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Hvordan Ulrik Plesner og Geoffrey Bawa med en talentfuld gruppe af unge arkitekter, kunstnere og håndværkere skabte en ny arkitektur til Sri Lanka, baseret på en frugtbar fusion af vestlig, kolonial og lokal byggeskik. Den unge Ulrik Plesner tager i 1950’erne til Sri Lanka, og mødet med øen kommer til at lægge kursen for hans liv. I IN SITU omfavner Ulrik Plesner selv sit mangfoldige virke som arkitekt i Sri Lanka og i et tilbageblik på et langt liv fører han pennen gennem Colombos indre gårdhaver, gennem søjlegange og ind i junglens dyb. Rundt på øen i høj fart i Rolls-Royce og med tjenere, der serverer vand i krystalglas på sølvbakker. Med Peacock-cigaretten dinglende fra mundvigen og i et opløftet og uhøjtideligt miljø formulerer han sammen med den srilankalske arkitekt Geoffrey Bawa en toneangivende arkitektonisk retning for Sri Lanka. De tager højde for det dramatiske klima med monsunens massive vandmængder og bagende sol. De udvikler det moderne dobbelte tag, der kan holde kryb ude og modstå legende aber på taget. De udvikler bæredygtigt byggeri med vedligeholdelsesfrie og langtidsholdbare bygninger, og de benytter lokale materialer og håndværkere. Og helt centralt respekterer de den srilankalske måde at leve på, øens historie og traditioner. Alt skabt efter Ulrik Plesners livslektie: ”Ingen bliver glade eller kan fungere ordentlig, hvis de bliver tvunget til at leve i en bygning, der ikke understøtter deres vante livsform.” Samarbejdet munder blandt andet ud i de karakteristiske byhuse i Colombo, hvis indre gårdhaver i dag sætter sit præg på byen. I udviklingen af de store overhængende tage med lave udhæng. Den gode hyrdes kapel i Bandarawela og ikke mindst det mageløse junglehus Polontolawa, der er bygget rundt om junglens træer og klipper. Her, i kombinationen af dansk arkitekturtradition og respekt for de srilankalske klimatiske, kulturelle og økonomiske vilkår, skaber de sammen værker, der i dag udgør en af landets turistattraktioner.
Indiens historie gennem de seneste godt 250 år er en dramatisk og fascinerende fortælling, der på mange måder afspejler væsentlige omvæltninger i den store, globale historie.Ved indgangen til 1700-tallet var Indien blandt de mest udviklede og velstående områder i verden. Ved indgangen til 1800-tallet var Indien situation ændret dramatisk og i al væsentlighed under britisk kontrol. Indien blev imperiets juvel, verdens største koloni og på mange måder symbolet på imperialismens verdensorden.Ved indgangen til 1900-tallet indtog Indien en fremtrædende plads i afkoloniseringen. Uafhængighedskampen blev en af de første og mest spektakulære med Gandhi som den helt centrale skikkelse. Som en af de første kolonier fik Indien selvstændighed i 1947 og trådte ind i kredsen af suveræne stater som verdens største demokrati. I modsætning til de fleste andre nationer i de tidligere koloniområder har det indiske demokrati vist sig levedygtigt.Samtidig har Indien gennem hele 1900-tallet været et af verdens fattigste lande, og endnu i dag er der flere fattige mennesker i Indien end noget andet sted på jorden. Ved indgangen til dette århundrede og i lyset af globaliseringen har landet imidlertid oplevet en betydelig økonomisk vækst. Væksten kommer langt fra alle til gode men giver dog håb om, at også Indiens mange fattige på et tidspunkt går en bedre fremtid i møde.Indiens historie efter 1739 rummer centrale dele af det kernestof, som forudsættes dækket i faget historie på gymnasiet: kolonisering, imperialisme, afkolonisering og globalisering. Desuden vil store dele af bogen kunne bruges i faget samtidshistorie på HHX.Anden udgaven rummer mindre opdateringer om Indien og den nye globale verdensorden, en udvidet beskrivelse af den aktuelle politiske situation og samfundsudvikling omkring valgene i 2004 og 2009 samt et nyt kildesæt om Commonwealth Games 2010, Anna Hazare og Niels Holck sagen. Bogens øvrige kapitler er blot gennemgået for at rette op på mindre fejl og mangler, så 2. udgave med rimelighed kan bruges side om side med første udgaven.
Indeholder to dybdeafspændingsmetoder, på 20 minutter og 45 minutter. Swami Janakananda vejleder dig i en dyb afspænding af krop og sjæl. Informationshæftet som følger med CD'en beskriver baggrunden for Yoga Nidra og hvordan man kan få det fulde udbytte af de to afspændinger. "Afspænding er en tilstand. Den opnås bedst gennem en teknik som udløser den. Blodtrykket normaliseres, immunforsvaret styrkes, hjernen slapper af.
To mennesker besøger den indiske stat Rajasthan. De ankommer til New Delhi, hvorfra de får en køremulighed til byen Jaipur. På hotellet snakker de med en tysker, der anbefaler dem at hyre en chauffør, der kan føre dem rundt i selve Rajasthan. Det bliver så til et besøg i alle de større byer i staten. Ved et besøg i byen Jodhpur, hvor chaufføren har familie, bliver de inviteret til et bryllup, der skal finde sted få måneder senere. De tager imod indbydelsen og vender tilbage til Indien og byen Jodhpur igen. Bogen beskriver i første omgang de mange byer i Rajastahan. Dernæst brylluppet i Jodhpur med beskrivelse af alle de gamle indiske bryllupstraditioner, der dækker mange dage. De bliver vidne til alle de gamle og sære detaljer omkring brylluppet. De sidder ofte sammen med præst og brudgom omkring bålet, hvor de fleste ting finder sted.
Så længe jeg kan huske tilbage, har jeg haft drømmen. Drømmen om det fremmede og eksotiske. De mægtige Himalaya Bjerge, små arabiske handelsbyer, Borneos jungle, savannen i Østafrika, Amazonflodens rige dyreliv, Inkariget, Saharas golde ørken og Pampa-sletten i Argentina ...Sådan starter beskrivelsen af min første store rejse, som varede to år. En rejsebeskrivelse, som tog sit udspring for 32 år siden, og dengang var tænkt som memoirer til min datter Aya. En evighed før hun blot var en tanke.Bogen henvender sig til alle med rejselyst. Dig der selv er på vej ud for at opleve vores fantastiske verden. Eller dig der kan huske, hvordan det var at rive et år eller to ud af kalenderen og rejse rundt, dengang mobiltelefonen hørte fremtiden til, og al kontakt til familien gik via det lokale posthus. Hvem du end er, så sæt dig til rette og tag med mig på en eventyrlig rejse i tid og sted.Eventyret starter, hvor hverdagens forudsigelighed stopper.God fornøjelse med bogen!Lars Fougstedt Christiansen, september 2024.
The Spirit of Japan (1916) is a speech by Rabindranath Tagore. Published after he received the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature, The Spirit of Japan is a powerful lecture on Japanese culture in relation to the modernizing forces of the West. Delivered at the Keio Gijuku University in Tokyo, The Spirit of Japan is a testament to Tagore¿s gifts as an artist and intellectual. ¿True modernism is freedom of mind, not slavery of taste. It is independence of thought and action, not tutelage under European schoolmasters. It is science, but not its wrong application in life,¿a mere imitation of our science teachers who reduce it into a superstition absurdly invoking its aid for all impossible purposes.¿ Invigorated by a tour of Japan, Rabindranath Tagore reflects on a culture which, to his mind, has ¿realized nature¿s secrets, not by methods of analytical knowledge, but by sympathy.¿ Before he returns to his native country, he makes sure to warn the gathering of Japanese students who have come to hear him speak of the dangers of modernization and the encroachment of European values. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Rabindranath Tagore¿s The Spirit of Japan is a classic of Indian literature reimagined for modern readers.
"De kalder mig ulven" er en fortælling om at vokse op med en viden om, at de gode kort er blevet fordelt skævt. Hovedpersonens forældre har hele deres liv arbejdet hårdere end deres helbred har kunnet klare. Alligevel er det eneste de efterlader, minder og nogle familiehistorier, fra farens opvækst i Pakistan, fra morens familie i Finmarken og fra deres fælles liv i Oslo. Nu er hjemmet opløst, og faren vil forlade Norge for at blive gammel i sit hjemland. Tilbage står hovedpersonen, sønnen, med en umættelig sult efter at eje og have det, alle andre har så meget mere af. Om forfatteren:Zeshan Shakar (f. 1982 i Oslo) er uddannet indenfor statskundskab og har også læst økonomi. For sin første roman, "Tante Ulrikkes vei" (2017), der solgte over 160.000 eksemplarer, fik han Tarjei Vesaas' debutantpris. For "De kalder mig ulven" fik Zeshan Shakar Norges Gyldne Laurbær, Bokhandlerprisen i 2022.
This book is a compilation of inspiring quotes from spiritual teachers of the East, coupled with images showcasing the incredible sacred art of Nepal. The photographs, captured by Sean Starr and Jennifer Moore Starr during their time in Nepal in 2019 and 2020, coincide with the production of the documentary "Art Is Love: Nepal," they were shooting on location with filmmakers Daniel Driensky and Sarah Reyes of Exploredinary.For over 30 years, Sean Starr's original artwork has been displayed in dozens of exhibitions at galleries and institutions in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, Napa Valley, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Antonio and Ireland.Jennifer Moore Starr is a photographer and studio manager at Starr Studios. In the spring of 2019, I embarked on my inaugural journey to Nepal, having been invited by a photojournalist friend following the last-minute withdrawal of one of his fellow photographers. Eagerly seizing the opportunity, I found myself captivated by Nepal's allure the moment I touched down in Kathmandu. As an artist, I was enthralled by the ancient culture's profound reverence for the arts and how deeply intertwined the artwork was with their spiritual beliefs.After spending several weeks immersing myself in the rich tapestry of Nepal, I returned home with the aspiration to revisit and document the remarkable things I had encountered. A subsequent conversation with friends and filmmakers Daniel Driensky and Sarah Reyesof Exploredinary in Dallas resulted in an agreement to collaboratively return and produce a documentary highlighting the traditional artists of Nepal.Fate played its part, swiftly aligning the pieces, and in early 2020, My wife Jennifer, Daniel and Sarah found ourselves back in Nepal, filming our recently completed feature-length documentary titled "Art Is Love: Nepal." Throughout our travels, we documented the stories of artists and the sacred art of Nepal.Our journey took us through the bustling streets of Kathmandu, the ancient city of Bhaktapur, Pashupatinath Temple, the iconic Boudhanath and Swayambhunath Stupas, the lakeside city of Pokhara, and some of the remote villages of the Himalayas. We sincerely hope you enjoy this collection of photos, captured by Jennifer and me during breaks between filming sessions and interviews with other artists. It seemed only fitting to complement these images with some of our favorite quotes from Eastern teachers, some of whom undoubtedly inspired the very artists responsible for the masterpieces adorning this beautiful country.
Rulers of India: Akbar, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of History, General and Eastern Hemisphere
The Siksha-Patri of the Svami-Narayana Sect, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of History, General and Eastern Hemisphere
The Siksha-Patri of the Svami-Narayana Sect , is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of History, General and Eastern Hemisphere
Durgacharan Rakshit (1854-1938) was a scholar and a business owner. In thelate 1800s and early 1900s, he set out on an unprecedented set of travels thattook him to nearly all corners of India. Travelling by foot, boat, train, carriageand more, he traversed the length and breadth of the country-quite literally.In this detailed journal written over several years, Rakshit recounts seeingthe temples of Orissa and the small towns of Assam; he describes themountainous heights of Kashmir, the beauty of the Golden Temple in Amritsar,the magnificent Jain temples near Mount Abu, and the transcendent Taj Mahal.In the south, he travels through Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu,visiting cities, temples and towns, describing in detail what were for himunknown customs and ways of living.Everywhere, Durgacharan Rakshit turns his enquiring eye on the way menand women look, dress, and their religious and traditional beliefs. Fromthe elaborate rituals of major temples, to the price of bananas and betelnuts, nothing escapes his meticulous notice. Along the way he meets poets,administrators, wandering sadhus, businessmen, householders and more-allof which he records in his journal.Journeys Across India, first published in Bengali as Bharat Pradakshin in 1903-and still in print-is an invaluable and exhaustive portrait of India and Indiansociety rooted in history, and will be of immense interest to both scholars andthe lay reader.
Rulers of India: The Earl of Mayo, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of History, General and Eastern Hemisphere
Rulers of India: Lord Clive, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of History, General and Eastern Hemisphere
This book analyses the agricultural and pastoral infrastructure of the Mature and Late Harappan cultures (c. 2500-1700 BC) of northwest India. The economic role of drought-resistant millet crops is reconstructed using ethnographic studies of crop processing, palaeoethnobotany, and carbon isotope analysis.
Ein Episoden-Roman, der die Abgründe, Ängste und Hoffnungen von sieben mehr oder weniger unglücklichen Freigeistern lebendig macht wie einen schlafwandlerischen Traum. Sie alle eint der Wunsch nach einem sinnvollen und erfüllten Leben sowie die Bereitschaft, alles dafür zu opfern, was ihnen vermeintlich lieb und teuer ist. Ein Lesetrip zwischen Berlin, Auroville (autonome Stadt in Südindien), Namibia, Istanbul, La Gomera und Sardinien!
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
From a Bed for Curries, to Pilaf, Biryani, Khitchi, Idli, Dosa, Savouries and Desserts, No One Cooks Rice as Lovingly as the Indians DoFrom Prasenjeet Kumar, the #1 bestseller of the "Cooking In A Jiffy" series of books, comes the ultimate rice cookbook that anyone looking for gluten-free food should just grab with both hands.Cataloguing the legendary "love affair" that Indians have with rice, the book narrates how rice forms an intrinsic part of every Indian's life from birth till death. In this background, the book presents a total of 35 mouth-watering rice dishes: eight plain rice cooker recipes, five recipes for cooking rice with lentils, five each for cooking rice with vegetables and meats, five ways to use rice in snacks and seven as desserts.
Embark on a culinary adventure with "55 Indian Recipes for Home," a delightful cookbook that brings the rich and diverse tapestry of Indian cuisine to your home kitchen. This collection of 55 authentic recipes captures the essence of Indian cooking, offering a vibrant spectrum of flavors, aromas, and textures that will transport you to the heart of India.Dive into the world of spices, herbs, and traditional techniques as you explore a variety of regional dishes that showcase the incredible diversity of Indian culinary traditions. From the northern plains to the coastal regions of the south, each recipe is a celebration of India's culinary heritage, providing a taste of the warmth and hospitality that defines Indian home cooking.Discover the joy of preparing classic dishes such as butter chicken, biryani, and samosas, and explore lesser-known gems like pani puri and aloo paratha. With step-by-step instructions, and helpful tips, this cookbook is perfect for both beginners and seasoned cooks looking to master the art of Indian cuisine."55 Indian Recipes for Home" is more than just a collection of recipes; it's a cultural journey that introduces you to the stories behind the dishes, the significance of ingredients, and the importance of shared meals in Indian households. Whether you're craving comforting curries, spicy street food, or delectable desserts, this cookbook has something to satisfy every palate.Bring the magic of Indian cooking into your home and create memorable meals that reflect the warmth and diversity of this incredible culinary tradition. "55 Indian Recipes for Home" is your passport to an authentic and delicious experience that will have you falling in love with the enticing world of Indian home-style cooking.
Dobro döli u "Vodi¿ za osnovnu azijsku ugodnu hranu", väu putovnicu za 100 okusa koji ¿e zadovoljiti düu iz srca azijske ugodne kuhinje. Ovaj vodi¿ slavi bogatu, utje¿nu i raznoliku kulinarsku tradiciju koja definira ugodnu hranu Azije. Pridrüite nam se na putovanju koje nadilazi poznato, pozivajüi vas da isträite toplinu, nostalgiju i radost koja dolazi sa svakim jelom.Zamislite kuhinju ispunjenu primamljivim mirisima kuhanih juha, mirisnih zäina i cvr¿anjem ugodnih pr¿enih krumpiri¿a. "OSNOVNI VODI¿ ZA UDOBNU AZIJSKU HRANU" vi¿e je od puke zbirke recepata; to je isträivanje sastojaka, tehnika i kulturnih utjecaja koji azijsku ugodnu kuhinju ¿ine tako duboko zadovoljavajüom. Bez obzira vüete li korijene iz Azije ili jednostavno cijenite okuse azijske kuhinje, ovi su recepti osmi¿ljeni kako bi vas nadahnuli da ponovno stvorite dirljive okuse koji donose utjehu düi.Od klasi¿nih juha s rezancima do düevnih jela od ri¿e i slatkih poslastica, svaki recept je slavlje utje¿nih okusa i kulinarskih tehnika koje definiraju azijsku ugodnu hranu. Bilo da träite utjehu u zdjeli phoa, prepütate se jednostavnosti congeea ili üivate u slatköi deserta nadahnutih Azijom, ovaj vodi¿ je vä izvor za döivljaj cijelog spektra ugodne azijske kuhinje.Pridrüite nam se dok zaranjamo u srce azijske ugodne hrane, gdje je svaka kreacija dokaz topline i nostalgije koje ovi okusi koji zadovoljavaju düu donose na stol. Dakle, navucite svoju pregäu, prihvatite ugodne arome i krenimo na okusno putovanje kroz "Vodi¿ za osnovnu azijsku udobnu hranu".
Dobrodöli v "Vodniku po osnovni azijski udobni hrani", väem potnem listu do 100 okusov, ki zadovoljijo düo, iz osr¿ja azijske kulinarike. Ta vodnik je praznovanje bogatih, toläilnih in raznolikih kulinari¿nih tradicij, ki opredeljujejo udobno hrano v Aziji. Pridrüite se nam na potovanju, ki presega poznano in vas vabi, da razi¿¿ete toplino, nostalgijo in veselje, ki prihajajo z vsako jedjo.Predstavljajte si kuhinjo, napolnjeno z mamljivimi aromami vrejöih juh, di¿e¿ih zäimb in cvr¿anjem toläilnega ocvrtega krompir¿ka. "OSNOVNI VODNIK ZA UDOBNO AZIJSKO HRANO" je ve¿ kot le zbirka receptov; gre za raziskovanje sestavin, tehnik in kulturnih vplivov, zaradi katerih je azijska udobna kuhinja tako globoko zadovoljiva. Ne glede na to, ali imate korenine v Aziji ali preprosto cenite okuse azijske kuhinje, so ti recepti oblikovani tako, da vas navdihnejo, da ponovno ustvarite prisr¿ne okuse, ki prinäajo toläbo düi.Od klasi¿nih juh z rezanci do ¿ustvenih ri¿evih jedi in sladkih dobrot, vsak recept je praznovanje toläilnih okusov in kulinari¿nih tehnik, ki opredeljujejo azijsko udobno hrano. Ne glede na to, ali i¿¿ete toläbo v skledi phoja, se prepustite preprostosti congeeja ali üivate v sladkosti sladic, ki jih navdihuje Azija, je ta vodnik vä glavni vir za izkünjo celotnega spektra udobne azijske kuhinje.Pridrüite se nam, ko se poglobimo v osr¿je azijske udobne hrane, kjer je vsaka kreacija dokaz topline in nostalgije, ki ju na mizo prinäajo ti okusi, ki zadovoljijo düo. Torej, nadenite si predpasnik, sprejmite toläilne arome in se podajte na okusno popotovanje skozi Vodnik po osnovni azijski udobni hrani.
Maligayang pagdating sa "ANG MAHAHALAGANG GABAY SA PAGKAIN NG KOMPORTA NG ASYA," ang iyong pasaporte sa 100 mga lasa na nagbibigay-kasiyahan sa kaluluwa mula sa puso ng Asian comfort cuisine. Ang gabay na ito ay isang pagdiriwang ng mayaman, nakakaaliw, at magkakaibang tradisyon sa pagluluto na tumutukoy sa mga comfort food ng Asia. Samahan kami sa isang paglalakbay na higit pa sa pamilyar, na nag-aanyaya sa iyong tuklasin ang init, nostalgia, at kagalakan na kasama ng bawat ulam. Isipin ang isang kusinang puno ng nakakaakit na amoy ng kumukulong mga sabaw, mabangong pampalasa, at sitsit ng nakakaaliw na mga stir-fries. Ang "ANG MAHAHALAGANG GABAY SA PAGKAIN NG KOMPORTA NG ASYA" ay higit pa sa isang koleksyon ng mga recipe; ito ay isang paggalugad ng mga sangkap, diskarte, at kultural na mga impluwensya na ginagawang lubos na kasiya-siya ang lutuing kaginhawaan ng Asia. May pinagmulan ka man sa Asya o pinahahalagahan lamang ang mga lasa ng pagluluto ng Asya, ang mga recipe na ito ay ginawa upang magbigay ng inspirasyon sa iyong muling likhain ang mga nakakaantig na panlasa na nagdudulot ng ginhawa sa kaluluwa.Mula sa mga klasikong sopas ng noodle hanggang sa mga lutuing kanin at matatamis na pagkain, ang bawat recipe ay isang pagdiriwang ng mga nakakaaliw na lasa at mga diskarte sa pagluluto na tumutukoy sa Asian comfort food. Kung ikaw ay naghahanap ng aliw sa isang bowl ng pho, nagpapakasawa sa pagiging simple ng congee, o tinatangkilik ang tamis ng Asian-inspired na dessert, ang gabay na ito ay ang iyong mapagkukunan para maranasan ang buong spectrum ng Asian comfort cuisine. Samahan kami sa pag-aaral namin sa puso ng Asian comfort food, kung saan ang bawat likha ay isang testamento sa init at nostalgia na hatid ng mga lasa na ito na nagbibigay-kasiyahan sa kaluluwa. Kaya, isuot ang iyong apron, yakapin ang mga nakakaaliw na aroma, at magsimula tayo sa isang masarap na paglalakbay sa pamamagitan ng "ANG MAHAHALAGANG GABAY SA PAGKAIN NG KOMPORTA NG ASYA."
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