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Indføring i moderne standardkinesisk (mandarin) med hovedvægten lagt på praktisk sprogbeherskelse samt introduktion til temaer som familieliv, arbejde, transport, indkøb, rejse og ferie
Kinesisk 1 - øvebog lægger vægt på at stimulere brugernes talefærdighed lige fra begyndelsen og er derfor særligt centreret omkring kommunikative øvelser. Kinesisk 1 - øvebog indeholder et bredt spektrum af både mundtlige og skriftlige øvelser, som varierer i udformning og sværhedsgrad. Til hver lektion findes udtaleøvelser, toneøvelser, gloseøvelser, kommunikationsøvelser og andre mere frie øvelsestyper. Øvelserne træner evnen til at tale, skrive, læse og forstå moderne standardkinesisk (mandarin). For at øge brugervenligheden er der fra og med andet oplag af øvebogen nummerering af samtlige øvelser i bogen, ligesom der er gjort ekstra plads til at løse de mange opgaver.
Kina er verdens mest folkerige stat og i rivende økonomisk udvikling. Stadig flere danskere rejser til "riget i midten" for at studere, rejse, opleve og knytte forretningsforbindelser.Denne omfattende parlør gør det nemmere for den rejsende at begå sig i Kina. Der er hjælp til at være gæst, til at forhandle priser og spørge om vej. Parløren dækker også restaurantbesøg, transport, sygdom, posthus, gaver, i teateret, hos frisøren, i banken, på hotellet, kontaktforhandlinger og telefonsamtaler.Dansk-kinesisk parlør kan tillige anvendes den anden vej - af kinesisktalende i Danmark.
An investigation of The Eye of Revelation, a system of inner alchemy meant to awaken the subtle powers of the human body and mind.
The 2,500-year-old I Ching, or 'Book of Changes', is an ancient Chinese work of divination and prophesy, consulted by performing complex routines of dropping bundles of dried grass stalks. Beautifully produced in traditional Chinese binding with 75 illustrations that make the perfect gift edition, this book will allow anyone to use the I Ching to predict their destiny.
"This book teaches you all the basics of the Chinese language, including practical conversations, vocabulary, and how to write the basic characters--with manga comic strips for easy learning! It enables you to begin communicating effectively from the first day. All Chinese words and sentences are given in Chinese characters and hanyu pinyin romanized form for easy pronunciation, with English translations"--
Denne afsluttende lærebog i Systimes system i kinesisk for begyndere forudsætter et basalt kinesisk ordforråd.Kinesisk 3 henvender sig til alle, der besidder et basalt ordforråd på kinesisk. Med denne afsluttende lærebog i Systimes system i kinesisk for begyndere, vil du lære at læse og forstå lettere kinesiske originaltekster og derudfra øge evnen til at kunne kommunikere på kinesisk.Kinesisk 3 giver dig en indføring i moderne standardkinesisk (mandarin) med hovedvægten lagt på praktisk sprogbeherskelse og læsefærdighed. Bogen er baseret på indlæring ved hjælp af kinesiske skrifttegn, men indeholder tillige transskriptionssystemet Hanyu pinyin til alle tekster og gloser.Kinesisk 3 er opdelt i otte lektioner, hver bestående af en længere kinesisk originaltekst og to relevante dialoger. Originalteksterne er skrevet af kinesiske studerende fra Beijing og teksterne introducerer temaer som miljø, kunst og kultur, filosofi og religion, kinesiske mærkedage og forandringerne i det moderne Kina.Tilknyttet hver lektion er relevant kulturstof, som belyser og perspektiverer teksternes tematik, samt gloser, grammatik, sproglige og skriftlige øvelser mv.Kinesisk 3 er en selvstændig del af Systimes prisvindende begyndersystem i kinesisk sprog. Kinesisk 3 er skrevet af ph.d. Lene Sønderby Bech og cand.mag. Christian Nielsen, som begge i en lang årrække har forsket og undervist i kinesisk sprog og kultur. Kinesisk 3 udgives med støtte fra Laurits Andersens Fond og S.C. Van Fonden.
Kinesiske skrifttegn for begyndere er en analytisk og systematisk introduktion til de kinesiske skrifttegn. Bogens bærende idé er at den mest holdbare og effektive måde at lære at skrive og læse tegnene er at forstå dem. Der er tusindvis af skrifttegn, men de er ikke tilfældigt skabt. Der ligger et logisk system bag deres design og at forstå dette system gør det betydeligt nemmere at lære tegnene og aktivt at kunne anvende dem.Kinesiske skrifttegn for begyndere er opdelt i to hovedafsnit.Første afsnit:Følger opbygningen af det kinesiske skriftsprog fra de basale streger til hele sætningerPræsenterer udviklingen fra de første primitive billedtegn til de skrifttegn, som anvendes i dagIntroducerer de byggeklodser, som tegnene er sammensat af, reglerne for at skrive tegn og streger, den historiske udvikling af skrifttegn og skrifttyper, kinesisk kalligrafi og endelig kinesisk orddannelseAndet afsnit:Præsenterer 300 basale skrifttegn, fordelt på 15 lektioner med hver 20 nye skrifttegn og 15-20 gloser, som indeholder de nye eller allerede indlærte skrifttegnViser hvordan tegnene skrives streg for streg og angiver deres udtale og betydningInformerer om tegnets etymologiske oprindelse, dets traditionelle form, et diagram der illustrerer dets opbygning, antal streger der indgår i tegnet, hvilke komponenter der indgår i tegnet, og hvilken komponent (radikal) der skal anvendes til ordbogsopslagGiver eksempler på, hvordan tegnet indgår i ord og sætninger i det kinesiske sprog
Welcome to Mandarin Chinese Test Series to learn counting number of strokes order of Chinese characters. These books contain hundreds of puzzles to count the strokes of the given sets of characters. You need to think the character formation and count the strokes numbers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The answers are provided at the end of the book. The Series contain thousands of puzzles to find the correct stroke numbers of the given simplified Chinese characters.
Welcome to Mandarin Chinese Test Series to learn counting number of strokes order of Chinese characters. These books contain hundreds of puzzles to count the strokes of the given sets of characters. You need to think the character formation and count the strokes numbers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The answers are provided at the end of the book. The Series contain thousands of puzzles to find the correct stroke numbers of the given simplified Chinese characters.
Welcome to Mandarin Chinese Test Series to learn counting number of strokes order of Chinese characters. These books contain hundreds of puzzles to count the strokes of the given sets of characters. You need to think the character formation and count the strokes numbers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The answers are provided at the end of the book. The Series contain thousands of puzzles to find the correct stroke numbers of the given simplified Chinese characters.
Welcome to Mandarin Chinese Test Series to learn counting number of strokes order of Chinese characters. These books contain hundreds of puzzles to count the strokes of the given sets of characters. You need to think the character formation and count the strokes numbers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The answers are provided at the end of the book. The Series contain thousands of puzzles to find the correct stroke numbers of the given simplified Chinese characters.
Welcome to Mandarin Chinese Test Series to learn counting number of strokes order of Chinese characters. These books contain hundreds of puzzles to count the strokes of the given sets of characters. You need to think the character formation and count the strokes numbers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The answers are provided at the end of the book. The Series contain thousands of puzzles to find the correct stroke numbers of the given simplified Chinese characters.
Welcome to Mandarin Chinese Test Series to learn counting number of strokes order of Chinese characters. These books contain hundreds of puzzles to count the strokes of the given sets of characters. You need to think the character formation and count the strokes numbers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The answers are provided at the end of the book. The Series contain thousands of puzzles to find the correct stroke numbers of the given simplified Chinese characters.
Welcome to Mandarin Chinese Test Series to learn counting number of strokes order of Chinese characters. These books contain hundreds of puzzles to count the strokes of the given sets of characters. You need to think the character formation and count the strokes numbers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The answers are provided at the end of the book. The Series contain thousands of puzzles to find the correct stroke numbers of the given simplified Chinese characters.
Welcome to Mandarin Chinese Test Series to learn counting number of strokes order of Chinese characters. These books contain hundreds of puzzles to count the strokes of the given sets of characters. You need to think the character formation and count the strokes numbers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The answers are provided at the end of the book. The Series contain thousands of puzzles to find the correct stroke numbers of the given simplified Chinese characters.
Welcome to Mandarin Chinese Test Series to learn counting number of strokes order of Chinese characters. These books contain hundreds of puzzles to count the strokes of the given sets of characters. You need to think the character formation and count the strokes numbers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The answers are provided at the end of the book. The Series contain thousands of puzzles to find the correct stroke numbers of the given simplified Chinese characters.
Welcome to Mandarin Chinese Test Series to learn counting number of strokes order of Chinese characters. These books contain hundreds of puzzles to count the strokes of the given sets of characters. You need to think the character formation and count the strokes numbers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The answers are provided at the end of the book. The Series contain thousands of puzzles to find the correct stroke numbers of the given simplified Chinese characters.
Welcome to Mandarin Chinese Test Series to learn counting number of strokes order of Chinese characters. These books contain hundreds of puzzles to count the strokes of the given sets of characters. You need to think the character formation and count the strokes numbers (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿). The answers are provided at the end of the book. The Series contain thousands of puzzles to find the correct stroke numbers of the given simplified Chinese characters.
The book introduces foreigner students to the Chinese names along with locations and addresses from the Yunnan Province of China (¿¿¿¿¿). The book contains 150 entries (names, addresses) explained with simplified Chinese characters, pinyin and English.
The book introduces foreigner students to the Chinese names along with locations and addresses from the Yunnan Province of China (¿¿¿¿¿). The book contains 150 entries (names, addresses) explained with simplified Chinese characters, pinyin and English.
The book introduces foreigner students to the Chinese names along with locations and addresses from the Yunnan Province of China (¿¿¿¿¿). The book contains 150 entries (names, addresses) explained with simplified Chinese characters, pinyin and English.
The book introduces foreigner students to the Chinese names along with locations and addresses from the Yunnan Province of China (¿¿¿¿¿). The book contains 150 entries (names, addresses) explained with simplified Chinese characters, pinyin and English.
Chinese characters, also known as Hanzi (¿¿) are the backbone of the Mandarin Chinese language (¿¿¿). There are thousands of these Chinese characters that you need to know in order to master the language. How many Chinese characters do you know already? In this book series, you will be exposed to thousands of multiple answer objective type question to recognize the Chinese characters. For each question, pinyin (¿¿) and English meaning has been provided. You need to guess the correct Chinese characters. Answers to the question has been provided for your reference.
Do you want your kids to learn Mandarin Chinese? Are you wondering how they can start learning to recognize and differentiate confusing Chinese characters? The book in this series will certainly help your kids jumpstart their Mandarin Chinese endeavors! Well, these books are designed for the kids in the age group of 3-7 years old. The titles provide numerous mind games for the kids to recognize Chinese characters. Each puzzle contains a character that should be compared and matched with the same character part of the multiple answers provided below. Happy learning!
The book introduces foreigner students to the Chinese names along with locations and addresses from the Yunnan Province of China (¿¿¿¿¿). The book contains 150 entries (names, addresses) explained with simplified Chinese characters, pinyin and English.
The book introduces foreigner students to the Chinese names along with locations and addresses from the Yunnan Province of China (¿¿¿¿¿). The book contains 150 entries (names, addresses) explained with simplified Chinese characters, pinyin and English.
The book introduces foreigner students to the Chinese names along with locations and addresses from the Yunnan Province of China (¿¿¿¿¿). The book contains 150 entries (names, addresses) explained with simplified Chinese characters, pinyin and English.
The book introduces foreigner students to the Chinese names along with locations and addresses from the Yunnan Province of China (¿¿¿¿¿). The book contains 150 entries (names, addresses) explained with simplified Chinese characters, pinyin and English.
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