volume, entitled "spatiotemporal figures of decline", takes a semiotic and epistemological approach to the faces of time and space. The author explores the signs of human decay with a theoretical apparatus based on psychoanalysis (Gaston Bachelard), psychocriticism (Charles Mauron), geopoetics (Michel Collot) and geocriticism (Christine Baron). The rural space of the Gândara, a lunar setting where humanity struggles close to chaos, is analysed in minute detail. Chronological time is considered in its inexorable evolution towards decadence or in the fossilising conservatism it inspires in the petty bourgeoisie. A microcosm of Portuguese society at the time of the Salazar dictatorship, the domestic circle is symbolised by swamps that ferment and then offer the troubled faces of metamorphosis towards death.

  • af Karolina Chorevic
    488,95 kr.

    A few years before the Ordinance of Villers-Cotterêts (1539), the founding act of the primacy and exclusivity of French in documents relating to public life in the kingdom of France, François Rabelais published his novels Gargantua (1532) and Pantagruel (1534). One of the great founders of this idiom, the author took great pleasure in playing with words, listening to their sound and thus sharing his prodigious wealth. By all accounts, his grotesque style is characterized by profusion, excess and exaggeration. This article focuses on two emblematic figures of exaggeration: hyperbole and the litote.

  • af Lauren¿iu B¿l¿
    988,95 kr.

    "ONOMASTIC RESEARCH in the field of slang is rather rare, but the activity of a few researchers is nevertheless quite commendable. As far as French slang is concerned, we owe, among others, to DAUZAT (1929: 147-149) as well as to SAINÉAN (1920: 407-410) interesting researches in which anthroponyms (e.g. Joseph, Jacques or Jean 'sot, imbécile' or Charlot 'voleur'), (pseudo)hagionyms (e.g. Saint-Lâche 'paresseux') and (pseudo)toponyms (e.g. pivois de Rougemont 'vin rouge') have been collected and classified. These early and preliminary observations from the beginning of the 20th century have been, until now, completed by a few scattered studies. The limits imposed by the often lexicographical sources have undoubtedly restricted the scope of onomastic studies of this type. However, it is worth noting KENNETH (2002) as well as the work of GIRAULT (2006) for the field of anthroponymy in dictionaries of slang French as well as SZECSKÓ (2017) for slangography in the second half of the nineteenth century, specifically the dictionaries published by Lorédan Larchey." (Stéphane Hardy).

  • af Silvina Montrul
    1.037,95 kr.

    A heritage language is the term given to a language spoken at home by bilingual children of immigrant parents. Written by a leading figure in the field, this pioneering, in-depth study brings together three heritage languages - Hindu, Spanish and Romanian - spoken in the United States. It demonstrates how heritage speakers drive morphosyntactic change when certain environmental characteristics are met, and considers the relationship between social and cognitive factors and timing in language acquisition, bilingualism, and language change. It also discusses the implications of the findings for the language education of heritage speakers in the USA and considers how the heritage language can be maintained in the English-speaking school system. Advancing our understanding of heritage language development and change, this book is essential reading for students and researchers of linguistics and multilingualism, immigration, education studies and language policy, as well as educators and policy makers.

  • af Blake Salemink
    278,95 kr.

  • af Salvador Montaner-Villalba
    607,95 kr.

  • af Bernard J. Bourque
    693,95 kr.

    One of the most striking aspects of abbé d'Aubignac's fictional output is that the principal focus of his work is women. D'Aubignac's attempt to articulate his philosophy about the female sex is very much an intricate balancing act. While he is clearly interested in women, placing them on a pedestal in many of his writings, the abbé imposes limitations on their perceived innate qualities and often embraces the notion of the female as a societal scapegoat. All the Abbé's Women explores how these ideas were influenced by the socio-political conditions of d'Aubignac's time, resulting in a complex inter-relationship between the notions of power and misogyny in the author's fictional and critical works. The study also aims to contribute to the scholarship on d'Aubignac, painting a portrait of the abbé that has not been the focus of previous books. The work will appeal to students of French literature, gender studies and the cultural history of Early Modern France.

  • af Marilena Milcu
    423,95 kr.

    Ce volume se propose de faire des pas significatifs dans la direction d¿une meilleure compréhension et application de la méthodologie de la recherche dans les productions scientifiques actuelles, dans les sciences humaines. La recherche se poursuit d¿après une approche rigoureuse qui se propose de trouver des réponses à des questions qui conduisent à des investigations dans le réel. La recherche scientifique veut mettre en évidence ce qui est caché, se propose d¿établir une loi, un principe. C¿est un processus dynamique et une démarche rationnelle qui permet d¿examiner des phénomènes littéraires ou linguistiques et se propose d¿obtenir des réponses qui mènent à de nouvelles perspectives dans le champ étudié.

  • af Jorge Aguilar-Sánchez
    332,95 kr.

  • af Giulia Maria Gritsch
    538,95 kr.

    Attualmente la Chiesa cattolica è di fronte a una situazione straordinaria: la presenza di due Papi ¿ Papa Benedetto XVI e Papa Francesco - che non potrebbero essere più diversi. Devono comunque confrontarsi con le stesse tematiche di questo decennio e hanno lo stesso incarico: spiegare la fede alla comunità cristiana. Entrambi spiegano la fede secondo le loro opinioni nelle omelie, usando varie metafore concettuali. Per questo è stato interessante analizzare, quali concetti metaforici vengono usati da due Papi così diversi per spiegare la fede. Si sono ottenuti risultati interessanti riguardo a come i Papi, attraverso l¿uso di precisi concetti metaforici, presentano se stessi e le loro immagini di Dio e a come un credente si dovrebbe comportare. Attraverso l¿uso di metafore concettuali, non sono soltanto riusciti a spiegare concetti astratti della fede. Sono anche riusciti a trasmettere concetti da loro stessi forgiati e definiti, che si radicano nella mente dei credenti senza che questi se ne accorgano. Influenzano così non solo il linguaggio religioso, ma anche il pensiero e il comportamento del singolo credente.

  • af Mustapha Guenaou
    458,95 kr.

    This study will present the few results obtained during an investigation which, carried out for about twenty years, in a region, known for its rich historical, sociological, anthropological, memorial and linguistic past. Moreover, we speak of Tlemcenois, a melting pot of knowledge and ancestral culture because of the importance of the socio-anthropological heritage of the ancient civilizations, being of passage or established since several generations.This work focuses on the local speech where the lexicography, between phraseologisms and pragmatics, finds its place, socio-anthropologically speaking, in the verbal discussions that individuals hold in their respective speech.The main objective is to be able to present a corpus which, grouping together phraseologisms and pragmathemes, has allowed us to put forward an analysis approach that we have called STAR (Meaning, Translation, Acception, Reflection). This approach is based on four principles to understand a phraseology or a pragmathema, in the context of a discursive exchange in an Algerian language, in Tlemcen and in its hawz.

  • af Andrej Tihomirow
    398,95 kr.

  • af Gloria Favi Cortés
    623,95 kr.

    The book, Semiotics of the Body; Bandits and Criminals in 20th century literature, reviews critically and contextually some stories and chronicles of the 20th century to establish their decisive importance in the construction of identities marginalized by power and institutionality in the early 20th century. We know that current studies on the Semiotics of the Body have given value to the premise that considers the body as the basis of all enunciative action, especially when a discourse or cultural practice disseminates its affections, actions or passions as a radical condition of its own significance. This means that the body represented or created through fiction is not conceived as an empty "container" or "packaging" but as a materialization of everything that allows and radically defines the way we inhabit the world and generate meaning.

  • af Mayem Didier
    563,95 kr.

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