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Bøger om South & Central America

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  • - Oplev hele verden i én bog
    148,95 kr.

    Børnenes eget atlas er en spændende bog udgivet af Forlaget Bolden i 2017. Denne bog er en fantastisk måde for børn at lære om verden omkring dem. Bogen er fyldt med farverige illustrationer og detaljerede kort, der vil holde børnene engageret og underholdt. Uanset om dit barn er en ung opdagelsesrejsende eller bare nysgerrig efter at lære om forskellige lande og kulturer, er Børnenes eget atlas den perfekte bog til at opfylde deres nysgerrighed. Forlaget Bolden er kendt for at udgive bøger, der er både informative og underholdende, og denne bog er ingen undtagelse. Hvis du leder efter en gave til et nysgerrigt barn, eller hvis du bare vil tilføje en lærerig bog til dit barns samling, er Børnenes eget atlas det perfekte valg.

  • Spar 24%
    af Ib Michael
    118,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Sandheden om Lucy er en roman om to unge, Igor og Lucy. Igor har mistet sine forældre i en trafikulykke. Han er graffitimaler. En dag går han ind i en gammel jernbanevogn ved Nørrebro Station, hvor han finder en bevidstløs og mishandlet ung pige, som han kalder Lucy. Han forelsker sig i hende. Det udvikler sig til en historie om kærlighed, vold og bortførelse. Langsomt kommer han på sporet af, hvem hun er. Igor og Lucy viser sig, hver på deres måde, at være i besiddelse af ganske særlige evner. På jagt efter virkeligheden bag tilbagevendende syner hos Igor, drager de til Amazonas, ledsaget af Snehvide, en fhv. jægersoldat fra Haveforeningen. Deres skæbner er flettet sammen i en sagnomspunden ruinby, City of Z. En legendarisk ekspedition, anført af Oberst Fawcett i det forrige århundrede, er sporløst forsvundet og har efterladt sig en hemmelig notesbog om byens beliggenhed. Ekspeditionens skæbne er ukendt. Rejsen får et udfald, som ingen kunne have forudset. Sandheden om Lucy af Ib Michael er på én gang en kærlighedsroman og en eventyrroman – en vild, dramatisk og underholdende historie.

  • af Lonely Planet
    165,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the region has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Spot iguanas on Galapagos, surf at Montanita and hike Cotopaxi; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • af Mary Auld
    105,95 kr.

    Start Small, Think Big is a primary-science picture book series that takes young readers from the small and familiar to new areas of knowledge where they need to think big! Little Brown Nut is about the Brazil nut tree told clearly and carefully to build knowledge about its lifecycle, the Amazon, and the world's rainforests, with a fold-out map.

  • af Taschen
    145,95 kr.

    Sebastião Salgado bereiste sechs Jahre lang das brasilianische Amazonasgebiet und fotografierte die unvergleichliche Schönheit dieser einzigartigen Region: den Regenwald, die Flüsse, die Berge, die Menschen, die dort leben. Ein unersetzlicher Schatz der Menschheit, in dem die ungeheure Kraft der Natur wie nirgendwo sonst auf der Erde zu spüren ist.

  • af Jules Verne
    58,95 kr.

    Joam Garral lever med sin familie på en façenda - en art gods - ved Amazonfloden i den peruvianske jungle. Da datteren Minha skal giftes, indvilliger han i at drage til Belem i Brasilien, for at brylluppet kan finde sted sammen med brudgommens moder. Rejsen skal foregå på en gigantisk flåde, en jangada, der samtidig er en tømmertransport.Joam Garral har aldrig tidligere villet tage over grænsen til Brasilien, da han - hvilket han har holdt skjult for familien - dér er efterlyst for mord og diamanttyveri, forbrydelser han aldrig har begået, men som han er dødsdømt for 23 år tidligere. Hans andet formål med rejsen at søge sit navn renset ved hjælp af en dommer i Belem.Da dommeren imidlertid dør, inden Garral når frem, er det eneste bevis for hans uskyld et krypteret dokument, der er i hænderne på en skurk ved navn Torres. Torres vil sælge Garral dokumentet, men hans pris er for høj - alt for høj - og da han bliver dræbt, begynder et febrilsk kapløb for at løse dokumentets gåde, inden dødsdommen over Garral bliver eksekveret.

  • af Thomas Hee
    46,95 kr.

    I sommeren 1986 blev lasten på det danske skib Pia Vesta beslaglagt af de panamanske myndigheder. Lasten, som i følge kaptajnens papirer indeholdt lastbiler og reservedele, indeholdt kasser fyldt med våben. AK47 rifler, raketstyr, granater og ammunition i store mængder. Men hvem var våbnene tiltænkt? Det var der mange der nu spekulerede på.I dette andet og sidste om det danske skib Pia Vestas rolle i Iran Contra skandalen skal du høre om danske skibsrederes omfattende handel med våben til krigsførende nationer. En handel der ikke ligger stille den dag i dag.Vært: Thomas HeeGæst: Henrik BerlauManus og tilrettelæggelse: Thomas HeeLyddesign: Matias BrogårdRedaktør: Andreas Lindinger SaxildUndercoverAlle kneb gælder når spioner og agenter jagter efterretninger. Under fremmede himmelstrøg lever de ensomme liv under falske identiteter, udsendt af hemmelige tjenester med mærkelige bogstavkombinationer. I Undercover fortæller journalist Thomas Hee historien om de mest spektakulære spion- og agentaktioner i nyere tid. Historier som nogle gange er så vilde, at det er svært at tro på, at de faktisk har fundet sted.Thomas Hee (f. 1977) er uddannet journalist fra Roskilde Universitet og har blandt andet arbejdet på TV2 og på Ritzaus bureau med særligt fokus på forsvars- og efterretningsstof.

  • af Thomas Hee
    46,95 kr.

    I midten af juni 1986 sejler det danske skib 'Pia Vesta' ind i havnen i Balboa på Panamas vestkyst. Den tropiske sommer varmer godt op på dækket, men det skal snart blive meget varmere under fødderne på de danske sømænd, da de panamanske toldere kræver at se lasten igennem. Det skal vise sig at være en særdeles sprængfarlig last.I denne første del af et dobbeltafsnit af 'Undercover' skal du høre om det danske skib Pia Vesta, og om hvordan det blev en del af den store Iran Contra skandale. En skandale der involverede CIA, præstestyret i Iran, kontrarevolutionære kræfter i Nicaragua og en hel masse skibe.Vært: Thomas HeeGæst: Kim PedersenManus og tilrettelæggelse: Thomas HeeLyddesign: Matias BrogårdRedaktør: Andreas Lindinger SaxildUndercoverAlle kneb gælder når spioner og agenter jagter efterretninger. Under fremmede himmelstrøg lever de ensomme liv under falske identiteter, udsendt af hemmelige tjenester med mærkelige bogstavkombinationer. I Undercover fortæller journalist Thomas Hee historien om de mest spektakulære spion- og agentaktioner i nyere tid. Historier som nogle gange er så vilde, at det er svært at tro på, at de faktisk har fundet sted.Thomas Hee (f. 1977) er uddannet journalist fra Roskilde Universitet og har blandt andet arbejdet på TV2 og på Ritzaus bureau med særligt fokus på forsvars- og efterretningsstof.

  • Spar 11%
    af Wilhelm Bidstrup Østergaard
    138,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Bror, jeg kan huske / den klare stjernehimmel / pigtrådshegnet omkring os / Vi fejrer vi din 23-års fødselsdag / med elefanthuer på.Vilde debutdigte, hvor drømmesyn blander sig med skarpe erindringsglimt fra et liv med vold og kriminalitet, men også stærke maskuline fællesskaber og en elsket storebror.Wilhelm Østergaard fik hjernerystelse til boksetræning og lå brak i halvandet år uden at kunne læse, se tv, arbejde eller høre musik. Han købte en skrivemaskine og begyndte at skrive sine egne tekster. Det blev hen ad vejen til ”Din hund kører på børnebillet”, der kredser om fortællerens rejse gennem sygdomsforløb og den ensomhed, der opstår, når man sidder hjælpeløs og alene og glor ud i luften. Et andet spor er de syrede drømmesekvenser, der vokser frem i isolationens halvverden. Et tredje spor erindringsglimtene om faren, moren og broren og en vild ungdom med slagsmål og fængselsophold, men også stærke maskuline fællesskaber og kærlighedsforhold. Fra dage på sofaen derhjemme løsrevet fra virkelighed og dagligdag til speedede ture gennem Berlins undergrund og farlige ayahuasca-trips dybt inde i den sydamerikanske jungle.

  • af Leonora Ríos
    35,95 kr.

    "—Sí, ven a mí… puedes descansar en mis brazos, así dejarás de sentir este viaje tan pesado. Descansa un poco, yo te cuidaré. — La voz parecía provenir del árbol; Alicia se rio y decidió que definitivamente estaba alucinando.Las olas de los árboles temblaban, sacudiéndose por el viento como cascabeles mientras Alicia se desnudaba al ritmo de la música que provenía de los hongos fosforescentes en las raíces del gran árbol."Alicia nunca pensó que su viaje soñado a través del Amazonas para investigar su flora y su fauna acabase convirtiéndose en una aventura pasional con los espíritus de la selva.Leonora Ríos es el pseudónimo de una autora que nació en Sudamérica y creció en Estados Unidos, donde estudió Comunicación. Es autora de varios libros de ficción, poesía y periodismo en inglés y español. Trabajó como escritora fantasma en la industria del entretenimiento para adultos durante varios años y actualmente es escritora nómada en Europa.

  • af Daniel Light
    245,95 kr.

    A riveting journey through the history of mountaineering - before Everest.

  • af Rough Guides
    287,95 kr.

    Ideal for independent travellers, this guidebook to Ecuador and the Galápagos, written by destination experts, combines must-see sights with hidden gems and offers essential tips for both planning and on-the-ground adventures. It's sustainably printed to ensure environmental responsibility.Inside this Ecuador and the Galápagos travel book, you'll find:- Regional deep dive - coverage of key regions, offering a rich selection of places and experiences, and honest reviews of each one- Itinerary samples - designed for various durations and interests- Practical information - tips on how to get there and get around, use public transport, beat the crowds, save time and money, travel responsibly and more- Expert recommendations - insider advice on where to eat, drink, and stay, alongside tips for nightlife and outdoor activities- Seasonal tips - when to go to Ecuador and the Galápagos, climate details, and festival highlights to plan your perfect trip- Must-See pick - a curated selection of not-to-miss sights as chosen by our authors - Otavalo market, Quito, Canoa, whale-watching, Parque Nacional Machalilla, Malecón 2000, Nariz del Diablo, La Compañía, climb a volcano, Museo Nacional Del Ecuador, Ingapirca, Lagina Quilotoa- Navigational maps - colour-coded maps highlighting essential spots for dining, accommodation, shopping and entertainment- Cultural insights - engaging stories delve into the local culture, history, arts and more, enriching your understanding of Ecuador and the Galápagos- Language essentials - a handy Spanish dictionary and glossary to help you communicate and connect with locals- Inspiring travel photography - full-colour pictures capture the essence of Ecuador and the Galápagos, bringing each location to life and fuelling your wanderlust- Bonus eBook - Free download with purchase, offering digital access to our comprehensive guide- Coverage includes: Quito, the northern sierra, the central sierra, the southern sierra, the Oriente, the northern lowlands and coast, Guayaquil and the southern coast, the Galápagos Islands

  • af Lisa St Aubin de Teran
    357,95 kr.

    A new edition of Lisa St Aubin de Terán's third novel (first published 1984 by Jonathan Cape)

  • af A. J. Atlas
    312,95 kr.

    Imagine if our pets could travel the world with us. What adventures would they have? What trouble would they get into? What friends would they make? In the Travels with Zozo... series of illustrated children's books for ages 4-8 years old, a fun-loving family of four brings their pet bunny, Zozo, on their trips around the world, and Zozo's escapades are bound to amaze, amuse, and inspire you. Author A.J. Atlas' extensive travel experiences in nearly fifty countries and throughout all fifty U.S. states provide firsthand insight into the settings for the books. Award-winning illustrator Anne Zimanski uses bright colors and expert digital artistry to turn the real-life places into beautifully colorful, imaginative worlds for Zozo and readers to explore. She adds an abundance of charm and heart to the culturally-diverse characters whom Zozo meets, and she packs Zozo's sweet, little, furry face full of emotion. Then, together, Atlas and Zimanski keep the pages filled with goofy gags and funny antics. So many, in fact, that rereading the stories is sure to surprise you with something new and keep you laughing. The tenth book in the exciting, award-winning series, Travels with the River Cave, takes readers to one of the world's most beautiful, jungle river caves in Belize. The cool, dark underground cavern and its powerful river current set a vibrant scene for Zozo's inner tube ride. The story begins with Zozo befriending a young, green parrot. She invites him to join her on the river ride. Bouncing and bobbing, swirling and sailing along, the two share an adventurous float along the jungle floor and into a series of dark caves. Amidst the friendship, a humorous moment leads other jungle animals to enjoy the ride too. Zozo's adventure brings her up close to the whimsically illustrated tropical residents-goofy, giggling monkeys, parachuting spiders, a teddy-bear-holding baby bat, quetzals, parrots, and a multitude of other birds. The animals add depth and richness (and laughs!) to the wonderful watery landscape showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book. Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the "hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable" pet bunny, Zozo, in this beautifully-illustrated, pint-sized tropical travel log. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of actual plants, animals, and landscapes of Central America while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages. Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!

  • af A. J. Atlas
    312,95 kr.

    Imagine if our pets could travel the world with us. What adventures would they have? What trouble would they get into? What friends would they make? In the Travels with Zozo... series of illustrated children's books for ages 4-8 years old, a fun-loving family of four brings their pet bunny, Zozo, on their trips around the world, and Zozo's escapades are bound to amaze, amuse, and inspire you. Author A.J. Atlas' extensive travel experiences in nearly fifty countries and throughout all fifty U.S. states provide firsthand insight into the settings for the books. Award-winning illustrator Anne Zimanski uses bright colors and expert digital artistry to turn the real-life places into beautifully colorful, imaginative worlds for Zozo and readers to explore. She adds an abundance of charm and heart to the culturally-diverse characters whom Zozo meets, and she packs Zozo's sweet, little, furry face full of emotion. Then, together, Atlas and Zimanski keep the pages filled with goofy gags and funny antics. So many, in fact, that rereading the stories is sure to surprise you with something new and keep you laughing. The eighth book in the award-winning series, Travels with the Snow, takes readers to the ski slopes near Bariloche, Argentina, in South America's Andes Mountains. Pet bunny Zozo and her human family are there to enjoy a winter vacation together. Just before dawn, on the first morning of the family trip, Zozo wakes to see freshly falling snow. Overwhelmed with curiosity to feel the icy crystals up close for the first time in her life, Zozo dives from an open window into the deep, soft snow. She twists and twirls, leaping and landing in the powdery snow. Until accidentally, one strong jump lands her on a plastic saucer and swiftly whisks her down the unknown mountain. As the adventure unfolds, Zozo and readers see a colorful world filled with whimsically illustrated local animals, including a snowboarding tuco-tuco, a skiing family of owls, marshmallow-roasting deer, and so much more. Page after beautifully-illustrated page, chinchillas and mountain cats roll into funny snowballs and join the adventure. The wildlife adds depth and richness (and laughs!) to the mountain landscape showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book. From start to finish, Zozo's adventurous journey is filled with excitement and emotion. In the end, happiness prevails as a new friend leads Zozo back to her family in a surprising way. Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the "hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable" pet bunny, Zozo, in this engaging, educational, pint-size travel adventure. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of actual plants, animals, and landscapes of the Andes Mountains while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages. Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!

  • - Mapping an Obsession
    af Gavin Francis
    117,95 - 195,95 kr.

    An exploration of isolation and connectedness based on thirty years of travel, from the Sunday Times bestselling author of Adventures in Human Being and Empire Antarctica

  • af Samantha Rezentes
    182,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Avery B. Hodges
    127,95 kr.

    Ecuador, a land of enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture, is a hidden gem nestled in the heart of South America. This diverse country offers visitors a mesmerizing blend of breathtaking natural wonders, rich history, and warm hospitality. From its awe-inspiring Andean peaks to its lush Amazon rainforests and pristine beaches, Ecuador truly has something for every traveler seeking an unforgettable adventure.

  • af Lisa St Aubin de Teran
    337,95 kr.

    A new edition of Lisa St Aubin de Teráns first novel (first published 1982 by Jonathan Cape), winner of the Somerset Maugham Award (1983).

  • af Insight Guides
    173,95 kr.

    This Ecuador & Galápagos guidebook is ideal for travellers seeking inspirational guides and planning a more extended trip. It provides interesting facts about Ecuador & Galápagos's people, history and culture and detailed coverage of the best places to see. This Ecuador & Galápagos travel book has the style of an illustrated magazine to inspire you and give a taste of Ecuador & Galápagos. The book is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet FSC's strict environmental and social standards. This Ecuador & Galápagos guidebook covers: Quito, Day Trips from Quito, Northern Sierra, The Avenue of the Volcanoes, The Southern Sierra, The Oriente, Oriente Wildlife, The Western Lowlands, The Pacific Coast, Guayaquil and the South Coast, The Galápagos Islands. In this Ecuador & Galápagos travel guidebook, you will find:- Unique essays - country history and culture, and modern-day life, people and politics- Ecuador & Galápagos highlights - Avenue of the Volcanoes, Baños, Otavalo, Cuenca, Pacific coast beaches, Ingapirca, Quito, Galápagos Islands, Amazon lodges - Practical travel information - getting there and around, budgeting, eating out, shopping, public holidays, information for LGBTQ+ travellers and more - When to go to Ecuador & Galápagos - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots- Main attractions & curated places - narrative descriptions of where to go and what to see, covered geographically- Tips and facts - interesting facts about Ecuador & Galápagos and useful insider tips- High-quality maps of Ecuador & Galápagos - must-see places cross-referenced to colourful maps for quick orientation- Colour-coded chapters - each place chapter has its own colour assigned to aid easy navigation of this Ecuador & Galápagos travel guide- Striking pictures - rich, inspirational colour photography on all pages, capturing attractions, nature, people and historical features - Free download of title's eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to Ecuador & Galápagos - Fully updated post-COVID-19This Ecuador & Galápagos guidebook is just the tool you need to get under the skin of the destination and accompany you on your trip. It also makes a great gift because of its premium quality. This book will inspire you and answer all your questions while preparing a trip to Ecuador & Galápagos or along the way. It will also remain a beautiful souvenir after your trip.

  • af John Hopkins
    417,95 kr.

    THE LOST SHIP twists and turns through post-invasion ruins to a supernatural confrontation deep in the Amazon where fates are sealed and humanity's destiny illuminates in a cerulean glow.

  • af Alberto Vázquez Figueroa
    90,95 kr.

    El Amazonas, el pulmón del planeta, arde. Intereses económicos y corrupción no son más que el combustible que lo intenta calcinar. El presidente brasileño, Jair Bolsonaro, parece empeñado en acabar con la población indígena. Y en medio de este infierno, una mujer despiadada se embarca en una cruzada en la que el fin justifica los medios. Una nueva historia trepidante del maestro del suspense, Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa, que aúna la denuncia social con el mejor thriller internacional.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa Rial es un escritor español nacido en Santa Cruz de Tenerife en 1936. Periodista de formación y con una carrera de corresponsal para medios como La Vanguardia o Televisión Española, hoy en día se dedica por completo a la literatura y está considerado uno de los autores españoles con más proyección internacional, con una producción de más de sesenta novelas que abarcan desde la temática de aventuras a la histórica o el thriller. Su obra ha sido traducida a numerosos idiomas y ha vendido más de veinticinco millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo.

  • af Claudia Brosseder
    733,95 kr.

    How Indigenous People Used Feathers as a Significant Way of Symbolic Communication in the Andes

  • af Eliane (Author) Brum
    135,95 kr.

    A confrontation with the destruction of the Amazon by a writer who moved her life into the heart of the forest. Eliane Brum reveals the direct links between structural inequities rooted in gender, race, class, and even species, and the suffering that capitalism and climate breakdown wreak on those who are least responsible for them.

  • af Charles Darwin
    452,95 - 567,95 kr.

  • af Bianca Stuck
    137,95 kr.

  • - How America Took, Built, Ran, and Ultimately Gave Away the Panama Canal
    af Noel Maurer & Carlos Yu
    287,95 - 362,95 kr.

    On August 15, 1914, the Panama Canal officially opened for business, forever changing the face of global trade and military power, as well as the role of the United States on the world stage. The Canal's creation is often seen as an example of U.S. triumphalism, but Noel Maurer and Carlos Yu reveal a more complex story. Examining the Canal's influence on Panama, the United States, and the world, The Big Ditch deftly chronicles the economic and political history of the Canal, from Spain's earliest proposals in 1529 through the final handover of the Canal to Panama on December 31, 1999, to the present day. The authors show that the Canal produced great economic dividends for the first quarter-century following its opening, despite massive cost overruns and delays. Relying on geographical advantage and military might, the United States captured most of these benefits. By the 1970s, however, when the Carter administration negotiated the eventual turnover of the Canal back to Panama, the strategic and economic value of the Canal had disappeared. And yet, contrary to skeptics who believed it was impossible for a fledgling nation plagued by corruption to manage the Canal, when the Panamanians finally had control, they switched the Canal from a public utility to a for-profit corporation, ultimately running it better than their northern patrons. A remarkable tale, The Big Ditch offers vital lessons about the impact of large-scale infrastructure projects, American overseas interventions on institutional development, and the ability of governments to run companies effectively.

  • af Sangma Francis
    105,95 kr.

  • af Helen Scales
    155,95 kr.

    Join a team of scientists as they set sail for a place that's unlike anywhere else on Earth - the Galápagos Islands.

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