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Bøger om Teenageårene

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  • af Astrid Florence Cassing
    212,95 kr.

    11. Oktober 2019 ­- Der Tag fängt für Schauspielerin Claire richtig gut an. Er endet verhängnisvoll. Irgendwo dazwischen liegt diese halbe Sekunde, die schlagartig alles veränderte. Als sie im Krankenhaus wieder zu sich kommt, realisiert sie drei Dinge: Sie kann sich nicht bewegen, sie hat Schmerzen und sie hat Angst. Der Kurzroman beschreibt den Weg der dreifachen Mutter zurück ins Leben und warum ihr unerschütterlicher Glaube an sich selbst hierbei die beste Medizin ist.

  • af M C a Hogarth
    208,95 kr.

    When the Adversary shattered the world, the Savior and her Companions kept the remaining pieces from falling into the void. The school they established trains young boys and girls to continue their work, healing the cracks, facing wrongbeasts, and reversing the aims of the Adversary wherever they can.And all of this is work for heroes, as far as Marda Quincesinger is concerned. She's more interested in the cake her mother's baking her for her fourteenth birthday than in taking on the daunting work of an Outremer. But faced with the chance to help her family, she decides to see if she has what it takes to join the Outremers' ranks.Full half the hopefuls who arrive for their first year don't return. Will Marda be one of them? Or will she find the hero in herself?A gentle story in the tradition of the Chronicles of Narnia, Anne of Green Gables, and Harry Potter.

  • af Veronica Moonlight
    216,95 kr.

    Schockierende Morde halten die Stadt Oldenburg in Atem. Frauen werden auf offener Straße blutleer aufgefunden. Der sogenannte Vampirkiller geht um. Die Polizei steht vor einem Rätsel, da der Täter nie Spuren hinterlässt.Auch die 21 jährige Vanessa ist verängstigt. Als sie eines Abends dem Vampir Lukas begegnet, ist klar, dass Vampire existieren. Allerdings behauptet er nicht der Killer zu sein, sondern diesen zu verfolgen. Doch kann man einem Vampir wirklich trauen?Düster, melancholisch und romantisch.Egal, ob man auf Krimis, Liebesgeschichten oder Vampirgeschichten steht - Hier ist für jeden was dabei.

  • af Mary Carroll Moore
    168,95 kr.

    Portrait artist Elly Sorensen leaves her Washington, D.C., life for the Caribbean island of Bonaire, hoping to find refuge from personal tragedy and financial fallout. Instead, she is confronted by old demons, including a gambling underworld that taps paranormal talents she would prefer to leave dormant. On the island she finds an unlikely kindred spirit in teenager Rosie Ryan, an Australian with a gambling father and artistic talents of her own-and a penchant for breaking and entering, particularly into the rooms of other guests. Against a backdrop of a gathering storm, Rosie is blamed for a freak diving accident, and the stakes at the gambling table mount. Nobody is safe, least of all Elly, whose whole life, it seems, hangs on one final game. Underestimated by the men around them, Rosie and Elly must conquer forces they never imagined and fight for a future that promises real freedom.

  • af Cheryl Eager
    208,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Ditte Wiese
    299,95 kr.

    Årgang 2023 er en serie kortromaner for de 13-16 årige. Fem kendte forfattere har skrevet en kortroman hver, alle med samme tema, nemlig USKYLD.Vild:Mille opfører sig pænt, som rigtige piger skal. Modsat hendes storesøster Es, der ikke giver en fuck i andre og siger, at ingen skal bestemme over Mille.Men Mille er ikke sikker på, om hun overhovedet har lyst til at give slip og feste og blive ude hele natten. Ikke før hun møder Vilde.

  • af Joss Reed
    378,95 kr.

    The ultimate guide to help teens overcome anxiety, control their stress, and take care of their mental health with effective and fun exercises.Do you want to understand the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and behavior?Do you want to understand and confront anxiety?Are you struggling to control your fears?Anxiety and stress can significantly impact a teenager's mental and physical health and affect their quality of life. You may suffer in silence because teens often struggle to open up to their parents. However, parents are intuitive to their child's needs. You can feel that something isn't right. Provide them with the help they need to get through their issues and heal from the negativity.In this book, your child will:Understand the concept of CBTLearn to recognize their anxiety and overcome itUnderstand what fear is and how it triggers anxietyLearn to focus on positive thoughtsDiscover the causes and symptoms of depressionLearn to express their anger in a healthy wayFind out how to boost their self-esteemLearn how to be their true selvesDiscover how to achieve emotional balance and inner peaceFind many activities to boost their mental healthThis book includes helpful information about several mental health issues with exercises that will keep your child entertained and teach them how to let go of their negative emotions.

  • af Frank Nüsken
    245,95 kr.

    Der Roman Drachenweide schildert in drei Bänden das Leben von Christian, Jan und Wolff ab 1942 bis ins Jahr 2019. Er beschreibt, wie Prägungen langfristig wirken. Band I Ankommen im Leben, begleitet die Freunde bis ins Jahr 1975. Im Band I trägt Christian bis zum Tod seines Adoptivvaters den Namen Horst. Ankommen im LebenHorst, Jan und Wolff werden mitten im Krieg geboren. Horsts Mutter verschwindet kurz nach seiner Geburt, Jan überlebt eine Bombennacht und Wolff flieht mit seinen Eltern vor der Roten Armee. Obwohl die drei unterschiedliche Charaktere sind, werden sie Freunde. Prägende Erlebnisse im Jugendalter beeinflussen ihre weiteren Leben: Internat, Begegnungen im Moor und Arbeit im Wald. Mit der Zeit verlieren sich die Freunde aus den Augen. Wolff trifft eine Entscheidung. Jans Berufswahl hat nicht absehbare Folgen. Horst erfährt erschütternde Einzelheiten zum Verlust seiner leiblichen Eltern. Ihre Leben verlaufen wie bunte Fäden auseinander, kreuzen und berühren sich fast.Hauptorte der Handlung: Hunsrück, Saarland, Oberschwaben. Ulm und weitere Orte.Weitsicht und Humor, Liebe und Sexualität erweisen sich stärker als Ohnmacht, Trauer und Engstirnigkeit.

  • af Dakota Remy
    283,95 kr.

    The Subconscious Mind: An IntroductionWelcome to a fascinating journey into the depths of your mind - a realm that holds immense power and potential to transform your life. In this subchapter, we will delve into the mysteries of the subconscious mind, exploring its significance and unveiling the incredible ways it can shape your reality. Prepare to embark on a remarkable exploration of the power of thoughts and how they can reprogram your destiny.The subconscious mind is a reservoir of thoughts, beliefs, memories, and emotions that exist beneath the surface of our conscious awareness. It is like the unseen force that influences every aspect of our lives, from our actions and decisions to our relationships and overall well-being. While the conscious mind is responsible for logic and reasoning, the subconscious mind operates on a different level - one that is deeply connected to our emotions, instincts, and intuition.It is essential to understand that the subconscious mind does not differentiate between positive and negative thoughts. It merely accepts what is impressed upon it, regardless of its nature. Therefore, if we consistently feed our subconscious mind with negative thoughts, doubts, and fears, it will manifest these negative patterns in our lives. On the other hand, if we consciously choose to fill our minds with positive thoughts, empowering beliefs, and a strong sense of purpose, our subconscious mind will work relentlessly to bring these dreams into reality.Harnessing the power of thoughts begins with awareness. By becoming aware of our thought patterns, we can identify any self-limiting beliefs or negative programming that may be holding us back. Once we recognize these patterns, we can start reprogramming our subconscious mind by replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations and visualizations. This process requires patience, persistence, and consistent practice, but the rewards are immense.As you embark on this journey of reprogramming your destiny, it is important to remember that the power lies within you. By recognizing the incredible potential of your subconscious mind and learning to harness it effectively, you can transform your life in ways you never thought possible. By actively choosing empowering thoughts, cultivating a positive mindset, and aligning your actions with your deepest desires, you can create a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

  • af Katharina Göbel
    200,95 kr.

    In dem Roman geht es um den feinfühligen Umgang mit Demenz. Sich auf die Welt des Dementen einzulassen und nicht umgekehrt. Außerdem beschreibt das Buch die ganz besondere Beziehung zwischen Enkelin und ihrem Großvater - und wie sich diese durch die Erkrankung verändert.

  • af David Hoy
    193,95 - 273,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Churcher
    218,95 kr.

    The LGBTQ+ story you've been waiting for: friendship, identity, attraction, disasters ... and finding your wings

  • af James Howard Kunstler
    218,95 kr.

    This is not a sob story. It's a story about the difficulties of growing into manhood and my own particular struggle with disabling anxiety that came along with it, and how I managed to find my way. That was more than fifty years ago. American life was more comfortable and comprehensible than it is now as we face the discords of what I call the long emergency. I still had a hard time. I observe that boys today are up against a whole lot more in their quest to become fully functional adult men.

  • af Friederike Hapel
    264,95 - 350,95 kr.

  • af John Wave
    153,95 kr.

    The book is focused on the friendship and kindness valuable to use in life.

    299,95 kr.

    Et særbind i serien Årgang 2024 under temaet FORVANDLINGÅrgang 2024 - Forvandling: NovellerNi nyudsprungne forfattere fra Manuskriptskolen for børnelitteratur giver deres helt korte bud på årets tema FORVANDLING i denne samling af noveller.

  • af Laura Ringo
    135,95 - 299,95 kr.

    Årgang 2024 er en serie kortromaner for de 13-16 årige. Fem kendte forfattere har skrevet en kortroman hver, alle med samme tema, nemlig FORVANDLING.Årgang 2024 - Forvandling: Frisk luftStemmerne kommer tættere på. Døren til vores værelse bliver sparket op. To af lærerne står med koste, som de slår mod gulvet, og råber: ”Uno, Uno, Uno!”Ansigterne er gemt bag elefanthuer. Ronja og jeg ved, hvad vi skal. Vi har hele tiden vidst, det ville ske. Bare ikke hvornår. Vores tasker ligger klar i skabene. På under 10 minutter skal vi stå klar på gårdspladsen, ellers er vi allerede dumpet.Der er natløb på efterskolen. Uno. Det afholdes hver eneste år, og det er berygtet blandt eleverne. For ingenting er, som det plejer til Uno. Man skal spille med helt nye regler. Og ingen er den sammen efter at have deltaget i UNO.Hvem når i mål først? Og til hvilken pris?

  • af Jonas Kleinscmidt
    135,95 - 299,95 kr.

    Årgang 2024 er en serie kortromaner for de 13-16 årige. Fem kendte forfattere har skrevet en kortroman hver, alle med samme tema, nemlig FORVANDLING.Årgang 2024 - Forvandling: BÆST:Jeg gik et par skridt længere ind i krattet, bøjede mig ned for bedre at kunne se. Længere inde forvandlede skoven sig til et kroget net af grene og lange planter, der slyngende og buede sigrundt om og ind i hinanden i forvirrede mønstre. Jorden var sumpet og mindede mere om mose end om en skovbund. Alt derinde i mørket var glinsende og vådt og ligesom slimet. Som en helt anden verden. Var det der, varmen kom fra?Hvad skete der egentlig nede ved åen den sommer? Noget er forandret, selvom drengene ikke taler om det. Men det går især op for dem, da Uma begynder i klassen og åbner døren til noget helt nyt.

  • af Sanne Søndergaard
    135,95 - 308,95 kr.

    Årgang 2024 er en serie kortromaner for de 13-16 årige. Fem kendte forfattere har skrevet en kortroman hver, alle med samme tema, nemlig FORVANDLING.Årgang 2024 - Forvandling: SMASKTheodors fingre slipper min hud, han trækker ud i bh’en, holder den et sekund hårdt udspændt, mens han ser på mig med et blik, der på en måde er drillende, på en måde temmelig nedladende. Så slipper han, og bh’en svirper ind på min ryg. Smask.Det plejer at være Rosa, som drengene er vilde med. Men hotte Theodor vil kun have Maja, og han vil have hende med hud og hår. Hun skal være hans. Hans alene. Og det vil Maja gerne. Selvfølgelig. Koste, hvad det må.

  • af Dennis Glintborg
    135,95 - 299,95 kr.

    Årgang 2024 er en serie kortromaner for de 13-16 årige. Fem kendte forfattere har skrevet en kortroman hver, alle med samme tema, nemlig FORVANDLING.Årgang 2024 - Forvandling: Robotic RapsodyMin far og jeg havde en særlig tosomhed. Vi levede så langt ude på landet, at han var den eneste virkelighed, jeg kendte. Og jeg vidste ikke, om det vi gjorde, var normalt.Jeg kunne gå rundt på vejene og se på de andre huse. Jeg kunne fantasere om et andet hjem. Men det var svært at forestille sig noget, man ikke kendte. Kan man slippe for virkeligheden, hvis man bliver omprogrammeret, forvandlet? Eller står man op næste dag og er nøjagtig den samme, ligesom sin far? Eller venter der et helt nyt liv i byen?

  • af Eva Maria Aagaard
    135,95 - 308,95 kr.

    Årgang 2024 er en serie kortromaner for de 13-16 årige. Fem kendte forfattere har skrevet en kortroman hver, alle med samme tema, nemlig FORVANDLING.Årgang 2024 - Forvandling: Lloret de MarDen pakkerejse, vi har købt, er for unge mellem 15 og 30, men de fleste er på vores alder, og de tre mænd stikker ud mellem alle teenagerne i bussen. De har skægstubbe og tunge voksne kroppe.Da Melissa fik øje på dem, lænede hun sig ind mod mig og hviskede: ”Shit, jeg håber ikke, der er fyldt med gamle mænd i tyverne dernede. ”Jeg fortalte hende ikke om den følelse, jeg fik i kroppen, da jeg hørte ordene mænd i tyverne.Melissa får det, hun vil have. Hun tager det bare. Det gør det ikke nemt at være hendes veninde. For det er svært at tage, hvad man vil have, når man ikke ved, hvad det er. Så havner man de forkerte steder. Med de forkerte mennesker.

  • af Dexter Watts
    273,95 kr.

    The Importance of Effective CommunicationIn today's fast-paced world, effective communication has become more crucial than ever before. It is the foundation of strong relationships, whether personal or professional. As caring parents, we often overlook the significance of effective communication in building a healthy connection with our teenagers. However, it is an essential skill that can bridge the gap between parents and their children, fostering understanding, trust, and mutual respect.Effective communication is not just about talking; it involves active listening, empathy, and understanding. By actively listening to our teenagers, we show them that their thoughts, feelings, and opinions matter. We create a safe space for them to express themselves without fear of judgment or ridicule. This encourages open dialogue and strengthens the parent-child bond.Moreover, effective communication helps us understand our teenagers' perspectives, challenges, and aspirations. It allows us to step into their shoes and see the world through their eyes. This understanding enables us to provide guidance and support tailored to their individual needs, fostering their personal growth and development.Additionally, effective communication promotes trust and respect between parents and teenagers. When we communicate openly and honestly, we build a foundation of trust that encourages our teenagers to confide in us. They feel comfortable sharing their concerns, fears, and achievements, knowing we will listen without prejudice. This trust empowers us to guide them through the ups and downs of adolescence and make informed decisions together.Furthermore, effective communication equips our teenagers with vital life skills. By modeling effective communication, we teach them how to express themselves effectively, resolve conflicts peacefully, and build healthy relationships. These skills are invaluable as they navigate the complexities of adulthood, empowering them to succeed in their personal and professional lives.

  • af Sven Frank
    323,95 kr.

  • af Morten Dürr
    318,95 kr.

    Troldmanden tryller et birketræ om til en lille, levende pige. Men pigen vil ikke spise. Hun vil ikke lære at læse. Hun vil ikke være nogens datter. Hun ønsker sig blot sol og regn. “Jeg behøver kun sol og regn” er en rigt illustreret fabel – et eventyr – for større børn.

  • af Kathleen Hale
    193,95 - 283,95 kr.

    The first full account of the Slenderman stabbing, a true crime narrative of mental illness, the American judicial system, the trials of adolescence, and the power of the internetOn May 31, 2014, in the Milwaukee suburb of Waukesha, Wisconsin, two twelve-year-old girls attempted to stab their classmate to death. Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier’s violence was extreme, but what seemed even more frightening was that they committed their crime under the influence of a figure born by the internet: the so-called “Slenderman.” Yet the even more urgent aspect of the story, that the children involved suffered from undiagnosed mental illnesses, often went overlooked in coverage of the case.Slenderman: Online Obsession, Mental Illness, and the Violent Crime of Two Midwestern Girls tells that full story for the first time in deeply researched detail, using court transcripts, police reports, individual reporting, and exclusive interviews. Morgan and Anissa were bound together by their shared love of geeky television shows and animals, and their discovery of the user-uploaded scary stories on the Creepypasta website could have been nothing more than a brief phase. But Morgan was suffering from early-onset childhood schizophrenia. She believed that she had seen Slenderman long before discovering him online, and the only way to stop him from killing her family was to bring him a sacrifice: Morgan’s best friend Payton “Bella” Leutner, whom Morgan and Anissa planned to stab to death on the night of Morgan’s twelfth birthday party. Bella survived the attack, but was deeply traumatized, while Morgan and Anissa were immediately sent to jail, and the severity of their crime meant that they would be prosecuted as adults. There, as Morgan continued to suffer from worsening mental illness after being denied antipsychotics, her life became more and more surreal.Slenderman is both a page-turning true crime story and a search for justice.

  • af Regina Gorsleben
    298,95 - 354,95 kr.

  • af Madison B Stafford
    193,95 kr.

    Mermaids aren't real - right?That's what Amy Wilson thinks until she is Cursed to become one. With her new abilities comes a heavy responsibility to keep her secret safe no matter the cost. She lies to everyone while being ostracized from the rest of the merfolk community for her human origins. However, when her best friend is attacked by a rouge merfolk, their species is revealed to the human world. Believing the ancient myths to be true, humans brand all merpeople as dangerous creatures, stripping them of their rights and putting rewards on their heads. As her situation grows more precarious. Amy must decide if she wants to keep lying and playing it safe or risk everything to save her species. Her decision will change everything.

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