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  • af Elena Armas
    164,95 kr.

    AF NYT-BESTSELLERFORFATTEREN BAG DEN SPANSKE KÆRLIGHEDSAFFÆRE OG DET AMERIKANSKE DATINGEKSPERIMENTAdalyn Reyes er kontrolfreak, workaholic og kommunikationschef for faderens storklub, Miami Flames FC, men da hun bliver genstand for en PR-skandale af virale proportioner, sendes hun i eksil i en afsidesliggende flække.Hun har storslåede planer om at redde sin professionelle ære ved at genrejse det lokale fodboldhold, Green Warriors, men de smuldrer lynhurtigt, da det viser sig, at spillernes udfoldelser på banen lader noget tilbage at ønske.Af uvisse årsager er Cameron Caldani — vidundermålmand og international sportsstjerne — også i byen, og det virker oplagt, at han kunne hjælpe Adalyn med at få sat skik på hendes Warriors. Men måske vil det være bedre for hendes sjælefred, hvis hun holder sig på afstand af den sexede fodboldgud?Kærlighed på udebane er en charmerende, moderne kærlighedshistorie om en lille landsby med store personligheder, et fodboldikon med stålhårde ben og et smørblødt hjerte — og om at være på udebane, men ende med at opdage, at det er der, man hører allermest hjemme.

  • af Ashley Poston
    175,95 kr.

    Florence Day er ghostwriter for en verdensberømt romance-forfatter, og hun har et problem: Efter et grimt breakup tror hun ikke længere på kærligheden. Så da hendes nye, distraherende smukke redaktør, Benji Andor, nægter at udskyde næste deadline, er hendes karriere så godt som død.Kort efter må Florence vende hjem for at begrave sin far. I ti år har hun undgået den hjemby, hvor hun aldrig passede ind, og selvom hun har savnet sin kærlige, excentriske familie og deres bedemandsforretning, nægter hun at blive hængende …Indtil et spøgelse dukker op på dørtrinnet. Benji levede i bedste velgående, da hun så ham sidst – han er lige så forvirret, som hun er: For hvad er der sket? Og hvad laver han overhovedet her?De døde romantikere er en sjov og rørende roman, der får dig til at genoverveje alt, du tror, du ved om kærlighed. Sagt om De døde romantikere:“Den funklende dialog vækker karaktererne til live – selv de døde.” Publishers Weekly“Bogen er en kur mod triste tanker, der samtidig er ærlig omkring livet og tiden, som ustoppeligt går … Den vil få dig til at grine under en begravelsesscene og græde, når festen begynder.” The New York Times“De døde romantikere tager fat i så mange ting, jeg elsker – en excentrisk heltinde, selvvalgte familier, hyggelige små byer, fanfiktion, SPØGELSER (!!!) – og giver dem et friskt, sjovt og helt igennem moderne twist.” Rachel Hawkins alias Erin Sterling“En forfriskende romantisk komedie om kærlighed, tab og håb … Læsere vil ikke kunne lægge bogen fra sig.” Publishers Weekly”Vi kunne alle sammen bruge en god sommer-spøgelseshistorie, og den får man ikke bedre end De døde romantikere.” Entertainment Weekly“Jeg ELSKER De døde romantikere. Historien er som et smukt udskåret puslespil: til sidst, når alle brikkerne er faldet perfekt på plads, dannes et rørende, sjovt, overraskende, håbefuldt og drømmende billede.” Ali Hazelwood“Så sjov … Alle, der som jeg læser Emily Henry eller Casey McQuiston, kommer til at fortære De døde romantikere.” Emily Straub"De døde romantikere var en ubetinget og uventet fornøjelse. Den har sin egen stemme, er excentrisk og skæg; siderne nærmest funkler (men med sort glitter).” Christina Lauren"Romantik, kaos og forviklinger er centrale elementer i Postons forfriskende sjove og sprudlende romantiske komedier, og De døde romantikere er ingen undtagelse. Skønheden og charmen i Postons storytelling fortsætter med at skabe mirakuløse lykkelige slutninger ud af det rod, som helt almindelige mennesker ofte befinder sig midt i.” Shelf Awareness

  • af Mary Ellen Taylor
    118,95 - 190,95 kr.

    TO KVINDERS LIV FORENES PÅ TVÆRS AF GENERATIONERHistoriker Megan Buchanan er gravid og alene efter sin forlovedes død. Midt i sin sorg står hun over for sit drømmeprojekt – at restaurere en gammel jagthytte på sin tipoldefars grund.Det er dog Spring House, opsynsmandens hytte, der fanger Megans interesse. Her opdager hun en stak gamle breve, som trækker hende ind i fortællingen om en ung kvindes liv. En kvinde, som hundrede år forinden jagtede sine egne drømme. Brevene afslører flere hemmeligheder, og Megan drømmer sig væk i den ukendte kvindes fortid. Her kan hun for en stund glemme den fortid, hun selv skjuler …Arvingernes drømme er en gribende roman om to kvinders drømme, familiehemmeligheder og kærlighedens helende kræfter.

  • af Mary Ellen Taylor
    119,95 - 190,95 kr.

    ”MYSTERIER, ROMANTIK OG ET GODT PLOT GÅR OP I EN HØJERE ENHED”– The New York Journal of BooksLucy Kincaid har netop mistet sin mor og er tynget af sorg. Hun kender ikke sin far, og hendes mors fortid er også et mysterium. Faktisk er hele Lucys familiehistorie omgærdet af mystik, og hun føler sig rodløs i livet. Så da hun pludselig står til at arve et hus i Virginia efter en person, hun aldrig før har hørt om, pakker hun bilen og hunden og drager af sted i håb om at få svar på nogle af de mange ubesvarede spørgsmål om sin families fortid.Huset viser sig at være en statelig ejendom, men hvorfor er Lucy indsat som arving? Og hvem er den flotte fremmede, som tilsyneladende har en tilknytning til stedet? Efterhånden som Lucy graver i fortidens mange lag, løftes sløret for familiens mange hemmeligheder, og det går op for hende, at ejendommen måske rummer nøglen til ikke blot hendes fortid, men også hendes fremtid …Mindernes hus er en gribende roman i flere tidsspor om familiehemmeligheder, forsoning og ikke mindst kærlighed.

    115,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Seacrest Beach, Mermaid pocket journal features an illustration of a mermaid with a short brown bob and a black shirt transitioning into her green scaly tail as she holds onto a yellow and white parasol with blue circles inside while sitting on top of rocks, looking out and waving with a white handkerchief towards a man in a small white boat. The boat is in green like water with a few sailboats in the far distance, underneath a pink, cloudy sky. At the top is a light pinkish purple branch with pink flowers attached. Directly under that is text that says """"Greetings from Seacrest Beach Florida"""". This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

  • af Kristin Cavallari
    249,95 kr.

    "In Truly Simple, she focuses on the weekday meal, with more than 140 recipes that are family friendly, mostly gluten-free, as well as quick and easy to prepare. Along with tips and tricks for stocking your pantry, Kristin has created her most personal book yet, as she shares her philosophy on food and cooking for kids: Let go of perfectionism. Don't beat yourselves up over what you're putting on the table! Sit down and enjoy the time with your family. Health is a constantly evolving journey, so don't stress! These simple recipes include: Breakfasts: Blueberry Cinnamon Sugar Baked Oats and Turmeric Fried Eggs with Sauteed Kale and Chili Oil Salads: Buffalo Cauliflower Salad and Salmon BLT Salad with Spicy Tomatillo Ranch Lunches: Cheesy Stuffed Poblanos and Veggie Rice Bowl with Sweet Tahini Sauce Dinners: Mediterranean Meatballs with Tzatziki Sauce, Fried Chicken with Spicy Arugula and Honey Mustard, and Tuscan Spaghetti Squash Casserole Sides: Bacon Wrapped Asparagus and Mac and Cheese Two Ways Snacks: Creamy Cilantro Lime Dip With Avocado Chips and Spicy Grilled Peaches with Balsamic Glaze Desserts: Skillet Carrot Cake and Cold Brew Brownie Cookies"--

  • af Kate Quinn
    88,95 - 228,95 kr.

    Baseret på en sand historie, om heltemod, der er vokset ud af desperation, om en mor, der blev soldat, og om en kvinde, der fandt sin plads i verden og ændrede historiens gang for altid. Ljudmila Pavlitjenko, en nørdet og pligtopfyldende historiestuderende fra Kyiv, er ikke i tvivl. Hun vil kæmpe – kæmpe for sit lands, sit livs og sin søns fremtid. Da Hitler invaderer Sovjetunionen, tager Milas liv en helt ny drejning. Hun tager kampen op og forvandles fra flittig studine til livsfarlig snigskytte. 309 drab senere og nationalhelt, bliver hun hjemkaldt fra fronten for at blive sendt på charmetur til Amerika som det gode eksempel. Krigen har sat sine spor, og hun føler sig isoleret og ensom, indtil et uventet venskab med USA’s førstedamen Eleanor Roosevelt og et endnu mere uventet venskab med en tavs ligemand tænder lidt lys i et mørkt liv. Men da en gammel fjende dukker frem fra fortiden, er det ikke kun egne dæmoner, Mila tvinges til at tage kampen op imod.

  • af Paul Prudhomme
    313,95 kr.

    Here for the first time, the famous food of Louisiana is presented in a cookbook written by a great creative chef who is himself world-famous. The extraordinary Cajun and Creole cooking of South Louisiana has roots going back over two hundred years, and today it is the one really vital, growing regional cuisine in America. No one is more responsible than Paul Prudhomme for preserving and expanding the Louisiana tradition, which he inherited from his own Cajun background.Chef Prudhomme's incredibly good food has brought people from all over America and the world to his restaurant, K-Paul's Louisiana Kitchen, in New Orleans. To set down his recipes for home cooks, however, he did not work in the restaurant. In a small test kitchen, equipped with a home-size stove and utensils normal for a home kitchen, he retested every recipe two and three times to get exactly the results he wanted. Logical though this is, it was an unprecedented way for a chef to write a cookbook. But Paul Prudhomme started cooking in his mother's kitchen when he was a youngster. To him, the difference between home and restaurant procedures is obvious and had to be taken into account.So here, in explicit detail, are recipes for the great traditional dishes--gumbos and jambalayas, Shrimp Creole, Turtle Soup, Cajun "Popcorn," Crawfish Etouffee, Pecan Pie, and dozens more--each refined by the skill and genius of Chef Prudhomme so that they are at once authentic and modern in their methods.Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Kitchen is also full of surprises, for he is unique in the way he has enlarged the repertoire of Cajun and Creole food, creating new dishes and variations within the old traditions. Seafood Stuffed Zucchini with Seafood Cream Sauce, Panted Chicken and Fettucini, Veal and Oyster Crepes, Artichoke Prudhomme--these and many others are newly conceived recipes, but they could have been created only by a Louisiana cook. The most famous of Paul Prudhomme's original recipes is Blackened Redfish, a daringly simple dish of fiery Cajun flavor that is often singled out by food writers as an example of the best of new American regional cooking.For Louisianians and for cooks everywhere in the country, this is the most exciting cookbook to be published in many years.

  • af Richard Powers
    31,95 kr.

    Voller Spannung, Kunst und Gefühl erzählt Richard Powers von dem Komponisten und Musikgelehrten Peter Els und seinem Vorhaben, den Grundlagen des Lebens, der DNA, ihre Musik abzulauschen. In sein Labor, in dem er mit Molekülen komponieren will, stolpert die Homeland Security und zwingt ihn zur Flucht. Auf einer Fahrt quer durch die USA erinnert er sein Leben und sucht seine Familie - und versucht, aus dem katastrophalen Zusammenstoß mit den Sicherheitskräften doch etwas zu schaffen, das die Menschen innehalten und auf die Klänge und Töne um sie herum aufmerksam werden lässt.

  • - Pretty 1
    af M. Leighton
    73,95 - 126,95 kr.

    Sloane Locke har levet et overbeskyttet liv alene med sin far og brødre. Men når hun fylder 21, bliver det anderledes; helt anderledes. Hun er klar til at bryde reglerne.Hemi Spencer er en mand med en mission, og intet eller ingen kan stoppe ham. Lige indtil Sloane træder ind i hans liv. Men hvor langt vil to mennesker gå for at leve i nuet, når nuet er det eneste, de har?Hvide løgne er første bind i den populære og storsælgende Pretty-serie. Serien er blevet rost til skyerne og er for alle, der elsker en god historie med masser af sex, jalousi, kærlighed og hemmeligheder.M. Leighton er New York Times og USA Today bestsellerforfatter.

  • af Das Beckwerk
    118,95 - 228,95 kr.

    Romanens fortæller, Nielsen, møder romanens hovedperson, Rasmussen, da Rasmussen efter Abu Ghraib-skandalen er på vej til USA i et forsøg på at forbedre demokratiet i Guds eget land, kort tid inden præsidentvalget i 2004. Rasmussen instruerer ham i hans rolle som Nielsen, inden de med en metalkasse ved navn 'The Democracy' lander i JFK-lufthavnen i New York. I New York træder de direkte ind på kunstscenen og forfærdes over den såkaldte politiske kunst, som er forudsigelig og alt det modsatte af magtkritisk. De rejser videre til Washington for at indføre demokrati i selve magtens hjerte. Her forsøger de at komme i kontakt med folket, som indlysende burde spille en central rolle i et demokrati. Men forsøget på at få en dialog mellem Europa og Amerika mislykkes fatalt, og de to europæeres mission udvikler sig til en personlig tragedie. Nielsen følger Rasmussen i tykt og tyndt og gør, hvad han siger. Men efterhånden opdager han, at det hverken er demokratiet eller USA, han må beskrive. Det er Rasmussen selv. Hvad er det for en mand, der drives med større og større kraft imod magtens centrum - for næsten at tilintetgøres der? Nielsen skifter fokus og fortæller historien om det universelle menneske, som Rasmussen bestræber sig på at være. Et absolut væsen, der under ingen omstændigheder lader sig påvirke af virkelighedens banaliteter, det hverdagslige, det tilfældige, det, der pludselig trænger sig på fra den pinagtige private fortid. Men i selveste Pentagon City bliver Rasmussen indhentet af sin fortid, og Nielsen bliver trukket med ind og ned i en grusomt privat historie om forfald, almindelighed, provins og brunsviger. Rasmussen går under, men Nielsen vender tilbage til Rasmussens fortid - og opdager et skjult paradis. DEMOKRATIET I USA handler om det store begreb demokrati, men endnu mere om det lille, allestedsnærværende forhold mellem mennesker, det store menneske og det lille menneske.

  • af Kate Quinn
    205,95 kr.

    Washington, DC, 1950. Alle holder sig for sig selv i Briarwood House, et pensionat i hjertet af landets hovedstad, hvor der gemmer sig hemmeligheder bag det hvide stakit. Men da den mystiske enke, Grace March, flytter ind på loftsrummet, trækker hun sin sære samling af naboer ind i et usandsynligt venskab: den balancerede engelske skønhed Fliss, hvis facade af perfekt hustru og mor dækker gabende indre sår; politimandens datter Nora, der har rodet sig ud i et forhold til en skyggefuld gangster; den frustrerede baseballstjerne Beatrice, hvis karriere sluttede sammen med kvindebaseball-ligaen under Anden Verdenskrig; og giftige, fandenivoldske Arlene, der har kastet sig ud i McCarthys Kommunistforskrækkelse.

  • af Hillary Yablon
    116,95 - 228,95 kr.

    63-årige Sylvia bor i et pensionistparadis i Florida med sin mand, men da hun finder ham i seng med en anden kvinde, bliver hendes liv vendt på hovedet. Chokeret og rasende forlader hun sit gamle liv og tager sammen med sin bedste veninde, den glamourøse ældre enke Evie, til Manhattan for at genoptage sin tidligere karriere som wedding planner.Der er dog mange bump på vejen, for Sylvias eksmand har formøblet hendes opsparing og spærret alle kreditkort. Men Sylvia og Evie er snu og beslutsomme, og de har ikke noget imod at pantsætte smykker, bo på et ungdomsherberg i New York og nette sig på et Starbucks-toilet undervejs.Det er ikke, fordi Sylvia drømmer om at være ung igen. Hun føler sig godt tilpas i sin alder, der giver hende visdom, erfaring og perspektiv, og nu skal næste del af livet erobres … En ny by, karriere, romantik, sex og sjov. Så pas på, verden, for her kommer Sylvia! Pressen skriver: "En herlig debut … Det er umuligt ikke at heppe på den stærke heltinde.“– PUBLISHERS WEEKLY"En førsteklasses roman.“–STEVEN ROWLEY"En sand perle! Hver side i denne bog er en fryd.“–KJ DELL’ANTONIA"En ren fornøjelse!“– MARY LAURA PHILPOTT"Fyldt med varme, energi og humor … Fantastisk sjov!“– VERONICA HENRY„Her er den bog, alle kvinder skal læse! En sjov, vild, moden kvinde og hendes lige så fantastiske bedste veninde, der indtager storbyen.“– JESSE Q. SUTANTO"En sprudlende, skøn historie … læserne vil give denne herlige venindehistorie fra Manhattan et stående bifald.“– MARY KAY ANDREWS

  • - A Spirited Love Letter to My Old Kentucky Whiskey, with 50 Recipes
    af Edward Lee
    288,95 kr.

    In his highly anticipated follow-up to the James Beard Award-winning Buttermilk Graffiti, Edward Lee examines his favorite libation--bourbon--with recipes, essays, history, profiles, distillery tours, and more. Knowledgeable, entertaining, and more than a little infatuated with his subject, award-winning food writer and chef Edward Lee gives us his insight into bourbon, telling us everything we should know about the mellow honey-brown treasure that's put Kentucky on the global map: How bourbon is made. Its history. How to read a label. A look inside the famous distilleries. The influence of oak. Tours of Kentucky's bourbon regions. How to taste bourbon like a professional. And, in the most delicious surprise, how to cook with bourbon, with 50 recipes from Bourbon-Glazed Chicken Wings and Blackened Salmon with Bourbon-Soy Marinade to a Bourbon and Butterscotch Pudding. Plus the best Old-Fashioned you'll ever mix.

  • af Paula Stahel
    131,95 kr.

    Lydia Casselberry's world comes undone when she discovers that her husband of almost forty years is having an affair. Needing time to grieve and to decide whether to continue the marriage, she decides to flee from her Tampa home to a place she hasn't been in decades - her family's lodge in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. She tells no one where she is going, but writes two notes saying she needs to be alone. One is to her best friend; the other her husband will find when he returns from another of his continual business trips.Healing begins in the solitude of nature and a place where she can rediscover herself. Memories of her youth and marriage flood back, but so do more questions. What she uncovers reveals that her husband's betrayal is far deeper, and far more sordid, than she ever could have imagined. Her grief then turns to cold rage - and revenge that undoes his world.

  • af Tony Gregory
    98,95 kr.

    David Lowry, the retired forensic scientist of the Sheriff's Office in Scottsdale and now the most sought after private forensic investigator in the country, is invited by an old colleague to join the investigation of a murder in West Virginia that copies exactly a scene in a famous movie called Night of the Hunter. He is joined by Rebecca Wise, senior special agent of the FBI, and together they discover that the current murder is only one of many dating back several years and taking place all over the country and all of them copies of scenes from famous films. Together, they join forces to find the killer. As they search for the killer, new murders take place, each increasingly more provocative, as if the murderer knows they are looking for him and is daring them to catch him.

  • af Caleb Wygal
    148,95 - 204,95 kr.

  • af Art Zimmerman
    169,95 kr.

    A MYSTERIOUS LETTER IGNITES AN EXPLOSIVE CHAIN OF EVENTS FROM THE SOUTH CAROLINA LOWCOUNTRY TO THE OUTER BANKS.An execution-style murder next to the Port of Charleston triggers an intensive police investigation to find a killer. In an apparently unrelated incident a year later, three complete strangers each receive an anonymous letter offering a financial windfall with a detailed set of instructions...and an ominous threat for failing to comply. The strangers must travel alone from Charleston to Daufuskie Island off the coast of Hilton Head, South Carolina. Hoping to find answers, they instead become pawns in a clever and elaborate scheme planned by the ruthless boss of a Miami drug cartel. When Detective Steve Harris finally discovers the crucial link between the murder and the missing strangers, he launches a frantic race against time, the cartel, and a deadly hurricane, to find them before they disappear for good.

  • af James Edmonds Saunders
    443,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Marvin Dunn
    313,95 kr.

    The first book devoted to the history of African Americans in south Florida and their pivotal role in the growth and development of Miami, Black Miami in the Twentieth Century traces their triumphs, drudgery, horrors, and courage during the first 100 years of the city's history. Firsthand accounts and over 130 photographs bring to life the proud heritage of Miami's black community.

  • af Lisa A Watts
    129,95 kr.

    Crossing Bridges: What Biking Up the East Coast Taught Me About Life After 60"One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now."-Paulo CoelhoAt fifty-eight, Lisa Watts felt restless. She had built a carefully balanced life of work and play, but it all seemed to add up to a life of mediocrity. She and a dear friend headed out to bike from Key West to Canada, a trip she'd dreamed of taking for decades. Those two months on the road offered a time of transition, teaching her mostly that she doesn't have to live as an armchair traveler through life's third act.In this engaging travel memoir, Watts shares essays about friendship, marriage, self-doubt, and more. Her aim: to nudge others out the door to go do that thing they've always wanted to do.

  • af Diane Capri
    191,95 - 310,95 kr.

  • af Diane Capri
    351,95 kr.

    USA Today and New York Times Bestselling, Award Winning Series! The next gripping Hunt for Jack Reacher Thriller from Diane Capri! "Make some coffee. You'll read all night." Lee ChildFBI Special Agent Kim Otto finally caught a break in the Hunt for Jack Reacher. When she discovers a fresh lead in Reacher's old banking records, she's propelled to the sun-bleached streets of Key West. In the midst of the island's laid-back culture, Kim discovers she's not the sole hunter in this high-stakes game. From the gritty pages of Lee Child's Tripwire, a determined woman and a seasoned private investigator have also picked up Reacher's scent. And they're not simply tracking Reacher. They're lying in wait. Because they have insider information that Kim does not. They know Jack Reacher.Lee Child Gives Diane Capri Two Thumbs Up! "Full of thrills and tension, but smart and human, too. Kim Otto is a great, great character - I love her." -Lee Child The Hunt for Jack Reacher series enthralls fans of John Grisham, Lee Child, David Baldacci, Michael Connelly, Karin Slaughter, Lisa Gardner, and more: "Diane writes like the maestro of the jigsaw puzzle. Sit back in your favorite easy chair, pour a glass of crisp white wine, and enter her devilishly clever world." -David Hagberg, New York Times Bestselling Author of Kirk McGarvey Thrillers "Expertise shines on every page." -Margaret Maron, Edgar, Anthony, Agatha and Macavity Award Winning MWA Past President and MWA Grand Master Readers Love the Hunt for Jack Reacher Series and Diane Capri: "I love these books!" "All Child fans should give it a try!" Award winning New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author DIANE CAPRI Does It Again in another Blockbuster Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Novel

  • af Diane Capri
    492,95 kr.

    USA Today and New York Times Bestselling, Award Winning Series! The next gripping Hunt for Jack Reacher Thriller from Diane Capri! "Make some coffee. You'll read all night." Lee ChildFBI Special Agent Kim Otto finally caught a break in the Hunt for Jack Reacher. When she discovers a fresh lead in Reacher's old banking records, she's propelled to the sun-bleached streets of Key West. In the midst of the island's laid-back culture, Kim discovers she's not the sole hunter in this high-stakes game. From the gritty pages of Lee Child's Tripwire, a determined woman and a seasoned private investigator have also picked up Reacher's scent. And they're not simply tracking Reacher. They're lying in wait. Because they have insider information that Kim does not. They know Jack Reacher.Lee Child Gives Diane Capri Two Thumbs Up! "Full of thrills and tension, but smart and human, too. Kim Otto is a great, great character - I love her." -Lee Child The Hunt for Jack Reacher series enthralls fans of John Grisham, Lee Child, David Baldacci, Michael Connelly, Karin Slaughter, Lisa Gardner, and more: "Diane writes like the maestro of the jigsaw puzzle. Sit back in your favorite easy chair, pour a glass of crisp white wine, and enter her devilishly clever world." -David Hagberg, New York Times Bestselling Author of Kirk McGarvey Thrillers "Expertise shines on every page." -Margaret Maron, Edgar, Anthony, Agatha and Macavity Award Winning MWA Past President and MWA Grand Master Readers Love the Hunt for Jack Reacher Series and Diane Capri: "I love these books!" "All Child fans should give it a try!" Award winning New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author DIANE CAPRI Does It Again in another Blockbuster Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Novel

  • af Mark Bowden
    198,95 - 298,95 kr.

    "In the sixty-four days between November 3 and January 6, President Donald Trump and his allies fought to reverse the outcome of the vote. Focusing on six states--Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin-- Trump's supporters claimed widespread voter fraud. It was not a well-orchestrated matter. There was no guiding genius pulling the strings in key states for the defeated Donald Trump. In the weeks after the election, in counties and precincts all over the country, many local Republican officials and even Trump's own campaign workers washed their hands of his increasingly unhinged allegations of fraud. But there was no shortage of people willing to take up the fight. Urged on by Trump and his coterie of advocates, lawyers, and media propagandists, true believers turned on their colleagues, friends, and neighbors-- even those in their own party--to accuse them of rigging the election. The real story of the insurrection began months before Trump's mob attacked the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. That riot was the desperate final act, emblematic of the clumsy, failed movement Trump had been building for years. It began in cities and small towns all over America on election day, November 3, 2020. Working with a team of researchers and reporters, Bowden and Teague uncover never-before-told accounts from the election officials fighting to do their jobs amid outlandish claims and threats to themselves, their colleagues, and their families. The Steal is an engaging, in-depth report on what happened during those crucial nine weeks and a portrait of the heroic individuals who did their duty and stood firm against the unprecedented, sustained attack on our election system to ensure that every legal vote was counted and the will of the people prevailed."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Drew A Swanson
    308,95 - 1.328,95 kr.

    "Five years after the Civil War, North Carolina Republican state senator John W. Stephens was found murdered inside the Caswell County Courthouse. Stephens fought for the rights of freedpeople, and his killing by the Ku Klux Klan ultimately led to insurrection, Governor William W. Holden's impeachment, and the early unwinding of Reconstruction in North Carolina. In recounting Stephens's murder, the subsequent investigation and court proceedings, and the long-delayed confessions that revealed what actually happened at the courthouse in 1870, Drew A. Swanson tells a story of race, politics, and social power shaped by violence and profit. The struggle for dominance in Reconstruction-era rural North Carolina, Swanson argues, was an economic and ecological transformation. Arson, beating, and murder became tools to control people and landscapes, and the ramifications of this violence continued long afterward. The failure to prosecute anyone for decades after John Stephens's assassination left behind a vacuum, as each side shaped its own memory of Stephens and his murder. The malleability of and contested storytelling around Stephens's legacy presents a window into the struggle to control the future of the South"--

  • af Marques Vickers
    299,95 kr.

    Evade the Tourist Herds and Enter Into An Insider's Guide to Northern Virginia.Known and unknown history, hidden delights and fascinating stories pervade the history of Northern Virginia. This kaleidoscope of discovery, personalities, egos, scandals, conflict framed by sheer beauty creates a vivid tapestry defining over three centuries.This guide transports you to the precise famous and infamous locations where history occurred. The scenes may sometimes appear ordinary, weird, but often illuminate the physical background and descriptions behind events. Many of the narratives defy believability, yet they are true.This Twisted Tour Guide is your alternative to conventional travel. It accommodates the restless visitor, tourist and resident seeking a unique and different perspective to traditional tourism. Northern Virginia remains one of the most beguiling, historic and enchanting regions of the United States.ArlingtonPreserving the Declaration of Independence, Arlington National Cemetery, Actress Pola Negri's Lovenest, Watergate's Deep Throat, Serial Kill Timothy Spencer, Vincent Foster's Suicide, Spy Aldrich Ames, 9/11 Memorial and Congressman William Jefferson. General Rochambeau,AlexandriaMargaret Brent, George Lincoln Rockwell, George Washington and Mount Vernon, Cameron, John Carlyle, Duvall's Tavern, Colonial Michael Swope, Lee-Fendall House, Pineapple Symbolism, Potts-Fitzhugh House, St. Mary's and Contrabands Cemetery, Yates Gardens, Malpractice Killing of George Washington, Dr. Elisha Dick, Colross Estate, Alexandria's Shameful Surrender, Female Stranger Gravestone, Devil Bat, Fire of 1827, Slave Trader Sites, Lyceum Theatre, Alexandria Canal, Windmill Hill Park, Oscar The Manaquin Guard, Wilkes Street Tunnel, Floating Brothels, Colonel Elmer Ellsworth, Forts Ellsworth, Williams, Hunt and Willard, Bank of Alexandria Building, Battery Rodgers, Black Diamond Catastrophe, Burned Bride, Confederate Funeral Markers, Shiloh Baptist Church, Benjamin Thomas Lynching, Homicidal Clem, Silent Sentinels Trial, Sergeant Elton Hummer, Washington Masonic Memorial, Civil Rights Sit-In, Gerald Ford, U2 Pilot Gary Powers, Loving versus Virginia, Murders of Donita Cutts, Carol Ann Dodd, Constance Mellon, Betty Ayele, and Elizabeth Elliot, Police Officer Charles Hall, Purple Heart Trail Origins, Serial Killer Charles Severance, Ship Excavations, Congressman Steve Scalise Shooting and Appomattox Monument Removal.FairfaxBattle of Fairfax Courthouse, Execution of James Lewis, Motorcycle Gang Madness, The Christmas Tree Lady's Puzzling Suicide, Spy Robert Hanssen and Mayor Scott Silverthorne.FredericksburgSt. George Episcopal Church, Mary Washington, George Carter's Gambling Losses, Battle of Fredericksburg, Chatham Manor, Confederate Treasury Embezzlement, John Washington, Freedom of Religion Monument, Serial Killers Melvin Rees, John Muhammad, Steven Briel and Lee Malvo, Police Burglary Ring and Pre-Pay Funeral Scandal.RichmondPatrick Henry, John Marshall, Theatre Fire, Confederate White House and Civil War Museum, Canal Walk, Hollywood Cemetery, William Grant House, Union Spy Elizabeth Van Lew, Belle Isle, Samuel Putney House, Civil War Abandonment, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and Ulysses S. Grant, Stewart-Lee House, Church Hill and Monte Maria Academy and WRVA Complex, Washington Monument, Collectible Trading Cards, Former City Hall Building, Valentine Museum, Main Street Train Depot, Edgar Allen Poe Shrine, Public Bath Houses, First National Bank Building, State and Local Politic Scandals, Oliver Hill, Tobacco Row, Richmond's Gay Godfather, Golden Years Serial Killer(s), Baron Otto von Bressensdorf, School Board Eviction and Removal of Confederate Civil War Monuments.

  • af Alan Cross
    268,95 kr.

    When Heaven and Earth Collide is an investigation into what went wrong in the American South in regard to race and religion-and how things can be and are being made right. Why, in a land filled with Christian churches, was there such racial oppression and division? Why didn't white evangelicals do more to bring racial reconciliation to the South during the 19th and 20th centuries? These questions are asked and answered through an exploration of history, politics, economics, philosophy, and social and theological studies that uncovers the hidden impetus behind racism and demonstrates how we can still make many of the same errors today-just perhaps in different ways. The investigation finally leads us in hopeful directions involving how to live out the better way of Jesus with an eye on heaven in a world still burdened and broken under the sins of the past.

  • af Elizabeth Randall
    248,95 kr.

    Orlando's historic districts are separate throughout the city, yet its landmarks and its memories unite them. Images of Orlando from 1875 to 2022 paint a picture of a landscape dotted with cattle and orange trees exploding into a bustling city. While some authors claim that Orlando's history is lost, these images show how the city's Historic Preservation Board has safeguarded many cultural and architectural treasures.

  • af Charles Harry Whedbee
    208,95 kr.

    Legends of Virginia Dare, Theodosia Burr, Blackbeard, and the witch of Nags Head on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

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