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”Jo nærmere han kom, jo mere forbavset blev han over den fremmedes sælsomme udseende. Det var en lille, firskåren, gammel mand med tykt, pjusket hår og gråt skæg. Han var klædt på gammel hollandsk manér – en klædestrøje med bælte om livet, adskillige par bukser uden på hinanden, de yderste af anseligt omfang og pyntet med blanke knapper på rad ned langs sømmene og duske ved knæene. På ryggen bar han et solidt anker, der så ud til at være fuldt af brændevin, og han gjorde tegn til Rip om at komme og hjælpe ham med det.”Rip Van Winkle lever et trist liv i et kærlighedsløst ægteskab, da han på en jagttur støder ind i en gammel hollænder med en forunderlig drik, som han ikke kan dy sig for at smage. 20 år senere vågner han op i en verden, han ikke kan genkende. Han er gået glip af den amerikanske revolution, livet for hans familie er gået videre uden ham, og verden ser i det hele taget helt anderledes ud, end da han faldt i sin uforklarlige tornerosesøvn. Et spørgsmål står frem blandt de mange: Hvem var den gamle hollænder, og hvor kendte han Winkles navn fra?Novellen udkom oprindeligt i 1819.Den amerikanske forfatter Washington Irving (1783-1859) er særligt kendt for sine gotiske noveller ”Rip Van Winkle” og ”Legenden om Sleepy Hollow”, som er blevet filmatiseret med Johnny Depp og Christina Ricci i hovedrollerne. Han står desuden bag en række biografier blandt andet om sin navnebror George Washington og Muhammed.
The surprising history of how Americans have fought over the meaning and legacy of the Revolution for nearly two and a half centuries
Wutamo's Song is the fictional memoir of a Native American - Wutamoquok, Elder and Keenomp, or Valiant one, of the Narragansett People - who lived during the turbulent years of the 17th century. Narrated by Wutamo himself on the eve of King Phillip's War, it chronicles his life beginning with his coming of age in 1614, and that of his friend, Miantonomi, who rose to become chief sachem of the tribe and was one of the key historical figures of that era. Wutamo's Song tells of the Narragansett People and of the long struggle with European culture and civilization that utterly changed their way of life and nearly destroyed them.
"’Om natten trængte de ind i vort hus, onkel, og hentede fader. Tjenerne flygtede. Da kaldte han på moder, så det gjaldede i huset, og da mændene tog hende om livet og i hendes sorte hår, affyrede hun en pistol mod dem, og så slog de hende ned og slæbte dem begge bort.’’Herregud – Herregud – om livet og i hendes hår,’ mumlede manden og stirrede ud i den månelyse nat, idet han knugede sine hænder."Den franske revolution har strøget sin blodige hånd over Strasbourg og myrdet alle de aristokrater, der ikke nåede at flygte. Heins mor og far var blandt de døde, og da stormen har lagt sig, vendte hans onkel tilbage fra sit hjem i Italien for at tage sig af sin nevø.Med sig bærer de begge minderne om Heins elskede forældre og deres grusomme skæbne, som Hein alene var vidne til. De husker dårligt nok hinanden, og dog er det nu op til dem at rejse familiens ære og gøre den gamle familieborg til et sikkert sted igen."Borgens børn" udkom første gang i 1911. Denne oversættelse er fra 1925.Rudolf Herzog (1869-1943) var en tysk forfatter, digter og journalist. Han var en af de mest populære tyske forfattere i begyndelsen af det tyvende århundrede. Han debuterede som forfatter i 1901 med bogen "Der Graf von Gleichen". Flere af Rudolf Herzogs bøger er blevet oversat til fremmedsprog heriblandt dansk.
"...an adventure story, a mystery, and a history lesson rolled into one entertaining narrative..." - Meg Costello, Research Manager, Falmouth Museums on the Green History is detective work. One bit of information leads to another until a collection of facts recreates life as it was - often centuries ago. Author Ken Peal's historical detective work began quite by accident - with a simple project to save a 140-year-old steeple bell from a church that was closed. Peal's interest grew and led him to other bells in the Falmouth area, some unseen for years. The information he accumulated led to articles appearing in the local newspaper, The Falmouth Enterprise.Some of Peal's stories tell of buildings of historical importance. Like Lawrence Academy, a classic Greek revival architectural treasure built in 1834 which now faces a struggle to keep from falling into disrepair.Bell discoveries often led to more questions than answers, like the church that claimed its belfry contained an 1832 bell and provided a tale about the bell's source. Both the bell and the story proved to be myths.Tracing history led Peal to some surprising people stories. In 1900 Martha Butler, lifelong Falmouth resident, found among her family papers the original invoice for the town's only Paul Revere bell - signed, "Paul Revere, 1796"- now a treasured artifact.Bells of Falmouth, with its wealth of historical information, will appeal to both bell enthusiasts and lovers of local history. "This book, backed by extensive research, puts important history in the hands of present and future generations... a splendid addition." Neil Goeppinger, bell collector, author, past-president, American Bell Association
"A groundbreaking, important recovery of history; the overlooked story-fully explored, of the critical aspect of America's Revolutionary War that was fought in the South showing that the British surrender at Yorktown was the direct result of the southern campaign and, that the battles that emerged south of the Mason-Dixon line between loyalists to the Crown and patriots who fought for independence were, in fact, America's first civil war. The famous battles that form the backbone of the story put forth of American independence-at Lexington and Concord, Brandywine, Germantown, Saratoga, and Monmouth, while crucial, did not lead to the surrender at Yorktown. It was in the three-plus years between Monmouth and Yorktown that the war was won. Alan Pell Crawford's riveting new book, This Fierce People, tells the story of these missing three years, long ignored by historians, and of the fierce battles fought in the south that made up the central theater of military operations in the latter years of the Revolutionary War, upending the essential American myth that the War of Independence was fought primarily in the north. Weaving throughout the stories of the heroic men and women, largely unsung patriots-African Americans and whites, militiamen and 'irregulars,' Patriots and Tories, Americans, Frenchmen, Brits and Hessians, Crawford reveals the misperceptions and contradictions of our accepted understanding of how our nation came to be, as well as the national narrative that America's victory over the British lay solely with General George Washington and his troops"
Seldom in history has a single military campaign had such immediate and far-ranging consequences as the series of battles and skirmishes known as "Saratoga." In the spring of 1777, determined to end the fighting once and for all, the British devised what they believed a war-winning strategy. By early fall, their entire northern army had surrendered. Kevin J. Weddle offers the most thorough account to date, showing how an operation that begin with such promise for the British turned to disaster, and why the underestimated American forces triumphed so decisively. Saratoga was a turning point in the Revolution, boosting Patriot confidence, demoralizing the Loyalist cause, and leading directly to the Franco-American alliance that would eventually secure independence. It was, as one American general called it, "The compleat victory."
Ludwig Van Beethoven compuso obras maestras inigualables de la música académica europea, propulsándola del Clasicismo al Romanticismo. Entre ellas se encuentran las nueve Sinfonías, una ópera (Fidelio), las Sonatas para piano y los últimos Cuartetos de cuerdas, considerados por algunos especialistas su mayor creación.Su vida estuvo principalmente consagrada al arte, sorteando todo tipo de enfermedades (incluyendo su legendaria sordera). Excéntrico y capaz de divertirse a lo grande, fue además un hombre de su tiempo, admirador de la Revolución Francesa y despectivo con los príncipes.Beethoven influyó decisivamente en los músicos que le siguieron y su imagen quedó asociada para siempre a la del genio artístico que desborda las convenciones.
In the spring of 1651, nearly half a century before the infamous witch trials of Salem, Massachusetts, a woman known as Goody Bassett was hanged for witchcraft in Stratford, Connecticut. In the spring of 2023, nearly four centuries later, the State of Connecticut absolved all those accused of witchcraft, removing the stigma that their families have needlessly borne. Few facts are known about Goody Bassett and the events surrounding her persecution. This haunting and moving novel, crafted from those few facts as well as detailed accounts of Stratford's early history, tells the tale of young Ruth Paine-later Goodwife Bassett-and how her singular experience beyond the confines of her Puritan world ultimately leads to her demise. Rich in historical insight, The Stratford Devil gives a touching look into the isolated world of an independent woman as she struggles to survive in circumstances beyond her control. With its focus on religion and terror, The Stratford Devil is a parable for our time.
Kongers sexliv er ikke en privatsag. I dagens historie fortælles om en smuk ung kvinde, som fik fordrejet kongens hovede og dermed var med til at understrege hans virilitet og evne til at regere. Det er en historie om fattigdom, sex og historiens vildeste overklasseliv - og også lidt historien om, hvordan det hele druknede i blod.Vært: Asser AmdissenTilrettelæggelse: Asser AmdisenKlip: Katja GrandeRedaktør: Andreas Lindinger SaxildHer er podcasten til dig, der elsker historie, men som ikke har tålmodighed til murstensbøger og alenlange dokumentarserier. I 'Asser fortæller historien' giver historiker Asser Amdisen dig en rablende indflyvning i begivenheder, krige, konflikter og personer fra menneskehedens fantastiske historie. Det går hurtigt, der bliver bandet, og når vi færdige, er du blevet i hvert fald en lille smule klogere på hvad dette eller hint egentlig var for en størrelse.Asser Amdisen (f. 1972) er historiker og fortæller. Han har skrevet en lang række bøger om historie, økonomi, demokrati og meget andet. Han formidler både til børn og voksne. Han tager også gerne en tur i fjernsynet eller i radioen for at fortælle om historie og har blandt andet lavet 1-minuts historiefortælling på P3 og deltaget i DR’s juleshow. Amdisen er uddannet på Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet på Gammel Estrup, Danmarks Herregårdsmuseum, og været museumsleder i Aabenraa. I dag er han direktør for Skoleskibet Georg Stage og bestyrelsesformand for Brandbjerg Højskole.
Historien om hvordan danske bomber i 1770 skulle overbevise en Nordafrikansk konge om, at de eneste som måtte bruge pirater til udenrigspolitik og gøre andre til slaver var hvide, kristne europæere. Det mislykkedes, men bomberne over Algier skabte alligevel ravage - bare i dansk politik i stedet.Vært: Asser AmdissenTilrettelæggelse: Asser AmdisenKlip: Katja GrandeRedaktør: Andreas Lindinger SaxildHer er podcasten til dig, der elsker historie, men som ikke har tålmodighed til murstensbøger og alenlange dokumentarserier. I 'Asser fortæller historien' giver historiker Asser Amdisen dig en rablende indflyvning i begivenheder, krige, konflikter og personer fra menneskehedens fantastiske historie. Det går hurtigt, der bliver bandet, og når vi færdige, er du blevet i hvert fald en lille smule klogere på hvad dette eller hint egentlig var for en størrelse.Asser Amdisen (f. 1972) er historiker og fortæller. Han har skrevet en lang række bøger om historie, økonomi, demokrati og meget andet. Han formidler både til børn og voksne. Han tager også gerne en tur i fjernsynet eller i radioen for at fortælle om historie og har blandt andet lavet 1-minuts historiefortælling på P3 og deltaget i DR’s juleshow. Amdisen er uddannet på Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet på Gammel Estrup, Danmarks Herregårdsmuseum, og været museumsleder i Aabenraa. I dag er han direktør for Skoleskibet Georg Stage og bestyrelsesformand for Brandbjerg Højskole.
Recommended for and by teachers as a way to introduce very young children to the story of the first Thanksgiving and why we celebrate Thanksgiving.
The hour is critical. The American republic is suffering its gravest crisis since the Civil War. Conflicts, hostility, and incivility now threaten to tear the country apart. Competing visions have led to a dangerous moment of cultural self-destruction. This is no longer politics as usual, but an era of political warfare where our enemies are not foreign adversaries, but our fellow citizens.Yet the roots of the crisis are deeper than many realize. Os Guinness argues that we face a fundamental crisis of freedom, as America's genius for freedom has become her Achilles' heel. Our society's conflicts are rooted in two rival views of freedom, one embodied in "1776" and the ideals of the American Revolution, and the other in "1789" and the ideals of the French Revolution. Once again America has become a house divided, and Americans must make up their minds as to which freedom to follow. Will the constitutional republic be restored or replaced?This grand treatment of history, civics, and ethics in the Jewish and Christian traditions represents Guinness's definitive exploration of the prospects for human freedom today. He calls for a national conversation on the nature of freedom, and poses key questions for concerned citizens to consider as we face a critical chapter in the American story. He offers readers a checklist by which they can assess the character and consequences of the freedoms they are choosing.In the tradition of Alexis de Tocqueville, Guinness provides a visitor's careful observation of the American experiment. Discover here a stirring vision for faithful citizenship and renewed responsibility for not only the nation but also the watching world.
Sophia Mohr wächst im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert in Diepholz als Tochter eines Perückenmachers auf. Nach der Französischen Revolution ist dieses Handwerk dem Untergang geweiht, kaum einer will noch Perücken tragen. Sophias Wunsch aus Kindertagen, die Werkstatt übernehmen zu können, zerschlägt sich, und sie macht sich auf den Weg in ein eigenes Leben.Sie lernt den jungen Wandergesellen Anton Auling kennen. Die beiden verleben einen gemeinsamen Sommer in Vechta. Wird Sophia es mit Antons Unterstützung gelingen, neue Pläne voranzutreiben, bevor der Herbst kommt?Der Autorin Gabriele Bagge gelingt eine unterhaltsame, auf Fortsetzung angelegte Familiensaga. Die Erzählung ist in der Zunftwelt von Münster, Osnabrück, Diepholz und Vechta angesiedelt.
**Semi-Finalist for the Chanticleer International Book Reviews 2023 Goethe Historical Fiction Award** **Honorable Mention in the Literary category of the Historical Fiction Company's 2023 Book of the Year Award** Who was the Headless Horseman? 1776. Wolfram Kaspar Von Hultz of Hesse-Cassel is about to embark on a perilous journey to fight the American rebels with the Hessian force allied to the British Army. Although a reluctant soldier, he knows his birthright is to fulfill his duty to the Landgraf. Wolfram takes his place in the world under the guidance of his surrogate uncle and mentor, the charming yet calculating Colonel Johann Rahl. Across the ocean and on the outskirts of Sleepy Hollow, Hulda Aupaumut lives in a cave beneath Raven Rock. Although shunned as a witch by the wary townspeople owing to her Bohemian-Mohican heritage and skill as a healer, Hulda remains to aid and protect those dear to her from the impending doom of war. As violence approaches, Hulda unknowingly discovers mysterious new abilities through her family grimoire from Bohemia, and its connection to the unexplainable power of Raven Rock. Wolfram and Hulda's paths draw closer until they become forever entwined in Sleepy Hollow, united in the common goal of protecting the town and seeking revenge against the man who, twenty years earlier, unknowingly changed both of their lives. Raven Rock exists within the canon of Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, weaving together details from the classic American horror tale, local folklore, and the historical context of the American Revolution.
The War of Independence Way opens with the Reds (the British redcoats), bullies from Crown Township, blasting Massachusetts Avenue boys with paintballs (the Boston Massacre) on the orders of their leader, Georgie King (King George III), the richest kid around and the worst eighth grader in history. Members of Down with Crown, a "secret society," get revenge by dumping lemonade over Georgie's head rather than pay "taxes" on their profits. Which works out well . . . except that it starts a war thatIndependence Way seems to have no chance of winning.Because the neighborhood needs her, GW (George Washington) reluctantly leads the Independence Warriors. But despite early victories, such as crossing Delaware Creek to humiliate Georgie in his own school, the Warriors, already under-resourced, become completely overwhelmed. GW hatches a plan that is either fantastically brilliant or incredibly stupid: attacking the Reds inside the Taco Bell at York Road and Town Boulevard, while also gathering "sensitive" information on them to make them give up. Eventually, Georgie surrenders (sort of), but without something to be against, the kids wonder what it is they are for. Will Independence Way remain thirteen separate blocks, or can the neighborhood become "united streets"?
It is June 10, 1663 and Etienne is running through a field of wild pasture, startling a flock of grouse into the air amid a frenzy of feathers and squawking, as he heads toward a double wedding in town. He has no idea that the ceremony will be interrupted with the news of a Native American attack on the Dutch settlement up north, the consequences of which will turn his world upside down threatening his family, community, and Lenape friends. He must choose - protect his new friends or defend his community. Both choices demand great sacrifice and risk the lives of those he loves.
Tyson Reeder's book evokes early America's rocky beginnings, when foreign interference and political conflict threatened to undermine its aspirations and ideals, even its very existence. Spanning the period from the Revolution to the War of 1812, and focusing particularly on the presidency of James Madison, it reveals a nation adjusting to rancorous partisanship, subjected to the untested and imperfect new tools of governance, and learning to live with the growing power of media.
A Promised Land illuminates the key role that Jewish Americans and Judaism played in the country's founding, engaging the larger question of guaranteeing religious freedom at a critical juncture in American history.
"De kongetro emigranter fandt i det store hele en meget venlig modtagelse hos det loyale danske folk. De fik efter kort tids ophold i landet på begæring naturalisation som danske statsborgere; ikke få ansattes som officerer i hæren og andre fik titel og rang; de af dem, der drev borgerlig næring, fandt store kundekredse, og til de fattige foranstaltedes der indsamlinger, der gav et godt udbytte."Efter den blodige franske revolution i 1789 var en lang række franskmænd tvunget til at emigrere for ikke at miste livet under det nye rædselsregime. En del af dem kom til Danmark, hvor de kongetro fik en varm modtagelse og hjælp til at skabe sig et liv i deres nye hjemland.Louis Bobé fortæller om de franske emigranter i Danmark, der kom til landet i slutningen af 1700-tallet og op igennem 1800-tallet. Mange af de mest fremtrædende er nævnt ved navn, mens franskmændenes generelle vilkår og historie i Danmark også beskrives i store træk.Bogen udkom første gang i 1905.Louis Theodor Alfred Bobé (1867-1951) var en dansk historiker og forfatter. Han arbejdede i en lang årrække som arkivar og var desuden ordenshistoriograf. Louis Bobé udgav mange bøger om historie og historiske personer på både dansk og tysk. Han modtog en række ordner for sit virke som historiker heriblandt 1. grad af Dannebrogsordenen, Dansk Røde Kors Mindetegn for Krigsfangehjælp samt Officerkorset af Oranien-Nassau-ordenen.
Explore the Uncharted with The Most Incredible Exploration Stories Ever Told!Embark on an unforgettable journey through time and across the globe with this captivating collection of exploration stories that will ignite your sense of adventure and curiosity. In The Most Incredible Exploration Stories Ever Told, we invite you to dive headfirst into the thrilling tales of intrepid explorers who dared to venture into the unknown, unveiling the mysteries of our world.Among several others, you'll learn about the exploits and adventures of:Marco Polo, the Venetian explorer who became an emissary of Kublai Khan and helped forge a connection between East and West.Christopher Columbus, the immortally world-renowned man of mysterious origins who was famous for being the first European to cross the Atlantic and discover America...or was he?James Cook, the British maritime cartographer who circumnavigated Antarctica, mapped Australia and New Zealand, discovered the Bering Strait, and discovered numerous islands throughout the Pacific, including Hawaii, where he met a gruesome end.David Livingstone, the abolitionist who embarked on a four-year journey throughout Africa in an obsessive quest to discover the source of the Nile River. In the process, he discovered Victoria Falls, crossed the width of southern Africa, and helped bring an end to the Arab-Swahili slave trade.Ernest Shackleton, a legendary Antarctic explorer, led the ill-fated Endurance expedition in 1914. Despite their ship's crushing by ice, Shackleton's exceptional leadership and determination saved his crew from disaster. His remarkable resilience and commitment to their survival during a harrowing journey across the ice make him an icon of Antarctic exploration.Whether you're an armchair explorer or a seasoned globetrotter, The Most Incredible Exploration Stories Ever Told is your passport to the greatest journeys ever undertaken. Join us on a quest to satiate your wanderlust and ignite your passion for the unknown.
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