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  • af Raymond Luczak
    222,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Kathy Lockheart
    192,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Michael L Hadley
    297,95 kr.

    "A member of the so-called Silent Generation, Michael Hadley has a great deal to say in his twilight years. Opening with his Depression-era childhood on a lonely lighthouse on the west coast of Vancouver Island, this remarkably nuanced memoir spans decades, countries, and oceans."--

  • af Jocey Asnong
    152,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Come along on a new and wonderous journey to the landscapes surrounding the Great Lakes with the adventurous cats, Nuptse and Lhotse!Welcome to the Land of the Great Lakes! Nuptse and Lhotse are off on another great adventure, this time searching for the Sugar Forest Festival with their new friend Ruckus Raccoon.With only a nibbled map of the Great Lakes and the raccoon¿s nose to guide them, they make their way across the Canadian Shield near Lake Superior, learn how to make the perfect s¿more when camping along Lake Huron shores, cross the fruit belt fields around Lake Erie to see a rainbow reach across Niagara Falls, and climb high above the clouds in a tower soaring over Lake Ontario to get a better view of the world.Along the way, they will meet new friends, discover shipwrecks and city subways, play in the red leaves of a maple forest, and learn to windsurf and canoe with loons. With the arrival of the spring sun¿s warmth after a long winter, will they finally find the Sugar Forest Festival they have been looking for?

  • af Jocey Asnong
    112,95 kr.

    All the animals are awake and ready to explore the province of Ontario and the Great Lakes in this early concept alphabet book.Make a splash in Muskoka, skate outdoors on Ottawa's Rideau canal, help turn sap into maple syrup, grab a grilled lunch with some sea gulls, and peek through the pines at a welcoming campsite in one of the province's many beautiful parks. Jocey's vibrant and whimsical illustrations showcase a selection of the regional diversity found throughout this province, and of the many birds and animals that call Ontario home.

  • af Orange Hippo!
    73,94 kr.

    This little book is full of all the waterfall-fun you can think of; stats, jokes, quotes, notes, stories, icons, and origins to inspire your next quest to America's northeast.

  • af William C Even
    482,95 kr.

    Black and white images taken at the turn of the 20th Century provide a gorgeous, nostalgic view of Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Western New York, and beyond.

  • af Malachy Tallack
    107,95 kr.

  • af J.O. Curwood
    74,95 kr.

    ¨Peter MacRae er ganske ung, da hans far må gå under jorden, fordi han er eftersøgt for mord. Faren sender Peter til den lille by Five Fingers ved Lake Superior , hvor farens ven ejer et savværk, som Peter kan få arbejde ved.Da Peter ser den unge forældreløse pige Mona blive overfaldet af en ældre mand, viser han sit mod ved at tage kampen op mod overfaldsmanden. Fra det øjeblik er de to unge knyttet til hinanden for livet, men Peters prøvelser er langt fra slut. Gennem alle strabadserne bærer han imidlertid kærligheden og slægtskabet med naturen og vildmarken, som igen og igen truer med at få ham til at kappe båndet til Mona og menneskenes verden.James Oliver Curwood (1878-1927) var en amerikansk forfatter, der var kendt for at skrive action-adventureromaner. Efter en omtumlet skolegang arbejdede Curwood som reporter, da han i 1900 solgte sin første historie. I 1909 tog han på en rejse igennem Canadas vildmark, hvilket gav ham stof til adskillige af sine actionfyldte historier, blandt andet historierne om ulvehunden Kazan. Curwood døde i 1927, efter komplikationer i månederne efter han blev udsat for, hvad der formodes at have været et edderkoppebid.

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