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Der er intet hemmeligt, som ikke skal åbenbares, og intet skjult, som ikke skal blive kendt.Lukasevangeliet kap. 12 vers 2-3 Velkommen til Chapel Croft. Her blev otte protestantiske martyrer brændt på bålet for 500 år siden. For 30 år siden forsvandt to teenagepiger ud i den blå luft. Og for blot to måneder siden begik den lokale præst selvmord.Præsten Jack Brooks ankommer til landsbyen med håbet om en ny begyndelse og en fredfyldt tilværelse sammen med sin fjortenårige datter. I stedet bliver hun mødt af en by, med en århundreder lang historie præget af blodsudgydelser og dystre hemmeligheder.Da Jack og hendes datter begynder at se ildevarslende syner, og rituelle pindedukker begynder at dukke op på deres dørtrin, bliver det klart, at byens blodige fortid stadig spøger. Jack kan ikke undgå at blive viklet ind i de ældgamle mysterier og snart må hun tilmed kæmpe for sin og sin datters overlevelse. Der er nemlig ikke ufarligt at søge sandheden i Chapel Croft, hvor alle har noget at skjule.Brændende piger er en intens og urovækkende thriller om fatale fortielser, og hvad der sker, når sandheden kommer frem om ældgamle hemmeligheder.
I det elegante hus ved strandpromenaden i Brighton, bor tre lejere, der har mere tilfælles med hinanden, end de tror. Huset bliver denne sommer stedet for nye begyndelser.Georgia har fulgt sin barndomskæreste til Brighton og er fast besluttet på at lykkes som journalist. Byen byder i første omgang velkommen til Georgia med åbne arme, men der går ikke længe, før hun kommer i problemer.Charlotte kæmper med at komme igennem et hjerteskærende tab, hun har lidt. Hun vil helst bare gemmesig væk, men Margot, den stilfulde gamle dame på øverste etage, har andre planer for Charlotte.Rosa er efter en frygtelig afsløring startet på en frisk og arbejder nu med det, hun elsker mest: mad. Da hun støder på teenageren, der bor ved siden af, bliver hendes livsvalg udfordrede. Hvad hvis Rosas passion for mad kunne føre hende mere interessante steder hen?En sommer i Brighton er feelgood, når det er allerbedst. Det er en opløftende fortælling fuld af sommerfølelse om håb og venskab.
Denne bog fortæller historien om, hvordan prins Harry mistede folkets gunst som følge af sit ægteskab med den smukke og dynamiske Hollywood-skuespillerinde og Suits-stjerne Meghan Markle. Lady Colin Campbell går bag kulisserne og taler med venner, familiemedlemmer, hoffolk og kolleger på begge sider af Atlanterhavet for at blotlægge den mest overraskende kongelige historie siden kong Edward 8.’s abdikation. Hun blotlægger de mange dilemmaer og udfordringer, der lurer under overfladen, og afslører, hvorfor parret valgte at træde tilbage som fremtrædende medlemmer af kongefamilien. Hun analyserer, hvilke konsekvenser kærligheden har haft for det unge og ambitiøse hertugpar, ligesom hun ser nærmere på, hvilken rolle drømmen om rigdom og berømmelse har spillet. I den forbindelse kommer hun også ind på den betydning, californisk kultur har haft for parrets adfærd. Meghan og Harry - Den sande historie afslører, hvordan hertugen og hertuginden af Sussex forsøgte at forandre det kongelige system, men fejlede. De prøvede at justere det, så det stemte overens med deres egne behov og ambitioner, og da det gik galt, besluttede de at skabe et helt nyt system – og liv – som var skræddersyet til dem alene.Uddrag af bogenDa Harry bragte emnet om ægteskab op hos sine bedsteforældre, påpegede prins Philip, som allerede var med på, hvorfor Meghan Markle ville finde det umuligt at passe ind i rollen som kongelig hertuginde uden en forudgående personlighedstransplantation, at ”vi har affærer med skuespillerinder; vi gifter os ikke med dem.” Dette var ikke snobberi fra hans side. De egenskaber, der gør en skuespiller succesfuld, er de absolut modsatte af dem, det kræver at være en god kongelig hertuginde, og der var for ham ingen tvivl om, at det ville være uretfærdigt over for både Meghan og monarkiet at forvente, at hun skulle udfylde en livstid med kongelige pligter med en fuldt udviklet personlighed, som var i strid med kravene til den kongelige rolle.Om forfatterenLady Colin Campbell (f. 1949) har skrevet en lang række bøger om det engelske kongehus, bl.a. den internationale bestseller om prinsesse Diana, Diana in Private.
Intet er så skidt, at det ikke er godt for noget. Den fallerede forretningsmand Ronnie Wilson drager i september 2001 fra Brighton til New York for at holde sit livs vigtigste møde. Det er absolut sidste udkald, hvis firmaet ikke skal gå konkurs, og huset ikke skal ryge på tvangsauktion. Inden Ronnie når helt frem til sit møde i World Trade Center, står tårnene imidlertid i flammer, og mens alt er kaos, og murbrokker og menneskelemmer regner ned om ørerne på ham, får Ronnie en idé: Det her kunne være alle tiders chance for at starte på en frisk.Seks år senere dukker de sørgelige rester af en kvinde op på en byggeplads i Brighton og sætter en stopper for kriminalkommissær Roy Graces hyggelige weekendplaner med kæresten Cleo. Ikke nok med at middagen på den fine restaurant i London nok må aflyses, fundet trækker til Cleos store fortrydelse også Roy Grace tilbage til fortiden, da skelettet på flere måder passer lidt for godt til Graces forsvundne kone Sandy.
The #1 Sunday Times bestseller is back with a powerful, riveting new novel, as maverick investigator Ray Lennox discovers that confronting his past could cost him everything.OLD TRUTHS HAVE NEW CONSEQUENCESRay Lennox is determined to move on from his darkest days. The former detective has left Edinburgh for a fresh start in Brighton. Soon, his fixations and addictions have been replaced with quiet evenings and a rigorous fitness regime.Then Lennox meets Mathew Cardingworth. Rich, smooth-talking and immaculately dressed, he presents himself as a successful, and respectable, property developer. Yet their encounter reawakens memories that have haunted Lennox for decades, sending him into a spiral of confusion and rage.Lennox has no choice - he must confront the events of his childhood. But the more he identifies the links between Cardingworth, the disappearance of a group of foster care boys and the violence of his past, the more he finds himself asking:What will he sacrifice to achieve resolution at last?*****PRAISE FOR NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER IRVINE WELSH:'There's only one Welsh and you should be reading him'OBSERVER'The best thing that has happened to British writing for decades'SUNDAY TIMES'Powerful . . . A bracing and engaging read'DAILY TELEGRAPH'Sharp, fearless, passionate and brilliant'INDEPENDENT
The second volume of a series that looks back at 50 years of the famous London to Brighton Historic Commercial Vehicle Run.
This site guide covers the counties of East Sussex, West Sussex and Surrey, including sites in southwest Greater London. From the heaths of Surrey to the chalky grassland of the North and South Downs, the great forests of the Weald and the headlands, shingle beaches and river valleys of England's south coast, these three counties are a bird-rich part of the country, with perhaps the most diverse range of habitats in the country, and all within easy distance of London, the southwest part of which contains birding sites such as Barnes wetland centre.This new book by Matthew Phelps and Ed Stubbs is the definitive guide to the birding highlights of the region. It contains a comprehensive review of all the major sites, and many lesser-known ones, with maps, notes on access, and information on target species and when to visit. Where to Watch Birds in Surrey and Sussex is indispensable for any birder heading to this bird-rich region, or anyone in London who wants to head south to enjoy some of the best birding England can offer.
A survey in superb photographs of the branch lines and by-ways across the Southern Region in the 1960s.
A fascinating exploration of the history of Worthing highlighting its people, places and events across the centuries.
For his landmark 25th book in his highly successful patchwork and quilt series, Kaffe Fassett has chosen the southern coast of England as the inspiration for his new collection of quilts. Beachgoers have long enjoyed the rocky shores near Hastings in East Sussex for their wild beauty and classic architecture. Featuring several miles of coastline, this seaside community has its roots in the fishing industry and was the site of the Norman Conquest's Battle of Hastings in 1066. Once a popular Victorian resort area, this gem of the southern coast is now experiencing a travel renaissance thanks to a thriving arts movement. The gallery section of the book showcases the 21 new designs, all brilliantly photographed on location by Debbie Patterson. The deep jewel tones of Kaffe's Maroon Frames are enhanced by the geometric lines of similarly toned beach huts. Kaffe's Vintage Stars has an old-world quality featuring earthy tones that are brilliantly set against the backdrop of a brick garden wall. The stunning Colour Garden quilt, featured on the cover, feels perfectly at home draped over an old fishing boat overlooking the sea, while his confectionary Fruit Sorbet cushion showcases taffy-inspired pastels sure to inspirea cozy afternoon by the beach. With both Kaffe's classic fabrics and his forward-thinking new designs to choose from, quilters will be thrilled with all Quilts by the Sea offers. In addition to the quilt designs, Quilts by the Sea includes detailed step-by-step instructions, accompanied by a flat shot of each quilt with the relevant block or quilt assembly diagram, while a how-to section offers more detailed guidance.
Walking is a favourite leisure activity with 77% of adults walk for pleasure at least once a month. The guide feature a variety of mapped walks to suit all abilities and contains 50 walks of 2-10 miles. The books feature all the practical detail you need, accompanied by fascinating background reading on the history and wildlife of the area, and clear mapping for ease of use. Full colour maps for each walk with links to clear route directions and every route has been colour coded according to difficulty. All walks are annotated with local points of interest and places to stop for refreshments. Every walk is given a summary of distance, time, gradient, level of difficulty, type of surface and access, landscape, dog friendliness, parking and public toilet.
For LA producer Larry Brooker, this is the movie that could bring the fortune that has so long eluded him . . . For rock superstar, Gaia, desperate to be taken seriously as an actor, this is the role that could get her an Oscar nomination. . . For the City of Brighton and Hove, the publicity value of a major Hollywood movie being filmed on location, about the city's greatest love story - between King George IV and Maria Fitzherbert - is incalculable. For Detective Superintendent Roy Grace of Sussex CID, it is a nightmare unfolding in front of his eyes. An obsessed stalker is after Gaia. One attempt on her life is made days before she leaves her Bel Air home to fly to Brighton. Now, he has been warned, the stalker may be at large in his city, waiting, watching, planning.Not Dead Yet is the eighth novel featuring Detective Superintendent Roy Grace, from the number one bestselling author Peter James.
I want them to suffer, and I want them dead. . . Carly Chase is still traumatised after being in a fatal traffic accident which kills a teenage student from Brighton University. Then she receives news that turns her entire world into a living nightmare. The drivers of the other two vehicles involved have been found tortured and murdered. Now Detective Superintendant Roy Grace of the Sussex Police force issues a stark and urgent warning to Carly: She could be next. The police advise Carly her only option is to go into hiding and change her identity. The terrified woman disagrees - she knows these people have ways of hunting you down anywhere. If the police are unable to stop them, she has to find a way to do it herself. But already the killer is one step ahead of her, watching, waiting, and ready . . .Dead Man's Grip is the seventh novel in the multi-million copy bestselling Detective Superintendent Roy Grace series from number one author Peter James.
Dead Like You is the sixth novel in the multi-million copy bestselling Detective Superintendent Roy Grace series from number one author Peter James.Don't imagine for one moment that I'm not watching you . . . The Metropole Hotel, Brighton. After a heady New Year's Eve ball, a woman is brutally raped as she returns to her room. A week later, another woman is attacked. Both victims' shoes are taken by the offender . . . Detective Superintendent Roy Grace soon realizes that these new cases bear remarkable similarities to an unsolved series of crimes in the city back in 1997. The perpetrator had been dubbed 'Shoe Man' and was believed to have raped five women before murdering his sixth victim and vanishing. Could this be a copycat, or has Shoe Man resurfaced? When more women are assaulted, Grace becomes increasingly certain that they are dealing with the same man. And that by delving back into the past - a time in which we see Grace and his missing wife Sandy still apparently happy together - he may find the key to unlocking the current mystery. Soon Grace and his team will find themselves in a desperate race against the clock to identify and save the life of the new sixth victim . . .
Joan Aiken's romantic regency adventure The Smile of The Stranger is part of her Paget Family Saga series and perfect for fans of Bridgerton.
A fascinating exploration of prehistoric Sussex from the Palaeolithic era to the Iron Age and the Roman invasion.
SOON TO BE ADAPTED FOR TV!The first in a gripping new mystery series introducing Detective Tess Fox and her con-artist sister Sarah Jacobs'A tasty whodunnit' The Sun'Three deviously clever impossible crimes' Gigi Pandian, Edgar-award winning author'A real puzzle box of a story' J.M. Hall, author of a A Spoonful of Murder
Crowood Walking Guides, covering 100 walks in West Sussex. Of great interest to anyone living in West Sussex or visiting family or friends and who enjoys walking - from retirees to young families. Easy-to-follow directions are given along with clear and detailed route maps sourced from Ordnance Survey. Illustrated with colour route maps and regional map.
Guidebook to walking the South Downs Way National Trail, a 100 mile (160km) route between Winchester and Eastbourne through the South Downs National Park, described in both directions over 12 stages. Easy walking on ancient and historical tracks, taking in wooded areas, delightful river valleys and pretty villages. With 1:25K OS map booklet.
Winner of The Romantic Saga Award at the RNA Romantic Novel of the Year Awards 2024Can Edie find the courage to choose her own future?June 1914. Edie Moore is a Governess for Lord and Lady Moreland, living in comfort at the grand Downland House in Sussex. But, wanting more from life, she flees in secret to Littlehampton, the place where she spent many idyllic childhood holidays. Desperate for work, Edie begins working as a chambermaid at the prestigious Beach Hotel, even if the menial tasks are a far cry from her previous job. While the days are long and gruelling, Edie works hard and soon is in favour with Helen Bygrove, the manager's wife, who sees that Edie is destined for bigger things - which leads to tension with some of the other chambermaids. But as she navigates her new life and finds friendship with fellow maid Lili Probert, she also grows closer to charming, cheerful porter, Charlie Cobbett, and finally finds the happiness she has been searching for. However, what none of her new friends know is that Edie is hiding a secret from her past, one that would change the way they view her, forever. When the truth comes out, will Edie be able to keep her new life and remain in the place she loves so much?A captivating, romantic and moving World War 1 saga that fans of Elaine Roberts and Pam Howes won't be able to put down. Readers are falling in love with A New Start at the Beach Hotel:'An enjoyable page-turning saga with characters that leap off the page!' AnneMarie Brear'Brilliant storyline, brilliant book. Couldn't put it down. Family saga at its best'????? Reader Review'Well, what a start to a new series! Full of intrigue and subterfuge, no one is who they at first appear. There are many secrets to be uncovered...I loved this book, even when I got to the end as I felt safe in the knowledge that there would be another to follow'????? Reader Review'Charming ... I was very invested in the story ... and this book felt like an escape ...The story was heartwarming, and I would like to read the sequel...'????? Reader Review'I loved this enchanting read ... could not put it down...'????? Reader Review'Having enjoyed this author's previous series, I was looking forward to this new one ... the mystery ... slowly unravelled to satisfying conclusions. ... I look forward to book two.' ????? Reader Review'I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I'm pleased to learn that there will be another book later this year... There are some great characters... I'm glad there is more to come from the Beach Hotel...'????? Reader Review
The eighteenth Detective Superintendent Roy Grace novel from the highly acclaimed number one bestselling author, Peter James.
Queenie Malones Hotel Paradis er en opløftende roman om mødre og døtre, om skæbnesvangre hemmeligheder og om venskabets helende kræfter.Som barn var Tilly udadvendt og elskede sodavand, bandeord og fiskefingre, men mest af alt elskede hun at bo i Brighton på det pragtfulde Hotel Paradis, der var fyldt med charmerende outsidere.Men Tillys barndomslykke splintres, da hendes mor uden varsel sender hende på kostskole. Efter moderens død vender den voksne Tilly tilbage til Brighton, hvor hun sætter sig for at opklare mysteriet om sit eksil fra hotellet – blot for at opdage, at hendes mor ikke var den kvinde, hun troede hun var.
Mr. Peardews arkiv for tabte ting er en vittig og vis roman om at miste alt fra puslespilsbrikker og paraplyer til arvestykker, minder og endda sig selv – men også om at søge og genfinde det hele på de mest uventede måder. I Anthony Peardews hus gemmer der sig et arkiv for tabte ting, som han har mødt på sin vej. Nu befinder han sig i sit livs efterår, og det går ham på, at det endnu ikke er lykkedes ham at genforene tingene med deres ejere.Han testamenterer derfor sit hus, alle dets genstande og missionen til sin husholderske, Laura, som er i gang med at komme sig oven på en slem skilsmisse. Men opgaven er enorm, og arkivet viser sig at rumme skæbnesvangre tab, som gør det svært for levende som døde at finde fred.
Madame Burova er en magisk fortælling om 1970'ernes gade-entertainere, fortabte sjæle og genfundne hjertevenner. Men først og fremmest er det en historie om en kærlighed, der varer ved.I halvtreds år er elskere og løgnere, engle og djævle, drømmere og fjolser passeret gennem Madame Burovas bod ved Brightons strandpromenade. Hendes tarotkort har afsløret dem alle, og hendes kort lyver aldrig. Men Madame Burova er udmattet af andre menneskers liv og parat til at trække sig tilbage.I London har Billie mistet sit universitetsjob og sit ægteskab, da hun gør en opdagelse, der drager selve hendes identitet i tvivl. Fast besluttet på at finde svar, må hun nu følge en sti, der muligvis fører til Madame Burovas dør.
Three sisters torn apart by war. Can fighting for peace bring them together again?
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