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Bøger om Southern Africa

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  • af Deborah Levy
    152,95 - 168,95 kr.

    Genrebrydende erindringstrilogi om at skrive og finde sin plads i verden. Deborah Levy befinder sig i en livskrise. Hun er begyndt at græde, hver gang hun står på en rulletrappe og beslutter sig for at rejse til Mallorca for at komme lidt væk. Fra den vinterkolde ferieø tænker hun tilbage på sit liv. På barndommen i Sydafrika under apartheid, hvor hendes far bliver fængslet for sin støtte til ANC. På ungdomslivet i England, hvor forfatterdrømmen begynder at spire. Og på hvordan man som kvinde er nødt til at finde sin stemme, tale højt og kræve sin plads i verden. TING JEG IKKE VIL VIDE er et feministisk modsvar til George Orwells berømte essay WHY I WRITE fra 1946 og er første del af Deborah Levys prisbelønnede erindringstrilogi, hvor hun med udgangspunkt i sin egen historie og sit liv i 40’erne, 50’erne og 60’erne reflekterer indsigtsfuldt og levende over fortid og nutid, kvinderoller, familie, politik, litteratur, kærlighed og venskab. Trilogien blev et internationalt fænomen, rost for sin elegante, genrebrydende stil og kaldt for en moderne coming-of-middle-age. Selv kalder hun den for ’A Living Autobiography’, en ’levende selvbiografi’, skrevet mens livet raser omkring hende og ikke i eftertankens klare lys.

  • af Peter Wulff Kåri
    158,95 kr.

    Turen går til Sydafrika beskriver Guds eget regnbueland efter afskaffelsen af apartheid. Her findes både nogle af verdens fattigste og rigeste mennesker. Kontrasterne er enorme. Bogen inviterer på en rundtur fra imponerende nationalparker på størrelse med Jylland over brede sandstrande med krystalklart hav til en af verdens smukkeste byer, Cape Town med dens Taffelbjerg, Kap det Gode Håb og ikke mindst vinlandet inde bag ved bjergene. Bogens temaer tager bl.a. på besøg ind i de sorte slumområder.

  • af Wilbur Smith
    64,94 - 1.973,95 kr.

    Fra verdens største historiefortæller kommer her en fængslende og åndeløs fortælling om intriger og bedrag, der fører Courtney-familien tættere sammen, men også truer med at rive dem fra hinanden. Malabarkysten er fyldt med farer: grådige handelsmænd, frygtløse pirater og hævnlystne mænd. Men for en Courtney kan den største fare vise sig at være hans egen familie. Da Tom Courtney vender sit skib mod ukendte destinationer finder han endelig sin skæbne - og bestemmer uden at vide det hele Courtney-familiens fremtid. Toms nevø, Francis Courtney, søger formue og hævn i Sydafrika, da hans fars spillegæld efterlader ham i stor fare og uden en krone på lommen. Men da han ankommer afsløres en sandhed, der efterlader ham overvældet. I mellemtiden forfalder Toms søn, Christopher Courtney, til forræderi, vold og bedrag, da han bliver uvenner med sin far og forsøger at skabe sin egen vej i verden. Wilbur Smith (f.1933) i Centralafrika. Hans bøger er oversat til 26 sprog.

  • - Årene som præsident
    af Nelson Mandela
    148,95 - 274,95 kr.

    Dette er historien om et land i opbrud og fødslen af et demokrati. Det er også historien om de udfordringer, som Nelson Mandela måtte overvinde for at nå sin vision om et befriet Sydafrika. Og frem for alt fuldender den portrættet af en enestående statsmand, som få i verdenshistorien har kunnet måle. Nelson Mandela nåede ikke selv at gøre sin erindringsbog færdig, men den sydafrikanske forfatter Mandla Langa har haft adgang til Mandelas ufærdige kladder og omfattende notesbøger samt et stort arkivmateriale og har samlet det i en levende og inspirerende beretning om Mandelas præsidentperiode. Bogen lægger sig i forlængelse af den internationale bestseller Vejen til frihed og har forord af Mandelas enke, Graça Machel. Den udkommer i en lang række lande verden over.

  • af Lonely Planet
    188,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's South Africa, Lesotho & Eswatini is your passport to the most up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Lounge on a Cape Town beach, spot wildlife in Kruger National Park; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of South Africa, Lesotho & Eswatini and begin your journey now!Inside Lonely Planet's South Africa, Lesotho & Eswatini Travel Guide:Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020's COVID-19 outbreakNEW top experiences feature - a visually inspiring collection of South Africa's best experiences and where to have themWhat's NEW feature taps into cultural trends and helps you find fresh ideas and cool new areasNEW pull-out, passport-size 'Just Landed' card with wi-fi, ATM and transport info - all you need for a smooth journey from airport to hotelImproved planning tools for family travellers - where to go, how to save money, plus fun stuff just for kidsColour maps and images throughoutHighlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interestsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsEssential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, pricesHonest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks missCultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, cuisine, politicsOver 102 mapsCovers Cape Town, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Johannesburg & Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Kruger National Park, Limpopo, North West Province, Northern Cape, Lesotho and Eswatini

  • af Nelson Mandela
    248,95 kr.


  • - og andre provokationer
    af Desmond Tutu
    188,95 kr.

    Denne bog er en samling af de bedste af Desmond Tutus taler, interviews, prædikener og breve gennem fire årtier. Teksterne afslører, hvorfor han fortjente Nobels Fredspris, og hvorfor han tiltrak sig verdenssamfundets opmærksomhed og vandt så mange menneskers hjerter. Tutus ord og virke tændte håb i Sydafrika – og ud over verden – i en vanskelig tid. ”Desmond Tutu har i årtier været en moralsk sværvægter – en principfast stemme, en utrættelig retfærdighedens forkæmper, en dedikeret fredsstifter. Han er en bramfri fredens og frihedens stemme i lande over hele kloden.”– Præsident Barack Obama ”Jeg har den dybeste respekt for min gode og trofaste ven, ærkebiskop Desmond Tutu. Jeg beundrer ham for det vidunderlige og varme menneske, han er, og særligt for de humanitære principper, han står for.”– Hans hellighed Dalai Lama ”Hans indsats har slået bro over kløften mellem sort og hvid, mellem offer og undertrykker, og har bidraget til at hele en nation i forsoningens og tilgivelsens ånd. Han skal vide, at jeg og en hel generation af afrikanere holder hovedet højt og har mere udsyn, fordi vi står på hans skuldre.”– Kofi Annan, tidligere generalsekretær for FN

  • af Nelson Mandela
    125,95 kr.

    Vejen til frihed er en af det 20. århundredes største selvbiografier. Mandela fortæller her sin fantastiske livshistorie: om opvæksten i en traditionel afrikansk kultur, om årene i undergrundsbevægelsen, om det ubønhørlige liv bag tremmer i mere end et kvart århundrede og om det politiske drama, som kulminerede med valgsejren i april 1994, hvor han blev den første demokratisk valgte præsident i et land, der havde gjort alt for at kue hans frihedstrang. Vejen til frihed har nyt forord af Niels Helveg Petersen, der som udenrigsminister ved flere lejligheder har mødt og arbejdet med præsident Mandela.

  • af DK Eyewitness
    158,95 kr.

    Your journey starts here. We've reimagined and updated our iconic DK Eyewitness travel guides. This brand new South Africa guide, now in a lightweight format, has been expertly curated with all new photography plus DK's much-loved illustrations and maps. - Gorgeous, all-new colour photography so you can imagine yourself there- Reasons to love South Africa: world-class museums, the magnificent Table Mountain, getting up close to amazing wildlife on a safari - what will yours be?- See South Africa from a different angle: lots of fresh ideas for exploring the city- A fully illustrated and detailed field guide to South Africa's incredible wildlife- A year-long calendar of events in South Africa gives a selection of local events and festivals for all seasons- Expert advice covers the practical stuff: get ready, get around and stay safe- Detailed colour maps help you navigate the country with ease- Expert tips to make memories that last - where to snap and share the perfect photo, take in stunning views and escape the crowds- The most authentic places to stay, eat, drink and shop- Easy-to-follow walks and itineraries take you on a tour of each area, with plenty of food and drink stops en route.- Hand-drawn illustrations highlight the must-see attractions, including the Castle of Good Hope, Boschendal Manor House and the V&A Waterfront.- Covers Cape Town; The Western Cape and Southern Cape; The East Coast and Interior; Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga; and The Arid Interior.DK Eyewitness Travel South Africa is a detailed, easy-to-use guide designed to help you create your own unique trip.Planning a shorter break? Try our Top 10 Cape Town and the Winelands.About DK Eyewitness Travel: For 25 years, DK's beautifully practical Eyewitness guides have been combining inspiring ideas and expert advice with easy-to-read maps and vivid photography to inform and enrich your holiday. In 2018 the Eyewitness series was relaunched with a stunning new look that you will love even more. DK is the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, producing beautifully designed books for adults and children in over 120 countries.

  • af Carsten Jensen
    44,94 - 117,95 kr.

    Bogen udgør anden og sidste del af den indkredsning af kloden, århundredet og historien, der blev indledt med "Jeg har set verden begynde". Bøgerne, der blander rejseskildring, essay og litterær fortælling, blev Carsten Jensens store folkelige gennembrud.

  • af Asger Jacobsen
    148,95 - 188,95 kr.

    IND I SYDAMERIKA er en meget personlig rejseskildring blandet med en mængde historiske oplysninger. Forfatteren rejser rundt i Sydamerika i adskillige måneder og skyr ingen anstrengelser for at komme tæt på steder og mennesker. Desuden kaster han sig ud i det ene halsbrækkende eventyr efter det andet. Han bestiger bjerge i Ecuador, tager på riverrafting i Peru og kører på cykel ned ad smalle, stejle bjergveje i Bolivia. I Brasilien oplever han det berømte karneval i Rio, bliver bestjålet på åben gade og er lige ved at blive smidt ud af landet som illegal indvandrer. Også i Argentina og Uruguay får han spændende oplevelser og møder mennesker fra alverdens lande.Undervejs får læseren en masse at vide om landenes historie lige fra forhistoriske kulturer over Inkarigets storhed og fald og 1800-tallets løsrivelsesbevægelser og krige til den seneste tids økonomiske og politiske udvikling.Bogens budskab er klart: Rejs ud og oplev verden, mens du kan. Du vil ikke være den samme bagefter.

  • - En historie om udvikling
    af Bjørn Førde
    237,95 kr.

    Med sin baggrund fra 40 års udviklingsarbejde i Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, FN og Dansk Institut for Partier og Demokrati, og med udstationeringer i bl.a. Zimbabwe og Botswana, samt en ballast som forfatter til mere end 30 bøger om udvikling, skrevet til børn, unge og voksne, besluttede Bjørn Førde at rejse 4.500 km gennem Zimbabwe for uanmeldt at opsøge nogle af de lokalsamfund, organisationer og mennesker, som han 25 år tidligere havde arbejdet tæt sammen med. Han ville se, hvad der stod tilbage, og han ville snakke med nogle af de lokale, som havde deltaget i arbejdet et kvart århundrede tidligere – eller som havde mødt projektet, efter at danskerne var rejst hjem. Tilbage i Danmark opsøgte han tidligere udsendte, som ikke havde været tilbage siden dengang, og lyttede til de visioner, håb og drømme, de blev drevet af, da de rejste ud.Bogen om alt dette er en rutsjebanetur gennem et Zimbabwe, som også plages af stor korruption og et autoritært og undertrykkende politiske styre, som ikke giver udviklingssamarbejdet gode vilkår. Noget er alligevel lykkedes, på trods af alle forhindringer, men det gælder langtfra alt. Ofte er det kun lykkedes, fordi stærke lokale personligheder har kæmpet for det.Bogen fremstår også som en stærk personlig bekendelse til nødvendigheden af det direkte kultur- og menneskemøde for at sikre, at vi også i fremtiden har en fælles klode. Forestillingen om, at lande og mennesker kan klare sig alene, er ikke brugbar, uanset hvad vi måtte mene om den globalisering, vi har oplevet i de foregående årtier.

  • af Rough Guides
    183,95 kr.

    Features of this travel guide to Cape Town, the Winelands and the Garden Route:- Detailed regional coverage: provides practical information for every kind of trip, from off-the-beaten-track adventures to chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas- Honest and independent reviews: written with Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, our writers will help you make the most from your trip to South Africa- Meticulous mapping: practical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys. Find your way around the Whale Coast, Route 62 and many more locations without needing to get online- Fabulous full-colour photography features inspirational colour photography, including the famous whale-filled waters of Plettenberg Bay and the breathtaking wildlife to be found at the Shamwari Reserve- Time-saving itineraries: carefully planned routes will help inspire and inform your on-the-road experiences- Things not to miss: Rough Guides' rundown of the best sights and top experiences to be found in the centre of Cape Town, along the V&A Waterfront and along the Atlantic Seaboard- Travel tips and info: packed with essential pre-departure information including getting around, accommodation, food and drink, health, the media, festivals, sports and outdoor activities, culture and etiquette, shopping and more- Background information: comprehensive 'Contexts' chapter provides fascinating insights into South Africa with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary- The ultimate travel tool: download the free eBook to access all this from your phone or tablet- Covers Cape Town, the Winelands, the Whale Coast and Overberg Interior, the Garden Route, Route 62 and Little Karoo and Port Elizabeth, Addo and the private reserves.

  • af Wilbur Smith
    139,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Året er 1794, og vi befinder os under rædselsherredømmet i Paris. Den unge Paul Courtney skjuler sig i menneskemængden, mens hans mor henrettes for øjnene af ham. Paul sværger, at han vil ære det løfte, han gav hende: at overleve. Da Paul redder en ung piges liv, indgår de en alliance, men farerne lurer overalt, og spørgsmålet er, hvor langt vil Paul gå for at sikre sin egen overlevelse …Cape Town 1806. Adam Courtney har levet sit liv i flådens tjeneste og i skyggen af sin far, admiral Robert Courtney. Men da et besøg i hans hjem, ender i tragedie, må Adam se sin skæbne i øjnene og søge hævn. Men han vil snart opdage, at fjenden er tættere på, end man skulle tro.Nemesis er en del af Courtney-serien og følger efter Stormens rasen.

  • af Francoise Malby-Anthony
    114,95 - 186,95 kr.

  • af Fodor's Travel Guides
    176,95 kr.

    441,95 kr.

    First published in 1967, Ernest ColeâEUR(TM)s House of Bondage has been lauded as one of the most significant photobooks of the twentieth century, revealing the horrors of apartheid to the world for the first time and influencing generations of photographers around the globe. Reissued for contemporary audiences, this edition adds a chapter of unpublished work found in a recently resurfaced cache of negatives and recontextualizes this pivotal book for our time. Cole, a Black South African man, photographed the underbelly of apartheid in the 1950s and âEUR(TM)60s, often at great personal risk. He methodically captured the myriad forms of violence embedded in everyday life for the Black majority under the apartheid systemâEUR"picturing its miners, its police, its hospitals, its schools. In 1966, Cole fled South Africa and smuggled out his negatives; House of Bondage was published the following year with his writings and first-person account. This edition retains the powerful story of the original while adding new perspectives on ColeâEUR(TM)s life and the legacy of House of Bondage. It also features an added chapterâEUR"compiled and titled âEURœBlack IngenuityâEUR? by ColeâEUR"of never-before-seen photographs of Black creative expression and cultural activity taking place under apartheid. Made available again nearly fifty-five years later, House of Bondage remains a visually powerful and politically incisive document of the apartheid era.

  • af Bente Hahne
    228,95 kr.

    Den fraskilte gymnasielærer Nanna på 53 får foræret en chance til at realisere sin drøm om at rejse for at male. Hun møder den jævnaldrende fotograf Klaus, og med planen om et fælles projekt rejser de sammen til Mozambique.Uventede begivenheder skiller deres veje, da Nanna må afbryde rejsen for at tage hjem til Danmark. Usikker på sig selv og sit forehavende tager hun efterfølgende ophold hos en veninde i Rom. Her nærer tilfældet hendes tvivl, om hun skal vende tilbage til Mozambique og Klaus.Rejsen til Afrika bliver skelsættende for både Nanna og Klaus, men kan de to sårede sjæle slippe deres bagage og finde sammen?Bogen tager læseren med på en spændende rejse på både det ydre og indre plan og skildrer drømmene såvel som vanskelighederne ved at skifte spor i en moden alder.Om forfatterenBente Hahne er lærer i dansk som fremmedsprog og har gennem hele sit professionelle liv været beskæftiget med internationale relationer. Hun har rejst i store dele af verden og har i længere perioder opholdt sig i udlandet. Fra 1999 til 2001 var hun udstationeret i Maputo, Mozambique, gennem Danida. Nannas rejse er hendes første roman.

  • - Democracy and Inequality in São Paulo and Johannesburg
    af Benjamin H Bradlow
    254,95 - 784,95 kr.

    Why some cities are more effective than others at reducing inequalities in the built environment: urban governance in São Paulo and Johannesburg For the first time in history, most people live in cities. One in seven are living in slums, the most excluded parts of cities, in which the basics of urban life--including adequate housing, accessible sanitation, and reliable transportation--are largely unavailable. Why are some cities more successful than others in reducing inequalities in the built environment? In Urban Power, Benjamin Bradlow explores this question, examining the effectiveness of urban governance in two "megacities" in young democracies: São Paulo, Brazil, and Johannesburg, South Africa. Both cities came out of periods of authoritarian rule with similarly high inequalities and similar policy priorities to lower them. And yet São Paulo has been far more successful than Johannesburg in improving access to basic urban goods. Bradlow examines the relationships between local government bureaucracies and urban social movements that have shaped these outcomes. Drawing on sixteen months of fieldwork in both cities, including interviews with informants from government agencies, political leadership, social movements, private developers, bus companies, and water and sanitation companies, Bradlow details the political and professional conflicts between and within movements, governments, private corporations, and political parties. He proposes a bold theoretical approach for a new global urban sociology that focuses on variations in the coordination of local governing power, arguing that the concepts of "embeddedness" and "cohesion" explain processes of change that bridge external social mobilization and the internal coordinating capacity of local government to implement policy changes.

  • af Mark Anstey
    125,95 kr.

    Life is a process of mutual persuasion. Whatever our walk of life much of our everyday energy in interpersonal, intergroup and international relations is directed at trying to get others to do as we want, to change their behavior or beliefs. Change can evoke resistance, tensions rise, people find themselves in conflicts they cannot see a way out of. They precondition talks; become entrapped by escalation dynamics; struggle to listen effectively; misjudge one another's intentions, capacity, commitment or competencies; and make choices whose consequences they haven't thought through. Current and future relations become marooned on unresolved issues from the past. Some see better returns in perpetuating than resolving differences. Predatory neighbours and difficult political, social and economic conditions reduce the wriggle room for creative problem-solving. Drawing on 35 years of experience as a mediator in a changing South Africa, as a conflict scholar, and as a trainer across over 30 countries Mark Anstey shares insights into how people have broken through such impasses.

  • af Wiets Buys
    275,95 kr.

    The history of the Boer identity is an epic saga. The Boer identity emerged in the isolation of an expansive landscape and evolved as a unique cultural entity deeply rooted in the principles of individualism, localism, independence, and freedom. The development of the Boer identity is an action-packed tale of sacrifice, suffering, loss, victory, and resilience that shaped the Boer identity. "What sets 'The Creation of the Boer Identity' apart is that it challenges the traditional perspective, which has never focused on the creation and development of the Boer identity." "It is a comprehensive exploration of the formation of the Boer identity." "The book has been extensively researched, and include information and insights not previously published in history books." "The book describes correspondence and public statements by key figures discussing specific events of that time, adding a personal and historical dimension to the story. It not only narrates the events but also provides factual insights behind them." "This work presents a fresh perspective on the history of the Boers from the viewpoint of the Boer identity." DISCOVER THIS ASTOUNDING CHRONICLE AND WITNESS THE BIRTH OF A NATION THROUGH THE LENS OF ITS TRUE IDENTITY

  • af Wiets Buys
    275,95 kr.

    Die geskiedenis van die Boeridentiteit is 'n epiese sage. Die Boeridentiteit het in die isolasie van 'n uitgestrekte landskap, as 'n unieke kulturele entiteit ontstaan wat diep gewortel is in die beginsels van individualisme, lokalisme, onafhanklikheid en vryheid. Die ontwikkeling van die Boeridentiteit is 'n aksie-belaaide verhaal van opoffering, lyding, verlies, oorwinning, en veerkragtigheid wat die Boeridentiteit gevorm het. "Wat "Die Skepping van Die Boeridentiteit" onderskei, is dat dit die tradisionele perspektief, wat nooit op die skepping en ontwikkeling van die Boeridentiteit gefokus het nie, uitdaag." "Dit is 'n omvattende verkenning van die vorming van die Boeridentiteit." "Die boek is in diepte nagevors en sluit inligting en insigte in wat nie voorheen in geskiedenisboeke gepubliseer is nie." "Die boek beskryf korrespondensie en openbare uitsprake deur sleutelfigure wat spesifieke gebeure van daardie tyd bespreek, wat 'n persoonlike en historiese dimensie tot die verhaal byvoeg. Dit vertel dus nie net die gebeure nie, maar verskaf ook feitelike insigte agter die gebeure." "Hierdie werk is 'n vars aanbieding van die geskiedenis van die Boere vanuit die perspektief van die Boeridentiteit." ONTDEK HIERDIE VERSTOMMENDE KRONIEK EN AANSKOU DIE GEBOORTE VAN 'N VOLK DEUR DIE LENS VAN SY WARE IDENTITEIT.

  • af Wiets Buys
    223,95 kr.

    The history of the Boer identity is an epic saga. The Boer identity emerged in the isolation of an expansive landscape and evolved as a unique cultural entity deeply rooted in the principles of individualism, localism, independence, and freedom. The development of the Boer identity is an action-packed tale of sacrifice, suffering, loss, victory, and resilience that shaped the Boer identity."What sets 'The Creation of the Boer Identity' apart is that it challenges the traditional perspective, which has never focused on the creation and development of the Boer identity.""It is a comprehensive exploration of the formation of the Boer identity.""The book has been extensively researched, and includes information and insights not previously published in history books.""The book describes correspondence and public statements by key figures discussing specific events of that time, adding a personal and historical dimension to the story. It not only narrates the events but also provides factual insights behind them.""This work presents a fresh perspective on the history of the Boers from the viewpoint of the Boer identity."DISCOVER THIS ASTOUNDING CHRONICLE AND WITNESS THE BIRTH OF A NATION THROUGH THE LENS OF ITS TRUE IDENTITY

  • af Wiets Buys
    224,95 kr.

    Die geskiedenis van die Boeridentiteit is 'n epiese sage. Die Boeridentiteit het in die isolasie van 'n uitgestrekte landskap, as 'n unieke kulturele entiteit ontstaan wat diep gewortel is in die beginsels van individualisme, lokalisme, onafhanklikheid en vryheid. Die ontwikkeling van die Boeridentiteit is 'n aksie-belaaide verhaal van opoffering, lyding, verlies, oorwinning, en veerkragtigheid wat die Boeridentiteit gevorm het."Wat "Die Skepping van Die Boeridentiteit" onderskei, is dat dit die tradisionele perspektief, wat nooit op die skepping en ontwikkeling van die Boeridentiteit gefokus het nie, uitdaag.""Dit is 'n omvattende verkenning van die vorming van die Boeridentiteit.""Die boek is in diepte nagevors en sluit inligting en insigte in wat nie voorheen in geskiedenisboeke gepubliseer is nie.""Die boek beskryf korrespondensie en openbare uitsprake deur sleutelfigure wat spesifieke gebeure van daardie tyd bespreek, wat 'n persoonlike en historiese dimensie tot die verhaal byvoeg.Dit vertel dus nie net die gebeure nie, maar verskaf ook feitelike insigte agter die gebeure.""Hierdie werk is 'n vars aanbieding van die geskiedenis van die Boere vanuit die perspektief van die Boeridentiteit."ONTDEK HIERDIE VERSTOMMENDE KRONIEK EN AANSKOU DIE GEBOORTE VAN 'N VOLK DEUR DIE LENS VAN SY WARE IDENTITEIT

  • af Cilliers van den Berg
    374,95 - 509,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Shooter
    276,95 - 423,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af James O'Haire
    440,95 - 483,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Shireen Hassim
    330,95 - 688,95 kr.

    The transition to democracy in South Africa was one of the defining events in twentieth-century political history. The South African women's movement is one of the most celebrated on the African continent. Shireen Hassim examines interactions between the two as she explores the gendered nature of liberation and regime change. Her work reveals how women's political organizations both shaped and were shaped by the broader democratic movement. Alternately asserting their political independence and giving precedence to the democratic movement as a whole, women activists proved flexible and remarkably successful in influencing policy. At the same time, their feminism was profoundly shaped by the context of democratic and nationalist ideologies. In reading the last twenty-five years of South African history through a feminist framework, Hassim offers fresh insights into the interactions between civil society, political parties, and the state. Hassim boldly confronts sensitive issues such as the tensions between autonomy and political dependency in feminists' engagement with the African National Congress (ANC) and other democratic movements, and black-white relations within women's organizations. She offers a historically informed discussion of the challenges facing feminist activists during a time of nationalist struggle and democratization.

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