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  • af M. Becquerel
    222,95 kr.

    Ce livre est une étude approfondie sur les forêts et leur impact sur le climat. Becquerel y examine comment les forêts peuvent avoir un effet positif sur le climat en régulant la température et en réduisant l'érosion du sol. Il explore également les conséquences négatives de la déforestation, telles que l'augmentation de la température, la diminution des précipitations et l'augmentation de l'érosion. Le livre est une source importante pour les scientifiques et les écologistes intéressés par l'impact des forêts.

  • af Marcel Braunschvig
    280,95 kr.

    " Frappé de la médiocrité littéraire d¿ un trop grand nombre de recueils poétiques mis entre les mains des enfants, nous avions exprimé, il y a quelques années¿ le souhait de voir composer à , leur usage une anthologie qui comprendrait des poésies vraiment belles, accessibles à de jeunes esprits. Notre v¿u n¿ ayant pas été exaucé, nous avons taché de le réaliser nous même, avec la collaboration d'une jeune mère déjà soucieuse de l'éducation future de son fils."

  • af Père Huc
    297,95 kr.

    "Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China During the Years 1844-5-6" is a travel narrative written by Evariste Régis Huc, a French missionary and explorer. The book, first published in 1850, recounts Huc's journey through Central Asia and his experiences in Tibet and China during the mid-19th century.Huc, along with his fellow missionary Joseph Gabet, embarked on this expedition with the goal of reaching Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and spreading Christianity in the region. The narrative provides a detailed account of their travels, encounters with various cultures, and the challenges they faced during their journey. Huc's writing reflects his observations of the landscapes, people, and customs of the places he visited.One of the notable aspects of the book is its descriptions of Tibetan Buddhism and the religious practices prevalent in Tibet. Huc's narrative also sheds light on the political and social conditions of the regions through which he traveled. The work is considered a valuable historical document, offering insights into the culture and geography of Central Asia and China during the 19th century.Keep in mind that while Huc's work provides a fascinating historical perspective, it's essential to approach it with an awareness of the cultural and religious biases of the time. Additionally, it's advisable to consult more recent and diverse sources for a comprehensive understanding of the regions discussed in the book.

  • af Alexandre Bixio
    313,95 kr.

    Maison rustique du xixe siècle est le nom d'une série de cinq tomes d'une encyclopédie, rédigée au début du xixe siècle, vouée à l'agriculture et à la sylviculture, à la vie à la ferme. Ses auteurs veulent produire à la fois un traité exhaustif de l'agriculture au xixe siècle et une « encyclopédie pratique ». L'encyclopédie rencontre rapidement un succès national, et même européen.

  • af Jacob Abbott
    177,95 - 297,95 kr.

    PrefaceIn writing the series of historical narratives to which the present work pertains, it has been the object of the author to furnish to the reading community of this country an accurate and faithful account of the lives and actions of the several personages that are made successively the subjects of the volumes, following precisely the story which has come down to us from ancient times. The writer has spared no pains to gain access in all cases to the original sources of information, and has confined himself strictly to them. The reader may, therefore, feel assured in perusing any one of these works, that the interest of it is in no degree indebted to the invention of the author. No incident, however trivial, is ever added to the original account, nor are any words even, in any case, attributed to a speaker without express authority. Whatever of interest, therefore, these stories may possess, is due solely to the facts themselves which are recorded in them, and to their being brought together in a plain, simple, and connected narrative.About the authorJacob Abbott (November 14, 1803 - October 31, 1879) was an American writer of children's books. On November 14, 1803, Abbott was born in Hallowell, Maine to Jacob Abbott II and Betsey Chandler. He attended the Hallowell Academy. Abbott graduated from Bowdoin College in 1820. At some point during his years there, he supposedly added the second "t" to his surname, to avoid being "Jacob Abbot the 3rd" (although one source notes he did not actually begin signing his name with two t's until several years later).Abbott studied at Andover Theological Seminary in 1821, 1822, and 1824. He taught in Portland academy and was tutor in Amherst College during the next year. From 1825 to 1829 Abbott was professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Amherst College; was licensed to preach by the Hampshire Association in 1826; founded the Mount Vernon School for Young Ladies in Boston in 1829, and was principal of it in 1829-1833; was pastor of Eliot Congregational Church (which he founded), at Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1834-1835; and was, with his brothers, a founder, and in 1843-1851 a principal of Abbott's Institute, and in 1845-1848 of the Mount Vernon School for Boys, in New York City.He was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. He wrote 180 books and was a coauthor or editor of 31 more. He died in Farmington, Maine, where he had spent part of his time after 1839, and where his brother, Samuel Phillips Abbott, founded the Abbott School.His Rollo Books, such as Rollo at Play, Rollo in Europe, etc., are the best known of his writings, having as their chief characters a representative boy and his associates. In them Abbott did for one or two generations of young American readers a service not unlike that performed earlier, in England and America, by the authors of Evenings at Home, The History of Sandford and Merton, and The Parent's Assistant. To follow up his Rollo books, he wrote of Uncle George, using him to teach the young readers about ethics, geography, history, and science. He also wrote 22 volumes of biographical histories and a 10 volume set titled the Franconia Stories. (

  • af Jacob Abbott
    197,95 - 297,95 kr.

    An excellent biography not just of Julius Caesar but of the times he was born into, raised during, and which ultimately lead to his ascension and demise. I've read more than a few books regarding this time period and this is the most excellent and the most concise. Anyone curious of the rise and fall of the man should not miss out on this one. (Will Arbaugh) About the author: Jacob Abbott (November 14, 1803 - October 31, 1879) was an American writer of children's books. On November 14, 1803, Abbott was born in Hallowell, Maine to Jacob Abbott II and Betsey Chandler. He attended the Hallowell Academy. Abbott graduated from Bowdoin College in 1820. At some point during his years there, he supposedly added the second "t" to his surname, to avoid being "Jacob Abbot the 3rd" (although one source notes he did not actually begin signing his name with two t's until several years later).Abbott studied at Andover Theological Seminary in 1821, 1822, and 1824. He taught in Portland academy and was tutor in Amherst College during the next year. From 1825 to 1829 Abbott was professor of mathematics and natural philosophy at Amherst College; was licensed to preach by the Hampshire Association in 1826; founded the Mount Vernon School for Young Ladies in Boston in 1829, and was principal of it in 1829-1833; was pastor of Eliot Congregational Church (which he founded), at Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1834-1835; and was, with his brothers, a founder, and in 1843-1851 a principal of Abbott's Institute, and in 1845-1848 of the Mount Vernon School for Boys, in New York City.He was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. He wrote 180 books and was a coauthor or editor of 31 more. He died in Farmington, Maine, where he had spent part of his time after 1839, and where his brother, Samuel Phillips Abbott, founded the Abbott School.His Rollo Books, such as Rollo at Play, Rollo in Europe, etc., are the best known of his writings, having as their chief characters a representative boy and his associates. In them Abbott did for one or two generations of young American readers a service not unlike that performed earlier, in England and America, by the authors of Evenings at Home, The History of Sandford and Merton, and The Parent's Assistant. To follow up his Rollo books, he wrote of Uncle George, using him to teach the young readers about ethics, geography, history, and science. He also wrote 22 volumes of biographical histories and a 10 volume set titled the Franconia Stories. (

  • af Aurore Sand
    173,95 kr.

    La fille du Maréchal de Saxe, Aurore, déjà veuve du Comte de Horn, épousa en seconde noce Claude Dupin de Francueil, Fermier Général de la province du Berry et d¿Albret emprisonnée comme noble que grâce au 9 Thermidor. y ayant vécu avec son mari pendant quelque temps, au Château Raoul sa résidence. Elle cherchait à retrouver le calme et le repos dans la solitude, avec son fils Maurice Dupin qui rêvait de s¿ engager dans la carrière militaire comme son grand-père le Maréchal ,Toujours victorieux, Mme Dupin de Francueil acheta donc, au c¿ur du Chateauroux. Elle connaissait le Berry, Berry, le bon domaine de Nohant dont la construction féodale remontait à 1393 ; mais ce château passant par différents propriétaires au cours des siècles, fut définitivement reconstruit sous Louis VI et fut acheté au dernier possesseur, le Seigneur Pearron de Serennes, par Mme Dupin de Francueil.

  • af Marie Louise Vincent
    231,95 kr.

    Marie Louise Vincent est une écrivaine et biographe française qui a consacré plusieurs ouvrages à des personnalités littéraires, dont George Sand.Dans "George Sand et l'amour", Marie Louise Vincent explore la vie amoureuse de George Sand, l'une des figures littéraires les plus importantes du XIXe siècle en France. L'ouvrage examine ses relations, ses passions et son approche de l'amour dans le contexte de son époque.

  • af Philippe Lauzin
    176,95 kr.

    "Il est dans la destinée de la plupart des auteurs fussent- ils , les plus illustres, de voir, presque toujours après leur mort, souvent même de leur vivant, au déclin de leur existence ainsi attristée, leur gloire littéraire peu à peu s¿obscurcir, et, sous un souffle nouveau, sembler tout à fait disparaître. La rafale n¿est que passagère. Sous la néfaste influence du naturalisme, de Zola et de sa triste école, ses ¿uvres sont restées un instant, sinon méconnues, du moins dédaignées des nouvelles générations. Mais une réaction incontestable s¿est déjà produite, qui les ramène, « dégoutées de la littérature brutelle que se l¿était faite l¿ auteur de Léliasuelo, du Marquis de Villem er, et qui, Doumie peut se résumer dans ces quelques mots charmer, émouvoir, consoler !Pour ces seules raisons, l¿¿uvre de George Sand sera immortelle"

  • af Maurice Sand
    186,95 kr.

    Je venais de passer avec mon grade de chef de demi-brigade, nous disons aujourd'hui colonel, dans le 3e régiment de dragons, lorsque, vers la fin d'avril 1798 (floréal an VI), je reçus du général Desaix, qui commandait notre division, l'ordre de quitter la garnison de Florence pour aller m'embarquer à Civita-Vecchia avec mes hommes. Je bouclai ma malle et je partis, suivi de mon brosseur, le fidèle Guidamour, qui, comme moi, du 1er chasseurs à cheval, avait permuté dans le 3edragons. Nous dûmes, tout en laissant nos chevaux, emporter nos selles et nos harnais. Là où nous allions, nous trouverions apparemment des montures supérieures aux nôtres. Où allions-nous? En Angleterre, probablement, opérer la descente projetée depuis quelques mois par le général Bonaparte, puisque notre division faisait partie de l'aile gauche de l'armée dite d'Angleterre.

  • af Lucia Matta
    387,95 kr.

    Immergiti nei sapori avvolgenti del Mediterraneo con "Sapore del Mediterraneo" di Lucia Matta. Questo libro di cucina è un invito a esplorare una delle cucine più amate e celebrate al mondo, offrendo una ricca collezione di ricette autentiche e segreti culinari tramandati di generazione in generazione.Lucia Matta, appassionata della cucina mediterranea, ti condurrà in un viaggio culinario attraverso le terre bagnate dal sole e le coste bagnate dal mare azzurro. Ogni pagina è una finestra aperta su piatti tradizionali e creazioni uniche che catturano l'anima del Mediterraneo."Sapore del Mediterraneo" è molto più di un semplice libro di ricette; è una guida completa alla cucina mediterranea. Lucia condivide storie, aneddoti e curiosità che ti faranno apprezzare la cultura culinaria di questa regione ricca di storia.Le ricette sono presentate in modo chiaro e dettagliato, rendendo accessibile anche ai principianti il piacere di preparare piatti mediterranei autentici nella propria cucina. Dalle insalate croccanti alle zuppe ricche, dai piatti di pesce alle carni saporite, troverai una vasta gamma di opzioni per ogni occasione.Questo libro è un invito a scoprire il Mediterraneo attraverso i suoi sapori, a riunire famiglia e amici intorno a tavole imbandite con piatti deliziosi e a sperimentare il gusto della vita all'aria aperta. "Sapore del Mediterraneo" è una celebrazione della cucina e delle tradizioni di questa regione straordinaria, che ti ispirerà a condividere e gustare questi tesori culinari con coloro che ami.

  • af Carlo Montoya
    392,95 kr.

    Imbarcati in un viaggio culinario indimenticabile nella vibrante cultura gastronomica spagnola con "Sapore Spagnolo" di Carlo Montoya. Questo libro ti porterà attraverso le strade affollate di Barcellona, le calde piazze di Siviglia e le incantevoli coste della Costa del Sol, tutto attraverso il potere delle ricette autentiche della Spagna.Carlo Montoya, appassionato di cucina spagnola, condivide con te un tesoro di ricette tradizionali e autentiche, che ti permetteranno di portare il sapore della Spagna nella tua cucina. Dalle famose tapas alle paellas fumanti, dalle zuppe gazpacho rinfrescanti ai dessert dolci come il miele, ogni piatto è un viaggio nel cuore della Spagna."Sapore Spagnolo" non è solo un libro di ricette, ma una guida completa alla cucina spagnola. Carlo condivide la sua profonda conoscenza della cucina spagnola e ti svela i segreti degli ingredienti chiave e delle tecniche culinarie tradizionali. Imparerai come preparare piatti autentici che catturano l'anima e la passione della Spagna.Sia che tu sia un appassionato di cucina spagnola o un cuoco in erba alla ricerca di nuovi sapori, "Sapore Spagnolo" ti offrirà un'esperienza culinaria che ti lascerà affamato di più. Questo libro è un invito a esplorare le radici e le tradizioni della cucina spagnola, un modo per immergerti nella cultura culinaria di una delle nazioni più amate del mondo. Preparati per un viaggio culinario indimenticabile e per scoprire il vero sapore della Spagna.

  • af Aimée Pallière
    172,95 kr.

    "Aimée Pallière, Bergson et le Judaïsme" est un ouvrage écrit par Aimée Pallière, une écrivaine et mystique française du XXe siècle. Aimée Pallière était également la belle-s¿ur du philosophe Henri Bergson.Dans cet ouvrage, Aimée Pallière explore la relation entre Bergson, un important philosophe français, et sa propre compréhension du judaïsme. Elle examine comment les idées philosophiques de Bergson interagissent avec ses racines juives et comment cela influence sa pensée.

  • af Jean Becquerel
    226,95 kr.

    "Exposé élémentaire de la théorie d'Einstein" par Jean Becquerel est un ouvrage scientifique destiné à présenter les principes fondamentaux de la théorie de la relativité d'Albert Einstein à un public plus large. Ce livre est particulièrement important car il vise à rendre accessible une théorie scientifique complexe et révolutionnaire qui a radicalement changé notre compréhension de l'univers.Jean Becquerel, un éminent physicien français, était bien placé pour entreprendre cette tâche. Dans ce livre, il explique probablement les deux principaux aspects de la théorie de la relativité : la relativité restreinte, qui concerne principalement la physique des objets se déplaçant à des vitesses proches de celle de la lumière, et la relativité générale, qui étend ces idées à la gravitation et offre une nouvelle compréhension de la gravité en tant que propriété de l'espace-temps courbé.L'approche pédagogique de Becquerel dans l'explication de concepts tels que la dilatation du temps, la contraction de l'espace et l'équivalence masse-énergie (E=mc²) a sans doute aidé à démystifier ces sujets pour les étudiants, les enseignants et les lecteurs curieux de sciences.Ce livre est important non seulement pour son contenu mais aussi pour son rôle dans la diffusion des idées d'Einstein, contribuant ainsi à une meilleure compréhension et acceptation de la théorie de la relativité dans la communauté scientifique et parmi le public."Exposé élémentaire de la théorie d'Einstein" de Jean Becquerel est donc une lecture précieuse pour quiconque s'intéresse à la physique et souhaite comprendre les fondements de l'une des théories les plus importantes du 20e siècle.

  • af Émile Rodigas
    288,95 kr.

    "Bien que nous ayons l¿habitude de ne pas négliger la préface des ouvrages que nous lisons, nous comprenons difficilement celui qui se hisse a la fenêtre sans aller, par la porte, faire connaissance avec le maître du logis, nous aurions volontiers sacrifié cette courte introduction en nous retranchant derrière ce dicton menteur et vieilli, lequel prétend que les préfaces ne se lisent guère.Ma is nous ne pouvons nous dispenser de jeter un Coup d¿¿il sur l¿état actuel de la culture maraîchère dans notre pays, et il nous faut aussi exposer en peu de mots les modifications apportées aux précédentes éditions de ce traité".

  • af Henri Béland
    184,95 kr.

    Ce jour-là, une atmosphère de religiosité enveloppait l'imposante chaîne de montagnes qui séparent l'Espagne de la France. Le Congrès Eucharistique, qui prenait fin, avait réuni, à Lourdes, un nombreux clergé et un peuple immense venus de tous les coins du monde. Tous¿fidèles par centaines de mille: laïques, prêtres, prélats, évêques, princes de l'Eglise ¿avaient, la veille au soir, mêlé leurs voix dans les chants pieux de l'inoubliable et grandiose procession aux flambeaux en face de la Basilique, pendant que là-haut, au sommet du Pic du Gers, la croix flamboyante se détachait dans la nuit profonde. Cette croix de feu, au fond de la nue, semblait rappeler la parole angélique d'il y a deux mille ans: Pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.C'était le 26 juillet 1914, un dimanche. Nous nous promenions, ma femme et moi, dans le parc d'un village pyrénéen. Le soleil dardait ses rayons chauds et vivifiants, incendiant toute la vallée du Gave. Soudain, un camelot s'approche de nous portant sous son bras un paquet de journaux. Le gamin criait à tue-tête:¿"C'est la guerre! C'est la guerre!"

  • af Francois Magendie
    306,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Mark Leslie
    217,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Nary Ly
    162,95 kr.

    Nary colecciona hilos en su bolsita secreta. Son los hilos de la guerra que vivió durante su infancia en su país, Reinode Camboya. Son hilos de diferentes colores de su crecimiento personal hasta convertirse en una superviviente, científica y olímpica. que corresponden a las distintas emociones de su vida.Es una historia rica en matices culturales y retos, contada como una aventura a medida que ExtraordiNary crece.Descubre a través de este cuento la historia de Nary, una chica extraordiNARYa.

  • af Lonely Planet
    107,95 kr.

    Pocket Florence & Tuscany 7

  • af Lonely Planet
    107,95 kr.

    Pocket Rome 9

  • af Lonely Planet
    107,95 kr.

    Pocket Venice 7

  • af Rough Guides
    107,95 kr.

    This compact, pocket-sized Malta & Gozo travel guidebook is ideal for travellers on shorter trips and those trying to make the most of Malta & Gozo. It's light, easily portable and comes equipped with a pull-out map. This Malta & Gozo guidebook covers: Valletta, The Three Cities, Sliema and St Julian's, Mdina and Rabat, Central Malta, The north, The south, Gozo, Comino.Inside this Malta & Gozo travel book you will find:- Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, off-the-beaten-track adventures, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Things not to miss in Malta & Gozo - Gozo's Citadel, Valletta, Hagar Qim And Mnajdra Temple Complex, Birgu, The Blue Lagoon, Mdina, Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, The Marsaxlokk Fish Market, Fort St Elmo & The National War Museum, Sliema & St Julian's Promenade, The Blue Grotto, St John's Co-cathedral, Malta At War Museum, Ghajn Tuffieha Beach- Ready-made itineraries samples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Malta & Gozo at a glance - an overview map of Malta & Gozo with key areas and short descriptions of what you'll find there- Day trips - extra information for those on longer breaks or wanting to venture further afield- Practical travel tips - information on how to get there and around, health guidance, tourist information, festivals and events, plus an A-Z directory- Handy language section - themed basic vocabulary for greetings, numbers and food and drink- Independent reviews - honest descriptions of places to eat, drink or stay, written by our expert authors- Accommodation - handy reference guide to a range of hotels for different budgets - Pull-out map - easy to extract folded map with places to see marked- What's new - a short overview of the changes in Malta & Gozo in recent years for repeat travellers- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed Malta & Gozo guidebook - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide is a perfect companion both ahead of your trip and on the ground. It gives you a distinct taste of Malta & Gozo with a concise edit of all the information you'll need.

  • af David Ross
    206,95 kr.

    In this gripping biography of Giuseppe (Beppe) Porcheddu his grandson, David Ross, pieces together the extraordinary strands of his short but action-packed life. Beppe was born into a prosperous family in Turin, Italy. His father, however, had been born in poverty but became one of Italy's greatest construction engineers. In 1917 Beppe volunteered to join the Alpine troops to fight the Austrians and Germans in the Italian Alps. Nearly killed by a grenade he made a miraculous recovery but could only walk with the aid of a stick. Despite a degree in architecture he was drawn to art. Self-taught, he soon achieved major acclaim and aged 27 he was knighted by the King for services to the arts. Marriage followed but with the rise of Mussolini, his anti-fascist views led to exile in France for him and his family. Returning to Italy during the build up to World War II, he relocated to the Italian Riviera where he was less well-known. Hiding his anti-fascism he became a key figure in the clandestine partisan resistance. He helped in the arming and organisation of the local partisans and his villa became a key meeting place. At great risk to himself and his family, Beppe sheltered two British Army officers who were escaped prisoners-of-war, one of whom was later to marry his daughter. Surviving arrest and interrogation by the Fascists, Beppe continued his partisan activities. With the end of the war, Beppe returned to his art but following the marriages of his daughters, he disappeared. With unique access to family papers and previously undiscovered records and letters, Ross has been able to shine a light on this complex, brave and highly-principled man and explore the theories into Beppe's mysterious disappearance.

  • af Alba de Cespedes
    192,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Alba de Cespedes
    307,95 kr.

  • af Danila Cannamela
    440,95 kr.

    Provides a remapping of Italian and Italian American culture by retracing trans and gender-variant experiences within Italy and along diasporic routes.

  • af Gordon Edgar Weston
    152,95 kr.

    In the years leading up to the Second World War, amidst an economic depression, a young cabaret dancer from Northern England accepts a job at a modest music hall in Malta, a Mediterranean island. Unbeknownst to her, the outbreak of war following Italy's declaration against Britain and France in the summer of 1940 would leave her stranded in Malta for the entirety of the conflict. In these challenging times, she finds herself working for the Royal Air Force and embroiled in a passionate love affair with a distinguished RAF pilot. The author, drawing on contemporary eyewitness accounts and historical resources, sets the scene against a backdrop of bravery, resilience, and sacrifice. This period marks the two and a half years when Malta's population and its defenders valiantly withstood the relentless onslaught of the Italian and German air forces. Christina and the George Cross Island weaves a narrative that blends fact with fiction, infusing both humour and heartbreak into this compelling tale of war, love, and endurance.

  • af Jo-Anne McDougall
    142,95 kr.

    WHAT MAKES A HERO STRONG? THE VILLAIN. Aaron Annwyn is determined to destroy the Secret Society that has ruled his life for the past few years. The demands placed upon him have harmed his relationships and strained his psyche. Can Diana, his co-conspirator until now, be trusted? Or should he depend on Sasha, a beautiful computer guru, with whom he begins a relationship? Regardless, his resolve is now greater than ever to defeat the powerful adversary, starting with his handler Jake. To be close enough to accomplish this, he accepts another mission that takes him to medieval Venice with a seemingly impossible task. Will he succeed and survive long enough for justice to prevail?

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