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  • - Udforsk solens hemmeligheder og planeterne omkring den
    165,95 kr.

    Denne utrolige guide til solsystemet inviterer børnene til en fantastisk rejse ud i rummet.Bogen er fyldt med vidunderlige illustrationer af kunstneren Dawn Cooper, nye helt opdaterede billeder fra rumagenturerne NASA og ESA, informationstabeller og diagrammer.Fantastisk introduktion til rummet for unge læsere fra 8 år.

  • - Lev i harmoni med naturens cyklusser og genopdag din feminine visdom
    af Stine Schou Kvistgaard
    218,95 kr.

    Lev i harmoni med årstiderne. Følg flowet i din egen cyklus.Lad dig guide af månens og elementernes energi.Og brug visdommen fra de kvindelige arketyper.Årsbogen Din Feminine Visdom er en invitation til at tænke mere cyklisk og genforbinde dig med din feminine visdom.Som kvinder er vi cykliske væsener af natur og påvirkes hele tiden af skiftene i naturen og i os selv. Men gennem tiden har vi tilpasset os til at leve på en måde, som i virkeligheden ikke er naturlig for os. Langsomt har vi glemt værdien af vores egen feminine, cykliske visdom. Heldigvis bor den stadig indeni – den skal bare kaldes frem.I bogen bliver du kærligt guidet gennem årets skiftende faser og dine egne udsving. Med afsæt i Årshjulet inspireres du på poetisk og praktisk vis til at læne dig mere ind i naturens cyklusser, for at få glæde af de vidt forskellige gaver, der gemmer sig i de forskellige faser.I bogen bliver du indviet i visdommen bag:Årstidernes og månedernes energiDe fire elementer Luft, Vand, Ild og JordDe fire arketyper Ungkvinden, Moderen, Vildkvinden og ViskvindenMånens cyklusDe fire årstider i kvindens cyklusMånedernes ritualerUdtalelser om bogen"Jeg ville ønske, jeg havde læst denne bog, dengang jeg var yngre ... Læs den for at vække din krop. Læs den for at give dit hoved nye indsigter. Og fordi det er tid til at stå på jorden som kvinde – på en helt anden måde end hidtil."Birgitte Baadegaard"Jeg mærkede en forandring ske i mig selv, da jeg læste bogen.En mere feminin og vis måde at være i verden på."Maria Houe"Igennem bogen føler jeg min indre urkvinde få plads og endelig få en stemme i samfundetigen – og en stolthed over at være kvinde. Tak Stine, for en magisk, nødvendig bog."Flora Melchiorsen

  • af Stuart Atkinson
    241,95 kr.

    Meget indbydende og lærerig med overskuelig tekst og tydelige tegninger om at se på stjerner og planeter. Bogen er logisk bygget op med mange overskrifter, så det er nemt at få et overblik. Katten i titlen er forfatterens kat, der deltog i ture ud i natten for at se på stjerner.Anbefales varmt!- LektørudtalelsenEn billed-fagbog, hvor du sammen med katten Felicity kan lære om det uendelige univers.Sammen med Felicity kan du lære, hvad de forskellige stjernebilleder hedder, og hvordan man finder fjerne galakser.Bogen indeholder masser af sjove oplysninger og praktiske råd, så du kan se stjernerne på en måde, som du aldrig har set dem før.Stuart Atkinson har skrevet og redigeret bøger om astronomi og rummet i 30 år.

  • af Doreen Cronin
    337,95 kr.

    Sød fortælling om venskab, mod og at turde bevæge sig udenfor det velkendteLaurits er en lidt sky dreng, der bedst kan lide at være hjemme hos sig selv, for der er alt muligt farligt ”derude”. Sofie er en lille fugl, der holder sig oppe i luften, for der er mørkt og skummelt ”dernede”. Men så mødes de to og bliver venner. De laver alt muligt sjovt sammen, indtil det en dag pludselig bliver uvejr, og de bliver væk fra hinanden. For at finde hinanden igen er de to venner nødt til at være modige og bevæge sig uden for deres trygge rammer.En sød billedbog om at kaste sig ud i noget nyt og skræmmende. De skønne, og muntre illustrationer viser mange sjove situationer med Laurits og Sofie.

  • af Brendan Kearney
    337,95 kr.

    Hvad ville der ske, hvis månen forsvandt? Få svaret i denne søde billedbog om Luna, der leder efter sin gode ven, MånenDer kan godt blive lidt ensomt ude i rummet, så Månen kigger tit på menneskerne nede på Jorden, selvom de ikke kigger så meget på den.Når Månen titter frem, er folk ligeglade og går bare i seng. Det er Månen meget ked af. Men det er faktisk ikke alle, der er ligeglade med Månen. Luna betragter den hver aften fra sit vindue, inden hun skal sove.En aften er Månen væk – og der bliver panik, for alle elsker jo i virkeligheden Månen.Hvor er den henne? Og kan Luna finde den?

  • af E. V. Ring
    242,95 kr.

    »Du bist endlich am Ort deiner Bestimmung.Du wirst jetzt beweisen, dass du ihm würdig bist.«Cornwall, 1968. Der junge Aarin sehnt sich nach den Sternen. Er trainiert eisern, um irgendwann ins All fliegen zu können, doch sein Wunsch scheint unerfüllbar. Als die Maschinen ihn zu sich holen, kommt er seinem Ziel so nahe wie noch nie. Aarin schwört, seiner neuen Aufgabe gerecht zu werden, koste es, was es wolle ¿ und besiegelt damit sein Schicksal.Der zweite Teil der Maschinenmacht-Reihe erzählt die Geschichte von Aarin Cirrus und knüpft im Anschluss nahtlos an Band eins an. Im Kern der Maschine kommt es zum Wiedersehen mit alten Bekannten und schließlich zu einem lange erwarteten Showdown.Eine Villain Origin Story in einem Genremix aus Science-Fiction, Thriller, Biopunk, Drama und Coming of Age.

  • af Mo Axier
    149,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Belis Ahmed
    103,95 - 202,95 kr.

    Det lille, turkisfarvede dyr Gokki rejser en tur ud i rummet og fortæller spændende ting om Solen, Jorden og de andre små og store planeter. Der er også farlige steder derude, som man skal holde sig langt væk fra. Men der ikke noget liv. Eller er der?En charmerende introduktion til verdensrummet med et stænk af fantasi.

  • af P J Wallis
    123,95 kr.

    God has set the stage for our life story to be acted out on and with the gift of a free will, it's up to each of us to decide what role we want to play; wilderness wanderers as the Israelites of ancient times, so close to the Promised Land yet not permitted to enter; or a believer in God's eternal promises fulfilled in Christ. There are only two options. God does have a plan for humanity; he has set forth a calendar, established a timetable; and we all live along that timetable, somewhere from its beginning, to the end of all human rule on Earth. He needs each of us to start again spiritually, to become willing participants in the inward transformation of our disposition, ready for the day to come. Becoming a Christian is easy. Maintaining the claim that Christ lives in you will be the most challenging, life-changing experience. How do we change our inner self to take on Christlikeness? How do we react in times when our faith is put to the test; - times of unknowables, those things sometimes beyond the limits of human experience or understanding? The primary purpose of this book is to introduce the real God, because if we seek a relationship with him, we must think of it in terms of a valuable human relationship. There needs to be a degree of attractiveness; we need to share similar values as God possesses to even begin to flourish and grow.

  • af Jennifer Fallet
    87,95 kr.

    When Angus's grandmother passes away, she leaves her entire three-million-dollar inheritance to her three grandchildren, deliberately excluding her greedy sons. She asks her lawyer, the captivating Scarlett, to execute her will and safeguard the grandchildren's futures. But Scarlett harbours a secret: she alone knows the location of the inheritance money. As she desperately seeks true love after a failed relationship, she finds herself strangely drawn to Vincent, an alluring tarot card reader who seems to understand her like no one else. But is Vincent real or too good to be true? Meanwhile, Angus fights to secure what he sees as his rightful share of inheritance from his own late father. But his mother has other plans for the money. In the wake of his grandmother's death, long-buried family secrets come to light and the race for the inheritance takes unexpected twists and turns. Told through a lens of magic, intrigue and mystery, A Grand Inheritance is a page-turning family saga exploring the bitter legacy of inheritance. At its emotional core, one woman's search for self and love. Will Scarlett embrace true love at last or be consumed by family greed?

  • af Michael Hirtzy
    280,95 kr.

    Mitte des 23. Jahrhunderts hat sich die Menschheit über die Grenzen der Erde hinaus entwickelt. Viele Planeten und Monde des Sonnensystems sind besiedelt, wenn auch oft nur von kleinen Bergbaukolonien oder Industrieanlagen. Bis weit hinein in die Oortsche Wolke sind Außenposten bereits vorgedrungen. In der Kälte des Weltalls sind die Menschen auf sich allein gestellt. Wer verunglückt, kann nur auf die Rettungsschiffe der SNR hoffen. Wie die Gutabara, die seit Jahrzehnten ihre Bahnen am äußersten Rand des Sonnensystems zieht. Im Tiefschlaf wartet die Crew des Search and Rescue Kreuzers darauf, jene zu retten, die hoffnungslos havarieren. Doch was, wenn ein Hilferuf die Gutabara und ihre Crew selbst in tödliche Bedrängnis bringt?

  • af Hal N. Schneider
    340,95 - 469,95 kr.

  • af James Vodnik
    132,95 kr.

    Mankind is on a crash course with destiny and doesn't seem to have a clue! We are witnessing rapidly accelerating global warming of our own making that could potentially result in species extinctions, including our own. Witness widespread signs of the impending disaster including super storms, record drought, floods, forest fires and climate refugees. Dangerous nuclear saber rattling by Russia and North Korea is on the upswing and the Russian invasion of Ukraine threatens to expand to Western Europe. The increasing number of fascist, autocratic, dictator-run states such as China, North Korea, Turkey, and Brazil are snuffing individual freedoms, denying social justice and fanning the flames of global conflict. The world's population is rapidly approaching eight billion and is well past the point of Earth's ability to sustain us. Crushing poverty, starvation, and dozens of militarized religious and ethnic conflicts. We have polluted our planet with toxic chemicals, oil spills, reckless dumping of trash on land and sea, contaminating the oceans with fish and fowl killing plastic waste.This book is the result of overwhelming outrage and disappointment with our species, our failure to adequately address worldwide problems that threaten our very existence. We (if there is a 'we') should be embarrassed and ashamed. Nature has endowed us with near perfect bodies and amazing brains and for the most part we squander our evolutionary inheritance. And the greatest gift of all, consciousness, is under-developed in most of us. In this collection of essays, the author offers insights into the human condition, the reasons we have run afoul of the natural order, along solutions to alleviate human suffering on an individual and global scale plus some playful jabs at our human folly.

  • af Alexander Schudow
    137,95 - 206,95 kr.

  • af Robert Burns
    277,95 kr.

    Are you overwhelmed by the conflicting information and passionate debates surrounding climate change? Does the urgency in climate discourse leave you feeling anxious and concerned? Do you wish you had a clearer understanding of the science that underpins this global issue?If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, then this book is your essential guide.This isn't a manifesto pushing a political agenda. Instead, it aims to arm you with straightforward scientific insights to clarify the complexities of climate change. This knowledge will empower you to form educated opinions, devoid of emotional bias or unsupported belief.Inside, you'll unravel a wealth of information, including:The critical role of the Greenhouse Effect in sustaining life on EarthThe criteria that make a gas a 'greenhouse gas'The contributing factors to sea level fluctuationsInnovative ways to reduce methane emissions from livestockThe limitations of climate models in providing precise forecasts, and why they can only offer estimatesThe meaning and implications of 'net zero,' along with promising advancements in electric vehicles, green hydrogen, and nuclear energy that could help us achieve this goalA balanced roadmap for the future, integrating cutting-edge technology and renewable resources to secure economic prosperity without sacrificing our planetEquip yourself with the knowledge you need to navigate the intricate world of climate change, and be part of informed discussions and decisions that shape our planet's future.

  • af David T Bennett
    132,95 kr.

    Back on Topside and a chance discovery reunites our gang of misfits for a second perilous adventure. With Nerak and Karel remaining on Topside to watch their discovery, Tega meets with his old friends to meet up with the now-released professor Snikwah at the infamous resort of Rocby-on-Sea. There they meet up with Fisah, an old friend of Ha'ans.Their journey will take them across the Sea of Despair, and along the Ancient Highway. What they find at the end of the Highway amazes and confuses them.Below and in a secret scientific research centre, a strange device from the landing site emits sounds. Unaware of its significance and unsure of its risk to Below, the Hierarchy sends a reluctant Professor Xoc and the device on the fastest and most terrifying way across Topside to meet up with our crew.Meanwhile, Raciv, head of the clerics, is aware of what secrets lie at the end of the Highway. He has deemed that no one finds out the truth about the National Library. Jes is despatched to make sure of this, but with his newfound knowledge and friendship with the once abandoned journalist Asil, will Jes obey or defy his master's orders?What has Asil discovered and just how far will she go to get revenge?All this culminates in a historic meeting of Simians and Machine - which would bring about a new era for both.A new era that will bring about events that will change things forever.

  • af Lisa Smolinski
    157,95 kr.

    Wir schreiben das Jahr 10823. William, Kyrian und Giorgino entführen uns in ihre neue Welt(en).Doch was hat das Jahr 10823 mit der Zeit der großen Depression der 2020er bis 2050er Jahre zu tun?Welche Rolle spielen die 'Artificial Minds' und unsere Protagonisten bei der Rettung der Menschheit und des Planeten Erde?

  • af Jonathan Andrews
    137,95 kr.

    Rome had a new Emperor, Augustus. He began his rule with an iron fist. Many client kings and rulers throughout the Roman Empire were plotting to retake their lands from Roman rule. And looked for any sign of weakness. The legions of Rome fought to quell several uprisings on the outer edges of the Roman Empire. Rome needed a warrior, a true leader of men, and the Roman Gods answered. In the death of night, a thunderstorm raged. The screams of a woman giving birth rang out, followed by the cry of a new born child entering the world. Atticus was born. Destined to walk in the shadows of the Gods, Mars and Jupiter. They gave him the heart of a Lion and the will to succeed against all adversaries. The Gods would not make Atticus' path in life easy, born to the lowest of the low, hardship would befall him from a very young age. But one day he would be strong enough to defend the weak and fight with honour.... but make no mistake, Atticus would kill the enemies of Rome without mercy. One day he would become Rome's greatest ever warrior. His name would be known in all four corners of the Roman Empire and beyond.

  • af Bernhard Schaffrath
    188,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Micah P Kinard
    187,95 kr.

    Embark on an exciting journey to futuristic Mars with Randy The Robot and his trusty B.U.G., where young readers discover thrilling science facts and essential life lessons, unlocking superpowers within, and learning the joy of helping others.

  • af Johannes Weinand
    238,95 kr.

    NorwegenErk Johannsen bringt sein Team nach Jötunheim, die Heimat der Riesen, in Norwegen. Dort bekommen sie Kontakt mit dem Wächter von Jötunheim. Der Jötun zeigt dem Team sein gestrandetes Raumschiff. Das Schiff ist unter dem Gletscher versteckt. Ein gewagter Plan entsteht, das riesige Schiff, mit der Hilfe von Nemesis, zu heben, und gleichzeitig die Weltbevölkerung zu einen.Das Schiff wird gehoben. Danach trifft sich der junge Johannsen mit der Staatschefs aller Völker. Während der Verhandlungen heben sie ein zweites Schiff, mit dem Brandolf und seine Schergen abgestürzt sind. Es befindet sich in den Tiefen der Burg, die Brandolf um das Schiff gebaut hat. Sie entdecken einen Transmitter, der das Labor Brandolfs, auf dem Planeten Jötan, zeigt. Als Kesuk, Freya und Carlos in der Nähe des Transmitters stehen, aktiviert dieser und schickt sie auf den Planeten Jötan. Das Team um Erk Johannsen entwickelt einen Plan, ihre Freunde aus dem Jötansystem zu befreien. Zur Kontaktaufnahme benutzen sie das Heilige Feuer. Die Jötan bemerken den Kontakt, und die Jagd beginnt.

  • af Relvin Gonzalez
    167,95 kr.

    He had killed dozens. Then NASA hired him.Faced with the threat of solar flares, the government assembles a team to terraform Mars and hire Dean Turner, a leading construction worker from Texas, as the mission's fourth member.And he is about to leave behind the product of his urges-dismantled bodies hidden inside walls-and find in the stars the only cage that will contain him.Special Agent James Cole longs to make a name for himself. But he is sent to a remote location in Texas to sift through cold case files. James connects unsolved cases across the US and discovers that his prime suspect is two hundred million miles away from Earth.Dean Turner and Agent James Cole, now separated by the cold vacuum of space, seek what has eluded them.The Void Beyond the Walls is split between the serial killer's inner workings and the obsessed man hunting him down.Fans of Jim Thompson's The Killer Inside Me, James Ellroy's Killer On The Road, and Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho will enjoy this dark literary fiction that spans from Earth to Mars, set against the darkness of mind and space. Get it now.

  • af Joshua Parksteinhoff
    277,95 kr.

    "Jack Buddhafly - Der Tanz der Schmetterlinge"¿Gott hat mir Flügel geschenkt, um zu fliegen. Doch immer, wenn ich meiner löchrigen Seele etwas Zeit gebe, mich einzuholen, dann kehrt auch dieser Schmerz zurück.Da hilft nichts. Ich kann mich amüsieren, mit Frauen, mit Wein, mit gutem Weed, mit MDMA, und Sex.Aber nach jedem Rausch, ist die Landung nur noch schlimmer.Der Geschmack von Asche, der an die Träume erinnert, die ich auf den Trips verbrenne, lässt sich nicht auswaschen, weder mit Champagner noch mit Wehmut.Aber stell dir vor, ich habe wieder Hoffnung.Es liegt an dieser Melodie, welche ich noch immer tief in mir spüre, und welche mir zuflüstert, dass eine große Reise beginnt.¿Jack BuddhaflyEine moderne Erzählung: inspirierend, tiefsinnig und unterhaltend.Der Musiker Jackomo fühlt sich nirgendwo zu Hause. Auf der Suche nach sich selbst verliert er sich in Sex, Drogen und Partys. Eines Abends trifft er jedoch die geheimnisvolle Mailin und wird in ein aufregendes Abenteuer gezogen, das ihn durch halb Europa und schließlich nach Mag Mor, die mythische Anderswelt der alten Kelten, führt.Hier muss er sich nicht nur einer fürchterlichen Bedrohung, sondern auch den Schatten seines eigenen Selbst stellen.Die einzigartige Erzählweise des Autors Joshua Parksteinhoff nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise durch faszinierende Welten und lässt geschickt die Grenzen zwischen Realität und Fantasie verschmelzen. Dabei ist das Buch eine Quelle der Inspiration, bietet kapitelweise Unterhaltung auf höchstem Niveau und befriedigt zugleich auch die anspruchsvollsten intellektuellen Bedürfnisse.Zugleich ist es eine kraftvolle Botschaft gegen Diskriminierung und Ausbeutung und feiert die Vielfalt und Würde eines jeden Lebens.

  • af Robert Maschmann
    168,95 - 235,95 kr.

  • af Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann
    159,95 kr.

    Great European planetary festival in Dresden: a serial killer sends out poison horoscopes.Police student Max, severely disturbed by combat missions in Afghanistan, and his Evi, a petty criminal bakery clerk from Upper Lusatia, go in search of clues. While she hunts poisoners in the pulsating Florence on the Elbe, he accompanies the star astrologer Scultetus as a bodyguard to the end of the world.Art Nouveau palace in Prague, Chinese pagoda on the Canary Islands, heavenly priests of the Sahara, Istanbul horoscope scholars, alpine castle with scary witch, planetary avenues on the Atlantic, Scottish druid circles, star hall in Øresund, secret studies in Warsaw, examination by granite-headed lodge brothers and odyssey through the Zittau mountains, escape and return to Dresden.Showdown on the roof of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main. And on, on and on, to the city of dawn in distant India.

  • af P. S. Hanlor
    334,95 kr.

  • af Franziska Herrmann
    332,95 - 417,95 kr.

  • af Michael Fischer
    247,95 - 417,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Höding
    198,95 - 327,95 kr.

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