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Bøger om Texas

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  • Spar 30%
    af Mathilde Walter Clark
    97,95 - 147,95 kr.

    Da Mathildes stedfar dør, plages hun af spørgsmålet om hvad der vil ske, hvis hendes egen far dør ovre på den anden side af Atlanten. Vil der være nogen som ringer? Af skræk for at fortiden skal gå til grunde i hendes erindring, går hun i gang med at skrive den bog om sin far som hun altid har vidst at hun skulle skrive. Det er historien om en far og en datter og om alt det der adskiller dem – havet, sproget og en stedmor af mytologiske dimensioner. Og om tiden der nådesløst går. En dag er vi voksne, og barndommen ligger uigenkaldeligt bag os, fuld af huller og ting vi fortryder. Men faren er endnu levende, og datteren har masser af vilje. De mødes på hans fødeegn i Texas. Kan hun gøre slægtens sted til sit eget? De besøger slægtninge, døde som levende. Texas’ historie filtrer sig sammen med familiens. Der vokser et landskab frem. Tiden bliver langsom. De sidder på verandaen i hver sin gyngestol og ser himlen sortne ... LONE STAR er en roman om familie og tilhørsforhold og om at overvinde enorme afstande. Om at være levende og om at se og forstå – og elske alligevel. Mathilde Walter Clark (f. 1970) er kandidat i dansk og filosofi fra Roskilde Universitet og New York University. Hun debuterede i 2004 med romanen Thorsten Madsens Ego. Hun har siden udgivet to samlinger af fortællinger, Tingenes uorden (2005) og Grumme historier (2011), samt Don Juan-romanen Priapus (2010). Mathilde Walter Clark har modtaget Statens Kunstfonds treårige legat.

  • af Colleen Hoover
    94,95 - 122,95 kr.

    Vinder af Goodreads Choice Award 2015. Auburn Reed har planlagt sit liv ned i mindste detalje. Hun er ambitiøs og styrer målbevidst mod sine drømme, men da hun søger job i et atelier i Dallas, havde hun ikke forudset, at hun ville føle så stor tiltrækning til den karismatiske kunstner Owen Gentry. For en gangs skyld tager Auburn en chance og lader sit hjerte tage kontrollen, men hun finder langsomt ud af, at Owen har store hemmeligheder. Så store, at de risikerer at ødelægge alt, der er vigtigt for Auburn. Det eneste, der kan redde deres forhold er ved at tilstå. "Fabelagtig hjerteskærende og fuldstændig umulig at lægge fra sig. Endnu et mesterværk!" - Goodreads

  • Spar 23%
    af Cormac McCarthy
    43,95 - 137,95 kr.

    Genudgivelse i paperback.En ung dreng stikker af hjemmefra og slutter sig til John Joel Glantons bande, der i midten af 1800-tallet jager krigsførende apacheindianere på grænsen mellem Texas og Mexico. Snart myrder de også fredelige indianere, mexicanske soldater, uskyldige civile og alle andre, der kommer i vejen. Hurtigt bliver drengen suget ind i en mareridtsagtig verden, hvor vold dominerer, og markedet for indianerskalpe blomstrer.I baggrunden truer den dæmoniske dommer Holden. Han har et barns uskyldige ansigt, ikke et hår på kroppen, en utæmmet tilbøjelighed til vold og en endeløs viden om den verden, han rider hærgende igennem.BLODETS MERIDIAN, Cormac McCarthys hovedværk, baserer sig på virkelige begivenheder under Amerikas ekspansion mod vest.

  • af Colleen Hoover
    92,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Ung kærlighed med udfordringer i rørende Colleen Hoover-roman. Et uforudset dødsfald tvinger Beyah til at bo med sin far i Texas hen over sommeren, selvom hun knapt nok kender ham. Beyahs plan er at holde lav profil og lade sommeren gå af sig selv, men hendes nye nabo Samson vender op og ned på det hele.På overfladen har Samson og Beyah intet til fælles. Hun kommer fra fattigdom og misrøgt, han kommer fra en familie med rigdom og privilegier. Men én ting har de til fælles: de tiltrækkes af triste ting. Hvilket betyder, at de tiltrækker hinanden. Deres forbindelse er næsten øjeblikkelig og fuldstændig unægtelig, men Beyah og Samson bliver enige om en ukompliceret sommerflirt. Hvad Beyah ikke ved, er at tunge skyer er på vej ind, og at hendes hjerte snart kommer ud i stormvejr.

  • Spar 11%
    - 1. Bind
    af Kristina Ohlsson
    88,95 kr.

    Den dag alt går ad helvede til regner det. En desperat mand dukker op på strafferetsadvokat Martin Benners kontor og fortæller, at hans søster har brug for hjælp. Men søsteren er død. Før hun begik selvmord, tilstod hun fem mord. I aviserne blev hun kaldt seriemorder og fik tilnavnet Sara Texas. Nu vil hendes bror rense hende – og samtidig finde hendes forsvundne søn, Mio. Sagen virker håbløs. Martin Benner har stort set alt. Charme, penge, karriere, kvinder, et lille barn. Men han har også sine svagheder. Først og fremmest har han svært ved at sige nej til en udfordring. Og da han vælger at se nærmere på sagen om Sara Texas, bliver han forvandlet fra advokat til en brik i et spil med så høje indsatser, at han risikerer at miste alt. LOTUS BLUES er en nervepirrende thriller og første del af en serie på to om Martin Benner. Anden del hedder MIOS BLUES. "… kan man nyde både rapt sprog og forceret evig ungdom i en flot komponeret og sproggnistrende advokatkrimi." Jyllands-Posten (4 stjerner) "...helt enormt spændende, og det labyrintiske plot holder hele vejen igennem med masser af overraskende indslag." "Jeg var fanget fra første færd, siderne vendte sig selv - og faktisk er eneste klagepunkt, at der er alt for længe til foråret, hvor anden og sidste del kommer i de danske boghandler." Bognø "Kristina Ohlsson [...] er altså den største thriller-dronning, jeg længe har stiftet bekendtskab med." (5 af 5 stjerner) "Overraskende, medrivende og spændende som en ægte labyrintkrimi." Lolland-Falsters Folketidende "I det hele taget fremstår Kristina Ohlsson, der selv har en fortid i det svenske rigspoliti, som det måske stærkeste krimikort i nabolandet." Politiken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

  • Spar 18%
    af Cormac McCarthy & Gyldendal Økonomi
    43,95 - 147,95 kr.

  • Spar 19%
    af Philipp Meyer
    43,95 - 137,95 kr.

    Stor roman om det moderne Amerikas tilblivelse. En fortælling om tre generationer, der tager læseren med fra det vilde vestens kultivering til det olierige, moderne Texas. Om 13-årige Eli McCullogh, hvis familie myrdes af en hærgende comanche-stamme. Selv bliver han optaget i stammen som høvdingens adoptivsøn, indtil han på ny bliver alene og tvinges til atter at prøve at finde en plads i en verden, han ikke hører til i. Det bliver til en rejse, der præger de følgende generationer i McCullogh-familien, som bliver en af de rigeste i Texas.Af forfatteren til American Rust.

  • af Bryan Washington
    167,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Memorial er et nærstudie af familie og kærlighed i alle dens former. En roman om fædre og sønner, intimitet og maskulinitet i det 21. århundrede fra en af de mest spændende nye stemmer i amerikansk litteratur. Benson og Mike er midt i tyverne og bor sammen i Houston. Mike er kok med japansk baggrund, Benson er sort og arbejder i en daginstitution. De har været sammen i nogle år, men står ved et vadested i deres forhold. Bedre bliver det ikke, da Mike finder ud af, at hans far, som forlod familien for mange år siden, er døende, og han beslutter sig for at tage til Osaka. Samtidig melder Mikes mor sin ankomst fra Japan, og Benson lades alene tilbage med Mikes kølige mor, Mitsuko, som han aldrig før har mødt. Romanen fortælles fra skiftevis Benson og Mikes perspektiv. I takt med, at Benson og Mike opdager nye sandheder om sig selv og deres familier, må de begge tage deres forestillinger om kærlighed og tilhørsforhold op til revision.

  • af Cormac McCarthy
    127,95 kr.

    No Country for Old Men. Collection Edition, Author: Cormac McCarthy, Publication Year: 2022-08-04, Publisher: Pan Macmillan, Language: eng

  • Spar 81%
    af Susan Elizabeth Phillips
    24,95 kr.

    Romantisch, sexy, unwiderstehlich ...Voller Vorfreude reist Meg zur Hochzeit ihrer besten Freundin, um endlich den legendären Bräutigam kennenzulernen. Und merkt sofort: Mr. Perfect und ihre Freundin Lucy passen einfach nicht zusammen! Als Lucy schließlich kalte Füße bekommt und die Hochzeit platzt, hat Meg ein paar Feinde mehr. Allen voran den wütenden Bräutigam. Und der macht ihr das Leben zur Hölle. Bis Meg erkennt, dass Liebe eben einfach eine Himmelsmacht ist ...>Band 1: Kein Mann für eine NachtBand 2: Komm, und küss mich!Band 3: Kopfüber in die KissenBand 4: Wer will schon einen Traummann?Band 5: Aus Versehen verliebtBand 6: Der schönste Fehler meines LebensBand 7: Wer Ja sagt, muss sich wirklich trauen

  • Spar 18%
    af Ella Carey
    138,95 - 164,95 kr.

    Texas, 1943. Eva har altid drømt om at flyve, og med nazisternes hærgen i Europa, får de kvindelige piloter endelig en chance. Kvinderne danner stærke bånd, og med luft under vingerne og en mand, hun elsker, at vende tilbage til, er hver tur i luften en drøm, indtil det hele styrter i grus – og Evas fly styrter ned. Eva vågner, men hendes minder om uheldet er borte.Los Angeles, 1977. Eva er en helt almindelig husmor, gift med sit livs kærlighed og med en familie at være stolt af. Alligevel hjemsøges hun stadig af den nat for over 30 år siden, og en ulykke, hun ikke kan huske. Hvorfor har hendes søster-piloter aldrig svaret på hendes breve? Har hun gjort noget, der var så utilgiveligt, at alle hendes gamle venner brød med hende? Og hvad skete der i virkeligheden, den nat hendes fly forulykkede?Ella Carey har udgivet en lang række bestsellere, og hendes bøger er oversat til mange sprog. Hendes romaner tager ofte udgangspunkt i virkelige hændelser eller i historiske begivenheder.

  • af Beverly Blackman
    82,95 kr.

    When does playful mischief cross the line into criminality? Dive into a world where the lines between virtual gaming and reality blur, leading to disastrous consequences.While entrusted with overseeing his grandparents' ranch, J.D. and his companion choose recklessness over responsibility. Surrounded by lush pastures and serene water bodies, they opt for chaos, using their gaming expertise to orchestrate real-world vendettas. With every choice, they edge closer to a life of crime, turning the idyllic ranch into their personal battleground.Brad, his girlfriend, and his best friend - a diligent game warden - unexpectedly find themselves in the crosshairs. But what sparks this dangerous vendetta against them?As the stakes rise, a critical question emerges: When confronted, can the nefarious duo redeem themselves, or will their digital obsessions lead to their ultimate downfall? Dive into this suspenseful tale where technology, nature, and human desires collide.

  • af Ken Hayes
    98,95 kr.

    Just days after his unexpected dismissal as the head track and field coach at the University of Minnesota, Ralph Dexter found himself lost in thought in a quiet café in South Dakota. On his way to Texas to seek solace with his best friend, the head coach at the University of Texas in Austin, Ralph's self-pity was interrupted by an astonishing sight.Outside the café window, he watched in awe as a young Native American boy dashed with uncanny speed to rescue a girl in danger. The townspeople revered the boy for his heroics and compassion, but Ralph was transfixed by something else - the boy's extraordinary running prowess. In his esteemed career, Ralph had witnessed some of the world's most elite athletes, yet never someone with such natural talent.In a twist of fate, a recently ousted track and field coach stumbles upon a prodigious talent. The question remains: Can Ralph harness this serendipitous encounter into an opportunity for both of them?

  • af Ellen Richardson
    107,95 kr.

    When billionaire Houston socialite Richard Fairchild is found dead under suspicious circumstances, his wife Mariah refuses to accept the police verdict of suicide. Desperate for answers, she recruits small-town radio owners Delilah Morgan and Norma Davis to investigate. She offers the struggling entrepreneurs compensation they can't refuse - $20,000 each, a bailout for their failing station, and an all-expenses paid trip to Mariah's Hill Country resort.At first reluctant, Delilah and Norma soon find themselves embroiled in the glitzy Houston elite circles the Fairchilds inhabited. With a list of suspects who had motive to kill Richard, the duo follow a trail of lies, affairs, and shady business deals. The stakes grow ever higher as it becomes clear the Fairchild legacy - and their own lives - are in danger. From Texas hill country horse ranches to slick Houston high-rises, Delilah and Norma uncover adultery, blackmail, rivalry... and murder. But will the radio sleuths solve the mystery before the killer silences them too?

  • af Steven Evans
    567,95 kr.

    Critical Geography examines the power structures, inequality, and the dominant ideologies that shape physical space. By critically analyzing these forces, the publication stimulates conversations about social justice, environmental sustainability, and transformative change. The artistic practices featured in the book shed light on systemic oppression, violence, and pressing environmental issues, and encompass a wide range of image-based practices that make inequality visible in both colonial and postcolonial contexts, including mapping, social media, and technology. FOTOFEST is a Houston-based contemporary arts organization co-founded by photojournalists Frederick Baldwin and Wendy Watriss. The use of photography or related media to examine social, cultural, and political histories as well as contemporary life is central to FotoFest's mission. In addition to year-round programming, FotoFest organizes a city-wide biennial project that includes large-scale central exhibitions, curated lectures, performances, a symposium, and a film program.

  • af Nadine Schwartz
    212,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Laura La Sottile
    87,95 kr.

    "ORIGINAL TALENT MYSTIFIES AND ENRAGES ONE BIG PILE OF TRASHEDIES"Award-winning Actress and Writer Laura La Sottile certifies that the alchemy of life's tragic stages often take form of Comedies known as Trashedies.Trashedies is a woman's journey in five funny feminist flash auto-fiction stories mixed with humor, irreverence, worldliness, and poetry. With a re-occurring intersectional seat at a bar called The Fumetti Cafe in the Texas desert. Each story is a new land, a growing perspective, and a clear understanding that you are responsible for your own empowerment.An incremental acceptance that you bought the ticket to your own shit show. Regardless of the state of cultural issues of the times, no time to whine for it waits for no one.

  • af Brynn W Shiovitz
    132,95 kr.

    Join us as we take you on a Muffler Man hunt along Route 66. The Muffler Man Coloring Book helps you and your family find these relics off the road, learn more about their history, and offers an engaging activity for the whole family.

  • af Michael Fontaine
    122,95 kr.

    Michael Winchester had no idea moving to Texas would mean he'd be possessed by the Devil and knocked up by an angel... the King of Angels, Tawsi Melek!After he is owned backward and forward by the Supreme General of Heaven, Mikey finds out what it means to take command of himself by himself and unlocks the secret of the Dragon Prince, the enemy of humanity who is so jealous of him, he can't wait to show his stuff during the Halftime Show from Hell, accompanied by the most heinous drum and bugle corps of them all... the Guns 'n' Roses!What is the secret Tawsi Melek harbors about his arch-enemy, the Adversary God, and its acolyte, the Dragon Prince, and how can an ordinary church-going boy figure it out in time to save his soul and humanity in time?

  • af Laurence Parent
    307,95 kr.

    The essential guide to Texas's state parks and historic sites.

  • af Giselle Nevada
    207,95 kr.

    Calling all parents, dog trainers, breeders, and rescue volunteers!Are you searching for a captivating book that teaches children the importance of being responsible pet owners? Look no further!The Puppy Adventures of Porter and Midge: Out and About is the perfect solution! This engaging tale follows CJ and Lora, who dream of riding on a float during the Independence Day Parade with their adorable new puppies. But there's a catch-puppies need basic training before they can join the parade. Join CJ and Lora on an exciting journey as they learn how to train their puppies to be confident, calm, and open to new experiences. Will they succeed in time for the parade? This enchanting book serves as a quick introduction to early socialization and training for puppies, transforming them into outstanding canine citizens and beloved family pets. Kids will be captivated by Porter, an apricot Mastiff, and Midge, a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, as they embark on their socialization adventure.But that's not all! "The Puppy Adventures of Porter and Midge: Out and About" includes helpful checklists that encourage real-life adventures with your furry friend. Together, you and your child can explore the world while building a strong bond with your pup.Don't miss out on this invaluable resource for teaching children about responsible pet ownership and the importance of early socialization. Join Porter and Midge on their exciting adventure today!

  • af Salter Wright
    163,95 kr.

    Stella Anderson is no stranger to detention, but her latest infraction leads her to a group of fellow rule-breakers at her new school in Dewberry, Texas. However, when their teacher goes missing, these five misfits, each with their own unique quirks - McClark the 'psychic,' Quinby the underqualified 'social navigator,' Mira the small-town goth, Reagan the bitter and resentful, and Sella the pig-headed friend - must band together to uncover the truth behind Ms. Weaver's disappearance. As they navigate their newfound roles as amateur detectives, will they crack under the pressure or rise to the challenge?

  • af Mark H Brookshire
    87,95 - 191,95 kr.

  • af Denise Barkis Richter
    187,95 kr.

  • af Relvin Gonzalez
    167,95 kr.

    He had killed dozens. Then NASA hired him.Faced with the threat of solar flares, the government assembles a team to terraform Mars and hire Dean Turner, a leading construction worker from Texas, as the mission's fourth member.And he is about to leave behind the product of his urges-dismantled bodies hidden inside walls-and find in the stars the only cage that will contain him.Special Agent James Cole longs to make a name for himself. But he is sent to a remote location in Texas to sift through cold case files. James connects unsolved cases across the US and discovers that his prime suspect is two hundred million miles away from Earth.Dean Turner and Agent James Cole, now separated by the cold vacuum of space, seek what has eluded them.The Void Beyond the Walls is split between the serial killer's inner workings and the obsessed man hunting him down.Fans of Jim Thompson's The Killer Inside Me, James Ellroy's Killer On The Road, and Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho will enjoy this dark literary fiction that spans from Earth to Mars, set against the darkness of mind and space. Get it now.

  • af Diane Capri
    582,95 kr.

    The thrilling followup novel in the new unputdownable crime thriller series from Best Selling Author Diane Capri!"Clever premise, unusual story, great new characters. Couldn't put it down. Don't hesitate - you want this book!!" Amazon Reviewer, 5 starsA desperate mother implores Michael Flint to do what she can't: save her son's life.Flint wants to help, and using his unique resources, uncovers a long-buried secret.Six years ago, Josh Hallman piloted a plane that crashed into an alpine lake and plunged too deep into the icy water for rescue. All three men aboard were presumed dead.But Hallman's body was never found.Could he still be alive?In a race against time to save a child's life, the best heir hunter in the business is determined to find the boy's father before it's too late.Until Flint learns he isn't the only one searching.Just because he can find Hallman, does that mean he should?What readers are saying about Trace Evidence: "What a terrific story! I love side-by-side stories since it is so fascinating when they finally coincide in a dynamic conclusion." Amazon Reviewer, 5 stars"What a great fast-paced story which has the reader looking forward to the next line, paragraph and page as it's an outstanding page turner!" Amazon Reviewer, 5 stars"Great new heir hunter! Flint is back!!! Heir hunter extraordinaire, Michael Flint, is back with his newest case!" Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars"I was enthralled with this book because of the genealogist theme. I dabble in genealogy, and have hit my fair share of brick walls. Michael Flint is a great character, fully developed personality, with knowledge and fearlessness to pursue wrong-doing and try to make it right, not necessarily within the law. I couldn't put down either of the books in this series and am hopeful for more." Amazon Reviewer, 5 stars"I started reading Ms Capri's Jack Reacher spin-offs. I've read them all. Moving on to her other works. Great reads. Can't wait for the next in the Michael Flint series." Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars"I like the fast pace and not having to wade through a description of the mosaic tile walls in the lobby of some building. A tenacious character with a set of values and a conscience. A very good read. Couldn't put it down!" Amazon Reviewer, 5 stars"Tense and captivating page turner. I really enjoyed the Heir Hunter series and am hoping for more real soon. Michael Flint is a true adventure hero every bit as good as Indiana Jones with a dose of Jack Reacher thrown in for good measure. He's highly principled, while somewhat flawed, but very loyal with a vulnerable side he'd rather keep hidden. Please Diane Capri......more, more, more!" Amazon Reviewer, 5 stars"This second book was every bit as riveting as I'd hoped for. It kept me on the edge of my seat, and I could hardly put it down. I can't wait for the third book in this series!!" Amazon Reviewer, 5 starsAward winning New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author DIANE CAPRI Does It Again in the Michael Flint, Heir Hunter Thrillers

  • af Diane Capri
    582,95 kr.

    USA Today Bestselling series! The next gripping Hunt for Jack Reacher Thriller from Diane Capri!"Make some coffee. You'll read all night." Lee ChildImpatient with FBI Special Agent Kim Otto's lack of progress, her boss seeks to show her how it's done.Cooper drags Otto to Dallas where he sets a trap to lure Jack Reacher with three carrots: challenge, revenge, and pride.When a full scale riot breaks out at the prominent politician's funeral, Otto uncovers a Machiavellian plot to execute his political rival.A plot Reacher unwittingly put in motion.Ten years ago, in Lee Child's Echo Burning, Reacher was recruited to kill a stranger. He refused the mission but teamed up with two women to expose stomach-churning mass slaughter.Now, Otto and Michael Flint race to find the executioner who refuses to relinquish his ill-gotten legacy.Filled with twists and turns to keep you breathless until the explosive finale, can Otto and Reacher work together to stop the heinous assassins before it's too late?Lee Child Gives Diane Capri Two Thumbs Up!"Full of thrills and tension, but smart and human, too. Kim Otto is a great, great character - I love her." -Lee Child, #1 World Wide Bestselling Author of Jack Reacher Thrillers including The Killing Floor, Echo Burning, and No Plan B.The Hunt for Jack Reacher series enthralls fans of John Grisham, Lee Child, David Baldacci, Michael Connelly, Karin Slaughter, Lisa Gardner, John Sandford, and more: "Diane writes like the maestro of the jigsaw puzzle. Sit back in your favorite easy chair, pour a glass of crisp white wine, and enter her devilishly clever world." -David Hagberg, New York Times Bestselling Author of Kirk McGarvey Thrillers"Expertise shines on every page." -Margaret Maron, Edgar, Anthony, Agatha and Macavity Award Winning MWA Past President and MWA Grand MasterReaders Love the Hunt for Jack Reacher Series and Diane Capri: "All Child fans should give it a try!"Award winning New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author DIANE CAPRI Does It Again in another Blockbuster Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Novel

  • af Diane Capri
    582,95 kr.

    FBI Special Agent Kim Otto handles the fallout from Lee Child's The Midnight Line. She chases clues from Chicago deep into Mexico where she fights to the death in the gripping conclusion. Will Jack Reacher be there when she needs him?

  • af Diane Capri
    582,95 kr.

    FBI Special Agent Kim Otto's off-the-books assignment leads to members of Jack Reacher's elite military unit. Reacher destroyed a team of arms dealers in Lee Child's Bad Luck and Trouble. Now, his legacy plunges Otto into a grudge war.

  • af Diane Capri
    582,95 kr.

    After Lee Child's The Hard Way, Jack Reacher disappeared. Now, a corrupt Army General is determined to ensure Reacher reaps what he sowed. Can Agent Otto uncover Reacher's secrets and keep his friends alive? Or will they all die trying?

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