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  • af John Haughton
    458,95 kr.

    This short story, ¿Alexandra David Neels¿ is the fourth in this writer¿s series of short stories about great women in history. The previous short stories now in published form, were; the story of Sophie (Mary) Pierce (Lady Heath) ¿ in the publication ¿The Silver Lining¿, ¿Tina Turner¿, ¿Sinead O¿Connor¿ (Sinead).This story is primarily about Alexandra, as she was the inspirational influence as a result of which I set out to write her story. However, when travelling in her footsteps the writer discovered many other ¿treasures¿ in the form of indigenous beliefs, major religions and their motivations designed by wise men and women in order to make matters of life and death more meaningful and lifestyles more perfect. This writer has included aspects of these so that the reader can be better informed with regard to the beliefs and the aspirations not only of Alexandra but also of those that she encountered and studied. The research involved, led to the outlining, and summarising of, some very complex belief systems. Alexandräs personal journey and mission focused mainly on the Indian subcontinent and the Himalayan region.

  • af Karel Pérez Ariza
    853,95 kr.

    The text offers a chronology of the most significant events of the historical development of the Knight of the Light Order in the territory of the jurisdiction of the Oriental Grand Lodge during the 20th century. Hence, it constitutes a historiographic contribution to the study of the fraternal associationism in Cuba and in particular of the referred association in the territory of the old Cuban provinces: Camaguey and Oriente: from the town of Jatibonico in the current province of Sancti Spíritus to the territory of the current province of Guantánamo. The main events that are collected in the text are related to the foundations of lodges, initiations of outstanding members, activities of sociocultural significance, such as inauguration of houses-temples, parades, unveiling of busts and Marti's corners, organization of commemorative and patriotic acts; as well as activities that reflect their charitable actions.

  • af Charles Boeira
    908,95 kr.

    Quest'opera è il frutto di due decenni di esperienza e ricerca su questa religione brasiliana, unita ad altre ricerche su vari aspetti spirituali, come lo Spiritismo, il Santo Daime e la Teosofia. Analizza e riflette profondamente su questioni cruciali per il buon funzionamento di questa religione, che vengono qui evidenziate nel loro aspetto interno, andando oltre il rito esterno e l'apparenza superficiale. Utilizza citazioni di autori come Eliphas Levi e Helena Blavatsky, gettando nuova luce su questioni e pratiche antiche.

  • af Charles Boeira
    908,95 kr.

    Dieses Werk ist die Frucht von zwei Jahrzehnten Erfahrung und Forschung über diese brasilianische Religion, kombiniert mit anderen Forschungen über verschiedene spirituelle Aspekte, wie Spiritismus, Santo Daime und Theosophie. Es analysiert und reflektiert eingehend Fragen, die für das reibungslose Funktionieren dieser Religion von entscheidender Bedeutung sind und die hier in ihrem inneren Aspekt aufgezeigt werden, der über den äußeren Ritus und das oberflächliche Erscheinungsbild hinausgeht. Es verwendet Zitate von Autoren wie Eliphas Levi und Helena Blavatsky und wirft so ein neues Licht auf alte Themen und Praktiken.

  • af Charles Boeira
    898,95 kr.

    This work is the fruit of two decades of experience and research into this Brazilian religion, combined with other research into various spiritual aspects, such as Spiritism, Santo Daime and Theosophy. It deeply analyses and reflects on issues that are crucial to the smooth running of this religion, which are pointed out here in their internal aspect, going beyond the external rite and superficial appearance. It uses quotes from authors such as Eliphas Levi and Helena Blavatsky, shedding new light on ancient issues and practices.

  • af Charles Boeira
    908,95 kr.

    Cet ouvrage est le fruit de deux décennies d'expérience et de recherche sur cette religion brésilienne, combinées à d'autres recherches sur divers aspects spirituels, tels que le spiritisme, le Santo Daime et la théosophie. Il analyse en profondeur et réfléchit sur des questions cruciales pour le bon fonctionnement de cette religion, qui sont ici abordées dans leur aspect interne, au-delà du rite extérieur et de l'apparence superficielle. Il s'appuie sur des citations d'auteurs tels qu'Eliphas Levi et Helena Blavatsky, qui éclairent d'un jour nouveau des questions et des pratiques anciennes.

  • af Charl'z Boäjra
    343,95 kr.

    Dannaq rabota qwlqetsq plodom dwuh desqtiletij opyta i issledowanij ätoj brazil'skoj religii w sochetanii s drugimi issledowaniqmi razlichnyh duhownyh aspektow, takih kak spiritizm, Santo Dajme i teosofiq. V nej gluboko analiziruütsq i osmysliwaütsq woprosy, imeüschie reshaüschee znachenie dlq normal'nogo funkcionirowaniq ätoj religii, kotorye rassmatriwaütsq w ih wnutrennem aspekte, wyhodqschem za ramki wneshnej obrqdnosti i powerhnostnogo wneshnego wida. V knige ispol'zowany citaty takih awtorow, kak Jelifas Lewi i Elena Blawatskaq, proliwaüschie nowyj swet na drewnie problemy i praktiki.

  • af Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann
    130,95 kr.

    Suicide streak among veterans from Afghanistan: Undercover investigation in the German army by Evi and Max, those weird private detectives.Last year, among the rich and beautiful at the European Planet Festival, the young pastry seller was looking for a serial killer. Successful! Now she sits there with a big belly in her eighth month, lots of criminal records and a former soldiar stranded here at her side, a man with serious quirks who feels right at home in Upper Lusatia, the furthest east of Germany. Over and done with, the dream of the Golden West. Then Gwiazdek shows up. The Europol commissioner from Poland beckons with a special assignment. Extended suicides of veterans being cared for in wellness courses. Influence of enemy agents or friendly fire from within the ranks? Political influence slows down the criminal investigation department and the Military Counter-Intelligence Service is getting nowhere. An undercover job for Max. He can cavort among old comrades. But what the hell does his pregnant girlfriend Evi want to do there?

  • af Fisayo Onaseso
    469,95 kr.

    Religious extremism is a phenomenon that is very rampant on the table of discourse both in local and international forum. The research looked at religious extremism among Muslims and Christians in Nigeria, using ¿Boko Haram¿ sect as a case study. It presented the causes and effects of religious extremism. It is discovered in the study that the Nigerian society, religious extremism (violence and crisis) is more rampant in the Northern part of the country than any other part. The study recommended among other things, that religious educational enlightenment in Nigeria should be properly taught which would be centered on religious tolerance and understanding. The study recommended that the Nigerian constitution should avoid constitutional segregation as it pertains to religious matters, hence the need for constitutional review. The study also recommended that proper involvement of medical personnel and psychologists should be put in place, through which psycho centers and rehabilitation centers should be established to re-orientate the minds of the religious extremists instead of killing them.

  • af Marco Zanoni
    286,95 kr.

  • af Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    333,95 kr.

    When purpose is not known , abuse is inevitable. Everybody has a purpose in life and reasons for existence, and while some individuals are aware of it from an early age, others must work hard to discover it, especially when they consciously call unto God for divine revelations. Working in the purpose of God gives your life speed of accomplishment, extra energy and magnificent result on daily basis. Even though it's not immediately clear what you're on earth for, you might need some time to figure it out through diverse spiritual encounters. Everyone has skills or abilities to give to the society and the world around them; the key challenge is figuring out how to make the necessary efforts where they may have an impact that will correspond to economic benefits. To fulfil God's purpose in life, however, we must also take into account the decisions and behaviours we exhibit. Without a clear understanding of why we exist as humans, life becomes a mere experimentation with improbable results. In the current book, the author employed Dr. Myles Munroe's leadership principles and other anointed men of God to offer new chances for people to find their purpose in life.

  • af William Kergroach
    668,95 kr.

    Esoteric knowledge is vast, ancient, sometimes tinged with inaccuracies, but it is as important as scientific knowledge. We live in two realities: a tangible reality, visible to all, and a less visible world, that of spirits, of vibrations, which is just as present. Our soul, for example, is bathed in this spiritual plane that we find in our sleep. However, our modern western world has only retained physical, quantifiable knowledge. This makes us diminished, incomplete, unbalanced beings.Enuma Elish - The Anunnaki - Mars Colony - The ¿a.AMi, from Nibiru - The Snake brotherhood - Mu - Atlantis - Pyramids all over the planet - Nuclear wars B.C - The 35 steps of reincarnation, etc.

  • af Jean Célestin Ky
    498,95 kr.

    The San or Samo are located in the Sanpiè (San country) in the northwest of Burkina Faso. They practise the cult of masks called sou, which they adopted from their southern neighbours the Nuna-Léla 'Gurunsi' probably around the 18th century. The San society that uses masks is limited to the southern part of the country, where about twenty villages have known masks, even if today barely half of them use them. The celebration of the sou in the San villages has among other objectives the establishment of peace. The present reflection establishes a relationship between the cult of masks and peace. The search for peace is one of the reasons why the San have borrowed the penny. Also, the analysis of the behaviours imposed during the period of this cult reflects the San's desire to make their social environment a calm place during this time.

  • af Zhan Selesten Ky
    283,95 kr.

    San ili samo prozhiwaüt w Sanpie (strana san) na sewero-zapade Burkina-Faso. Oni praktikuüt kul't masok, nazywaemyh su, kotoryj oni perenqli u swoih üzhnyh sosedej nuna-lela "gurunsi", weroqtno, primerno w 18 weke. Obschestwo san, ispol'zuüschee maski, ogranicheno üzhnoj chast'ü strany, gde okolo dwadcati derewen' imeüt izwestnye maski, hotq segodnq ih ispol'zuet edwa li polowina iz nih. Prazdnowanie su w derewnqh san sredi prochih celej presleduet ustanowlenie mira. V nastoqschem issledowanii ustanawliwaetsq swqz' mezhdu kul'tom masok i mirom. Poisk mira qwlqetsq odnoj iz prichin, po kotoroj san zaimstwowali penni. Krome togo, analiz powedeniq, nawqzannogo w period dejstwiq ätogo kul'ta, otrazhaet zhelanie san sdelat' swoü social'nuü sredu spokojnoj w äto wremq.

  • af Jean Célestin Ky
    553,95 kr.

    Das Gebiet der San oder Samo ist das Sanpiè (Pays San) im Nordwesten Burkinas. Sie praktizieren einen Maskenkult, der Sou genannt wird und den sie von ihren südlichen Nachbarn, den Gurunsi Nuna-Léla, wahrscheinlich um das 18. Die San-Gesellschaft, die Masken besitzt, beschränkt sich auf ihren südlichen Teil, wo etwa zwanzig Dörfer die Masken kannten, auch wenn heute nur noch knapp die Hälfte der Dörfer sie benutzt. Die Feier des Sou in den San-Dörfern hat unter anderem das Ziel, Frieden zu stiften. Die vorliegende Reflexion stellt eine Verbindung zwischen dem Maskenkult und dem Frieden her. Das Streben nach Frieden ist einer der Gründe, warum die San den Sou ausgeliehen haben. Auch die Analyse der Verhaltensweisen, die während der Zeit dieses Kults auferlegt werden, spiegelt den Willen der San wider, ihr soziales Umfeld während dieser Zeit zu einem ruhigen Ort zu machen.

  • af Jean Célestin Ky
    548,95 kr.

    I San o Samo si trovano nel Sanpiè (paese dei San), nel nord-ovest del Burkina Faso. Praticano il culto delle maschere chiamate sou, che hanno adottato dai loro vicini meridionali, i Nuna-Léla "Gurunsi", probabilmente intorno al XVIII secolo. La società San che utilizza le maschere è limitata alla parte meridionale del Paese, dove una ventina di villaggi hanno conosciuto le maschere, anche se oggi quasi la metà di essi le utilizza. La celebrazione del sou nei villaggi San ha tra gli altri obiettivi l'instaurazione della pace. La presente riflessione stabilisce una relazione tra il culto delle maschere e la pace. La ricerca della pace è una delle ragioni per cui i San hanno preso in prestito il penny. Inoltre, l'analisi dei comportamenti imposti durante il periodo di questo culto riflette il desiderio dei San di rendere il loro ambiente sociale un luogo tranquillo durante questo periodo.

  • af Jean Célestin Ky
    548,95 kr.

    Os San ou Samo estão situados na região de Sanpiè (país dos San), no noroeste do Burkina Faso. Praticam o culto das máscaras chamado sou, que adoptaram dos seus vizinhos do sul, os Nuna-Léla "Gurunsi", provavelmente por volta do século XVIII. A sociedade San que utiliza máscaras limita-se à parte sul do país, onde cerca de vinte aldeias têm máscaras conhecidas, embora actualmente apenas metade delas as utilize. A celebração do sou nas aldeias San tem, entre outros objectivos, o estabelecimento da paz. A presente reflexão estabelece uma relação entre o culto das máscaras e a paz. A procura da paz é uma das razões pelas quais os San tomaram emprestado o tostão. Além disso, a análise dos comportamentos impostos durante o período deste culto reflecte o desejo dos San de fazer do seu ambiente social um lugar calmo durante este período.

  • af Ajiboye Oladehinde
    479,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2023 in the subject Theology - Comparative Religion Studies, grade: 65, , course: Religious Studies, language: English, abstract: The thrust and concern of this paper is to examine the potential and the hope African indigenous religion have amidst Christianity and Islam mostly on the Nigerians. Prior to the advent and spread of external forces of change engendered by colonialism, commerce and foreign religions, Africans have their religion; in other words, the indigenous African way of worship and life. The study employed phenomenological method. The word phenomenological is an adjective derived from the noun ¿phenomenology¿. The primary objectives of the phenomenological method of research is the direct investigation and explanation of phenomena as consciously experienced without theories about their causal explanation and as free as possible from preconceptions and presuppositions. The study found out among other things the continuous influence of African indigenous religion on the people despite the growth of Christianity and Islam in African nations on a daily basis. This study therefore investigates the hindrance of foreign religious on the religio-cultural life of African (Nigerian) people specifically; on the African religion. The study examines how Christians ideas have influenced the religion, culture, conception of life and worldview of African peoples hence affecting its continuity.

  • af Osman Zahid Çifçi
    569,95 kr.

    Professorial Dissertation from the year 2023 in the subject Philosophy - Theoretical (Realisation, Science, Logic, Language), grade: 1,0, Selçuk University (Faculty of Islamic Studies), course: philosophy and religious studies, language: English, abstract: This paper analyzes the two concepts of "spandrel" and "fitrah" in the context of the Cognitive Science of Religion and, opposed to that, evolutionary thinking. Despite that the two concepts in this study's title seem to have the same meaning, they are understood differently due to differences in perspective. Both concepts acknowledge that human beings have certain innate faculties and claim that these faculties predispose them to believe and be moral. Spandrel argues that these innate faculties are a result of adaptations that enable us to survive in the evolutionary process, while "fitrah" asserts that these faculties are given by God. In the study, first, the experimental studies proposed by the proponents of the idea of spandrel and the general ideas of the Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR) are given. Then, it has been established, through experimental tests, that these faculties, proposed by this theory, have similar aspects with the "Commonsense Principles" put forward by Thomas Reid, and his epistemological views have been conveyed. According to him, we should rely on the information provided by these faculties and accept that they are essential for reasoning. After these determinations were made, the study argued that the concept of "fitrah" aligns with the idea of the Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR) and Thomas Reid's views.

  • af Suparna Chakraborty
    300,95 kr.

    Essay from the year 2019 in the subject Theology - Comparative Religion Studies, grade: 1.3, University of Göttingen (Centre for Modern Indian Studies), course: Modern Indian Studies, language: English, abstract: This paper wants to portray the changing nature of religion in India which causes nothing but segregation among people in the period of the colonial to postcolonial era. Hindu the predominating religion in India and the attempt to make India a Hindu country many times caused major harm to other communities.After colonial domination, significantly in contemporary times (last 6 to 7 years), religiosity among people took a horrendous form in India. The growing intolerance for a hollow ideology like religion makes the country an uncomfortable habitation for minorities. The Media sphere is also largely influenced and subservient to religious notions. Religion is an excellent apparatus for political gain. Over time the salience of religion transforms public life and became highly politicized.

  • af Anonymous
    300,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2020 im Fachbereich Theologie - Islamische Religionswissenschaft, Note: 2,7, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die vorliegende Hausarbeit soll die Wichtigkeit des Erlernens der Prophetenbiografien darlegen und beschäftigt sich mit der Fragestellung ¿Warum ist es wichtig, das Leben des Propheten im islamischen Religionsunterricht zu thematisieren?¿. Dazu werden zunächst die Ziele und Aufgaben des islamischen Religionsunterrichts vor Augen geführt, um darauf aufbauend auf die Bedeutung des Propheten zu gelangen und auf die lehrenden Charaktereigenschaften des Propheten Müammad, welche zur Verwirklichung der Unterrichtsziele beitragen. Zuletzt soll aus den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen zusammenfassend ein Fazit gezogen werden.

  • af Yan Lianke
    186,95 kr.

    Multi-prizewinning and internationally acclaimed Yan Lianke -- 'China's most controversial novelist' (New Yorker) -- returns with a campus novel like no other following a young Buddhist as she journeys through worldly temptationTo tell the truth, religious faith is really just a matter of believing stories. The world is governed by stories, and it is for the sake of stories that everyone lives on this earth.Yahui is a young Buddhist at university. But this is no ordinary university. It is populated by every faith in China: Buddhists, Daoists, Catholics, Protestants and Muslims who jostle alongside one another in the corridors of learning, and whose deities are never far from the classroom.Her days are measured out making elaborate religious papercuts, taking part in highly charged tug-of-war competitions between the faiths and trying to resist the daily temptation to return to secular life and abandon the ascetic ideals that are her calling. Everything seems to dangle by a thread. But when she meets a Daoist student called Mingzheng, an inexorable romance of mythic proportions takes hold of her.In this profoundly otherworldly novel, Chinese master Yan Lianke remakes the campus novel in typically visionary fashion, dropping readers into an allegorical world ostensibly far from our own, but which reflects our own questions and struggles right back at us.** Beautiful edition illustrated throughout with beautiful original papercuts **'One of China's greatest living authors' Guardian'His talent cannot be ignored' New York Times'China's foremost literary satirist' Financial Times

  • af Herbert Nguema
    328,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Reichl
    438,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Reichl
    443,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Reichl
    438,95 kr.

  • af Kristofer Rajhl'
    253,95 kr.

  • af Nurdin Nurdin
    288,95 kr.

    This book is appropriate for academic and practitioners who are interested in understanding Muslim interaction in online space. The book provides insight on how Muslim scholars have used online space for preaching activities in particular in Indonesia context. Many of Islam preachers become famous in short time and have million followers or viewers on social media sites. More and more Muslim enjoy religious preaching from online sources. This has created a new phenomenon in Islamic teaching delivery. At the same time, this phenomenon has also created new space for Muslim scholars and institutions to practicing research in online space to understand Muslim interaction in online space. Some strategies and benefits to practicing research in understanding Muslim in online space are discussed. However, few Muslim has also misused online space for radicalism activities, such as to recruit new members, solicit a donation, disseminate a radical ideology, etc. Readers who interested to understand Muslim activities in online space are encouraged to read this book.

  • af Francisco Mariano Pérez
    623,95 kr.

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